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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 11  NBC  April 22, 2023 1:37am-2:07am PDT

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[ cheers and applause ♪ seth: i want to thank my guests adam scott, jeff tweedy wilco, everybody [ cheers and applause fred armisen and the 8g band stay safe. get vaccinated get boosted. we love you. [ cheers and applause ♪
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at 11:, back in court, and alleged the them speaking out as she asks for a plea deal.>> a crackdown on drug dealers in san francisco, gov. gavin newsom is calling in the national guard.>> i feel for the fans with this announcement. for the first time we are hearing from players, coaches, and from the giants about the a's desire to move to las vegas. [ music ] good evening and thank you for being with us. drug traffickers in san
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francisco have been put on notice, gov. gavin newsom is calling in the chp and the national guard to stop the fentanyl crisis, which comes after city officials asked for help. gia is in san francisco.>> this is now the tenderloin mr. smith knows.>> i've been coming here 10+ years. >> he says it went downhill quickly during the start of the pandemic.>> there is a lot of drug use on the street that is the biggest issue right there.>> what are you going to do? >> after jj saw this video of the gov. taking a walk through the other week, it appears to have priority for him to. he wants to, and announced a new joint effort among the chp, sf ed, and jenkins office to ramp up the city attempts to
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combat the fentanyl crisis. we talked to police on the street about that. >> we have an officer shortage of almost 600 officers. we of course would welcome any help that we could get, making sure we have sufficient stepping on the street to make sure that those who are visibly dealing drugs get arrested. >> details on how that works on flynn right now, but the governor has directed the chp to find ways to assist as fpd and to find resources on dismantling trafficking rings. they welcome any efforts to disrupt open air drug markets. they've held a handful of meetings regarding the fentanyl crisis.>> we are going to keep up the pressure to address this, and what it looks like for us is fully funding recovery and treatment options.>> you have to start somewhere.>> the only thing we can do right now is clean it up so no one else dies.
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headlines tonight, bad blood continues between the a's and their fan base, we've heard from the team president, the oakland mayor and the fans, tonight the a's manager is reacting to this possible move to las vegas. mark started here as a player back in 2004, now he manages the team.>> i feel for the fans with this announcement. not just the fans, but the employees who don't have control over those decisions. my focus is on getting this team better, improving some of the maturation of some of these young players and winning as many games as possible.>> the manager, the coaches, the staff and players are in a tough spot here, the giants issuing a statement tonight, saying the a's are such a big part of bay area baseball history, the east
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bay and greater community, if this comes to be, it will be a loss for fans and for all baseball fans. we should note the giants blocked the a's attempts to move to san jose more than 10 years ago. many people are criticizing the a's for turning their black - - turned their back on oakland. mark davis spoke in an interview. davis left oakland, as you know, and built the stadium in las vegas, like the a's want to do, however he is blaming the baseball team, saying they squatted on their 10 year lease and made it impossible to build a new stadium. mark davis is blaming the a's in part for him relocating to vegas. the current ownership group is led by billionaire john fisher. yesterday i spoke exclusively with the a's president who defended the team plans.
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you can watch the full review that we've posted, just click on the link in the trending bar. a covid outbreak at a northbay hospital, reinstating a mask requirement, kaiser reinstated the mask mandate today, which comes after more than one dozen doctors and patients caught covid this week. doctors, staff members and visitors will all wear masks. another pivotal moment in today's ruling, regarding the temporary block on the abortion pill, method for stone. >> just to break it down, this is a temporary ruling, it's really just a measure while the justices make a decision on this case. they decided to put a hold on it, while they make their own
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decisions. >> stephanie, we will get back to that story about the abortion pill, we will move on and get back to that story in just a moment. intense moments on campus, a student was arrested for bringing a loaded gun to herbert hoover middle school in the rose garden neighborhood. some parents were upset at how the school handled the situation.>> some parents told me today they did not know what was going on, after they picked up kids from school, they told me the school didn't even send them anything to let them know what happened. it was supposed to be a normal friday. it turned out to be a scary day for students in san jose. >> this morning officers responded to the middle school for a report of a juvenile in possession of a firearm.
