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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 430  NBC  April 27, 2023 4:30pm-5:00pm PDT

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>> she is in the hospital and sedated. the toddler shot for being at the wrong place at the wrong time. we have the exclusive interview
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with her father. >> good thursday, everyone. the news at 4:30 starts now. i'm janelle wang. and we will learn more details with how little maya is doing. and now, we will have record heat hitting the bay area. and we will learn which spots are the hottest and a big weather change coming. and the lights are out and they will stay out until saturday for some, and the big power outage in san francisco, and the city leaders are pointing the finger at pg&e. and the national guard is coming in to help san francisco, and the state lawmakers are trying to help with the fentanyl crisis and we are tracking all of the developments out of the state capitol and you will have that story only on nbc bay area. we have the update of a toddler shot while riding in the family car in oakland. police believe that the family is not the target of the
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shooting. the little girl is still in the hospital. we have the reporter who is in oakland and you were the only reporter to speak to the family, velena jones. what have you learned? >> she just underwent two surgeries, the first one on monday, and a second one that lasted over seven hours there. is significant internal damage to her organs and the doctors are working on trying to fix that in which her intestine which just needed yesterday, and the doctors are looking at how long the recovery will need and possibly another surgery that may be on the way. >> what were they doing when the
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shooting happened? they were driving home or coming home from dinner or something like that? what did the father tell you? >> yes, they were driving home from laundromat and something that people do everyday. the father jose said he started to hear the gun fire, and he tried to cover the two children in the backfire, because not only was little maya in the car seat, but his other 5-year-old daughter, and you can imagine the panic in the mind when all of this was happening. we have reported it, but just to reiterate that he didn't know that little maya had been shot when they got home, and this is when more panic set in, and they went to the fire department to try to get help, and eventually, she was transported to the hospital. >> and velena, were they
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discouraged, because the violence in oakland is a daily discouraged and what are the thoughts of living in the city? >> well, you know, unfortunately, we know that it is not the only shooting that happened just this week, right? we have heard about plenty of shootings and homicides that have happened just within the past ten days. what jose is telling me is that this is completely altering his family life, and they don't feel safe, and they don't feel like even when they call the police, the police are getting there soon enough, and so he says that as soon as maya is out of the hospital, they have plans to move and relocate out of the city. he says that he no longer wants to raise his two daughters in the city of oakland. >> okay. thank you, veleta jones, we will have your full report at 6:00. a turn to the record heat, and one of the hottest spots in the bay area as wehave vianey
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is tracking it and this is expected to be one of the warmest days. >> yes, and we nearly hit some of the record highs br u with e missed it -- highs, but we missed it today by a few degrees. in surrounding areas around san jose, we did get some readings in the 91, 92 mark. and if you notice right now, south of the airport, it is 90 degrees in san jose, and we are not full of, this vicky, just yet. some areas that nearly hit some record highs is the areas along concord and the tri valley and livermore and we will see the temperatures lingering today and tomorrow and through the stretch of saturday. right now, six degrees warmer, and this is because we have high pressure sitting over the bay area, and you can see it is there, and you can see the
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marine layer taper off nicely but by tonight and early tomorrow, we will see the return of the marine layer for fog advisories as well, and tomorrow, we will have a closer look at the daytime highs and once again, some 90s on the map, and 70s on the coastline, and as we go to saturday, heading into the weekend, we will start to notice the temperatures cool off by a couple of degrees, and this is going to factor into some snow in the yosemite area, and there is a flood advisory in effect, and we will get a system and the approach bringing back a turn of the rain chances as we will have more details coming up at 5:00. >> as vianey just showed us, san jose was one of the hot spot, so we sent robert honda out there to show how they are dealing with the heat.
