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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 430  NBC  April 24, 2023 4:30pm-5:00pm PDT

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a mass shooting in san francisco's north beach neighborhood. the new details we're learning about the deadly gunfire outside a strip club.
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good monday afternoon. i'm janelle wang. welcome to nbc bay area news at 4:30. we're going to share with you what police and people in that neighborhood are telling us about that mass shooting. we're also tracking other stories including a string of deadly wrong-way crashes on bay area freeways just this past weekend. we'll dig into the numbers and see how common they really are. also, an 81-year-old woman getting evicted from her own san francisco home. our ian cole joins us to explain how it was sold from underneath her. the breaks might be starting to go the warriors' way. we're learning about a star who might be out for game five. we'll begin with a light night shooting in one of san francisco's most popular tourist attractions. one person is dead, four others wounded. now police are trying to figure out what sparked it. it happened late last night outside the condor club.
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according to san francisco police, investigators do not think the shooting was random. all five of the people who were shot are from outside the city of san francisco. according to witnesses, bystanders tried to help at least two of the victims. a handgun was found on the pavement just feet away from the man who died. in video shared with us by a tourist, you can see a man laying in the middle of the street in a ski mask. the tourist told us what he saw. >> i heard gunshots, looked outside. there was a black suv and a guy had shot this guy on a scooter. he was trying to drag him back into the suv. >> our sergio quintana is talking to police and san francisco city leaders about this mass shooting. he's going to join us with an update in our 5:00 newscast. a deadly and dangerous weekend on bay area roadways. four people died, four others were hurt in four wrong-way
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crashes stretching between san rafael and sunnyvale in just over a 36-hour period. our marian favro has been tracking these. what are the chp officers telling you about these crashes? >> reporter: what we've learned in regard to the accident yesterday in sunnyvale on highway 237, chp officers now believe that wrong-way driver was under the influence of drugs or alcohol. now, that person hit another vehicle on highway 237. both men died at the scene including the 22-year-old man from hayward that he hit. also on highway 280 on saturday, chp officers say they also suspect that drugs or alcohol may have played a role with that wrong-way driver who hit a 54-year-old woman from san francisco who died at the scene. >> marianne, how common are these wrong-way crashes?
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what are chp officers telling you? >> reporter: it's actually extremely rare. chp officers say it's very unusual to have so many wrong-way drivers and crashes in just such a short period just over one weekend. in fact, they tell me of all the fatal crashes in this region, only 1% involve wrong-way drivers. >> okay. we look forward to your full report at 6:00. marianne favro from san jose, thank you so much. the fight over the wood street encampment continues with residents demanding the city take action against employees they say using violence to remove them and their pets. city crews began clearing out the camp two weeks ago. city leaders are offering support to people in the encampment including available space at shelters.
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the city originally expected to clear out, to take about two weeks to complete. oakland plans to use the property for new housing. in today's "making it in the bay," a sharp move upward in bay area housing prices largely because there aren't many houses out there to buy. the median price for a bay area home jumped by 17%. with mortgage rates still above 6% and the economy growing uncertain, inventory has stayed low. according to remax bay area, spring t traditionallyly brings buyers intnto the market and ma of themm are willing to pay. >> there's still a number of buyers out there in the market, no doubt abobout it.. there's still, despite the lay-offs, despite the economy, there's still a a numbeber of pe in the bay area who can afford to buy and who want to buy. >> the number of homes sold in the bay area is still down. the latest remax survey shows a
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38% drop in sales from this time last year. now to a showdown that could cost an 81-year-old san francisco woman the home she's lived in for three decades. her home was foreclosed, auctioned off. she was told she had three days to leave. her attorney says it started with a predatory loan for less than ten grand. ian, how did this happen? she owns the home, pays her mortgage? >> it's a complex situation. her attorneys say she was a victim of financial elder abuse. 81-year-old rose marie benter has lived in the upper haight neighborhood for years. a couple years ago she couldn't pay her property taxes, so eventually she took out a loan for $9,000 to pay it. benter claims she didn't know her house was being used as collateral. when she missed a payment, it triggered foreclosure on her $1.4 million property.
