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tv   Late Night With Seth Meyers  NBC  November 23, 2023 12:35am-1:33am PST

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[ cheers and applause ♪ >> jimmy: my thanks to kenan thompson, kel mitchell, joel kinnaman, chef mario carbone right there, and the roots from philadelphia, pennsylvania thank you for watching stay tuned for "late night with seth meyers. good night, everybody. happy thanksgiving [ cheers and applause ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause ♪ [ cheers and applause ♪ >> announcer: from 30 rockefeller plaza in new york, it's "late night with seth meyers. tonight -- paul giamatti. authors, andrew moskos and pep rosenfeld. featuring the 8g
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band with bryan carter ♪ [ cheers and applause and now, seth meyers >> seth: good evening. i'm seth meyers. this is "late night. we hope you're doing well and now if you don't mind, we're going the get to the news. president biden traveled yesterday to nantucket said one secret service agent, "yes, sir, we've all heard the poem." [ laughter ] that's right, president biden traveled yesterday to nantucket to spend thanksgiving with his family because the wish bone is currently his best chance in 2024 [ laughter ] president biden and his family are set to spend thanksgiving on nantucket at the $39 million home of private equity billionaire david rubenstein okay, seriously, is anyone at the white house in charge of pr, he won the first election because he was regular old scranton joe the train guy who let him have thanksgiving at a house with the gravy boat is a gravy yacht? [ laughter ]
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according to new polls, 76% of new york voters believe that republican congressman george santos should resign. while according to him, 147% say he shouldn't [ laughter ] iowa evangelical leader bob vander plaats endorsed florida governor ron desantis, and said that desantis has "the spine to do it." though it's not clear if he meant to be president, or to walk in heels. [ laughter ] murder on the spine. i've been told after pleading guilty yesterday to violating anti-money laundering laws, the crypto currency firm binance is set to pay $4 billion in fines. if you're wondering how much that is in crypto, so are they [ laughter ] the food network, yesterday, released a list of the top thanksgiving recipes in every state. which includes florida's deep fried turkey, nebraska's scalloped corn, and arkansas' whatever we hit on the drive over [ laughter and applause
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don't show the face! that's the first rule of critters never show the face. according to a new survey, americans said their second favorite thanksgiving side dish is stuffing. their first favorite is the edible they took after their uncle started complaining about pronouns [ laughter ] authorities in philadelphia are looking for a team of thieves who allegedly broke into a tractor trailer, and stole cases of talcum powder of course, if they needed talcum powder that badly, they can't have gotten far. [ laughter ] that's ian's annual joke about chafing. [ laughter ] a castle once owned by composer wolfgang amadeus mozart is set
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to go up for auction that is so sad spotify has got to start paying artists better [ laughter ] and finally, in an effort to combat loneliness, a city in sweden launched a new "say hello," campaign that encourages residents to greet each other in public it's similar to new york's "get the hell out of my way" program. that was the monologue, everybody. [ cheers and applause we are off and running we've got a great show for you tonight. he's one of my favorite actors his new movie "the holdover" is just fantastic the great paul giamatti will be here [ cheers and applause he also has a podcast called "chin wag. you guys, this is very exciting. back in the '90s, i got my start at a comedy theater in amsterdam called boom chicago. co-founded by the authors of "boom chicago presents the 30 most important years in dutch history. my old friends andrew moskos and pep rosenfeld will be joining us [ cheers and applause so excited to talk to them, and so happy they're here.
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also, i've got some upcoming standup dates, including this sunday in albany, new york come check me out. i'll also be in santa fe, new mexico, mesa, arizona, and new year's eve in las vegas with my friend, john oliver [ cheers and applause check those out at i'm sorry to do this before we move on, there is something that's been bothering me that i need to get off my chest. i was at an important charity gala dinner this morning - [ laughter ] how did we miss that all week? [ light laughter ] and we proofread these things so many times literally, the first line of this piece i was at an important charity gala dinner this morning [ laughter ]
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when this is over, i'm going to have a second thing to get off my chest [ laughter ] i was having a great time getting buzzed on fizzy wine, when the affair took a turn. an acquaintance of mine soured an otherwise delightful conversation by confiding in me that he was turning 50 soon and he was scared. he said, "the best parts of life over." and he said he regretted all the things he never got to do while he was young needless to say, i thought his blubbering was a big reeking pile of crap and lo, i told him so clutching his lapels and shaking him like a rag doll, i shouted, "stop being a pathetic whiner. and i'm sorry to anyone else feeling weird about their age, but i don't. here's the bottom line, 50 is the new 20 >> at this point in the broadcast, seth launched into a 60-second obscenity laden rant about turning 50, and how in his opinion it is the new 20 network policy prevents us from broadcasting his comments, but due to a technical issue, we were forced to air this portion of the show. in short, seth believes that getting older is a blessing but he chose to express this sentiment in a series of aggressive and confusing ways.
