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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 530  NBC  November 9, 2023 5:30pm-6:01pm PST

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for a certain period of time to allow aid into gaza and for people to get out. will it be enough to save lives? we investigate why so many lgbtq veterans are still waiting for justus and the va benefits they deserve. the military admits they were discriminated against but the veterans wonder why they are still being forgotten. welcome to the news at 5:30, thanks for joining us. >> we begin with the first day in the federal trial against david depape, the man accused of breaking into nancy pelosi's home and attacking the former speaker's husband with a hammer. >> reporter: the first thing assistant attorney laura did was hold up the large hammer for jurors, it is the hammer she said david depape used to break into the pelosi house and then used to attack paul pelosi. federal prosecutors have lots of evidence including several
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videos of depape on public transit headed to the pelosi house, security video of him using the hammer on the pelosi' back door, and two angles of police body camera video showing the moment depape attacked paul pelosi. >> how you doing? >> how are you? >> what is going on, man? >> good. >> hi. >> drop the hammer. >> um, nope. >> hey, hey. >> what is going on? >> not getting an answer. >> reporter: the u.s. attorneys, in it he tells the investigator why he was hoping to get to representative pelosi, saying i was going to hold her hostage. if she told the truth, i would let her go scott free. if she didn't, i would break her knee caps. depape is facing two federal charges, attempted kidnapping of speaker of the house pelosi, a federal official, and assault on paul pelosi. then a curious tactic in the
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defense opening statement. public defender jody linker said she did not dispute most the evidence and went on to describe a number of conspiracy theories involving tom hanks, george soros, hunter biden, and governor gavin newsom. the public defender says the jury may not believe those things but depape does. she said pelosi was not the ultimate target, a college professor was, and for that reason she argues depape should not be found guilty of the specific federal crime that he is accused of. during a court break a woman who says she is the mother of depape's children told us she believes all of the evidence against him including the videos, are a fraud. >> it is david, yes, it is david in the video. yes, you see those things, but i absolutely believe that this was staged later. >> reporter: tomorrow is a federal holiday. the trial will continue monday. in other news, the white house is saying today israel has agreed to a daily four-hour
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pause in fighting, this will allow civilians to leave and and humanitarian aid deliver under to gaza. but the military insists while safe passage will be allowed there will be no ceasefire untist hostages be released. we have yet to see evidence hamas intends to release the more than 240 hostages. the announcement will be made three hours before the pause, this will help civilians head ing south from gaza city onp foot. president biden applauded the reopening of the stilantis plant. the maker of jeep, dodge, and ram vehicles agreed to hire back 1200 employees and add another 1300 workers. the contract includes significant wage increases, job protections, too. the contract could bring more than 3,000 jobs to the northern illinois town of belvedere where
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the plant is located. speaking to unionian workers in belvedere today mr. biden called it a gigantic deal. >> this contract you will be treated fairly, get a fair share of what you produce. and you will get the dignity and respect you deserve. right here at home. >> he met with uaw members and uaw president. the third republican presidential primary debate is in the books and we are learning new details aabout the next one. the subscription network news nation will host the debate in tuscaloosa, alabama on december 6th. former fox news anchor, megyn kelly, will be the moderator. the republican national committee has raised the polling and donor threshold so it is not clear which candidate will qualify to take the stage. a representative for former president donald trump said he will be skipping it again as he has done for every debate so far this election season. veteran's day, time to
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honor but thousands are without the va benefits they deserve. >> the military admits they were discriminated against decades ago. why are they still waiting for justus and benefits they are rightfully owed? >> reporter: louis remembers being tossed into a cell while serving with the navy, not for something to sailor did, but because of who the veteran is. >> they actually locked you up behind bars? >> they locked me behind bars for a couple days and gave me a couple slices of bread and cup of ice every morning and that was what i got. >> reporter: for decades in american, being lgbtq could get you thrown out of service under the military's homosexual conduct policy. department of defense records show more than 32,000 vets were forced out since 1980. more than a hundred thousand
