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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 530  NBC  April 25, 2023 5:30pm-6:00pm PDT

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okay, he's done it again. a shop in philadelphia got a cool gift from oakland native and actor tom hanks. >> if you don't know, hanks is a vintage typewriter collector, and he surprised a shop owner at philly dive writing with an unexpected gift, an autographed 1953 manual typewriter. included was a her from hanks, "take good care of it and i hope
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it will keep doing its job for another 100 years." i assume it was written on the typewriter. it's originally from east germany and is worth a lot of money, but the shop owner says they're never going to sell. >> if you don't know what a typewriter is, it's this machine where you hit those keys and you do it on paper, people. you can stream our newscast on roku, samsung tv plus, and xumo. raj and janelle, what's coming up? >> that's cool, a typewriter. >> how about a pen? people don't use pens anymore. >> i think people use pens. here's what we're working on. guns on campus at a south bay school. it's the second time in less than a week this has happened. the type of gun found has police and school leaders very concerned. a big day for the biden administration. the president officially announcing he will run for re-election. tonight we highlight the woman selected to run that campaign and the special ties she holds to the bay area. we take a look at how likely
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it is that president biden gets re-elected next year and the possible edge his opponents could have against him. thanks for joining us. i'm janelle wang. >> i'm raj mathai. it is official, president biden announcing today on social media that he is running for re-election next year. >> that means the campaign formally begins now. the buzz isn't just about the announcement but also who he chose to run his campaign. julie chavez rodriguez, a california native, granddaughter of civil rights leader caesar chavez. here's damian trujillo. >> when i ran for president four years ago, i said we're in a battle for the soul of america. >> reporter: the announcement via twitter in the early morning hours, launching president joe biden's re-election campaign. this is the woman the president chose to run that campaign, julie chavez rodriguez, granddaughter of cesar chavez.
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>> this is one important lesson from my grandfather. i had so many. he would always say, "there's no substitute for hard work." we're accustomed to that. >> reporter: that is part of an interview back in the fall inside the west wing. back then, julie was the white house director of intergovernmental affairs and senior adviser to the president. now she's been tapped to make sure the president of the united states wins re-election. >> we're extremely proud. you know, julie has lived a life of service all of her life. and she's -- she once again has an opportunity to create transformal change here in our country. >> reporter: arturo rodriguez, president emeritus of the united farm workers, julia's father. he knows the job will be tough, but he's comforted knowing his daughter has lifelong training from some of the nation's greatest organizers.
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>> she's going to do whatever it takes to be able to accomplish and achieve what's important for our country, what's important for our people, for the american public. >> reporter: julie is a cal alum. now the president will rely on her to shape what many pundits say could be one of the most challenging campaigns in recent history. those who know her say she certainly has a grassroots organizing know how, work ethic, and humility to do it. >> a deep-seated commitment to real public service. to ensuring that we are living up to the responsibilities that we've been entrusted with. >> reporter: a woman who spent her early years fight are fighting for farm workers now running the campaign for the most powerful person in the world. the president's announcement came in a three-minute video on social media titled, "freedom." the video previewed top campaign
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issues with scenes from the january 6th attack on the capitol and abortion rights protests. after announcing his re-election bid this morning, the president delivered what sounded like a campaign speech in front of a crowd of union workers in washington, d.c. >> we're on the cusp of major change! we're creating jobs again! manufacturing has come alive again! people can afford decent health care. towns that have been left for dead are coming alive again because of you all and what we're doing. >> how likely will president biden get re-elected? our political analyst larry gerston is joining us now. we were talking about a new nbc poll, and 75% of democrats want someone else to run. i mean, i'm sure age is a factor. president biden is 80 right now. if he ran again and won, he'd be 86 by the end of his second term. >> you're right. age is a factor. of course, it would be the same thing if president trump gets nominated.