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robert is dealing with the heat and i see that you are dealing with the shade, and how are other people dealing with it, robert? >> well, that is the basic thing that you can do first and foremost in dealing with the heat. a lot of people were taken by surprise. it is interesting when vianey is talking about how hard it is hitting today and cooling off today, and that is what took the people by surprise is that there was not a heat wave like three or four or five days coming up, and people were taken by surprise how fast it jumped today. you will see in the story, that we were over in the fountains at downtown san jose, and i was surprised how fast people reacted. it was crowded there. and several school groups on tours, and they had strategy they could resort to by detouring to the fountains, and people had a surprise reaction to how fast the heat came on
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them. >> i can see one person with an umbrella to keep away from the sun. are local agencies responding to it or, because it is so short, they won't kick anything in high area? >> well, they are kicking out the alerts and the fountains are a reaction to the heat and the city does that, but right now, what they are doing is to issuing the warnings, because again, the key is not so much the temperatures of how fast it came on and this is really the first day and people are trying to make the transition, and getting taken by surprise and the warning of the vulnerable groups and young children, and seniors and people with the respiratory problems and the precautions, and not so long that they are going to be treated with a heat effect, and they will be setting up cooling centers into the 90s, anded that i need three consecutive days of 93 degrees before they activate the cooling centers, and right
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now, most of us are still on our own. >> what about today? did you ask people what they think? are they tired of the rain and they can't wait for the heat or hold off, because i can't hold off until spring and i can't wait or the higher temps? >> welk they were happy for the rain to stop, and everybody was expressing the fact that they hoped that solved the drought, because they did not want the rain to go away until that was taken care of, but people said that they were ready for warmer weather, but not hot weather, and so to jump into the lower 80s, that is not what they were looking for, but not the low 90, but that is what they got. so it is mixed feelings about the heat wave and the spike. >> okay. oneer two days, and it is gone. robert handa, we will see you at 6:00. and the weather alerts can
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be sent your smartphone and you can customize it for your phone, and so make sure that you download the app on your smartphones. and a fire triggered a voltage fire, and one of the problems ear ises financial district where crews are out to help direct traffic. pg&e said they were notify that underground equipment were damaged, and they have not cited a cause. san francisco fire said that the issue was a volt fire that spread. at the peak nearly 10,000 customers were affected. today, down the 5,000 customers burk pg&e says that the customers may not be restored until this weekend. one small business owner says that the wait is maddening. >> it is super frustrating, because they said around noon
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today, and we have been waiting and waiting, and it is great weather today, and nope not coming today, but waiting for saturday. >> the emergency center is activated and helping to manage any issues. our christie smith is calling on the accountability from pg&e and she is going to join with us a live update at 6:00. they agree it is a problem, but they can't agree on how to solve it, and the california lawmakerers are going considede seveveral bills to sololve the fefentanyl crisisis. l love it or hate it, selfi are a a new w way of life. andd a new revelatioion that n all selfieses are taken for sam reason.
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♪♪ alexex! mateo, hey y how's busisiness? alexex! great. y you know ththat n has s really wororked wonder. thatat's what u.u.s. bank isis. great. y you know ththat n has s really wororked wonder. and d you're grorowing in calififornia? great. y you know ththat n has s really wororked wonder. -yup, , socal, nororcal... -monteterey? -all d day. -a brancnch in ventutura? that's's for sure-e-ah. atms in n fresno? that's's for sure-e-ah. freses-yes. that's's for sure-e-ah. encinitatas? yes, indndeed-us. encinitatas? anaheim? encinitatas? big g time. encinitatas? more guauacamole? encinitatas? i'i'm on a rololl-ay. encinitatas? how about t you? i'm jujust visitining. u.s.s. bank. ranked #1 1 in customomer satisfafaction h retatail bankingng in calififornia by j j.d. po.
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and. knost everyone agrees that california is facing a fentanyl crisis but not everyone agrees on the best way to fight it, and so what are you seeing in the form of bills? >> yes, there was a public safety meeting in sacramento and some are safety enhancements for people are arrested with less than an ounce, and one is to boost the sentence for those who target teens and sell on social media, and there are over 6 million californians who died of fentanyl poisoning. >> our kids are buying what they believe it is a xanax, a percocet or oxy, and dying because of the fentanyl
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poisoning. >> and to be clear, this is a fentanyl crisis, and growing across the bay area, and these bills are promising, but opposition to the bills? >> yes, the opponents are focusing on a few things saying that they are relying to the burden of the mas incarceration issues. and so we have to find more nuanced crisis issues and more accessible treatments for addicts. >> i don't believe this is moving the ball forward on the war on drugs. >> there are more than 2,500 bills going through the legislature, and seven of the bills are passed out of committee, and those who haven't
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will be heard in a few weeks. >> stay on track, ian, and we will keep checking in. and now, there is a rule on the berkeley ban of natural gas piping. it is part of the phase that phased out fossil fuels for environmental reasons. under the rules natural gas piping would be allowed in the city on a permanent basis, so this morning the councilmembers gathered in berkeley outside of the civic center. >> we know what this is about, dangerous idea that business profits trump local and state's rights to protect our community's health and safety and inhabitable climate. >> councilwoman harris asked for a rehearing of the court's committee.
