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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 430  NBC  April 17, 2023 4:30pm-5:00pm PDT

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homelessness has become the moral crisis of our times. >> right now at 4:30, battling
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homelessness in the south bay. millions of federal dollars are coming to the bay area to help hundreds of people get off the streets. good afternoon, i'm aubrey asistio, welcome to nbc bay area news at 4:30. we're tracking other stories, including e-40 getting kicked out of game one. we're focused on game two but many are wondering if the legendary rapper will attend the game. what we're learning about the argument that got him escorted out. anthony flores is court st at golden 1 center, he's joining us with all the excitement and what the warriors need to do to win this time. it is earth week, we're going to share stories that focus on the climate in crisis, today, climate anxiety. but we begin with the funds
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aimed at helping people suffering on the streets. south bay leaders say a big chunk of money is coming in from the federal government and will directly go into ending homelessness for hundreds of people. they announced the funding in santa clara today. ian cull was there. a lot of people are wondering how this money is going to end homelessness for a lot of people. what will it do? >> it's hard to find out sometimes, we've covered a number of these, it's hard to find out where the money is going so we pushed the questions today. south bay leaders announced $11 million grant to battle homelessness that will benefit a few programs. agrihood sustainable community is one, it will get 54 chronically homeless households a place to live, rental assistance to 28 households so
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they're not put back on the streets. the county plans to double its outreach to help 800 people each year find housing. >> homelessness has become the moral crisis of our time. >> just as the homelessness crisis statewide isn't simple, our solutions cannot be either. we must face the work together. >> getting a huge chunk of money and they know where it goes. who decides that? >> there are a number of housing and homeless advocates that work with them. i met one today, chad was homeless in the bay area for four years but is now housed. he helped found the lived experience advisory board of current and former homeless people who help advise the politicians on what works and what doesn't. >> the funding decisions, which
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nonprofit partners receive the funds, is our community holding ourselves accountable and performing? getting people housed is the ultimate goal. we have influence from people who have been there before. >> those are the programs that are working right now. this is a nationwide initiative with half a billion dollars into communities that need it. will it work, make a dent here? he thinks so, but we'll have to wait. time will tell. >> you'll stay on top of it for us. >> we will. santa clara council member anthony becker was in court but he didn't enter a plea, he's getting settled on a legal team so he has until may 3rd. the district attorney is charging becker with leaking a report about whether the san francisco 49ers tried to exert power and influence over city council policy, a misdemeanor.
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he is also charged with lying to the civil grand jury investigate the leak, a felony. >> we're not charging the 49ers for criminal violation for this conduct. we don't believe what happened here rises to that standard. however it does rise to the standard for the elected district attorney to say that's wrong, do not attack individual jurors. >> the judge did rule that becker can remain free but has to be booked into jail sometime between now and may 3rd. we're less than three hours away from tip-off for the warriors' next playoff game. most of us are excited but a lot of people are talking about what happened in the stands over the weekend. legendary bay area rapper e-40 was kicked out of the game and won't be coming tonight. that's what we're learning. here's the video of e-40 getting escorted out of the golden 1 center in sacramento.
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this happened after an argument with a fan in the stands in the fourth quarter. e-40 says he was being heckled throughout the game and eventually turned around and talked back. soon after, kings security took him out. e-40 is alleging racial bias. saying quote, security saw a disagreement between a black man and white woman and immediately assumed that i was at fault. the kings say they're investigating the incident. the warriors have work to do after losing game one, sacramento's first playoff win in 17 years. it's been a while and the kings fans are loving it right now. anthony flores saw it all firsthand, he's there again tonight. you're so lucky, look at you there for game two. wondering what it's like out there. what is the vibe? i'm sure the kings fans are happy right now. >> reporter: they certainly are. sacramento is beaming with pride, literally. that's what they do, they light
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the beam after each win and it was shining bright saturday night after the kings beat the warriors 126-123. in game one it was t-shirts. tonight it's rally towels, feel the roar. this place hasn't experienced playoff basketball in 17 years and they're cherishing every moment of it. >> i bet they are, anthony. i think what we want to know, warriors fans, what do the warriors need to do for game two for the win? >> reporter: coach kerr talked about several adjustments the team needs to make. in game one, they had good shots and looks, but he thinks they can pass more, make the kings work more on defense. great shots. warriors have to do a better job containing malik monk and de'aaron fox, they combined for 70 points. and rebound rebound rebound. the kings had 17 offensive rebounds, too many second chances for sacramento.
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that's what coach kerr says the team is focusing on, making adjustments for game two tonight. >> so they need to rebound? >> reporter: rebound! >> who is winning tonight? >> reporter: well, this is a tough question, because i always think the warriors are going to win. but looking over the body of work the whole season, they've been an average team and struggled on the road. but i'll lean on the championship experience for tonight. this team has never started a playoff series 0-2 under steve kerr and i don't think that streak will be broken tonight, i think the warriors walk away with the w. >> we'll see. thanks, anthony. we'll see in an hour or so, stay with us. our sports teams in the bay area have always shown each other love, but this tweet from the 49ers has warriors and kings fans calling them out. 49ers tweeted best of luck in the playoffs warriors and kings.