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so that's kind of canceled out both ways. but there are people who are unhappy with president trump for a lot of things. the economy right now is starting to slow down. it's taken a long time to finally get out of covid what took so long, some people will say. immigration is an issue for some people, no question about that. the world itself, the precarious nature of what's going on in terms of ukraine, china. there are a lot of reasons people can be upset about president biden. there are also a lot of reasons people can be upset about former president trump. >> he is the incumbent. how much of an edge does he have because of that? >> that's the interesting thing, janelle. you know, there once was a time when people said, you're an incumbent, you're going to get re-election no problem. we did research back 75 years. there have been 10 times an incumbent had the opportunity as president to run for a second term. you know what, they won seven, lost three of those times. the third of those losses came in the form of or the person of
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donald trump. is it a slam dunk? no. is it a good likelihood? yes. but you have to think about all the variables in between, some of which i just talked about. then you think about the challenger and the baggage he carries, former president trump. and some people say quite a bit. at the end of the day, janelle, what we're looking at right now is this dystopian picture that's really portrayed by both sides against the other. it doesn't make people get a lot of warm fuzzies. right now that's the way things are looking. >> what do you expect from the biden campaign this time around? something similar to what we saw four years ago? >> biden's got one thing going now that he didn't have four years ago and it's big. that is accomplishments, the infrastructure package, the climate change package, all of these other packages. big, big bills that came out the first couple of terms. those are big things. people are being put to work building things, climate getting better, alternative energy coming up. those kinds of things that
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people see. unfortunately right now, it's not happening as fast as it might. but he's going to spend much of his time when he's out there on the trail talking about what has been started and what has to be completed. that's the kind of thing an incumbent does. if he or she has something to brag about. in that sense, biden does have something to talk about. don't think you're going to see him on the campaign trail per se for a year or so. instead, he's going to be giving speeches now and again in various places, but really pointing out all the hard work that's going on. i'm an active, ongoing president, which by the way also helps to discount in some people's minds the concern they might have about age. >> okay, and republicans will be criticizing him, talking about inflation, job cuts, and the economy. larry gerston, political analyst, thank you so much. a man shot and killed while trying to rob multiple victims. that's what san francisco police believe caused that deadly weekend shooting in north beach.
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one man killed, four others shot late sunday night. police are now identifying the man killed as 23-year-old isaiah thomas of sassoon city. investigators say thomas along with multiple other suspects were attempting to rob people at gunpoint. in the ensuing fight, thomas, a specced suspect, and three of the victims were shot. the second suspect identified as malachi lafreedy of oakland was later arrested. the other victims are expected to survive. an oakland police investigator is facing charges accused of committing perjury and bribing a w witness d durin murder trial. the d.a.'s office says officer fong tran lied about knowing a key witness in the trial and admitted to providing her with cash payments. that key witness later told the d.a.'s office she felt pressured to testify by officer tran. he's also facing charges for attempted bribery of another witness in the same case.
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the two men convicted of the murder had their sentences overturned last year. the police officers association says tran was already cleared of any wrongdoing during a previous investigation. the poa president saying in part, "this case is not about seeking jus advertise or ensuring public safety, rather, it appears to be an attempt by the district attorney, pamela price, to undermine the credibility of dedicated public servants and facilitate the release of convicted murderers." the d.a.'s office says it will now review at least 125 cases that officer tran investigated. for the second time in less than a week, police say a south bay student brought a loaded gun onto a school campus. this time it happened in morgan hill. the boy was arrested minutes later after a 911 call. as nbc bay area's ian cull explains, the type of gun is adding another layer of concern to this case. >> reporter: classes were back
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to normal a day after police swarmed the campus, called when a 16-year-old student got into an altercation with another student and was believed to be armed. investigators say he ran off campus before they arrived but was tracked down a few blocks away. he was arrested and the officers say he had a loaded 9 millimeter handgun. some parents called their kids when they heard. >> it was a little bit alarming. i kept myself calm and focused on my daughter to keep herself calm and be safe. >> reporter: central is a continuation high school with about 100 students. police say no shots were fired, no one was hurt at any point. neighbors have been wondering why they saw so many police cars around campus. >> it gives me goosebumps. to think we're at that stage. it just escapes me. >> reporter: officers say the firearm the teen had is known as a ghost gun, a growing concern nationwide. >> comprised of components you
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can obtain on the internet. most of these components, actually all of these components, are unserialized which makes the firearm essentially undetectable. >> reporter: police searched the teen's san martin home and found other ghost gun parts as well. >> extremely troubling. we'd like to know where he got it from, obviously. and how many are currently out in our neighborhoods. >> reporter: as of tonight, investigators believe the 16-year-old obtained the gun parts himself. it's still unclear why he brought it to school. it's the second time in a week in the south bay a student brought a loaded gun to campus. last friday, san jose police arrested a student at hoover middle school and seized the gun. there's no motive yet in that case either. the principal sent a letter home to parents saying she will be reviewing the facts of this case to determine "if the highest level of disciplinary action is legally permissible." thousands of people have had
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trouble with air travel lately. we found a pathway to complain where the airlines are required to respond to you. i'm consumer investigator chris chmura. where and how next. chief meteorologist jeff ranieri. a warm 77 in san jose tonight. 70 and beautiful weather through this evening. details on temperatures and records and even the chance of some rain in my seven-day forecast. and this i is ready to go ononline. any quesestions? -yeah, i g got one. how about t the best network k imaginablele? let's invevent that. wewe don't havave time for lag oror bufferingng. who doesesn't want internet t that helps s a.i. do y your homewowork evenen faster. come a again. -sorry, whwhat was thahat? the nextxt generatioion 10g g network, o only from x x.
