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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 530  NBC  April 21, 2023 5:30pm-6:01pm PDT

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stream our newscasts on roku, samsung tv plus, and xumo. raj mathai, who has a daughter who could potentially start doing that? >> she's just learning how to do cartwheels. >> just learning. i could see her doing that. a lot happening on this friday. the so-called los gatos party mom was back in court. she allegedly threw parties for teenagers, those parties filled with sex and alcohol. she's asking about a plea deal. what victims told her today in court as the judge in the south bay debates the future of this case. vice president kamala harris sits down for an extensive interview with telemundo. among the issues discussed, gun violence that continues to plague our country. a warning from scientists about the impact a.i. has on global warming. the news at 5:30 starts right now. thank you so much for joining us. i'm kira klapper.
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>> i'm raj mathai. new details in los gatos. the mother of two accused of throwing alcohol-fueled parties for teens and pushing some of them to commit sexual assault. several of her alleged victims were in court, claiming she ruined their lives. >> reporter: shannon o'connor faces 39 criminal counts for allegedly throwing alcohol-fueled sex parties for her son and his friends. she wants to know how much time she'd spend behind bars if she changes her plea and admits to the crimes. evidence suggests she provided massive amounts of alcohol to teens, some 14, and encouraged, in some cases facilities, sexual assaults against unconscious or drunk teens. the judge heard from 15 alleged victims and parents today. all asked for the maximum sentence and want her to be required to register as a sex offender. >> it really allows the judge
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who is making the decision to see personally how the actions of the defendant have affected the victims. >> reporter: we won't identify the victims, about the one teen said, "i will never have the life i once had, and neither should she." another, "every day i wake up, i'm grateful o'connor is in jail and isn't able to hurt anyone else." many parents said their families are devastated and forever changed. >> today in court, we saw the bravery and the courage of the victims and also their family members. they are also traumatized by what the defendant did to them. it is something that is an emotional experience. >> reporter: the deputy district attorney also submitted new evidence that suggests o'connor left california and moved to idaho specifically to try and avoid prosecution. victims who moved to idaho before her claim o'connor moved there to continue to harass and stalk them. prosecutors also alleged
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o'connor has been in a relationship with another woman in jail, and once that woman got out, o'connor has been trying to deal and distribute drugs in jail. if o'connor ultimately pleads no contest to all charges, the sentence could be as long as 20 years in prison. the two sides will discuss what that sentencing will be with the judge on may 5th, then she will be back in court on may 16th where she can either plead to that number or decide to move forward with a trial. twitter quietly dropped the label that made national public radio, npr, quit the social media network last week. twitter no longer labels pages as being government-funded or affiliated. this became a problem for outlets like npr, which were labeled as government-funded media. npr and other public broadcasters argued the label damaged their credibility. the label has now been removed from twitter accounts like
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president biden's, as well as media accounts that are accused of government propaganda. twitter has not offered a reason for the change. vice president kamala harris was in miami today announcing a package of federal funds to support projects focused on climate resiliency. during her visit, the vice president sat down for an interview with our news partners at telemundo. she talked about several topics including the need to pass reasonable gun safety laws. >> babies are dying. babies, children at school. and children are learning to read and write at the same time that they're learning how to hide and be quiet if there is an active shooter in their school. our children are in fear. parents literally say a prayer as they're dropping their children off at school, that they will be able to come home.