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the juvenile was subsequently taken into custody.>> his daughter didn't get any alert from the school at all. the student was arrested, and had no evidence that he or she intended to commit a crime. there was no immediate threat to students. parents are wondering if the district needs to do more for their safety.>> the first thing is the safety of the team. you know the measures they are taking to protect them here. >> the school district sent a statement. students reported to admin streeters that a student had a weapon on campus. the administration immediately contacted the san jose police department and was able to secure the situation safely and quickly without incident. in addition, the counseling team is on-site to provide support to students and staff at hoover middle. at this point it is unclear how the student got the gun.
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as fpd arrested a man for throwing eggs and yelling racial slurs at passengers back in february. this video shows that men carrying egg cartons on a bus. witnesses say he had been throwing eggs and yelling slurs at a pair of women. police have arrested a 44-year- old, joseph benjamin. someone caught the whole thing on camera, and after her video went viral, others reached out, saying they had also been attacked by the same guy.>> i want to talk about these issues, more than viral videos, i really wanted to be able to have this conversation that we've been having since february.>> next tuesday, sf is holding a virtual safety roundtable from michelle young,
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to discuss safety and security. this could be a major blow to san jose. google is putting the maker campus project on hold. the google village is what we've been calling it, set to cover 80 acres near downtown san jose, a lot of office space, a lot of restaurants, and new housing. construction was set to begin this year. the announcement comes as alphabet makes the most severe tax cuts in 20 years.>> companies grew rapidly during the pandemic, now virtually all of them are slowing down. they have over expended in some cases. we are seeing that slow down a little bit.>> google is assessing how to move forward with the project, and it is committed san jose for the long- term. a mother is accused of throwing parties for teenagers that included alcohol, and pressuring some of those teenagers to commit sexual
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assault. here's tom jensen.>> shannon o'connor already faces 29 criminal accounts for throwing alcohol fueled parties for her son and his friends. exiting evidence suggests he offered the teenagers massive amounts of booze, some were as young as 14. she encouraged and sometimes facilitated sexual assault against some of the kids who had either passed out, or were drunk. now she wants to know how much time she could get if she admits to the crime, but prosecutors are asking for the maximum sentence, 15 alleged victims and parents told the judge today how their lives were affected by the drunken parties and assaults. so they allowed the judge to see personally how the actions of the defendant have affected the victim. >> we are not identifying the victim, but one team fought back tears as they said i will
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never have the life i once had, and neither should she. another teen says every day i wake up rightful that connor is in jail and isn't able to hurt anyone else. and a number of parents said that families are devastated and forever changed.>> today we were in court and we saw the bravery and courage of the victims, and also the family members who are also traumatized by the things the defendants did, it is something that is an emotional experience. >> the deputy da also submitted new evidence suggesting o'connor moved to idaho to avoid prosecution, and victims who had moved to idaho before o'connor said she moved there so she could harass and stock them. prosecutors also say o'connor has been trying to sell drugs while in jail. if she does plead no contest, o'connor could be sentenced up to 20 years in prison. another hearing is scheduled for may 5, to discuss the
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sentencing recommendation. o'connor will be back in court 11 days later, where she can either change her plea, or decide to proceed toward a trial. todd jensen, nbc bay area news. a beloved bay area watering hole all but closing down, the announcement from the owner of grant green saloon. also, more than 1000 days of cleaning up trash, bay area students are working to protect the bay area from pollution. >> i'm jeff, a mild 67 in san jose right now, i will show you jose right now, i will show you how hot we with a majority of my patience with sensitivity, i see irritated gums and weak enamel. sensodyne sensitivity gum & enamel relieves sensitivity, helps restore gum health, and rehardens enamel. i'm a big advocate of recommending things that i know work.
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so we want to get back to our story about abortion, another pivotal moment in the of debate over abortion, the supreme court blocking the restrictions on letterpress stone, which
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means the medication is legal, and available, but this might just be temporary. stephanie has more.>> the widely used abortion medication mifepristone will stay on the market for now, this after seven justices opposed a court ruling that restricted access to the pill, giving pro-choice advocates a temporary win.>> it's very unfortunate that we are still in legal limbo, with the question of letterpress stone, since we are very clear that it is safe and effective.>> according to the ceo of planned parenthood northern california, the fda approval of this drug should not be questioned, but the justice department has to ask justices to step in after a federal appeals court kept in place several provisions for the texas us district judge that invalidated the fda longtime approval.>> if (stone is taken off the market, it is now infringing upon a state
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like california. >> for now you can still obtain the bill by mail and use it up to 10 weeks. the california family council on the other hand says they were expecting this procedural step.>> we are still disappointed that these deadly drugs are going to continue taking the lives of people across the country. >> now the case will go back to the fifth circuit of appeals. the three-judge panel believes it should be eliminated. >> it is not primarily designed to save the lives of a patient, it is designed to end the life of an individual. some experts say that is an unprecedented move that influenced today's moving ruling. >> drug manufacturers have weighed in, saying if this sort of thing holds, no drug is going to be safe from this kind of judicial review.
