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tv   NBC News Daily  NBC  April 20, 2023 12:00pm-1:00pm PDT

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hello, everyone. i'm kate snow. >> i'm peter alexander. "nbc news daily" starts right now.
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today is thursday, april 20, 2023. breaking news, starship explosion. a spacex rocket reduced to rubble moments after liftoff. why the company is still calling that launch a success. deadly twisters, several people killed after more than a dozen tornadoes touched down across the south. this is a new weather threat moving in putting millions of americans on alert. pump the brakes. panic buying causing widespread gas outages in south florida. when drivers can expect things to return to normal. short supply seven months into the nationwide shortage of adderall. some pharmacists are still turning patients away. the extreme measures some are taking to make their prescriptions last. we begin this hour with breaking news, an explosive end to the highly anticipated launch of the spacex starship rocket. >> stunningly this happened just minutes after takeoff. >> i do want to remind everyone
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that everything after clearing the tower was icing on the cake. and there as you saw as we promised an exciting end to the starship inaugural integrated test flight. ? that's the moment, the sound you heard there was the cheering from the spacex employees watching the video feed as it happened live. the company is calling this mission a success. >> this next generation vehicle is called starship. it's the biggest rocket ever. it blew up only four minutes after it had left the launchpad in texas. starship is eventually supposed to take humans to the moon and mars. >> that's where we start this hour. tom costello covers aviation and space for us. michael sheetz is with us too.
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you see an explosion. that's not your initial instinct. >> reporter: you're right and the comment from the narrator when she said it's icing on the cake for everything after they clear the pad. to some extent that's true. listen, they had to test this entire rocket stack out and they wanted to make sure that it did clear the pad because they need that launchpad for the next attempt, right? you don't want to blow up on the pad, yet clearly this is a big disappointment. not only is this the biggest most powerful rocket ever, 400 feet tall, 330 engines or so, it is also very, very complicated. i meant to say 33 engines, sorry, and very, very complicated so it's going to take a while before the system is operating just as they had hoped so that it can eventually take humans to the lunar surface and then maybe eventually to mars so now they've got to do the dissection to figure out exactly what went wrong and elon musk is suggesting that, in fact, that's how they should
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view this. it's a learning opportunity. they've had setbacks before and bounce back. spacex is a big name, of course, in this business and he says they'll try again in a few months. >> mike, let me go to you. you were at the launch so i'm curious, what's the play-by-play? what was it like to be there and see this explosion? >> yes, i was here on south padre island about five miles away from the launchpad. clear view across the water here, surrounded by thousands of people. enthusiasts, onlookers, vips, astronauts, what came out to witness this test flight and that's exactly what tom is saying and i want to emphasize, the fact they got off the pad and flew this 40-story skyscraper of a rocket and made it as far as they did was a great achievement. now, as that thing started to lift off there is a little bit of hesitation, people were holding their breath and then the cheering just erupted as that thing climbed toward the texas sun.
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now, the cheering continued again once the explosion happened but people recognize here within the space industry that since this is experimental and so ambitious, what they were doing today was a great step forward for the company even if it takes a few months for them to get back and launch the next flight. >> again, to be clear this was an unmanned flight. that's why all the applause is taking place throughout the process. these starships are supposed to take nasa astronauts to the moon and beyond so how does this impact the plans and what should we anticipate going forward? >> i'd like mike to weigh in. my read, in the most ambitious and, you know, hopeful tone, nasa was thinking maybe they could land people on the lunar surface in 2025. i think that's now set back, right? i think you're probably talking '26 at the earliest but, mike, what do you think? how soon till we land on the moon? >> i think you're right in that '26 might be optimistic but it was an important takeaway
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that bill nelson congratulated spacex on the mission. >> yeah. mike, tom, we appreciate both of you guys. thanks for the update. millions of people are bracing for a new round of severe weather, but we're now seeing the damage left behind by a series of reported tornadoes in the midwest. 15 of them reported wednesday to oklahoma, kansas and iowa. communities outside oklahoma city among the hardest hit. houses smashed in a matter of minutes. cleanup efforts are just getting started and nick camper from kfor shows us what homeowners are dealing with. >> reporter: the people here are waking up to somber news. three dead because of the storms, significant damage to homes, to other buildings in this area. i'm going to get out of the way so you can see the home behind me. this brick home here, the brick is scattered all over the yard. you can see right into the home. room by room.
