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tv   Today  NBC  August 1, 2023 7:00am-9:00am PDT

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navigation.g to a tough d again, octavia near oak. the "today" show starts right now. "today in the bay" actually continues live on roku, samsung tv or wherever you stream. for example, we're going to bring you more breaking news on this fire burning in san francisco. i'm going to send out a link right now to that for you. >> keep it with "today in the bay." stay up to date on what's going on. we'll see you on our live streaming channel. until then, have a great morning. happy tuesday. a closcallor tm usa at the women's world cup. >> but tare moving on. it's august 1, and this is "today." nail biter the americans survive a scare from portugal overnight.
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to punch their ticket to the next round but their tie means a tough road ahead in the quest for an historic third title in a row. we'll break it all down. yet another drone attack in moscow the same skyscraper targeted two days in a row. russia pointing the finger at ukraine. and the impan the war.ry latest hool sing. a gunman opens school shooting. gunman oire ide of a a hewbrew school in memphis. the suspect eventually shot by police and arrested. >> i personally truly believe we have avoided a tragedy i think the suspect was going to harm somebody before the day was over >> the investigation into the motive and why officials say it could have been so much worse. indictment watch the grand jury hearing evidence on donald trump's election interference meeting today, a decision that could come at any minute a live report from the courthouse straight ahead. all that, plus rememberingae
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paul reubens tributes pouring in for the actor behind the beloved pee-wee herman >> i know you are, but what am i? >> inside his secret battle with cancer and the star's final message to fans. and back in action damar hamlin takes a major step in his comeback after that frightening cardiac arrest on the field. >> it's amazing. a roller coaster of emotions >> the new milestone in his remarkable recovery, today tuesday, august 1st, 2023. >> announcer: from nbc news, this is "today" with savannah guthrie and hoda kotb. from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. well, good morning welcome to "today. so happy you're joining us on this tuesday morning some people have been up since 3:00 a.m. because they were -- >> those people have no nails left >> exactly because that world cup was a
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close, close call for team usa >> the good news is we survived. all right? let's just get to the good news. but while you were sleeping, the u.s. women narrowly, narrowly advance to the knockout round. it was a scoreless draw against portugal but there was drama in this game this result will have a big impact on what's next for team usa. >> we'll talk about all of this with ashland harris, who is right here in studio 1a with us. but first, nbc's molly hunter is in auckland, new zealand in the stadium during the match wow, molly what a nail biter. i was in the stadium these people were in the stadium. it was heart stopping and they made it through. it may not have been the exactly the score board we wanted, but wow is all we can say. are we excited, guys >> that's going to do it wow is all we can say.
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>> reporter: u.s. hopes of advancing to the next round saved by an inch in the 61st minute, racing off the bench, megan rapinoe tries to come to her team's rescue, injecting energy into a u.s. team in need of a jolt. still 0-0 and a heart-stopping 90th minute. cocaptain alex morgan with a shot at goal, seconds later portugal hitting the post. both sides battling to the end, sending in subs with just two minutes to go. >> lavelle, nice run >> through much of the match, rose lavelle leading the offensive charge again and again. but the u.s. not finding the net. the 28-year-old mid fielder stas tournament after recovering from an injury earlier this spring, getting handed her second yellow card in as many matches, which means she's out for the next one. >> dpointed in mysto pick up that yellow and not be able to help the team next game. >> reporter: the u.s. has started the exact same 11
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players these la games and tonight veterans were setting the pace >> going t i know i'm confident in mme, but i feel likeammates able t lot me anow that i'm goto bringhing and i'm going to, you know, give everything. >> reporter: and in another game this morning, the netherlands landing another 7-0 final score and securing their top seed in the u.s. the u.s. team looking disappointed in that post game huddle but the die hard u.s. fans on this mild winter night are determined >> the amount of stress i had every single time they were right in front of the goal, and i was like, yes, yes, yes. >> reporter: guys, there were so many close chances. when megan rapinoe ran on, there was a lot of energy she brought on the field. now their next m is agains sweden it will be in melbourne. they have five days now to really regroup and get focused on that next match. hoda, savannah >> all right five days is a lot of time
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all right, molly thank you. >> we are chatting about it. ashland harris, former standup goalie she's got the global creator ashland, you have been there in these moments. look, we're moving on. what do you think? how is the team doing? how do you look at their performance so far >> we're always critical so the players know the standard it is just not good enough right now. but the thing is we're moving forward. we cannot push the panic button. there is no script to a world cup. we continue building we find our feet we find our joy and passion. that's why we play this game everyone is in this, oh, my god mode we're moving forward no one is going to care at the end of the tournament how it looked in group stage. we are winners through and through. you have to find a way and it doesn't always look pretty. >> well, how can you -- because there did seem to be panic on the pitch. that's what it felt like portugal seemed to have the
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upper hand you felt like you wanted to calm them down. as you pointed out, these players are young. >> very young. and they just don't have that experience yet. >> yeah. >> so that nervous energy is actually running through all of them, and it's so contagious the coach has to go in there and say, hey, we are here for a reason we are the best in the world for a reason bring your individual special talent and gift to the pitch, and everything will sort its out. right now we're kind of playing out of body. people are doing things they really usually wouldn't do we have to calm and find our -- yeah we just have to relax at this point. >> it feels like it's mostly mental at this point it is not about their physical skills it's right up here. >> absolutely. now we're at the knock-out stage. so there is a lot more pressure. >> so that's sudden death. you lose, you're out. >> you lose, you're done
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so there is no guarantee they have to be able to deliver in these moments because we don't get a second chance moving forward. >> two quick things. you spoke to megan rapinoe moments before you came on the set. tell us what she said. >> she's such a leader through and through. she knows the importance of gathering this team, calming everyone down and understanding what is ahead. and this potentially could be sweden, a team we're very familiar with. we should have a lot of confidence moving into a game like this. this is just a simple -- like, there is no script here. >> yeah. >> everything is not perfect we aren't first place in the group. but that's okay. >> yeah. >> that's okay the best teams in the world, no matter who they go up against, they will find a team -- find a way to win there is no exception here i believe in this team no matter what. >> come on, ashlyn. >> they need you in the locker room. >> forward that's the word. >> thank you
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we appreciate it. >> good to see you if you want more coverage on the women's world cup, check out telemundo and peacock, both covering it. let's turn to breaking news overnight. a skyscraper in moscow hit by a second drone attack in just two days russia quick to blame ukraine. richard engel joins us now with the very latest. hi, richard. good morning >> reporter: good morning, hoda. it happened again. in fact, some people in moscow were looking at this building hit by a drone on sunday inspecting the previous damage when suddenly they heard a new blast and started running. president putin's war in ukraine is now coming home to russia, right to the capital another drone this morning slipped through moscow's defenses, smashing and exploding into a high rise, housing three government ministries in business district. there were no reports of casualties from the early-hour blast, which targeted the very same building attacked by drones
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on sunday. russia blames ukraine for the attacks, which are intensifying rapidly in and around moscow the drones are doing very little damage they're small and light. these seem more akin to psychological operations, to expose ordinary russians to the conflict and embarrass president putin. over the weekend, ukraine's president zelenskyy didn't claim responsibility for the drone attacks, but didn't exactly deny them either. saying the war is now shifting to russia, calling the move justic thorning, russia retaliated with its own droneikes, targeting a student dormitory in the ukrainian city of kharkiv. there were no students in at the time that was not the case yesterday when russia fired two missiles at an apartment building full of civilians in president zelenskyy's hometown, killing officials say at least six people, including a young girl and her mother ukraine has promised not to use
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western supplied weapons for attacks outside its borders. ukraine has been developing its own fleet of armed drones, experimenting to extend their range and make them harder to stop it is a home grown industry and one of ukraine's top priorities now. hoda >> richard engel for thank you. police in memphis this morning are trying to determine why a man tried to break into a hebrew school and then opened fire on the building in what they're calling a potential mass shooting. the suspect fled the scene and before he was eventually shot and wounded by officers. nbc's blayne alexander now. good morning. >> reporter: well, savannah, good morning to you. this was an unbelievably close call. in fact, officials say this potential mass shooting was stopped only by a locked door. now, school was out for the summer, but there were people working outside. this morning officials are crediting a strong school safety plan with potentially saving lives. it's the bone-chilling emergency call, describing the terrifying
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scene unfolding outside a hebrew school in memphis. >> there's a male white, wearing shirt on the property with a gun. >> reporter: authorities say that suspect tried to force his way inside the school, but was met with a closed door. when he couldn't get inside, he opened fire. >> the suspect did try to enter the building armed with a gun. when he could not gain entry, he fired shots outside the school. >> reporter: in a letter sent to parents obtained by nbc news, school officials say the suspect encountered a contract worker with whom he had a brief confrontation, saying the suspect fired two shots from the gun while retreating and an additional two shots while leaving. he then took off in a pickup truck, triggering a massive manhunt with police immediately putting other potential targets in the area on high alert. >> we need officers to go to every jewish facility with that broadcast and description in case he tried another facility. >> reporter: it came to an end
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five miles away when police cornered the suspect and was by officershe emerged from his truckh a gun. he was t to the hospital in critical condition. edibly no one el ind, and police are praisi schofficialsir fast action >> they e to us suspect.graph of the they also provids with the vedescription that t suspleft. >> reporter: according tennessee representatives, the suspect isr student. although, police have not confirmed that. the incident police described as a potential mass shooting is leaving many parents deeply shaken. >> so many emotions, nervous, angry, scared, anxious. >> reporter: gila has two young children in the school and says she's grateful officials had a safety plan in place. >> security is absolutely a priority for our community. >> reporter: now, this latest incident comes on the heels of a
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school shooting at a nashville school back in march. that incident left three children and three adults dead. that, of course, sparked a number of statewide calls to strengthen gun laws and strengthen security at tennessee schools. savannah, those calls have only grown louder with this latest incident. >> thank you. let's move to washington where a grand jury investigating efforts to overturn the 2020 election is expected to reconvene today. donald trump now predicting he could face charges in that case, quote, any day now. mean while, one of his mar-a-lago employees named in that case of mishandled classified documents has now appeared in court. nbc's garrett haake is covering all this for us. hey, garrett. good morning. >> reporter: hey, hoda. good morning. it's been two weeks now since donald trump told the world he's a target of the investigation, that grand jury is conducting in the courthouse behind me. an investigation he now says he believes will soon end with his indictment.
