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tv   Early Today  NBC  April 25, 2023 4:00am-4:31am PDT

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atale of two departures, broadcast breakups rock the news
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world. things get contentious in montana as protesters bring the state house to a halt. an 81-year-old struggling to keep her home after being the target of predatory lending. how man's best friend is helping save us from vaeinvasive species. good morning i'm phillip mena >> i'm frances rivera. we begin what bombshell announcement that has rocked the media world. first firebrand tucker carlson is out at fox news according to the murdoch-owned "wall street journal." sources say carlson found out he was being let go about ten minutes before the network anunsed it the network gave no explanation for ousting the highest-watched anchor in cable news but it comes after fox news settled a lathewsuit with domin.
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within an hour of the fox announcement, don lemon announced he was terminated from cnn. this comes two months after he said he regretted making comments about presidential candidate nikki haley's age. haley tweeted don't let anyone tell you you're past your prime. >> nbc universal is also dealing with a sudden departure. ceo jeff shell is leaving after an investigation revealed inappropriate conduct, according to comcast, which owns nbc universal. jury deliberations are set to begin in a trial against five members of the proud boys. they face nine counts, including the rarely-used charge of seditious conspiracy, which is a civil war era statute that has been used against some of the january 6 defendants one is facing a tenth count after being accused of allegedly
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steal a stealing a police shield to smash out a capitol window in montana, a standoff over gender-affirming care. protesters brought the state house to a halt, pushing back against republicans after they refused to let trans john gender lawmaker zoe zephyr speak for a third day in a row >> let her speak let her speak! let her speak! >> that disruption went on for half an hour several people were arrested zephyr hasn't spoken in the house since last tuesday after telling republican lawmakers that have they have blood on their hands if they ban j gender-affirming care. boast th ouhouses of congrem back into session today. the senate will attempt to take
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overdue action on a long-awaited constitutional amendment for more on this, we go to nbc's brie jackson in washington what's the agenda look like on capitol hill this week >> reporter: good morning, phillip. we're only a couple months away from what economists spay is the earliest deadline to prevent the u.s. from defaulting on its debt obligations. this week in washington, speak esh of the house kevin mccarthy will attempt to unite the republican caucus behind his plan to avert this potential crisis last week he introduced the limit, save grow act it contains a number of spending cuts in, change for raising the ceiling by $1.5 trillion while a majority of house republicans voiced their support for the bill after its unveiling, mccarthy can only afford to lose five votes if he wants the bill to pass the dissenting voices have come from all areas of the party. like nancy mace, disputing the
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plan that the plan would balance the budget, while hard-line republicans like andy big are merely opposed to raising of the debt ceiling here's what mccarthy said about the plan on fox news on sunday >> we will hold a vote t their weekon he needs to show leadership and come to the negotiating table instead of put us in default >> reporter: the bill is expected to come to the house floor as early as wednesday. meanwhile, the senate is set to take up a bill a century in the making this week senate majority leader chuck schumer said on monday that the chamber will be voting on the equal rights amendment which was first introduced in congress in 1923 this proposed amendment to the constitution would enshrine equal rights under the law
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regardless of sex. while the amendment passed with bipartisan support in congress in 1972, it was not ratified by the necessary 38 states until 2020 the vote taking place this week is for resolution that would remove the series of deadlines that have prevented the amendment from taking law. back to you guys >> long overdue seems like an understatement at this point thank you. an active shooter forced a community college outside of oklahoma city to briefly lockdown police say a man shot and killed another man at rose state college. officers responded quickly and ordered the suspect to drop the gun, which he did, and they took him into custody >> the police chief said the men were quote, acquainted t, acqua domthrough domestic situation a cease-fire is holding in sudan. the three-day cease-fire was announced late last night by
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u.s. secretary of state antony blinken and added that the u.s. would help create a committee to oversee negotiations toward a permanent cessation of hostilities in sudan let's go live to london where chapman bell following the story for us what is the u.s.' role in this cease-fire >> reporter: well, frances, this 72-hour cease-fire was mediated by the united states with assistance from saudi arabia between thesetwo sides that have been fighting for about ten days now the armed forces of sudan and the paramilitary group the rapid support forces both led by generals that were in a coalition in charge of the country until they fell out recently now, as you said, the ultimate goal of this cease-fire is to bring the two sides together so that they can bring an end to these hostilities. but there's also a short-term goal, and trying to open