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first, he declared he now has more energy than ever, because of a very healthy smoothie he makes. [ laughter ] he proceeded to pull out a blender and add ingredients. at first, the ingredients were innocuous and reasonable - banana, ginger, and celery then came the other stuff. ethically sourced young blood, freerange y chromosomes, a container labeled horse stuff, and for the finishing touch, a secret powder. he rubbed some of this last substance on his gums, and said "hmm, that's good secret." [ laughter ] at this point, seth polled other men of a certain age on the staff to see if they agreed that 50 is the new 20 seth's cue card guy, wally said, "i think 50 feels like 50. seth smiled and said, "we don't have to agree on everything. after the show, there was a poison pie in wally's car. next, seth's stage manager tom said, "i think 70 is the new 20." to which seth initially scoffed, but then tom did a series of body building poses that seth admittedly thought were pretty cool [ cheers and applause
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seth then then asked his head writer, baze, if he thought 50 was the new 20. "50 is the new 90," wheezed baze he then died in his chair. [ laughter ] seth then suggested he's stronger now than he's ever been in his life. and to prove this, he would do 50 pushups right here and now. [ cheers and applause he walked in front of his desk and lay flat on the ground, but could not even lift his body one time [ laughter ] on second thought, he said, "i really should get back to hosting the show, but my writer ben warheit will continue doing the pushups for me ben, show these people what i'm capable of." ben, who would do anything for a morsel of paternal approval, dropped to the ground and immediately started blasting out pushups. [ cheers and applause at this point, seth returned to his chair, but instead of walking, he attempted to slide over the desk top like a cool guy from the '80s might slide across the hood of his car it did not look cool and some people in the audience began to snicker at him "you will not snicker," seth roared, and then ordered his security guard, jim, to recap
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which kinds of laughter are not permitted in the studio. "no snickering, no chorteling and no tittering," said jim. at the mention of the word titterring, seth snickered and said, "hahaha, titterring. at this point, seth became silent, sullen, and one might say melancholy, as he perhaps quietly came to terms how his age made him feel. that his youth was indeed over that life had gone by in an instant. that he had never taken a sincere moment to fully enjoy, despite its complexities and hardships, all of life's true miraculous grandeur. [ audience ohs ] he then burst out laughing and said, "sike, i'm rich as hell and my 20s sucked because i wasn't loaded to the teeth." he then asked ben how many pushups we were at, to which ben replied 28 to which seth replied, "keep going. to which ben replied, "i'm doing a good job, right seth?" to which seth replied, "do you think you're doing a good job? to which ben quoting seth said, "a good job is a done job. seth then smiled to himself, but did not let ben see. at this point, a witch appeared and said if seth really was okay
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with being 50 she would offer him a magical exchange she had concocted. seth furtively looked around to see if anyone was watching, and even though everyone was, because it's a tv studio, he said, "i'm listening." she then offered him eternal youth for his first born son "sold," seth said before she had even finished asking the question the witch was actually kind of surprised. most people need to mull it over a bit. but no matter, "for my second proposition, i require your second born --" "sold," said seth again "you didn't even hear the offer yet," said the witch "what's the offer?" he said. "your supply of titleist golf balls," said the witch "guess i've got a new hobby," said seth with a big grin. the witch looked uncomfortable and turned to leave. "wait a minute," said seth, "what about the girl?" "excuse me," said the witch? "my third born, the girl what can i get for her?" "oh, i don't really think i have anything." "what do you got on you? "what do i have on me?" said the witch. "umm, half a pack of big red."
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"done," said seth. they shook hands and an ominous light sealed their fate. seth put a stick of the cinnamon gum in his mouth and laughed it was clear he felt he won the bargain. the witch turned to leave, but for the first time in her wicked life, she felt a twinge of remorse. "hey, maybe we just forget this whole thing," she began. but seth couldn't hear her, because he was on the phone with his son's school to inform them a different person would be doing pickup from now on at this point, ben was completing his pushups "48, 49, 50, i did it," he said as he finished this feat of strength the crowd erupted. [ cheers and applause they were truly inspired by ben's display of youthful rigor. several people threw roses this made seth jealous ben looked to seth and said, "did i make you proud today, boss?" seth turned away from him. "you did okay," he said, "for an orphan." [ light laughter ] nbc would like to ask viewers to disregard seth's opinions as they do not reflect the network's position, and do not make any sense we now resume our broadcast. >> seth: and the only thing your 30 under list is good for is to
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wipe my ass. wooh that felt good to get off my chest. [ cheers and applause we'll be right back with paul giamatti, everybody [ cheers and applause ♪ (vo) the love that goes into a subaru comes out when subaru and our retailers share the love. one hundred and sixteen thousand animals supported. thirty-three hundred wishes granted. four point three million meals provided. and over four hundred national parks protected. be a part of something bigger. get a new subaru during the share the love event and subaru and our retailers will donate three hundred dollars to charity. get two point nine percent apr financing on a new 2024 outback during the 2023 subaru share the love event.