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this morning, former president trump's codefendant in a classified documents case, mar-a-lago employee carlos de oliveira is gone, entering a no blee plea during his first court appearance in court on monday. now another indictment of the former president is looming. tied to his efforts o overturn the 2020 election. mr. trump warning on social media that an indictment could come, quote, any day now attacking election interference and prosecutorial misconduct. >> these are ridiculous indictments. >> reporter: in washington, the grand jury hearing evidence in the case is scheduled to meet today. meanwhile in georgia, the fulton county district attorney fani willis investigating mr. trump for election interference there is set to present her case to a grand jury. >> the work is accomplished. we have been working for 2.5 years. we're ready to go. >> reporter: it comes as a georgia judge rejected a trump bid to shut down the da's
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investigation while blasting the former president's lawyers for, quote, unnecessary and unfounded legal filings ahead of a potential indictment despite the legal troubles swirling around mr. trump, a new poll shows the former president still dominating the 2024 gop field. ahead of his closest rival, ron desantis by 37 points, with the rest of the field far behind according to the poll, even those that don't support trump want to defend him, with 71% of republican primary voters saying the party must stand behind him in the face of his criminal charges. still desantis on fox news suggesting the former president has amassed too much baggage to beat president biden next year. >> i think there is too many voters who just aren't going to vote for him going forward >> reporter: voters may not agree with the governor's assessment there the same poll shows biden and
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trump locked in a 43% tie in a hypothetical 2024 rematch. >> garrett, thank you. all right. quarter after. we got craig here. what are you following this morning? >> good morning to you we're following ne developments in the investigations that surround hunter biden, his former business partner testifying behind closed doors on capitol hill nbc's peter alexander joins us now with more on this one. so, peter, first of all, what did we learn from that testimony yesterday? >> reporter: yeah, craig so hunter biden's former business partner his name is devin archer he answered questions for four hours, telling this republican-led house committee that president biden -- hunter biden was sold the illusion of access to his father lawmakers say archer insisted that joe biden was neverdirectls financial dealings but hunter put his father on speakerphone withents roughly 20 times over ten years including when biden was vice president to try to impress them. the committee's top republicans
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say that hunter was selling the biden, quote, brand here still, a leading democrat is pushing back on that saying thag asking about the weather that archer said there was not single conven about hunter's business dealings republicans havee the argument that joe biden lied, that he had no involvement in his son's work, saying it is grounds for impeachment. overnight, the white house say the republicans keep promising bombshell evce but keep the attacks culous any, calling craig? >> our chief white house correspondent peter alexander for us peter, thank you coming up on 7:18, time to check with weather. mr. roker, hey >> good morning to you good morning, guys depending on where you are, you are getting a break from all that heat. unfortunately, 43 million people still phoenix right now, they're going to be part of this heat watch, heat warnings, from wichita down to corpus christi on into new orleans. we are looking at hotter than normal temperatures. staying cool in the northeast, great lakes, on to the
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mid-atlantic, but record highs again down through the gulf where we could see records in san anglo, dallas, new orleans, corpus christi and houston and tomorrow that heat continues from tampa, new orleans. we could see a record in houston, texas, del rio and brownsville. but here in the northeast, great lakes, temperatures more seasonal and that will be nice and comfortable. burlington, vermont looks good low 80s here in new york city. detroit into the mid-80s but dropping into the low 80s. next week where it is hot, it stays hot. but where it is nice and cool, you see it in the plains and parts of the western great lakes lookining awfully y nice we will get to your local forecast in the next 30 secocon. like nikike, jordan,n, onon, hoka andnd new balanan. plus, trending styles frfrom crocs and dr. mararten. like nikike, jordan,n, onon, hoka andnd new balanan. whwhen you canan't makake t to the s store, m is always s an op. and,d, with our r best price guguarantee, m is always s an op. if you find a lower price, we'll mamatch it. m is always s an op.
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wiwith looks t this good,, it's neverer been easisieo sport t your stylele. good tuesday morning. i'm meteorologist kari hall. we take a look at our seven-day forecast for the inland valleys, it's going to be much cooler. only reaching into the low 80s for today for the interior east bay, as well as the south bay. and we keep this weather through thursday. it will be very comfortable, but then turning hot again for the weekend, upper 90s and even a high of 100 degrees expected on sunday, while san francisco w and that is your latest weather. guys >> mr. roker, thank you very much. coming up, damar hamlin reaching an emotional milestone in his bid to resume his nfl career sam brock is following that story. hi, sam. good morning. >> reporter: hi, savannah. look, almost seven months to the
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day that damar hamlin almost lost his life on "monday night football" as a nation was watching him receive cpr, he is back in practice in full pads. how did it feel? what is his mission after this entire ordeal that goes well beyond football? that story coming up after this. >> all right, sam, thank you plus, as the tributes pour in, we will look at the life of paul reubens the joy he brought to the world as his beloved character, pee-wee herman but, first, this is "today" on
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jenna's trip to key west to meet up with beloved children's book author, judy blume. >> howow she is ininspiring a a generationon of readerers and t heart-warmrming way ththe 85-y-year-old isis connectiningh fans but, firirst, your l local news weather.
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i love i it... [voice v vibrating]] ♪ i gototta good fefeeling about ththis, yeah ♪ withth the citi i custom ca℠s card. ♪ i'm wiwith it ♪ ♪ i i gotta goodod feeleling about t this ♪ ♪ yeah, ♪ ♪ so let's's get it ♪ ♪ i'm feelining good vibibes♪ when t target's gogood anand gather g groceries,, brbring joy toto the table for r less. when shariring, the love s starts withth qualality ingrededients. anand whenat tastste meetices.. that's tly targeget. good morning. it is 7:26. we are moving you forward with a look at ories. his big fire in san ancisco's hayes valley. there a call about a fourrm structure fire about 6:himorning. this a live look a the
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scene. they have managed to quell the inferno that was happening on oak street and octavia. wast ear.ok at this video that complete engulfed in flames. eventually it collapsed. san francisco fire chief says the fire spread quickly to four buildings, nearby scaffolding is now in danger of collapsing, so police are keeping everyone away. fire officials are still on the scene monitoring any hot spots out there. they need to take down all that scaffolding. we don't know what caused the fire, but we know no one was injured. happening today, san jose city employees will vote on whether or not to strike. 4,500 city employees say that they want to bring attention to the city's recruitment problems, as well as pay. employees at city libraries and airport are all part of the union. voting will run through friday and the strike could come as soon as next week.
