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tv   NBC News Daily  NBC  April 21, 2023 12:00pm-1:01pm PDT

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ready to t treat your r hiv in a a differentnt way? ask k your doctotor about every-otheher-month cacabenu. withth every-othther-month cabenuva,, i'm good t to go. withth every-othther-month cabenuva,, hi, everyone. i'm savannah sellers. >> i'm vicky nguyen. so glad you could be with us. "nbc news daily" starts right now.
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today is friday, april 21st, 2023. path of destruction. a state of emergency in oklahoma as more tornadoes touch down across the south. where the greatest threat remains. ready to run, president biden getting closer to launching his re-election campaign. how soon he's expected to make the announcement. tale of the texts. racist and deprogress tri messages between dozens of police officers in california. why it's now prompting a civil rights lawsuit. and feeling the heat. a growing number of people are feeling anxious or depressed about climate change. how to know when your fear has gone too far. >> totally understand that and we'll get to that now with severe weather. this threat hitting areas around the gulf coast. >> the biggest risk today, hail as you can see here, that's what people from texas up through illinois were dealing with last night, just take a look at the size of these hailstones,
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they're in oklahoma. that state facing a long road to recovery after wednesday's deadly tornadoes. in the town of cole just south of oklahoma city, dozens of homes were destroyed. >> also that on your screen is a wedding venue destroyed. a couple was set to get married at this venue tomorrow and nothing is going to stop them. they are going to plan to wed at a spot nearby. a little bit of good news. >> bill karins is, of course, tracking what is on the way for us but first we start with priscilla thompson in cole, oklahoma. hey, priscilla, what do recovery efforts look like at this point? >> yeah, well, savannah, vicky, right now they look like people coming back to homes like this one with the walls falling off the roof, completely taken off and trying to salvage what they can as they figure out what their next steps are going to be. we know that the couple who lives here rode out the storm in their kitchen hiding under the bar area and when they emerged this is what they saw.
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we also spoke to a neighbor who was able to get into a storm shelter in her backyard, and when she emerged there was nothing left from her home and i talked to her a little about that experience of getting to the storm shelter and what she felt when she came out. i want to play some of that conversation. >> we opened the screen door, and it tore out of our hands and shattered so we grabbed the dogs and ran to our shelter. this long dirt is where our house was. >> this was the house? >> yes, yes, ma'am. this end was my bedroom. see this hole right here? there is a huge rock over there that it moved. >> oh, wow. so that was your back porch? >> that was my back porch, and i have the best built deck in the world. >> reporter: and this is the new reality for so many people here. figuring out where they will stay temporarily, how they will find permanent housing. we know that the governor here in oklahoma has declared a state
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of emergency to try to get equipment in to restore power to the thousands of people who are still without power as this community works to recover from this devastating tornado. vicky, savannah? >> all right, well, thank you so much, priscilla there in cole, oklahoma. bill, time out these severe storms for us. what's the risk right now and this weekend? >> the risk compared to last two days is a lot lower today. doesn't mean we won't see isolated severe storms, probably more hailstones like we saw in the video. saturday is the day we're more concerned with. especially in highly populated areas so what's left of yesterday's storms kind of dissipated. new storms are trying to fire up in southern portions of arkansas, crossing the mississippi river into northern portions of mississippi. and that's one spot where we could see marginal risk of storms. southern portions of texas, we have a chance for getting large hailstorms, south of corpus christi towards brownsville and little area through ohio and little slice of western new york and western pennsylvania,
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isolated, maybe wind damage or small hail. the risk for saturday, a lot of bigger population centers from d.c. which is close to 90 degrees today, these thunderstorms will roll through saturday afternoon into the evening and have that in mind for your afternoon plans, about a two or three-hour window to be indoors. that will include beach areas in the carolinas late in the afternoon so the timing on all this mess, the rain this evening and then we'll watch the storms regenerating as we go throughout tomorrow afternoon. >> all right, bill karins, thank you so much. well, president biden appears to be looking for a second term. three sources tell nbc news he's expected to officially announce his re-election campaign as soon as next week. let's bring in white house correspondent mike memoli in washington. hey, mike, i mean, look, this is not a surprise by any means that we have been waiting for this official go. tell us, will there be any part of it that is sort of a surprise? what do we know about the plans and a time line? >> reporter: savannah, you know this is sort of an unusual
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situation because were a first-term president there's usually never any doubt they will seek a second term but there have been questions about president biden given he is the oldest president in american history whether he would seek another term. you remember when we were out on the campaign trail in the 2020 campaign together there was even discussion of whether he might pledge to serve only one term. that's not the case and biden advisers are telling us that he is set to make this official potentially as soon as next tuesday. but then once the president does make this announcement in the form of a video announcement, he will continue to do his day job and be president. there is a rose garden strategy for a reason and saw that when he was talking about his accomplishments, for instance, in this case talking about his environmental policies but attacking congressional republicans for pledging to repeal and try to overturn some of his accomplishments is sort of the blueprint for what the campaign looks like until republicans settle on who their nominee is. >> then, of course, that does set up a potential rematch
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between president biden and former president trump should they both become those nominees. what is the most recent polling show about that possibility as well as other matchup possibilities? what do we know? >> we can never get enough polling and have new data from "the wall street journal," yeah, showing what a potential rematch would look like. the president leading the former president, 48-45 in that matchup. what if it's ron desantis as the republican nominee? well then you flip the numbers and it's the republican candidate at 48 and the incumbent president at 45%. desantis has to get through donald trump first and if it's a head-to-head matchup for the republican nomination, it is donald trump still showing that strength leading 51-38 so that does set up the possibility of a rematch and, you know what, we're talking about head-to-head matchups. there are a lot of americans who may not be enthused about the idea of a rematch and raises the possibility we must mention it of a strong third party candidate. something we didn't see in the 2020 campaign, that would surely shake up the electoral map in a