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our cucustomers dodon't do what thehey do for likes s or followewers. their papath isn't for ththe casuallyly curious. and that's's what makekes itit matter ththe most when t they find i it. the e exact thining ththat can chahange the wowo. some s say it's whwhat ththey were boborn to do.... itit's what ththey live toto .
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trinet s serves smsmall anand medium s sized businines. soso they can n do more of whahat matters.s. bebenefits. papayroll. comompl. trtrinet. peopople matter.. a booming business, the development of electric vehicles in the united states. today, general motors and samsung announcing a joint venture to build a new electric vehicle battery cell plant. the company saying they're investing over $3 billion in the plant. it will begin operations a few years from now, 2026. it's expected to create thousands of jobs. gm is part of three other such factories in ohio, tennessee, and michigan.
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the companies have not said where this new factory will be located. gm is scrapping production of its top-selling electric car, the chevy bolt. the reason, the batteries. the company says they're an older design. instead, gm will focus on evs with a new type of battery that will be included in that soon to be launched electric eco-nox and blazer suvs. the announcement comes amid record production and sales of the bolt. folks who hit snags with airlines have the right to speak up. >> if you hit a brick wall, you can open a federal case to get results. it can happen. here's our consumer investigator, chris chmura. >> when your flight is endlessly delayed, suddenly canceled, or no one at the airline picks up the phone, contact your air carrier and hold them accountable. our consumer database is full of complaints from people who did
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exactly that and got nowhere. that's when uncle sam might go to bat for you. how it works when you gripe to the government. before you start, collect your thoughts and documents. write up a condensed timeline of events. add in a narrative that explains where the airline dropped the ball, how it impacted you, and what you expect now. don't embellish. you don't want to be caught lying to uncle sam. writing down your saga is important because the d.o.t. only takes airline complaints in writing. either by mail with a letter to this address, or online at in fairness, we'll note the ta about airline service, though as you can imagine, very few people take the time to send in a positive review when everything goes well. the online form is pretty simple. your name, airline, travel date, so on. there's a small box to explain the situation, limited to 3,000 characters. but below it you can add an attachment. here's what i would do. combine your timeline, your
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narrative, and your documents into one tidy document using a word processor. then attach it to your complaint. finally, submit. what happens next? government reps will investigate and ask the airline for its take. d.o.t. says it requires airlines to acknowledge consumer complaints within 30 days of receiving them and to send consumers written responses addressing these complaints within 60 days of receiving them. also let our "responds" team know, but the airlines aren't required by law to respond to us. >> always good advice. jeff ranieri, awesome warm weather. >> no need to fly anywhere, stay here. >> right? it's always hard when you've got a vacation because the bay area is so beautiful. >> really good weather. >> it is a big, big payoff after the rainfall season we had. all of that historic wet weather. and hang on, even though there's heat coming, we also still have some rain in that seven-day
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forecast. let's get a view of san francisco. you can see those crystal-clear blue skies all across the bay area today. we did get fog at the immediate coastline. all in all, it was nice. as we head through tomorrow morning, we'll keep fog with us through tomorrow. some of the warmest weather we've seen in 188 days since last october. so we are setting our sights on temps near record-setting. then eventually that chance of some rain and much colder temperatures. the preview coming up here on the bottom of the screen with that seven-day forecast. i'll have more details here in just seconds. through tomorrow morning, you'll see that fog here at the coastline. it will clear out and we'll get mostly sunny skies through the afternoon. at times, a few high clouds will be passing by. temperatures to start with the heat is thast that's beginning to build, we'll start pretty comfortable. 50s across the bay area. lots of sunshine, especially through the inland valleys. 54 in the east bay. the north bay at 56.