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playing both sides? that's what people are saying and some fans aren't happy about it. take a look. matt is saying they're the bay's team, 49ers claim to be faithful to the bay. kevin ss -- pick a team. watch tonight on nbc sports bay area, pregame at 6:30, tip-off at 7:00. still ahead, we're going to be taking you to florida today because it's clamping down on abortion access even more. what its new law, the most restrictive in the nation, means for the fight over abortion rights. it is earth week and we're ready to bring you all that's putting our climate in crisis as we experience more extreme weather, we'll dive deeper into e climate anxiethty
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welcome back, we told you that earth week starts today and we're kicking off a week-long series. if the thought of climate change keeps you up at night, you're not alone. a lot of people are dealing with climate anxiety. so here's our conversation. >> about a year ago you brought this issue to the forefront, ecogrief or climate anxiety. tell us what it means, how it affected you. >> this is personal for me, covering climate change day in, day out, i started feeling depressed. overwhelming feeling, the more i learned, the worse i felt. as i looked into it, i realized this is a thing a lot of people, potentially tens of million in the united states and more around the world are feeling. consider the everyday stresses of life, then watch the news and
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hear about climate change and it's that compounding effect which can feel incredibly overwhelming for some people. >> and you found a lot of research and books written about it. you also found more people who are feeling that climate dread. >> it is particularly pronounced among younger people. millennials and gen-z are feeling this. what broke my heart to hear talking to experts that specialize in this, she said some members of gen-z have killed themselves because of the overwhelming feelings about climate change. it's not to be taken lightly. but at the same time there are a lot of tools and coping mechanisms people can try that work for them. >> important topic there with chase cain and kerry hall. we're learning more about the giant garbage patch in the pacific.
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it's so big and it's permanent now it's created an entire ecosystem. the vortex of garbage is between california and hawaii, 620,000 square miles, twice the size of texas. scientists found dozens of coastal creatures living there, including tiny crabs and anemones. floating plaster for those who live near the coast and wouldn't be normally in the open ocean can thrive there. abortion rights in florida got more limited. ron desantis signed a law banning it after six weeks. here's a closer look at the law and its impact. >> abortion access in one of the most populous states just got a lot more limited. thursday evening florida governor desantis signed a law that bans abortion after six
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weeks, one of the most restrictive in the nation. in the case of rape and incest, it's allowed up to 15 weeks. the ripple effect will impact people in other states. those seeking access in states with bans would come to florida for care. according to florida health care, the number of residents traveling for abortions doubled 2020 to 2022. with a republican supermajority in the state legislature, the law passed easily, even though half the country is opposed to these bans. a recent poll found that 50% strongly or somatopose a national six-week abortion ban, including 44% of republicans. 43% of republicans say they were less likely to vote for a politician who supports the restriction. restricting abortions has been
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key for legislatures around the country after the supreme court struck down federal protections. it's not just political, it impacts health of tens of thousands of women across the country. i asked the president of the national association of nurse practitioners and women's health about the potential impact of the six week ban. >> it's one of the most restrictive in the country. at six weeks, do many women or those who can carry a child even know they're pregnant at that point? >> 1 in 5 people confirm pregnancy after week seven. 15 to 19 discover their pregnant six weeks or later. most people don't know. >> how do laws like that impact the physical or mental health of people who want or need abortion services? >> any restrictions or bans on
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abortion cause unnecessary dangers for people. disproportionately harm the populations already suffering from the disparity of health and it makes it harder for people we're helping. >> people from out of state would come to florida, with the ban, what do options look like in the southeast for folks who need abortion access? >> this is another state in the region placing bans or restrictions on abortion access, when means it's going to be harder for accessing the quality health care. in louisiana and mississippi, bans of abortions all levels, georgia has legislation in place to ban the procedure after
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cardiac activity is detected around six weeks. patients will have to travel farther, take more time off work, spend more money and have to rely on child care. not everybody has the job security and resources to do so. >> what can doctors do to make sure their patients can receive the reproductive treatment they need? >> biggest thing is we have to be aware of what is going on within our region and state levels. my national organization provides some resources. there are membership population can access. it's criminal what is happening within the respective states. to ensure you can help support-year patients. >> watch more on nbc lx at
