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tv   NBC Bay Area News Tonight  NBC  November 7, 2023 7:00pm-7:31pm PST

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i'm raj mathai. next on "nbc bay area news tonight," is it the rebirth of san francisco? several major events coming to town, starting with apec this weekend. is it enough to change the city image? also, be prepared for various road closures and security checkpoints. even lanes of the bay bridge will be closed because of apec.
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plus, san francisco has the castro, and oakland will have lakeshore. the town about to get its own lgbtq district. we're joined by the man who's leading the charge. and san jose's mayor on the move on an e-bike. we'll explain why. good evening. this is "nbc bay area news tonight." i'm raj mathai. a lot happening in oakland as we speak. we'll get to all that in just a moment. we want to start with the high-profile gathering during the apec summit. we're learning of a star-studded fund-raiser a week from tonight. president biden, vice president harris, and governor newsom all expected to be in attendance in one location. it's happening in san francisco. here's what we've confirmed. the fund-raiser will happen next tuesday evening right in the middle of the apec summit. that's the conference featuring more than 20 heads of state from
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asia-pacific countries. it's being billed as dinner with the president and vice president. an exact location in the city not yet been announced. tickets range from $1,000 to $250,000. we'll get to the apec road closures in just a few minutes. another headline we're watching, a pitch to keep the a's in oakland. tonight the city council will vote on a deal to send a message to major league baseball. time is of the essence because major league baseball owners might vote next week on the a's proposed move to las vegas. today at city hall, a's fans -- you see them there -- packing the council chambers. the resolution from oakland includes adopting key approvals for the howard terminal project. oakland wants major league baseball to know that there is a viable ballpark deal where the a's wanted to build before changing course and focusing on las vegas. this resolution is not binding,
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meaning there's no official ballpark deal. the city also showing off fan-made gift boxes to major league baseball owners to show their commitment to keeping the team here. mayor thao calling on the owners to reject the relocation to vegas. >> i think 99% of the people who have chimed in, they know that the better play, whether it be for money or for the game or for the culture, that it's oakland. [ applause ] >> the meeting is happening as we speak. we have a crew there. we'll keep you posted on the vote. also happening at the city council meeting, oakland set to create the city's first ever lgbtq cultural district, not unlike the castro, but also different. we're having a conversation about that in just a few minutes. also this evening, a manhunt in contra costa county after police interrupted a burglary. it happened at a home in orinda at around 8:30 this morning. officers originally showed up
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because they got a call about a suspicious person. when they arrived, they saw three people leaving the home with stolen items. officers managed to arrest two of the suspects. they searched all morning with k-9s and drones for the third person but were unable to find him. the homeowners were not home during the burglary, but obviously are shaken along with the neighbors. >> of course if it happens in your backyard, it's always shocking. it's always surprising. it's so violating, people breaking into homes. it's not okay. >> reporter: investigators towed away the car with the stolen plates from the driveway this afternoon. well, have we hit rock bottom in san francisco? if so, is the city now making a comeback? thanks to big conventions, sporting events, and hot start-ups, this might be the rebirth of san francisco. the apec summit is coming to town beginning this weekend. it's the biggest international event the city has seen in decades. the nba all-star game coming to chase center in 2025.