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we are hearing that the homeowner is safe and was able to take shelter and rode out the storm with no injuries. we'll pan to the left and show you more of the debris that's just scattered all over the place there. sheet metal. you can see that the trees have been stripped of their limbs. we'll show you this house over here that looks very similar to the one we just showed you. there's brick everywhere, the car seems to have slid into the home and had been destroyed by the debris. that was thrown all around. family and friends are here gathering everything up. it's going to be a long day for them and a long week of recovery and cleanup. it's not just these two homes. there are other homes in the area, there are other buildings and even small businesses in the area that have taken direct hits. they have debris all over the place. there's a lot of areas where fence lines are covered in debris. they have been caught. that's where the wind brought all of the debris and all of the rubble, now, there are also
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power lines that are down and we're seeing that significantly, most of them are going back up as we speak. hundreds of people are without power at the moment in this direct area. they're working on a substation and hoping to get that back up soon and once they do that, it will restore most of the power. again, there have been three deaths here because of the storm. we're hoping to learn more about maybe potential injuries and just the total amount of damage from the sheriff's department here and emergency management. we should have that later this afternoon. for now reporting, i'm nick camper, back to you. >> let's bring in meteorologist bill karins. bill, which areas now are facing the most severe weather? >> now these storms will explode and severe thunderstorm watches that spread from texas to arkansas through st. louis. oh, as i was speaking a new watch issued for southern wisconsin and northern illinois. that looks like it does include the chicago area. that's one spot we'll watch very
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closely later on this afternoon. chicago probably still has four or five hours until the storms arrive but were already popping up. dallas is one area. here's dallas. you can see how quickly the thunderstorm pops up in the north side of town. this probably has significant hail. downtown area looks like you're doing okay, a new storm forming to your south. in all our severe thunderstorms will range all the way from wisconsin to south texas today. large hail, a definite possibility in the southern portions of the state. really from waco southward including san antonio and austin, potential for two-inch hail and talk two inch, enough to damage cars and roofs and shingles. that's almost tennis ball size, one of the stories we're watching along the threat of tornadoes in illinois and wisconsin. >> thank you. the movie "rust" is restarting production today with actor alec baldwin more than a year after the deadly on-set shooting there. baldwin has pleaded not guilty to one felony count of involuntary manslaughter after he fired a prop gun with a live bullet inside.
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that shot you'll remember killed the cinematographer, halyna hutchins. we want to bring in nbc news correspondent shaquille brewster. shaq, a lot are surprised to see production starting up again. you'll see alex with witnesses to that. >> reporter: the production of this movie was actually part of a settlement agreement between alec baldwin and matthew hutchins, who is the widower to halyna. this is as part of the agreement matthew will be an executive producer on this production. alec baldwin will still be the lead actor there and still will be a co-producer, but two sources are telling nbc news this production will be about three weeks long, between 20 and 25 days. that instead of happening in mexico as was where the fatal shooting occurred it was moved to montana to the yellowstone filming ranch and that it will essentially be a tribute to halyna. that much of her cinematography,
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her original work will be preserved and used as much as possible and will definitely expect it to be emotional but the production is going forward. >> catch us up. the many case has not gone to trial. where do things stand? >> reporter: there's an extensive preliminary hearing that is set to take place in about two weeks. if you look at court documents, it doesn't appear that alec will actually appear at that hearing. he waived his right to appear and the judge approved that request. you mentioned he's facing that one count of involuntary manslaughter, so the legal troubles that he's facing are still persisting despite the fact that you're seeing this production being resumed. >> shaquille brewster with the latest on the movie "rust." shaq, thank you. buzzfeed news is shutting down and ikea has big plans to expand. >> bertha coombs is with us now. she has today's cnbc's "money minute." >> reporter: the struggles at buzzfeed are continuing as the company announced it will lay off another 15% of its staff or
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about 180 people. that's part of those cuts, but buzzfeed shutting gown the 100-person news unit losing $10 million a year. shares have fallen about 90% since its ipo and buzzfeed cut nearly 12% of its workforce back in december. meantime, ikea is investing over $2 billion for growing its u.s. presence over the next three years. they want more of us to struggle with putting together their furniture. they will spend on expanding new store models and pickup locations and open new planking studios. their first store opened 40 years ago, it has over 50 stores across the u.s. fast food chains love a good marketing opportunity. many are cashing in on today's date, 4/20. a popular date in the culture. offering specially priced meals for $4.20 in case you have the
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munchies. back over to you. >> everybody doing that. bertha coombs, thank you. coming up the father of a woman killed after pulling into the wrong driveway shares his family's's pai family's's pai n. i told mysyself i was s ok with m my moderatete to sevevere rheumamatoid ararthritis sysymptoms. wiwith my psororiatic arthritis s symptoms.. bubut just ok k isn't ok.. anand i was dodone settlini. ifif you stillll have sympmps after a tntnf blockerr like h humira or e enbrel, rinvoq is diffeferent and m may hel. ririnvoq is a a once-dailyly l that canan dramaticacally relie ra a and psa symymptoms, includining fatigue e for som. it can stotop joint dadamage. and in p psa, can leleave skin c clear or almost t clear. rinvoqoq can lowerer your abily to fight i infections,s, inincluding tbtb. seririous infectctions and blood d clots, somome fat; cancers,s, includingng lymphoa and d skin cancecer; death, h heart attacack, stro, and d tears in t the stomach or i intestines s occurred.. people 5 50 and oldeder with at leastst one heartrt diseae risk facactor have h higher ri. don'n't take if f allergic to rininvoq as sererious reactctions can occur.r. tetell your dodoctor if yoyoue or may b become pregegnant.
