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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 11AM  NBC  November 10, 2023 11:00am-11:30am PST

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right now at 11:00, apec set to take center stage in san francisco. the new delegation we're learning that will be in
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attendance as president joe biden b is meeting with his chinese counterpart coming into sharper focus. plus -- >> and i have to say that what the oea and what detractors and those that are trying to fan the flames of hate in this school district is making ohm unified an unsafe place for teachers and families. >> jewish families are speaking out over controversial resolutions passed by the oakland teachers union. the stance they're taking amid israel's ongoing war with hamas. good morning. thanks for joining us for our midday newscast. i'm marcus washington. >> i'm laura garcia. within the past few hours, we've learned that a russian delegation will attend the asia-pacific economic summit. that's according to the san francisco standard. however, that group will not include vladimir putin. >> the summit is the biggest gathering of international leaders san francisco has seen in 80 years. it begins tomorrow, but you could call today a soft launch.
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nbc bay area's kris sanchez looks at two meetings setting the stage. kris, one features a california state leader. >> organizers are calling today the curtain-raising events for apec. just about two hours ago, california attorney general rob bonta delivered the keynote address at what apec calls the multistakeholder forum. this is a gathering of 150 leaders from civil organizations, private sector leaders, also people from labor. the focus of this gathering is on how to transition to cleaner energy sources in a just way that is inclusive and sustainable for all. a.g. rob bonta said california is moving toward addressing climate change, improving conditions for workers, and creating more housing through litigation and policy, litigation with big oil and petroleum institute. he said california is addressing that, creating more housing and doing it california's way.
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>> we are on the verge of becoming the fourth largest economy in the world, not in spite of our commitment to workers, not in spite of our commitment to the environment, to addressing climate change, to taking climate action, to having a just transition. we are on the verge of becoming the fourth largest economy because of that. >> this is new video from just about an hour ago when u.s. secretary of the treasury janet yellen continued her meeting with the chinese vice premier which began yesterday. the talks are focused on u.s./china trade and economic cooperation. we expect yellen will answer some questions in the next hour or so from that event at the commonwealth club at the embarcardero. we will monitor that feed and will report the highlights in our later newscasts. this weekend, senior officials will meet, and on monday, finance ministers hold their meetings, then apec begins in
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earnest on tuesday. if you are attending, allow a lot of time to get where you're going in and around san francisco. if you're not attending apec, stay clear of the city. security will be tight in san francisco over the next few days as so many world leaders visit. leaders have b working feverishly to get the area in tip top shape. there have been efforts to move unhoused people out of the area and into shelters. scott mcgrew continues our coverage now. >> scott, when you say world leaders, that includes president biden as well as president xi. and we know now they will be meeting. >> this is all official now. they've got it all scheduled. they made it official this morning. the meetings will take place next wednesday, we presume within the security zone of the apec conference, though that's not for sure because the white house will only say "in the bay area." it was almost presilsly a year ago to the day the two met last in bali at the g-20 summit.
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they've talked since by video. there are a number of issues that need to be discussed in person. one of the most pressing is one of the most easy to solve -- re-establishing communication between our two militaries. the chinese cut off direct communication when then speaker nancy pelosi visited taiwan back in august of last year. the american defense department has since shown videos of close calls in the south china sea. here a chinese fighter plane buzzes a navy p-8 poseidon in international air space. american military officials say there's a potential for misunderstanding and escalations, and it's important that commanders be able to talk to each other to stop something from getting out of control. the other issue the president will raise according to the white house includes fentanyl. america wants to have china crack down on shipments to mexico. and then the war in ukraine. officials from the state department tell reporters they are expecting russian officials
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to attend apec. at this point, we don't know who. it will be somebody who's not under u.s. sanctions, so that rules out a lot. i've reached out, laura, to the russian embassy to try to get more information. >> it will be a very busy time for sure, scott. no doubt, apec is going to impact so many people. for everything you need to know as the summit gets under way, just scan the qr code on your screen. we have a guide on your website that explains some of the security zones, the restrictions, and road closures that will be in place. you can also find a full schedule of events on our website. jewish parents, teachers, and city leaders are calling on oakland teachers union to stop, quote, fanning the flames of hate, end quote. they want the union to rescind a statement they say is anti-semitic. nbc bay area's bob redell joins us live from outside of montclair elementary school. these parents, these jewish parents specifically, say they feel unwelcome.