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corridors to bring citizens from various countries out of the conflict now we've seen diplomats being evacuated. but there also are around 16,000 americans in sue dan, around 4,0 britts in sudan. both evacuated through various means. the u.k. for the first time today saying this he wouldstar airlifting their citizens out of the country. there as also the need to bring this much-needed medical attention. many of the hospitals have been damaged. doctors there say they can't operate in many of these areas there's very little electricity and communication, so infrastructure's been damaged. so there's a big need to try to bring the two sides together to end this fighting that has been raging for about atten days now inside this country. the hope is that the cease-fire can lead to the ultimate end of hostilities. >> closely watching to see if that will hold in the next 24-48
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hours. thank you. a tsunami warning has been lifted in indonesia after a magnitude 7.1 earthquake rattled the region residents of the west coast fled to higher ground after the quake struck under the sea early tuesday morning. the tsunami warning was called off after about two hours. indonesia sits on the pacific ring of fire and suffers earthquakes often as a result of the frequent seismic activity angie has freeze alerts hitting part of the country. >> we are tracking a cold front that's going to bring snow to parts of the rockies que we can see on satellite and radar some rain. we'll see maybe up to a foot of snow in some of the higher elevations meanwhile, it's also going to bring heavy rain, especially to parts that really need t we're talking drought conditions into the plains that need it for all
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the agriculture going on there but maybe not all at once. weary we we're going to pick up on two to three inches. and we'll start to see things calming down we'll also have the chance for strong to severe storms today, including largr dallas, san ant corpus christi, tracking showers and thunderstorms with the chance for some of them to be strong and the chilly temperatures are here to stay we'll take a look at how long that lasts m jin just a bit. an 81-year-old woman couldnd up cocould end up on n the ststree afteter a loan d deal a wentnt h
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afafter a loanan deal a wewent h s has me doing didishes...dififferentl. scscrub? soak?k? nope.. i just s scrape, load andnd i'm dodone. only platitinum plus is biggeger... with double e the dawn g greae fighting p power and doublele the scrubbing power. so y you can loaoad this, and get t this. i'm not the tytype to breaeak the e dish ruleses...or am i? scscrape, loadad, done. new cascadade platinumum plu. dare to didish differerently. ♪ sfx: [tetext notificication] ♪ yoyour prescriription for.r. staying g right wherere you a. ♪ ♪ your prescscription fofor... ththe blue or r white pilll. ♪
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an 81-year-old san francisco woman is facing eviction from the l the home she has owned for decades. it all started when she took out a loan to pay for property taxes. alyssa goard has the story >> reporter: for the past 30 years, rosemary has lived in this victorian condo in san francisco. she was able to buy it through a joint ownership agreement. now 81, she has many health issues, and money is tight >> i'm very weak i'm impacted primarily with arthritis. >> reporter: in july of 2021 she looked for help paying her property taxes and says she was pressured into using her home to take out a $9,000 loan, which she says ballooned into a $13,000 note after fees and interest then in february >> there's a flocknock on my do
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believe around 11:00 a.m and a man says i'm here to repossess your house and i said what do you mean? and he said well, unless you have $13,000 to pay off the debt you have, it's going to be sold in about 29 minutes. >> reporter: her home was sold at a foreclosure auction on friday, the buyer put a notice on rosemary's door saying she had three days to leave. >> and i thought, this is it monday morning they're going to show up with the sheriff and a truck and get plea oume out of here >> legally, we would anticipate that he's going to file an eviction and unlawful detainer to try to evict her as quickly as possible. >> reporter: that's rosemary's attorney who works with the non-profit legal assistance for the elderly. they plan to defend rosemary against any eviction filing. they are also planning to file a suit against the broker and the lender rosemary worked with as
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well as the new buyer, asking the court to find rosemary at lawful owner of the condo. >> she is taking action to try to undo that sale and void that unconscionable loan. and we arehopeful that justice will prevail >> reporter: we reached out to the attorney listed as representing the new buyer for comment, we have not received a response rose mary is holding out hope that she can still live out the rest of her life in her home if that doesn't pan out, she has no idea what she will do >> i can't live on the street. and i can't afford anything. >> and our thanks to alyssa goard from our bay area affiliate. now to the economic crisis that is worsening in argentina, where the nation is reporting an annual inflation rate of 104%. that's the second-worst rate in latin america behind venezuela we are joined to find out what this means for the global