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and just today, the official return of the dreamforce conference coming back next year after salesforce ceo marc benioff backed off his threats to move the conference. >> well, my reaction to dreamforce coming back, where else will they go? this is their home. from the very beginning, dreamforce was in san francisco. so i wouldn't let marc get a night's rest without committing to san francisco. >> let's bring in our business and tech reporter, scott budman. they do have a relationship. i don't know if it's a frenemy relationship, but mayor breed along with marc benioff. how important -- benioff has such clout in san francisco. how important is this? not just, oh, it's a nice reputation, but just the bottom line in terms of dollars. >> i think it's extremely important, especially for mayor breed. it hits on two levels. like you say, the bottom line, there's a lot of money in these conventions. but the reputation of san francisco is on the line. salesforce is homegrown. it's got that giant tower. it's got thousands of employees
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here. it's created a ton of wealth in san francisco. how embarrassing would it be for the city if it was somewhere else? it's really got to stay here. >> it's an election year next year, so i think there's been a lot of back-room conversations. we cover sports in such a big way. the nba all-star game, world cup, super bowl. that's all going to add up to san francisco, oakland, and even san jose. >> first the dollar figures, they're in the hundreds of millions of dollars. >> that's the benefit to the local economy. >> exactly, for each of those. then if you look at how it spreads out. remember when levi's hosted super bowl 50, it wasn't just santa clara. when you look at the world cup soccer tournament, that's going to house people and athletes and train them all over the bay area. the main games will be in levi's stadium, but you're going to see soccer everywhere. and it's a big reputation. it shows that san francisco is the place to be. and you've seen the kind of tv
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national coverage san francisco has gotten the last couple of years. >> it's the doom and gloom, the narrative that it's terrible. perhaps things will start to change. >> that's going to start to change with that, absolutely. >> we saw some video there, some a.i. tech companies. is it just a.i. start-ups? can we rely on that, or do we need a little more diverse amount of start-ups here? >> we need a more diverse set of start-ups, but a.i. is leading the way in a big way. i mean just in the last few days, openai already worth ten of billions of dollars, one of the most valuable start-ups on the planet, coming up with new funding and new products. we covered that just yesterday. over the weekend, elon musk's a.i. company launches in san francisco as well. this is clearly leading the technology force right now, and i think a lot of other start-ups will follow. >> scott, thank you for the insight. always good information. we mentioned the apec summit which starts this weekend, just a couple of days from now. even if you're not going or you have no interest in it, there's still a good chance you will be impacted. security is going to be real
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tight, unlike anything we've seen before in the bay area. apec is officially at the moscone center, but the entire city will be impacted here. changes are already under way. street closures, public transportation disruptions, even security checkpoints. the most disruptive changes will happen later this week, but we're told the barricades are already going up. let's bring our digital correspondent and journalist jonathan bloom, keeping track of everything for us. jonathan, nice to see you. major shutdowns will be generally speaking around the moscone center? what's closing down? is it just the streets? >> well, it's the streets and in some cases the sidewalks. they're drawing a big box around the moscone center from market to harrison, second to fifth street. inside that area, you can't be there with a car. you can't be in much of that area with a bike either. if you go in there as a pedestrian, you're going to go through airport-style security. you're going to possibly go through an x ray machine or at least have to have your bags
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searched, maybe a metal detector. >> they do this often for an olympic city where they have the box and say you can't really go in here unless you're authorized. they're also going to close down a couple lanes of the bay bridge next week going into oakland and coming into san francisco. why is that? >> reporter: well, you've got a huge event, right? you've got 1,200 ceos and some 21 world leaders plus all of their entourages and cabinet secretaries in some cases. so what if there's a major emergency? >> well, they're going to clear those lanes out so that chp can come racing in with all the emergency resources they need. they're going to keep those lanes open from 5:00 in the morning to 9:00 at night to make sure if there is an emergency at apec, all the law enforcement and fire trucks and ambulances can get in. >> okay. what's the messaging here from san francisco city leaders because essentially they're telling people to avoid driving. but they're also making changes, big changes to public transportation. >> reporter: that's right. and the changes are basically around the two main areas, that
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moscone area we talked about and also nob hill because that's where president biden and probably some of the other foreign heads of state are staying. if you have a bus line or a train line that goes through either one of those areas, the moscone center area or the fairmont hotel area, they're going to take a detour. the central subway is going to go around the moscone center, run down market street. the cable cars are affected and because of that, they're running a special shuttle train between chinatown and union square. they're also rerouting a bunch of buses too. >> you're talking about moscone center, nob hill, lanes of the bay bridge, and i'm not sure, even other entourages coming in from sfo. any other notable closures here? >> well, the vista point at the end of the golden gate bridge, that's also going to be closed from the 14th to the 17th. then there will be these one-day closures. there's a one-day closure on the embarcadero around the exploratorium where the ceos are having their gala.