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done setettling? ask yourur rheumatolologist for rinvnvoq. and d take back k what's youo. learn n how abbvbvie coc. ♪♪ open talenenti and raiaise ther toto gelato mamade from scscr. raise e the jar toto flavors from t the world''s fifinest ingreredients. and now, f from jars t to bar. new talelenti gelatoto and sosorbetto minini bars. ♪♪ so, , you found d the no7 thth. it's amamazing! so, , you found d the no7 thth. hydrateses better so, , you found d the no7 thth. than the e expensive s stuff i i don't liveve here, than the e expensive s stuff so i'm'm taking ththis and whwhatever's i in the bac. it's a already solold in the . but i'm m not takingng any chan. the e uk's #1 skskincare but i'm m not takingng any chan. has crcrossed the e pond. but i'm m not takingng any chan. i'm m adding dowowny unststopables toto my wash.. nonow i'llll be smelliling fresh all l day long.. (sniff)) ststill fresh.h. ststill fresh!h! mmm, s still freshsh! geget 6x longeger-lasting g fre, plplus odor prprotection with dowowny unstopapables. afteter advil. feeling bebetter? afteter advil. on top of f the worlddddd! afteter advil.
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before a advil. afteter advil. advil tatargets painin atat the sourcrce of inflalamm. when p pain comes s for , come bacack fast witith advil l liqui-gelsls. america's crisis of shootings is coming into sharp focus. in less than a week four young people in three different states have been shot over seemingly harmless mistakes. in missouri 16-year-old ralph
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yarl rang the wrong doorbell in kansas city and shot in the head. in texas, two high school cheerleaders were shot after mistakenly trying to get into the wrong car in a parking lot and in upstate new york, 20-year-old kaylin gillis was shot and killed when the car she was riding in turned into the wrong driveway. now gillis' father is talking with nbc news about his daughter's death. nbc news correspondent trymaine lee joins trymaine, what did her father say about his daughter and the man suspected of killing her? >> reporter: it's always heartbreaking to engage with any parent who has lost a child so young but he talked about all the hopes and dreams evaporated taken from their family. take a listen. >> my daughter was an honor student. she had hopes and dreams of
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becoming -- she had hopes and dreams of becoming a marine biologist or a veterinarian. she loved animals, and this man took that away from us. for this man to sit on his porch and fire at a car with no threat is just -- angers me so badly and i just hope to god that he goes to jail. >> reporter: kevin monahan will remain behind bars. >> you can only imagine. we understand the suspect was in court on wednesday. what more do we know about him? >> reporter: this man accused of the shooing has been described as hot-tempered and territorial and temperamental going so far as erect a chain across his driveway so no one could come. there had been reports of public
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outbursts and so this guy's history is catching up. neighbors say he was again aggressive with some pretty extreme behavior all playing into why he's remaining behind bars with no bail. >> is he charged? >> reporter: it's not clear to me. the news is still changing. >> all right, trymaine lee watching that for us, thank you. disgraced former attorney alex murdaugh is serving two consecutive life terms at a maximum security prison in south carolina. he has been there since last month after a jury found him guilty of killing his wife maggie and the couple's son paul. now, we are learning new details on what his life is like behind bars. here's nbc news correspondent valerie castro. >> reporter: it's been just over six weeks since former south carolina attorney alex murdaugh became a convicted killer after a jury found him guilty on all charges. >> guilty. >> reporter: in the fatal shooting of his wife and son. now in an interview jim griffin
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is providing new details on how alec is handling life in a maximum security prison. >> he would rather take his chances on the yard than rot away in a cell. >> reporter: griffin revealing murdaugh has been living in protective custody but now wants to be in the general prison population, even after receiving threats from within the prison walls. >> you think he's got a little bit of a death wish? >> absolutely not. he has been a man who has been sober and he has been rational and he plans to continue. he looks forward to the day of getting out of prison. >> reporter: murdaugh who has always maintained his innocence is currently appealing his murder conviction and griffin says he's got support from some who watched the highly publicized trial. >> i have here 90 letters from people in over 28 states. 99% of those are folks who believe in his innocence. >> reporter: his son buster on
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his mind. buster by his father's side for most of the trial has not yet seen his father in prison. >> he communicates with buster through letters and i relay messages to buster and so that's been the extent of the communication. pretty soon buster will be able to visit him at the correctional institute where he's located. but that hasn't been arranged yet. >> that was valerie castro reporting. coming up, the gas crisis unfolding in south florida and when drivers will get some relief there. you're watching "nbc news daily." ♪ wiwith wet amdmd, sometimems i worrrry my worldld is getetting smallller becacause of my y sight. but now,w, i cacan open up p my world with vababysmo. vavabysmo is t the first fda-apprproved treatatment
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fofor people w with wet amad that impmproves visision and d delivers a a chance fofor up to 4 4 months between trtreatments.. which memeans doingg more o of what i l love. ♪ vabysmo isis the ononly treatmement desisigned to blblock 2 2 causes of f wet amd. vabysmo is an eye injectction. dodon't take i it if you h he anan infectionon or activee swellingng in or around d your eye,, or a are allergigic to it or any y of its ingngredients.. treaeatments likike vabysmoo can n cause eye e infectionn or r retinal detetachment. vabybysmo may cacause a temporarary increasese in eyeye pressure e after receivining the injejection. althoughgh uncommon,n, therere is a pototential risk of heaeart attack k or stroke asassociated w with blood clotots. open up p your worldld! a chance f for up to 4 4 monts between trtreatments with vababysmo. ask your d doctor. ♪♪ open talalenti and r raise ther to gelato o made from m scrat. raisise the jar r to flavors fromom the worldld's finest ingngredients.. and now,w, from jarsrs to bar. new tatalenti gelalato and d sorbetto m mini bars.. ♪♪ nicorette knows quitting smoking is freaking hard.
