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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 530  NBC  April 27, 2023 5:30pm-6:00pm PDT

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out in the waiting room to see you, and they say joe biden is out to see you, you can't say, owe who. -- joe who? >> and so, that is great impression on the kids. and now, we have a problem that is getting bigger. our investigative unit uncovered another san francisco high-rise that was damaged in the wind storm. the new count and how the city is responding. >> you cannot expect inflation and prices to come down if there are not layoffs. >> from tech to retail, and more bay area companies are announcing layoffs, but it is not all bad, and we breakdown some opportunities out there. >> and after four years, one of the san francisco favorite events is returning. we will have an inside look before the mansion opens the doors for the decorator
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showcase. for thursday, the news at 5:30 is starting right now, i'm janelle wang. >> and we have learned now that more buildings have had the windows broken after those dangerous wind storms. >> and we have learned that they failed to tell anyone until now. >> reporter: the building is at 580 california, and the buildings cracked when the wind hit california and that means that it had the second most broken windows when the windows failed in the wind storm, but we are learning that aaron peskin wonders why we are just learning now. >> they have not given us an
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apology and i would rather know it late than not at all. >> reporter: back when it happened on march 14, the san francisco building inspection department says that this citation, windows were blown out between the 1'5"th and 88th floors at 580 california road, but officials were caught up at 550th where a window was plunging from the 85th floor to the floor. so they were told to do a inspection, but they did no inspection on the 580 building. and they say that the building inspection department believes that glass that hit 580 came from the neighbor across the street. that is the same theory from across the street sales force
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east which had 20 windows break in a second wind storm a week later. salesforce is accusing mission street building to break windows. >> and people should not accuse others until they know for certain. >> reporter: so an engineering firm and facade specialists are hired to investigate and make recommendations. a full report is due in 12 week, and meanwhile, jamie is wondering if they should push ahead by november. jackson, nbc news. and now, earlier this month, a federal appeals court ruled against a berkeley gas piping, and that is the first of the
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nation electrification ordinance to phase out fossil fuels for environmental and health reasons. under the new rules, the piping would be allowed. so this morning, city council members gathered. >> we know what it is about. the dangerous idea that this profits trump to protect the health and safety and climate. >> reporter: and she is requesting a re-hearing at the court. another buff day for employees, dropbox, lyft and netflix laying off more employees. what are you learning out there,
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scott? >> well, tech sectors are leading the pack, and according to the layoffs 14 tech companies are cut jobs in april and 20 in march, and so there is concern in the bay area as the government is trying to fight inflation by slowing the economy down. >> reporter: more than 1,000 lay layoffs at lyft, and more at the gap, and dropoff and more than 300 business sectors are shrinking. >> i think that there is uncertainty about whether we will be in a full-fledged recession or not. >> economic uncertainty means that the companies don't know how much they will sell or how many people they can afford to employ. >> it is kind of the double-edged sword if we want to fight inflation, there has to be a slowdown in the economic growth. so we cannot expect the
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inflation and the prices to come down if there are not layoffs. >> cuts in one area mean opportunities elsewhere. >> every time there is a downturn, there is an opportunity. >> he sees openings in a startup. >> there are people like me who want to invest early in the company, and not just me, but a ton of people who want to probably be looking and sitting on dry powder that they have not invested yet. >> and that does not compare to the dozens of thousands olayoffs. >> they say it is going to lower prices, but there is pain to come before it happens. >> you talk to a lot people on the beach and on the sidelines
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getting laid off, and do they expect six-month lay off or back in the force in a year or how are they budgeting themselves? >> they are optimistic and especially in tech, because there are jobs out there, and especially in the bay area, and the cost of housing, people are looking at linkedin with their next job, but also at zillow to get the least expecting housing. >> moving to nevada or somewhere like that. >> and where is the next jobs? if you knew that, you would be a millionaire. >> right, that is speck ta -- speculative. >> right. and the interest rates are slowing, and that means that the companies are not worrying as much with the stock prices and how much they have to sell, and now they can say, ah, we have the budget to hire again, and hopefully that is going to be
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very soon. >> and the answer, scott? soon? >> yes. and now, this man who is accused of leaving an illegal firework on the campus of a middle school. he left it on the campus of april 16th. at the time, it did not explode, but then students picked it up, and that 14-year-old picked it up and it did explode. he suffered serious injuries. if you have the identity of the man, contact pleasant hill pd. governor newsom is asking for intervention in a housing fight at berkeley. they are trying to build housing at park for years now, and it is resulting in protests and long legal battles a. lower court halted plan by ruling that cal had failed to consider other sites for housing, but now the
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governor is asking the supreme court to allow cal to start building in people's park. >> how exactly did the a's future in oakland evaporate? last week the announcement that the a's were shifting to oakland and today, in an exclusive interview with the mayor of nevada, she could not find that statement is accurate. >> yes, we cannot find that statement accurate. and yes, we went through the courts and you say that is the reason why, and you can't help but feel that the goalpost is moving. we go through one fight, and we won that court coast and now it is not good enough. >> she is responding to the a's comments that oakland is moving too slow in the negotiations, and she does not agree. she talked about the in-person meeting with the reclusive a's
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billionaire owner bull fisher and if she would pick up a call from him again. and coming up, one of san francisco's favorite events is opening this saturday after four-year pandemic shutdown. we go to bay area's joe rosato jr. >> reporter: in san francisco, the sound of a fog horn is a sure sign of normalcy. and in the sea cliff neighborhood, a sign that things are getting to the old normal. >> the fireside and the sea cliff. >> reporter: the mansion opening up the doors to the public can only mean the return of the beloved decorator showcase. 29 top deck rays or the spinning the magic in the 29,000 square foot spanish mediterranean home built in 1927. >> i love that color.
