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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 6  NBC  April 21, 2023 6:00pm-6:30pm PDT

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nice night for baseball. >> gorgeous. janelle wang, what's coming up at 6:00? right now, surprise announcement from google today. the new google village in the south bay put on hold. maybe they could put up some antime or something.n the otherwise, there's just going to be encampments and craziness going on. >> what the project's big delay could mean for the future of downtown san jose. a lot of questions after a student in the south bay brings a loaded gun to school. what police are saying about how that student was planning to use the gun. bringing in military force to fight drugs and crime in san francisco. the governor's new response to the growing fentanyl crisis in the city. good evening and thanks for being with us on this friday. i'm raj mathai. >> i'm janelle wang. the governor says he is sending
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in the chp and national guard to help san francisco cut off a fentanyl pipeline. the announcement came just hours ago and still comes with some very big questions about how this will all work. nbc bay area's christie smith spoke with the mayor and the police chief about the plan and has our report. >> it's definitely a move in the right direction. >> reporter: that's mayor london breed minutes after the governor formally announced an agreement to provide major help in the city's fight to manage a deadly fentanyl crisis. >> i've reached out to our governor, reached out to speaker nancy pelosi and others, and in fact, our governor has responded with what i think is going to be some tremendous support. >> reporter: that support includes bringing in chp and the california national guard with a goal of cutting off what some say is a fentanyl trafficking pipeline. >> help from the national guard and from the chp, coordinating and working with our police department and our d.a., to help us address the challenges around the open-air drug dealing,
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mostly in the tenderloin and the south of market neighborhoods of san francisco. >> reporter: in a statement, newsom, a former san francisco mayor, says the goal is holding poison peddlers accountable and improving public safety and confidence in san francisco. and the announcement comes just two days after the governor made an unannounced stop in the tenderloin for a firsthand look at the problem. >> we make arrests day in and day out. but it's really hard to hold ground. we need to get it under control. and that's exactly what we plan to do. we're going to do it in the san francisco bay with san francisco values. but the help is much-needed. >> reporter: police chief bill scott explained what police are facing and made assurances about who will be targeted. >> i want to assure the public that we're going to police the way we police, and that's with dignity and respect and work with our community. >> reporter: few details were released yet about specifically how the new troops would be used and when this would get under way. >> absolutely, chp will be patrolling the streets. in that regard, we have to
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figure out exactly how we're going to use those resources. they bring a lot to the table. they bring a lot of resources to the table. but we're not -- let me be clear on something. we're not talking about a military state. we are not talking about a military state. the national guard goes into many places and helps out. >> reporter: newsom said the effort would not criminalize those struggling with substance use issues, but rather, zeroing in on drug suppliers and traffickers. a disturbing discovery at a san jose middle school. a student arrested for bringing a loaded gun onto campus. this happened at hoover middle school near the rose garden. sjpd says it does not appear the child had any plans to hurt anyone, but they say it's still not clear why the student brought the loaded gun to campus. >> i think any time there is a weapon involved, there's always a potential of something bad happening. >> parents and police both note there are still a lot of the questions here, including where the student got the gun and
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whether the gun's legal owner knew the child had taken it. answers to those questions could lead to charges for any adult connected to the student. a follow-up, police have arrested the man they say is to blame for a series of hate crimes against asian americans on public transportation. one of those incidents involved throwing eggs at passengers on a muni bus, and it was all caught on tape. the video from february shows a man carrying egg cartons on the 38 bus around geary and divisidero. witnesses say he had been throwing eggs and yelling racial slurs at two asian women. another man tells the suspect to stop and gets an egg thrown at him. the suspect, 44-year-old joseph benjamin, charged with two counts of battery and two counts of committing a hate crime. michelle young, a visitor from new york, caught it on her phone. next tuesday, sfmta is holding a virtual safety roundtable with
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young and others to discuss rider safety and security. >> 17 years. seeing the data, attacks against asian americans and asians have increased. and it's just very, very disheartening. and i was glad that i could use my platform to talk about these issues more than just, "here's this viral video." >> after young's video went viral, other asian american riders reached out saying they've been attacked by that same suspect. she referred them all to police to help in the investigation. it's been called one of the biggest scandals in latin american history. today the man in the center of it all surrendered to federal law enforcement in the south bay. former president of peru, alejandro toledo, was seen inside the federal courthouse in san jose. he's accused of accepting millions of dollars in bribes. this week, a judge denied his motion to stop his extradition back to peru. the former leader, who has