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it was immediately showed at auction and last week she was given three days to vacate her property. >> i thought this is it. monday morning they're going to show up with a sheriff and a truck and get me out of here. >> today is monday. was she's vikted? she has lawyers. >> she's still in her home for now. attorneys from the legal assistance for the elderly filed a lawsuit against the new owners, the broker, the lender of that loan that resulted in the foreclosure. they say it was a predatory loan. another non-profit is willing to cover her debt as well. they're asking the court to find benter the lawful owner of the condo. >> ms. benter is taking action to try to undo that sale and void that unconscionable loan. we're hopeful that justice will prevail. >> we did hear back from the lawyer of the new owner who says he's willing to negotiate if she
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wants to buy the house back, but i don't think that's really in the cards -- that's not what they're fighting for. coming up, i'll tell you how a san francisco supervisor is getting involved in this case. >> that's crazy. it could happen so so many people. it happened so quickly, again, in a few days. >> again, it's pretty complicated. there was things leading up to that. she didn't know the terms of the loans. a couple days -- it went quickly. >> okay. we look forward to hearing more about it. thanks, ian. environmental groups rallied at the wells forego headquarters in san francisco. it happened ahead of the bank's annual shareholders meeting. the group is asking shareholders to pass resolutions to stop investments in fossil fuels and calling on wells fargo to create a climate transition plan. >> we're here to apply pressure to these banks to listen to the people. yeah, we have 6 1/2 years and
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the fight is on. we're willing to do what we have to do. >> in a statement wells fargo called climate change one of the most urgent environmental and social issues of our time. it added, quote, we have set a goal of net zero greenhouse gas emissions, including client's missions attributable to our financing by 2050. we're committed to reaching our gomes and supporting our clients in traditional energy as well as the renewable energy sector to facilitate an orderly interview transition and a sustainable future. the commissioner of major league baseball has broken silence on the a's potential move to las vegas. rob manfred addressed the media at a meeting of sports editors in new york. he expressed sympathy for the folks in oakland. he said in part, quote, from 2014 to 2021, 2014 being when i got elected a's owner, john
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fisher negotiated exclusively, exclusively with oakland. for seven years. he spent more than $100 million including paying people who were on the city side of the deal in an effort to try to get something done. this $100 million figure is an unverified claim made by the a's organization. the mayor criticized saying they were not good partners in the negotiating offers. the mayor declined to comment on manfred's statements today. warriors fans, have you recovered from yesterday's game? the dubs pulled out the win in game four to tie the series 2-2. some news today that could give warriors the edge. de'aaron fox hurt his index finger on his shooting hand and is now listed as doubtful to play in game five. fox is easily the king's best player putting up 38 points in yesterday's loss. the warriors held barely in the fourth quarter in the final seconds for that win.
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theal game five is set for wednesday night in sacramento. youan watch it right here on nbc sports bay area. "warriors pregame live" at 00, the gem at 7:00. stick with the team covering your warriors all season long, nbc sports bay area. still to come, they both come from cannabis plants. do you know the difference between cbd and thc? lx news goes to a cbd instruction company for the answers. autism cases are on the rise among children. one former college basketball player wants families to know they're not alone. give y your small l business one tetech solutioion that checkcks all the e boxe. it''s all hehere with ththe comcmcast busineness complee connnnectivity s solution. peace ofof mind withth cybeberthreat sesecurity. the popower of thehe larges, faststest reliabable networ.
