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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 530  NBC  April 26, 2023 5:30pm-6:01pm PDT

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please tell me you remember the golden girls. ever feel like you wanted to join rose, dorothy, sophia, and
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blanch in the kitchen? of course you did and you can. san francisco's newest pop utah restaurant brings to life the iconic kitchen wear all those crazy conversations unfolded. you can walk around the golden girls' living room, sit at the bar at the rusty anchor, or wander through blanche's bedroom. the popup opened today, it will be up three months. fyi, your reservation comes with dinner. someone has to invite me, i want to go. stream our newscast on roku, samsung tv plus, xumo. >> blanche was the fast one, correct? >> the risky behavior. >> risque. >> a little risque, yes. i love that show. 5:30, new developments in the poisoning case at an elder care home in the bay area. we've learned the state of california is now filing legal action to revoke the license of this care home. our investigative reporter
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candice nguyen breaks down what this could mean for the facility. another bay area bank facing major trouble. first republic is looking for a rescue deal as it's losing lots of money in the meantime. is your money safe? our business and tech reporter scott budman joins us. disgraced theranos founder elizabeth holmes will not report to prison tomorrow as scheduled. we'll tell you why. good wednesday. the nude at 5:30 starts right now. i'm janelle wang. >> i'm raj mathai. a story we've been tracking for months, the poisoning of three dementia patients at ate apps atria senior care home. the state is taking serious action. >> two seniors died after being served a cleaning chemical instead of fruit juice. investigative reporter candice nguyen breaking down what this could mean. >> reporter: the department of social services has filed legal
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action to revoke atria park's facility license. the agency fined the fucilli nearly $40,000 earlier this month. this state action after three dementia patients were poisoned at the san mateo senior facility on august 27th. according to a newly released facility evaluation we the state, at least three staffmembers were involved in transferring a cleaning chemical from a five-gallon container into a beverage pitcher. a fourth employee accidentally took that pitcher and served the chemical to dementia patients, thinking it was fruit juice, accidentally killing two residents. according to the state's report, atria did not train these employees how to transfer detergent or handle chemicals, even though they were assigned to kitchen duties. march 14th, the state issued a fine to atria park for $39,500 for the two residents' deaths and injuring a third. on the state's website right now
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it shows this. the department of social services filing legal action to revoke the care home's facility license. it does not provide details on this pending action, but we have reached out to the state for clarification and we are waiting for a response. minutes ago, atria senior living sent a statement saying in part, "we disagree with the department of social services' decision and have filed an appeal. we are in discussions about resolution of that appeal." during this process, atria park will remain open and "our employees continue to be to focus on providing a safe and welcoming environment for all our residents." i spoke with the family of one of the victims before this newscast, and i'll be back at 7:00 to share their thoughts with you. more fallout tonight in antioch. contra costa county now adding more staffmembers to investigate
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racial bias in cases involving the antioch police department. some saying the scandal could jeopardize thousands of criminal cases. pete serranos has a closer look. >> reporter: cell phone video from last year showing antioch police arresting juan laspeda, now suing over the arrest. according to the come maintain it began when he was standing outside a friend's apartment building with his fiancee when officers approached asking if they were all right. he told them he was waiting on an uber but things took a violent turn when he tried to walk away. he and his lawyer claim race was a factor. >> he definitely was profiled. because i believe they're hispanic. that does tie to the testing taking place. >> reporter: goff believes it's reflective of the department's
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culture, already embrailled in a racist text messaging scandal involving dozens of its officers and a federal investigation that has at least eight other officers on leave. the county is adding more staff, largely to review cases involving these off certificates to see if race played a role. >> our district attorney and public defender believe there could be hundreds if not thousands of cases that may need to be reviewed. >> reporter: john gioia is chair of the contra costa county board of supervisors and says under the state's racial justice act which requires the state to show prosecutors did not consider race when making charging and sentencing decisions, contra costa county is now adding ten attorneys to both the district attorney's and public defender's offices with half focusing directly on prior cases involving the officers connected to the text messaging scandal. it will cost the county just over $2 million per year and could involve cases going back years. >> butt but what we need to do as a system is fix any harms to individuals that may have
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occurred as a result of their racism and bias. >> reporter: as for him, he was released without custody. his lawyers are convinced race played a role. >> my clients don't just want to get money, they want to see this not happen to anyone else. >> reporter: in contra costa county county, pete seratus. elizabeth holmes was supposed to begin serving her sentence near houston but she's appealing her fraud conviction. as it stands under the court's rules, holmes will remain free on bail until an appellate court rules. the state has ten days to respond. there are growing fears of a new banking crisis. once again, it's a bay area bank in the middle of all of this. that bank is losing a whole lot
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of money. first republic headquartered in san francisco has seen its stock price plummet after admitting it lost nearly half its deposits over the last three months as investors continue to pull out. shares of stock are down 95% just in the last month and a half. it's important to note here that anyone with funds -- funds are protected up to $250,000 per account because of the fdic, the government. but if you have more than that in a single account, this is an uncertain time. >> the main difference is that for silicon valley, the government steps in and says, no matter, you're safe. but apparently this has not happened for first republic. so first republic is just as any company in difficulty. if you're invested in them, and as a depositor you are, you're hoping for the best.