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taught classes at stanford, was originally arrested in 2019 but released the following year due to the pandemic. he has been under house arrest in california since then and could be moved back to peru in the next few days. another round of layoffs for a bay area company. san francisco-based lyft plans to cut more than 1,200 jobs, about 30% of its workforce. "the wall street journal" is reporting the layoffs are part of the company's overall cost-cutting efefforts. lylyft so o far has not confifi the numumber of jobob c cuts bu ceo davavid reieichert madade ir he needed to cut costs so lyft could become more competitive with uber. in a statement a spokesperson said in part, "this is a hard decision and one we're not making lightly but the result will be a far stronger, more competitive lyft." hundreds of job cuts also set to roll out at whole foods. the grocery chain, which is owned by amazon, isn't getting rid of any positions in stores or distribution centers, but it
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is letting go of some corporate employees as part of a reorganization. the grocery chain says the layoffs amount to less than 1% of its total workforce. the cuts coincide with amazon's efforts to reduce costs and shed unprofitable projects. we're keeping a close eye on all the layoffs going on across multiple industries. for a full picture, go to this could be a major blow to the city of san jose. city leaders are now scrambling after a surprise announcement from google. google is putting its mega campus project in downtown san jose on hold. the so-called google village. the uncertain economy is clearly a factor. here's our business and tech reporter scott budman. >> reporter: google's decision to pause its plan means no downtown west campus, at least not for the foreseeable future. but these buildings are already gone, cleared to make way for the project. >> the first thing i thought is,
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can we have patty's back? >> reporter: at recycled bookstore, they were among the many businesses waiting for google to come. they and many others are not sure what's next or what it means for their bottom line. >> yeah, that's problematic. because it's just going to -- you know, maybe they could put up some affordable housing in the meantime or something. otherwise, it's just going to be encampments and craziness going on. >> reporter: this was supposed to eventually be a giant, thriving campus, village, and place for new housing. an economic engine for a place trying to recover amid an uneven economy. >> in the pandemic, internet-based companies grew rapidly. now virtually all of them are slowing down and even retrenching a little bit. they overexpanded in some cases. so you're just seeing that slow down a little bit. >> reporter: the affordable housing network of santa clara county says they had hoped for more housing downtown but have been skeptical of what the google effect on downtown would be. >> but they don't offset the damage which is done by this
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project. this project does a lot of damage to the lowest-income people in san jose. >> reporter: google insists their plan to build in san jose is still on, just today telling me this is part of what they describe as a 10 to 30-year project. a collective plea today from several bay area transit agencies who say they are teetering on a financial cliff. bart leaders along with other agencies came together to ask the state to help bolster their budgets. many have struggled to attract riders back to their systems after the pandemic. bart says ridership has been up but nothing close to prepandemic levels. the agency says it's likely to run out of federal rescue funds within two years and could be looking at the possibility of a $300 million deficit by 2026. >> the fiscal cliff is real.
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we're in discussions right now with the state of california and sacramento on providing operations money to keep transit moving. >> while our trains, our buses, our ferries are attracting more and more people, it's gradual and it's not happening fast enough. >> the agency says they're also trying to work together to create a fare integration service that makes it easier for riders to go from one system to another. up next, more than 1,000 days cleaning up trash. we continue to celebrate earth week with the story of a local student working to protect the bay area from pollution. i'm chief meteorologist jeff ranieri. don't have tickets? no problem. the game's here on nbc bay area, 7:00. the mets and giants. first pitch weather, 60 and partly cloudy skies. back with the forecast in eight minutes. the u.n. revealing just how
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relentless the advance of climate change has become seen through the record melt of glaciers. also, the future of meat. how about lab-grown chicken? no animals harmed. no animals harmed. how it
