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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 11  NBC  April 27, 2023 11:00pm-11:35pm PDT

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investigators are trying to piece together what happened. shots ring about 6:30 this evening at the height of the evening commute. >> this happened at the walgreens right at the westfield, san francisco center. nbc's gia vang has the details for us. >> while people are still out and walk around this caution tape for us, customers are inside of that walgreens to figure out what all went down. but tonight, customers are telling us what they heard and saw. hours later, investigators were still at this walgreens at the 800 block of market.
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it happened at 6:30 p.m. investigator say she was from sacramento. she was walking out of the store when she was shot. >> out of nowhere she turns around walking out of the store and all you hear is two gunshots, we turnaround she's on the floor bleeding out. >> people were running and all of this, so i'm like what is going on? thank my looking for that walgreens, there is girl's shoes on the floor. clothes, jacket, her back is on the floor, so i'm like somebody must've gotten shot. >> reporter: her condition is unknown. as for the person who pulled the trigger, with witnesses described him as security personnel. >> he didn't say nothing, even when we were inside the store, he didn't say nothing of all he did was pick up that got into twice and walked to the back because of the people in the store they started charging at him. >> reporter: we stated one person, saying is possibly involved in the shooting, anyone involved is asked to call spd, gia vang, nbc bay area news. antioch pd also rocked by a
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scandal, now east bay reporter says he was abused, not once, but twice by antioch officers. here's a new nbc bay area's tom johnson. >> are you joking me? >> for fred stirling, his most recent clash with police happened at an antioch park in september, 2021 at a retirement party for antioch's police chief. >> i could relive it 100 times, it is still fresh in my mind exactly what happened. >> reporter: stirling was there covering a group of citizens protesting the department for legit police abuse when the fight broke out between a female protester on the police supporter. then several officers jumped in to help their supporter. a federal lawsuit, filed earlier today goes into greater detail. police body camera screen grabs provide some of the evidence. >> a small woman who had multiple officers grabbing her by the arm, twisting her arms, and mr. stirling, who is a journalist was filming this. he briefly attempted to physically intervene. one
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officer then grabbed mr. stirling by the neck, and began taking him to the ground. while four other officers joined him. >> and his lawyer says a sixth officer joined in, and tased frank stirling, who was already being handcuffed and not resisting, for at least five straight seconds. >> he is not doing anything! >> it kind of left me, you know, why would they do this to me when i wasn't resisting? >> reporter: it was like dij@ vu for stirling, who also says he was assaulted by antioch officers back in 2009. >> i was beaten with flashlights and fist, i was too unconscious, and kicked in the face. >> reporter: stirling says the main instigator who delivered most of that abuse was officer rick kaufman, who most recently was the head of the police union. hoffman is one of dozens of apd officers linked to recent racist text messaging and civil rights investigations, being investigated by the fbi and
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county da's office. in fact, the da tells us they are adding 10 attorneys to both the district attorney's, and the public defender's offices to do focused directly on prior cases involving the officers connected to the text messaging scandal. it will cost the county just over $2 million per year, and could involve cases going back years. >> our case is ongoing. i believe we are looking into whether i was specifically targeted, because of my activism, and because of my reporting. >> reporter: stirling's suit names the city of antioch, five uniformed pop officers, the community service officers as defendants. frank stirling and his attorney don't just want the attorney to investigate though, they want a wider investigation and federal oversight, much like oakland pd has had, because they say the racist, homophobic, and abuse environment here in the department has been going on for decades. in antioch, thom jensen, nbc bay area news.