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>> harris also talked about the abortion pill battle, the border crisis, and the debt limit. the drama, anger, and bitterness is not going away. in fact, 48 hours after the a's turned their back on oakland, thousands of fans, politicians, and other sports executives are criticizing the franchise. among them raiders owner mark davis. davis blasting the a's in an interview with the las vegas "journal review" newspaper. davis left and built a stadium in las vegas like the a's want to do. however, he's blaming the a's for the raiders' troubles in oakland. davis says the a's squatted, the term he used, squatted on their 10-year lease at the coliseum and made it impossible for either the a's or raiders to build a new stadium in the east bay.y. daviss doesn't p plan on being welcoming neighbor for the a's in las vegegas because the a's ownership group led byy john fisher. he added if another ownership group was in place, he would welcome them. a handful of nfl blares are
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in hot water after being caught gambling on sports. the league policy is pretty clear. it bans players from placing any wagers on any nfl game. players are also not allowed to bet on any sport while at a team facility or while traveling with their team. three players were confirmed to have bet on nfl games. those players have been suspended indefinitely. two of them are on the detroit lions, the other on the washington commanders. they can apply for reinstatement in a year. the other two members of the detroit lions, including former first-round pick jameson williams, violated the second rule. they did not bet on the nfl but did place sports bets while at the team facility. they have been suspended six games. will a.i. destroy the earth? some experts say, maybe, if we don't regulate it. scientists at stanford recently published a study that shows artificial intelligence uses so much energy, it could set us back on any progress we've made when it comes to global warming. nbc bay area's audrey asistio
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takes a closer look at the study. >> reporter: everyone's talking about artificial intelligence these days, from writing essays to diagnosing an illness, even planning your next vacation. but something we're not hearing much about yet are fears that a.i. may destroy the earth. no, we're not talking about the science fiction scenario you might be thinking of. we're talking about the staggering carbon emissions required to train and maintain these large a.i. systems. >> progress often comes with unfortunate side effects. i think that's what we're seeing here. obviously, it's not the only place where this happens. >> reporter: perrault is a computer scientist and codirector of stanford's a.i. steering committee. he took part recently released by the stanford institute for human-centered artificial intelligence. it estimated the amount of energy needed to train a.i. models. >> so the training of these large a.i. systems like chatgpt
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requires thousands of computers running for many hours, which consumes a very large amount of electricity. and this generates large carbon emissions. >> reporter: exactly how much energy? take open a.i.'s gpt3, which powers chatgpt. the amount of energy it needs could power an average american's home for hundreds of years. >> even training a state-of-the-art model very efficiently generates carbon emission comparable to 25 times what it takes for one passenger to fly from san francisco to new york. >> reporter: the chart shows it all. you can see it training the newer type of a.i. models with orders of magnitude. then the co footprint of a human lifetime, or the life span of a car. >> with that, there's still a need. there are ways to use a.i. that minimizes -- being aware,
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resource aware. making sure that the solutions we create are balanced, improvement versus what goes in. do no harm. reduce, reuse, recycle to the extent that's possible. >> reporter: wolf is a cofounder and director of a nonprofit that uses a.i. for wildlife conservation. the need for a.i., she's speaking of, is battling climate change. >> a.i. has the opportunity to contribute to both the change in the approach and the solutions that are needed. this is really a good example of a.i. for good of bringing a.i. as not only an accelerator and scaler, but the enabler and transformer of solutions for climate change and biodiversity. this is the opportunity for a.i. to contribute to the solution. of course, it's not a silver bullet. we need a.i. as a trusted partner. >> reporter: right now, not many trust a.i. governments across the globe are trying to figure out how to regulate it.
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former silicon valley insider tristan harris spoke to lester holt about this on "nightly news." >> no one's building guardrails. it has moved so much faster than our government has been able to understand or appreciate. it's important to note the ceos of the major a.i. labs said, we need to regulate ax i. >> reporter: in a recent op-ed, california congressman ted lieu wrote that a.i. freaks him out. that's why he's introducing legislation to create an a.i. commission to provide recommendations on how to structure a federal agency to regulate a.i. while this is a start, wolf believes the best solution is a global approach. >> we really need to come together as partners. and it has to be a multi-stakeholder, multi-expertise, multi-disciplinary, multi-cultural global approach. there's not one person, project, or government that can solve it. >> reporter: audrey asistio, nbc bay area news. up next, the pressures mounting for senator dianne
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feinstein to resign. we talk with nbc's political director chuck todd who has some harsh words for those advising the senator and those criticizing the 89-year-old. i'm chief meteorologist jeff ranieri. temps warmed up today. inland valleys running from 6 to 11 degrees hotter. what we're in store for this what we're in store for this weekend coming up.
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no word from senator feinstein about what she plans to do next. but we do know she has so far resisted calls to resign. >> her impact in the bay area and beyond is well known, but her health is a concerning point right now. feinstein has not been in the senate for nearly two months, recovering from shingles. her absence prevents president biden from pushing through his nominees for federal court. scott mcgrew spoke with nbc's political director, chuck todd. >> this dianne feinstein
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situation is getting more serious. republicans say they won't allow democrats to appoint a temporary replacement on the judiciary. you've got dick durbin coming up on "meet the press," judiciary chair. what are you hearing, what answers are you hoping to hear from him? >> we're going to find out. the question i have now is, is the movement to push senator feinstein to resignation only growing? i could tell you this. i know behind the scenes it is. there is not many senate democrats who think this should go on much longer. the question is, what's much longer? is it a couple of weeks? is it a couple of months? i think that's about it. but there really is a lot of concern, a lot of input. >> what are you hearing, if anything, from feinstein's camp? >> not much from their camp specifically, but from people that do know a little something about her situation, it's my understanding she's not well at all.