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and now, according to climate central, all cities have warmed since earth day in 1950. we go to ruana to talk about the warming climatement and it is not a good thing. >> yes, and according to climate central, the u.s. is 2.5 degrees warmer than it was in 1970. now, this is really close to the global warming limit of 2.7 degrees fahrenheit. if you are looking at the map, you can see that alaska is the fastest warming state that you can see there on the scale that is in red at nearly 4 degrees. now, a closer look at cities closer to the bay. san francisco, and we are talking about san jose, and looking at how san francisco fared. when you are looking ta trend, it is compared to again, a stretch since 1970, and if you are looking at san francisco, nearly a 3 degree warmup, and very similar to california to get a state poll as well as the
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united states, and then further inland, i selected san jose to give you a look at how they warmed two degrees since 1970. so we wanted to take a closer look inching closer to summer. there are a lot of impacts for this as the freezer is coming closer, and we reached out to somebody at the national weather service to tell us what we are dealing with. >> when you are starting to talk about climate versus weather, the main difference is time. we are looking at the climate, and we are looking at the large chunks of time to get an idea of what you can expect whereas for the weather, it can change so much quicker, and that where you will get the phrase of climate is what you expect, and weather is what you get. so it is the summertime that is coming up, and the idea of having another really hot potential coup of days close to a week, it is there in the
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summertime, but the specific is how the atmosphere continues to develop and change in the day. >> checking out the microweather which breaks down the sectors. notice in california transport is highest up 41%, and some of the solutions have been reducing the demand and also, the higher push for electric vehicles as well, and making the walkable cities is a key factor, and the long game is reducing the greenhouse gas emissionons. jajanelle, bacack to you.u. >> thahank you, vianey. >> why do y you selfie? maybe it isis not the vanity, a capture the deeper meaning of the event and rather than the capture o your face and self the stu cities say that third-person people want to capture ther meaning.
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and researchering found that people like more than the perspective matches their goal for taking the picture. so, if i took a picture of me eating dinner and people were like hungry, they would like it more. if i took a selfie right now, i would want to showcase you, because you are doing the 5:00 news, and what are you working on? >> okay. we are following, you know, the weather. i am listing the parts of the country where it would feel like you went from winter to summer in one day. it felt like that way in the bay area, and you were getting dumped on, and then boom, it is hot. so we are not only going to talk about the heat, and the air quality, and it is so bad for this early in the year. and pete will tell us why. i am going the channel the best
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chandler being. could there be any more bees? thank you for that. >> i watch every "friends" episode, but i don't think that -- oh okay. maybe they are not good for everyone, to daion is on the beat. and taking a stroll through san francisco, and it is looking san francisco, and it is looking like a cleaning robot, and a - life is uncertain.
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there is something larger than any single one of us.
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our work is one of the forces in netflix. >> the former president shared the trailer and it is called working, and what we do all day. in it, the president is going to share stories across industries and the aim is to understand them and their dream and to answer a few questions like what makes a good job good. what does it take to feel satisfy and they are going to be speaking to people at all economic levels and quote, from the service entrance to the c-suite and the series launches on netflix on may 16th. and now, coming out of the bronx zoo, a bird got out, and the bird bit him after he tied to contain it, and flew off of the ground. what is comfortable to the peacocks, they sleep in free, and they expected that the bird would return, and the zoo
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keepers left him in the free overnight, and as they predicted, the peacock flew back to the zoo at 11:00 this morning probably because he was hungry. something always interesting in san francisco, and this is a weird one. check out what somebody reported walking around sf. >> yes, this is the roomba trying to find its way back home. someone spotted it and posted it on tiktok. and the video went viral with 600,000 views so far. the tiktok says that the owner of the roomba has not been found. the warriors traveled to sacramento needing a big win to wrestle away the court advantage from the king, and they got it. it was not easy, because the kings came out hot hitting eight three-pointers and the warriors took control thanks to big games
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from stephen curry and klay thompson. and draymond green chipped in 21 points, and a monstrous 22 rebounds. the warriors won and look to close out the series in game six tomorrow, and steph curry has a message for dub fans. >> y'all get your butts at 5:00, and the tip-off is early, but get off work early and get there. >> note early time so it can een in primetime where they will be showing the lakers' game in primetime so you can see the warriors game on the bay area with coverage at 4:00. okay. that is going to do it for us at 4:30. and jessica anand this is s ready to go ononline. any questitions? -y-yeah, i gotot one.
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right now at 5:00, closing out spring and going straight so summer, and closing in on air quality. and a man accused of a brutal attack on a former commissioner is released after the commissioner did not show up to court. and after baby is shot in a car seat and what the father says after she was hit by a bullet and the road to recovery, and we will get an update. thank you for being with us, and it looks like the bay area may be skipping right past the spring. some areas saw the temps in the low 90s. >> that is right. we saw temps that brought in
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warm air and bad air. >> and pete surratos is saying that it brought in a bad quality of air. >> yes, the bay area is getting hit with a number of factors. >> reporter: across the county, and alex of contra county was determined to finish his workout on the basketball court despite the conditions. >> i was determined to finish my workout despite the conditions. >> reporter: another resident was taking a break in the shade after walking with his dog. >> i am taking a lot of breaks, because he gets tired and i t


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