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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 11AM  NBC  April 26, 2023 11:00am-11:30am PDT

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right now at 11:00, east bay students back in class after one of their classmates is stabbed by a fellow student. the latest on her condition and how other students are being supported. good morning.
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thanks for joining us for our midday newscast. i'm marcus washington. >> i'm laura garcia. counselors are on campus at that east bay high school after that girl was stabbed yesterday. >> nbc bay area's bob redell is outside of northgate high school. a tough time for students knowing it happened there on campus. >> reporter: there's some good news this morning. the superintendent for the mount diablo unified school district tells us that the girl, a freshman at northgate high school, in walnut creek, is resting in hospital after a successful surgery to repair that stab wound to her neck. walnut creek police confirm she is in stable condition. this morning as students arrived, the district sent in an additional three counselors to the already four on campus and added a psychologist, social worker, and three therapy dogs to help students and staff cope with what happened the day before. police have arrested a ninth grade boy after he stabbed that
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female freshman in the neck yesterday. the attack happened near some dumpsters on the backside of the school campus. the boy learned scissors and was tackled by at least one administrator after the attack. it's not clear what led up to the assault. the superintendent says both students are acquainted. two students this morning told us the boy has a reputation of being, quote, weird and odd. they also think the school district should do a better job at getting kids like this boy mental health counseling to deal with anger issues. >> i think it's honestly kind of a wake-up call for the administration to get it together and come up with new protocols how to handle situations between students or how to check students that may have some type of weapon on them. >> we are and we have been infusing for social/emotional learning into our daily practices and just giving students that opportunity to talk about their feelings, really work with students on how to express themselves, how to
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experience success, how to deal with failure, how to deal with conflict with one another. we're not just teaching reading, writing, and math. we're working with students on how to address their emotions and things of that nature. it is a growing need within our younger populations that has to be addressed. >> the superintendent would not comment if the boy has a prior disciplinary track record. the boy faces charges of murder and mayhem and is being held without bail. the district sent out a text yesterday to alert parents what happened. students were able to return to class yesterday. he credited students and teachers for remaining calm. bob redell, nbc bay area news. >> thanks for the update, bob. a developing story for you. police investigating a homicide in oakland. this was the view from earlier today from nbc bay area
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skyranger. oakland police arrived at 10th and harrison about 7:30 this morning. they found a person who was injured and unresponsive. that person died before paramedics could take them to the hospital. police haven't released any names. a pair of thooefs in oakland violently stealing a woman's purse, then they shot her. this is all on camera. it happened around noon tuesday near the smith recreation center on park boulevard. that video showing the woman fighting back as those two suspects tried to take her purse, which they were able to do. but the woman runs after them. one of those suspects pulls a gun and shoots her. one nearby business owner describing the chaos there and how her husband responded. >> she was fighting back really well for herself, and then they took out the gun and shot her. so it's really crazy. we ran over the see what was going on, left the store open, and we ran there and he called 911. he covered over her gunshot wound, making sure there was
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nothing, you know -- making sure that she was okay until the balance came. >> and she's talking that she didn't want to die and she was really scared. >> the victim is expected to survive. police not saying if they have identified any suspects. well, there are new developments in the case of a former san francisco commissioner allegedly attacked by an unhoused person. nbc bay area has newly released surveillance video showing that altercation. >> nbc bay area's emma goss is in san francisco, there for the court hearing. she's live at the hall of justice with the latest. emma? >> reporter: marcus and laura, those new videos paint a very different picture from what we learned in court today. here is part of the video, which shows -- from the attorney sent to us showing the defendant, garrett allen, picking out a crowbar from a trash can and
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appears to be taking practice swings with it. then we see a fight outside of a gas station where he's hit by the crowbar. we also see a different angle of carmenyati being chased. however, what the defense shared in court today was potential evidence that a man fitting the description had been involved in numerous disagreements with people sleeping on the street and spraying them with what was described in court as a ten-inch can of bear spray, suggesting that his actions with the crowbar were, in fact, made in self-defense. here is his defense attorney moments after leaving court today, talking about a video she says is about carmenyani. >> he sprays this bear spray at the homeless, not just passing by, but focusing on the victim's face for at least a few seconds. >> reporter: he was absent from
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court today. his representation said he had conflicting doctors' 2350 appointments and they're asking for an extra day extension. emma goss, snooulz. >> thanks for that update. new at 11:00, disgraced theranos founder elizabeth holmes will not go to prison as scheduled. she was supposed to start her 11-year sentence tomorrow. but last week her attorneys appealed the judge's ruling citing he made several errors. as it stands under court rules, holmes remains free on bail until an appellate court rules on her bail request. the state has ten days to respond. a live look at the golden gate bridge. that fog, low-lying clouds there, certainly making it hard to see. but you see the cars on the road. how are the conditions outside? >> we had some dense fog advisers earlier. but those have expired. expect sunny skies through the afternoon but also warm temperatures. high pressure is really going to