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significant way but a long way to go, about a year and a half until election day. >> i hope everyone at home is like, not yet. it's happening. mike, thank you so much. we're expecting the supreme court to weigh in by the end of the day on the most significant abortion case since roe v. wade was overturned. and this all centers on this drug we've been talking about a lot. it's called mifepristone, which is used to terminate pregnancies. well, it's been available in the u.s. for 23 years now, so earlier this month a federal judge in texas invalidated the fda's original approval of the pill. so putting in question the fda approval, the moral question of abortion. well, there are three likely scenarios now at this point here. so five of the nine justices could vote to keep the drug available for now and send this case back down to the lower court. now another scenario, they could send it back while curtailing some access to the drug for now. then there's the third option you're seeing, the supreme court could agree to hear the case,
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but it's unclear how soon that could happen but once we do get the court's decision at this point we will bring it to you. well, alec baldwin is cleared of charges for now. but his legal problems may not be over in the fallout from the deadly shooting on the set of "rust." on thursday special prosecutors in new mexico announced they are dropping the involuntary manslaughter charge against the actor. let's bring in shaquille brewster. shaq, what do we know about why this charge against baldwin was dropped and what potentially could happen next here? >> reporter: that dismissal was filed in court in the past couple of minutes and it will come into play in 90 minutes or so when the virtue cal status hearing takes place. that's when we expect the charges to formally go away. sources close to the decision tell nbc news that prosecutors learned new information about the gun, the prop gun that alec baldwin had in his hand back in october of 2021, specifically that the trigger was
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reconfigured making it perhaps possible that the gun misfired as baldwin alleged all along and that was kind of alluded to in the statement we got from prosecutors confiing these charges were being dropped when they said that new facts were resealed that demanded further investigation and forensic analysis and ultimately said consequently we cannot proceed unhe current time constraints and on the facts and evidence turned over by law enforcement in its existing form. they also stress that this is not clearing him and charges may be filed in the future. >> those are quite big revelations about the gun and trigger there, shaq. have we heard anything further from baldwin's legal team or baldwin himself? well, we initially learned that charges were dropped from baldwin's legal team yesterday in this hour, i believe it was, but since then we have not heard anything more from his legal team but we did hear from
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baldwin apparently responding to this new news on instagram. we saw a picture of him with his wife, he said that she -- essentially he has everything he owes everything to -- he has to this woman and he also said there and to you, luke. and this interesting split screen happening because a source close to the "rust" production who is actually on set right now in montana said that alec baldwin is back, that he's filming today, that the day started with a speech, introductions and also a safety briefing. >> all right, shaquille brewster, thank you so much, shaq. well, states say millions of kias and hyundais should be recalled and lyft's new ceo is off to a rocky start. >> steve kovach joins us now. hey, steve. >> reporter: yeah, attorneys general in 17 states are asking the federal government to recall a number of kia and hyundai vehicles because they say the cars are too easy to steal after
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a viral social media trend revealed how to use a usb to start some models without a key. the number of related auto thefts has spiked since the videos but kiy says it follows federal safety standards and a recall is not needed. the new ceo of lyft is wasting no time cutting costs. the ride share company announced today that it would, quote, significantly reduce its head count beginning next week which could include as many as 1200 employees or about 30% of the company according to "the wall street journal." and it was a tough week for elon musk after the world's second richest person saw his net worth fall by nearly $13 billion, disappointing tesla earnings and a spacex rocket explosion contributed to the decline, but don't feel too bad for musk, now he's only worth around $175 billion. guys, i think he'll be okay. >> only? >> that is just -- you can't even wrap your head around that. >> yeah. also so funny when it's so not relatable problems like his
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rocket blew up. so his net worth went down. >> who doesn't have that happen? >> steve, thanks. >> thank you so much. coming up the new fallout involving racist text messages involving racist text messages sent among p police offificers i told mysyself i was s oki with m my moderatete to sevevere rheumamatoid ararthritis sysymptoms. wiwith my psororiatic arthritis s symptoms.. bubut just ok k isn't ok.. anand i was dodone settlini. ifif you stillll have sympmps after a tntnf blockerr like h humira or e enbrel, rinvoq is diffeferent and m may hel. ririnvoq is a a once-dailyly l that canan dramaticacally relie ra a and psa symymptoms, includining fatigue e for som. it can stotop joint dadamage. and in p psa, can leleave skin c clear or almost t clear. rinvoqoq can lowerer your abily to fight i infections,s, inincluding tbtb. seririous infectctions and blood d clots, somome fat; cancers,s, includingng lymphoa and d skin cancecer; death, h heart attacack, stro, and d tears in t the stomach or i intestines s occurred.. people 5 50 and oldeder with at leastst one heartrt diseae risk facactor have h higher ri. don'n't take if f allergic to rininvoq
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as sererious reactctions can occur.r. tetell your dodoctor if yoyoue or may b become pregegnant. done setettling? ask yourur rheumatolologist for rinvnvoq. and d take back k what's youo. learn n how abbvbvie cocould help you savave. ♪♪ open talenenti and raiaise ther toto gelato mamade from scscr. raise e the jar toto flavors from t the world''s fifinest ingreredients. and now, f from jars t to bar. new talelenti gelatoto and sosorbetto minini bars. ♪♪ ♪ today, , my friend d you did, you u did it, yoyou did it...♪ centrurum silver i is now w clinicallyly shown to supportrt cognitiveve healh in older a adults. it's o one more ststep towars takiking charge e of your hehe. so every d day, you cacan sa, ♪ youuu didid it! ♪ withth centrum s silver. so, , you found d the no7 thth.