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that this is a very serious situation that she's dealing with. that she's had a very hard time recovering from shingles. and there are many people at her age that never really recover. from a bout with shingles like she's had. you know, look -- i don't understand how the staff and family have made these decisions. i think that is something they have to live with. i've watched this whole situation and one thing i've concluded is, i don't think anybody is interested in -- is worried, is thinking about dianne feinstein's legacy here. it seems like everybody is thinking ahead. and that's been a shame, whether it's those that think they're seeking her best interests by being the shadow senator or what. but i have to say, this whole situation, it doesn't seem like many people are actually thinking about her. >> i agree with you. obviously, best wishes to her and her family.
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but this legacy, she did so much for the city of san francisco, she did so much for california, for women's rights, for the assault weapons ban. at some point, legacy becomes one of the most important things. >> it is. look, i think she's one of the -- she's probably one of the five most important female political leaders in the 20th century. >> agreed. >> hard stop. not just in california. in the 20th century history. so -- and i -- it's a shame to me to watch younger progressives beat up on her in a way that's like, boy, do you have any idea of the footsteps she traveled in? do you have any idea of what it's like to have the blood of a colleague's hands that you have to deal with? she's been through a lot. she blazed trails. there's a female vice president today because she was seen as good enough, as somebody that
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was worthy back in the '80s. she has broken so many barriers here. that's why it's been so awkward to watch so many people that normally you'd think would want to celebrate what she did, kind of denigrate what she is today. >> we look forward to you talking to dick durbin. we'll look forward to watching on sunday. we'll see you then, chuck. >> you can see both these gee men on sunday. "meet the press" sunday at 8:00 at on nbc bay area. senator durbin and the republican governor of new hampshire sununu on "meet the press" sunday mornings on nbc bay area. kira, of course, is our sunday morning anchor. your newscast starts at 7:00 a.m. we're busy 7:00 to 10:00 a.m. sunday. >> turn on nbc bay area and don't go anywhere. >> your alarm clock is already set. >> quite early, thank you. beautiful weather. >> right?
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the payoff after months of dreariness. >> today was the warmest weather we've had in six months. >> wow. >> yeah. >> i believe it. >> this stretch of sunshine we haven't seen in over six months. so we all deserve it. here's to the weekend. if you're getting an early start, maybe heading out to the game, the giants and the mets going at it tonight. that game is right here on nbc bay area. if you don't have tickets, no problem. pick your most comfortable chair, sit back, relax. full coverage of that first pitch at 7:00 p.m. we'll be at 61 degrees. take the jacket if you are headed out. sunshine in san jose, lots of blue sky. 76, no need for a jacket tonight. 64 here even at 9:00 p.m. as we head through this weekend forecast, i'm seeing high pressure staying with us for tomorrow. that's going to keep that warm weather we had today into your saturday forecast. storm track is way off to the
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north. no chance of any rainfall from that for us. then you can see we get clouds to start. no need to worry. this is going to clear by the afternoon for mostly sunny skies. at the coasts, areas of patchy fog. so temperatures to start for tomorrow, unlike anything we've seen in quite some time. 50s are back here from the south bay to the tri-valley. also checking in with 53 in san francisco. north bay looking good at 51. daytime highs tomorrow, you want more of what we had today, we're going to serve it up. south bay, 80 in san jose. gilroy 79. it continues, 81 in concord. 79 pleasanton. 80 danville. hayward 76. the peninsula not as warm, a breeze off the coast, but this is beautiful. 75 in redwood city. san francisco, the ocean breeze willment pact us the most here. widespread 60s tomorrow. 69 in downtown. for the north bay, 81 in napa. 80 santa rosa. 81 in clear lake. the only thing that could bother
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you this weekend is going to be the wind. i do see gusts picking up by sunday. 15 to 45 miles per hour. that's also going to kick around the pollen. oak, pine, cedar, mulberry in the high category. so again, sunday, wind could aggravate your allergies. be ready for that. let's get into that seven-day forecast. again, the weekend around the corner and things are looking fantastic. 69 san francisco tomorrow. and we have 82 for the inland valleys. 76 on sunday. no need to worry, we have more 70s and 80s coming our way next week. >> would you say the warmest day in six months? >> yes, today. that was today. >> incredible. >> i know. >> so many people out just soaking it up. >> thanks, jeff. still ahead, $20 million worth of gold vanishes from an airport. airport. the - lilife is uncertain.