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veterans since world war ii. >> i am disgusted, i am disgusted by that. >> reporter: ultimately kicked out of the navy, official military paperwork blamed homosexuality giving other than honorable discharge which can leave them without healthcare, dueition, and home loans. spending years homeless, struggling with addiction. >> i felt that i was kind of something to be discarded. >> this changed you. >> absolutely. absolutely changed me. it altered the trajectory of my life. what i would have done, what i could have been, or what service i might have been to my country, i will never know. that is heart breaking for me. >> reporter: the u.s. government did away with anti-gay rules in 2011 when it repealed the now infamous don't-ask-don't-tell
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policy which forced gays and lesbians to serve silently. now wanting discharge status upgrade, they have to apply through individual military branch but to collect the benefits they are owed, they still have to contact the va. those remain two separate applications. sometimes leaving vets waiting months or more than a year. >> it can be really psychologically damaging. >> reporter: meghan regularly helps low income vets get services they are owed. >> it is very concerning. at the end of the day what we have is a population of vets not getting benefits that they are ultimately entitled to. so, that is a wrong that needs to be righted by the va and department of defense. >> reporter: only 1400 veterans had discharge up graded. the defense secretary acknowledges the process can be difficult. it says the department is working to make it more accessible. >> in september the department
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of defense nounced plans to take the burden off veterans by reviewing and correcting military veterans discharged but only those discharged during don't-ask, don't-tell, leaving out thousands of other veterans previously kicked out. the dod says there is no time line for when it will begin. >> reporter: records show the review process is now two and a half times faster than what it was five years ago. but it still is taking the va average of 230 days to determine benefit eligibility for discharged vets. we brought our findings to va secretary, dennis mcdonna. what do you say to veteran whose think the process is still taking far too long? >> if you have plans, speed it up. >> to resolve that process. not because the rules are that important, but because the rules
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represent individual veterans. >> he is doing well. >> after spending more than 30 years without va benefits, stefanitas got them but it took the va a year to process and application and they are waiting on the military to upgrade the discharge to honorable. >> it doesn't make sense to me at all i have to jump through hoops to get something that is rightfully mine. >> it is a burden to fix all of this, still seems to rest on your shoulders. >> yeah. >> reporter: stefanita is part of a lass action lawsuit filed against the department of offense, which acts military to systematically upgrade charges for service members kicked out because of sexual orientation. >> i need my country to tell me i am okay. you know what i mean? >> tell me i am equal. >> reporter: stefanits worries waiting may not be much longer
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after diagnose would stage four cancer. >> i may not live to see the discharge upgrade. >> how oft often do you think that? >> i wonder every day how much time do i have left? >> reporter: if the paperwork doesn't come soon enough, the navy vet's long-time partner turned husband will receive the record, the two were just married last week. with the investigative unit. >> if you have a story for anyone in the investigative unit, you can call or visit our website, tax time. yeah. have you filed your 2022 taxes yet? many families have not. but you are not late. yet. i am consumer investigator, chris chmura, new deadline, plus what to do if you think you might not be able to pay in full. >> i am chief meteorologist jeff ranieri, san francisco, 59. we have a little bit of cloud
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cover moving overhead tonight and those
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after a few extensions this year, the deadline to file and pay your taxes is approaching fast. >> here is consumer investigator, chris chmura, to help you mark your calendar. >> the new tax deadline is exactly one week away. november 16, when those non-stop winter storms cause flooding and damage, uncle sam and the state pushed back the tax deadline. first, to october, now november. local cpas and turbo tax told us most people have filed, but the state tells us filings are 3% behind last year, which means a couple hundred thousand families still haven't filed. even if you can't pay in full by november 16, the irs recommends at least filing your return. you can possibly get a payment
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plan going and avoid a late penalty. >> the bodm line, if you have a balance due and requirement to file, and you don't file with that balance due, the penalty for that is much greater than filing the return and not full paying. >> reporter: if the winter storms caused you losses, you might be able to take a deduction, for more information, check the irs website, or if you have a tax pro, ask them. back to you. >> thanks so much. in less than 20 minutes from now a san francisco holiday tradition returns, we are talking about the lighting of what is called the macy's great tree, mayor breed will be there for the 34th year of the ceremony, the second year macy's has partnered with big brothers big sisters aamerica, the decorations will stay up and lit until january. >> beautiful. >> haven't you gone to one of these before? >> years ago, at the skating rink. >> the skating rink and up and running.