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it's amamazing! so, , you found d the no7 thth. hydrateses better so, , you found d the no7 thth. than the e expensive s stuff i i don't liveve here, than the e expensive s stuff so i'm'm taking ththis and whwhatever's i in the bac. it's a already solold in the . but i'm m not takingng any chan. the e uk's #1 skskincare but i'm m not takingng any chan. has crcrossed the e pond. but i'm m not takingng any chan. a scandal over police text messages is rocking a california community. >> yeah, two weeks ago an investigative reporter alleged
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dozens of officers in antioch sent and received racist derogatory and threatening text messages. now the department is facing an audit as well as a federal civil rights lawsuit. let's bring in kristen dahlgren. i don't know if i pronounced the town right. for those not following this, what is going on here? what do we know about these text messages? they sound so disturbing. >> reporter: right, so this is antioch, california, and horrific and shocking text messages using racist language, also boasting about violence against black men in the community, and even boasting about faking evidence in some cases. these were allegedly sent back and forth between many members of this police department. so now there is this federal lawsuit filed by five men as well as the family of one who is now deceased claiming that the antioch police department engaged in a repeated pattern and practice of civil rights
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violation and other misconduct. the complaint names the city of opt yough as well as nine police officers and a number of unnamed police officers. here's what one of the attorneys who filed that suit had to say. >> nobody can rely on the police department to do the job that they are required to do, to provide constitutional policing, honest policing and fair policing. and that has to change. >> so that was the attorney and added in a statement he hopes it leads to lasting change. >> a lot of fallout potentially overturning convictions, all of the above. what's the response from the pd? >> reporter: right, so they have a new police chief now who wasn't in his position when those text messages were sent. but he did release a statement saying, on behalf of our organization i apologize to
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the.yough community. he promised to hold accountable the officers expressing racist and bigoted beliefs by insensitivity and boasting about harming members of the community. you mentioned there is also an audit voted on by the city council and then the new police chief has also set up a hotline so members of the community who may have had problems with this police department can also call in. back to you. >> good to hear those steps being taken for sure. thank you so much. well, today marks one year since a man died after visiting a gay bar in new york city. >> his death is now officially ruled a homicide caused by, quote, a drug facilitated theft. now several people have been arrested this this particular case but investigators say it is part of a broader citywide robbery scheme that is resulting in the death of at least one other person, maybe more. nbc out reporter jay here with us. talk about the case and where the investigation stands as they're trying to link more
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cases. >> right, i mean, these are -- this is one of those stories that as a journalist stick with you. both professionally and personally for the rest of your life. julio ramirez's story revealed the scheme. a year ago julio was found dead inside of a cab. days later, thousands drained from his bank accounts then his family comes to the media and is trying to get some sort of attention on his story to get answers. we published an in-depth investigative piece. this sent shock waves across the country and communities are also shocked and then just a month later john umberger is found dead in similar circumstances. his mother, linda, reads julio's story and says, oh, my goodness, there is certainly a connection. she presents it to the nypd. nypd says it's simply a drug overdose but as a mom her
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intuition is telling her, no, it was a homicide and get this, a few months later, they discover that julio's death and john's death were both connected and were victims from the same group of men who targeted them. >> wow. glad she spoke up. >> absolutely. and due to like you said a lot of your reporting you've been in touch with this family. what are they saying? >> right now i mean again they really wanted to make sure that julio wasn't just a john doe. he was a social worker, someone who was loved and beloved by the community and the support has been relentless. this weekend they are mourning but they are celebrating the progress that this investigation has made today. >> jay, thank you so much for your important reporting. your important reporting. >> very important. when you have chroronic kikidney diseaease. there e are placeses yoyou'd like t to be. when you have chroronic kikidney diseaease. like here.e. and here.. and herere. not soso much herere. ifif you've bebeen diagnosed wh chronic kikidney diseaease
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fafarxiga reduduces the rirk of kididney failurure which h can lead t to dialysi. farxrxiga can cause seriouous e effects inincluding dedehydra, urinarary tract oror genl yeast infefections farxrxiga can cause seriouous e effects inincluding dedehydra, in w women and m men, and d low blood d sugar. farxrxiga can cause seriouous e effects inincluding dedehydra, ketoacididosis is a a serious s side eft thatat may lead d to dea. a rarere life-threreateng bacterial l infectionn in thehe skin of t the perinm could d occur. a rarere life-threreateng bacterial l infectionn stop takaking farxigiga and l yoyour doctor r right awayy if youou have sympmptoms of t this bactererial infect, an a allergic rereaction, or ketoacicidosis. if youou have sympmptoms of t this bactererial infect, and d don't takeke it if y you are on n dialys. puput yoururself in the d driver's seseat. makeke an appoinintment to ask k your doctotor for farxra fofor chronic c kidney disise. makeke an appoinintment to ask k your doctotor for farxra if youou can't afffford yoyour medicatation, astrazenececa may be ablble to help.p. ♪♪far-xi-gaa♪ and it's easasier than e ever tt yoyour projectcts done rigig. withth angi, youou can connenec and sesee ratings s and review. anand when youou book and d payg yoyou're coverered by our r hap chececk out today. angi... anand done. if youou've had sesensitivit, those zizingers can n really cae
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some o of that jololting pai. ththere is onene great sololun out there e with sensosodyne. it creatates a prprotective b barrier, and nonow they getet to feel l , 'oh, this i is a producuct thatat actually y works. ♪ she e is fearlesess heart's on the l line depepend silhoueuette... heart's on the l line ...keepiping leaks o off her . comfmfortable inin shapeware fafabric... ...keepiping leaks o off her . ...she m moves with h ease. ...keepiping leaks o off her . confidenent on nighthts like thesese. dedepend silhohouette. confidenent on nighthts like thesese. ththe only thihing strongegr thanan us, is yoyou. having t triplets isis... -amamazing -expensisive. so, we swiwitched to the e bargain dedetergent, -amamazing -expensisive. bubut we endeded up using ththree times s as h -amamazing -expensisive. and the clclothes stilill wert asas clean as s with tide.. so we're b back with t tide, and the clclothes are clean n again. so we're b back with t tide, do 3x ththe laundryy anand get a titide clean.. it's gotot to be tidide. ♪♪ open talenenti and raiaise ther toto gelato mamade from scscr. raise e the jar toto flavors from t the world''s fifinest ingreredients. and now, f from jars t to bar. new talelenti gelatoto and sosorbetto minini bars. ♪♪ ♪ ♪ [ [ cat purrs s ] and[ [ phone vibrbrates ]s.