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markets. good morning >> yeah, good morning, phillip it's certainly a dire situation in argentina 104% inflation rate is what was measured there as well the interest rate then had gone up by 300 basis points or three percentage points and that has gone up to 81% 81% for the interest rate in argentina. this comes after a devaluation of the currency, which has really capitulated afc s of lat. the peso 7.7% that's just on the month on month figure on an annual figure, you put out that more than 100%, second only to venezuela the problem becomes that a whole lot more is going to be required of the global economy because argentina's going to be needing help of course they have had a $44 billion program from the imf in when i they lent them money in hope that they would be able to
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maintain a certain array of reserve plus maintain a certain growth target and have a debt-to debt-to-gee dea g gdp of f 1.7% they had hoped they'd be able to cuss interest rates bit latter part of this year with inflation hopefully cooling off, but that doesn't seem to be the case. and clearly a whole lot needs to be done. j.p. morgan even presuming that inflation may hit 130% so the onus is going to fall on all the surrounding nations. argentina's certainly going to be asking for help very soon >> oh, my goodness, dire situation in argentina thank you. coming up here on "early today," shakira's talent doesn't lie. she's set to make history at the
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latin women in music event and could eded sheereran's thinkingng out loud d come from habits kiking out lououd come fr habits ththat the sigight of it s sig makes yoyour taste b buds we? if it't's hillshirire farm. oh, hill y yeah. do you struggle with occasional nerve aches in your hands or feet? try nervive nerve relief from the world's number one nerve care company. nervive contains ala to relieve nerve aches, and b-complex vitamins to fortify healthy nerves. try nervive. and, try nervive pain relieving roll-on. ♪♪♪ (mmm) ♪♪♪ (mmm) ♪♪♪ (hmm) ♪♪♪ (m(mmmhmm) ♪♪♪ ♪♪♪ ♪♪♪ milk c chocolate b beyond wo. clasassic recipepe by li. [sneezes]] can a cacan of lysolol take ce of my y snotty sofofa? can-n-do mildldewy tiles?s? can-n-do - these? - yupup, it's s the can-dodo.
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nothing g kills morere germs on more e surfaces thanan lysol disisinfectant t . [tap t tap] my secret t to beating snsniff checksks? secret d dry spray.. jujust spray and stayay fresh allll day. secret d dry spray.. my turn. secret d dry spray.. sesecret actuaually fightsts . secret d dry spray.. and d it's alumiminum free.. hoururs later, s still fresh. secret w works. hoururs later, s still fresh. hohow did kellllogg's combmbe crunchy y oat clusteters with a a touch of f honey... hohow did kellllogg's combmbe crunchy y oat clusteters plump,p, juicy raiaisins anand tasty fifiber into one d delicious c ce? plump,p, juicy raiaisins anand tasty fifiber it tooook a lot of b bran-stormiming. get it? it tooook a lot of b bran-stormiming. kekellogg's raraisin bran n cr. two scoooops of delilicious. it tooook a lot of b bran-stormiming. (bill) we made a promise to our boy blue that we would make theran n cr. healthieiest foods p possible.. ...with h the finestst natural ingredientnts and realal meat f. and that''s our prpromise to yu and d your dog o or cat. because whwhen you lovove them e familyly you u want to fefeed them lie famimily. wawant a worryry-free way y to kill bubugs? zevo t traps use l light, wawant a worryry-free way y to kill bubugs? not odors oror chememical insececticides, wawant a worryry-free way y to kill bubugs? toto attract a and trap flflying insecects. ththey work cocontinuouslyy
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so you donon't hahave to. ththey work cocontinuouslyy zezevo. peoplele-friendly.. bug-deadlyly.
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ shakira will be making history at the latin women in music event, being honored for her contributions to the industry the columbian super star is one of the most successful latin music artists in the world it will be a two-hour special celebrating female latin artists, executives and creatives airing may 7 on telemundo part of our parent company nbc universal. it's so great to see her with all these kudos and recognitions
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even though things haven't been going so well for her in her personal if lao. life. >> the way she's been so big in the past years has been incredible the trial on ed sheeran, the lawsuit was filed by the daughter of gaye's co-writer and alleges that sheeran's 2014 team has striking similarities that violate their copyright. sheeran's attorney says the song's structural symmetry only points to the foundations of popular music. he is among the witnesses expected to testify. this is a big deal what is a difference between influence and theft? >> they're having a hard time. everybody was like an ed sheeran fan. so they're having a tough time angigie lassmaman has a lol your tueuesday weathther has a a your t tuesday weaeather
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♪ ghirardelllli caramel l squa. makes lilife a bite e bette. when youou really neneed to sl. yoyou reach fofor the really gooood stuff. zzzquil ulultra helpss you sleeeep better and longnger when you needed it most.. its non-habit forming and powered by the makers of nyquil. life... doesesn't stop f for diabete. bebe ready foror every momom, with glulucerna. life... doesesn't stop f for diabete.
