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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 11  NBC  April 21, 2023 1:37am-2:07am PDT

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[ cheers and applause >> seth: i want to thank my guests jason bateman, congresswoman alexandria ocasio-cortez i want to thank brann dailor and the 8g band. stay safe. get vaccinated get boosted. we love you. [ cheers and applause
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♪ ♪ they are happy. right now at 11:00, the winamac after the warriors bb kings at chase center. deltas a devastating blow to oakland. the ballpark in vegas. and when we are at the point now where we need to make a hard decision. what happens? monday exclusive tv interview with the a's president. a good evening, 20 of cheers to match the tears.
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the franchise heading in different directions. monday warriors look like the champs that they are, even without two of their key players in the lineup tonight but we will also take you behind the scenes of the a's failed negotiation with the city of oakland. >> go ahead. >> go ahead. we are excited here with all of the smiles in san francisco. we are at chase center with the zoloft excitement. >> just as excited as we stand here tonight. the team was missing green. but they were playing at chase center at home where they have a pretty good regular season. they were looking for vw in this series and they got it. >> that was pretty consistent throughout all four quarters. the sacramento keenan came to play the warriors in this playoff series. >> the warriors would not let this one slip, especially at home. >> this is excellent. this is awesome.
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this is worth coming here. >> firing with all cylinders without green. a one-game suspension after stepping on the chest of another player. >> he is here in spirit. we are upset that he was not allowed to play today. we thought that was an unfair decision. we are bringing the support and love for the team. >> reporter: super warriors fan running in game one of the series with a misunderstanding of other fans. he called front row 40. >> that is how we knew we had to come back to the bay area . we are getting this win. >> we are so happy. we know how it will be on sunday. that is how it is. >> i am not going to sleep. i will watch from salt lake.
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>> all right. game four of this series right back here at chase center on sunday. tip off at 12:30 p.m. dan's leaving here tonight. i hope that it will be a repeat of what happened here earlier. in san francisco, and bc bay area news. >> thank you very much. the a's have one cleat out the door. oakland on track to lose its third and final major sports franchise. after ththe negotiations, the e are plananning a move to vegas. morere than 5050 years s of me anand four woworld series title they plan to build a new ballpark. the team blindsided the city. we are going to hear from the president in a moment. let's bring in -- stephanie, not good for thousands of people who love the a's. >> not at all. you just said it, first it was the warriors and then the raiders. now the a's. it was a major disappointment
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considering they have called oakland home since 1968. >> i am not turning my back on the egg is, they turned their back on us. >> the city of oakland is angry and hurt to another franchise leave town. >> oakland is not being interested in being used as leverage in the negotiation with las vegas. it is disrespectful to our residents and our fans to string the city along this way. >> including accusing the a's apply in citing the city in their negotiations. she claims they were closer than ever to sealing the deal on the ballpark, securing more than $375 million in offers for infrastructure. >> what it looks like from the outside, they always wanted to leave the city of oakland here >> reporter: the a's have been searching for a new home for more than 20 years. to build a new ballpark in las vegas. >> in the heart of oakland
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sports fans. >> reporter: organizations like save oakland sports in the bay area council say the news is heartbreaking. they asked the city to exhaust every possible option before striking out. nbc sports commentator says after wednesday's announcement, there is a 95% chance that the a's are leaving. >> what is oakland's hope in all of this? the other 29 teams, they have to vote 75% yes if in fact they will allow the a's to be relocated to las vegas. >> reporter: is securing the land in a $2 billion relocation fee could be potential roadblocks. the mayor says he is open to renegotiating if the team calls. in the meantime, city and county officials say they are now looking at other development opportunities. back to you. thank you. what is the a's side of the story here? the reclusive billionaire owner, john fisher, doesn't talk to the media. i spoke to the president, this
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is a photo of john fisher. i spoke to john cavil in this official tv interview. >> joining us now for has only tv interview since this news broke. the president of the a's. nice to see you. this is a gut punch for thousands of fans and community members. a simple question to start off. why do this? >> we have been working g 20 years s as an organinization to find a permanent home for the a's. it has been a very long saga. we have a deadline for major league baseball of january of next year. we were at the point where we needed to find a path that we could achieve success on that timeline. that is why we move forward with the land purchase in las vegas this week and are moving forward with a relocation process with them at that time. >> if the vegas ballpark were to be ready by 2027, at the earliest, your lease at the coliseum expires in 2024.