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introducining astepro o alle. stereroid-free a allergy relf that statarts workining in 3 30 minutes,s, while otheher allergyy sprarays take hohours. now w with astepepro fafast allergygy relief, [ spspray, sprayay ] you u can asteprpro and go. this is the fast 4 on nbc news daily. nbc bay area has been following since the very beginning, the mom accused of hosting alcohol-fuelled parties for high school teens in los gatos finally appears before a judge. pete, prosecutors are laying out details of the allegations. >> reporter: shannon o'connor, the so-called party mom from los gatos, did appear in court today. the deputy district attorney provided witness testimony for the judge to consider when it comes to sentencing for o'connor. if you remember, o'connor did plead not guilty to 39 charges
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related to all this. those charges include child endangerment, providing alcohol to minors, as well as sexual battery. but today was all about the testimony from the statements. we heard the deputy d.a. read four of the victim statements who are high school freshmen around the time of all of this. we also heard from a few victims in court today and their parents as well. but they did protect their identity, since we are talking about minors here. it painted a picture of these alleged alcohol fuelled sex parties that were taking place with these underaged individuals via o'connor. they claim she was targeting the friends of her teenage son, gaining the trust of the parents to allow their kids to go into her home. at that point, they claim they gave them copious amounts of alcohol. one described an account of a kid passed out on the ground from drinking too much. another call saying she was
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teaching her child to drink like a rock star and take part in sex parties. on may 5th, the judge will have an informal meeting with the district attorney office and attorneys with the recommended sentencing for o'connor based on the information she gathered today. on may 16th, this will all be presented to o'connor. and that will be in the next court hearing. that's for may 16th. nbc bay area news. >> thank you, pete. well, the golden state warriors digging deep in securing a big game last night in game three at chase center. they needed that win, as they were down 2-0 against the sacramento kings. 37 points from steph curry and 20 rebounds from looney. the warriors pulled it out. fans could barely contain their excitement. >> looney! >> we're so happy and we know we're going to take care of business on sunday. >> yeah. sunday is the next hurdle for
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the warriors. game four also at chase center. warriors hoping to tie the series at two games a piece. b.a.r.t. sees its highest ridership of the year. a san francisco ride share company is cutting jobs. but first, governor newsom has extended the state of emergency to nearly every county in california. this is in response to the storms that devastated the state in late december. the governor newsom has added four new counties to the list covered by the emergency declaration. one right here in the bay area, contra costa county. raid share company lyft anannouncing slashining even mo jobs, cuttiting 1 12% of itss w force thihis past novemember. thee new c cuts arere expected impact a whopping 30% of the work force. that amounts to roughly 1,200 jobs. b.a.r.t. is celebrating a 2023 milestone.