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with calhope's free and secure mental health resources, it's easy to get the help you and your loved ones need when you need it the most. call our warm line at (833) 317-4673 or live chat at today. last week people celebrated 4/20, the unofficial weed smoking holiday. many people remain confused about the difference between cbd
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and thc. lx news spent the day at kentucky heritage hemp, a company that extracts cbd to learn the difference and the process. >> we've only just begun to really understand what this amazing plant can do for our wellness. i'm alice peterson, the president of kentucky heritage hemp. we got into hemp in 2015, and we've been learning and growing ever since. now we're a supplier of premium cbd and cbg. we are receiving the dried and ground biomass. >> these have dried hemp in them. the consistency of coffee grounds. this is an organic lot that came off peterson forms in 2022. >> and we are extracting and processing that hemp into extracts and distillates and
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isolates. >> we have two extractors. this door is like a bank vault. opens up, so we have a load of flour that goes in. we have a bridge of extractor that goes into the lab as soon as we're ready for it. >> right here. this is a crude that came off the extractor. >> that might be, for example, a 65% potency. that's very often used for topicals, for example. we do further process that into a distillate. >> it's a much lighter color which is a higher potency that would look more like honey, that's more what you're going to find going into gummies and tinctures. even though the genus of cannabis covers both hemp and marijuana, hemp primarily produces the cannabinoid cbd,
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and cbd does not make you high. thc comes primarily in the marijuana strain of the cannabis plant, and thc or delta 9 does make you high. >> the advantage of cbd is it's not addictive. it has no misuse potential and it's not intoxicating. my maim is dr. peter greenspoon, primary care doctor and cannabis specialist at harvard medical school. many people report help with anxiety, insomnia, chronic pain. the claims are sky high and the actual benefits are somewhere between the claims and the actual reality. >> okay. you can watch more stories like this. go to you can watch on xfinity 185 or over the air on channel 11-5. a to educate more people about autism begins this saturday. as more people learn about the
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disorder, more help is on the way. "today in the bay's" marcus washington shows us. >> april is autism awareness month. autism diagnoses are on the rise, but so are the resources to help children be happy, healthy and self-sufficient. one such resource is autism speaks which is an online tool kit with guidance on how to handle everything from sleep and feeding to how to prepare your kids on the spectrum for a dentist visit or having blood drawn. there are guides for parents, siblings and grandparents, even providers. former college basketball store, anthony aon any is on the spectrum. when he was a young kid, his family was told he wouldn't walk, talk or even go to school. hey, he proved them wrong. he's now an autism advocate and a director of autism speaks says people like him telling the story helps increase awareness
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and acceptance. >> the spectrum is wide, opportunities are wide. that's on a greater scale. our bay area families are so important to me, they -- sorry. try not to get emotional on you. our families here in the bay area help weave this area of the world into being how great it is, and i know that they use our supports as much as they can. >> it certainly is emotional, but you are not alone here. you can learn more about autism, how to support your own children or how to find resources to get involved at to get more stories like this, join us on "today in the bay" every monday through friday. laura, and i will help you get started with your dare. i'm marcus washington. back to you. >> thank you, marcus. every parent knows this feeling, getting a crying baby
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to settle down. it can be a monumental task. one mother the revealing the one one mother the revealing the one ♪♪♪ alexex! mateo, hey y how's busisiness? alexex! great. y you know ththat n has s really wororked wonder. thatat's what u.u.s. bank isis. great. y you know ththat n has s really wororked wonder. and d you're grorowing in calififornia? great. y you know ththat n has s really wororked wonder. -yup, , socal, nororcal... -monteterey? -all d day. -a brancnch in ventutura? that's's for sure-e-ah. atms in n fresno? that's's for sure-e-ah. freses-yes. that's's for sure-e-ah. encinitatas? yes, indndeed-us. encinitatas? anaheim? encinitatas? big g time. encinitatas? more guauacamole? encinitatas? i'i'm on a rololl-ay. encinitatas? how about t you? i'm jujust visitining. u.s.s. bank. ranked #1 1 in customomer satisfafaction h retatail bankingng in calififornia by j j.d. po.
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welcome ba a live look at or abbal park. giants ready to play host to the cardinals. moment ago the team activated outfielders mitch haniger and austin slater from the injured list, andy are in the startilineup. haniger is one ofhe giants' big off- acquisitions. it will be his first game for the orange and black. he grew up in the bay area, going to middy high. this facebook post from our own kris sanchez. she says our big girl went to prom this weekend. she's as beautiful on the inside as she is on the outside. thankful for lovely vends and to the family who hosted the
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promarrazzi. jury selection opening statements are under way to determine if british pop star ed sheeran owns a portion of his hits -- >> marvin gaye's heir claim the 2014 cord progression for this hit song has striking similarities to the 1973 soul classic "let's get it on." the lawsuit dates back more than five years and is finally making it to trial. sheeran is expected to testify during the trial is expected to last at least a week. oakland native and euphoria star zendaya's surprise appearance at coachella. ♪ ♪ last night she joined labyrinth
