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tv   Today in the Bay  NBC  April 17, 2023 4:30am-5:01am PDT

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i love e-40. he's been our biggest supporter for years. >> ejected. bay area rapper and warriors hype man e-40 escorted out of
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this weekend's game in sacramento. the reason he is claiming racial bias for his removal and the response from the kings. >> caught on camera. the terrifying home invasion along the peninsula. a story you will only see on nbc bay area. ahead, what happened after those intruders broke in and the items they got away with. >> also, petitioning for fair wages. the actions workers across california will be taking in a matter of hours. this is "today in the bay." good morning. we've made it to monday, and here we go. thanks so much for joining us. i'm marcus washington. >> i'm laura garcia. usually i think we made it to friday, but i like the attitude. >> positive spin. >> hope you had a great weekend. we'll check in with mike in just a bit. kari has a look at our forecast. >> we start out with another quiet morning, a few sprinkles here and there and a few clouds as well moving overhead as we
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get started on this monday. it's 52 degrees, it is cloudy, and we won't see much of a change in the temperatures over the next couple of hours. and then looking at our high temperatures for today, reaching 62 in san jose, it's going to be cooler compared to yesterday, reaching the upper 50s in the tri-valley, as well as in hayward, 59 degrees. 59 in oakland, as well as about the same in novato. we're also going to be watching out for some showers coming in, by early tomorrow. here is the system that's bringing us cooler weather and eventually will bring us a little bit of rain. we'll talk more about that coming up. mike, chp has an alert on the peninsula. >> it does, and i found out it's because of police activity. southbound 101, maybe the lights we see in the distance, south 101 at marsh, just about marsh, reports of two lanes blocked. your left two lanes. some sort of police activity going on, that's the detail we have right now. we don't see slowing on the sensors, but i did see slowing
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as we heard about the issue going on, so there may have been flashing lights at that point. traffic is very light, so folks are able to make their way into palo alto. you're going to shift to your right as you're traveling past the marsh exit. there's a fire reported near lawrence but i passed by earlier and i didn't see anything. we'll track it. >> thanks, mike. a peninsula family is on edge after an armed home invasion robbery. >> they say they got away with a lot of stuff, including two puppies and $20,000 in cash. "today in the bay's" alyssa goard spoke with the family. this is a story you will only see on nbc bay area. >> reporter: san bruno police confirmed for us on friday evening several armed individuals entered into a san bruno home, they assaulted the residents there and took multiple personal items. we spoke with a man who says he was the victim in that case. he didn't want to be identified
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due to continued fear for his own safety. this is home security video he shared from that night. you can see three people enter the yard just after 9:30. he said when the intruders arrived, they immediately cut off his camera. >> three individuals ran into my living room with ar-15s, and a .45 caliber with intent to kill. >> they were asking for a specific bag of money and he said they threatened to kill him and kept hitting him with their guns. he has bruising from that incident. he walked these intruders to his safe and gave them $20,000 that he had inside. he says that was his family's savings. he says his captors also zip tied him and the intruders took his two english bulldog puppy, about 8 weeks old. he also says she took valuable jewelry, xbox, shoes and a 49ers
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helmet that was important to him. now he says he's terrified for his own safety and that of his family. >> this is where i live, this is where my wife sleeps, this is where my kids sleep. they have no remorse for what they did. >> reporter: and san bruno police tell us there is no active threat to the public right now, but because of the complexity of this case they say they're not releasing any more details at this time as they continue with this investigation. alyssa goard, "today in the bay." new video from overnight shows side shows taking over the streets of san jose. spectators and drivers were spotted at lundy and concourse around 7:20 last night before moving to other spots around the city. police were seen showing up to multiple locations trying to break up crowds. at one point a fire truck was caught in the chaos. so far, there's no word on any arrests. safety concerns will take center stage in oakland.
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a unit council, along with oakland city council member will be hosting the first of two public safety meetings, they're calling for additional services and support to keep the community safe. ahead of tonight's meeting we spoke with the ceo of the unity council. >> as an organization we had to do more to provide safety, so now we have security guards, which we've never had before. so i think monday night with the public safety meeting, it's bringing the leaders of opd, b.a.r.t. police, the sheriff, and then elected officials, the council member and the mayor to talk about this and to really think about creative ways that we can approach public safety in a more wholistic way. >> the meeting will take place at 5:00 at san antonio senior center on 12th street. employees, local merchants and community members are all
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encouraged to at the end of the day and share their experiences, as well as potential solutions. also happening today, thousands of students from all 23 california state university campuses plan to file petitions to form what they say would be the largest union of undergraduate student workers in the nation. they're demanding change, including receiver higher wages to help pay for housing and food. many of the students say they're paying for college and living expenses on their own. >> i, for one, don't think the 20 hours is enough at all, like i used to make close to $3,000 a month just being a high school student, and now i only make $1,500, if that, being in college, and i have way more bills now, way more responsibilities. >> csu says it caps student assistant hours at 20 per week when classes are in session to ensure they have enough time to study and pursue their degree.