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the transit agency had its highest ridership of the year on wednesday. more than 174,000 people took b.a.r.t. that day. b.a.r.t. says that's a little under half of pre-pandemic ridership levels, but it's the highest amount since september. b.a.r.t. board of directors credits the warmer weather for this uptick. speaking of this warmer weather, it's set to carry through into the weekend. here's meteorologist carrie hall. >> what are you planning to do this weekend? we have amazing weather heading in with high temperatures this afternoon reaching the upper 70s in the trivalley. dublin up to 78 degrees and 80 in martinez. we'll also see a high of 80 in santa rosa. near the coast today and tomorrow, it's mostly mid to upper 60s, still pretty comfortable with a high of 77, looking at that in mountainview as well as fremont and dublin. by sunday, it will be just slightly cooler with some upper 60s for the inner bay and mid 60s for san francisco. north bay temperatures still
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reaching into the upper 70s and a high of 73 in san jose. we'll take a look at hour 7-day forecast coming up in 30 minutes. >> can't wait. thank you so much. that does it for this edition of that does it for this edition of "the fast imagine ifif you couldld get ahahead of youour ibs-c.. ♪ by trereating it w with linze. ththen you couould start proactivively managiging your c constipatioion with b belly pain,n, and begin n to find yoyoursef a little f further awaway from t the symptomoms thatat keep comiming back. say yeyess to linznzess. linzesess is not a a laxativ. it's's a once-dadaily pill that h helps you g get ahead of your r symptoms.. it's p proven to h help you have morore frequentnt and compmplete bowelel movemen. and hehelps relieveve overall abdomiminal symptotoms - belly papain, discomomfort, and bloatiting. dodo not give e linzess to childldren less t than tw. it m may harm ththem. do notot take linznzess ifif you have e a bowel blbloc. get imimmediate hehelp if y you developop unusual or sevevere stomacach pain, especialally with blbloody or b black stoolols. the momost common n side effet is diaiarrhea, somometimes seve. if it's s severe, stop takaking linzesess
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and cacall your dodoctor riright away.. these araren't all the sidede effects.. imagine.e... what cocould relf from ibsbs-c mean fofor you? talk to yoyour doctorr and say y yess to lilinzess. learn n how abbvieie and ironwd cocould help y you save on linzezess. i don't t feel my agage. why shouldld my skin?? with olay y niacinamidide24 i'i'm in my bebest skin yey. olay niacicinamide24 goeses 10 layersrs deep with olay y niacinamidide24 i'i'm in my bebest skin yey. into skin'n's surface.e. mymy skin is smooth and strong. and d try olay r retinol24 for radidiant skin, , overnight. ♪♪ open talenenti and raiaise ther toto gelato mamade from scscr. raise e the jar toto flavors from t the world''s fifinest ingreredients. and now, f from jars t to bar. new talelenti gelatoto and sosorbetto minini bars. ♪♪ (psst psst)
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ahhhh... with flonase, allergies don't have to be scary. spray flonase sensimist daily for non-drowsy, long lasting relief in a scent-free, gentle mist. (psst psst) flonase. all good. welcome back. bottom of the hour. here are some stories making headlines on "nbc news daily." >> russia's air force had accidentally bombed its own city. video captures the moment a
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russian warplane accidentally fired a weapon into belgorod. the russian defense ministry acknowledged the incident and said an investigation is now under way. two california men are free this morning after serving 17 years in prison. dupree glass and juan rayford were wrongfully convicted of attempted murder. a state ames court vacated their convictions in 2020 and on thursday the two were found innocent in a new trial after the actual shooter gave a dramatic confession. under a new law the state is required to pay them $140 a day behind bars or $900,000 each. the nfl has suspended five players for violating the league's gambling policy. three of them actually bet on nfl games while two others were found to have placed bets while at an nfl facility. the league said it found no
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evidence indicating that inside information was used or that any game was compromised. four of the players are from the detroit lions. >> wow. all right, we're learning new details involving the potential legal issues for marvel star jonathan majors. he was arrested on domestic violence charges. his attorney saying today his client is innocent and will be exonerated. nbc news correspondent niala charles joins us with the latest. hey, niala. >> reporter: hey, savannah, since major was charged in march his attorney said he's innocent but now new court documents aims to put the accuser's credibility in question saying this is an attempt to destroy his reputation all because he broke up with her. new documents obtained by nbc news give a glimpse into actor jonathan major's defense. the "creed 3" charged in a domestic dispute in late march. in ray letter to the court his defense citing irrefuable
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evidence he is innocent. police responded to a call and upon arrival say the victim accused him of assault. investigators verified the claims. but major's defense disputes those and court documents say that the woman assaulted majors in a car and went to a nightclub without him submitting screen shots they say were taken from surveillance cameras and show she was visibly uninjured. hours later majors says he found her unconscious in his locked bedroom with minor injuries. nbc news is not naming the accuser or showing her face. this week "variety" exclusively reporting more women are accusing majors of abuse and cooperating with the manhattan d.a.'s office. in responsibility to the "variety" article he maintains his innocence. deadline reports he's been dropped by his management. nbc news did not independently verify the deadline reporting. disney hasn't commented on his
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future as king the conquerer in the marvel avengers film, the once considered rising star now riddled with controversy. and niala, what do we know about the 911 call? >> well, savannah, majors' defense says he called 911 after he found the woman in his bedroom the next morning after she sent him a suicide note in response to his breakup text. his next court appearance set for may 8th and the d.a. declined to comment on potential additional accusers. >> niala, thank you very much. there are new developments in the story of yet another instance of gun violence happening after seemingly harmless missteps. a suspect is now in custody after neighbors say he shot a north carolina man and his 6-year-old daughter over a wayward basketball. nbc news correspondent steven romo joins us on this now. some pictures of the little girl's cheek are graphic.
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>> it is disturbing. robert singletary is in custody, some 600 miles from where it happened and turned himself in two days after a manhunt started in the city west of charlotte, north carolina, accused of taking aim at four people and shooting and injuring a man along with that 6-year-old girl and authorities are now commenting on any potential motives here but neighbors are saying he started shooting when several children were playing basketball and the ball rolled down the street and ended up in his yard. take a listen to what one of those witnesss had to say. >> as soon as i saw him coming out shooting, i was hollering at everybody to get down and get inside. >> reporter: so that girl, 6 years old, had that bullet fragment in her cheek released from the hospital. that's according to her mother whose arm, by the way, was grazed by a bullet as well. her father william white is still in the hospital. he remains in serious condition. singletary is facing charges of
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attempted first degree murder, assault with i aheadly weapon and possession of a firearm and even though he's in custody and has agreed to be extradited back to north carolina, police say this investigation is still ongoing, vicky. >> yes, steven, you were able to hear from some of the neighbors there and learn some more about the suspected shooter's previous brushes with the law. what have you learned. >> reporter: painting a broader picture. neighbors tell nbc's charlotte affiliate wcnc he had been staying at the home for less than a month and was already often yelling at kids complaining about toys and stuff being on his property and before this week's shooting, singletary was charged in december with assault and kidnapping for allegedly attacking his girlfriend with a small sledgehammer and keeping her inside his apartment for more than two hours. that is according to police. he's been released on bond and those charges are still pending for that case, vicky. >> steven romo with the details, thank you so much. well, the u.s. state department has confirmeds that at least one american has been
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killed in the nearly week-long conflict in sudan. it comes as the u.s. embassy is warning american citizens of home invasions, looting and assaults as the conflict rages on. nbc news pentagon correspondent courtney kube has been tracking the story and joins us now. >> that's right. and despite the fact that the state department has been warning against travel or warning americans in sudan to leave for days or weeks now, there still are somewhere in the neighborhood of 16,000 americans who are there in sudan and they are increasingly caught in the cross fire between these two warring generals. despite the fact there was a 72-hour cease-fire announced agreed to by both sides there still is gunfire, artillery fire and even air strikes across the capital khartoum today as the violence seems to continue. a seventh consecutive day of bloodshed in sudan.