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so daytime highs tomorrow warming up 4 to 7 degrees. south bay, check it out, up to 86 in cupertino. 87 in morgan hill. east bay, we are flirting with 90s in antioch, 89. 88 danville. some of the best weather oakland to hayward, up upper 70s to 80. the coastline will stay cool with the ocean breeze, in the 60s. 60s from the marina to ingleside. downtown and the mission will be in the 70s tomorrow. north bay, 88 in clear lake. 78 mill valley. our weather being controlled by this area of high pressure. this puts the bulk of the heat on top of us by thursday. our hottest day with temperatures in the 90s. storm track, you can see it here, way off to the north. check this out. by next week, storm track takes a big dip. we get the system moving down
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coastline. not only cooler temperatures in the 60s but a chance of scattered rain. by next monday night, storm is off to the north. the way we see it now, we could hold on to spotty showers next tuesday. maybe even next wednesday and thursday. so early estimates on that about .25, but may see higher. seven-day forecast, we'll get in on wind sunday and monday, 20 to 50 miles per hour as that storm approaches. right now, enjoy this heat because next week, you're going to be saying, it's back? >> i don't know. >> i'm sitting right now just looking at it, oh, man, it's going to come back? >> i like the roller coaster ride. >> it's going to be a good change, another hit of rain. >> a bit of everything. up next, a big week for the 49ers and raiders. the red carpet is rolled out for this week's nfl draft.
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♪♪ he's a legend. the ground-breaking civil rights activist and king of calypso has died. harry belafonte took the country by storm in the 1950s and marched next to martin luther king jr. belafonte sound success as a nightclub singer before releasing two number one albums. he was the first black artist to win an emmy.
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his activism took center stage, protesting against political injustices around the world. belafonte died at his home in new york city. he was 96 years old. here's a look at british pop star ed sheeran arriving to a mad crush of reporters at the manhattan courthouse earlier today over the copyright trial regarding one of his hit songs. today was jury selection and opening statements. sheeran is expected to testify in this trial. the lawsuit alleges sheeran's hit song, "thinking out loud," uses elements of marvin gaye's "let's get it on." the case is being brought by the heirs of the 1973 soul classic who say there are striking similarities between the tracks. the nfl draft, fans and players from across the country have started pouring into kansas city. 6,000 square feet of red carpet has been installed for thursday's event, a three-day event. the big stage in front of union station in k.c. will house the
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prospects and serve as the location for the teams and where they make their selections. the 49ers, their first pick unless the third round. they've got to wait. the raiders are picking in the first round with the seventh overall pick. up next, will he or won't he play? de'arr fox uonpd give y your small l business one tetech solutioion that checkcks all the e boxe. it''s all hehere with ththe comcmcast busineness complee connnnectivity s solution. peace ofof mind withth cybeberthreat sesecurity. the popower of thehe larges, faststest reliabable networ. plplus, save u up to 75% a ar with comomcast busininess mob. the cocomplete connectivivity solutioion. from t the companyny poweredy the nextxt generatioion 1010g network.k. get started for just $49 a momonth. and d ask about t an $8$800 prepaidid card. comcasast businessss. powewering possisibilities.
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the nba playoffs. warriors/kings. there's a lot of uncertainty about kings star de'aaron fox. will he play? >> he's been amazing to watch. today he said, yep, i'm playing. the all-star point guard fractured the index finger on his shooting hand near the end of game four on sunday. he was initially listed as doubtful for tomorrow, but he's going to wear one of those little splints on that injured finger. >> it's going to be the cliche of the regular season, probably don't play, sit out, see how it goes. right now there's no ifs, ands, or buts. i'm playing. >> he's playing. >> yeah. >> he's been -- this has been his breakout series, everyone saying, wow, that guy's good. game five tomorrow night on our sister station, nbc sports bay area. pregame 6:00 p.m. p-off 7:00 p.m. ic with the broadcast team that's been covering all warriors all season long on nbc sports bay area.
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>> it's going to be a good matchup. >> fun to watch. jessica aguirre joins us now. >> right now at 6:00, a ninth grade student stabbed by another student. the police investigation at a high school in contra costa county. live we'll let you know what happened. my client will enter a plea of not guilty to the charge. >> laying out the defense for the accused killer. the man charged with stabbing and killing a tech executive in san francisco was in court today. welcome to oakland. here's what to watch out for. the warning tourists are apparently getting once they pick up their rental car. thanks for being with us, i'm raj mathai. >> i'm jessica aguirre. >>sc


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