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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 430  NBC  April 28, 2023 4:30pm-5:01pm PDT

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a deadly shooting outside a walgreens in san francisco, the accused gunman is a store security guard. tonight we're learning new details about the guard and the person he's accused of shooting.
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i'm jessica aguirre welcome to nbc bay area news. other stories we're tracking right now. california is looking to lead the way on going green. the big vote that promises to forever alter the trucking industry this time. and are you nervous dubs fans? yes, game six just 30 minutes away. we're going to check with our anthony flores live at chase center, ahead of tonight's series clinching win, i don't want to jinx it. and calling in the national guard to tackle san francisco's fentanyl crisis. the new details we're learning about the plan between the governor and the mayor of san francisco. but we're going to start with that deadly shooting in front of a walgreens in the city. a private security guard now under arrest. so what happened and what led up to that shooting. spent the day outside the walgreens near union square talking to people police and
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people in the neighborhood. what did you find out? >> reporter: this is a walgreens in one of the busiest shopping districts, on market street close to 4th street. so far the police haven't released many details about what led to this deadly shooting except to say there was a theft that was occurring, and a person involved in the investigation, jessica, tells us that the victim was shot in the chest. still a whole lot of information we're trying to compile about what exactly happened last night. >> that's become more common in that area where it's at the walgreens or different stores there, they hire private security just because there are so many thefts and other things happening in the city. >> reporter: yeah, and that's one of the reasons, why, exactly, because there are a whole lot of thefts. we were out there today, and we noticed there are a whole lot of uniformed san francisco police officers. there are workers from the urban alchemy group out there as well trying to provide some semblance
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of security on the streets outside, and then of course there are private security guards that are inside the store and what we're told is that those private security guards are mostly in the store to try to protect the walgreens workers, not necessarily for any kind of loss prevention, so one of the workers we were talking to out there with urban alchemy says he's surprised that something actually happened out there last night as a theft was potentially happening. tonight, coming up on nbc bay area news at 6:00, jessica, we will also tell you a little bit more about what we have learned about the victim in this shooting. >> thank you very much, we will see you at 6:00. thank you. calling in the national guard and the chp to help san francisco crack down on fentanyl trafficking in the city. today we learned the effort will start on monday when chp officers will show an increased presence, particularly in the tender loin. they're going to work in partnership with the sfpd. as for the national guard, the
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city says their troops will work in the background, tracking cartels, working to gather intelligence on drug rings. city leaders say the goal is not to arrest the way out of this problem, but to cut off major drug dealers and cartels that are trafficking the drugs. >> and we'll send a strong message to those who are perpetrating these crimes that are holding communities hostage, that we will do everything we can to work together to make sure that there is accountability. >> people are fed up with it. we are fed up with it. and our attention needs to be on the people who were causing the problems. >> nbc bay area will have additional details on how the partnership between the state and the city will work and why some critics believe the plan is actually problematic. that's coming up in less than 30 minutes. here we go again. u.s. regulators preparing to take over. san francisco bank first republic, that's according to a source close to the matter. shares of that bank dropped sharply today as hopes dimmed
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for a rescue deal that could keep the bank afloat. sources tell cnbc is the most likely outcome is for the fdic to take over the way it did with silicon bank. they are asking other banks for potential bids on first republic. if the regulators seize the bank, that could be an option. investors lost confidence in the bank following the failure of two other lenders in march, including svb. a live look in san jose, a hot day across the bay area. is it going to last throughout the weekend? let's bring in our meteorologist vianey arana. can we make it all the way to monday? >> we're going to call it a split. we've got the 90s. high pressure is keeping us nice and warm. one more day of warm weather before things cool off. also we've got the marine layer developing quite nicely. a live look at sfo.
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let's get right to the micro climate weather. a heavy marine layer hugging the coastline. a beautiful shot. it is warm in a lot of spots, look at san jose, 82 degrees. fairfield, brentwood, around san francisco, in the 60s. and we are already starting to cool off a bit. remember i told you yesterday was actually going to be the hottest day of the week. we hit some 90s in the forecast. well, we're already noticing cooling in spots like san francisco. 14 degrees cooler compared to the past 24 hours. napa, 10 degrees cooler, and even down through san jose, about 12 degrees cooler. as we inch closer towards tomorrow, we'll still keep the dry conditions through the south bay. expect to see low 80s on the map for san jose. 82. concord, 83. around the coastline, significant cooling into the 60s. by sunday, this is when you'll start to really see the decrease in those temperatures. we're going to go from 90s and 80s down into the 60s. look even in through san jose,
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68. concord, 71 and half moon bay, 59 degrees. why is that? let's talk about it. satellite and radar, notice that marine layer hugging the coastline, the high pressure sitting over the bay area. just off in the gulf of alaska, we have an upper level low. this is developing, going to begin to make its trek southward, and in addition to the cooling, we're talking about the return of rain. let's look at the hourly hour outlook right now. it does look like the majority of our sunday will stay dry. you'll be able to enjoy the outdoors. but by monday, not only is it going to be cool, we're expecting to see the wind kick up as early as sunday, bringing rain chances moving in to monday and tuesday, and the stretch for this system looks to be a colder one. so notice a drop in temperatures. we're also monitoring the possibility for thunderstorm activity as well. in through san francisco and all inland areas. i mean, look at that drop, jess, 86 for saturday. and then we go right back down to 62. >> good flower power between us for the sunshine. let's change gears here.