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>> people are nervous. let's bring in our business and tech reporter scott budman. you've been following first republic, silicon valley bank. what happens now? if i have money in first republic, the government has yet to step in. am i nervous? >> you're nervous because since the government has yet to step in and investors have clearly stepped out, this is similar to the pattern we saw with svb a couple of months ago. we know what happened there. the government did have to come in, bail out all the deposits, eventually another bank took over. that hasn't happened yet here, so there are question marks ahead. if you have money in first republic and it's $250,000 or less, you're fine. you're protected by the fdic. but there are a lot of companies and some venture capitalists like svb that have trusted first republic with more money than that. right now they're sweating. >> i'm cynical. everyone says fdic will come in, everything's going to be fine. but what's the s pro? 90 days? 9 days? 9 hours? what if i want my money?
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>> nobody can answer with a definite time. i wouldn't how about on asap. this is still going on. svb dragged out for quite some time. eventually you'll be able to get that money but it could take time. there were people that showed up at svb and walked out with a check that day. there were others that had to wait weeks. so i really -- i was trying to get an answer exactly how long this takes, and there is no exact. >> svb was bought by a bigger company, a bigger bank. what happens with tures republic? what are some of the options? >> one of the options is it stays independent. it did say it was going to lay off 20 to 25% of its staff to cut costs. another thing, a big bank could try to buy it outright. a third option, that's the one we saw with svb, the government takes control, says we're going to make good on those assets, and perhaps another bank comes in like with svb. there are a few scenarios that could play out here. >> timeline, monday morning, are we going to have an answer?
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>> we may. these things tend for some reason to get solved on friday nights or weekends. >> like svb. >> this weekend is going to be a nail-biting time. we should learn at least what's the next step for first republic, if we don't know in the next couple of days. >> it's amazing, two big banks in the bay area, this one on the verge. >> it shows the vulnerability of our banking system and the economy in general, you're right. fairfield, a deadly crash on the tracks. one dead, several more hurt after an amtrak train hit a car around 8:30 this morning. the car spun and crashed into another car. it happened at east taylor and railroad avenue. the road was closed for several hours and amtrak service was stopped for the investigation. it is not clear yet why that car was on the tracks in the first place. e.g. carroll took the stand in her civil suit against former president trump, accusing him of raping her in the '90s. carroll described running into mr. trump at a new york
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department store, who suggested she try on a body suit in the lingerie department. she says he coaxed her into the dressing room, shoved her against the wall, then raped her. the testimony after the judge warned mr. trump about two posts on truth social, the a social media platform created by the trump team. the president called the case a scam and argued that carroll's lawyer is a political operative. the judge says mr. trump could risk being sued or having sanctions imposed. the former president has denied the rape accusations. up next, we had a little fun today from the nbc studios to paypal park. our weather team hit the road teaming up with the earthquakes for a day of science and soccer. i'm chief meteorologist jeff ranieri. those hotter temperatures helping things to bloom out here. oak, cedar, sycamore, pine all in the high category. details on when some rain is
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going to cool us down and change going to cool us down and change thing is up for our cucustomers dodon't do what thehey do for likes s or followewers. their papath isn't for ththe casuallyly curious. and that's's what makekes itit matter ththe most when t they find i it. the e exact thining ththat can chahange the wowo.
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some s say it's whwhat ththey were boborn to do.... itit's what ththey live toto . trinet s serves smsmall anand medium s sized businines. soso they can n do more of whahat matters.s. bebenefits. papayroll. comompl. trtrinet. peopople matter..