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>> the federal oversight that thom jensen ancient , you can watch our exclusive interview with chief, stephen ford, coming up, right here in just 10 minutes. an update to that bazaar and violent confrontation between a homeless man and a former san francisco fire commissioner. the homeless man is being released from jail, the victim, in this case, former fire commissioner, don, failed to show up today in court. he was hospitalized with a fractured skull, after being attacked outside of his mom's home in the marina earlier this month. a lot of debate whether he was the victim of an unprovoked beating, or if he was the aggressor. the public defender representing the homeless man released videos, saying he was seen here attacking several homeless people with bear spray. they want the da to drop the charges. >> because mr. carmen is never going to come in and to never going to get a statement, or
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before we proceed with the preliminary hearing, and i get the opportunity to cross- examine him. >>'s attorney flatly denied that his he was involved on the attacks of the homeless people. >> let's talk about our weather now. turn up the heat. we flirted with record highs today. some places more than 90 degrees. unusual for april. also, the poor air quality led to the first day of the year. let's bring in our chief meteorologist. we are almost two friday. what have we got on top? >> nice day coming our way tomorrow. and also today that was the hottest day of the seven-day forecast. you can see it right here. pleasanton, one of the warmest come up to 95 degrees, east san jose, 92, stanford and petaluma, san francisco up to 78. and also we had a lot of 50s and 60s. through tomorrow we will start out with areas of fog, and 61. then, we will get into the
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upper 80s tomorrow afternoon, so not quite as hot. overall you will want to enjoy it, because we have some drastic changes coming in with the system that is going to drop down not only colder temperatures, but even some rain returning. now, that rain will be on top of our historic season, where we have already seen over 40 inches in santa rosa. a 9+ inch surplus. the entire barrier you will finish above average. details and made rain coming our way, details about 15 minutes. >> thank you, jeff. it didn't have to happen. a mother of two killed after a driver going on highway 280 slammed into her car, saturday afternoon. tonight, her grieving son is demanding justice. his younger brother is in critical condition too. nbc bay area spoke with the family, which, stephanie, i'm just sure it is impossible to comprehend this terrible, senseless loss. >> yes it is. the 54-year-old is in san francisco, i spoke with her eldest son today. he tells me that he and his
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little brother have lost their friend, and the light that guides their path and hopes that the suspect gets charged to the fullest extent. >> reporter: an unexpected tragedy has left the 18-year- old and his little brother without a mother. >> it has been very difficult not having my mother around, someone who has been a shining light in my life in so many other people's lives. >> reporter: eden, in san francisco, was killed in a wrongly crash along to 80 saturday. they tell me his mother was driving his little brother to a soccer game. the 14-year-old survived the crash, but has been in critical condition ever since. >> he is suffering quite a lot. a lot of injuries, a lot of surgeries going on. >> reporter: he says palmer was the rock of the family. a dedicated volunteer and a rock star in the fashion industry. >> the positivity and love that she spread unconditionally as her motto will continue to be spread through the people that knew and loved her. >> reporter: 24-year-old constellation, of campbell, was arrested near the scene.
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police say, after the crash, martin was undressed in a field. she was rain thursday, the da filed manslaughter charges while being under the influence of drugs. >> based on various symptoms she exhibited, the erratic behavior, the officers looking at her eyes. the statements she was making pitch made a large number of bizarre statements. >> while justice rights, they are right made a gofundme family to help his family's dream come true of seeing her both sons go to college. >> the promises that my mom gave to my brother is that whenever he got and she would make sure he could go. >> reporter: the da's office said martin did not plead case, in the meantime, she will remain in jail without bail. just? >> thank you very much, stephanie. tonight, an exclusive interview with the father of a 15 month old oakland girl hit by a stray bullet.