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is it the night get it done? warriors looking to clinch the kings. it is an earlier than normal tip-off for sure. our anthony flores has been at every game this season. anthony, it's kind of a leave work early kind of day. >> reporter: yeah, a lot of people telling the boss, i think i got a scratchy throat, i need to get out a little bit early. you know, there's a lot of excitement, a lot of energy, jessica, here at chase center, the warriors with a chance to close out the sacramento kings. we're a little more than about 30 minutes away from tip-off. let me bring our viewers inside the chase center. you can see i think the crowd is still working, parking, working their way into the arena. but no doubt, they will be here in full force for game 6. it's been more than ten years with the exception of the pandemic that the warriors have played a game at home that hasn't been a sellout. you know, dub nation is going to
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show up and show out for game sun 6 tonight against the sacramento kings. >> we heard steph say yesterday, get your butts in the seat, people, is what he said yesterday. so ideally, they get it done tonight. that would be great. and they kind of like were saying they're confident they're going to do it, but are they being overconfident? what do you think? >> reporter: oh, no, i don't think they're being over confident, this team knows exactly where it's at and how it's playing. you know, steve kerr said earlier in the week, you know, we're not the same team that we were playing like in december or january, even february and march they've got the experience. everyone is healthy, they're working into the rotation. they know exactly -- of course they have confidence. they're the four-time nba champions, but they are not going to be over confident, and they're not taking sacramento lightly. even though they won game five in sacramento, the kings came out and hit eight three-pointers in the first quarter. then with just two for 21 the
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rest of the way, and that game went down to the wire. this team is very explosive, and the warriors will not overlook the sacramento kings. they want to take care of business tonight. >> i'm going to put you on the spot. let's see it, you're the professional, do they get the win? do they get to the next round? >> reporter: i think this one is an easy question this time. when they're on the road it's tough to pick the warriors. at home, you would be crazy to pick against them. they love playing at the chase center, 13-1, all time, i think they improved to 14-1 and moved on to the second round with a big win tonight, game six against the sacramento kings. >> i'm going with anthony and the warriors with the win. thank you very much, we're going to see the highlights and post game reaction tonight at 11:00, that's when anthony will be with us again. watch them clinch the series, stick with the team with you all throughout the regular season, that would be us. the pregame is underway, and tip-off is at 5:00.
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phasing out diesel big rigs, the vote in california that could revolutionize the trucking industry. vianey is back with me to fight the climate crisis we're in. and a popular restaurant in texas, it's not necessarily because of the food but for what you pay or actually don't pay when you're done eating. we're going to take you there. we'll be back in two minutes. frds ♪♪ alexex! mateo, hey y how's busisiness? alexex! great. y you know ththat n has s really wororked wonder. thatat's what u.u.s. bank isis. great. y you know ththat n has s really wororked wonder. and d you're grorowing in calififornia? great. y you know ththat n has s really wororked wonder. -yup, , socal, nororcal... -monteterey? -all d day. -a brancnch in ventutura? that's's for sure-e-ah. atms in n fresno? that's's for sure-e-ah. freses-yes. that's's for sure-e-ah. encinitatas? yes, indndeed-us. encinitatas? anaheim? encinitatas? big g time. encinitatas? more guauacamole? encinitatas? i'i'm on a rololl-ay. encinitatas? how about t you? i'm jujust visitining. u.s.s. bank. ranked #1 1 in customomer satisfafaction h retatail bankingng in calififornia by j j.d. po.