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>> great, because union square needs that extra lit. >> needs the boost. >> needs the light. >> yes. >> we will have nice weather, as we head through this weekend, next week, we are still looking at those rain chances coming in the forecast&i want to start off with a look at pacificp so you can see what we are tracking right now. the microclimate forecast, look at the wide view. this is something we have been hard pressed to get the past month in our start to the rain season. we have quite a bit of activity that is building here, that is a sign of what could be coming our way next week. as far as it goes right now, through tomorrow, we are not looking at a big chance of rainfall, have a cold front to the north that is brought brought clouds. a slight chance we could get to overnight spotty shower and drizzle 2:00 to 6:00 in the morning. once we hit 7:30 for the commute, most areas really starting to see the cloud cover
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trying to move on out of here. i do think we start with sun across marin, napa, sonoma counties, san francisco, you will hang to cloud cover here in san jose and gilroy, then through the afternoon we get sunshine here, but we will see high clouds filtering across as well. i think it is looking decent. we will have to start with cold temperatures. if you are up early, you have to have the jacket again tomorrow morning. we are back to 48 for south bay. mid 40s tri-valley. san francisco 49 and the north bay coming in with some coldest weather and 42 degrees. day time high, couple degrees, but don't worry, not going to get too hot. check out the temperatures, feeling like fall across the bay area. that will have us upper 60s and low 70s. 72 morgan hill, 70 concord, napa, 68. and mid 60s there in san francisco. we are looking at dry weather through tomorrow afternoon, dry weather this weekend.
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then here we go next week. that chance of rain. we are seeing some adjustments in what we think will happen. let's take it to the timeline of that storm system and while we are dry across most of the map tomorrow, nationally, what you are going to see is the storm is offshore by monday evening. then it looks like we could see that rain start to move in and hit us by tuesday, likely hang on into wednesday, and then should start to clear out of here as we head into thursday's forecast. right now the timing doesn't look like it will hang around quite as long, still decent total s but those are down as well, half to one and a half inches. on and off wind gusts 15-30. we are watching the placement of the storm system. a small adjustment where this developed would impact us quite a bit on rain totals and we will keep an eye behind the scenes. 60s through next week's forecast, the rain chances
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coming tuesday and wednesday. for inland valleys, nice weekend, low 70s. then we dip to 60s as we roll into next week's forecast. right now, still looks like a decent hit of rain through next week. >> okay. thank you so much. up next, how many people will be living in the united states by the end of the century? we have new numbers that show it we have new numbers that show it almaaska airlines $99 companion fare means that you can bring your best friend... you know, one of us is gonna have to change? but we're twinning? oh yay. ♪♪ ♪ we care a lot. ♪
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the fremont police department is getting additional funds to fight organized retail crime. city council approved two and a half million dollar grant from the state tuesday. the money will go toward a new realtime information center that will use cameras and license plate reader data to provide better intelligence, 80% increase organized retail theft in the first of the year and they say they will use the money to fight catalytic converter thefts. a potentially deadly threat, suspicious letters mailed to elections offices in at least five states including california, some of them containing fentanyl, this is video out of texas where an envelope with suspicious substance was sent to a government building in austin. it was tested and came back negative for toxic materials. the los angeles county registrar said a letter with fentanyl had been intercepted by law enforcement. letters made made to election
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offices in georgia, nevada, organ, california, washington state, and four of the cases the letters contained fentanyl. georgia's secretary of state confirmed a letter with fentanyl was sent to fulton county elections office in atlanta with the largest voting jurisdiction in one of the most important presidential swing states. >> some people like to call fentanyl a drug, it is actually poison. it will kill you very quickly, very easily, it is very dangerous. >> the fbi and u.s. postal authorities are investigating. here is long-term outbook, up, then down, that is how the population of the united states will go. new data from the census bureau shows the population in america will increase for the next 60 years and then drop. the bureau says immigration, births, and deaths are the main factors. it is predicting the population will grow older and less white. data shows the population of
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white people may decline by 14%. it is the off-season for giants but that doesn't mean there is an action at oracle park. anthony shows us what is happening there, and how you can be a part of it. is it possible my network could take my business to the next level? it is with comcast business. powering all your devices with gig-speed wifi. and you get fast downloads and uploads. pick it up! pick it up! oh we got this! because it's powered by the next generation 10g network. more speed for your business? it's not just possible. it's happening. get started for $59.99 a month for 12 months. plus, ask how to get an $800 prepaid card with a qualifying internet bundle. comcast business, powering possibilities.