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you get advice like... just stop. go for a run. go for ten runs. run a marathon. instead, start small with nicorette, which will lead to something big. when you have chchronic kidney disisease. therere are placaces you'd likeke to be. when you have chchronic kidney disisease. like herere. and herere. and hehere. not t so much hehere. if you've e been diagngnosed h chronic c kidney disisease farxiga rereduces the e risk of k kidney faililure whicich can leadad to dialysy. fafarxiga can cause seririous e effects s including g dehydra, urininary tract t or genl yeast ininfections fafarxiga can cause seririous e effects s including g dehydra, inin women andnd men, anand low blooood sugar. fafarxiga can cause seririous e effects s including g dehydra, ketoacacidosis isis a seriousus side effeft ththat may leaead to deatht. a rarare life-ththreateng bacteriaial infectioion in t the skin ofof the perinm coululd occur. a rarare life-ththreateng bacteriaial infectioion stop t taking farxrxiga and l your doctotor right awaway if y you have sysymptoms ofof this bactcterial infefec, stop t taking farxrxiga and l your doctotor right awaway anan allergic c reaction,, or ketoaoacidosis. stop t taking farxrxiga and l your doctotor right awaway anand don't tatake it ifif you are o on dialysisi.
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put yourself in thehe driver's s seat. mamake an appopointment too asask your dococtor for fafara for chroninic kidney d dise. if y you can't a afford your medicication, astrazeneneca may be a able to helelp. ♪♪far-xi-g-ga♪ astrazeneneca may be a able to helelp. this is the fast forward on nbc news daily. a bombshell drop last night. the team indicates they will be leaving for las vegas. the as and the city have been in difficult negotiations for years to build a new ball park at howard terminal. last night the team announced they've stopped negotiations with the city of oakland. instead, they've purchased a plot of land for a stadium right off the vegas strip. this is a huge dent in oakland's ambitions to keep the as in town. the mayor says the team never
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really tried to stay. >> at every opportunity, the as have made increasing demands on oakland, and at every opportunity we have risen to the challenge and overcome the hurdles placed before us. instead of working with us, they have announced a land deal in another city. and i want to be very clear. this announcement happened mid-negotiations, and it shows that they have no interest in reaching a deal with oakland at all. >> our roj mathia will bring you updates as they come online at nbc bay another story we are watching at this hour. civil rights attorney john burris is announcing a class action lawsuit against the antioch police department. the fbi discovered racist and homophobic text exchanges between antioch police officers.
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45 officers are now under investigation. city council approved an audit of the police department's internal affairs processes. we'll have an update on the class action lawsuit during our evening newscast. it is april 20th, or 4/20, today, and that is a huge deal for marijuana enthusiasts. the city of san francisco is looking to ensure pot fans can celebrate safely and peacefully. emma goss has more from the city. >> full of people celebrating 4/20. the festival here has just kicked off. and people are enjoying all kinds of cannabis. they're enjoying the sunshine, food vendors, clothing vendors, just being out celebrating this day together, as a san francisco community. and this afternoon, the city expects 20,000 cannabis enthusiasts will be here, especially when the clock strikes 4:20 p.m. it's the second year that on-site cannabis sales are
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legal. the city parks and rec department, as well as the office have been working to keep the sanctioned event safe and peaceful. it is only for people 21 and older, and it's being billed as california's largest free cannabis event. >> it's pretty interesting. you get high. you're having a good time, man. you know, you get high out your mind and you're celebrating life, you know? >> reporter: reporting in san francisco, emma goss, nbc bay area news. >> thanks, emma. well, the weather will be nice in san francisco. it is finally starting to warm up. cynthia will let you know what to expect for the rest of the day. >> good afternoon. a beautiful thursday around the bay area, seeing plenty of sunshine in areas like san rafael, hello to you. temperatures in the north bay if you decide to take a hike, going to be very pleasant. we're going to see up 60s, even low 70s on the board for your afternoon. so, make sure you're staying hydrated and bringing a hat and wearing sun screen of course.