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we reached out for comment, but have not heard back. legendary bay area rapper and warriors superfan e-40 alleging racial bias after ejected from saturday night's playoff game in sacramento. now a star warriors player is coming to his defense. "today in the bay"'s marianne favro has been tracking the story for us. >> reporter: the rapper says he was absolutely humiliated by the ordeal and is calling for an investigation into the conduct of the kings security team. e-40 says he was kicked out of the game in the fourth quarter, a fan posted this video of his ejection on social media. it shows him talking to security staff at the golden one center in sacramento, then being escorted out of the arena. in a statement provided, the rapper and vallejo native said it happened after he confronted a heckler. he added, unfortunately, it was yet another reminder that despite my success and accolades
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as a musician and entrepreneur, racial bias remains prevalent. security saw a disagreement between a black man and a white woman and immediately assumed i was at fault. warriors star klay thompson said he was surprised to see e-40 forced to leave the game. >> i love 40. he's been our biggest supporter for years and i hope they right that ship because he deserves to be by our bench. in my time knowing him, he's always been respectful, he's always been considerate of those around him so it was very weird to see and i hope it's resolved. >> reporter: sources familiar with the situation told the "associated press" that the rapper was standing and blocking the view of fans behind him and was given a warning after several complaints. e-40 calls his experience jarring, and now the longtime warriors fan wants the sacramento kings to investigate what happened before he was ejected. the kings say they take these
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claims seriously and are investigating the facts and circumstances regarding the situation. marianne favro, "today in the bay." 4:39 for you this morning. apple is anticipating a big bill. ahead this morning, the new technology the bay area company is getting ready to introduce. >> plus, personalized ai. the steps google is taking to merge artificial intelligence with its search engine. stayith us. yo wu'
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good monday morning. we're getting a look at hayward right now in our morning start, with low 50s, and it is mostly cloudy. had a couple of sprinkles here and there but overall it's going to be a cloudy day, and definitely cooler compared to yesterday. changes ahead to start out the week. we'll talk about that and a warm-up in our forecast coming up in a few minutes. look at this. the headlights westbound, your commute through dublin coming out of the altamont pass, no surprises as far as the speed sensors, but we're seeing a good amount of traffic filling the lanes. we'll track that and give you the update on the police activity reported for the peninsula. first, let's check in with silvana. >> good morning. i'm silvana hanao from cnbc. wall street is set to open slightly higher as investors await more corporate earnings this week. the markets slipping on friday, but stocks were higher overall for the week with the dow
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posting a fourth straight week gain, the s&p and nasdaq rising for a fourth week in the past five. it was financial stocks earning the games from jpmorgan and citigroup and wells fargo. this week we get data on jobless claims and more than 10% of the s&p reporting results. we'll hear from the likes of bank of america, goldman sachs, ibm, united airlines, netflix and tesla. apple is holding its worldwide developers conference in june and it's shaping up to be a big event for new products. bloomberg reports that apple's mixed reality headset will be the star but the company is expected to unveil new laptops and the biggest overhaul of the apple watch since it was introduced in 2015. in the case of the headset, it's unlikely to go on sale for several months as apple wants to give developers time to create new apps and services.
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google is racing to build a new search engine powered by artificial intelligence. "the new york times" reports it's in the early stages of creating a service to anticipate what you want in the hopes of offering a more personalized experience. now, the project has no clear timetable and google is also developing a range of new ai features for its existing search engine and these include a chatbot that can answer engineering questions and generate code and it has experimented with a feature allowing you to search for music through chatbot conversations. it's all about ai. >> no kidding. really evolving. >> it's scaring me. i'm sorry. it's too much. >> same. marcus, i'm also scared. >> we'll take cover, silvana. 4:45 this morning. and we are kicking off earth week. >> that's right. coming up next on "today in the bay," meteorologist kari hall
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dives deeper into the climate anxiety many of us are feeling as we experience more and more extreme weather.