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there is a couple year gap. where does the team play for a couple years before vegas? >> that is a great question. we will work with the mlb to find the best interim plan after we have a final plan for approval. we could play at our aaa facility, the las vegas ballpark in summer land which is a -- we could get extension in oakland. >> $1.5 billion in vegas. that city has a retractable stadium off the strip. you want the taxpayers to chip in the $500 million for the a's would take care of the remaining $1 million. why would this be a good idea for the people in nevada? >> one of the dynamics in nevada, you have so many taurus as incremental visitors. it is a lot easier to create a positive roi to create these buildings like they did with allegiant stadium in creating a venue that can attract visitors and provide for the quality of life for the people that are living in the community. that is the economic rationale to do that. it is slightly different than a lot of other communities.
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it is the unique nature of the tourist economy. it is something that we are in conversations with with the local elected leaders on now. >> we have seen the warriors leave town, the raiders, now the a's. what is the issue? what is the problem with oakland in terms of getting something done? >> the challenges are that we had a visionary waterfront plan. you know, maybe the boldness and audacity of it was too much. you know, we had too much opposition at the waterfront with the maritime polluters. they were able to delay the project very successfully which really impeded our ability to move forward on a timeline that worked for major league baseball. >> the president of the oakland a's for now, in oakland. we appreciate your time and your clarity on this. thank you. a tough pill to swallow for the city of oakland. if this all goes through, it is and if at this point. if they end up moving to vegas,
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they will be close to the strip and the city's two other sports teams. prime location here. take a look. a's stadium is right here. look at the big hotel there. the mgm grand, new york new york and the aria, as well. you can see allegiant stadium. the home of the raiders, right down here. it is less than a mile they had the proposed site would be. the t-mobile arena, that is the hockey arena where the golden knights play. las vegas would have an impressive sports corridor. for more on the land deal in vegas and more of our exclusive interview with the president, had to our website, the racist text messaging scandal in antioch. half of the police department is indicated in that case. some of the targets of those text messages could take legal action. the announcement was made on the steps of the antioch police department today by john burris. he represents five plaintiffs. they are accusing the city of malicious statements. they are seeking damages and calling for a federal monitor to oversee the antioch lease department. >> knowing what i know now, this community --
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>> did not speak by phone. he did not comment on the lawsuit but says an external investigation should be wrapping up shortly and that the officers involved are currently on paid leave. 11:00, a vigil in san jose for the man that was gunned down while walking his dog. family and friends gathering to remember 45 year old, jorge. he was walking his dog on blossom river drive on wednesday when he was shot and killed. he took care of his mom who lived with him. hundreds of people from the neighborhood showed up tonight. his family said he touched many of their lives. >> might uncle was a very big piece of my family and the community here. all of the people are gathered to find an answer and to help out some way and share their appreciation. you know, for the person that is other, we just want answers.
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>> the family wants to make it clear he was not involved with any gangs. sj pd is helping the public in a local assessment. the supreme court is expected to weigh in on the commonly used abortion pill, mifepristone. they issued a ruling on wednesday, but the laded. at stake is to allow restrictions on mifepristone to take effect while a legal challenge for the fda approval continues. governor newsom is expanding the state of emergency to include four new counties including one in the bay area. this was all part of the ongoing response to all of our severe storms back in february and march and january. they are now on this list along with riverside, san diego, and yolo counties. all bay area counties are on the governors list. the only one that is not is solano county. he listed counties are eligible for resources to assist with the recovery from all of our storms. we are back in 60 seconds.
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great america with a night without a chaperone. what is behind the change? >> why scientists are warning about the impact of artificial intelligence on global warming. a mild 55 in san jose right now. even higher tomorrow. even higher tomorrow. i will show you all of after advil. feelining better?? on topop of the woworlddddd!! before advil. advivil targets s pain at the source of inflammation. when pain comes for you, come back fast with advil liqui-i-gels.
