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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 11AM  NBC  April 19, 2023 11:00am-11:31am PDT

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right now at 11:00, pleasanton police delivering a major update into the investigation into a deadly shooting at a home depot. what we just learned moments ago
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about the man killed in the violence and the two suspects now in custody facing multiple charges. i'm laura garcia. >> i'm marcus washington. a woman and a man are in custody following that deadly shooting inside a home depot. >> we're listening more about the employee killed following a confrontation with the female suspect. bob redell has what police are revealing this morning. they just wrapped up a news conference. >> reporter: the man shot was blake moez, a 26-year-old resident of the tri-valley, an eagle scout, a young man who was supposed to be married this summer. this woman, benicia knapps shot
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him and this man next to her, david geshgs uillory drove the getaway car with her 2-year-old bby inside. she was trying to steal an electrical item from the backloading dock of the home depot. the employee alerted the employee. knaps escaped in that getaway car. they tracked the vehicle to oakland, where the couple was arrested. law enforcement reunited that 2-year-old baby with other family members. there are a number of pleasanton police officers who knew mohs. >> he was a great person. he had a zeal for life and thoroughly enjoyed his work. he had an interest in law enforcement. he was involved in youth law enforcement programs. i understand he was an eagle
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scout. he had some aspiration of being involved in law enforcement, which is undoubtedly why he ended up in loss prevention. and these are things that we found out this morning. >> reporter: this is video from earlier this morning outside the home depot on johnson drive in pleasanton. you can see there are two private armed security guards patrolling the store. it's not clear if they were brought in because of what happened yesterday or they are always out there regardless of what happened yesterday. home depot did release a statement. they said basically, "we're heartbroken over this senseless tragedy. blake was our associate and friend and our heart go out to his family and everyone who knew and loved him." police did retrieve the handgun after the suspect dropped it or threw it out of the car. it is not a legally registered family. guillory is in jail.
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officers believe benicia might have been hit by the getaway vehicle during their escape. bob redell, nbc bay area news. >> a lot of sad information. thank you very much. also new at 11:00, san jose police arresting a man accused of committing robberies targeting members of the aapi community. the 33-year-old mason johnson is accused of forcefully removing jewelry from the victims' necks committing crimes across santa clara county. he faces hate crimes and other charges. a live look in oakland this midday, where renters and landlords in the city now know when eviction protections will come to an end. nbc bay area's kris sanchez bringing down the heated back-and-forth that came ahead of that decision. >> we now know that the eviction protections will not be phased out gradually but will come to a hard end and that is july 15th.
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it wasn't an easy decision. it's one that came after a lot of passionate outcry from some landlords who say they've been close to losing properties after three years of little or no rent from some of their tenants. housing advocates also spoke out saying that the abrupt stop could push at-risk renters into free-fall. >> just to stop it abruptly like that will just kind of be, like, you know, a death sen tans for a lot of renters. >> i can't sleep at night because i know i have to pay this bill tomorrow and that bill the next day, and i don't have enough money to pay. and i have to work day and night three jobs to get, you know, by. >> july 15th is the firm date for the end of all eviction protections. under the ordinance in oakland, tenants can only be evicted if they cannot prove their late rent is a result of the pandemic. but tenants can be evicted --
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only be evicted if they owe more than one month's rent. land lords can still evict people under the just cause rule if they can prove substantial damage to the property or unreasonable behavior by the tenants. that final vote on the ordinance, largely a formality, is scheduled for may 2nd. on may 1st, the city of oakland and housing advocacy groups plan massive outreach, which is 75 days before eviction proceedings can begin. >> kris, thank you. reverend al sharpton is urging the u.s. attorney general to investigate the antioch police department and provide protection for mayor lamar thorpe after those racist text messages between city officials or officers i should say suggested thorpe be shot during the 2020 protests. this is after the murder of george floyd. as we've been reporting, the fbi discovered text messages between antioch police officers, some racist, others homophobic and violent.