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an amazing field trip for hundreds of third graders. today our team of nbc bay area and telemundo 48 meteorologists partnered with the san jose earthquakes for a day of science at paypal park. >> 600 students across the bay area became junior meteorologists. nbc's cynthia pimentel was among the adults on hand. >> reporter: science and sunshine at paypal park today where the team of nbc and telemundo 48 meteorologists partnered with the earthquakes for a day of fun and learning. >> we use it at work to show you what the weather going to be like. >> reporter: we showed the students how to work is green screen, make a cloud and a tornado simulation using everyday items, and brought our special guest, storm ranger. >> we thought it was such a cool idea to open up our doors to welcome kids from salinas to san francisco here to the stadium to
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enjoy learning more about science. to get a chance to learn more about the quakes. >> reporter: kari hall and vianey arana showed the students how to make a tornado. it's a rare weather event for california but a cool experiment for students to show their families. >> it's something most people don't consider that happens in california, but we were able to show them what a tornado looks like if it were to happen, because we don't see them so much around the bay area. >> reporter: even our storm ranger mobile doppler radar was at this event all the way from san bruno mountain. students looked around the truck, and we explained the cool technology and how we use it during atmospheric rivers and other events to provide the most accurate forecasts here in the bay area. >> they start thinking about weather, the planet, the sky, the earth, the atmosphere. then that gets their wheels rolling. at the end of the day, they're the future leaders of tomorrow. with our climate in crisis, there are the ones that will make the biggest impact.
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>> reporter: overall, a very successful day with the students and all of the team members at the event. the students went home with prizes, and hopefully we sparked an interest in meteorology. who knows, maybe we'll see them here on the screen. although they've got a couple more years to go. reporting from paypal park in san jose, cynthia pimentel, "nbc bay area news.." >> what a fun day. >> we were recruiting? was that a recruiting event? >> i saw them doing the weather, they did a good job. pg&e snow survey crews getting the last snow survey of the spring and the last snowpack survey of the spring. they measured 211 inches of snow yesterday atlasen volcanic national park. that's a lot of snow. pg&e is one of several agencies conducting snowpack surveys. data will be used to figure out how much watertowns will have, also how much hydroelectric power the snowmelt will
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generate. it's starting to melt now. >> and this is the crazy thing. even though we have a flood watch and that snowmelt is a concern into the weekend, next week we're looking at temperatures dropping into the 20s and 30s overnight in the sierra. and even maybe 6 inches or more with a storm system. it could put it on pause, which would help all of this out. dynamic weather coming over the next seven to ten days in our forecast. so enjoy the heat. it's just going to be a short little stint here of it before we begin to see larger changes. let's move it right into your thursday morning forecast. we'll start it off here with a bit of fog near the bay, the coast, san francisco. but overall, some pretty warm temperatures here to begin. 56 in the south bay. looking pretty comfortable for san francisco at 50. north bay 56 as well. daytime highs tomorrow warming up 4 to 6 degrees.
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that's going to be good enough in the south bay to put us in the 90s. look at this, 91 in milpitas. 90 morgan hill. east bay, low 90s antioch, concord, danville, pleasanton. near the bay, that's warm in hayward at 84. the peninsula, close to 90 in palo alto, redwood city 87. look at the difference here. daly city and half moon bay with colder 60s with ocean breeze. downtown or the mission in san francisco, we'll be back up into the 70s. north bay, 91 in clear lake. 88 novato. tomorrow the peak of the heat, nearing records. the ten-day forecast, things are going to drop for us here by monday into tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday, even the following weekend. 60s are coming back for us. that's all going to happen from this system dropping down from the north. not only chillier temperatures, but even the chance here of some spotty rain, some sierra snow.
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this system could actually linger into may 7th. here's the deal. next tuesday, we're looking at trace amounts to .25 as that system spins in. a slight chance on wednesday and thursday. but it could kind of kick back around. the storm system by next friday, we may get .25 to .50 on that one. for the sierra, snow totals next week 2 to 3 inches, maybe even a little bit higher. so we'll have all eyes on that. right now, again, get ready for heat here in san francisco. you can see 77 tomorrow. 60 on monday with increasing winds and shower chances next tuesday into the end of next week. 93 inland, then that 68 next monday. so something for everyone on that seven-day forecast, literally. that's a big curveball. >> all in the next five days. okay, get ready for this. how many colleges did you get
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accepted to? you went to uc san diego? >> i applied to a lot. >> it's nerve-racking. a new record set by this young man in new orleans. y.'ll tell you how man
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amazon is laying off more workers. this time hitting its cloud computing and hr divisions. the layoffs are part of 9,000 job cuts the company announced in march.
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those cuts previously targeted advertising and video game divisions. starting today, the company turned its attention to web services. in the second round of layoffs in recent months, the company has carried out plans to cut 27,000 jobs this year. it's been slashing costs ahead of an expected economic downturn. if you've gone through the college application process, you know how nerve-racking it is just waiting for that acceptance letter, or if you get denied. this kid from new orleans, dennis barnes, he set a new record for most college acceptance letters. ready for this? he's been accepted to 170 colleges. not only that, the monetary value of his scholarship offers surpasses $9 million. barnes is a 4.98 gpa and is fluent in spanish. he plans to study computer science and law. he'll announce his college decision by next week. i'm hoping he goes to san diego state.