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73 in santa rosa, and we are seeing the same/similar conditions, 70s as you make your way into the east bay, martinez, and concord. a little bit cooler out at the coastline in san francisco and half moon bay. there are, of course, a lot of events happening in san francisco that we'll talk about in your extended outlook coming up in just a little bit. [ inaudible ]. we want to talk about this hazmat investigation that shut down oakley this morning. it started around 1:00 a.m. they had to shut down one lane as they did their investigation. also a grand opening of affordable housing in mill bray. the gateway at transit village is a mixed use development. it includes 400 apartments, 80
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of which are veteran-preferred units. the mayor attended the ceremony. it happened just about an hour ago. all the news we are covering and we will be posting on our and we will be posting on our website, updates atse when modererate to sevevere ulcecerative cololitis keeps flflaring, when modererate to sevevere ulcecerative cololitis put itit in check k with rin, a a once-dailyly pill. put itit in check k with rin, whenen uc got unprpredictable,e, i got rarapid symm relief witith rin. and left b bathrom urgegency behind. check. and left b bathrom urgegency behind. whwhen uc got t in my way,, i i got lastining, steroid-frfree remissision with rinvovoq. chececk. and whenen my gastroro saw dama, rinvoq helelped visiblbly repapair the cololon lining. chcheck. rapid sympmptom reliefef. laststing, steroroid-free remimission. rapid sympmptom reliefef. and a chchance to vivisibly repair thehe colon linining. check. c chec. and d check. rinvoq c can lower y your abiy to figight infectitions, including g tb. seserious infefections anand blood clclots, some e f; including g tb. cancerers, includiding lympha and skskin cancer;r; deatath, heart a attack, str, anand tears inin the stomamh or intntestines ococcurr. deatath, heart a attack, str, peoplele 50 and ololder h at least 1 1 heart disiseae risk f factor hahave higher r risks. peoplele 50 and ololder h at least 1 1 heart disiseae don'n't take if f allergic to rinvoqq
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as serioious reactioions can ococcur. tetell your dodoctor if yoyoue oror may becomome pregnantn. put ucuc in check k and keep it t there, withth rinvoq. tetell your dodoctor if yoyoue oror may becomome pregnantn. ask k your gastrtro about riri. anand learn hohow abbvie could helplp you save.e. ♪♪ open talenenti and raiaise ther toto gelato mamade from scscr. raise e the jar toto flavors from t the world''s fifinest ingreredients. and now, f from jars t to bar. new talelenti gelatoto and sosorbetto minini bars. ♪♪ (psst psst) ahhhh... with flonase, allergies don't have to be scary spraying flonase daily gives you long-lasting, non-drowsy relief. (psst psst) flonase. all good. ♪♪ open talenenti and raiaise ther
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toto gelato mamade from scscr. raise e the jar toto flavors from t the world''s fifinest ingreredients. and now, f from jars t to bar. new talelenti gelatoto and sosorbetto minini bars. ♪♪ bottom of the hour now we are following breaking news out of new mexico. the involuntary manslaughter charge against actor alec baldwin in the "rust" movie set
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shooting has just been dropped. that is according to baldwin's lawyers. we want to check back in with shaquille brewster. this happened pretty quickly. what more do we know? >> reporter: again, it's happening on the day that alec baldwin is set to participate in the reproduction of this movie or the beginning of the production of this movie. this is, again, coming from alec baldwin's attorneys. we have not heard from prosecutors just yet. we have not heard from investigators, but his attorneys releasing this statement, i'll read directly from it saying, we are pleased with the decision to dismiss the case against alec baldwin and we encourage a proper investigation into the facts and circumstances of this tragic accident. alex was facing one charge connected to the death of halyna hutchins. she was killed after that gun went off. alec baldwin always said that he didn't fire that weapon, instead
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he says that the weapon went off accidentally. there are investigations that show a weapon can't be fired unless the trigger is pulled. either way she lost her life and the production was going forward today again but as of now we know that all charges have been dropped. that's according to alec baldwin's attorneys. >> this is so striking. you have remember the original prosecutor being adamant they would pursue this case against alec baldwin. so what does it peanut for him right now, are there any other pending civil cases or is this it for baldwin? >> reporter: yeah, the guidance we're getting is that prosecutors could still decide to file a charge if they want to, although that's pretty unlikely but that is always a possibility. but on the criminal side, this could signal the end of any criminal proceedings for this situation. there is still a civil litigation under way. there's a lawsuit filed by the family of hutchins. that is still yet to be
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concluded. >> shaquille brewster with the latest on the breaking news regarding alec baldwin. thank you so much. more breaking news now, a fourth suspect was just arrested in connection with that shooting at a sweet 16 party in alabama over the weekend that left four people dead and dozens more injured. 20-year-old johnny letron brown charged with four counts of reckless murder. two teenager brothers arrested tuesday night in connection with the shooting. a third man taken into custody wednesday afternoon. new fallout in oklahoma today where a county commissioner resigned after he and three other officials including a sheriff were allegedly heard on a recording making racist and violent remarks. today, a local newspaper released the full 3 1/2-hour-long audio recording and new disturbing comments from the sheriff. we want to mention nbc news last not independently verified the recording and let's bring in steven romo now following this. steven, remind us how we got
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here and what we hear on this 3 1/2-hour recording. we want to warn our viewers when listening in a moment they may find it disturbing. this all started when a journalist with "the mccurtain county gazette news" left a recording device in commissioners' chambers after a meeting and had a tip they were conducting a public meeting. what i got is something he didn't expect, racist language including what sounds like threats and as you mentioneds -- nbc news has not been able to confirm. >> it's not like back in the day.