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maya is her name. she is recovering right now, thankfully after multiple surgeries. her father tried to shield the family when bullets started flying into their car. here is nbc's velena jones. >> the parents of 15 month-year- old, maia, are hoping for a full recovery after the little girl was shot at a laundry mock with her mother, father and 5- year-old sister. he says the minute he heard gunshots he leaned over to cover his wife and tried to cover his daughters, but they were already crying. it happened in oakland at the intersection of 12th avenue and east 15th street on monday. maia's dad did not want his face on camera, but explains he didn't realize maia had been hit until they got home. surveillance video shows maia's parents frantically raising her to a station for help. >> i saw blood and wanted to get to the car quickly as possible to get help. we called 911, but didn't get a
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response and at that point went to the fire station to get help, because the bullet hit her side, he said. the little girl, who said is known for her smile and dancing is still sedated and recovering. she has already undergone two surgeries to repair internal organs, damaged by the bullet. doctors tell the family more surgeries may be needed. >> we are trying to stay strong and wait to hear more news. >> reporter: is a says he never got a good look at the gunman, because he was trying to shield his family from the gunfire. investigators say a surveillance video shows the man at the corner of 11th avenue shooting at vehicles and says it is clear maia's family was not the target. he says he wants them to get whoever did this, as jose waits for his daughter to recover, he says he is already making plans to move out of the city and refuses to raise his kids in oakland. i am frustrated. you call police and they don't show up, or you get there late.
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you can't do anything in oakland anymore, he says. maia's family says she is waiting to hear from this latest surgery, to determine what recovery will look like. they say it could still be weeks until she is released from the hospital. in the east bay, velena jones, nbc, bay area news. we are back in 60 seconds. the dangers of illegal fireworks that cost an east bay middle school or the cost of his hand. police say they have a new lead in that case. also, is there still a chance that the a's stay in the state? an exclusive interview. pollen is high, so urology is probablybugging from this .
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>> while the chief says he won't sugarcoat the situation he also says he is confident the department can win back the public trust. here is nbc bay area's jodi hernandez. >> i am disappointed, angry, hurt, it is embarrassing to the organization. it is embarrassing to the profession we call american policing. it is embarrassing to the city and the citizens. so, it is just a very, very unfortunate set of circumstances. >> reporter: antioch city police chief, stephen ford says the races text messages several of his officers are accused of sending mind blowing. federal investigators recently investigated dozens of messages in west various offices dehumanize people of color and brag about roughing up suspects. >> very demeaning, very degrading, obviously. whether american or not, i hope that anyone can see that those sentiments were those statements are inappropriate
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and have no place in the society. >> reporter: forte points out the messages who that were written and shared prior to him taking the helm of the department. he says, the moment he learned of them, he immediately put those at the center of the scandal on administrative leave. however, he declined to say how many officers who were on the text threads are still working. an independent investigation is still underway. he says, every officer who got the texts, including those who did not actively participate, could face consequences for not speaking up. >> i think every officer has an obligation. when you see something wrong, inappropriate, you should stand up and say something. >> reporter: forte says the scandal and the fallout has left the department with just 61 officers available to patrol the city. while he insists the department still has enough officers to keep antioch safe, he is also not opposed to federal oversight to help turn things around. >> i want to do whatever it takes to get this organizational chart.
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i want to pull out every resource we can pull out. whether federal resources, external resources, it doesn't matter. i want to make sure we leave no stone unturned, in terms of garnering and pulling every resource at my disposal to get this organization on track. >> ford acknowledges public trust has been deeply damaged, and he says he understands how many are feeling. >> being an african-american male i wasn't always in this uniform, so i've had my unpleasant experiences also, as a young man, with this thing we call american policing. so, i'm very much in tune with what they are thinking and feeling, because i've had some of the same experiences. >> reporter: chief ford says his door is open to anyone in the city who wants to talk. he says he is committed to rebuilding and reframing the department. >> it is a bad situation. let me be clear. but it is not insurmountable. it is not insurmountable. and have to approach this, as if the gas glass is half full, not half empty.