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♪ [ cheers and applause >> seth: give it up for the fantastic 8g band right over there, everybody back again tonight and on drums, he's a talented musician who orchestrated the critically acclaimed broadway musical "some like it hot" now playing at the shubert theatre for which he won a tony award and just received a grammy nomination earlier this month. this spring, at jazz at lincoln center, he will premiere his new piece "rusted and renaissance," bryan carter is here, everybody. [ cheers and applause thanks for being with us bryan >> thank you seth. >> seth: our first guest tonight is an academy award-nominated, emmy winning actor you know from
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movies like "sideways" and "cinderella man" as well as the show "a billions." his podcast "paul giamatti's chin wag" with steven asma is available on youtube and wherever you listen to podcasts. he also stars in "the holdovers," which is in theaters now nationwide let's take a look. >> there was an incident when i was at harvard with my roommate. >> and >> he accused me of copying from his senior thesis, plagiarizing. >> well, did you >> no, he stole from me. that blue blooded prick's family had allies on the faculty. their last name was on the library, for christ's sake so he accused me in order to sanitize his treachery and they threw me out >> so you got kicked out of harvard for cheating >> no, i got kicked out of harvard for hitting him. >> you hit him, like punched him out? >> no, i hit him with a car. [ laughter ] >> seth: please welcome back to the show paul giamatti, everybody. [ cheers and applause ♪
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♪ >> seth: it's so lovely to have you back here. >> it's a real pleasure to be back thank you, sir >> seth: you were scheduled to be here the first day of the writer's strike, may 2, which is the first day we cancelled shows. >> and everything shut down. >> seth: everything shut down. >> bad luck. >> seth: old bad luck giamatti >> old bad luck giamatti bad penny. >> seth: yeah. >> now i say it was really - >> seth: well i'm glad -- the nice thing is we will talk about your podcast, which we're going to do then but we're also -- we have this beautiful movie to talk about. i loved this so much >> thank you >> seth: and this is a movie, it's called "the holdovers," it's about the kids who have to stay at a private school over the holiday break because they don't have anywhere else to go >> nobody wants them >> seth: you're a teacher, and this was actually filmed at a school of the rival school to where you actually went. >> which i had forgotten we filmed in five different schools to create one school and one of them we shot at was at deerfield academy in massachusetts outside boston and i forgotten it was the rival
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school to where i went which was choate >> seth: right >> so when i was there, i had this kind of horrible flashbacks while i was there. [ laughter ] i was like, "oh, my god. i remember this place going to swim meets," which anybody who was on a swimming team, it's the most miserable sport in the world. [ laughter ] >> seth: it's the worst. >> it's the worst. >> seth: yes >> and you're in boston, it's winter, and it's dark out and you're leaving and wet and chafed, and you had your ass kicked in the backstroke event and it's just horrible >> seth: it's horrible >> horrible. >> seth: also, the way there is even worse because it's cold out and you know you're about to get wet. [ laughter ] >> that's right. so it just was all bad and that was this vivid, vivid memory of that >> seth: this is interesting, because it's a period piece, but it's also, it's a period you were alive for, it's the '70s. [ laughter ] >> thank you for pointing that out. >> seth: i'm just saying - >> because people kept saying, "oh, it's a period film. i'm like, "that's not possible." [ light laughter ] periods are like horses and carriages, bows and arrows and stuff.