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then the next day, thursday, they're going to close down the area around the legion of honor. on friday, i believe they're closing down the area around the asian art museum. all of these venues are going to have these one-day closures around them because these museums are hosting events for the ceos and events that president biden may speak at. so lots and lots of security. >> we're looking at that red line on the embarcadero. that's a full day closure there. it's going to be challenging to say the least beginning next week in and around san francisco. thank you, jonathan. we've also posted all this information online. jonathan put together a really helpful guide. you can find it at you can also watch it on our nbc bay area youtube channel. up next, a slow-speed chase through the city. our skyranger was overhead as police moved in. plus, oakland is about to get its very own lgbtq cultural district in the city's lakeshore neighborhood, kind of like the castro in san francisco, or is
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castro in san francisco, or is it we are grocery outlet
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and we are your bargain bliss market. what's bargain bliss? you know that feeling you get when you find the name brands you love but for way, way less? that's bargain bliss. it's grocery outlet's 20% off wine sale going on now through november 7th. we have hundreds of wines sure to pair with any gathering. so act now because this deal won't last long. stop in and save today.
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welcome back to "nbc bay area news tonight." here's something that caught our attention. a very slow-speed chase through the streets of san francisco. our skyranger was overhead. let's take you down below. sfpd says the car was wanted in connection to a carjacking. we counted more than a dozen police cruisers chasing the white mercedes g wagon. you see that g wagon right there, very slow.
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here's why. it looks like he may have driven over a spike strip, and the wheels were -- well, they are blown out right there. after a while, the suspect tried to go up a hill, couldn't make it, and then decided, you know what? it's not working. i'm just going to run for it. he's quickly cornered on fulsome and enterprise streets in the mission. officers have their guns drawn. after a few minutes, sfpd officers move in to take him down. police say the suspect and officers were injured during the struggle but no serious injuries. he was put into handcuffs before being put on a stretcher and taken to the hospital for minor injuries. in the south bay now, expect to see more e-bikes buzzing around san jose. mayor matt mahan and other city leaders took a short spin today. the e-bike program is called bay wheels. with the help of rideshare company lyft, the city will add 650 bikes for a total of more than 1,700 of these e-bikes. there will also be 21 new
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docking stations in san jose where riders can charge the bikes. >> increasing our transit solutions, especially those that help reduce our greenhouse gas emissions and offer alternatives to cars is an essential step in creating a cleaner, greener san jose. >> the mayor says the larger e-bike fleet will help san jose meet its goal of becoming carbon-neutral by the year 2030. oakland is about to create its first ever official lgbtq cultural district and neighborhood. the city council is expected to vote on it at its meeting tonight, and they are expected to approve it. city leaders and community members marked the moment with a news conference this afternoon in front of the oakland lgbtq community center. the proposal would create the lakeshore lgbtq cultural district. the district overlaps the existing lakeshore neighborhood right next to lake merritt. proponents say it will give families, allies, and community members a space free from
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violence and discrimination. >> to have a space where we can say, you know what? we are gay. we are proud. you know what i mean? like this is -- this is what oakland is all about. >> for those of us who have been living in oakland for a very long time and who are natives to oakland, the lake merritt area has always been our home. it's been the home where most queer people have lived. >> joining us now is joe hawkins, the ceo and co-founder of the oakland lgbtq community center. nice to have you on the program. let me get this straight. is this a cultural center or a cultural area or a business area? what's your goal here? >> well, this is the lakeshore lgbtq cultural district. so it's not just about being a cultural epicenter for our community.