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roll through. take a look at your current temps right now, it is only 11:07 and we're already seeing 70s on the map for san jose, 70 degrees into concord, 72 vacaville, already nearing the 80-degree mark. san francisco is at about 61, but we are expecting to see a high in the upper 60s at around 68. leaning in closer toward the evening, notice even after that fog burns off, we could see high clouds around the coastline. we've had this nice marine layer. san jose, this is what it looks like in downtown. we'll climb into the mid-80s. 78 degrees right now bumping up to about 84 degrees at 3:00 and we'll only get warmer. more details in a few minutes. >> thanks, vianey. a high school community is addressing its history not as a school lesson but in a debate about whether to change their school mascot. >> kris sanchez joins us with a push to drop a concord minutemen
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mascot. >> today concord high school students get to weigh in on how they would like to move forward. already 500 of them have weighed in on a survey. here's the mascot we're talking about. it is the minuteman. the change stems from the policy the mount diablo unified school district has opted to replace human mascots with nonhuman mascots. the minuteman is holding a rifle, which seems inappropriate in the era of school shootings. the minuteman they say dates back to the american revolution. >> minutemen have a proud history. there weren't just men. there were women. there were african americans. >> i'm a former minuteman, graduated class of '91, but i also want to make sure that we have a mascot that rem that rep everyone. >> there has been back-and-forth on the issue for a year, and at
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one point the school seemed to want to change to the crocodiles but that got shut down over lack of student participation and criticism over the process. this year, the student who is responded to the survey picked a bear as a mascot. we'll see how many weigh in at that presentation that's going to happen before the school board tonight. an interesting note, though, there is a site that tracks mascots for all kinds of teams across the country, unscientifically, of course. there are 31 minutemen, nearly 300 bears, but zero crocodiles. maybe a chance to do something a little different. >> i see the cheers already. we'll see what they become. trading of shares in first republic bank were halted several times this morning on the new york stock exchange. the san francisco-based bank has seen its value drop by hundreds of millions of dollars. >> scott mcgrew joins us.
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the question most people are asking is, is their money safe. >> and we can use the stock price as a measure of what investors think is the future for first republic. investors certainly sounding pretty grim. as for those deposits, if you're a customer, they are safe as long as europe deposits are under $250,000 total. the fdic backs that deposit. no matter what happens, your money will be there. now, there are three distinct possibilities for the future of first republic. first, it just continues on as an independent bank. bank leaders announce big cuts and layoffs on monday to help keep costs and keep going. two, it's purchased by a larger bank. but first republic took on some pretty high-interest loans to stay afloat, and a purchasing bank would take on that debt. the third is the government takes it over and forces some kind of sale. i suspect we will know which of those three, we should find out by the end of the week.
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>> but no cause for alarm. >> not for the everyday mom and pop. any checking account no danger of going over the $250,000 limit, and i suspect most families are the same. >> mm-hmm. >> good to know. thanks, scott. >> you bet. lawmakers pushing for an age limit on social media. so, how old is old enough to log in? social media professor tells us how they plan to enforce that. warriors preparing for game five. anand this is s ready to go ononline. any questitions? -y-yeah, i gotot one. hohow about ththe best network imimaginable?? let's ininvent that.t. that's w what we do o here. quick k survey. whwho wants ththe internetet to, pretty mucuch everywhehere. and itit needs toto smooth, l like super,r, super, super, s super smoototh. hey, s should you u be drinkig thatat? -it's s decaf. becaususe we're busy women.. we donon't have titime for r lag or bufuffering. whwho doesn't t want inteternet that t helps a.i. dodo your homemework even n fa. come a again. -sorry, whwhat was thahat? inintroducing g the nenext generatation
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10g networork only from xfininity. the futurere starts nonow.
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welcome back. you know, you have age limits for voting, drinking, driving. what about social media? >> there's a push in washington that will set a minimum age for tiktok, instagram, and other social media networks. our digital journalist abbey fernandez is here with more details for us. >> hey, marcus and laura. this bill would affect everyone
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under 17 years old -- kids under 13 would flatout be banned from using social media at all if this bill passes, and teens between 13 and 17 would have to get consent from parents to use the platform. plus, the bill is also looking to set restrictions for how companies are using algorithms to serve minors. this is a big deal because it's a rare example of bipartisanship. the bill is being led by senator brian shot, a dememocrat frorom hawaii, and senenator tom cotto a republican from arkansas. both sides are coming together and seem to be mutually concerned about the link between social media and mental health. social media professor matt cavits says there is a lot we don't know about how social media affects kids in the long run. >> see, what we don't know at this point is how social media affects developing brains. a lot of concern today about sort of the neuroplasticitity oa child's brain that we are actually affecting neural pathways in a brain that's developing.