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25 officers are under investigation. last night, angry residents called for immediate action. the council approved an audit of the police department's internal affairs process. happening now, a group of health care workers in the east bay are off the job. the group is holding a one-day sympathy strike at ucsf benioff children's hospital in oakland in solidarity with a national union of the health care workers as they are set to hit the picket lines later this month amid ongoing contract negotiations. in a statement, benioff explains how today's strike will impact operations. it reads in part, "for care services that can be provided at a later date, we have rescheduled patients to the next available in-person appointments or transitioned them to video visits. ucsf benioff children's hospital emergency department will remain open for care. all outpatient services throughout region will be closed. we expect to resume normal hospital and outpatient services thursday morning." meta is cutting more
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employees. they were notified this morning they would not be returning to the office. >> we're seeing new posts on linkedin, this one from a business program editor who writes, "this morning i woke up to the unfortunate news that i was one of the many laid off from meta today." >> as scott mcgrew explains, employees who escaped the layoffs may still be looking for an exit. >> this is not an uncommon problem for big companies in tough times. employees are trying to protect themselves from the next round of layoffs instead of focusing on their work. this was the headline in "the new york times" just last week "mass layoffs and absentee bosses create a morale crisis at meta." meta announced it would cut 11,000 jobs in november, 10,000 announced in march, and at a company-wide town hall shortly after the march layoffs, employees asked ceo mark zuckerberg how they could trust him. fair question, he answered, this
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according to employees attending and recounted by business insiders. those who have been in the valley for a while will rebiya hoo. it went from a tech giant to a company experiencing layoffs and it had trouble then holding on to talent as those who could get jobs elsewhere did, leaving the company in a vicious circle. it needed fewer employees but couldn't hold on to the employees it wanted to keep. so tech workers change jobs a lot, sometimes involuntarily, but that means workers have deep networks. we talked with a life coach, gary quinn, who reminds people old co-workers, bosses, and friends might know someone that could help. >> remember, it's action equals results. you have to believe in order to receive, and i believe to be positive in the workforce right now is a main key. people want to hire people who are team players, who want to go in as a winner. >> many of the employees named today work in the technical side
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of meta, programmers and the like. previous cuts were to marketing, sales, and business development. back to you. happening now, single-day tickets for the outside lands went on sale an hour ago. megan b. stallion, janelle monae are some of the big names predicted to perform. the festival takes place in golden gate park august 11th through the 13th. taking a live look in san jose right now, the festival is not there, but beautiful weather. it is cold out there. >> it has been kind of chilly, and it's still cool if you're getting ready to head out for lunch. but we are going to warm up for a couple hours today, definitely warmer weather going into the weekend. let's take a live look outside in oakland. we're getting ready for a midday game out there at the coliseum. it's going to be bright, sunny, but look at the temperature now. it's only 55 degrees.
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heading into the rest of today, we reach into the low 60s. the sun makes it feel much more comfortable, but we are going to see some mid-60s as you make your way into the inland valleys and near the coast in parts of the inner bay, sill in the upper 50s and low 60s. we'll go through this forecast where those temperatures go up each day. i'll have a look at that as well as some of the things you may be doing over the next few days. there's lots going on. >> looking forward to it, kari. awaiting a crucial ruling on abortion pill access. we break down the case in limbo in the supreme court as both sides of the aisle speak out ahead of the decision. netflix users learn the lowdown on the crackdown of password sharing. customers have time to prepare, but there is one insider breaking down what families should brace for. but first -- >> you can see our story about how a health care worker is
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facing manslaughter charges in the death of two elderly people at a san mateo county assisted facility on our website. want more e from your r vitam? get m more with n nature's bob. from t the first-e-ever tripe actition sleep s supplement.. to daily d digestive s suppor. to more wewellness sololutios every daday. get m more with n nature's bob.
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"the doctor will see you now." but do they really? do they sesee all thatat you ?