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the city has offered a 5% pay raise in 2024 and we've reached out to the city for comment. we have not heard back just yet. city leaders are also set to have a special closed session meeting tonight to decide on what comes next. a quick look at the forecast with kari. >> we're going to see mild weather across the bay area today, upper 70s for the south bay, the peninsula in the low 70s and the tri-valley reaching the low 80s. we'll see
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♪ ♪ as it was ♪ ♪ as it was. >> that is "as it was" on our
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plaza. remember tha >> it was raining, and it was awesome. it was like an awesome day. >> it was a moment and not just because of the outfit that was epic. >> the unitard was a touch >> you don't see that everyday nearly 15 months later, harry just wrapped up his world tour, the one he started right here. you know what? it led to something special. and carson will have that on "popstart". a little teaser. >> we look forward to that first up this half hour, though, a new milestone for damar hamlin. >> the buffalo bills safety just took part in his first practice with pads since he collapsed on the field and suffered cardiac arrest that was seven months ago almost sam brock has the story for us hey, sam good morning. >> reporter: guys, good morning. those three words never sounded back in pads remarkable turound for damarng a hamlin that can take hits again. the inspirational defensive player on offense leading a cpr tour across the country. part of his new mission to save lives.
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with thousands cheering him on, it was a monumental monday for buffalo bill's safety, damar hamlin the 25-year-old practicing in pads for the first time since suffering cardiac arrest following a routine hit during a january game last seasonthe nats received cpr oe field, nearosing his li >> it feels amazing. it is a roller coaster of emotions i was all over the place just kind of being back for the first time >> reporter: months after being cleared to return to football and a day after scooping up a young fan, number 3's presence in full pads a welcome sight hamlin admitted, well, it's not easy easing back under a bright spotlight, he welcomes the challenge. >> i think there is strength in going through the process in front of everybody it showed vulnerability and strength and perseverance. >> reporter: hamlin's recover, an uplifting outlook, helping his mission to serve others. that includes leading a cpr
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mission and honoring the bill's medical staff during an emotional tribute at last month's espy awards. >> da mar, first and foremost, thank you for staying alive. >> reporter: usc incoming freshman, bronny james, the son of lebron james, collapsed during practice, also suffering cardiac arrest within minutes of the news emerges, hamlin thanking the entire james family. >> they have big and support i have in reaching out to my family i want to let him know i'll be there whatever he needs on his journey in his recovery. >> reporter: now with bronny discharged and on the mend, hamlin looking up to the sky in thanks. >> to be able to come out here and compete again, that's such a blessing life is bigger than football, but this is what i love to do. >> he does boy, what a blessing to see him in those pads. now the next question, sam, is when could he be back in a game,
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do you think >> reporter: the bills first pre-season game comes up in less than two weeks that's on august 12th. their season opener, september 11th against the new york jets right now it is not clear when hamlin will get into game action, but the bills are giving every indication they'll let him go at his own pace hamlin says that you can't have hesitation that's how you get hurt. but his faith is stronger than his fear. hoda, back to you. >> beautiful sam, thank you. sam, thank you the bills have a good squad this year. still ahead, new guidelines on colon cancer screenings and the guidelines could mean a major change for families. we'll have everything you need to know. as tributes go, the star behind the beloved pee-wee herman series, p paul reubenenss passeded passeded riafteter thththat's a fououl! and nonow you're r ready to settltle the scorore. game over.r.
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feel better, . >> good morning, mr. breakfast >> can i have achilles cereal? okay i pity the poor fool that eats my cereal. >> that's the classic scene. from 1985's pee wee's big adventure. tributes now pouring in for the man who brought that beloved character to life, paul reubens. >> news of his death came as a shock to a lot of his fans around the world morning news anchor joe fryer is here with more >> so on a social media post,
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paul reubens rep revealed he passed away from cancer, something he had been battling quietly for six years. that he never shared publicly. this morning, friends and fans are remembering the comedic icon for delighting generations with his positivity and his belief in the importance of kindness >> i know you are, but what am i. >> reporter: with his sassy one-liners, signature gray suit and red bow tie and infectious laugh. actor paul reubens turned his character pee-wee herman into a pop culture icon he was adored by young and old alike for his kind heart and playful expressions. >> that's my name. don't wear it out. >> reporter: born in upstate new york, reubens honed his acting skills as a member of the l.a. improve troupe he told "today" that's where he first focussed on character work >> i focused on character work and creating and developing characters so he came out of an improv many years ago. >> reporter: an hbo special and
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guest appearances on david letterman led to his first big break, the hit 1985 film "pee wee's big adventure. >> i meant to do that. >> reporter: it was followed by his saturday morning tv show "pee-wee's playhouse" that won 15 emmys. and ran for five seasons >> i'm proud of that show. we took it very seriously that we were affecting young minds. i'm excited that a whole new generation of kids may find it now. >> reporter: off screen, his weathered scandals including a 1991 arrest for indecent exposure at a movie theater, later making light of it at the mtv-vmas >> heard any good jokes lately >> reporter: like his pee wee character, his career bounced back with tw sequel films, including the netflix special "peewee's big holiday" reaching a new generation of fans. >> think fast! >> reporter: reueubens also prod
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his acting chops with roles far from his pee wee persona on shows like - "ally mcbeal" and "the dark list" and "bluff". >> i'm not really pee-wee herman, so just for a long time people didn't know that. so i don't think people really thought of me as an actor because i tried to make everyone think pee-wee herman was a real person. >> reporter: tributes pouring in from his fans and friends. conan o'brien tweeted his surreal comedy and unrelenting kindness were a gift to us all mark hamill posted, can't thank you enough for the lifetime of laughter tim burton wrote, he was a great artist i'll miss im reubens rep wrote he bravely and privately fought cancer for years with his trademark tenacity and whit and posting a message, rubsens written himself before passing apologizing for
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not going public about his health battle and adding, i have loved you all so much and enjoyed making art for you i will note, we still every holiday season watch his holiday special from the '80s. it's like cher and little richard and joan rivers. iconic -- just such a great show gets us in the holiday special >> "pee-wee's playhouse," lawrence fishburne, phil hartman was on that show. he will be missed. >> thank you, joe. mr. roker, what you got? >> what an amazing talent he was. he will be missed. take a look to the skies this month, we got two full moons. first one is tonight the first full moon of the month. it is the sturgeon moon, so we will be watching that. then the end of the month, we got a blue moon, the second full moon in the month of august. ♪ blue moon ♪ >> both moons will be super moons, so they will look much closer
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the blue moons occur once every two to three years, so this is a real big deal. now also big deal, we could be looking at flooding, flash flood warnings, in fact, throughout parts of missouri. flash flood watches through the rockies. you can see on the radar heavy showers and thunderstorms developing we have a risk of severe weather later today into parts of the northern plains, parts of north dakota this system is pushing through heavy rain from missouri into arkansas then we look tomorrow soaking rain spreading into the midwest with a moderate flood risk for st. louis where we could see locally four inches or more of rain good tuesday morning. i'm meteorologist kari hall. we're starting out mostly cloudy around the bay area, but it will be a cooler day and we'll continue to see a mix of sun and clouds as we go into the afternoon. san jose reaching the upper 70s and we'll see some low 70s for the peninsula. in the tri-valley, a very comfortable 81 degrees for this
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afternoon. low 80s for much of the north bay, while san francisco will head for the mi weather. hank you k nd for your morning boost. this will hit home for all the proud momoms out thehere but fifirst, thesese messages.s. withth the ventuture x cd from capapital one,, you earn t two times m mils on e every purchchase. theyey're noise-e-canceling! you're beieing too lououd. good chohoice! my lucky n number! good chohoice! plus earn n five timeses mis onon flights..... anand ten timemes miles onon hs plus earn n five timeses mis onon flights..... throrough capitatal one trav.
7:46 am
whwhat's in yoyour wallet?? ♪ there's s one juice e than satitisfy that s savory crava, and geget you yourur veggies. therere's only o one v8. and geget you yourur veggies. to sevevrheumamatoid ararthritis sysymptoms. my psororiatic arthritis s symptoms.. bubut just ok k isn't ok.. anand i was dodone settlini. ifif you stillll have sympmps after a tntnf blockerr like h humira or e enbrel, rinvoq is diffeferent and m may hel. ririnvoq is a a once-dailyly l that canan dramaticacally relie ra a and psa symymptoms, includining fatigue e for som. it can stotop joint dadamage. and in p psa, can leleave skin c clear or almost t clear. rinvoqoq can lowerer your abily to fight i infections,s, inincluding tbtb. seririous infectctions and blood d clots, somome fat; cancers,s, includingng lymphoa and d skin cancecer; death, h heart attacack, stro, and d tears in t the stomach or i intestines s occurred..