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layoffs at another bay area company. it is cutting 200 positions. 4% of its nonproduction workforce. clorox said that not all the cuts are actual layoffs. some employees were moved to fill open positions. the change could open it happen over the next two years. 's a great america. the santa clara theme park will
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start requiring chaperones beginning this saturday. here are the roles, anyone 16 or younger must be accompanied by an adult who is at least 21. this only applies after 4:00 p.m. an adult cannot accompany more than 10 children at a time. any left alone could be subject to ejection from the park. some parents we chatted with two they said we think it is a good idea. >> i definitely think ac thrillseeking adventure spot needs to have regular parenting in normal chaperones in the situation. >> the company that owns the park says the changes because of a rising number of behavioral problems across the industry. they also put the policy into place at another one of its park down in southern california. will ai destroy the earth? some scientists say maybe, if we do not regulate it. they recently published a study that showed that artificial intelligence uses so much energy to set us back on any progress we have made when it comes to global warming. we will take a closer look at
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that study. >> reporter: everyone is talking about artificial intelligence these days from writing essays to diagnosing and illness, even planning your next vacation but something we are not hearing much about yet our fears that ai may destroy the earth. no, we are not talking about the science fiction scenario you might be thinking of, we are talking about the staggering carbon admissions required to train and maintain these large ai systems. >> progress often comes with unfortunate side effects. i think that is what we are seeing here. obviously, it is not the only place where this happens. >> reporter: he is a computer scientist and codirected of the ai index committee. he took part in a new report recently released by the institute by human centered artificial intelligence. it estimated the amount of energy needed to train ai models. >> the training of these large ai systems like chat gpt requires thousands of computers
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running for many hours. it consumes a very large amount of electricity and takes energy. >> reporter: take chat gpt which powers the web service. the amount of energy in its current power and average americans home for hundreds of years. >> even training a state of the- ite model there efficiently and generates carbon emissions comparable to 25 times what it takes for one passenger to fly from san francisco to new york. >> this chart shows it all. training the newer type of ai models in order of magnitude has the co2 footprint of a human lifeline or the lifespan of a car. >> with that, there is still a need. they are waiting to use ai that minimizes being resource aware. making sure that the solutions we can create our balanced with
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improvement versus what goes in. do no harm. reduce, reuse, recycle to the extent as possible. >> reporter: she is the founder of a nonprofit that uses ai for wildlife conservation. the need for ai she is speaking of is battling climate change. >> a i have the opportunity to contribute to both the change in the approach and the solution that are needed. this is a good example of bringing ai as not only an accelerator, but a major transformer of solutions for climate change and biodiversity. this is an opportunity for ai to contribute for the solution. of course, it is not a silver bullet. we need ai as a trusted partner. >> reporter: right now, not many trust ai. governments across the globe are trying to figure out how to regulate it. former silicon valley insider, trooper harris, spoke to lester
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holt about this on nightly news. >> it is so much faster than our government can understand or appreciate. it is important to note, these ai labs all have the regular ai. >> reporter: he wrote that ai freaks him out. he said that is why he is introducing legislation to create an ai commission on how to structure a federal agency to regulate ai. while this is a start, they believe that the best solution is a global cyber approach. >> we really need to come together as partners. it is a multicultural global approach. there is not a part of the government that can solve it. >> reporter: bay area news. are we ready to smile? >> we are. >> it is 40 minutes until
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friday. >> i like that. are you all ready for this too? >> check it out. warmest weather is coming our way then we have seen in 183 days. the last time we had the 80s was back on october 20th. high pressure moving the storm to the north. bring in that warm and dry air. this thing is already getting to work. the 24 hour temperature change showing the valley and five and 50 degrees higher right now. let's get you into those details on that friday forecast. we will head into tomorrow morning with a nice change. we have had so many 30 to low 40s in the past month. it is going to feel so nice. we start up tomorrow morning with those 50s. 60 right now in the peninsula. the south bay starting it off at 52. more of those low 50s for the east bay, san francisco, and the north bay.
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daytime highs for tomorrow, you will feel it. numbers jumping up five to 10 degrees hotter. down in the south bay, most areas are going to be in the low 80s. that will bring us to 81 in san jose. those 80s are back into the inland valley to conquer that 82. pleasanton, 80. peninsula, you're not left out, it is beautiful here. 77 in palo alto. 72 in san mateo. san francisco, not quite that warm. if you had to be michigan or downtown, it will be in the upper 50s. that is going to be gorgeous. bay, 79 here in sonoma. 77 -- 72 down there in mill valley. it is going to continue in the forecast. we will see a little bit of a dip going down to 78 on sunday. it is still beautiful. will get back into the low 80s in next week's forecast. the only thing you're going to have to worry about is going to be the pollen but i wanted to make sure you see this. oak pine, cedar, mulberry are the high categories.