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we put away the bat, put away the glove. if you are headed to oracle park now, you are going to need your clubs. >> as in golf clubs. this weekend the home of the giants is now a golf course. here is nbc bay area's anthony flores. >> swinging for the fences, the giants transformed the baseball stadium into a 9-hole, par-3 golf course. >> reporter: crushing a drive at oracle park, combines two of rukum's favorite sports. >> really amazing because i love the view and i really love baseball and golf. >> reporter: this is the second year in a row giants enterprises have turned one of the best stadiums in baseball into a golfer's paradise, known as ballpark back 9. >> we have had incredible feedback, i know i am biased but we have really had incredible feedback, we had people join us from all over northern and central california that wanted to come up to experience the ballpark, but experience it in a
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different way. >> reporter: there are nine holes, including a putting green. the tee boxes are set up throughout. the flags range from 65 yards to 175 yards. you hit from just in front of the dugout, the outfield bleachers, and high above home plate. >> it is a great time getting out. >> reporter: more than 5,000 golfers are expected to play this course. the views are spectacular. jessica is new to the sport, but when she heard about the ball park back 9, she knew it would make a perfect birthday/anniversary gift for her husband. >> being around the stadium and seeing it from different levels and different views of the park is always great. it is awesome. we are having a lot of fun. >> reporter: the 9-hole course takes about 80 minutes to play. you keep score by hitting the ball on the green and close to the flag. you have to avoid a few bunkers and water hazarders. when hitting from the dugout, they don't want you to try to
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add to their splash hit total. there is a net to keep golf balls from going into the cove . >> we try to stay away from that, anthony. we are focusing on the course itself. >> reporter: the course is open through sunday from 7:00 in the morning until 9:00 p.m. >> rare opportunity, so much fun for golf lovers. that will do it for us. right now at 6:00, apec coming to san francisco, tech made here will play a major role in discussions during the conference next week, we are hearing from ceos what to expect. another day of rallies and marches as war rages on in the gaza strip. plus the break through getting aid to millions of people trapped in the conflict. good evening, the news at
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6:00 starts now. thanks for joining us. >> it is the goal for police department but almost impossible to make, last year san jose police investigated 36 murders and we are learning they solved every single one. we go one on one with the lieuten ant in charge of the homicide unit to see what they are doing right. >> reporter: the news release from 2022 say it all, captured, arrested, a suspect in custody fraefsh murder committed in san jose last year. it is a badge of honor for the man who commands the unit. >> it is an honor to represent those who don't have a voice-to bring justice for the families is one of the greatest honors. >> reporter: patrol officers to crime scene technicians, bloomberg reports per capta san jose has the fewest homicides in
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the nation, shifting mid 30s to mid 40us and the last two years combined detectives solved 63 of 65 murders. the secret partly due to the policy of detectives working first 48 to 72 continuous sleepless hours after any murder reported. >> the investigations is a roller coaster, we get information, sometimes it leads to something, sometime s it doesn't. it should send a message to families we never stop. >> we had murders in the park, bodies on our sign over here. >> reporter: the president of the neighborhood association has seen his share of homicides, he credits unity partnership with police for the case closure rate. >> it is working, people are starting to trust calling 911, or 311, with an idea that something bad has happened. >> reporter: to honor their work, the san jose city council presented a comendation to the homicide team but the lieutenant didn't want to talk about that, not when he has two unsolved murders this


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