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beben bubut do they y really?l. do they sesee all thatat you ? at k kaiser permrmanente all of us s work togetether to care e for all ththat is y. a huge demonstration in san francisco from kids who say their future is at risk. an organization demanded action on climate change with a rally outside city hall and a march to the state office nearby. with art, music, and speeches, they protested climate change and called out governor newsom. they say he's not doing enough and that climate change is putting their lives at risk. >> we're going to be out here every single day until he stakes the action we need. >> the group is calling on officials to stop future investments in fossil fuels. governor newsom's agenda on climate change includes an 85%
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cut in greenhouse gas emissions and a goal of net-zero carbon pollution by 2035. a local college student proving one person can make a difference. the 22-year-old picks up trash every day at bay area parks. now he's inspiring others to do the same. here's nbc's marianne favro. >> reporter: edgar mcgregor began his cleanup quest back in 2019, and since then he has single-handedly picked up more than 20,000 pounds of trash. braving rain, high winds, even snow, edgar mcgregor is a man on a mission to clean up bay area parks and keep harmful chemicals and products out of creeks. with his wader boots and trusty bucket, he was here in san jose. >> i go into areas where regular cleanup crews wouldn't expect to find trash, like back canyons where litter's been sitting back
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there for 50, 60 years. >> reporter: he hunts for trash about an hour and a half a day, and you'd be surprised what he's found. >> some of the unusual items include things like the floating chlorine dispensers that people have in backyard pools. i'll find wallets, cell phones, credit cards. >> reporter: while he tries not to focus on what litterbugs leave behind, he does have one pet peeve. >> that's going to have to be doggy bags. they pollute the natural world, pollute our waterways. >> reporter: the san jose state climatology student began his quest in 2019 when he realized picking up litter once a week wasn't making much of a difference. he started doing it every day. >> my 1,362nd daily trash pickup. >> reporter: it's a dirty job but edgar sees it as a chance to get outdoors, meet new people, inspire a few along the way.
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>> i think it's great. it's nice to see especially young people that have community spirit. that are interested in taking care of things. kind of gives me some ideas about talking to people on our street to get something like that going. >> reporter: edgar is not afraid to talk trash on social media. he documents his journey, picking up more than 20,000 pounds of litter. >> the plastic doesn't actually bio degrade. it's just turning into tons of little pieces of microplastics. i want other people to join me on this mission wherever they are. this is fun. i enjoy coming out here and protecting these local areas. i enjoy the scavenger hunt game that is cleaning up trash in our local parks. >> reporter: edgar graduates from san jose state later this year and plans to continue his daily trash cleanup in southern california. >> that is a really nice story. outside right now, a live look from our exclusive ballpark
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cam. oracle park, giants on nbc tonight. >> yes! >> giants and mets. we count down to the first pitch at 7:00. we bring in jeff ranieri. this is spectacular. it's gorgeous in san francisco. >> what a nice day. >> i know. >> we haven't seen this in six months since we've seen weather like this. back in october. so it's been awhile. we're all ready for that weekend to get here and for that great weather to continue. let's move into that microclimate forecast. as we heard raj and janelle mentioning that game, the forecast right now 59 degrees. so first pitch, numbers are now adjusted. 55 in and a little cloud cover. a great time if you're headed out. remember your jacket. if you don't have tickets, the game's here on nbc bay area at 7:00. near the bay, it is warmer. currently 66 and mostly sunny skies. dropping down to 60 here at 9:00 p.m. the spot to be if you want to
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eat outside is through our inland valleys, 77 degrees right now. that's perfect. 64 here at 9:00 p.m. probably not going to need a jacket across our inland valleys. the thing that's producing this warm weather is high pressure. i've been telling you about this all week long. it's moving into just the right spot that we're getting that warm air, storm track off to the north. warmest weather since last october. 183 days ago. we're ready for saturday and sunday to get here. let's take it into saturday's forecast. i do see some cloud cover to start. don't be too worried, it's going to clear out and mostly sunny skies with areas of fog at the coast. numbers also beginning 50s throughout the bay area. 52 south bay. san francisco 53. more of those low 50s for the east bay. you want more of what we had today? we're serving it up for
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tomorrow. my forecast across the south bay, 80 in san jose. 79 los gatos. 79 morgan hill. we have more of those 70s and 80s for the east bay. 78 martinez. 80 danville. 76 hayward. peninsula, redwood city, 75. although it's going to be cold at the beaches, 60 in half moon bay, because the ocean breeze is going to be 10 to 20 miles per hour tomorrow. that's why san francisco will also stay in the 60s. maybe, just maybe 81 in napa. 80 in sonoma. let's look at that seven-day forecast. in san francisco, the one issue i see this weekend is wind picking up sunday, 15 to 45 miles per hour. if you're headed near the coastline on sunday, watch out for that. inland valleys, we have 76 on sunday. don't worry, if you have to work the weekend but you're off next week, 70s and 80s also in play. storm-free conditions. >> you mentioned wine country. a lot happening in wine country this week.