7:47 am
people 5 50 and oldeder with at leastst one heartrt diseae risk facactor have h higher ri. don'n't take if f allergic to rininvoq as sererious reactctions can occur.r. tetell your dodoctor if yoyoue or may b become pregegnant. done setettling? ask yourur rheumatolologist for rinvnvoq. and d take back k what's youo. learn n how abbvbvie could help youou save. you rereally thinknk you can get me t to like darark chocol? withouout a doubt.t. won't t it taste b bitter? not ththis dark chchocolate. mmmm.... it's delelicious! i toldld you it wawasn't bitt. fromom the lindtdt master chocololatier. discover e excellence.e. expect delelicious. ♪ "gigive it to m me" by timbalaland ♪ ♪ ♪ "gigive it to m me" by timbalaland ♪ ♪ ♪ "gigive it to m me" by timbalaland ♪ ♪ ♪ "gigive it to m me" by timbalaland ♪ ♪ (buzz) we're such great friends we should have a nicknameme, ♪ "gigive it to m me" lilike the brereakfast bududd. (leslie)e) how abouout the lessss talking e eatiting buddieses? (buzz)z) that''s great!t! even in c come silence,e, honey y nut cheeririos can hep lowewer cholesteterol! (phyllis)) what abobout the verery good log peopople?
7:48 am
(buzz) that's very accccurate! hostst says the e key is under the e bizanguitata cact. when y you want to easily unlockck your vacacation... reallyly helpful.. it m matters whehere you sta. dove i invited womomen who wand theieir damaged d hair trimm. yeyes, i need d a trim. dove i invited womomen who wand theieir damaged d hair trimm. i just w want to be e able to cut t the damage.e. we trieded dove inststead. soso, still neneed that trtr? oh my goshsh! i am actually shocked i don't need a haircut. don't t trim dailyly damag. stop it wiwith dove. i am actually shocked i don't need a haircut.
7:49 am
take a a moment, to be presesent... like h henry. [dog happipily chewingng] new ememergen-c crcrystals popd fizz whehen you throrow them . and whwho doesesn't love a gogood throwbaback? [s[sfx: video o game soundn] new emergegen-c crystatals. throw it b back. the citi c custom cashsh℠ cd automaticacally adjuststs to your r spending.. hi. to your r spending.. ♪♪♪ you u don't haveve to keep ts on r rotating cacategori. this i is the onlyly rotating i i care aboutut. itit does the e work for y y. earn c cash back t that automatitically adjujusts to y your top eleligible spspend categogory, with the c citi customom ℠s card..
7:50 am
♪ 7:49 carson is back at the table. let's boost it a woman had a welcome surprise when she discovered the pilot onboard was someone who she knew very well. >> awe >> that's cute. >> okay. the pilot was her son, and she had no idea that he was going to be flying the plane that day she gave him a hug it lasted forever. we don't know if she got an upgrade. but she probably did >> usually when you scream on an airplane, it is not a happy reason. that's so cute >> you didn't make your bed this morning. that is too cute. coming up on "popstart," we d shee serena
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williams harry styles we'rlking about them all. >>we have vinguyen here witith a creatitive solutio youou save on y your familyly's back to school shopppping. but fifirst a chececk of your r newsws and weathther are ththose all difffferent lettttuces? uh, yes,s, sir. brown n rice, whitite rice, or q quinoa? do youou havy y food allerergies -well,teeth are sesensitive toto cold. do youou havy y food allerergies progreressive can'n't protect u fromom becoming g your par, when y youe e with us. thl l be $19.4 i'm m justiningwith us. r r my own salalad. when t tt's gogood anand gather g groceries,, thl l be $19.4 brbring joy toto the table for r less. when s, the ve s starts wi qualality ingrededients. anand whrereat tastste s lolow prices.. ♪ ut i manell. ♪ ♪ i it'littttle pwiwith a bibig story toto tell. ♪
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♪ i i take onaily ut i maiance,e, ♪ ♪ at t each day's's staaart.♪ ♪ as titime went onon it wasas easy to s seee ♪ ♪ i'm lowowering my a a1c. ♪ jardrdiance workrks 24/7 in your r body to flulush out somome sugar! and fofor adults with t type 2 diababetes anand known heheart diseasa, jardrdiance can n lower the ek ofof cardiovasascular deatath,. jajardiance mamay cause sesers side effffects inclcluding ketotoacidosis that m may be fatatal, dehydratioion, that cacan leado sudddden worsenining of k kidney funcnction, anand genital l yeast or u ury tract ininfections.. a a rare, lifefe-threatening bactcterial infefection in the skin o of the peririneum could occucur. stop takining jardiancnce and l your d doctor righght away if y you have sysymptoms of fs infection,n, ketoacidodosis, or an alallergic reaeaction, and d don't takeke it if you're o on dialysisis. takingng jardiancece withth a sulfonynylurea or i insulin mayay cause low blooood sugar. ♪ j jardiance i is really s swe♪ ♪ t the little e pill with h g ststory to telell. ♪ (nicolole) welclcome to blulue buffalo'o'e taste isis all it tatakes. (jeremy) ♪ jshe won'n't eat ananything se doesn'n't want t to eat.
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therere's no f faking it w wit. (nicole)e) we senent you blueue tastefulsy fofood... (jerememy) she e loved it.. (nicole)e) what''s for didinner tonigig? (jeremy) it's tatastefuls frfrom blue buo fofor this litittle girl.. (vo) pick up blblue tastefufuls tod. [basketbalall dribbleses] after schohool, yoyou go to ththe rec centnt. you were l learning every y moment ththat you werere in therer. how to s stand talll and ststand strongng on thins that y you believeve in. ♪ withth the ventuture x cd from capapital one,, you earn t two times m mils on e every purchchase. theyey're noise-e-canceling! you're beieing too lououd. good chohoice! my lucky n number! good chohoice! plus earn n five timeses mis onon flights..... anand ten timemes miles onon hs plus earn n five timeses mis onon flights..... throrough capitatal one trav. whwhat's in yoyour wallet?? dove i invited womomen who wand theieir damaged d hair trimm. yeyes, i need d a trim. dove i invited womomen who wand theieir damaged d hair trimm. i just w want to be e able to cut t the damage.e. we trieded dove inststead. soso, still neneed that trtr? oh my goshsh! i am actually shocked i don't need a haircut. don't t trim dailyly damag. stop it wiwith dove. i am actually shocked i don't need a haircut.
7:54 am
speciaial k is oveven-toasted toto crisp pererfection thenen tossed with yogugurty goodneness or maybe s some red bebers special l k. in so o many craveablble varietieies so youou can do what's delelicious. okay eveveryone, ourur missions compmplete balananced nutriti. totogether we e provide nunutrs to suppoport immune,e, musclele, bone, and hearart health.. yayaaay! woo o hoo! ensurere with 25 vitaminsns and minererals ansure comomplete with 30 grgr of prote ♪ go! ! bail! whenen your travavel advene is morore of a misisadventur. go, gogo, go! whenen your travavel advene is morore of a misisadventur. matterers where yoyou . whenen your travavel advene is morore of a misisadventur. let's s get you drdried off. whenen your travavel advene is morore of a misisadventur. anand here arere some warmm dodoubletree c cookies. whenen your travavel advene is morore of a misisadventur. doubletrtree by hiltlton. hilton. for r the stay.. (christitina) withth verizon b business ununl,
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i get 5g5g, truly ununlimited d, and d unlimited d hotspot dadat. doubletrtree by hiltlton. so, no matatter what, , i'm rurg ththis kitchenen. (vo) make thehe switch. i it's yor busineness. it's your vererizon. ♪thisis is what l love looks ♪ ♪♪this is s what love e looks ♪ ♪ ♪♪this is s what love e looks ♪ ♪this i is what lovove looks ♪ ♪♪this is s what love e looks ♪
7:56 am
s 7:56. i'm laura garcia here is ak at what's happenin now. there's a fir smoldering in haye valle in san francisco. it wasfour-alarm fire starting at about 6:00 this morning on oak street and octavia. the building was under construction. the fire itself covered multiple floors, as you see here. it spread, four buildings were impacted.
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the scaffolding at the top of the building is now in danger of falling, so firefighters are asking people to avoid the area. they don't know what caused the fire just yet, but the fire chief said some people have been displaced. we don't know how many. the good news is no reports of injuries. we want to check that forecast with meteorologist kari hall. first day of august, and a cool one. >> yes, and we don't often say that. it's going to be cooler than normal, not only today but the next few days. take a look at our inland temperatures. upper 70s and low 80s from now through thursday, but then friday it starts to heat up. we'll have some really big heat for the weekend, reaching into the upper 90s and up to 100 degrees on sunday. it will still be pretty hot on monday as well. meanwhile, in san francisco low clouds, mist, drizzle, cool temperatures, and it will be a little more sunshine in time for the weekend. >> sounds good. we'll be back with another local news update in about half an hour. hope you have a good tuesday morning.