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the old world. >> it is coming back after four years of not having a in-person showcase and it is a beautiful home. >> reporter: it is a 44-year-old tradition temporarily halted by the pandemic. >> i missed it. >> it is a chance for the public to step beyond the threshold of a home that few can afford. >> you get to see the behind the scenes crib so to speak. >> in the four-year shutdown, they were offered a virtual version, and nothing like the genuine article. >> one thing about it is the virtual interaction. and the virtual one, you will get the interaction and after seeing the virtual. >> that is how you work with it. >> everything from a grand staircase to bay views when it is not foggy to the tiniest room in the house, the elevator decorated by elon evans.
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>> this is feeling like theater to me. there is an audience coming, and you don't have enough time or money to do what you need to do, and somehow, you pull it off. >> there is a charity aspect, too. >> and so, this is the breakfast tearoom. >> and it is bay area aspect that adds sparkle to life. >> it is great to be back in person. part of the showcase is because i love the social aspect of it. >> something that you don't realize that you missed until it is gone sort of like those fog horns. joe rosato jr., bay area news. >> that is gorgeous. the showcase is opening saturday and runs everyday except mondays through memorial day.
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>> up next, a closer look at the big rigs and the vote to happen any minute that could revolutionize the trucking industry. a family buys some jewelry to represent their faith, but they lose faith in the store that sold them the jewelry. we look into this on "we respond." and now, the temperatures are hanging on to 74 in livermore and 89 in san jose. i have more news on
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>> tonight, we respond to a family mart store. >> and they asked our chris chmu
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chmura to step in. >> chad ordered three necklaces for three necklaces, and then they were on sale the next day. so chad applied to get the price difference, and ten days later, no money back. chad called a couple of times, and no refund. chad was ready to give up. >> i know. i thought about taking it back in person. >> reporter: but he didn't. he called us. our team contacted macy's about the $1,900 difference and the store refunded him $2,279 and we asked why they refunded so much more, and macy's said that we constantly strive to exceed our customer's expectations and
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exceeding their satisfaction. the price policy adjustments vary, and they should have one, but if they don't, diy, you can return the item and rebuy it at the lower price. be on the lookout for restocking fees, because they are anywhere from 10 to 15% of the purchase which would take a big bite of any potential savings. chad contacted us online and you can, too, by scanning the qr code. >> thank you. this would be a big shake-up in the trucking industry and a big vote is about to take place. the california air board is looking to ban diesel big rigs. the proposed rule would ban the sale of big diesel big rigs and convert exists trucks to zero emission by 2024.
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and that would clean up diesel exhaust and some officials called the deadlines unachievable, and that the electric trucks are low-range and no rechargeable network. we will look at this vote, and have it into the newsroom, and that is a big deal to reshaping the trucking industry, and they are saying that at some point they will have it happen, but not at this point. >> if you can't get the truck unstuck, it is a big mess. all right. the weather warmed up quite a bit here. >> hot in the city even. >> ready for 60s? >> can we stay in the 80s? >> i knew that you would say that and a lot of folks are in the same boat here and not quite ready for colder weather, but that is the big headline here as we are looking at the seven-day forecast in a little bit. we will see a huge drop in the temperatures. okay. outside to san jose, and a lot of the south bay had those upper
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80s and low 90s today, and really felt nice. possibly a little bit too hot for you, but overall, we could handle it, and we will see the warm 80s here through 7:00, and eventually, to the 70s as we are getting to 10:00 tonight. moving into tomorrow morning, the numbers are going to be moving off with some areas of fog to the coast and the bay, and 58 here in the south bay, and san francisco 52 and for the north bay 55. i can see the numbers beginning to drop off, and some of the hot air will move off to the east. overall, a warm day, but again, not as hot. 77 in los gatos, and 89 in morgan hill, and through east bay, oakland, some of the best weather for you, and we are at 89 at halfway bay, and redwood city at 83.