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>> reporter: unwelcome and unsafe after the oakland education association, marcus, which represents teacher at montclair elementary school and other schools within the oakland unified school district, passed that resolution earlier this week that criticizes israel for its invasion into the gaza strip, while seeming to give hamas a pass for its terrorist attack that killed hundreds of israeli jews last month. this was about an hour, hour and a half ago as parents, teacher, leaders of oakland and the jewish community sang a jewish song for peace at montclair elementary. the jewish community relations council say they know their muslim brothers are also suffering in the gaza strip, but they are asking the oea not to pick a side and to rescind the resolution, which they say is, quote, dangerous and inflammatory. the oea posted this on facebook -- "we, the oakland education association, mourn the tragic loss of both palestinian and israeli lives these past weeks. we unequivocally condemn the
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75-yearlong illegal military occupation of power line. the israeli government cree yilted an apartheid state and the israeli government leaders have espoused genocidal rhetoric and policies gen the people of power line." this morning, two jewish teachers with oakland unified said their union does not speak for them. one said she has been on the vernal of tears recently. two parents also spoke and are afraid to send their kids to school. >> my child has already been subjected to anti-semitic rhetoric and harassment on this public school campus, and this was prior to the events of october 7th. this resolution will continue to expose him and others to the message that our homeland should be wiped off the face of the map and that the existence of our people should be questioned. today, we find ourselves asking, do you want us here? do we not matter? does my child not matter? >> i have a hard time understanding why a teachers
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union or a school board thinks they should be creating resolutions around one of the most complex international conflicts when even global leaders cannot agree on a resolution. not to mention there have been many international conflicts just over the last few years. where was the resolution for when russia invaded ukraine or when yemen attacked saudi arabia? where was the outcry then? >> reporter: late last month, the oakland education association shared a pro-palestinian statement on instagram. it did not mention hamas' october 7th attack on israel. after criticism from some parents and teachers, the union did take down that post. then the union released a new statement on facebook saying it was listening to students, fami families, and teachers. it also called attention to the loss of life on both sides. the union maintained its support for a cease-fire, but this new resolution this week seems to at least partially support those
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original comments that they walked back. i did reach out to oakland education association and the school district for a response to what happened today in montclair elementary with the protests and the press conference. yet to hear back. live in oakland, bob redell, nbc bay area news. israeli troops fighting hamas are pushing deeper into gaza city. local health officials are reporting intense bombardment and the presence of israeli military in the vicinity of a number of hospitals. nbc's jay gray is on the ground in tel aviv with the very latest. >> reporter: it's been another intense and very active 24 hours for idf forces inside gaza. we know israeli strikes near several hospitals have come as the idf says troops are pushing into heavily populated urban neighborhoods surrounding those hospitals. troops and tanks have surrounded al shifa hospital, a place the idf has called a main command
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center for hamas, the militant group and hospital staff denying that claim. a growing number of people have been living in and around the hospital in hopes it would be safer than their homes. we have seen over the last several days the opening of humanitarian corridors with tens of thousands moving from the north to the south for safety. the u.n. continues to say that four-hour breaks are not the answer in gaza, and they are calling for a cease-fire there. that amid growing violence in the west bank. 18 palestinians killed, at least 20 injured during what the idf called counterterrorism raids. this is always a deeply divided and dangerous area, but it's grown more intense since the start of the war. that's the latest from here in tel aviv. i'm jay gray, nbc news. >> thank you, jay. san home sales police arrest two men in connection to 25 separate incidents involving an alleged romanian organized crime ring.