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at k kaiser permrmanente all of us s work togetether to care e for all ththat is y. new at 11:00 for you, police in alabama have arrested two teens in connection with that mass shooting at a sweet 16 birthday party. the pair are 16 and 17-year-olds and are from tuskegee. police say they were taken into custody last night. this is after both are facing reckless murder charges. at least four people were shot and killed saturday. 32 others were hurt after gunfire erupted inside a crowded dance studio. it happened in dadeville. this is about an hour outside of montgomery. one of the most watched cases across the country, the supreme court could rule on access to that widely used abortion pill. >> our digital journalist abbey fernandez joins us now with more on how it could affect women.
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>> hi, marcus and laura. we're talking about the abortion pill mifepristone, which is use in more than half of all abortions in the country. let me give you some context on what's been happening. a recent ruling made by a texas-based u.s. district judge would have forced the fda to remove its approval of the pill. an appeal put a pause on that ruling before it would have taken effect but added limb takes. those limit takes ban telemedicine prescription and retail pharmacy dispensing of the pill. people can still use the pill but with those limitations in place. the supreme court is now stepping in and their decision could have wild-ranging implications not just on abortion access but also on regulations of other drugs in the u.s. the ceo of planned parenthood northern california says if this ban is allowed to stay in effect, it would set a worrisome precedent. >> if mifepristone will be able
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to be taken off the market, then that stops other courts and judges from doing the same with other drugs that have been utilized for decades. >> the director of the pro-life advocacy group california right to life tells me the fight to challenge the fda approval of this pill started shortly after it was approved more than 20 years ago. >> well, the doctors who are the plaintiffs in the case challenging the fda'a's approva did file something way back in the beginning and have beenen trying t to get answers from th fda foror 20 years now. the fda just stonewalled them. so it's only recently after the fda canceled all these safe guards that they filed this lawsuit. >> by the way, the fda spent four years reviewing mifepristone before approving it in 2000. you'll remember the court now leans 6-3 in the conservative favor, which led to the
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overturning of roe v. wade earlier this year. we'll track the story throughout, the day and have the latest for you later in the day. >> thanks, abbey. turning to our decision 2024, a new candidate has thrown their hat into the ring. robert f. kennedy jr. announcing his candidacy. he's the oldest son of the late senator robert kennedy and is widely known for his anti-covid vaccination stance. he plans to run as a democrat and is expected to challenge president biden for the nomination. author mary ann williamson has also previously announced her candidacy. netflix is providing a time line for its password crackdown in the u.s. during their earnings call yesterday, the streaming giant said it's pleased with the results from the new paid sharing plans launched in canada, new zealand, portugal, and spain. netflix was supposed to launch that program in the u.s. back in march but it was delayed. now users can expect to get cutoffs as early as this summer.
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as "variety" explained to us, the new paid plan can keep your streaming family together for good. >> if you're a member of a household or a family member who doesn't live with their parents or with their families, then for a couple bucks extra a month you can be an add-on and continue to watch netflix at your house, but it won't be a free ride like it once was. >> netflix says this is a new way to boost revenue and stay competitive. happening later today, workers at the trader joe's in rockledge neighborhood are deciding whether or not to unionize. they're the first location in california to do so. employees cited worker safety and financial security. the company never gave a public response. voting continues through tomorrow night. a live look across the bay area, and how is the air where
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you are? probably better but not as good as it should be according to the annual state of the air report. it shows that the bay area had fewer unhealthy days between 2019 and 2021. still nine out of ten californians live in communities with polluted air, and all bay area counties have a failing grade of a particular pollution like vehicle emissions and wildfire smoke. our region ranks sixth most polluted in terms of particulate, 11th in the nation in terms of ozone solutions. both contribute to poor health. >> ozone is a colorless, odorless gas that can have a corrosive effect on our airways, sort of like a sunburn on the skin, for example, and part of these are tiny bits of soot, ash, dust, and liquids thank penetrate deep into your lungs and cross into the bloodstream, so we're not only talking about lung cancer and as ma attacks