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- life is uncertain. everyday pressures can feel overwhelming
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it's okay to feel stressed, anxious, worried, or frustrated. it's normal. with calhope's free and secure mental health resources, it's easy to get the help you and your loved ones need when you need it the most. call our warm line at (833) 317-4673 or live chat at today. . okay. california taking another big step to fight our climate crisis. state regulators approved the first rules to ban the sale of diesel big rigs. environmentalists say the rules are key to reducing smog. truckers say they're unrealistic. meteorologist vianey arana is tracking both sides. tell us more about the plan. how would it work? >> as of today, the california board approved to end the sales of traditional combustion trucks
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by 2036. present zero emission, medium to heavy duty trucks on the road. the plan would move state forward as part of governor newsom's rule to cut pollution, and a rule to limit train pollution. the transition would require big rigs, local delivery and government fleets to transition by 2035. trucks and local buses must see zero emission. and all of their vehicles covered by the regulation must transition to zero emissions by 2042. i spoke with the director of stanford woods institute for the environment to get his take on how our planet can benefit from this. >> you get a win-win. you get a win in terms of climate, less climate pollution, and you get a win in terms of not exposing people to these terrible toxins that are in diesel smoke. the special people who live near ports and major highways or live near farm field. >> okay. so all of that makes great sense. we know it's great for the environment.
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but how is this going to impact, one, the trucking industry, and also you have independent truckers also you know, that they have their own trucks. so how are they going to even afford to be able to do something like this? >> of course, you know, there's always two sides to this. now, the trucks would be known as the advanced air clean fleet, and the two sides, as we transition into this, the key is the scale has concerns, right, understandably so. there's the money aspect, and we chimed in and tuned into the board meeting. the secretary of the economy shared his concerns over san diego, which by the way, is home to one of california's largest ports of entry where trucks connect manufacturers with marine ports, and here are some of the concerns that he had to say. >> the way, additional 5,000 pounds at least, we reduce the capacity of a truck by one-third of its current capacity.
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>> other concerns of critics to the move, the cost to make it happen. will the feds help chip in? this is going to cost millions. since small businesses afford to adapt, second is the infrastructure. will there be enough charging stations available? you know, he also shared about the concern for how long it would actually take to charge these vehicles and how that would impact it as well. and the third, of course, is time. the 2042 deadline, is it reachable, is it realistic. all of these concerns are valid. california has a saying, new cars in the state must be zero emissions by 2035. >> are there concerns about whether we're going to be able to meet that with the same questions about having the charging stations? there's a lot on the line for both parts. >> absolutely. we'll see how this plays out. ideally, it will make it efficient, planet friendly, and making sure they can work. >> thank you very much, vianey. mayor london breed got out
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for bike and roll to workweek. she joins teachers and students at mlk middle school early this morning, showing students across the city how they can get around without a car, not just bikes, also skate boards, scooters, executive director of the bicycle coalition said the presence of city leaders was very much appreciated. >> it's actually immensely important. when we have city officials, especially the mayor's office, the top office in the city supporting this work, it's incredibly important. it means they're prioritizing alternative forms of transportation not just for adults but also kids. >> the director says she wants students to see and know that getting around on their own can be healthy and it can be fun, too. okay. here's an idea for you. pay what you can. that's the idea behind a restaurant in texas. the taste project is a restaurant where people pay what they can afford to pay. the restaurant that's become the heart of that community. >> a lot of people say like our
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one universal, but the role food has played in my life, food is universal. i'm jeff williams, the executive director and founder of taste project. >> jeff had a crazy dream to open this restaurant, and i thought he was absolutely nuts. >> well, i mean, it's a long story. >> fast forward a few years, and he kept having a dream like over and over and over again, and i thought, oh, man, i'm julie williams, the wife of jeff williams who founded this crazy idea we call taste project. >> really, i feel like taste project started with a vision that god gave me. hopefully it looks just like any other restaurant when you come in and you sit down and eat. >> this is food that feels good to eat. >> you have a menu put in front of you. there's no prices. >> and you don't have to feel regretful eating it because it's good nourishment for your soul.