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it includes one american according to the state department and today the armed forces announced a three-day truce for the sell is of eid and to allow the flow of humanitarian aid. >> we woke up and went outside and there were fighter jets and sounded like gunshots and just there's a lot of chaos going on. >> reporter: 32-year-old lakshmi is one of the thousands in sudan documenting it all on social need ya since day one. >> just heard gunshots in khartoum. >> reporter: the u.s. embassy tweeting a warning to american citizens in sudan urging them to shelter in place amid reports of assaults, home invasions and looting. the pentagon announing they're pre-positioning military forces
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in djibouti raising the possibility that u.s. government personnel could be evacuated from sudan. those potential evacuation efforts complicated by the fact that khartoum's airport is the epicenter of the violence. [ speaking non-english ] >> reporter: thank god we have fully controlled the airport, god is great, a soldier says. the pope sending a message for peace from the vatican. [ speaking non-english ] >> translator: i call for prayers they lay down their weapons and dialogue prevails. >> reporter: a peace that can't come soon enough for the innocent people caught in the cross fire. >> courtney, there have been truces announced before, though here. these cease-fires that have not held. i mean, is there a belief especially with the backdrop of a holiday this one will? >> reporter: there is hope, but at this point already today so the cease-fire truce was announced today and already there are reports of violence all over the capital and
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spreading even outside of the capital city khartoum so while there is hope that this one, which i should mention, singh, there's been more than a half dozen of these cease-fires agreed to over the course of this week-long violence, there's hope that it will potentially hold but so far they're not seeing any evidence that it is. >> courtney, just heartbreaking to hear. thank you so much. well, savannah, the department of homeland security says it is cooking up a new task force for artificial intelligence. the goal is to see how the technology can be used to make the country safer. here's nbc news justice and intelligence correspondent ken dilanian. >> reporter: that's right. alejandro mayorkas, the dhs secretary announced this at a council on foreign relations event today. he said that the task force will be asked to take a look at how the department can benefit from artificial intelligence, can use it in its operations and, for example, he said there may be a role for ai in trying to detect fentanyl hidden in shipments that are crossing the border.
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he also said that the task force would be asked to look at the potential harms from artificial intelligence. take a listen to mayorkas. >> we must address the many ways in which artificial intelligence will drastically alter the threat landscape and augment of arsenal of tools we possess to succeed in the face of these threats. our department will lead in the effort. >> reporter: of course, this is just one department in the federal government. we're seeing artificial intelligence take hold in the culture with chatgpt. there are a lot of scientists and others raising questions about whether this whole thing is moving too fast and you can bet there will be other parts of the government thinking deeply including the defense department about both how to use artificial intelligence and also how to prevent it from going badly wrong. back to you. >> wow. that will only become more and
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more important. thank you. still ahead, how concerns about climate change are impacting americans' mental he al
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i'm orlandndo and i'i'm living w with hiv. i i don't haveve to worry y t daily hiv v pills becacause i swititched toto every-othther-month c cab. for adultsts who are undetetectable, cacabena is t the only complelete long-acacting hiv treaeatment you can n get every y other m. itit's two injnjections from a a healthcarare provide. now whwhen i have e people ov, hiv v pills arenen't on my m . don'n't receive e cabenuva if you'r're allergicic to i its ingredidients, or if f you're takaking certain memedicines, which h may interaract wiwith cabenuvuva. seririous side e effects include e allergic r reaction, post-i-injection r reactions, livever problemsms, anand depressision. if youou have a rarash
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and otother allergrgic reactin sysymptoms, stop cababenuva and d get memedical helplp right awa. tell y your doctoror if you have l liver problblems or m mental healalth concer, and if youou are pregngnan, breastfeededing, or c consideringng pregnancy. some of ththe most comommon e effectcts include e injectione reactitions, fefever, and t tiredness.. if you s switch to c cabenu, attendnd all treatment t appointmenents. itit feels gooood to just t e inin the momenent. wiwith every-o-other-monthh cabenuvava, i'm goodod to g. ask yourur doctor ababout cabenuva t today. welcome back. in today's mental health check we are bringing you something i admit i'm feeling, climate change is a major concern among
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many americans and concern over the growing threat is having an impact on mental health. a recent study found 68% of adults have at least a little eco-anxiety or worry about climate change and its impacts. joining us is board certified sigh kye advice dr. sue varma. we love when you're hear. thanks for joining us. walk us through what it does mean. >> concern about environmental collapse and it's about 50% of people are having it and there's two parts. one is anxiety about things you can't control but some of it is the rye alt of the fact that we really need to see the link between climate change and mental health which is a robust link. in fact a study came out this year in jama psychiatrist, one of the most well respected journals that says low level of chronic pollution could increase the rates of anxiety and depression.