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>> he expects the internal investigation will be completed a couple of weeks. >> i am very confident that, again, when the smoke clears we will be in a better place. >> reporter: in antioch, judy hernandez, nbc bay area news. police are searching for a man accused of an illegal fireworks of a middle school in pleasant hill. security video shows a man lighting a fire work and leaving on campus sunday, april 16th. at the time it smoked, but in the did not exploit. a student took up that firework , and it later exploded in his hand. that 14-year-old suffered significant hand injuries. >> but we won't know. we want no, until the investigation is concluded, exactly what it was. certainly, a substantial amount of gunpowder for the explosion that we know happened. >> if you have any information regarding the identity of this person here, in pleasant hill middle school, you are encouraged to contact pleasant
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hill pd. let's check in one word time with our meteorologist, jeff, we saw a really high temps today. we will get a little bit of a respite from that. >> we certainly are, numbers will started with an especially as we go through this weekend. the thing i am monitoring as we go through tomorrow's forecast is the high pressure that brought some low and mid 90s inland. that will move off to the east. a few degrees cooler off towards tomorrow, and then we will begin to see the system in the pacific which will eventually bring us some rain. i have all of those details coming up right now in that forecast. so, as we get you and we will start off with tomorrow morning on our forecast. tgif a little bit earlier here. we will begin here with plenty of 50s, some fog near the bay, and the coast to start. that will have us at 58 in south bay, san francisco, 52, and some of that fog will get some drizzle, and the east bay, 57. daytime highs for tomorrow, that pressure off to the east, we will drop about six degrees.
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overall it will still be a warm day, and i think, enjoyable at this point, considering what is coming our way next week. so, make sure to get outside and soak it up, over to the east bay, some of the best weather right there, from oakland to hayward. we are at 76 to 79 degrees. head over to the east bay hills and much hotter. 89 there in concord. peninsula, you've got cool 60s here at the coast and down to redwood city, 83, after some cities in the mission today. we've got some 60s down here tomorrow at least in downtown, and for the north bay, 86 in sonoma. so, numbers stay on the warmer side, at least through saturday's forecast, by sunday, temperatures fumble. and here we go again. it does not want to quit us this year. it has been good for the rub reservoirs in the drought, we had all the storm damage and some of us are just tired of it, but the good thing about this is that it is at least going to help out our polling and at least give us one more hit their of that rainfall to
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help us out and continue to keep that fire season at least pushed back. so, what i'm looking at right now is the storm system dropping down next week. the new thing i'm seeing, at least the way things are trending right now, it would actually set up towards the pacific, and that is important, because it would help to pulling more moisture. right now, increasing rain chances, colder 60s and some sierra snow. so, i will show you rain chances. monday next week i am sing a quarter to an half an inch here across the bay area. we could see a storm system swing back and hit as a second time, by next friday for an additional quarter to three quarters. next week, estimates show a half to 1 1/2 quarter inches. we will have have updates as we get closer, but the other thing i want to show you is the sierra snow. we may be looking at a foot or more across the higher elevations. that will be good, because it will slow down the snow melt and some of the flooding problems we are seeing in the foothills and down through parts of the central valley. so, right here on the seven-day
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forecast, check it out. we will be getting closer, 67 in san francisco, it picks up sunday and monday, and those rain chances as we roll through next week's forecast in the inland valleys. 86, saturday, 74 sunday, 60s next week with those chances of rain. weekend, hurry up and get here. >> yeah, we are almost at friday, 40 minutes from now. >> it is weekend like tomorrow. >> thank you, jeff. happening tonight, no vote now on the done of diesel big rex. they heard from dozens of people though. the proposed rule would ban the sale of diesel big rex by 2036. supporters say the measure would reduce air pollution, but opponents argue that electric opponents argue that electric trucks cost too ♪♪ alexex! mateo, hey y how's busisiness? alexex! great. y you know ththat n has s really wororked wonder. thatat's what u.u.s. bank isis. great. y you know ththat n has s really wororked wonder. and d you're grorowing in calififornia? great. y you know ththat n has s really wororked wonder. -yup, , socal, nororcal... -monteterey? -all d day. -a brancnch in ventutura?
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that's's for sure-e-ah. atms in n fresno? that's's for sure-e-ah. freses-yes. that's's for sure-e-ah. encinitatas? yes, indndeed-us. encinitatas? anaheim? encinitatas? big g time. encinitatas? more guauacamole? encinitatas? i'i'm on a rololl-ay. encinitatas? how about t you? i'm jujust visitining. u.s.s. bank. ranked #1 1 in customomer satisfafaction h retatail bankingng in calififornia by j j.d. po.