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>> we're not trying to be fancy or anything. we let people pay as they're able to afford to pay. >> my name is chef jay, and this matters to me because it's feeding the community and making sure that everyone gets a good meal, no matter your social status, your financial status. >> on one aspect, like the purpose of the restaurant is to provide meals to people, but really it's so much deeper than that. >> the great thing about it is the community around fort worth just really grabs ahold of what we were trying to do and the vision we were trying to accomplish. >> we believe the way in which we're doing it brings honor to god. it is the vision that he gave to jeff. >> i like to say instead of us finding a community, a community found us. >> a lot of regulars that actually familiarize myself with
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their orders, so whenever they come in, their order is pretty much ready. >> that's the part that i think scared me the most when starting this frs like, what if nobody likes this, what if nobody comes, what if nobody comes in to eat, but that just hasn't been the reality. >> you want my signature, you want my autograph? five bucks, man. >> my name is bill britain, i have been a volunteer here at taste for four and a half years now. >> a quarter, a dime. >> we have a lot of fun up here. that's the reason i come is fun as it is, and to see people that need a meal that can get it, and a whole meal, if you will, not just something in a package. >> everyone has different financial statuses, and they might not have the opportunity to get a gourmet meal. >> every community needs to have a community cafe or a community restaurant. >> i mean, in this one building, you have ceos of corporations
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and businesses you sit next to and share meals with homeless people and single moms, people struggling with medical bills, all in the same place, all just because they're just gathering around food. >> i don't know how many menus i've seen, but i have not ever had anything on any menu where i went i don't like this. it's all excellent. >> me coming into these stores every single day and making a difference is what matters to me. >> food is that conduit for people to be human and have a relationship with one another. >> you can watch more stories on nbc lx. head to you can also watch lx on xfinity channel 185 over the air and 11-5. you can pay what you want and the food is tasty. that looks really good. >> looks very good. garvin is with me working on the 5:00 news.
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what are you working on?? >> catatching o our attenention, catching o our attentition a a recently, gun violence in oaklanand. in thehe past weeeek alone,e, a dozezen shootingng victims a as as 15 monthths. well,, today citity leadersrs g togegether to s share whahat th think abobout it, and more importantly, what they plan to do about it. christy smith was there and she'll fill us in. let's talk trash, and i don't mean talking badly about people. >> we can do that too. >> i mean literally talking trash in the streets of the south bay. we see it all the time, and say someone should do something about that. >> pick that up. >> well, that someone can now be you, thanks to a new way to report the trash. and then someone else picks it up. going to show us how it all works. >> that's actually really important because you hate to be someplace and just see it like that. it's so bad more morale and neighborhoods. >> and we're going take over in a few minutes! you can do anything if you put your mind to it. her outstanding achievements and
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how she's finally getting her big eak. big eak. we're brba
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with golold bond.... you u can age on your own teterms. retitinol overninight means.. ththe smoothining benefitss ofof retinol.. are e now for yoyour whole bodydy. plusus, fast-wororking crcrepe correcector diminisheses wrinkled d skin in just t two days..
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goldld bond. champipion your skskin. a mexican artist is taking the world by a storm. a regional mexicanan singnger, k itit out. ♪♪♪ okay.. so a lotot of hits. his bigig hit is aya balla s so hehe has perfoformed at c coach and thehe latin amerirican musi awawards. hihis success s is leadingng hi fulfilll another dream. he's going to be o tonight show with jimmy faln. so you can cch peso pulma on nbc bay area, airing after th 11:00 news. an incredible story of
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perseverance and a reminder that nothing can get in the way of your dreams if you really put your mind to it. southern california girl is a viral musical prodigy but her journey has been anything but easy. ♪♪ ♪♪ that's annabelle, at age of just 4, she became the youngest person to ever be admitted to whittier's academy of music for the blind. now, she's 8 years old and her talents have caught the attention of alex gonzalez, the drummer of world renowned mexican rock band mana, and anna is taking center stage with the band's next performance in los angeles next month. qui si, y buena.
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right now at 5:00, a walgreens in san francisco, the scene of a deadly shooting. and the accused gunman is a store security guard. the new details we're learning about the guard and the victim he's accused of shooting. it may or may not seem like a huge issue, but i think most of the people here understand that it is. >> a crackdown on illegal dumping in the south bay. the new web site making it easier for you to report it in your neighborhood. plus, the athletics are back at home in the coliseum tonight taking on the cincinnati reds. how long will the coliseum be their home? we'll take you there live. fans are rallying against a possible move to vegas. the news at 5:00 starts right now. thank you so much for joining us. i'm garvin thomas. we begin tonight in san
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francisco where we're getting specifics about a new plan to bring in the national guard and the chp to help crack down on fentanyl trafficking in the city. as nbc bay area's alena jones explains, the efforts are going to start on monday. >> and we'll send a strong message to those who are perpetrating these crimes that are holding communities hostage that we will do everything we can to work together to make sure that there is accountability. >> reporter: a new approach to a long-term problem, getting a handle on the growing fentanyl crisis on the streets of san francisco. now with reinforcement from chp and the california national guard, local city leaders are hoping accountability will lead to saving lives. >> people are fed up with it. we are fed up with it. and our attention needs to be on the people who are causing the problems. >> reporter: the joint effort directed by governor newsome will target fentanyl trafficking and drug rings with a focus on the tender loin and south market.


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