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it's also an opportunity for new businesses to flourish in this area that has long been a place where lgbtq people have socialized and had businesses, still have businesses. and it's where our institutions are. the oakland lgbtq community center is here. our youth club is down the street near the grand lake theater. we also have our clinic, lgbtq clinic here. queer arts center is right down the street. there are just many -- a good mix of institutions and businesses and cultural organizations in this area, unlike other parts of oakland. >> so, joe, do you envision this to be kind of like the castro of oakland or the east bay? >> no. we hope it will be something different than the castro. we love the castro, but we hope that it will be a destination that is very integrated with our
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allies. you know, it's not just about our lgbtq community, but it's also about our allies who we work with every day. we just want it to be a safe space where lgbtq people will come to know and have already known as a place where our community can gather. >> it's going to be interesting to watch this transformation. any pushback here, joe, in terms of community members, not necessarily anti-lgbtq but maybe just people in the neighborhood say, we don't want all this big things that happening here? >> no, not yet. and we've had nothing but positive support from the communities, our fellow businesses in the area. it's been very -- we're very fortunate, i think, to live here in oakland and in this area. >> joe, good luck to you. we'll be watching the progress over there in the area, in the community. >> thank you so much, raj. and, you know, always it's pride for us, 24/7 at the oakland
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lgbtq center. thank you. let's take you outside. a live look at sfo. it will be really busy next week when that big apec summit starts. jeff ranieri is going to join
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welcome back. jeff ranieri here now to talk about tomorrow, which should be hopefully beautiful, and then a whole lot of changes. >> next week, you were mentioning that conference. >> yeah. >> and really for anyone across
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the bay area, we are still looking at some big-time rain chances the way things are setting up right now. let's take it into that microclimate forecast. we'll talk about tomorrow first. then we'll move it into those rain potential here in that seven-day forecast. as we roll through tomorrow morning, it's going to start off chilly. plenty of 40s. just a slight chance here we could get in on a little bit of patchy fog. again, looks perfect through the day. numbers warming up about 3 to 6 degrees. that's going to put us back up into the 70s. 72 in santa rosa. 73 concorde. low 70s san jose to morgan hill. san francisco and half moon bay in the 60s. once we get to next week, we're going to be hard pressed to get any kind of weather like this the way it's looking right now. let's go ahead and move things ahead into next week. let's look at the rain futurecast. by next tuesday morning, look at all of this rain in the pacific. it's not just one storm. this is likely going to be two back-to-back storm systems from tuesday through thursday. also helping to bring in that
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snow for the sierra. here's what i'm seeing right now as of this evening. a half to 1.5 inches of rain. maybe a little higher. wind, 20 to 40 miles per hour. sierra snow, one to two feet, potentially higher as well. again, this is still a very preliminary estimate. if we see these storms develop a little bit more over the land, those totals are going to go much lower. so that's what i'm watching here behind the scenes. but right now, again, it looks pretty good to get in on some of the most significant weather we've seen so far this season. so on that seven-day forecast here, just a spotty chance of rain coming back on friday. dry this weekend. then again next week, things certainly looking to pick up for us. so going to be interesting the next couple of days, raj. we're going to be all over those computer models. if it continues to stay on track the way it is right now, this could even bring some flooding issues, some localized flooding issues we may have to watch out for with those back-to-back storms. that's if it stays on that
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current track. >> that will be interesting because of all the high-profile visitors next week for the conference. as we wrap up tonight, mario lopez just getting started with "access hollywood." >> well, tonight we're starting out in style with serena williams honored at the cfda awards, which is often referred to as the oscars of fashion. and a hot topic on the carpet was the rumor that taylor swift's guy travis kelce is about to be crowned "people" magazine's sexiest man alive. martha stewart may have the best opinion about that. then on halloween, we all heard the news of succession star alan ruck's wild car crash straight into the side of a hollywood pizza parlor. it was a miracle that no one was killed. today comes a new clue as to what may have caused the crash. we're going to have that for you. then comes anti-aging miracle man rob lowe. believe it or not, he's just a few months away from turning 60. what's rob's secret? he's more than willing to share it, and it's all just moments away on "access hollywood." coming up aer mario in
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prime time on nbc bay area, "the voice" at 8:00. "found" at 10:00. then of course our 11:00 news. then tomorrow night we won't be on here at 7:00 because of the republican presidential primary debate live from miami right here on nbc bay area. lester holt, kristen welker will moderate. they'll be joined by hugh hewitt from the salem radio network. our live coverage begins tomorrow at 5:00. jeff, one last check with you as we go into tomorrow night as well. >> look, it's shaping up pretty good here for us as we head through tonight. we're going to be under mostly clear skies. by tomorrow morning, we still could see some patchy fog developing here throughout the bay area. it doesn't look that widespread. and we are going to start it off cold. so make sure to have your jacket. temperatures in the 40s. by the afternoon, 73. clouds increase thursday. we'll see a spotty chance of a shower on friday. dry this weekend. and, again, next week we could get into some heavier rain starting on tuesday. we're going to have brand-new updates on what's coming in on those computer models tonight at
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11:00, raj. >> okay. we will see you then. thank you, jeff. that's going to do it for us at 7:00. for everyone here at nbc bay area, thanks for joining us. we hope you enjoy your evening. we hope to see you back here at 11:00 with our local election results. it is election night here in the bay area and across the country. we hope to see you then.
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