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along the embarcadero, they are a chilly 59 and we will begin the cooling process, albeit slowly. by sunday, we will be at 67, and we will hold on to the 60s potentially into the following weekend. a prolonged event for us heading back into the below average temperatures. we will see the changes from the system dropping down from the north, and the big change today with this is that it is setting up over the pacific, and it is go going to pick up a foot of snow in the sierras at the highest levels and slowdown the snow melt that is occurring.
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the snow totals are a quarter to a half inch, and where the things that could add up would be next friday, and overall, it could be a half to 1/4 inches. and the best thing about that rain, if we could find anything at all is the allergies and the pollen, and that is high right now, and we could get a lot lower, and that is going to be a lot of pollen all over the driveway, and we will get you to the forecast of 89 for friday and 69 on monday, and the weekend needs to hurry to get here, and we will get here to next weekend. >> we will stick with the weekend. >> i don't mind. >> thank you, jeff. and speaking to the media for first time since coming back to the u.s. to the u.s. brittney griner and the messa
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alexex! mateo, hey y how's busisiness? alexex! great. y you know ththat n has s really wororked wonder. thatat's what u.u.s. bank isis. great. y you know ththat n has s really wororked wonder. and d you're grorowing in calififornia? great. y you know ththat n has s really wororked wonder. -yup, , socal, nororcal... -monteterey? -all d day. -a brancnch in ventutura? that's's for sure-e-ah. atms in n fresno? that's's for sure-e-ah. freses-yes. that's's for sure-e-ah. encinitatas? yes, indndeed-us. encinitatas? anaheim? encinitatas? big g time. encinitatas? more guauacamole? encinitatas? i'i'm on a rololl-ay. encinitatas? how about t you? i'm jujust visitining. u.s.s. bank. ranked #1 1 in customomer satisfafaction h retatail bankingng in calififornia by j j.d. po.
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wnba star brittney griner has spoken to the media for first time since being freed from a russian prison. >> she was detaped after being in a russian air poth and was freed with a prisoner swap. griner is preparing to play once again in the wnba and had a inspirational message for other
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people in the overseas. >> keep pushing, because we are not going to stop fighting. we are not going to stop bringing awareness to everyone who is left behind right now. >> griner says that she is never going to play internationally again unless it is with the international usa team. and the draft is under way right now, and we will sho you who wju give y your small l business one tetech solutioion that checkcks all the e boxe. it''s all hehere with ththe comcmcast busineness complee connnnectivity s solution. peace ofof mind withth cybeberthreat sesecurity. the popower of thehe larges, faststest reliabable networ. plplus, save u up to 75% a ar with comomcast busininess mob. the cocomplete connectivivity solutioion. from t the companyny poweredy the nextxt generatioion 1010g network.k. get started for just $49 a momonth. and d ask about t an $8$800 prepaidid card. comcasast businessss. powewering possisibilities.
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our cucustomers dodon't do what thehey do for likes s or followewers. their papath isn't for ththe casuallyly curious. and that's's what makekes itit matter ththe most when t they find i it. the e exact thining ththat can chahange the wowo. some s say it's whwhat ththey were boborn to do.... itit's what ththey live toto . trinet s serves smsmall anand medium s sized businines. soso they can n do more of whahat matters.s. bebenefits. papayroll. comompl. trtrinet. peopople matter..
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we have new millionaires and dream coming true, because the nfl draft is under way, raj. >> yes, and the raiders have a pick tonight, and the 7th overall, and now, the number one overall pick. >> with the first pick in this 2023 nfl draft, the carolina panthers select bryce young, quarterback, alabama. >> there you go. is that a pink or -- i like the suit selection there. >> it is in. >> stylish. salmon. and the carolina panthers traded a bundle to get the number one pick, and they drafted pasadena native and heisman trophy winner and won the national championship with alabama. and we had day baseball at
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the basin, and now, the giants looking to sweep the cardinals, but it did not happen. cardinals break through with this home run. and now, the giants are headed to mexico city for a two-game weekend series and the games count against the padres. well, they have not been good on the road, but the warriors pulled it off winning game five in sacramento. it was not easy, because the kings came out hot hitting eight 3-pointers in the first quarter, and the warriors took it over scoring their own three pointers with steph curry and klay thompson. the warriors are looking to close it out in game six at chase center. stephen curry had a message for dub fans. >> y'all get your butts in the
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seats at 5:00 for the ti get yourut off work early in the bay ar >> that isright. >> he said to get your butts in the seats for 5:00. d e tip off is early. and y can watch the ege coverage and the game on our sister station nbc sports bay area, and the pregame coverage begins at 4:00. >> yes, this is the earliest start time for the warriors playoff history, at 5:00 p.m. >> yes, the grizzlies and the lakers are on at 7:30. >> so you hear that, jeff? get your butts in the seats. >> mine will be. >> and she is at the hospital and sedated and an update on the 15-month of old maya, and she is the toddler who was shot when she was riding in


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