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this was in britain, this was about 400,000 people. a study looking at what happens over time so we do know that the anxiety is not unfounded. >> right. it does seem like it is -- it's becoming more common, right? >> yes. >> this was not a term we heard of or concerned our thoughts until now and it's growing. >> yes, it's growing because we are seeing the effects of everything from pollution to hurricanes to flooding and wildfires and all of this causes distress not only because you're worried but because you've lost your home and school and because people have become displaced because of it. we don't have social support. we don't have hospitals and lost clinics, buildings are broken down so the anxiety as a psychiatrist, of course, i want to work with people and look at how is this affecting your mental health but the thing is, it is hard to dismiss a person who is like, doctor, these things happened to me. as a result of the hurricane i lost my home. now i can't afford x, y, z.
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i'm interesting posttraumatic stress disorder. so in most cases i tell people, listen, how can you separate what's within your control and what's not in your control and you don't want to dismiss and minimize because a certain amount of anxiety fuels people to action. that's what we need. in order to have less climate anxiety we need to look at climate change and we need to understand that it's a reality and we have to work as a community to deal with it. >> that's a really interesting point. is there anything you can think of in your line of work a little bit equals a good thing. >> in our personal lives we need motivation, the worst thing you want is for someone to lean out and be in complete denial. there is a lot of political charge to it. people who are climate change activists get death threats, like there's a lot of anger about this and a lot of denial about it. but we want to mobilize the anxiety and say, great, what are we going to do? on a small level get kids involved. can they recycle? can you conserve water and energy and think about electric
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cars? we do not that's safe. can you jog in a park for your own health to beat anxiety and not just that but asthma, cardiovascular disease, infectious disease, all is linked to climate change. >> even people in my generation are talking about maybe not having kids because they're worried about what will happen with the planet for another generation after us. quickly, what are the signs you should seek professional help in this regard? >> are you so distressed you can't fall asleep at night? 50% of kids have climate anxiety and are more anxious about that than homework and tests. are you having bladder problems, bathroom problems, you don't want to go to concerts or go to the park? that's important and i would say talk to a therapist but change and action are two things to help you feel in more control. >> great, great advice. dr. sue varma, such an important conversation and one we will keep having. >> my pleasure, thank you.
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great conversation. in today's daily health, the cdc says there is no evidence suggesting a link between covid vaccines and a condition called tinnitus. the statement came after more than 16,000 people filed complaints with the cdc. joining us now is nbc news medical reporter erica edwards. you have this new reporting on the response. what are they saying about this potential link? >> reporter: hi, vicky. the cdc said it analyzed all those 16,000 reports and found no link between the covid-19 vaccine and tinnitus. it can affect up to 25% of adults at any given time. it's really hard to tease out whether the vaccines caused ringing in the ears or these cases would have popped up anyway. meanwhile, i have received dozens of emails from people with tinnitus.
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they can't sleep and are demanding answers. >> that sounds horrible. what actually does cause tinnitus and what are the condition that doctors thought was tinnitus. >> it needs a rebrand. >> the challenge here is that there are so many potential causes, everything from certain medications that you might take, age related, hearing loss, ear infections, even eye blood pressure so it really takes a good doctor who can carefully look at each case to determine if something else is going on, something else that can be treate researd. -okay, and one more. -i think we got it. ch -yeah, letet's focus o on t. -r-rv? okayay, everybodody, lookok at the rvrv and smil. ththis is whatat you wantt for yoyour family y portrai? good pointnt. we bundldled tht with our h home and auauto . -hey, teamam, get on i in. -teaeam? ohoh. fun. -hey, teamam, get on i in. -teaeam? now eveveryone sayay "24/7 finil protecection with h progressi!
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24/7 f financial p protectin with p progressiveve! okay.. lelet's get sosome singles 24/7 f financial p protectin with p progressiveve! ofof me on thehe bike. honey.y. yeyeah. [ [ leaf blowewer whirringn] after r advil. baback to workrk. whwhat about y your neck?? it's's good to g go. before a advil. adadvil dual a action fighgs painin two ways.s. advil targets s pain atat the sourcrce, acetetaminophen n blocks pain signanals. advivil dual actction. so, , you found d the no7 thth. it's amamazing! so, , you found d the no7 thth. hydrateses better so, , you found d the no7 thth. than the e expensive s stuff i i don't liveve here, than the e expensive s stuff so i'm'm taking ththis and whwhatever's i in the bac. it's a already solold in the . but i'm m not takingng any chan. the e uk's #1 skskincare but i'm m not takingng any chan. has crcrossed the e pond. but i'm m not takingng any chan. she e is fearlesess heart's on the l line depepend silhoueuette... heart's on the l line ...keepiping leaks o off her . comfmfortable inin shapeware fafabric... ...keepiping leaks o off her . ...she m moves with h ease. ...keepiping leaks o off her . confidenent on nighthts like thesese. dedepend silhohouette. confidenent on nighthts like thesese. ththe only thihing strongegr thanan us, is yoyou. inintroducing g astepro alall. now avavailable wiwithout a prescripiption.hthts like thesese.