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donated life month. plus we are live at the chase center with tip-off. join us live, 4:30 to 7:00. it continues to happen, bay area layoffs continue. four high-profile layoffs announce four cuts impacting thousands of people. biotech company, is laying off 625 employees in sunnyvale, new york, fremont and santa clara. lift is cutting thousand positions. dropbox will lay off 500 people, and the gap is put
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touching 1800 job. and a exclusive interview, which tells us what happened behind the scenes of a field negotiation with the a's, she says the two sides were making progress, but the a's pulled out next week. >> they are focused focusing on a move to las vegas, but nothing is set yet. we asked the doors really closed in oakland. >> they called me it i would pick up, because it is not about me. it is not just about john fisher, it is truly about the bigger, more complex issues around a fan base. what it means for an economic to drive a bank in oakland. what it means to really be routed, here in oakland. so, i really hope we can set aside our differences, and work something out. >> now, we did post the full interview on our website. tomorrow is the a's first home game after the news broke out
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about that light game in las vegas.
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okay, tonight big night in football. tonight we meet the newest millionaire. >> we should a plate nfl and gotten drafted. speaking of suits, they are all wearing nice suits. the three-day drop kicked off tonight in kansas city. that is a cool coliseum. the pair carolina panthers traded up to the number one spot undrafted that guy, alabama quarterback, bryce young, pasadena native, the heisman trophy winner. the raiders had the number 17 overall win. how about tkachuk? hugging the commissioner there. they drafted tyree wilson, from texas tech. the 49ers don't have a pick until the third round, which is tomorrow. are you ready for tomorrow? basketball, the warriors could eliminate the kings with the win at chase center. today, the kings packed up and loaded the buses for their road trip from sacramento, here to san francisco. the game is a five-- 5:00 p.m.
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tip-off. the earliest ever for a playoff game. >> make sure y'all get your butts for quite tip-off. get off of work early in the bay. let's go. >> you get your butts off of the seats. >> get th in the seats. >> they will be in the seats in the studio. 5:00 p.m. tip-off. you can watch the game on our sister station all season long, nbc sports bay area, are pregame coverage starts at 4:00 p.m. baseball today. this is the way you commute to the ballpark. that is a motorized boogie board. >> wow. >> giants-- 80 degrees, this was all st. louis, top of the seventh inning. alex, with the solo home run, cardinals win it, 6-0, the giants are now headed to mexico city for quick two game weekend series withthe padres give y your small l business one tetech solutioion
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encinitatas? yes, indndeed-us. encinitatas? anaheim? encinitatas? big g time. encinitatas? more guauacamole? encinitatas? i'i'm on a rololl-ay. encinitatas? how about t you? i'm jujust visitining. u.s.s. bank. ranked #1 1 in customomer satisfafaction h retatail bankingng in calififornia by j j.d. po.
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okay, this is so cute. the oakland zoo has a new baby animals for the family to see. and pets.
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check it out, this is baby lambs. look how cute they are. this is indigo, a boy, black and white, both sheep are just over a month old, so they are not ready to be released and it is you's putting yard just yet. look at that, with all of the little bottle. but the zoo says they will both be out there very soon. so cute, i can't take it. >> we might need to make a trip to the oakland zoo. >> so cute. but this will not be out. >> we can still see the other animals. >> yes. >> chef, you got the last word as we had into friday. how are you looking? >> looking good. looking good. let's get a look at the seven-day forecast, tomorrow, 89, that is 70 for sunday, great weekend, chances pick up monday, tuesday, wednesday and friday of next week. nice you do that again, and you say you get to pet them? >> i like that. >> i want to pet indigo. that is so cute. that will do it for us, have a great day tomorrow. >> so cute.


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