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investigators took 35-year-old konstantin and a 19-year-old on wednesday into custody. police say the pair were involved in multiple crimes spanning from san jose to livermore between july and october. this comes after investigators executed search warrants at multiple homes. police seized $13,000, three cars, jewelry, and credit card skimmers as well. both face multiple charges including armed carjacking, grand theft, and armed robbery. taking a look outside at san francisco. a beautiful day on this friday. temperatures not too bad. >> this is about normal for this time of year. it's cold to start, but as we get into the afternoon, it does feel very nice out there. this is a live look outside in walnut creek, also seeing the sunshine there. and we are going to continue to see a mostly sunny day and temperatures reaching into the 60s and low 70s. more sunshine in our weekend forecast with some seasonable temperatures, but we are also
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tracking some rain next week as well as sierra snow. here's look at our highs and what we're headed for today, reaching up to 68 degrees in san mateo. much of the inland east bay will be in the upper 60s, and low 70s for the south bay. we'll be slightly warmer tomorrow as we make it into veterans day. we have a lot of parades and celebrations going on around the bay area, and the weather looks perfect. headed up for 71 in novato, and san francisco still in the upper 60s, and mid to upper 70s for the south bay down to the south county. so, we'll get a look at the time line for that rain coming numb the full microclimate forecast. hollywood is awaiting that magic word -- action. this midday, the stamp of approval the actors that may come as soon as today and the frenzy of filming is set to ignite. plus, man with a vision lays out his plan to turn thousands of acres of solano county land into a brand-new city. the first look as he raises the curtain on the controversiable curtain on the controversiable
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just into our newsroom, alameda county firefighters are responding to an explosion. the department says this is all unfolding on sho point court. we're told pern has been taken to a local hospitalith chemical burns. we'll continue to bring you updates. new at 11:00, firefighters helped with a water rescue in san francisco after a pier collapsed. it happened early this morning. there was a man in the water. you can see him in this video. rescuers say a pier collapsed. it's not clear yet what caused it to collapse, but the man ended up in the water. rescuers eventually were able to get him out. no word on his condition, but paramedics did check him out at the scene. hollywood's long, drawn-out labor saga may be in our collective rear view. that's because sag-aftra leaders
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expected to approve the new contract deal reached wednesday, when the studios and streamers agreed to it. provided everything goes as planned, rank and fooim vote will follow soon after. that means a mad scramble to get under way to kick-start hollywood productions. one "variety" insider saying today some productions will likely work overtime to get the stalled shows back on track. >> a lot of things were sort of totally in limbo, and i think people are going to work harder into -- work longer into thanksgiving week, probably work longer into december than they normally would around the winter hom days, because, again, i think hollywood is just dying to get back to work. >> some of hollywood's future so-called tent pole films are being pushed out due to long work stoppage. just this week, disney moved its fourth captain america film for a second time from next july to february of 2025. the original release date was scheduled for next may.
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for the first time since leading the acquisition of 50,000 acres in solano county, the man behind the mystery is showing off his newly acquired property. he is the founder and ceo of california forever, the parent company of flannery associates, now seeking to develop an entirely new city. the project involves a group of siliconen valley billionaires who bought the land for an estimated $800 million. it is expected to include open space, agriculture, solar farms, and habitat conservation. he's also trying to answer lingering questions surrounding the future of infrastructure and affordable housing. >> we would build our own water treatment plant, sewage treatment plant. all the infrastructure ourselves. our goal is that the people who build the community and the people who work in the community should be able to live there. >> the project is still in the early stages. that would ultimately have to include a ballot initiative in
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part because currently the purchased land is intended only for agricultural use. now to a live look from the web cam at lake tahoe's mount rose ski resort. you ready to go skiing, put on the snowboards? the season officially starts today. it is the first resort to open in the tahoe basin thanks to some early snowfall, higher elevations there, combined with some old-fashioned snowmaking machines. other resorts are slated to open next weekend. >> getting closer. >> a little bit of snow for now. we're looking ahead to next week to see when we'll get some snow, but it is all clear this weekend. as we look at palisades, we can see there at the very tops of the mountains there, there is some snow. but, of course, at the valley floor, there's not as much of that snow. we look at our temperatures that reach into the mid-50s and our morning starting out in the 20s. that's when they're making that snow. all right.