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it's 8:00 on "today. coming up, close call. the u.s. women still alive at the world cup after a dramatic draw against portugal. we have the latest and what's next for team usa. then new guidelines.
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this morning, the surprising information just out on colon cancer screenings. we're breaking down the new recommendations and everything you need to know. plus, one-on-one with judy blume. jenna sits down with the legendary offer. author >> so do you feel like writing was in some ways this incredible outlet >> so cathartic. >> yeah. >> i mean, it gave me a life it gave me my own life. >> straight ahead,d, their touching c conversation n you dt want to miss and back to school savings we'll sort through all the deals you can find on the secondhand market today, tuesday, august 1st, 202 ♪ >> from palm beach, florida. >> from colorado. >> alameda, california. >> minnesota. >> and iowa. >> on a mother-daughter trip from new orleans.
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>> and houston ♪ >> from katy, texas, on our trip to new york, for my first year of college >> hey, mom. you're on tv. >> hi to our friends and family. >> from georgia. >> fort lauderdale >> fort laudle looking good. welcome back it is tuesday. just take it slow. >> oh, yeah. >> those wonderful people. we are so happy you came out on this first day of august to hang out with us. >> i love this i'm watching you watch yourself. right there, okay. >> we're coming right out there in just a few. quick programming note, on thursday, hoda, you have an exclusive interview with tony bennett's family >> thursday would have been the legendary singer's 97th birthday in honor of that occasion, i had a chance to talk t suzanne, his devoted partner they were together 38 years.
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and his eldest son danny they had some powerful things to say about tony's incredible life, the love he had for anybody in his orbit and shared something very touchg, the very last song that tony sang to susan, it was just days before his passing. it's a beautiful conversation. really touching one that you'll want to see. it will be thursday right here on "today. >> looking forward to that >> should we get to our news at 8:00 >> yes the final score does not tell the whole story it was a nail biter. the u.s. women's soccer team had to settle for a tie in its world cup match overnight. but that happens to be good enough to move on to the next round. nbc's molly hunter joins us from new zealand with more on that very close call. hey, molly good morning >> reporter: hey, hoda such a close call. way to close to call it is midnight here. i want to give you a sense that while u.s. fans certainly were disappointed it was not a more decisive victory for the u.s., they're dancing away we were in the stadium they were hoping to place top in
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their group. that does move them on to the knock-out round. but there were so many opportunities. look at that, 90th minute. cocaptain alex morgan had a very near miss. in the same minute, there was a portuguese shot that hit the goal post on the u.s. goal megan rapinoe got in there in the 61st minute. we had a chance to speak with her right after. she injected a bolt of energy on that field exactly when the u.s. team needed it now they head into the round of 16 their first opponent is sweden, a very tough team. we are heading to melbourne to really refocus, look at a lot of tape of this game and figure out how to finish the real opportunities that we saw tonight. hoda >> molly, we will turn the beat around we know we'll do that. we have five days to do it thank you. we will check back with you. >> she's ready to turn that beat around let's do the news closer to home rex heuermann is back in court
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today nearly three weeks after his arrest in the meantime, we have heard reaction this morning from his estranged wife heuermann is a 59-year-old architect. pleaded not guilty to murders of three women his wife said she and her son have been treated, quote, like animals during the investigation. her attorney said a police search of their home left it in his words, almost unlivable. >> the entire house was put in upheaval when they execute a search warrant on any residence, the drugs, guns or this type of case, the place is basically destroyed when you return home they don't return it to the way they found it. >> officials say evidence found at that home includes a walk-in vault with an iron door and nearly 300 weapons there is surprising guidance out this morning about how old you should be for colon cancer screening. the american college of physicians is raising the recommended age. here to clarify things for us is a board certified colorectal and general surgeon.
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dr. mcfadden, clarification is needed because this is a bit confusing. for years we have heard more young people are being diagnosed with colorectal cancer, so, as a result, they lowered the age to 45 for averagek. now this group is saying 50. what gives >> it's confusing, and it gives me heart burn at the same time because we've had such a progression of young people accepting the challenge to be screened we still know more than one out of ten people are being diagnosed with colorectal cancer and it's still a diagnosis we see many older people which led to this particular group saying, well, is there really risk benefit here, right? if we know we're finding less colorectal cancers in this group, how might we screen them better the concern i have is are we going to discourage people, con feuds people about getting the test g >> the recommendation is, what, screening every year starting at nstead of 45 >> at the age of 45, yes>> but g
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the american cancer society is saying 45 is the year. >> and manoups are saying that i imagine there would be a lot of conversation about that in the upcoming days. >> what would be the reason of changing the age, other than there are fewer people in that group who get it because as craig was pointing out, we have done stories the last few months saying the number of young people getting it is actually improving so give me concrete reasons on why. >> well, it comes down to two things cost the population cost versus the indial cof caring for patients are we being responsible with tn >> it'nsive et the . >> it's technicallpensiv the number of people gng ing. 's also moxpensive to have chemrapy and radiation i think t of doihe screenin these younger patients wethinkingut timeoff from work, timeorom their family, how much time is going to take them to recover from a cancer if we prevent it if we can catch it sooner. >> what's the bottom line, you're sitting here 45, one
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group saying you should start getting a colonoscopy ere year, this group saying don't. is insurance going to pay for it should you just go ahead and do it if you're sitting at home, what's the best practice here? >> insurance takes their guides from the united states preventive task force. they still give the recommendation at 45 these recommendations do not apply to people at high risk or people who have symptoms those people regardless of the age they still get a colonoscopy. bottom line, talk with your doctor, have individualized conversation to get the right test at the right time for you i'm turning 45 this year i'm getting my colonoscopy. >> we'll continue this conversation in the third hour and dig into it more dr. mcfadden, thank you. >> thank you we appreciate it. a zoo in china is in the awkward position having to defend one of its bears as real. so there's some video. look at this video of a sun bear it hit social media. people have been claiming that's actually a person. >> in a bear suit.
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>> obviously a person. >> bear costume. >> watch when it sits down, though. >> they point out its posture and legs look human and the fur sags around its hips. >> it looks like a bear suit. >> a pair of baggy pants but zoo officials say sun bears are slender. they're not like grizzlies. >> he's talking. >> he is not talking watch him suit, there. >>an in a bear swouldn'tlast mtg let'e if he sits down. >> wn't have the video of him sitting, when he sits, you can tell he's a real bear. >> there he goes. >> see >> now that's a bear move. that was a bear move. >> sitting there chatting with everyone, it looked like he was going over the sports scores discussing -- ♪ bear necessities ♪ ♪ the simple bear necessities ♪ >> it looked like a man in a bear suit. >> when he sits down and walks away, he looks like a bear >> okay. >> you should get more video we'll get more video >> we'll do more investigating.
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>> could be ai generated. >> we watch him go in the woods we might find out. coming up, what we're learning this mornabout th sudden and really stng death "euphoriaar angus cloud what his family and friends are saying imagwalking into a bookstore and there you find a legendary author just working behind the counter it's judy blume. he is doing exactly that in key west, florida. she openp to jenna andna is here right after that jennnna, real bebear or fakeke >> r real. >> r real bear. . > real bearar ♪♪ you t have t to keep tababs on rototating catetegories thisis ie ononly rotatining i . ... or a activate ananything toto earn. thisis ie ononly rotatining i . urur cash backck automaticicy adjujusts for yoyou. i get a a cucumber w water earncash backk aututomaticallyly adj i get a a cucumber w water e to your toigible au spend categoly adj up to $500 spent each billing cycle
8:11 am
withth the citi i custom ca℠s card. i love i it... [voice v vibrating]] hurry,y, save and d get more faves during the withth the citi i custom ca℠s card. biggest clclearance event t of the seaeason. riright now, s save up too 70% % on summer r essentials. fofor sunny daday activitis anand everydayay style. now at kohohl's. (rebecca) this can't be real. that's what i thought too when thehe doctors t told me thatat i had to o have my t toes removeved. because i smoked. but here's a tip for you. it's real. (announcer) you can quit. for free help, call 1-800-quit now. when lowow prices onon suppls sparark great idideas... for free help, when thehey've got i it all in the b bag for lesess... and whenen you can s save momore on schohool spirit.. thatat's totallyly target. if you h have heart t disease and are e on a statitin, lowewering cholelesterol can be harard. to it's popossible o fromom strugglee to c csterolol success with leqeqvio.