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it's not [ bleep ] pipes and smoking in the movie theater i remember that. >> seth: the kid actors are like, "ha, ha, ha, pay phone." you're like, "that's not that old. >> exactly [ laughter ] in fact, the kid had a little trouble with the phone there's a scene where the kid gets on the phone and he was like, "how do i do this? i was like, "you've got to be kidding me." >> seth: you've got to be kidding me >> yeah. >> seth: well, he's a wonderful actor. >> wonderful >> seth: it's a really great cast da'vine was here yesterday >> da'vine, she's fantastic. >> seth: your wonderful co-star. she was talking about alexander payne, who directed you in "sideways." he does not have a place for the actors to go watch themselves between takes. he basically stands at the camera and you don't get to see your performance until it's done >> which is unusual. >> seth: do you like it? >> i do. i like it much better. >> seth: yeah. >> because it kind of -- it makes it like two different work spaces it's like everybody is over here doing the grunt work, the actors and then everybody is over here having their chocochinos and sitting at the thing and going, "his hair looks weird, his hair looks funny. all this kind of [ bleep ] it eliminates all that
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[ bleep ]. >> seth: it's a good thing to eliminate. >> it's a really good thing to eliminate. and then he talks to you, he's off camera, and it's very relaxed and intimate feeling >> seth: is it very relaxed and intimate feeling movie as well we were talking backstage. it feels as much like a movie that was made in the '70s than that takes place in the '70s >> indeed, and that was the idea, yeah, yeah >> seth: there is a really wonderful scene because i remember the first time i saw one of my teachers run [ light laughter ] and you play a teacher and you're running, you're chasing a student down the hallway it is so shocking. the first time you see your teacher chasing something, because it reminds you they are human beings, and they're bad at running. >> yes and this guy is really not - >> seth: it is really -- how much thought did you put into the run? because it's a really good run >> i didn't have to think about it very much >> seth: so that's how you run [ light laughter ] >> yeah, that's kind of how i run. >> seth: i take it all back. it was a great run >> the knees are going, everything >> seth: you know what, it was a swimmer's run. [ laughter ] i can tell
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i can tell you swam in your youth. >> thank you thank you very much. >> seth: your track coach watched you run once and was like, "we're going to get you in the pool, paul." [ laughter ] >> i tried to be a wrestler and that did not work at all >> seth: well, that actually -- you might have found something worse than swimming though >> worse, much worse, because then you have to lose the weight >> seth: you got to lose the weight >> garbage bags to sweat >> seth: spitting in cups. >> spitting in cups. horrible >> seth: your ears are always like [ bleep ] >> horrible, horrible, horrible, horrible >> seth: and nobody wants to go. >> who cares nobody wants to go see swimming. >> seth: swimming is the worst >> swimming is the worst wrestling, at least somebody might get hurt the worst thing that is going to happen is you're going to whack your fingers on the edge of the pool >> seth: yeah. >> but like wresting, it's bad >> seth: well i think the problem when i was growing up like cause then wrestling was all of a sudden was like world wrestling right? which is -- and then when you go watch high school wrestling, this really stinks [ light laughter ] there aren't even ropes to jump on >> and everybody is kind of still for a really long time >> seth: i feel like this is holding. i'm watching holding
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when talking about swimming, i went and saw olympic swimming. so i watched the highest level of swimming in london. it's boring. >> boring. >> seth: now great on tv like on tv cause again the only good vantage point is under water. >> oh, that's true >> seth: because otherwise, you're just watching seven splashes >> watching this - [ light laughter ] >> seth: oh, i like that splash. >> and i also like the pool -- the atmosphere of a pool sucks it's kind of hot, it's loud, weird. smells like chlorine no, horrible >> seth: it's like when you walk into a baseball stadium and i love the smell of fresh cutgrass but no one is ever like, "ah, the pool." >> ah, the smell of the wet bathing suits. >> seth: it is pointed out by a character in the film, the kid, that your character has a lazy eye. >> yes i can't remember what the actual word for it is >> seth: this is -- my question is, was this an effect was this a technical - are you not allowed to say >> i'm not at liberty to discuss it
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i would have to kill everybody in here if i talked about it [ laughter ] i'm capable of it. i'm capable of it. [ light laughter ] >> seth: nobody here doubts that [ laughter ] >> i'll chase everybody. [ laughter ] really terrifying. >> seth: this is a weird case where i feel like we have to give you a head start. [ laughter ] >> that is weird it was done in a very -- >> seth: it's very subtle and good we looked and so there is a contact lens tech. i've never seen that in the credits of a movie >> really? because it happens it's not - >> seth: and i'm assuming zach ripps is one of the best? >> zach is -- no [ bleep ] - zach ripps is top drawer he's the best at this job. >> seth: if you've got zach ripps on your contact lens, you've got a movie that's how you got a movie well let me tell you, we're going to talk about -- we are going to talk about your podcast
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when we come back. but i really -- i can't stress enough, it is a wonderful holiday film to watch with family and i can't recommend it enough. and we'll be right back with more with paul after this. [ cheers and applause ♪ when moderate to severe ulcerative colitis takes you off course. put it in check with rinvoq, a once-daily pill. when i wanted to see results fast, rinvoq delivered rapid symptom relief and helped leave bathroom urgency behind.