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>> the fifth circuit is expected to listen to this case in may, but experts say the losing side will likely take it right back to the supreme court.>> a popular north beach spot for beer, comedy and live news is closing for the time being, the grand and green saloon posted on social media that because of a lack of is and is, it is switching to an offense only model. the city is being blamed for denying a permit for a parcel, which several neighboring businesses have, they are also blaming slow recovery on tourism. we've reached out to city officials and have not yet heard back.>> a collective plea from several bay area agencies teetering on financial disaster, barth leaders came together to ask the state to help bolster budgets. many have struggled to attract people back after the pandemic. ridership has been up, lately, but nothing close to retirement - - nothing close to pre-
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pandemic levels. the agency is likely to run out of federal rescue funding, and could add a $300 million deficit by 2026.>> this is real. whether you are in discussions with the state of california and sacramento, i'm providing operation money.>> while trains, buses and ferries are attracting more and more people, it is gradual, it's not happening fast enough.>> the agency say to also try to create a fair integration service that makes it easier to go from one system to another. santa clara county is facing a steep repair bill after all the storms we've experienced. road repairs are estimated to cost about $15 million, that's more than double the estimate from back in february. the county has closed five roads for repair, but also has found more than 10 areas in need of work. most of that will be done in
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the next few months. no word from the county yet on the clayton road, and in terms of when the roads will reopen. a student in san jose state is on a daily mission to keep our parks clean. mcgregor started picking up trash in 2019. at first he did it just once per week, but ended up doing it every day so he could help make a difference. each day he goes on the hunt for about 90 minutes. in total, they picked up more than 20,000 pounds of trash. it's a dirty job, but he says it's a chance to inspire others. >> i think it's great, especially with the young people who have community spirit. it's just about taking care of things, it gives you an idea about how to get something going like that.>> he's graduating from san jose state later this year. after that he plans to keep going on his trash cleanup in southern california. for all our studies, and our
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earth week stories, go to our website. really nice. let's bring in jeff. happy friday. bring us some more sunshine.>> we desperately need this on our weekend. check out this comparison. you can see the rain season, last year we had 38 days with rain, this year, 65. we are waterlogged. we are going to get some of the warmest weather we've seen in quite some time. today we had 82 in santa rosa, we go way above average. now the thing that's going to keep things in place is this area of high pressure, pushing that storm track off to the north, that warm and dry air is going to give us some of the hottest weather in 183 days. here we go. let's get you into that weekend forecast. i will give you all those
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details. as we start it off tomorrow morning on the early side, we will begin with some areas of clouds, mainly down here at the coastline, the peninsula, southbay, and a little bit for the east bay, but don't worry, check it out, we will get sunshine returning through most of the bay area, if you are headed to the beaches, be ready for some patchy fog. the other thing that is just going to be fantastic, when we wake up, no more of those 30s and low 40s, it's going to feel warm as we start the morning. temperatures are in the 50s, a good start, 52 in the bay, more low 50s in the east bay and in san francisco, as well as the north bay. daytime high temperatures are not going to disappoint. in the southbay we are in the 70s and low 80s. 80 yet downtown san jose, 79 for gilroy. for the east bay, we get a little bit of a breeze. it's 73 in oakland, and 80 in
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moment week, 79 in pleasanton. the coastline stays chilly with that ocean breeze. down to redwood city, we are going to be at a warmer 75. san francisco, because that ocean breeze is 20 mph, everyone will be in the 60s tomorrow. for the north bay, 81 in napa, 74 in the valley, bodega bay is 63. tomorrow is going to be the best day of the weekend. by sunday the wind will kick up, with occasional gusts. it's going to kick around the pollen. if you have allergies, watch out. pine, cedar, and mulberry are all in high categories. let's take you into the seven day forecast. you can see right here we keep the dry weather in the 60s in san francisco, and the inland valleys. we dropped onto 76 on sunday, more 70s and 80s next week. it's going to be an awesome week, especially up in st. helena.>> we will be there.