8:12 am
with a a statin, leleqvio is prproven to lolor babad cholesteterol by ovever% and d keep it lolow withth two doseses a year. commonon sidfefects re injectition site rereac, jojoint ury y tract infefect didiarrhea, chchest cold,, pain i in or r arms, and shortntness of brereath. loononger. leqvivio. ♪ bibig moment h here for chchas whwho ate a bibig 'ole e bol ofof raisin brbran crunchh anand packed a a downrightt immacuculate carryry-on. big ch youk rollin son of a... ♪ fefeeding yourur dog nutrisish's whwhole healththd with fish h oil, lean n protes anand whole grgrains helps supppport their r min, bodydy and energrgy. electrononic voice:: outsidide. by givining them evererything thehey need. electrononic voice:: outsidide.
8:13 am
elelectronic v voice: pet meme. pet me.. wellll, almost.. good boy.. (barark) welcome back. it is thert of a new h, and that means it is time t reveal the next "read with welcome back it is the start of a new month, and that means it is time to reveal the next "read with jenna" pick. >> i am going to faint i'm so excited to announce our august pick. it is "summer sisters" by judy blume. it is one of my all-time favorite summer reads. i read it, passed it to my sister and all my best friends judy is re-releasing the novel in honor of its 25th anniversary i recently got the chance to sit down with in her key bookstore to talk about her love of r, her connectio r fans how she hopes t remembered♪lining talls of boan book key w florida, are the names ocal literary legend
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earnest hemingway, tennessee williams, shell silverstein. but another literary legend is judy blumehind the counters, >> that's going to be for you. this is a great love of your and it happekind of accidentally >> we came here for a month because i was trying to finish it was just puurself someplace else and forget your oubles. >> the prolific author writte booith 90 million co sold. including best-sellerse "tales of a 4th grade nothing" and "are you there god it's me margaret." which recently became a d movie mohan 40 years after she wrote the book >> please, please, please, please, please >> reporter: growing up in elizabeth, new jersey, judy's love of literature started early. your mom was the one that showed you the love of reading. >> my mother loved to read
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she loved books. my mother was a warrior, anxious about everything but never about what we were reading >> you would make up stories in your head that kind of answered the ets you thouadults were keeping from you. what were those secrets? >> family secrets. it was the kind of thing when you were a kid and you walked into the room, all the adults stopped talking. >> at 25, judy found herself married with children. judy says she felt like she was playing at being a married lady. she started writing picture books for her two young children escape for the new jersey housewife. do you feel like writing was in some ways an incredible outlet. >> so cathartic. it gave me a life. it gave me my own life. >> judy's books explore topics
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like racism, grief and religion and menstruation, topics that made kids feel less alone. you would hear from kids that they felt seen, they felt enough they were told the truth, too. what was that like, hearing from these readers? >> well, it was so unbelievable because i never dreamed of anything like that and then they started to come. >> like 2,000 a month. >> there were a lot of them, yes. and, i mean, some of them were so desperate it was tough it was very tough. for a couple of years there in the '80s, i couldn't write at all because i was just answering their letters. >> wow >> and, so, i had to learn to remove myself enough so that i could write again. >> that same giant heart knew when someone special walked into
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her life 43 years ago. she said with george, her third husband, she found her true love. >> my magic. >> what about him is so magical to you >> sometimes you just meet a person. >> and you have had such an adventure of a life. >> i think we have i have never been bored when george is around >> judy published her final event "the unlikely event" 2015. now she spends her days in her key west bookstore helping customers. more than 50 years later, judy's books are still changing lives and making readers feel less alone. i read somewhere that you even planned to take "are you there god" with you into the next life >> i want a bench or stone or something that says, "are you there god? it's me judy". >> >> wow >> love her. >> she is the best
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to get to re-release this incredible book. but also with universal, we're working on a television show >> what! >> when all these strikes are over >> for this one? >> for this one, "summer sisters. i got to be on zooms with judy >> it's a big honor in her rerelease she is letting read with jenna >> she talked about the book banning we'll have later >> who do you see as playing "the summer sister"? >> that's a good question. >> what about margot robbie. do you think she's busy? any way, to get your copy -- if you haven't read it, it's so incredible or re-read it like i did, all you have to do is scan your qr code or stop by your local independent bookstore. >> or order it from judy's bookstore. >> that's in key west. >> great idea. >> thank you, jenna. >> thank you. mr. roker, what do you have in the weather >> all these great authors that
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own bookstores that's so school >> let's take a look and show you what we've got for today strong storms making their way through missouri in fact, we have possible flood watches out there. showers and thunderstorms firing up through the rockies. we also have wet weather down through florida. temperatures today cooler in the northeast. great lakes on into new england, but the heat continues from florida all the way to the southwest with 90s and 100s. records again possible those record highs will continue today. some severe storms coming across the plains sunshine out west and a bebeautiful good tuesday morning. i'm meteorologist kari hall. we're seeing clouds here and there. we'll see a partly cloudy sky for today and temperatures reaching the low 80s. this is going to be a cooler-than-normal start than what we usually see in early august. quickly it's going to heat up as we approach the weekend. we're talking about highs in the upper 90s on saturday, 100
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heading out, look for us on today show radio, sirius xm channel 108. but right now, the best time of the morning -- "popstart." >> we will start this morning with sad news. of course, angus cloud, the "euphoria" actor that passed away at his family's home in oakland, california. gadi schwartz joins us with more on that. gadi >> reporter: yeah, carson. this comes as a tragic shock to the television world angus cloud was discovered by a casting director on a street in manhattan. never expecting to hend up on a hit show but his unforgettable performance and charisma on and off the screen made him a breakout star. >> it will be e a good nigight tonighght, man >> reporter: from his first appearance on hbo's gritty teen drama "euphoria, angus cloud quickly became a fan favorite to the film's millions of viewers
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>> you can't come over here no more >> reporter: the 25-year-old cloud skyrocketing to fame, portraying the gritty and funny drug dealer on the show focussed on troubled teens trying to navigateficult topics. clborn in oakland, california, never acted professionally before coming of the show's brut stars >> life, baby. >> reporter: in a statement the family saying last week he buried his father and struggling with this loss intensely cloud, angus was open with his battle of mental health and hope can be a reminder to others that they are not alone and should not fight this on their own in silence. sources close to cloud's family telling nbc news that cloud had been battling severe suicidal thoughts after his father's hs overnight, cloud's "euph" cast . storm reed posting, the tears won't stop the show's creator also writing, he was too special, too talented
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and way too young to leave us so soon adding, he also struggled like so many of us with addiction and depression i hope he knew how many hearts he touched. >> t the hand yoyou have to o py >> repororter: now a a complex character and a beloved rising star are gone too soon ♪ >> and guys, we should mention if you or anyone you know are struggling with issues related to mental health, there's always help the national suicide and crisis lifeline is available 24 hours a day and you can reach someone by dialing 988. >> well, it's just tragic. thank you for that. move on now to harry styles. it's ban little over a week since the grammy winner wrapped up his two-year long concert run. the numbers are finally in according to a press release on monday, harry's tour raised and donated more than $6.5 million to charity that money went to more than two dozen organizations around the world.
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the show included 173 concert dates, 18 of those were at l.a.'s forum 20 sold out madison square garden shows here in new york and its record for wembley stadium. in case you missed it, here is a taste of the tour that harry posted just last week. ♪ >> oh, my god! this is my song! ♪ >> wow >> the tour has been incredible. taylor's eras tour, helping the onomy ything in seattle. and there was a 2.3 seismic >> at her show. selling out everywhere >> beyoncé. >> yeah, beyoncé is out there. it's insane. harry, what is he doing again? he wrote on social media, i will see you again when the time is right. that's code for i'm on a boat in
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europe with james cordon. serena williams and her husband welcoming baby number two. yesterday serena served a peek at their family's epic gender reveal party sharing how alexis surprised them all with a drone light show to break the news >> how about that? >> wow. >> it's a girl >> oh, cool. beaul. 5-year-old olympia getting a sister soon. big congrats texis and serena one mowe have time we'll do ed ran making time for his fans another big tour out there he's been showing up in different towns singing karaoke
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to newlyweds, randomly a bar in nashville, beer in pittsburgh. his latest surprise appearance, serving up hot dogs chicago's wiener circle, famous for its quality street food with a side of insults >> grab one dog, one picture and keep that [ bleep ] moving >> that's hilarious. >> if you are in missouri, watch out. you never know when you will run into ed sheeran. >> wow very cool. that was awesome >> one dog and keep that moving. and when we come back, the recipe for the perfect summer dessert. courtesy of one of our favorites here alison roman is here any time short cakes with fresh peaches and cream. we'll do it ter your cal news ande weather r afteters
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good morning to you. it is 8:26. i'm marcus washington. a fire smoldering in hayes valley in san francisco this morning started in a building
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under construction. that fire did spread to four other buildings. the scaffolding at the building that burned is in danger of falling, so firefighters are asking people to avoid the area. we don't know what caused this fire, but the san francisco fire department chief said that some people have been displaced. we don't know how many at this time. no reports of any injuries. meteorologist kari hall is tracking our weather today. >> it looks really nice. it's a great start to the month of august with temperatures inland reaching the low 80s today. there will be a mix of sun and clouds. we are also getting ready for high heat for the weekend. saturday and sunday's temperatures will be hot. temperatures in san francisco in the 60s for the week and low 70s for the weekend. we'll have another update in 30 minutes.