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get ready for our family migration! yeah! uncle dan, you come too. umm, no. pleeee-eeee-eeease... woah, that did it. let's fly. ♪ [ cheers and applause >> seth: we're back with paul giamatti.
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you play a teacher in the film your mom was a teacher your father was an academic who was president of yale. have you ever considered going into academia yourself >> ah briefly. it was a little bit of a thing it was like the family business a little bit so it went through your head, but i was like, "i'm not cut out to be a teacher at all i'd be a terrible teacher. >> seth: well you're a very good one on screen. >> thank you >> seth: that's a nice outcome so you do have a podcast where you co-host with a professor >> i do. >> seth: so that is -- i think that's as close as maybe you would want to get. >> yes and he's a very -- he's not a -- he's a philosopher professor, but he's also a professional blues guitar player. he's a very unusual guy. >> seth: how did you meet him? how do you connect with -- >> he was giving a talk online about sort of this kind of weird brain consciousness and the use of psychedelics in therapy and stuff. and of course, i tuned into that i'm like, "this is interesting." and i'm going, "yeah, yeah." [ cheers and applause and so i thought this guy is really interesting, so i got in touch with him afterwards.
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he was a little bit like, "who is this really is this really paul giamatti?" >> seth: yeah, yeah. >> and i was like, who would pretend to be me [ laughter ] i mean, why would anybody go, i need to disguise myself as that guy. oh, yeah >> seth: it's funny that the way -- the reason you disguise yourself as paul giamatti is to meet a professor [ laughter ] like who do professors like? >> exactly oh, i guess that makes sense exactly now that you say it. >> seth: he's like, you're the third giamatti that has called me today [ light laughter ] >> but we hit it off really well >> seth: and how quickly after hitting off did you realize you should do a podcast together >> seth: a while, actually we were just having conversations all the time, and it was during all the covid stuff. and he was in chicago, and i was out here so we were just on zoom and we would just have these long conversations. and then he was like, maybe we should do this in front of people i was like, "okay. okay, professor. [ laughter ] so we did, and it's been really fun. we wanted to animate it originally
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the whole thing to be animated he had a student, he teaches at an arts college. he had a student named alex sokol who is a brilliant animator he couldn't do the whole thing, it was too expensive >> seth: right, because -- hour long right >> so it was like, we have little bits of it get animated >> seth: yeah, so if you listen to it and watch it online, watch it on youtube, all of a sudden, there's like these really nice animations >> they're fantastic >> seth: that's really good. [ laughter ] this is a real reminder that this started with psychedelic drugs. [ laughter ] >> i was going to say. i was going to remind you. alex has clearly taken some therapeutic psychedelics >> seth: it's really wonderful >> and the idea is it's a very free form conversation and you start off with sort of unusual topics, you get into like ufos and sasquatch. and you know, it's freeing for me because i reached a point where i thought, i'm tired of not talking about sasquatch. >> seth: you obviously have a lot to say >> i have a lot to say >> seth: but it is a weird thing to bring up at a dinner party. >> yes it is >> seth: on a podcast, the perfect place to start talking about sasquatch.