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so there's -- in addition to this bill, there's going to be an attempt to do more research on the actual harms that this might cause a child. >> chabot thinks there is a chance this bill could pass. utah and arkansas have already signed laws for parental consent for anyone under 18. at a federal level, there was a similar bill back in the 1990s that was put out and ended up failing because of first amendment concerns. the big question is how this age limitation will be enforcededed. the senators want the federalal trade commission and the state attorney general to enforce the age limits. i want to point out facebook, snapchat and twitter already require users to be at least 13 years old to have accounts. but that process has been reportedly difficult to monitor. i want to ask you both, how do you feel about this? laura, you have kids. >> i have three soon to be 14-year-olds, and i put the parental controls on so they
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have to ask permission for whatever app they have, and they are not on social media at all. there's enough pressure at school, i think. >> if i had kids, i don't, but if i did, it would probably be around that 14-year-old, 15-year-old age. >> you have to judge each -- >> the individual child. >> and the pressures they're feelings. >> and the benefits of being on it. >> that matters a lot. we are expecting to get more details about this bill later today so we'll keep everyone updated. >> thanks, abbey. new for you this morning, new lessons from the covid pandemic. >> we know iti certainly happening. doctors are trying to evaluate the medical response. the office of the new book "lessons from the covid war" will appear at the san francisco commonwealth club later today. 34 doctors and other experts helped to write it, evaluating the strength and weaknesses of the u.s. response and lessons for the next pandemic. let's hope there's not one. they say one strength was in the ability of the u.s. health care workers to really rally together. >> this virus will continue to
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outsmart us. never turn your back on mother nature. its ability to mutate and constantly create more versions of itself will continue to happen. >> the biomedical field also gets a lot of credit with a quick response in developing a vaccine and getting it distributed to the masses. oakland teachers are organizing a rally today. this is after announcing plans for a possible strike. union leaders last night announcing the vote authorizing the strike. it may start as soon as next monday, although there are more talks planned, and the district is still hopeful that a new deal can be reached before then. teachers are locked in a contract dispute. this is centering around higher wages. last month, dozens of teachers walked off the job in a one-day wildcat strike. and the unions claims negotiations have been going on for months without a breakthrough. dove nation, are you ready for tonight? the defending champions head to sacramento for a critical game against the kings. the teams are tied at 2-2
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following the warriors' dramatic win on sunday night at the chase center. tonight's game in sacramento, the players loaded up the buses yesterday for tonight's away game. a few days ago, kings players were a little worried after a report their star point guard, de'aaron fox, might not play because of an injured finger. but he says he will play tonight even with a splint on that finger. if you couldn't get your hands on those playoff tickets, the chase center is hosting a watch party tonight at thrive city with the game projected on the big plaza board. warriors say there are lawn games set up and a sport court enjoy. expect entertainment and special ests. kickoff is at 7:00 p.m. anthony flores is heading to sacramento right now. golden 1 center starting at m 4:00. a nbc sports bay area will bring the warriors game to you as well as pregame and postgame coverage. that all starts tonight at 6:00 p.m. >> a lot of folks outside
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worrying about the weather. how do you teach kids about weather? who else than our own meteorologist kari hall? >> that's right. she's at paypal park for a weather field trip hosted by the san jose earthquakes. how is it going out there, kari? >> it is going great. so, we have about 600 kids here, and we have stormranger to give out, and we're doing little weather experiments. and i was showing them how to make a tornado in a bottle. this is something that my son and i made yesterday evening. and so this is something that they'll also have the opportunity to make at home. you can see what it looks like there. this is just a little bit of something that shows them about severe weather, what we do in meteorology and also show them our very awesome stormranger truck. so, they're all waiting for me to finish this lesson, and of course we're having so much fun here, you know, making the
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future next meteorologists for nbc bay area. >> they're in good hands. >> quite the audience there, kari. thanks so much. i'm going to be joining them in a few minutes. >> you are? >> yeah. we'll talk about stormranger and climate hacks and keeping mother earth safe. >> i didn't know about that field trip. >> first the weather. so important because it's going to get really warm and we're not used to the 90s. we haven't seen the 90s in so long. we had severe storms through winter, but summer is arriving early. san jose, nice shot there. look at the temperatures right now. 71 in martinez, vacaville 78, 78 in san jose, 68 in scott's valley, but we are going to be seeing some 90s through the interior and upper 80s for a lot of the bay area, including san jose. hayward, 80 degrees, san francisco bumping up to the