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astepro isis the firstst and y 24-h-hour steroioid-free spr. whwhile flonasase takes hoho, astetepro startsts workining in 30 miminutes. soso you can [ spraray, spray ] ] astetepro and gogo. when modererate to sevevere ulcecerative cololitis keeps flflaring, when modererate to sevevere ulcecerative cololitis put itit in check k with rin, a a once-dailyly pill. put itit in check k with rin, whenen uc got unprpredictable,e, i got rarapid symm relief witith rin. and left b bathrom urgegency behind. check. and left b bathrom urgegency behind. whwhen uc got t in my way,, i i got lastining, steroid-frfree remissision with rinvovoq. chececk. and whenen my gastroro saw dama, rinvoq helelped visiblbly repapair the cololon lining. chcheck. rapid sympmptom reliefef. laststing, steroroid-free remimission. rapid sympmptom reliefef. and a chchance to vivisibly repair thehe colon linining. check. c chec. and d check. rinvoq c can lower y your abiy to figight infectitions, including g tb. seserious infefections anand blood clclots, some e f; including g tb. cancerers, includiding lympha and skskin cancer;r; deatath, heart a attack, str, anand tears inin the stomamh or intntestines ococcurr. deatath, heart a attack, str, peoplele 50 and ololder h at least 1 1 heart disiseae risk f factor hahave higher r risks. peoplele 50 and ololder h at least 1 1 heart disiseae don'n't take if f allergic to rinvoqq
12:53 pm
as serioious reactioions can ococcur. tetell your dodoctor if yoyoue oror may becomome pregnantn. put ucuc in check k and keep it t there, withth rinvoq. tetell your dodoctor if yoyoue oror may becomome pregnantn. ask k your gastrtro about riri. anand learn hohow abbvie could helplp you save.e. we know how hard it is in the bay for the bay area. a company named the bay area is the worst-performing market in the nation. prices here have dropped a staggering 24% from their peak last summer. that's more than double the national average of 10%. analysts say that's partly because people have been moving away, meaning there is more supply than demand. interest rates also play a role. >> so if you see indications of mortgage rates coming down,
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particularly a big decline in interest rates for mortgages, then you can expect home prices to go up over the subsequent two months. >> with all of the factors coming together, he says home buyers could have more leverage to negotiate a good deal as the spring housing market heats up. if you've been outside today, you likely saw the beautiful sunshine. how long will this wonderful weather last? our meteorologist has the extended forecast. >> lots of sunshine in the forecast over the next several days, and is' going to be significantly warmer. today and tomorrow. with some of our inland spots reaching into the low 80s. on sunday, it is just slightly cooler with a high of about 76 degrees. 77 on monday. and it does continue to feel very into spring-like by the middle of next week, because our continues warm up a little bit more. and for san francisco, this weekend, we're headed for the upper 60s, and it has been a
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while since we've had weather this warm, and our mornings have been in the upper 40s a few more clouds on sunday with gusty winds with a very weak cold front coming in, but we do see the temperatures rebound to the upper 60s for the middle of next week. >> thanks,
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welcome back. taking a look at our climate in crisis. wildfires are becoming more frequent and are scorching even more land as temperatures warm. the outlook for this upcoming season is expected to be average, even with all of the rain we've been seeing. and the number of hands trained to tame those flames is often very limited. it causes firefighters to work days and weeks on end to save life and property. the forest ry recruitment plan is trying to fill the gap and tapping into the criminal justice system and train incarcerated people to fight wildfires and gain leadership skills needed for their life
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post-incarceration. >> they have the opportunity to assist with some fuels management activities at stinson beach and other areas, throughout the bay area, where they have a chance to practice and develop their firefighting skills. >> i never had that, somebody to push me, you know, and so when i came into the program, they have pushed me, and then my mindset sort of shifted and this is an opportunity that i've been like wanting. >> these cadets will graduate the program tomorrow in oakland. that also happens to be earth day. in honor of the autism month, bart has been celebrating those on the autism spectrum. we have a preview of what you might hear on the next train. >> hi, everybody. please stand clear of the closing doors. >> bart is doing this to help kids practice their language skills. these announcements will run through the remainder of april.
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autism rates are on the rise for children so bart hopes these announcements can serve to educate those who may not personally be affected by autism. that does it for this that does it for this nicorette knows quitting smoking is freaking hard. you get advice like... just stop. go for a run. go for ten runs. run a marathon. instead, start small with nicorette, which will lead to something big. ♪♪ open talenenti and raiaise ther toto gelato mamade from scscr. raise e the jar toto flavors from t the world''s fifinest ingreredients. and now, f from jars t to bar. new talelenti gelatoto and sosorbetto minini bars. ♪♪ so, , you found d the no7 thth.
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it's amamazing! so, , you found d the no7 thth. hydrateses better so, , you found d the no7 thth. than the e expensive s stuff i i don't liveve here, than the e expensive s stuff so i'm'm taking ththis and whwhatever's i in the bac. it's a already solold in the . but i'm m not takingng any chan. the e uk's #1 skskincare but i'm m not takingng any chan. has crcrossed the e pond. but i'm m not takingng any chan. rememberer the thingngs you u loved before a asthma gott in thehe way? fasenrnra is an adadd-on treatat fofor asthma d driven byby eosinophihils. it's d designed toto target and removeve them and helps s prevent asthma attttacks. fasesenra is notot for sudden breaeathing proboblems or othther eosinonophilic cononditions. allergrgic reactioions may occ. don't t stop yourr asthmama treatmentnts wiwithout talklking wiwith your dodoctor. tell your r doctor ifif your asththma worsensn. heheadache andnd sore thrort may y occur. tell your r doctor if f you he a parasisitic infectction. geget back to o better brereat. ask yourur doctor ababout fasen.
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today, on access geget back to o better brereat. daily, we're going to show you how you can get your hands on these pieces of movie history. guys, we got the back to the future hoverboard. yes, and john travolta's saturday night fever suit. access daily starts now. get it bigger, mario. bigger. [cheers] [theme music] [cheering]


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