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deal with your allergies and then you are going to have a lot of great weather to deal with outside. check it out, san francisco up to 59 on saturday. the forecast will continue to look excellent across the inland valley. this is some fantastic weather. we talked about it earlier. but, i am ready for shorts and bathing suits, flip-flops. the whole deal. >> you said you went and bought new shorts. >> i got several pairs at the outlets. i got a great deal. it was raining when i went shopping. everything was on sale. >> maybe you can wear them next week. the jacket in the shorts. >> i like that idea. >> thank you for making a smile. happening now, california asking the feds for helps. we talked about the theft dealing specifically with kia's and hyundais. these cars are broken into at an alarming rate to a tick-tock trend that shows how you can start them. they broke the law by not including antitheft devices.
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they are asking the federal government to force the company to recall those cars. okay, green, new blue. elon musk is purging those blue verification check marks unless you play pay for twitter blue. academics from bill gates to the pope. twitter said it would start removing the checks on april
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1st. the new date of april 20th and of course, blue check marks were trending all day on the site. >> i lost my check mark today. we know the story, shaquille o'neal is coming to the sonoma raceway, not to raise or play basketball, but to dj. the nba hall of famer is also a dj that goes by the name of dj diesel. he will be here for the nascar weekend, the event on june 11. you can also catch dj esel you can also catch dj esel nicorette knows quitting smoking is freaking hard. you get advice like... just stop. go for a run. go for ten runs. run a marathon. instead, start small with nicorette, which will lead to something big. welcome back i am anthony florez and chase center, despite it being shorthanded they used the home court to be the king's in game three.
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the rally towels were out. trying to fire up the warriors who were playing without green because of the suspension. gary payton was hit. giving the warriors a big start with nine first quarter points. the teardrop to be the buzzer. the warriors were up 9 after one. hitting the board, he had 20 rebounds. he dishes to curry who drops 15 in the second quarter. warriors led by a dozen at halftime. golden state was more aggressive on defense. the entire team collapses, that leads to a deep three by curry. he finishes with a game-high 36 points and just as important, only one turnover. the warriors beat the kings 114- 97. jonathan with the exclamation point as the warriors get their first win of the season. >> tonight was about taking care of the glass and taking
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care of the ball. our defense was really good. our guys were playing with a lot of energy. >> we show them that despite our self-inflicted wounds with the turnovers and good offensive rebounds, that we are capable of beating that team any night. it is just nice to have something to show for it now. >> draymond green will be back in the rebound on sunday for game four when they try to even the series at 2-2. anthony florez, bay area. that was exciting tonight. the giants hosting the mets. a chilly night. cover your eyes if you're a giants fan. pete alonso with a two run single. the mets win this
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okay, not exactly the plaza that we are used to. the members of the today show her in the bay area. the third hour today, chanel, dylan and crag visiting in santa rosa today. able to get up close to put on today show. part of the sponsor by sonoma town county tourism. artus, food and wine. they are meeting fa. e going to take you behind the scestomorrow morning on the today so show. you can watch the show today from county right here on nb bay area. they will be hanging out all day doing stuff over there. >> these are your compadres there. >> they are everyone's people.
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i mean, the weather. we could not have asked for better weather. >> it timed out well. >> we both chipped in. 59%. >> coming in for temperatures in the upper 70s and low 80s. it is going to continue. 81 degrees on saturday. sunday, 76. a little bit breezy there at 50- 40 miles an hour. we will be hanging out this weekend. it is really beautiful weather coming our way. we will see you back here tomorrow. tonight, the new severe weather threat after deadly outbreak of tornadoes terrifying moments as tornadoes sweep in, killing at least three people in oklahoma roofs ripped away, homes leveled, airplanes upended in missouri
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tens of millions of risk once again for massive hail and powerful storms. just breaking, criminal charges dropped against alec baldwin, who was charged with involuntary manslaughter, after that deadly shooting on the "rust" movie set. production slated to restart on the movie today. so why are charges being dropped now? just in tonight, president biden's plan to announce his bid for election as new details emerge on the hunter biden investigation and the criminal charges prosecutors have considered this spectacular explosion on the first test flight of a new powerful new spacex rocket what caused it, and why nasa is still call calling it in a success. car repossessions on the rise as more americans struggle to make ends meet how to navigate the high cost of owning a car. cutting down on food waste to combat climate change the amazing school that's making sure less ends up in the landfill in our series "climate challenge." and finding a signature moment with


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