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some are calling this the canadian version of "ocean's eleven." gold bricks worth millions of dollars swipes, taken from canada's busiest airport. >> police are on the hunt for the cargo container that vanished from the toronto airport on monday. officials say that container was holding more than $20 million worth of gold and other valuables. they don't know exactly how the container was stolen or how the thieves knew what was in it. so far, police have not identified anyone of interest, and they aren't saying what
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airline was involved. >> got to be an inside job, right? up next, is he angry, reflective? we'll hear from draymond green, who's just served his one-game suspension. give y your small l business one tetech solutioion that checkcks all the e boxe. it''s all hehere with ththe comcmcast busineness complee connnnectivity s solution. peace ofof mind withth cybeberthreat sesecurity. the popower of thehe larges, faststest reliabable networ. plplus, save u up to 75% a ar with comomcast busininess mob. the cocomplete connectivivity solutioion. from t the companyny poweredy the nextxt generatioion 1010g network.k. get started for just $49 a momonth. and d ask about t an $8$800 prepaidid card. comcasast businessss. powewering possisibilities.
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welcome back. the warriors took care of business at chase center last night and took a little bit of pressure off, at least for me personally. >> for everyone. >> yeah.
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they got their first win and stopped the kings from going up 3-0. >> now the kings are like, okay, these are the champs, these are the defending champs. today a day off for both teams before game four on sunday afternoon. that doesn't mean draymond green is keeping quiet. here's nbc's anthony flores. >> reporter: after a dominating bounce-back performance in game three, the warriors aren't exactly celebrating their first win of the series. >> nothing's happened yet. until somebody wins a road game, you're kind of -- everybody's just holding serve. >> reporter: the warriors were able to hold serve without draymond green, who was suspended for game three after stomping on the chest of domantas sabonis in game two. draymond says suspensions don't affect him as much now, not since being suspended for game five of the 2016 nba finals, but says it was difficult to not be there for his teammates. it's just not being able to participate in that dogfight.
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that's crushing. you feel like you're leaving them out there by themselves. >> reporter: the warriors played without gary payton, who was sick. even so warriors cranked up defensive intensity, rebounded better, and got big contributions off the bench from several players who struggled to get consistent minutes during the regular season. >> that's what the playoffs are about. you ride with your stars, then the role players need to step up and make plays. and our guys did that. >> reporter: it wasn't just defense. the warriors also looked good when they had the ball. with better shot selection and limiting their turnovers. also, it doesn't hurt to have steph curry score 36 points. and there's something about playing at chase center that seems to bring out the best in this team. >> you can feel the crowd. they're right on top of you. it's become a great home floor
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for us. >> reporter: adding to the atmosphere at chase center, draymond green and gp 2 will be back for game four. >> we've got to continue to do whatever we're asked to do. we have a great opportunity to even the series on sunday. then take from it there. >> reporter: game four sunday afternoon at chase center. it is orange friday. >> gold for the warriors, now orange for the giants. >> i need to change my dress. they're hosting the mets at oracle and the game is here on nbc bay area. >> a big night of baseball on nbc. this is a live look from our center field cam. the giants are off to a bit of a shaky start, but we feel good about tonight. things are going to go well. im 7:00 p.m. giants and metropolitans right here on nbc.
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>> metropolitans, should be a nice night for baseball. >> gorgeous. janelle wang, what's coming up at 6:00? right now, surprise announcement from google today. the new google village in the south bay put on hold. maybe they could put up some antime or something.n the otherwise, there's just going to be encampments and craziness going on. >> what the project's big delay could mean for the future of downtown san jose. a lot of questions after a student in the south bay brings a loaded gun to school. what police are saying about how that student was planning to use the gun. bringing in military force to fight drugs and crime in san francisco. the governor's new response to the growing fentanyl crisis in the city. good evening and thanks for being with us on this friday. i'm raj mathai. >> i'm janelle wang. the governor says he i


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