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>> i predict the roads are going to be jam-packed. >> it's going to be a beautiful weekend, thanks, jeff. up next, weekend number two. the final weekend of coachella is happening right now. this time there's a new headliner. we'll tell you the changeup, who's closing out the festival. one of the most dramatic impacts of climate change are our melting glaciers. tonight on nbc "nightly news," we will report on this dramatic transformation happening across the globe. the ice that provides water, recreation, tourism for so many places in some cases are shrinking faster than before. scientists say the melt in europe's alps is literally off the charts. a disturbing new record. in this country, glaciers are under siege in alaska and washington state. and all that melt contributes to record sea level rise that could change america's coastlines by the end of the century. but we can still slow or even stop these changes.
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all that and more when we see you tonight on "nightlnews."y
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a bit of a changeup at coachella the final weekend, under way right now with a new head liner. ♪♪ ♪ say it ain't so i will not go ♪ ♪ turn the lights off carry me home ♪ >> you know this song? >> i know the words. >> blink 132? they're still around, cool.
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blink-182 takes over the sunday night headliner spot. that spot opened up after frank ocean canceled. frank ocean's representatives saying canceled because of doctor's advice related to leg injury. showing up late and giving what some fans called a disappointing performance. our sister station telemundo 48 is hosting a biannual youth soccer tournament. >> it's happening this time in san jose all weekend long. telemundo's carlos eustice has more. >> reporter: i'm here at independence high school in san jose where we're kicking off our second edition of the partnership with alum rock school district. throughout the weekend, the schools will go head to head to crown a champion on sunday.
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as you know, i'm partial to soccer. what better way to get life lessons, only ones sport can give you, than participating against your friends, through rival teams, and having a great time for the community? it's open for everybody in the community, so take advantage, enter in the next three days. come and enjoy great food, enjoy great games, and also some special appearances by your bay area professional team mascots. if you can come, you have a lot of time, 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. saturday and sunday. rve out time and come with us. >> carlos yustis,e' a very good soccer player. 'm sure he, i can tell >> really good. be part of the action this weekend. independence high school in san jose, 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. saturday and sunday. i watched this over and over. check out this video. a freefall and close call.
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the hidden crevasse that sent a skier falling several feet down a glacier. we'll show you the remarkable video and what happened next. a look inside 30 rock, the control room. lester holt getting ready for "nightly news." one of the top stories, the abortion pill at the center of the big debate. it will remain available for now. red flag.bile service and can stream down the street or around the block! hey, can you be leless sister, more car? all right, let's get this over with. swititch to xfininity mobile and geget the bestst price fofor 2 lines s of unlimiti. justst $30 a linine per mon. i should g get paid more for t this. you get t paid when n you wi. from xfifinity. homeme of t the 10g netetwork.
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itit's what ththey live toto . trinet s serves smsmall anand medium s sized businines. soso they can n do more of whahat matters.s. bebenefits. papayroll. comompl. trtrinet. peopople matter..
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an extremely close call in france for a skier. >> take a look at this video. it's out of the french alps. the skier making his way down a back country slope when he plunges into a circle of snow that covered an open crevasse. the skier continues sliding for several feet. coming to a stop along that wall. he caught himself. >> wow. >> he barely missed what could have been a freefall into the darkness below. fortunately, he was able to make it out safely using his ice cleats and a small piece of rope his friends dropped down to pull him out. >> that is amazing. we continue to count down to first pitch. a live look at oracle park. it's orange friday. giants and mets here on nbc bay area. in fact,ch all the action here on nbc. our coverage begins at 7:00 p.m. up next, "nightly news." the future of meat is here.
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meat made in labs with no animals harmed. "nightly news" shows us how it works coming up next. then giants baseba at 00. tonight, the breaking news from the supreme court on the future of that abortion pill. the supreme court preserving access to the abortion pill for now in the most significant case since roe v. wade, so what are the next steps we'll break it down. the severe storm threat moving east after tornadoes ripped through texas and oklahoma at least three dead. flash flooding and water rescues in austin golf ball-size hail in illinois, even a waterspout in florida. millions at risk heading into the weekend. charges against alec baldwin officially dropped, and new details about the gun that killed the "rust" cinematographer as production resumes the new images from inside the film's montana set. an american killed in sudan as fighting rages on. plus, the latest from u.s. officials on the other americans


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