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>> he has lots of options. he can choose whatever he wants. what a smart kid. so proud the family must be. up next, are you nervous? got on your lucky shirt or lucky socks? game five between the warriors and kings just about an hour away. anthony flores women will join us next. he is courtside in sacramento. give y your small l business one tetech solutioion that checkcks all the e boxe. it''s all hehere with ththe comcmcast busineness complee connnnectivity s solution. peace ofof mind withth cybeberthreat sesecurity. the popower of thehe larges, faststest reliabable networ. plplus, save u up to 75% a ar with comomcast busininess mob. the cocomplete connectivivity solutioion. from t the companyny poweredy the nextxt generatioion 1010g network.k. get started for just $49 a momonth. and d ask about t an $8$800 prepaidid card. comcasast businessss. powewering possisibilities.
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♪♪ alexex! mateo, hey y how's busisiness? alexex! great. y you know ththat n has s really wororked wonder. thatat's what u.u.s. bank isis. great. y you know ththat n has s really wororked wonder. and d you're grorowing in calififornia? great. y you know ththat n has s really wororked wonder. -yup, , socal, nororcal... -monteterey? -all d day. -a brancnch in ventutura? that's's for sure-e-ah. atms in n fresno? that's's for sure-e-ah. freses-yes. that's's for sure-e-ah. encinitatas? yes, indndeed-us. encinitatas? anaheim? encinitatas? big g time. encinitatas? more guauacamole? encinitatas? i'i'm on a rololl-ay. encinitatas? how about t you? i'm jujust visitining. u.s.s. bank. ranked #1 1 in customomer satisfafaction h retatail bankingng in calififornia by j j.d. po. our cucustomers dodon't do what thehey do for likes s or followewers.
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their papath isn't for ththe casuallyly curious. and that's's what makekes itit matter ththe most when t they find i it. the e exact thining ththat can chahange the wowo. some s say it's whwhat ththey were boborn to do.... itit's what ththey live toto . trinet s serves smsmall anand medium s sized businines. soso they can n do more of whahat matters.s. bebenefits. papayroll. comompl. trtrinet. peopople matter.. it's game night in the state
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capital, sacramento. the warriors/kings pivotal game five the nba playoffs. >> the series is tied 2-2 games. it's a best of seven. for many fans of both teams, this is high stress. is it enjoyable? >> i don't know, it's not enjoyable at all. >> nbc bay area's anthony flores has the assignment of the night. he is courtside in sacramento. i'm trying to see who's warming up behind you. take it away, anthony. >> guys, what do you mean, stress? of course it's enjoyable. this is what it's all about. nba playoff basketball. steph curry just took the court for pregame warmups. before he ever touches a basketball, he does this ritual and lets you know that he is locked in and ready to go. of course, when you have steph, klay thompson, draymond green, how could you not be confident? together they've won four nba titles, 96 playoff victories. even though they lost games one and two, they feel like they are better prepared to do what they weren't able to do early in the
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series, win in sacramento. after holding serve for the last two games at chase center, the warriors are back in sacramento for what is now a best of three series with the kings. golden state's formula for victory hasn't changed. >> take care of the ball and rebound. can't get any simpler. >> reporter: the warriors didn't do that in the first two games of the series in sacramento, and it cost them. the dubs are a much different team at home than on the road. at least they were during is regular season. but now that they're healthy and in the playoffs, the warriors say they're playing with a sense of urgency. >> we're different now. we're much better defensively. this is the best offensive team in the league. and through four games, we've done a pretty good job. >> i think guys know how important it is, especially in the postseason, the playoffs. every game matters, every possession matters. we know how important everything
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matters, whether home or away. >> reporter: the warriors were successful in bringing day draymond green off the bench in game four. coach kerr is not sharing his rotations for game five just yet. as for the kings, de'aaron fox fractured his index finger on his shooting hand in game four, but he says he's playing tonight despite fox's injury. warriors say the game plan stays the same, do whatever it takes to win. >> we know he's a tough player. he's going to make some tough shots. he's going to make some tough plays. all you can do is stay at it. stay aggressive on defense. >> reporter: because of the injury to the kings' star player, some might be concerned that the warriors will take the kings lightly tonight. coach kerr says that won't be a problem. >> we don't let our guard down. if we let our guard down, there's something seriously wrong with us. we'll be ready to go.


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