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70s. fairfield, 90 degrees, but are we going to see any record highs today? well, we're going to be nearing some of those record highs, and we could be seeing some temperatures get close to it but not quite. so, if you notice in concord today we're going to see a high of 86. there was a record set back in the 94 range in 2004. livermore, san jose staying in the 80s. not record highs but san francisco is definitely nowhere near there. however, as this high pressure continues to settle over the region, we're going to get even warmer, and tomorrow is expected to be our warmest day of the week so far. take a look at what we can expect for tomorrow's daytime highs. a lot more 90s on the map, including down through the south bay, san jose 91 degrees, morgan hill 90 degrees, and even down through san martin and gilroy as well up through the north bay. as we inch closer towards friday into the weekend, the good news is, yes, it will be a little hot, it will give us an
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opportunity to enjoy the outdoors. tahoe, 54 degrees. we are above the 200% mark with our sierra snow pack. this means as the temperatures warm up we've got some flood concerns for tonight, tomorrow, as well as into the weekend. there will be a flood watch in effect through next tuesday for this entire stretch. the reason for that is the warming temperatures. we've got sunshine on the map, so please be careful if you're heading to the lake tahoe area. >> thanks, vianey. an oakland police officer accused of perjury and bribing witnesses is getting ready for court. he'll be there later today. tran turned himself in yesterday. he admitted to providing cash payments in exchange for testimony. the police officer's association calls the charges an attempt by the d.a. to undermine the
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credibility of dedicated public servants. a new pop-up reminiscent of the '80s, especially the antics of four women -- rose, seville la, dorny, and bnch brought to la, dorny, and bnch brought to la
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♪ e estado dorarado ♪ ♪ alwlways in thahat state e of mind ♪ ♪ liviving on a h high vibrata♪ ♪ s so hot gonnnna make it t m♪ ♪ and i'm l lovin' what i'm t tastin' ♪ ♪ que bonitito lugar lllleno de t tanto saboror ♪ ♪ so mumuch flavor r ♪ ♪ u un future brillantnte se acercrca ♪ ♪ ahhhhhhhhh ♪ ♪ nosos gusta mezezclar ♪ ♪ como maltlteada ♪ ♪ aqui i hay lugar r ♪ ♪ yeaeah we livinin' in t the golden n state ♪ ♪ dame mamas, fres-coco y rea♪ ♪ (wooh) ) dale gas ♪ ♪ vive enen el eststado doradodo ♪ i'm karen.n. i'm m living witith hiv and i'i'm on cabenenuva. for r adults who arare undetectctable, i'm m living witith hiv and i'i'm on cabenenuva. cabenuvava isis the only y complete,, lolong-acting g hiv treatmtmt you can n get every y other m. itit's two injnjections from a heaealthcare prprovid. lolong-acting g hiv treatmtmt you can n get every y other m. i i really likike the e flexibi. and fofor me, i i really likike the e flexibi.
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it's's one less s thing to t k about whwhile traveleling. don'n't receceive cabenunua if youou're a allergic it's's one less s thing to t k about whwhile traveleling. to itsts ingredienents of you u taking cerertain medicic, it's's one less s thing to t k about whwhile traveleling. whwhich may ininteract with c cabenuva. it's's one less s thing to t k about whwhile traveleling. seriouous side effffects ince allelergic reactctions postst-injectionon reactio, liver prproblems, and depresession. allelergic reactctions postst-injectionon reactio, if y you have a a rash and or allelergic reactction sympto, stop cababenuva and d get medidical help r right a. tellll your doctctor if you e liver prproblems stop cababenuva and d get medidical help r right a. or menental healthth conce, and if y you are preregnan, stop cababenuva and d get medidical help r right a. breaeastfeeding,g, or consisidering preregnanc. stop cababenuva and d get medidical help r right a. some of f the most c common e effects s include stop cababenuva and d get medidical help r right a. injectction-site r reactio, fefever, and t tiredness.. if y you switch h to caben, attend a all treatmtment appoinintmen. if y you switch h to caben, ready to t treat your r hiv in a a differentnt way? if y you switch h to caben, ask k your doctotor about every-otheher-month cacabenu. if y you switch h to caben, withth every-othther-month cabenuva,, i'm good t to go. withth every-othther-month cabenuva,,
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a peek inside rose, dorothy, sophia and blanch's home. it's pop-up that opens today. get the walk around the kitchen and living room and the rusty anchor. yeah. some of the friends there in blanche's bedroom. a pop-up will be in sf the next three months, and your reservation comes with dinner. the defending champs have a critical game against the kings. if you're watching the warriors at the chase center, there's a watch party at thrive city starting at 5:30.
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free event, but rsvp is encouraged. there are a lot of fun things to do, so cheer them on. the weather will be perfection for any sort of activity for a good stretch. we won't cool off until next week, so expect upper 80s and, yes, 90s. >> wow. which is amazing. that's pretty far inland. brentwood? >> san jose tomorrow 80 degrees. >> okay. ready. >> pool time. >> yeah. >> thanks for joining us.
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