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♪ it is a tuesday, beautiful one. we have a nice group on the plaza. a quick shot. >> hey, guys welcome back >> there we go yes. >> guess what it is, s.g.
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>> what? >> first day of august. >> august! >> going too fast. >> beautiful. >> it is a great day all right. guys, we're happy that you guys are all here savannah, get over here. you have to see the kid with the bucket hat we have been talking about the rise of artificial intelligence. coming up, we will introduce you to the future of a.i morgan radford visited a camp summer helping young women and girls gain skills. she will tell us all about it. also, what's old is new again. from electronics to clothes. and vicky is about to help us get creative to cut down on the back to school expenses. >> everybody likes a good strawberry shortcake, but alison roman is going to take the peaches and cream route with this seasonal dessert. i cannot wait. you want to make this tonight. stick around for her foolproof recipe. >> that looks good. by the way, just a few minutes on the third hour of today, we'll have more on the
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strike that's brought hollywood to a grinding halt sag actor president fran drescher will join us live in studio 1a to talk about the status of these ongoing talks. >> mr. roker, what a beautiful day. >> i will head over to this corner because i have a few friends here texas pals who want to see al. what is your name? >> hudson. >> and >> aaron. >> and >> chris. that's right and this young lady here is her birthday you're 8 years old what's your name >> lucy. >> thank you so much so nice to see all of you folks. very nic let's see you have go far as yweather for the co of daysce day in northeast, flood wain the centralmississipy recordhs down sout look for showers monsoonal moistures in the southwest which continue tomorrow strong storms, record highs through texas. gorgeous weather in the northeast into the midid-atlanti good tuesday morning. i'm meteorologist kari hall. it's going to be partly cloudy and cooler for the south bay
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today, upper 70s and low 80s. reaching 79 in martinez while hayward reaches a high of 70, 75 in redwood city, san francisco reaching into the mid 60s, for the north bay it's going to reach the upper 70s. clear lake and ukiah in the low we got an official teenager, who is turning 13 today. >> yes. >> what is your name >> ava. >> where are you from? >> kansas city. >> we got you this great book for your birthday, judy blume. all right. that's what's going on let's head back inside to savannah. >> all right, al thank you. we're all here let's talk about something a lot of families could use right now. how about some back to school savings. >> yes families are expected to spend this much, guys, a recor $890 on supplies this year,
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according to the national retail federation but vicky nguyen will help us lower that cost by secondhand shopping. u. >> i know. what a great idea. so let's talk about clothes and shoes. >> first before you spend a single dollar, go around your kids outgrown?what have your what aome items you may ve hose items to yoocal thrift sto there are plato's closet, cross roads. they will buy your items and give you cash or sometimes you get more value if you accept a store credit now days you can also shop online i love this. ebay, thread up, posh mark all websites where you can even search by brand for things that your kids might want as they get older and might have specific ideas what they want for back to school clothes or shoes. this is the time of year, they'll have denim, lunchboxes, backpacks. the thing about shopping secondhand, you should inspect those items carefully. looking at stitching, zippers. >> online that's tough. >> don't be shy about asking
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questions to the seller. could you send me a picture of the bottom of those shoes. if they're legitimate seller, they will be happy to accommodate you. pop the items in the washing machine, shoes, backpack, lunchboxan be ed t's leatheash it. >> how do you get a good deal on electronics? >> a big part of the $890 is electronics. buying secondhand can help you save think about these very reputable sellers these days back market, swappa and best buy, amazon, apple also sell refurbished open box items ke read the firint on thanties and tefun period also, check your credit card dy does this butetimes credit c have xtra benefit. 'll cover secondhand elecics if something breaks down if you hased it
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when do an iteme, do an internet sh for device to wipe it cleanause that takes care of potentiamalware t that and anything crazy that might have been on it before you also want to request something called the imei number, the international mobile equipment identity number. it's 15 digits go to swappa or website called check med. enter that to make sure the device isn't stolen before you buy that. >> we're getting in the weeds. that's good to kno >> youo wantcall your cell phone carrier, hey, can i activahis device befyou buy it >> always be aware of those pee electronics. stick wiame brandsthere's a sca where they present you with a phonom the outside it looks legitimate, like the real thing you get it home and the guts have been swapped out. the right ry card. hav the ca there's only one camera instead of three that is something you have to be aware of. >> okay. thank you, vicky.
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>> let's say we bought something secondhand, we have to return it what's a good way to do that safely, in person. >> so the key is you try to do your research ahead of time so you don't return it because it's really tough times when you're on the marketplace or buying something peer to peer. when they're done with you, they're done with you. research the seller. go online. look at their profile. do they have real reviews or look like a lot of copy pasted the same comment over and over if that's the case, steer clear of that person any time you're going to meet someone whether selling or buying in person, there is inherent risk. so you want to go to a safe exchange zone. that's a police department a lot of times they will allow you to go into their parking lot and lobby monitored 24/7 to do a safe exchange or don't want to go to the police station, go to a busy mall parking lot in front of a bank if you're doing a big ticket item. >> during the day. >> always do it during the day ing iend if you can.
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if you cannot, m your nds and family knoere you'll be so they can check you. always trust your gut. if you're sitting there and the person comes up rolling up in a car with no license plate, blacked out windows, just go with your gut. >> might be shady. no deal is worth getting hurt. >> van, keep going. >> how do you want us to pay for these gutless phones >> once you've done your homework and certain you want to buy, take your time when you're there in person looking at this item whether it's a laptop or phone, use it turn it on turn it off. go through the apps. see how it actually works. don't let that seller pressure you into handing over your money. that being said, only bring enough cash for the actual product. you can also use a cashiers check. laptop, do that at a bank. if you're confident you want this item, you can consider using something like a venmo or zelle. treat that like cash once it's gone, you're not
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likely to get it back if it's broken. >> if jyou're shopping on a website, could you wire me some money outside of the app, run. don't do it. because that's a sure fire way for you to send money and never to get the product back. finally, when ever possible, use your credit card lots of legal protections that way to get a refund if you need it. >> equal parts informative and terrified. >> gutless phone thing >> thank you, vick when we come back, we are going to go to summer camp, folks. morgan radford went to one where teenagers are learng to shape ni
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baback in the e day, snsneaker dropops meant gettining online t to waitit in line.. now wiwith xfinityty mobile.. ...we get t the fastesest mobilele service and cacan get the e freshest kicks asasap. i got ththis. get ththe best pririce for 2 s of unlimitited when yoyou switch t to xfinity y mobiler $30 0 a line perer month. nicece job, littttle sis! ththey grow upup so fast.... i'm m a fan. frfrom xfinityty.