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and where are you on sasquatch, are you pro, you think he's out there? >> i do think there might be something yeah steven really thinks there might be something out there >> seth: that's great. and then -- do i assume that he's also believes ufos? >> yes, he's a little bit more skeptical for some reason about ufos, which makes no sense >> seth: i feel like there's way more data on ufos than sasquatch. >> i think he thinks that sort of from a zoological point of view there could be a kind of species of monkey that we haven't really discovered, which happens. it does happen >> seth: that does happen. >> this kind of exciting stuff you tune in for folks. [ laughter ] >> seth: what about ghosts >> ghosts, ghosts, i 100% believe in ghosts. he tends to be more skeptical of sasquatch than i am. i believe more kind of - >> seth: it's really funny for a guy to be like, "ufos aren't real, ghosts aren't real all right, what about sasquatch? "100%. [ laughter ] and i'm going to catch him i'll be the one. >> that's exactly what it's like and sometimes we talk to like an ancient historian of ancient egypt, we talked to professional
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psychic, we talked to kathryn hahn we talk to all kinds of -- >> seth: that's a nice mix it's a really fun mix. >> it's a really good mix. >> so i have to ask you this, just because of the timing of this so this week, my wife and i were like, we have to watch something where we can just like enjoy it, shut off our brains, a very fraught time in the world. and so we've been watching old romcoms. and we watched "my best friend's wedding" and then all of a sudden, giamatti turns up in the hallway with julia roberts you're the bellman how early in the career? [ cheers ] >> i'm just -- look at the head of hair. that was pretty early on in my career as a film actor i hadn't done much film at all i didn't know what this movie was about, nothing they just hired me and gave me this scene i auditioned for it. they gave me the scene i didn't know what the movie was about, nothing, yeah >> seth: it is really like peak julia roberts. you just like watch it, and you're like, oh my god, i mean - she's still wonderful, but movie star julia roberts -- and just the two of you in the scene, it
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is one where little bit of nerves >> oh, yeah, i was very nervous. but she was -- i didn't really know what i was dog on film. she was incredibly cool. and i remember the first time i met her, she was sort of going through her handbag and getting some gum or something. introduced me to her and she turned around and she had that smile. i was like, holy [ bleep ] [ laughter ] i was like, that's why this person is who they are it was just amazing. >> seth: you realize, you're like, "yep, everybody got it right. this was supposed to happen and we're very lucky to be here to witness it." well, congratulations on the film >> thank you >> seth: thank you for bringing our attention to the podcast >> thank you so much [ cheers and applause >> seth: you guys, that's paul giamatti. he's the best. "chin wag" is available on youtube or wherever you watch your podcasts. "the holdovers" is in theaters now, as well we'll be right back with andrew moskos and pep rosenfeld. [ cheers and applause ♪
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[ cheers and applause ♪ >> seth: our next guests are very funny writers and co-founders of boom chicago and the authors of "boom chicago presents the 30 most important years in dutch history." please welcome my very good friends andrew moskos and pep rosenfeld, everybody
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[ cheers and applause ♪ ♪ >> seth: welcome to the show, guys i'm so happy to have you here. >> that makes three of us. >> seth: this was much like paul giamatti. you were gonna scheduled to come out during the writer's strike and it didn't work out we figured it would never happen again because you live in amsterdam. but then nothing is going on in thanksgiving in amsterdam. they don't celebrate this wonderful holiday. [ light laughter ] so you made it over here guys. >> i got to say, we were psyched in may and then as book authors who, you know, don't mind selling books. >> seth: yeah. >> it's kind of nice to be on the show two days before black friday >> seth: that's true [ light laughter ] it's a very good time to buy books. >> we call it book friday. >> seth: book friday you guys coined that well done. [ light laughter ] so i know the story. and it's one of my favorites to tell because i think people are always taken aback when i say right after college. i went to amsterdam to work for a comedy theater i, of course, would not have done this if three years earlier the two of you hadn't started a comedy theater in amsterdam.
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was this idea -- how was it greeted in amsterdam when you first had it? >> well, we wrote the tourism board and said we've got this great idea what if we moved here and started a comedy show. and they wrote us back and said your idea will not work. [ light laughter ] and to clarify they didn't write us back. it was 1993. they faxed us back >> seth: they faxed you. >> yeah. >> seth: now, i should know -- for those that don't know, this is how dutch people to this day will speak [ light laughter ] right, very to the point and >> absolutely, they were so specific, too. they said, dutch people do not want to see a show in english. tourists do not want to see a show at all. you need subsidy to do theater in the neatherlands. you will not get any subsidy think twice about your plans >> seth: and now why didn't you guys bail when they told you that >> because andrew doesn't bail on anything. [ light laughter ] i was like, andrew, the word is in no comedy show this year back to my table waiting job >> seth: and you stuck it out and pretty quickly it started to work >> yeah, kind of from the beginning. >> we thought we would get tourists right away. but very quickly dutch people
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really sort of embraced us and i believe you would bethe first to say, dutch people not known for their warm embrace >> seth: not known - my favorite story is coming off stage and going to the bar because there was a bar in the theater. this is how honest dutch people are. they're not necessarily unfriendly, they're just honest. and a guy came up and said, "i saw the show, i would like to buy you a drink. i'm like, "oh thanks, did you enjoy it "no, i did not." [ light laughter ] >> seth: they don't want to give it to you -- >> they don't want to give it up >> seth: not for free. >> it's like, the audiences are even different in america audience you ask them to make some noise and they will late night audience, having a good time. make some noise! [ cheers and applause that's an american audience. dutch people are like, tell me why i have to make some noise. [ light laughter ] >> seth: this noise your requesting what do i get out of it. >> exactly [ light laughter ] >> seth: so you created this and i should note. the two of you came up with this idea i also - how stoned were you when you had the idea the first time? >> so, we have a third partner saskia mass who has insisted we not mention the fact that we