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we're seeing some temperatures that are about normal or maybe even a little warmer than normal for parts of the south county headed for the low 70s for today. we're also in the upper 60s and low 70s, very much like the weather we've seen throughout much of the week. our highs head for 69 degrees in palo alto and 68 in san mateo. in san francisco, the mission district will reach 67 degrees and 71 in novato, also 67 today in clear lake. then tomorrow, we've got the veterans day parade. that will be happening in san jose. there will be many celebrations and parades all around the bay area. and then our weather is looking beautiful with highs up to about 72 degrees in san jose right after noon. if you are enjoying some more time in san jose, you'll also have some mild weather. now, we're looking ahead to see when we're going to get some rain. we've seen a lot of rain targeting the pacific northwest with an also atmospheric river, but we'll see things changing
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with an area of low pressure diving down cutting off that pressure and bringing the low off the coast of the bay area, and that could bring under the circumstances some rain that starts most likely on tuesday. but it all depends on where the low tracks. if it's farther off the coast, that will take the rain away from the bay area, but if it's a little farther to the east, that could place it right over the bay area with much more rain. we're still trying to determine exactly where that storm system will go, but at this time we are planning for some wet weather next week. models are still going back and forth. as of now, it shows we could see decent rainfall totals for the peninsula, parts of the santa cruz mountains could get 1 to 2 inches of rain, and much less the farther you go inland. looking at our weekend, you want to take some time to go around europe house, make sure everything is secure, the patio furniture is covered up after the weekend. we are going to have some great weather with our inland valleys in the mid-70s and much cooler next week as our highs only
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reach into the low 60s. we'll see about the same in san francisco. once that rain arrives, starting late monday into tuesday. marcus and laura. happening now, oakland zoo's holiday spectacular is back. glowfari begins tonight. it features hundreds of animal-themed lanterns and tems the story of wildlife and the importance of conservation. you'll see some new lanterns this year, like creatures from the deep sea or wolves from north america. it runs through january. you can buy your tickets online. the stage is set for music's biggest night, the 2024 grammy nominations out. and "sunday night football" returns to nbc bay area. the jets taking on the las vegas raiders. pregame cov
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tomorrow is veterans day, a day set aside for us to honor those who have served our
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country. this weekend, several ceremonies are planned across the bay area. tonight in pacifica, there's a veterans day music festival and barbecue starting at 4:00 p.m. at winters tavern. it ends at midnight. in oakland, people can travel bay on the "uss potomac." it starts at 10:30 tomorrow morning. a wings for america benefit concert at noon at sally tomatoes. and in sausalito, a three-hour guided kayak tour. grammy nominations are out and female artists are dominate being. >> nine women received six nominationsr more. sza leads the pack with nine nonations, seven for a sound engineer and victoria monet. six for taylor swift, miley cyrus, olivia drigo, billie eilish, brandy clark, genius, bat bat, and songwriter jack
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antinoff. taylor swift holds the record for the most song of the year nominations in history with seven. the grammys air february 4th. also today, lace up those skates because a popular east bay ice-skating rink is returning. >> we're talking about the kristi yamaguchi holiday ice rink at bishop ramp in san ramon. the tickets go to support her always dream initiative, which promotes literacy and provides books for underserved communities. it will be open to the public until january 7th. tonight's ribbon-cutting ceremony kicks off at 6:00 p.m. because we're in california, it should be nice to go ice-skating. >> i would wear a coat because temperatures will drop quickly after sunset, even though it will be nice for the afternoon, reaching 70. once it gets into the 50s with the wind, yeah, we get cold. we're kind of spoiled. we'll have a great veterans day, low 70s, and we are going to see more 70s into the start of next week. rain chances start to increase on tuesday, and temperatures will be dropping, and this
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weekend in san francisco upper 60s, the mornings starting out in the upper 40s. yeah, we are looking at several days of rain here, so take it all in. take a little time to prepare as well. >> you think that will be spread out across the bay area? >> it looks like it, definitely. >> okay. a good chance to enjoy the weekend while it's clear. >> we shall do. can't wait. starting right now. happy veterans day to all the veterans out there. thank you for your service.
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