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on stage to sing two songs they collaborated on from "euphoria." they performed "i'm tired" from season two and "all for us" from season one. as you can hear, she felt the love from fans. >> thank you to that gorgeous crowd. i have never heard screaming like that in my entire life. as soon as i turned the corner, i couldn't hear anything. i couldn't hear anything but you guys. i'm sorry. i don't know what happened. i don't know what i sounded like. but i was just like, you know what? i'm going to have fun. >> you did because you are a star. this is her first time performing live in seven years. speaking of music, forget twinkle twinkle little star, how about rapper little john. the only way to get this baby to sleep is to the sound of "get
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low." ♪ ♪ >> less zoo buckley shared this on social media. and a like from lil jon himself. those are tears from jackson right until she starts playing. she says she listened to the song of her pregnancy because she was trying to get him low. it's now a household ritual. the baby remembers the song. >> it's like the opposite of what you think you should play for a baby. >> but it works. that's what the baby is familiar with. another beautiful day. it was a bit breezy. my alleries were acting up yesterday and i'll still recovering. >> sunshine right now in walnut creek, 75. we'll turn up the heat as we head through the week. let's get you to that microclimate forecast. the area of high pressure that brought us 70s and 80s weekend. it's basically going to expand here across the pacific. even hotter temperatures moving
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in. temperatures 10-15 degrees warmer tomorrow. then we're going to be talking about 90s coming in that seven-day forecast. as we start out tomorrow morning, it will be calm. a few clouds. daytime highs going back up to the 80s. that means 84 here in napa, 81 santa rosa, low to mid 80s martinez, concord and livermore. 80 in san jose. closer to the bay, 73 in oakland, hanging on to 60s from san francisco to half moon bay. check out the seven-day. you can see it right here. 92 degrees on thursday. that's going to be the hottest we've seen in over six months. then we'll gradually drop it down. look, overall a beautiful weekend, 85 on saturday, 79 sunday. look at this change. by next monday we're looking at a system just offshore that's going to bring us to 70. from 92 thursday to next monday 70. janelle coming up at 5:00, we'll take a look at the cold weather for next week, even the chance
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of maybe some swe -- >> what? >> yes. we're not done yet. >> okay. lookinorward to that. a qui reminder you can access nbc bay area news whenever you want whether on roku, samsung tv plus or zoom mow. thanks for joining us at 4:3, jessica aguirre is working on the forecast. she's joining us in two mines. stay wutut anand this is s reitady to go ononline. any questitions? -y-yeah, i gotot one. hohow about ththe best network imimaginable?? let's ininvent that.t. that's w what we do o here. quick k survey. whwho wants ththe internetet to, pretty mucuch everywhehere. and itit needs toto smooth, l like super,r, super, super, s super smoototh. hey, s should you u be drinkig thatat? -it's s decaf. becaususe we're busy women.. we donon't have titime for r lag or bufuffering. whwho doesn't t want inteternet that t helps a.i. dodo your homemework even n fa. come a again. -sorry, whwhat was thahat? inintroducing g the nenext generatation 10g networork only from xfininity. the futurere starts nonow.
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right now at 5:00, the big melt begins. in our climate in crisis tonight, we take a look at the record-breaking snowpack in sierra as scientists brace for warmer temperatures that could cause it to melt too quickly. a mass shooting in san francisco's north beach neighborhood. the details we're learning about the deadly gunfire outside a
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strip club. >> it has nothing to do with politics. it has everything to do with the responsibility and accountability for the conduct that was committed on the freeway. >> the suspects charged in the deadly freeway shooting of a 2-year-old back in court. today. the update that came after today's hearing. good afternoon. the news at 5:00 starts right now. thanks for joining me. i'm jessica aguirre. the record snowpack causing a bit of concern. check out the satellite images from nasa. this shows the snowpack at the start of april last year. now look at the same view a year later, taken a couple weeks ago, april 6th. so much more snow. as our temperatures are forecast to rise quickly this week, a lot of people are worried that the record snowpack will melt too quickly. that's bad because it could cause flooding below. nbc bay area's jodi hernandez
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has more. >> reporter: across the bay area folks are out enjoying the warm, sunny spring weather. a welcome change from a relentless rainy season. >> we had about five months of cold, cool and wet weather. so you have to be out to enjoy a day like today. >> reporter: while the sunshine is being celebrated by many, it's causing flooding concerns in parts of the state as the heat melts the sierra snowpack. >> now we're moving forward and seeing warmer spring temperatures and a lot of sunlight causing some pretty rapid melt. >> reporter: andrew schwartz says already 9-10 inches have melted at the u.c. berkeley central sierra snow lab. the big melt, as some scientists call it, is causing downstream creeks and rivers to rise after being bone dry for decades, tul larry lake has reappeared. in merced county, the


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