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came up with the idea when we were high. >> seth: okay, great >> we should not say it was the best stoner idea ever. >> seth: right >> because we're now middle aged people and we should be more sophisticated. >> seth: yeah. and you have children. and the last thing you want is your children to hear your best idea you ever had is when you were stoned. [ light laughter ] >> i guess i want my children to know if they're stoned, they should have a pen and paper on them at all times. >> seth: oh, interesting so that's your takeaway from this, [ light laughter ] is write it down >> don't miss it don't miss it. >> seth: saskia is really the third leg of this tripod she's backstage and she's also your wife now. she wasn't in the beginning, but she really doesn't work without a dutch person >> everyone needs a saskia >> seth: yeah. >> i mean, saksia's the perfect person, like she loves doing bits you know >> seth: yeah. >> you know she loves doing bits and laughing more than anyone. she's also very dutch in her ability to no nonsense, "okay, boys it is time to stop and work now. then it is time to stop and work >> seth: well, it certainly worked and all these people have come through the theater. and been incredibly successful the team behind "ted lasso." among others brendan, our dear friend brendan hunt from ted lasso, coach beard, was on the show recently
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and you noticed a comment on his youtube video. >> yeah, i was reading your comments here, and i saw that one of your viewers had noticed that you had so many - >> seth: i have a lot of alums from chicago, and someone wrote "i think seth is going to keep doing the show until he can introduce every single person he met in amsterdam." [ light laughter ] >> and i'm pretty sure the fact that andrew and i are sitting here right now means you have totally run out of famous friends. [ light laughter ] >> seth: yeah, exactly >> we are 11 and 12. [ talking over each other >> seth: we are finally done [ light laughter ] >> we're the bottom of the b list bottom of the b list >> seth: you do have - you do have some of the listers on the front of the book it's a beautiful book cover. can you guys explain what you were trying to do here >> well, put some more famous people on the cover. jordan peele and jason and amber, of course >> seth: yeah. >> we went with sort of more of a traditional accurate drawing with you, we went in a different direction. [ light laughter ] >> seth: yeah, what is that face >> that's a person who could be seth meyers. >> seth: well, can we zoom in on how --
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[ light laughter ] that's very -- i'm literally making a face like, i'm on a book? [ light laughter ] >> yeah well, thanks to all who wrote the forward. and jordan peele wrote the backward - >> seth: yeah, the great jordan peele jordan, i remember -- when jordan was there and pep, this is a sketch you were in as well. one of my favorite sketches, it was during the mad cow panic in europe and uh - was it jordan's idea to play a mad cow like this? >> i can't remember. >> i don't know if it was his idea, but i'll say this, he nailed mad cow >> seth: yeah. he basically - you guys remember those. we used to have backstage, all these just like wigs and props and those viking helmets that have two horns coming up and jordan peele, who is now obviously an incredible director and writer, he always knew how subtle a thing would make. [ light laughter ] my mad cow, he just turned one of the horns down, and every time he walked on stage, people were like, there he is [ light laughter ] >> i hope you can tell i hope you can tell. there is me on the left. my acting -- i was a sane cow >> seth: you were a sane cow who is very angry.
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>> i was always a little angry about his madness. and for any jackels watching >> seth: yeah. >> bovine jackels. i was a sane bull. >> seth: sane bull thank you very much for clarifying >> spare you the work. >> seth: all right, amazon rankings, very important for a book do you want to explain - you are number one in a category that maybe you never have hoped or never dreamed to be [ light laughter ] >> yeah, well, so -- it's great to be on the amazon charts, of course. authors, very important. we are number one on the belgian history list [ laughter ] [ applause ] belgium in the house >> seth: how much belgian history is in the book >> on a scale of zero to ten, i would say zero >> seth: yeah. >> there's not a word. >> it's funny, dutch people sometimes say belgians aren't the smartest people. but the belgians made us number one in belgian history so don't do hollands job for them [ light laughter ] >> seth: it's very funny that just speaks to how few books are being written about belgian history. [ light laughter ]
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>> and we did not add to the list >> seth: there you go. [ light laughter ] you did not to at all. i also want to talk about a time you guys were here before. you were in the audience not the first time you were on the show you can, you sat in the audience >> first show. >> seth: first show! >> yeah. >> seth: you guys came out, which is very important to me and cut to you guys in the audience my brother was here, his fiancé was here and you all seemed to be so happy to be on camera. except for you, pep. >> yeah, so when i come out to the states, my sister and my mother, happy birthday, stacey, by the way they -- it's super important to them that like i visit them. i can't just go to new york and go home. so this was a stealth mission, right? >> seth: yeah. >> i come in, i see the show, shake your hand, back home, nobody has to know and then during your monologue, standing -- during your monologue, you -- you did the sweetest thing, you were like, "i've got family and friends in the audience" and you put the camera on us and - i mean - [ light laughter ] >> seth: everybody's so happy except check out -- check out pep. [ laughter ] >> that -- that is the face of a dude thinking, "i am so busted."