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whoop their ass. >> it's not like that anymore. >> take them to mud creek and hang them up with a damn rope. they got more rights than we've got. >> lots of protests have happened and more are planned. >> oklahoma's governor has called on everyone including the sheriff to step down. is there any indication that the sheriff will. >> reporter: not right now, kate. we've reached out to the sheriff and the others involved and have not heard back from them. the sheriff did post on facebook a message in part reading, this is a very complex situation and one we regret having to address. it is illegal to secretly record a conversation. the statement came out before the 3 1/2 hours of recording was released and have that one resignation but still more calls growing for the other three allegedly involved in this to step down as well. kate. >> steven, thank you. a separate incident also
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allegedly involving racist comments is sparking new outrage near the san francisco bay area. the city of antioch voted to audit its troubled police department where text messages between them were made public and gary grumbach is joining us now. what is this audit looking into specifically? >> reporter: this audit of the antioch police department in a town just outside of san francisco will look into the department's internal affairs il practices and the department culture there. these text messages which first came to light more than a year ago after the launch of an fbi investigation contained derogatory, racist, homophobic and sexually explicit language and some of the techs which frankly cannot even be read word for word on television, officers brag about making up evidence and beating up suspects. there are text messages where women are referred to as water buffalo and where they make light of the police killing of george floyd. those messages are sparking
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outrage and protests within the antioch community. >> the biggest challenge will be the shift in the culture in the police department. the culture of anti-blackness, racism, bigotry, sexism. my hope is not just that we change the culture in the police department but, again, that we change the culture in the community. >> reporter: officials have named 17 antioch police officers who sent these type of text messages including the president of the department's police union. the local public defender in contra costa has said nearly half of the 100-officer department received these type of texts. no word on when this audit or the fbi investigation will wrap up. peter? >> gary grumbach with the latest from antioch, thank you. a troubling trend is raising concerns for parents. children eating what looks to be candy but some is laced with drugs. three 7-year-olds in maryland are the latest victims in this worrisome phenomenon and maya
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eaglin has been tracking it for us. what do we know? >> reporter: we've seen a rise in cannabis gummies laced with drugs over the last two years but can be scary if those end up in the hands of children. here's more of what happened in maryland. >> a community shaken by the hospitalization of three 7-year-olds after they ate candy laced with drugs they found at the playground. >> wondering about the safety of the children and what are their illegal activities going on on the school grounds. >> reporter: the children all students at college gardens elementary in rockville, maryland and found a container of blue items, ate them and spit them out and police say based on toxicology reports, the candy they ate could have been laced with stimulants like mdma or prescription adderall. >> for a long part we didn't know if he would be okay. >> reporter: back in 2021, olt ver had to get medevacked after
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getting into her edibles recommended by her doctors as a sleeping aid. her toddler ate 15. >> it looks like candy, it tastes sweet and nothing about it to a child gives any indication that it's something that he should not consume. >> reporter: a recent report from medical journal pediatrics reveals the rate of children under 6 eating cannabis edibles is skyrocketing rising more than 1300% in recent years. nearly all of the exposures reported happened in the child's own home. the children back in maryland are expected to be okay. >> experts recommend that if you have these candies or gummies in a home with children keep them away from the kitchen and locked in a safe space. if a child accidentally ingests any call your local poison control center or 911. >> i guess we have to teach our kids to not pick up anything that looks like candy, scary. maya, thank you. drivers in south florida are
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being urged to pump the brakes on panic buying gas as that area recovers from fuel supply issues. this all started after last week's historic rainfall. you remember seeing that area. it was just dumped more than two feet of rain in a 24-hour period. a lot of it near fort lauderdale. it caused widespread disruption at the port of everglades where a big portion of gas for the region comes through, 9 of 12 terminals that transfer their refined gas into tanker trucks are back to being operational but drivers still experiencing those long lines at gas stations across much of that region. nbc news correspondent guad venegas is joins us from a gas station in doral, florida. i was talking to a friend who lives there and his wife was in line for an hour and a half. getting any easier for people trying to fill their tanks? >> reporter: we got different reactions. some of the drivers that arrived at this gas station said they saw lines at other places and
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decided not to wait and came here. other drivers said this was the first gas station they came to. what i can tell you, we have not seen lines here since this morning. gas buddy is now reporting that things are improving. a lot of people have been going to the app to find out what's going on with gas. the latest numbers from gas buddy indicate that about 47% of gas stations in the miami-fort lauderdale area have gas. what i did, peter, i drove around for about a half hour in the doral area to see what i could find and probably saw between eight to nine gas stations in the area. i didn't see any lines but did see two gas stations that remain closed because they don't have gas. the other gas station that is were opened were busy, but we are not seeing these lines any more today but do have reports from some people that have seen the lines. here's part of the conversation i had with the owner of the gas station this morning. >> please understand there's not a shortage of product.
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there is plenty of gas, plenty of diesel fuel. do not buy gasoline any different than you always used to buy it. do not wait in line when you have more than half a tank of gasoline. there's no need to do that and please understand that we're trying our very best to bring this back to normal. >> reporter: essentially what he told me is that the gas stations are getting the same amount of gas they normally would but it's selling much faster because of the number of people that overwhelmed the gas station buying gas that perhaps they didn't need. he gave the example of someone who maybe had almost a full tank and would drive up to a gas station, get in line and put in two to three gallons to top it off and that is exactly what saturated the system but things are improving here as we've seen today, peter. >> yeah, a little ballet of the cars trying to get to the pumps behind you.