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welcome back on this monday. you're watching "today in the bay." over the weekend the city of san francisco bringing folks out to celebrate the japanese american community. so this is during the northern california cherry blossom festival grandpa raid. this happened yesterday. and here is a look at nbc bay
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area's float. our float was out there. we're so happy we were able to sponsor. you see the float. large crowds gathering along the parade route. mayor london breed took part in the fest tivts and was riding in the trolley. there were performers out there, floats out there. you know who else was a part of this? our own mike inouye. >> yay! >> look, mike was out there. >> behind the gate. >> we've got to control you. >> we've got to keep the fans away from you. that's what it was. >> look at that. he was on the mic. >> it was my honor to announce this year and you might see, there's the costume. we had all the cosplay participants as an accompaniment to our float, talking about diversity in all forms. it was just great because the
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cosplay community is strong and it's an integral part of how people get to know the japanese culture as well. >> i love it. beautiful culture. it's nice to celebrate. >> all the community was out. >> and a gorgeous day. >> it was beautiful. >> thank you, kari. >> yeah, thank you, kari. >> don't blame me, i only report the traffic. we're looking at southbound 101 where we had police activity reported and just seconds after our report, i came off the set and went back and chp this cleared that. whatever police activity was going on, we do have all lanes clear. that's the important part for drivers through the area. 101, all lanes are clear heading south toward the south bay. the earlier fire reported at the lawrence off ramp has been cleared. there's a new one reported at 237 and there may be a small crash on the surface streets. if they're related, i'll let you
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know. it's a smooth drive getting to and across the bay bridge and that's great news for the start. as we're getting started in san francisco, here is a live look with some clouds overhead. we are going to have our start this morning definitely feeling a little bit different, and it's going to be a lot cooler compared to yesterday. we had the great weather throughout the weekend, but now that it's time to head back to work and school, we're going to see some changes here. and our temperatures only reach into the upper 50s and low 60s all across the bay area. 62 in san jose. then going into tomorrow, it's about the same. so it's going to be a chilly monday and tuesday and also on wednesday not much of a change there. here is what's bringing us all of the cooler weather. we see the swirls of clouds here, the line of clouds ahead of that, and that's the cold front that's going to be dipping in. we're not expecting a lot of rain, but it will bring in some spotty light showers, first in the north bay late tonight, and it's going to be very hit or
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miss. and then as we go into early tomorrow morning, possibly a couple of spot showers. the north bay will have the highest chance of seeing any rain whatsoever, and then the rest of the week we're going to have some cooler weather, but it's also going to quickly rebound once we see things drying up and clearing out. we may have another chance of rain early next week, but overall here is a look at the trend and our temperatures over the next several days. we're getting a look at walnut creek. cool start to the week and then it starts to feel more comfortable by thursday. look at the weekend. upper 70s. so it's definitely going to warm up quite a bit. and then for our seven-day forecast, we'll see the chance of showers in the north bay and a cool start to the week with upper 50s and low 60s, and then the end of the week, if you have plans to get outside, it's going to be mostly clear and also looking at some milder weather, a nice little taste of spring over the next few days.
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now let's get a look at our earth week. it starts today and we're kicking it off with a week-long series. if climate change keeps you up at night, you are not alone. many are dealing with climate anxiety. i sat down with climate reporter chase cane to dive deeper into the issue. >> i started feeling depressed and it was an overwhelming feeling. the more that i learned, the worse i felt. i realized that this is a thing, a lot of people, potentially tens of millions of people in the united states and even more around the world are feeling this. so you consider the everyday stresses of life and then you watch the news and hear about what's going on with climate change and it's just that compounding effect, which can feel incredibly overwhelming for some people. >> you found there was a lot of research and books written about it and you also found more people feeling that climate
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dread. >> and it's particularly pronounced among younger people, so millennials and gen-z are really feeling this. the bring that broke my heart to hear when i was talking to an expert, she said some members of gen-z have killed themselves because of these overwhelming feelings of climate change. this is not a subject to be taken lightly. but i want to say at the same time, there are a lot of tools, coping mechanisms that people can try and see what works for them. >> you can watch more climate stories that chase cain has covered on just head to, or watch lx on xfinity 185 or over the air on 11-5. >> thank you. returning to snl just months after his departure, pete davidson is back on the show, this time as a host. details on his return and who the musical guest will be.
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>> happening now, contra costa county is looking for people to help victims of crime. the district attorney's office is formulating a group called the neighborhood restorative partnership. the group will help mediate certain types of misdemeanors such as vandalism, alcohol control violations and other quality of life crimes. contra costa residents who want to be a part of the program are encouraged to apply on the coun'sty
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pete davidson is returning to "saturday night live." >> in a tweet, snl shared the news that davidson will serve as host next month, marking his first time hosting the late-night series.
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davidson was a castmember on the show for eight seasons before he announced he was leaving last year in may. the alum will be joined by vert, the musical guest. you can watch on may 6th. working to find solutions for growing violence in oakland. ahead on "today in the bay," the steps local leaders are taking today and the public meeting people who live th
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right now at 5:00, all eyes on the supreme court. the intense debate over an abortion pill used across the country. ahead, a live report on the major changes that could be coming and the key decision expected. >> and in oakland the conversation continues about how to make people feel safer where they work, where they commute, and where they go to school. we'll tell you about a public meeting you can take part in today. >> plus, caught on camera. a terrifying home invasion along the peninsula. a story you're only see on nbc bay area. this is "today in the bay." monday morning, 5:00 right now. thanks for starting your day with us. i'm laura garcia. >> i'm marcus washington. before you get on the roads, mike has you covered, we're going to get to that in just a bit. first, let's talk about the forecast. meteorologist kari hall has a look at what you can expect coming off a nice weekend. >> it was such a beautiful en


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