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>> seth: yeah. [ laughter ] >> -- and -- and i totally was >> seth: yeah, you're like, "i'm going to call the airport and stay a couple more days. [ light laughter ] you guys, these are some other early photos here's jordan. here's our friend brendan hunt here's my brother looking very suave. >> always suave. >> show me the picture where josh does not look suave >> seth: josh looks suave all the time now i'm going to show you this because i know you like to mock this photo these are -- this is the poster for the two person show, i should know this -- this is the two person show where i got hired for "snl" with the great jill benjamin. >> great show. >> it was a great show >> seth: "pick-ups and hiccups." and go ahead do your worst [ light laughter ] >> it's just i -- it was just -- i like that you had your dramatic james dean face >> seth: yeah. >> that's all. that's all >> seth: i tried -- i tried james dean face and they were like, "that's not a james dean nose, sir. >> yeah. [ laughter ] lovely jill benjamin nailed it >> seth: yes >> and you get the full attitude >> "don't look at me i'm dramatic." >> seth: this is -- you were on a show our friend - >> ari - >> ari -- who's here >> yeah. >> yeah. >> seth: he has a very novel idea that you noticed he did when you did his dutch talk
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show >> yeah, this is something that you might learn from after the show, everyone wants to take a picture with - but he's a big star, he does the show four nights a week and someone on his team had an idea to get a mascot. this is like a football game or at disney world. someone from his team gets into costumes and goes out and shakes people's hands and, you know, takes photos after the show so i was just saying if wally ever gets too big for his britches >> seth: yeah. >> get a seth meyers costume and send him out after the show. >> seth: wally could dress like seth and get there >> exactly >> he would love that. >> seth: he would, oh, trust me. >> no lines. >> no lines. >> seth: although he doesn't like it when his face doesn't show you have -- there was an episode of "ted lasso" they filmed in amsterdam, which was i thought a nice homage to the fact that those guys, joe kelley, jason sudeikis, brendan hunt all met out there. was it so cool when a show that was born of these dudes all met at your theater came out there and shot a whole episode i mean amsterdam must have been so exciting. >> amsterdam really was exciting it was like a big budget show, so it was big news and they had the launch party, boom chicago afterwards.
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so we've got the ix the soccer team, the brendan hunt and jasons were there. and the whole crew was there they were on stage with us afterwards we just had a big party. and everyone who was in the house stayed there too it was like a low-key dutch affair but with the stars of "ted lasso." is it was so much fun. >> i think the funnest part was when they -- when brendan was writing an episode, he would text us saying "what would a dutch say in this situation. what's dutch for "you're an idiot" it was great to help >> seth: that's really lovely. and one of the characters on the team was named after saskia, correct? >> yes, jan maas, who is very dutch, is inspired by the ceo. >> seth: very nice homage for that, as well. and this is very cool, and i'm very happy you're doing this you were mentioning its book friday >> yeah. >> seth: everybody in the audience is leaving with this book [ cheers and applause and i should note. you know, the dutch part aside you know, this is an oral history, and your friend did a
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great job writing it this is a really cool time for me, it was late '90s and it was this incredible collection of people and you guys built this incubator for talent none of us would be where we are without you guys so even though this is a really funny book about what it is like to start a theater in amsterdam. it's a great book about the creative process and what can happen when you put people together i'm always going to be in your debt for that. thanks for being here, guys. >> thank you, seth >> seth: andrew moskos and pep rosenfeld, everybody [ cheers and applause "boom chicago presents the 30 most important years in dutch history. it's available now wherever you buy your books but please support local - ♪ ♪ ♪ (♪ music ♪) (♪ ♪)
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♪ >> announcer: come join the audience at "late night" live in studio 8g. for tickets, head over to follow us @latenightseth on all social media platforms subscribe to late night seth on youtube. find us online at and subscribe to the "late night podcast," featuring "a closer look," guest interviews, and more available wherever you listen to podcasts ♪
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♪ [ cheers and applause >> seth: i want to thank my
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guests paul giamatti, andrew moskos and pep rosenfeld. i want to thank bryan carter and the 8g band. thank you for watching we love you everybody [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪


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