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appreciate the reporting, thank you. the growing fallout from the nation's months' lon
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you may have heard adderall is in short supply. a combination of staff shortages as well as regulatory and supply issues have made the adhd drug
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incredibly hard to come by. now some pharmacists have begun turning patients away leaving them to go to extreme lengths to keep their prescription going as long as possible. nbc news health reporter burt lovelace is joining us. this has been going on for months. any sense it will get resolved soon? >> there have been improvements so the fda tells us it should last for a few weeks or longer. current companies are trying to ramp up production but there has been delays and people are still struggling to find the medication and so some doses could be available this month. other doses that were expected to be available this month have been pushed back for another month and so it's not clear if that will be pushed back again. >> the worst situation for children, parents trying to deal with the situation, of course, trying to figure out when it's going to come and how long you got to make the pills you do have last. how are people coping with these
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shortages. >> some pharmacies have told me patients have driven hours to find the medication and are sadly turned away. some patients are -- have to then find alternative medications but even those are now in short supply too and now pharmacies are actually saying they're not taking on any new customers, they basically are hurting their business and also on top of that they may have to turn away existing customers that they have and, you know -- >> what is the advice? >> there's not much really they can do right now. the companies are still trying to ramp up production and all they can do is sit around and hope. >> the real challenge for so many who have this. you have the pills and people may split up pills. there's only a limited number of good examples of others they can take in a situation like this. hopefully it gets resolved in the not too distant future. berkley lovelace, we appreciate
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it. the summer travel season is going to be busy with airlines expecting passenger numbers above prepandemic levels. staffing shortages could cause problems. tom costello has this. >> reporter: countdown to the summer getaway. don't expect an open middle seat. the agency is preparing for a record number of passengers throughout the summer. comfortably above prepandemic numbers. with airports in orlando, dallas, houston, and east coast hubs all expected to be the busiest. with demand surging american airlines is joining delta and united in temporarily cutting back some flights into new york airports citing air traffic controller shortages. it follows a nationwide pilot shortage which has been easing
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in recent months as the major carriers ramp up hiring and training. still many regional airlines are struggling to find enough pilots. some in the industry call for changing pilot qualification and training standards to address the shortage. the head of the air line pilots association says that is a nonstarter. >> this is no time to weaken safety standards worth we visited the training center last year where the airline trains new and veteran pilots around the clock. >> you're hitting the wind shear a little bit. >> all right, wind shear, go around. >> reporter: the faa requires pilots to go through simulator training every nine months honing their skills preparing for the unlikely emergency. meanwhile pressure is building on southwest airlines after that technical glitch on tuesday caused a nearly 2500 airline flights to be delayed. southwest says data connection issues were to blame. >> 90% of our flights have been canceled. >> reporter: but it follows its
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meltdown last december when outdated systems led to more than 16,000 of its flights being canceled. 2 million passengers stranded. so what can you do to peep for travel this summer? buy your tickets now. reports domestic summer airfares will be nearly 18% more expensive than in 2019 prepandemic. tom costello, nbc news. >> there is more news ahead right here and you're watching "nbc news daily." by the way, we're also streaming free 24/7 on nbc news now. watch us wherever you treatment live. the news continues right after this. if youou've had sesensitivit, those zizingers can n really cae some o of that jololting pai. ththere is onene great sololun out there e with sensosodyne. it creates a protective barrier, and nonow they getet to feel l , 'oh, this i is a producuct thatat actually y works. ♪ ♪ itit's the mosost wonderful titime of the e ♪ar
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'oh, this i is a producuct thatat actually y works. it's's spring! non-drowowsy clarititin knknocks out s symptoms from over r 200 allergrgens wiwithout knococking you o . feel the c clarity and makeke today the e most wondederful time of ththe year. liveve claritin n clear. ♪♪ open talenenti and raiaise ther toto gelato mamade from scscr. raise e the jar toto flavors from t the world''s fifinest ingreredients. and now, f from jars t to bar. new talelenti gelatoto and sosorbetto minini bars. ♪♪ timeme for downyny mcbride to g go to work.k. ya'll l gotta snififf this stu! wowoop woop! - whoo - smelells great, , downy! ugh,h, cul-de-sasacs. downwny unstopabables. yoyou gotta snsniff it to belelieve it. downwny unstopabables. ♪ today, , my friend d you did, you u did it, yoyou did it...♪
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centrurum silver i is now w clinicallyly shown to supportrt cognitiveve healh in older a adults. it's o one more ststep towars takiking charge e of your hehe. so every d day, you cacan sa, ♪ youuu didid it! ♪ withth centrum s silver. imagine ifif you couldld get ahahead of youour ibs-c.. ♪ by trereating it w with linze. ththen you couould start proactivively managiging your c constipatioion with b belly pain,n, and begin n to find yoyoursef a little f further awaway from t the symptomoms thatat keep comiming back. say yeyess to linznzess. linzesess is not a a laxativ. it's's a once-dadaily pill that h helps you g get ahead of your r symptoms.. it's p proven to h help you have morore frequentnt and compmplete bowelel movemen. and hehelps relieveve overall abdomiminal symptotoms - belly papain, discomomfort, and bloatiting. dodo not give e linzess to childldren less t than tw. it m may harm ththem. do notot take linznzess ifif you have e a bowel blbloc. get imimmediate hehelp if y you developop unusual or sevevere stomacach pain, especialally with blbloody or b black stoolols. the momost common n side effet is diaiarrhea, somometimes seve. if it's s severe, stop takaking linzesess