4:49 pm, xfinity channel 185 or over the air, 11-5. janelle wang is working on the 5:00 news next. welcome back. >> thank you. >> great to see you. >> we're following this dangerous trend across the bay area, illegal side shows. they're crowding city streets, there are dangerous stunts and sometimes people set things on fire. it solves dozens of cars, damaging property and putting hundreds of lives at risk. the bay area authorities are taking more actions. what proposals are on the table. have you tried to be vegetarian or vegan but can't give up meat? a company is offering real animal meat but there's no killing of animals. >> do that. >> how is it done? how does it taste? scott budman is checking it out to find out if it tastes like
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chicken. >> i can't wait to find out. i was vegan for two years. >> this is meat based without slaughtering animals. >> looking forward to it. encouraging body positivity, the impact social media is having on your kids and
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"the doctor will see you now." but do they really? do they y see that crick k in your neneck? that ache e in your heheart? will they y see that funny y little thihing that wasasn't therere last ye? a new bobounce in yoyour ste? the way yoyour reretinal scanan connectss to your blblood sugar?r? at kaiseser permanenente all l of us workrk together to care fofor all thatat is y. ♪♪♪ alexex! mateo, hey y how's busisiness? alexex! great. y you know ththat n has s really wororked wonder. thatat's what u.u.s. bank isis. great. y you know ththat n has s really wororked wonder. and d you're grorowing in calififornia? great. y you know ththat n has s really wororked wonder. -yup, , socal, nororcal... -monteterey? -all d day. -a brancnch in ventutura? that's's for sure-e-ah. atms in n fresno? that's's for sure-e-ah. freses-yes. that's's for sure-e-ah. encinitatas? yes, indndeed-us. encinitatas? anaheim? encinitatas? big g time. encinitatas? more guauacamole? encinitatas? i'i'm on a rololl-ay. encinitatas? how about t you? i'm jujust visitining. u.s.s. bank. ranked #1 1 in customomer satisfafaction h
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retatail bankingng in calififornia by j j.d. po. trending now, netflix's livestreaming fiasco from sunday night. anyone else trying to watch the "love is blind" reunion live on netflix? what happened? fans of the show urn scheduled show, a lot wanted to see it, but met with this screen. you can now watch it if you want on netflix. you likely already know this, but new studies are giving a clear picture of the impact of
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social media on our children's body image. two-thirds are self-conscious. weight, hair, skin conditions like acne. the doctor says that social media plays a rule, not just because of the filters and unrealistic beauty images on social media. >> relationships tell us what we should value in self-concept. when that source of information is missing and all we have is social media or external indicators of values, that's where we really get into trouble, experience risks to how we feel about ourselves. >> what can we parents do? >> have the tough conversations to promote a positive self image, also get them into sports, art and outside more,
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they help form a self-image that doesn't revolve around physical beauty. a look at the weather. it was beautiful, what is this week? >> cooler and comfortable, and we have showers on the map. microclimate forecast. 50 degrees, but 10:00 or 11:00, the rain icon is moving in. 60 now, winds from the north and northwest 12 miles per hour. we maxed out below normal. oakland, 58. overnight lows, 50s. 11:00, you get the rain icon as well. satellite radar shows the cold front north.
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starting in northern sonoma county before becoming more widespread. 11:00 it's not widespread, a round of showers moving through quickly. fremont, palo alto, danville. then sweeps through overnight. areas of rain through santa rosa. north of san francisco, and it continues to sweep through. a break most of tuesday, then shower activity into late tuesday evening. as far as how much rain, it's a quick moving system, not a big rain maker. most of the bay area, less than a quarter inch. higher totals will be further north. but the wind speeds, it's going to be breezy, gusty at times, especially tomorrow evening, 20-plus miles per hour. if you're heading to tahoe, a winter weather advisory will be
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in effect through tuesday morning because we're going to see low snow levels and strong gusty winds associated with this cold front. you want to look out and be prepared in case chain controls are required. it looks like once that system clears out, wednesday and thursday, high pressure begins to roll through, and bump back up. i see an 80 heading into the weekend. >> woo! i got too excited about that. thanks so much, vianey. access nbc bay area news on roku, xumo, watch repeats of the news cast. thanks for joining us at 4:30. the 5:00 is next, they're covering the warriors, e-40, stay with us, back in two minutes.
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right now at 5:00. the warriors and fans getting ready for game two of the playoff series against the kings, but don't expect to see rapperer e-40 and superer fan ae gameme after the kings s securi tossed him from the game. side shows, how cities are reacting to prevent them in the future. a bay area start-up is trying to change the way we eat meat, it's meat-based but no harm to animals. how does it work, how does it taste? >> good monday, the news at 5:00 starts now. >> dub nation will be out in force at chase center to host a watch party for the playoff game against the sacramento kings. only game two but there's a
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subplot after local legend e-40 was kicked out of the first game in sacramento. pete joins us live from san francisco. that video of e-40 being tossed out of the game got a lot of people upset. >> reporter: yeah, a lot of people talking, fans and players alike. but that watch party, folks are lined up before tip-off time in a couple of hours. it struck a court, bay area famous fan. but hope attention will turn back to the playoffs. during this morning's shootaround, klay thompson said to bump back e-40, a nod to the rapper's song blaring through the speakers. he didn't get the hometown treatment, he was escorted out of the arena. >> e-40 is


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