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welcome back all summer long, children have been busy making memories at camp so this morning, we're highlighting one particular camp that offers something beyond the usual activities like swimming and sports >> nbc's morgan an radford is he
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with more. hey, morgan. >> this was such a cool camp i recently went to summer camp in new jersey and from the robots to the drones to the tech, it was impressive. high school students from all across the country from different backgrounds got to meet up on a college campus for a program called a.i. for all. nouz the camp's goal to encourage a new generation of young people, women, people from diverse backgrounds to shape the field of artificial intelligence themselves and for many of them, it all starts right here with summer camp typical amp. this is not your >> three, two, one, pull. >> reporter: instead of roasting marshmallows, these high schoolers at princeton university's ai for all camp are programming drones >> there it is. >> reporter: using artificial intelligence >> stay there. stay there >> reporter: so what is this >> this is the drone simulation. >> reporter: you all learned all of this just in the past three weeks? >> yes. >> reporter: that's incredible here they learn how robots move and think and even teach drones how to map out areas on
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their own so they can do things like monitor forest fires in places that humans can't reach. >> we use satellite imagery to detect illegal mining activities. >> reporter: it all started back in 205 at stanford university as a way to close the gender gap in the artificial intelligence field. now it is designed to encourage women and students of color, reaching more than a dozen college and university campuses across the country last year there is a lot of fear around ai right now and this is part of what's driving a lot of people away they don't see role models that look like them they don't have a peer support network within this field. what we try to to is address all of this and demystify it. and reduce some of the fear. >> reporter: and in a data-driven industry, the data is striking. job postings for generative ai have increased more than 540% in the last three years but industry wide, women make up
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just 30% of ai workers do you see a lot of workers that look like you, look like me, women of color >> not a lot i wish there was more. >> reporter: and it's a field where people of color are dramatically underrepresented. a trend these students say they plan to break. what would you say to other young women, ore people of color who may be hesitant to learn about this space >> don't be intimidated and be open minded to learn new things. >> reporter: to be curious >> yes. >> reporter: a new generation changing the technology that's changing the world don't be intimidated since it started back in 2015, ai for all has helped more than 1,600 high school students across the country what's even better, the program has expanded to include college students making that pathway to diversity in the ai industry even stronger. in fact, they hope by next year to recruit applicants from every single college in the country. >> that's a great idea, great idea. >> thank you, morgan. guys, coming up next, we will go outside and put summer
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fruit to excellent use ♪
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♪ (vo) lolove is bigggger than evev. the three-row subaru ascent. dog tested. dog approved. love. it's what makes subaru, subaru. how's the chicken? the prprawns are d delicious. oh, i i have a a shellfish h allergy. one prawn.n. very goodod. did i say y chicken wrwrong? tired of p people not t listeng to whahat you wantnt? it's t truffle seaeason! ah that's s okay... never r enough truruffles. how mumuch are thehey? it's's a lot. ohoh okay - i'i'm good, thth- it's l like a priciceless piece of a art. enjojoy. or when ththey sell yoyou what t they want?? yeah. the e more we ununderstand y , ththe better w we can helplp . thatat's what u.u.s. banknk is for. huge relelief. yeah.... ♪
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so great to have you along this morning, august 1st, "today food." we are making a beautiful summer recipe any time short cakes with peaches and cream. summer is stone fruit season this is the perfect recipe you have ripe peaches or nectarines allison roman is here with a recipe from her third cook book called "sweet enough." delicious recipes that anyone can make. >> good morning! >> we were just discussing fruit with the pit. >> yeah. they're tart they're juicy. they're delicious. and they belong in a cake. >> we will make our own short cake. >> everybody should have a good all-purpose short cake recipe
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you can make it into a cobbler or eat it on its own or layer it with cream it is pretty basic you have flour i like to use either oats or corn meal. that gives us a nice, nutty texture. >> yes. >> and not as much sugar as you think. this is a bit of brown sugar a bit of regular sugar a built of salt. everything needs seaso en your baked go ust regulad tabl koshelt. nd then bakingder. so basicwe're whis subse to sifting. t really i don't sift i'm not a sifter >> t you. >> i nevift. i feel guilty when it says sift. free yourself from the sift. you'll be fine >> alison says we don't have to sift. we're free, everyone no sifting >> yeah, thank you. >> and also, the nice things about short cake, like my pie crust, i never use a machine some people say, well, can i use a machine? i say it's actually going to be worse. >> why
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>> it is going to be tough more things to clean this is one of those things -- >> so you say don't beat it or do the mixer. >> just break it up into small pieces with the flour like you would for a pie crust and then adding your cream. >> oh, it's cream. okay yeah so for biscuit, i go butter milk but for short cake, i want to go something like -- my hands are going to be an absolute mess >> that's why i want to use a machine. >> well, normally there's a sink we're on the plaza today. >> it's so fun okay >> which i've never been on the plaza. >> are you going to mess up your engagement ring? >> allison is engaged. >> i am engaged. thank you. thank you. >> congratulations so much. >> i should have done that darn it. so we mix it until it look like this. >> yes, exactly. then you kind of pound it out with your hands again. you don't need a rolling pin or anything like that and you don't want to over knead. you kind of just want to -- >> don't be kneady get it >> that's my joke i feel like.
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>> craig is rolling his eyes at me i don't blame you. it it's ridiculous. >> you own it. >> thank you, al >> you don't need a rolling pin. if you feel the need, use a wine bottle short cake understands when you're stressed up and will tighten you need to relax and s hat's interesting. okay >> so, basically if you need a littleur to prevent itm ickingat's good, too it f really good. >> yeah, i do. it does feel good. >> just eat the short bread. >> you can i can't wait >> and yeah. like acuit or a scone or whatever, assuming you don't have a nice ring cutter like this, you can also use the mouth of a jar. >> i like that. >> which is really helpful it kind of comes out sort of easy and then from there i'm still absolutely covered. >> here is another one. >> it's fine i actually like it i just feel like, you know
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>> it's bakery >> exactly and then you brush with cream. and two things it helps the top brown and also helps the sugar stick to it. >> are you doing both sides or just the top. >> just the top. >> what is that? >> cream. >> how is it tasting, crew. >> fantastic. >> clean plate club over there. >> old timey delicious. >> i feel like desserts are one of the things shea should not be too complicated. old timey delicious is -- >> i thought short cake would be hard. >> this would be if you're having people over i'm goto have straries and cr i'll hwhat like doing the whole fussy long bake of a cobbler. >> what is this? >> this looks like oatmeal cake. >> this is the same dough with oats instead of oatmeal. it gives slightly different texture. you can use lemon juice, lime juice and sugar or honey which is nice. >> how do you tell a peach is ripe if you're at the supermarket.
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>> smell it. you can also touch it towards the stem should feel really tender, almost like the part of your hand. not mushy. just a little give. >> what does it smell like >> peaches. >> what's a bad smell you don't want to smell. >> you should never smell wine it should never smell like fermenting but eat the short cake on its own. bake it into a cobbler eat it with strawberries. >> that's so good. >> yummy. >> thank you so much. >> you're so welcome. >> congratulations >> on your engagement, honey we'll scrub that right up. today wedding why not. find this recipe and more on our
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today celebrates is ♪ "today celebrates" is
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sponsored by noutrish. welcome back well, this morning thanks to our sponsors, we are celebrating the universal birthday for shelter dogs, honoring the furry best friends in our lives that are either adopted or rescued. let's meet some adorable pups. check out mason, living an awesome life together after being adopted by wendy next we have frankie say was a foster fail but not anymore moving from texas to the east coast according to dog mom diana, frankie rescued her, not the other way around let's say hello to four-year-old riley, living her best life after being rescued from her litter mates not only is riley loved by mom and dad, few short weeks being promoted to big sister happy universal birthday for shelter dogs. >> what a great idea. >> birthdays going to the dogs. >> yeah. >> so cute i love your pink ascot it's very lovely
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>> you look ridiculous. >> cravat. ahead on the fourth hour, two bestties in business partners they're making cocktails and history. fird on "the 3rd hour" live performances from pentonics from scott hoye he is making his debut >> unitonics. >> that sounds like something you wear. >> we'll be back after your local news and weather and these messages
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good morning. i'm marcus washington. fires smolders in hayes valley in san francisco starting at 6:00 this morning on oak and octavia streets. that building was under couctind the fire covers many floors. five bingse be impacted. scaffng at the top the buildin on fires in danger of falling, so firefighters are asking people to avoid that area. we don't know what caused the fire. eight people have been displaced from their homes. today is day two of that preliminary hearing for a suspect accused in stabbing tech suspect accused in stabbing tech executive bob lee back in
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every shelelter pet deseserves a sececond chance. anand you're m making it p pose every shelelter pet deseserves a sececond chance. for thousasands of thehem, every day.y. because e every timeme yoyou feed youour pet hillll, you u help feed d a shelter r. ♪♪ whicich helps mamake them healalthy and hahappy, and more a adoptable.. changing t their life e forr so t they can chchange yours. ♪♪ scscience did d that. ♪♪
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introducucin's's n frdip p. feataturing fresesh artisan n d piled hihiith tendnder roast b beef, smothered d with meltyty provolonone cheese,, just enougugh chipotlele mayo and d served witith hot au j for dippining. try ththe roast bebeef or pasti french d dips today.y. onlyly at togogo's.
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. this morning on the "3rd hour of today," a close call for team usa. wow.hat's going to do it is allcan say. >> the women, justding on to advance in the world cup after a draw with portugal we've got the highlights, and what comes next. plus, fran


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