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the annual charity event at the hall winery, it's going to be nice, it's going to be noonish tomorrow. you know who else is going to be there? qe lewis.>> i'm tagging on behind you.>> come with me. not your typical traffic jam, up next, the reason these goats were roaming the streets of san francisco. and we have jimmy.>> tonight we have an all new show, sienna miller will be here. it's going to be a great show. good night. happening now, the latest bay area company/ "the doctor will see you now." but do they really? do they y see that crick k in your neneck? that ache e in your heheart?
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will they y see that funny y little thihing that wasasn't therere last ye? a new bobounce in yoyour ste? the way yoyour reretinal scanan connectss to your blblood sugar?r? at kaiseser permanenente all l of us workrk together to care fofor all thatat is y. join us monday morning, 4:30 until 7:.>> we like this new video, goats taking a walk through san francisco and locking some traffic. they were meandering across bay street. goats in san francisco are not unusual. this is what they were doing yesterday at francisco park. the goats were on the move. good news up in the sky, the annual spring meteor shower
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will meet its peak this weekend, as earth nerves through a trail of debris, the burning dust produces streaks of fiery light. astronomers say this year it won't be a full moon, so the sky will be dark enough. this is one of the oldest known meteor showers with the first reported sighting in 687 bc in china. it's back for the second year in a row, our sister station is hosting the biannual youth soccer tournament, at independence high school in san jose. schools will go head-to-head throughout the weekend. it's open for anyone to come in, enjoy some food and watch great soccer. you can be part of the action tomorrow and sunday. carlos will be the mc and we will have the award winning teams come sunday. the teams come sunday. the proposed move las ve
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after advil. feelining better?? on topop of the woworlddddd!! before advil. advivil targets s pain at the source of inflammation. when pain comes for you, come back fast with advil liqui-i-gels. we mentioned earlier in the newscast the ongoing saga for the a's, i know means is it a done deal, they are earning a bridge in oakland, with no guarantees of getting public money from las vegas. nonetheless, the damage is being fell across the fan base, and even with the legendary players, and oakland native, dave stewart will remain with this franchise, speaking tonight about the teams desire to leave oakland.>> i'm not happy that they are leaving oakland, but i still love the
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organization, i love the colors green and gold, i assume that they are going to continue with those colors. my heart is with the a's. >> a class act. bruce pucci is now the manager of the texas rangers. the a's rookie, jordan diaz, he was just called up from aaa, with a pinch-hit home run, his first big-league homerun, how about that? it's the game-winner. they snapped the seven-game losing streak by beating the rangers 5-4. you might have seen the game on nbc bay area, who is that? hello 49ers rebecca brock purdy, recovering after elbow surgery. he's always smiling. they gave him a standing ovation at oracle park. and this pitcher was a newark memorial high school student. he shut down
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how this? embracing its wild side this, six new cheetah cubs, among them, five-month-old kalahari. they got five other cubs last week from a facility in virginia, they are making an effort to bring more endangers - - endangered species like cheetahs, population have dropped drastically in the last tonight, the breaking news from the supreme court on the future of that abortion pill. the supreme court preserving access to the abortion pill for now in the most significant case since roe v. wade, so what
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are the next steps we'll break it down. the severe storm threat moving east after tornadoes ripped through texas and oklahoma at least three dead. flash flooding and water rescues in austin golf ball-size hail in illinois, even a waterspout in florida. millions at risk heading into the weekend. charges against alec baldwin officially dropped, and new details about the gun that killed the "rust" cinematographer as production resumes the new images from inside the film's montana set. an american killed in sudan as fighting rages on. plus, the latest from u.s. officials on the other americans trapped. alarming new findings about climate change. a new report says the melting of glaciers is off the charts can anything be done is the future of food grown in a lab? it's better for the climate, but what does it taste like? and back in the groove. with record sales rising, why so many are turning to turntables this weekend. >> announcer: this is


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