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and cacall your dodoctor riright away.. these araren't all the sidede effects.. imagine.e... what cocould relf from ibsbs-c mean fofor you? talk to yoyour doctorr and say y yess to lilinzess. learn n how abbvieie and ironwd cocould help y you save on linzezess. this is the fast forward on nbc news daily. bay area car owners have seen a spike in car thefts and the state of california is taking action. california attorney general rob bonta held a news conference in berkeley to address the thefts and laid the blame directly on car manufacturers. like kia and hyundai. he said the two companies violated federal law not including anti-theft devices in their vehicles and failed to take action when the issue was brought to their attention and this has left him with no alternative but to ask the federal government to order a recall. it was the only way to ensure a comprehensive solution for all
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affected vehicles. warriors host the kings at chase center tonight and the giants host the mets at oracle. might need to grab a jacket but for this weekend ditch the layers. our forecaster has our seven-day forecast. >> happy thursday. let's go warriors. if you are headed out tonight, clear skies as we go into this afternoon with gusts around 20 miles an hour. make sure you're bringing a jacket to stay nice and cozy as you head out of the chase center tonight. as we take you into your forecast and what we can expect the rest of this weekend we're definitely building up the high pressure which is going to give us warmer temperatures as go into the day on friday, even on saturday, gorgeous weather will continue in san francisco even on into the next seven days. no storm systems are making their way into san francisco or the bay area because we have high pressure blocking any of those symptoms and look at the inland valleys. earth day in the 80s. a good opportunity to go outdoors and volunteer in any activities. >> tha you so much.nk
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welcome back, everyone. have you paid for a home warranty during the past three years, the state says you might have been misled and if you were, you can get your money back. consumer investigator chris chmura is here to explain how. >> reporter: if you got this final notice in the mail as far back as 2020, the department of insurance says you were misled. investigators say these notices claimed your home warranty was expiring, and it wasn't. it was an ad, a ploy to get you to buy a home warranty. also, the state says the brand names on the notice were all fake. the state says these final notice mailers worked. we didn't find any viewer complaints in our database but hundreds of thousands got these ads and some people paid 2500 to $3500 each. people actually got a home warranty, but the state said those were not legal to sell here. the state investigated and just announced a settlement with the
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company connected to the mailers called integrity admin group. we e-mailed them. no response. part of the new settlement is a refund for homeowners who took the the bay. so you can get your money back if you got a final notice and paid money to any of these bogus companies here, home warranty direct, home warrenty resolutions, solutions, new home warranty, like new home warranty the state says send an e-mail to this address right here. carefunds dot car is a real thing for car related websites and the company also sells auto warranties. in the subject line write refund request and include your name and policy number and you have until october 9th to get your money back. if you missed the e-mail address, replay this story on demand on our website,
12:58 pm >> thanks so much for the tip. and that's it for this edition of the fast forward. we'll be back at 4:30 with more news. have a great afternoon. hope to see you then. bye. trying to control my asthma felt anything but normrmal. ♪♪ ♪ trying to control my asthma felt anything but normrmal. enenough was e enough. trying to control my asthma felt anything but normrmal. i tatalked to anan asasthma specicialist trying to control my asthma felt anything but normrmal. anand found ouout my severere a trying to control my asthma felt anything but normrmal. is d driven by e eosinophils, a a type of asasthma nucalaa can help c control. is d driven by e eosinophils, now, fewewer asthmaa attackcks and d less ororal steroidids that's m my nunormalal wiwith nucala.a. nunucala is a a once-monthty add-on injecection for severe eososinophilic c asth. nucala i is not for r suddn brbreathing prproblems. alallergic reaeactions canan o. get help r right awayy for swelelling of face, momouth, tongugue, or troublele breathingng. infectionsns that can n caue shshingles havave occurrede. don'n't stop steteroids ununless told d by your dodoc. infectionsns that can n caue shshingles havave occurrede. tellll your doctctor if u have a a parasiticic infecti. may cause e headache,, injectioion site reaeaction, have a a parasiticic infecti. back p pain, and f fatig. have a a parasiticic infecti.
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talk to yoyour asthmama specialisist to see i if once-mononthly nua may be rigight for youou. and d learn abouout savis at ththere's morere to your l e than aststhma. find youour nunormalal wiwith nucala.a. ♪♪ open talenenti and raiaise ther toto gelato mamade from scscr. raise e the jar toto flavors from t the world''s fifinest ingreredients. and now, f from jars t to bar. new talelenti gelatoto and sosorbetto minini bars. ♪♪
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today on access daily, aarnold schwarzeneggerbars. has headed to tv. we got a little sneak peek of his show. and nick cage may have a solution to world hunger. it involves cockroaches. oh, ok. access daily starts now. you're eating one. [music playing] welcome to access daily at universal studios hollywood.


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