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itit's the numumber one dodor recommenended brbrand that is scientitifically dedesigneo hehelp manage e your bloodod s. live evevery moment.t. glucucerna. live evevery moment.t. wawant luxury y hair repaiar that doesnsn't cost $5$50? pantenene's pro-vivitamin formula repapairs hair.. as w well as thehe leading l ly bondining treatmenent. for softneness and resesili, withthout the prprice tag. as w well as thehe leading l ly bondining treatmenent. if you knonow... you knowow it's pantntene. hohow did kellllogg's combmbe crunchy y oat clusteters with a a touch of f honey... hohow did kellllogg's combmbe crunchy y oat clusteters plump,p, juicy raiaisins anand tasty fifiber into one d delicious c ce? plump,p, juicy raiaisins anand tasty fifiber it tooook a lot of b bran-stormiming. get it? it tooook a lot of b bran-stormiming. kekellogg's raraisin bran n cr. two scoooops of delilicious. it tooook a lot of b bran-stormiming. ♪♪♪ (mmm) ♪♪♪ (mmm) ♪♪♪ (hmm) ♪♪♪ (m(mmmhmm) ♪♪♪ ♪♪♪ ♪♪♪ milk c chocolate b beyond wo. clasassic recipepe by li.
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welcome back might be spring, but you still need that extra layer. warrior a t we're talking freeze alerts for 43 million people. we're seeing temperatures starting this morning into the 30s for a lot of folks make sure you have that extra layer. we'll eventually start to rebound kind of. chicago ends up at 48 degrees. we'll be running ten to 15 degrees cooler than normrmal > why y fourur-legged d fri helplping us sniniff out somome ininsects. lplping us sniniff ou ininsects. yoyour prescriription for.r. staying g right wherere you a. ♪ ♪ your prescscription fofor... ththe blue or r white pilll. ♪ i used to pre-rinse dishes cause my old detergrgent
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didn't't actually y get 'emem . but t new cascadade platinumums has me doing didishes...dififferentl. scscrub? soak?k? nope.. i just s scrape, load andnd i'm dodone. only platitinum plus is biggeger... wiwith double e the dawn g gre fighting p power and dodouble the scrubbing power. so y you can loaoad this, and get t this. i'm not the tytype to breaeak the e dish ruleses...or am i? scscrape, loadad, done. new cascadade platinumum plu. dare to didish differerently. we are back with the invasive species destroying crops from new york to the carolinas. the spotted lanternfly is
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destroying agriculture, but man's best friend can help combat them. brittany weir from our roanoke affiliate explains >> reporter: meet flint or "sir flintington" he is an 8-year-old border collie spotting the land lanternflies >> really trying to get ahead of that and carrying that enviro environmental aspect with something we can do with dogs. >> reporter: flint's handler and trainer, from virginia tech. she is working with him to detective spotted lanternfly eggs >> we begin figuring out what the dog likes. are they going to work for food, a ball, tug toy, that kind of thing. once we get that down, we pair this novel odor which means absolutely nothing to the dog, with that thing they really want >> reporter: for flint, that's his rubber ball. he's learned correctly sniffing
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out the eggs means he gets his established reward >> he says i know that makes my ball come out. we've built in a little search, we start making the problem harder and harder and harder >> reporter: researchers at virginia tech have been collecting spotted lanternfly masses and send them to dog and handler teams to start their training >> currently, we're mostly recruiting dogs that have done scent work in the past although in the future we may be opening that up to dogs that have never done scent work and want to get started. >> reporter: the project began two years ago in partnership with texas tech. the goal is to provide early detection, which she says is critical >> for these dogs figuring out and identifying egg masses in places that have not been kind of infested yet so humans can go in and find that single egg mass and eradicate it and kill the
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eggs so it doesn't keep spreading. >> reporter: she says early detection is key and can help manage the invasive species in all parts of the country >> they can solve their own agricultural and environmental issues with dogs >> our thanks to brittany weir for that report. president biden honored the nation's top educators with a celebration at the white house, joined by all the teachers of the year at the rose garden ceremony, rebecca peterson was selected as the 2023 national teacher of the year. and while honoring peterson, biden thanked all teachers for their commitment to a very difficult profession we second that breaking righ
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seeking re-election. president biden announcing he is once again running for president. the promises he's making as part of his


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