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but heart attacks, strokes, and premature death. >> there are two critical votes next week that will help our state transition to cleaner loques motives and zero emissions. fruk fleets as well. the lung association estimates those policy changes could result in a 90% reduction in cancer risk almost immediately. all right. speaking of that weather and the air out there, not too bad for us weather-wise, but the temperatures. >> we've had some breezes picking up, and it's been nice and clear. i do think it will start to get a little more hazy as those temperatures warm up over the next couple days. take a look at how blue the sky is now as we look outside in walnut creek. it is a nice one. but, yeah, still chilly out there, temperatures in the mid-50s. the wind is calm, and as we go into the rest of the afternoon, we're headed for the mid-50s for later today. reaching 62 in fremont. all of these temperatures are just a touch warmer compared to
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yesterday. as the seven-day forecast comes up at the bottom of the screen, you'll see that warm-up will continue. in fact, as we go into tomorrow, here is a look at how our highs will shape up around the bay area with some low 70s in parts of the north bay, napa and santa rosa reaching 71, and upper 60s for the tri-valley over toward dublin and fremont, hayward reaching 68 degrees and 69 in mountain view. going into friday, even warmer, upper 70s and even low 80s in the forecast. we're going to continue to see dry conditions. all of the rain stays up and farther to the north across the pacific northwest being blocked by high pressure. that will keep our skies clear over the next few days. take a look at san jose. the next ten days will be significantly warmer with the peak of those temperatures coming in friday and saturday. a little cooler on sunday, and we're stepping back up middle of next week with upper 70s. the spring weather will continue over the next few days and not a
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chance of rain within at least the next seven to possibly ten days. and we're looking at our temperatures feeling very warm for the weekend, especially on saturday. and it's going to be nice in san francisco as well as those temperatures reach into the upper 60s, maybe even hitting near 70 degrees for saturday. so a significant warm-up is on the way. laura and marcus? >> thanks, kari. happening now, gilroy police plan to distribute narcan to fight against fentanyl overdoses. this comes after three overdeath deaths in the city in february. deputies in santa clara county are warning that the drug is being laced with other drugs and made to look like a painkiller sold on the streets. narcan, if used correctly, can reduce opioid overdose. tonight's distribution is part of a workshop which begins at 6:00 at the gilroy senior and recreation center. draymond green suspended.
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sitting out for tomorrow's game three. ahead, what one analyst says could have also contributed to the decision. and soccer takes over it will immunity doe 48 and peacock tonight.
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okay. so a huge development for dove nation and the warriors. the nba suspending draymond green for tomorrow's big game, game three against the sacramento kings at chase center. >> the nba made the announcement late last night. in case you somehow missed the video, here's the main reason. the stomp he gave kings' star sabonis. it happened after sabonis grabbed green's leg. but the commissioner's office cited green's history of unsportsmanlike acts as cause for the one-day suspension. before the news came down, we spoke with former warrior and
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nba champ festus ezele. he said as it all happened the warriors were just trying to gain some momentum. >> at this point in the game, steph is looking for draymond to throw it back to make a play, so draymond knows this so he's trying to run back. in that run, if anyone wants to reenact that, if somebody grabs your foot at that high point, you step out of balance. i think draymond tried to embellish that. all in all, it just -- i mean, you don't want to see any of this in the game. you just want to see a clean basketball game. >> during the game, draymond could be seen interacting dramatically with kings fans. some believe this also may have led to the suspension. >> good luck to our warriors out there. all right. last look at that forecast for us. >> it looks great. we've been wanting some warmer weather. it's coming our way over the next few days, and it's going from mid-60s for highs today to low 80s for the weekend, and
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also a lot more of that sunshine in the forecast. so that's going to continue as we keep the nice spring weather into at least next tuesday. >> we haven't seen temperatures in the 80s in a long time. >> yeah. it may be the first time this year we hit 80 degrees. >> loving it. not so much for san francisco but -- >> yeah. it will be 70 in san francisco this weekend. that's, like, perfect. >> there you go. start planning the weekend activities. >> picnic in the park. >> sounds good. >> i'll meet you all there at -- >> i'm doing an earth day cleanup event. >> saturday. >> yeah. >> there's a lot of them going on. >> find one in your neighborhood. >> thanks for joining us.
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