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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 11  NBC  April 10, 2023 11:00pm-11:35pm PDT

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right now at 11:00 another tragedy on the bay area freeway another child shot and killed while her parents were driveway on the freeway. >> she loved life, everybody was her friend. she loved to laugh, smile and hang out with her family. >> the victim is that the girl, she would have turned six, tonight we are hearing from a close family friend. a rally there's that another child care on the same bare area freeway will not get justice, calling out the alameda county d.a. over beers such as going soft on the jasper wu shooting. gone after barely a year of the flagship gross racial store shutting down over constant crime.
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good evening everyone, i am jessica. >> and i am terry mcsweeney, a family are broken as they grieve a girl shot to death on interstate 80. >> learning more about eliyanah crisistimo and her senseless death. here is nbc bay area stephanie magallon. >> reporter: she says that her mother is her best friend, it was a difficult conversation to have what you wanted to highlight eliyanah crisistimo's life, a life that was taken to her not far from here off of interstate 880. >> how you go from celebrating a family member's birthday to losing your five-year-old child, within seconds. >> reporter: a suffering no parent should have to go through. let little eliyanah crisistimo was shot and killed on this freeway as she rubbed with her family on southbound 880 and
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sat beside her little brother who was only 11 months younger. >> he's never going to be okay. he's the one i'm worried about. >> reporter: ashley says that eliyanah was family to her, her mother was her best friend. >> my first text was that eliyanah was shot on the freeway and she's going to die. >> reporter: she tells us that this girl was supposed to turn six years old on april 21st. >> she would tell her mom that she wants to be a doctor because i want to take care of my grandma and i want to take care of you guys when you get older. >> reporter: that was taken from her april 8th and instead raising funds on organizing a funeral service. >> eliyanah was a great kid, you know, and this shouldn't have happened to her. she loved life, and everybody was her friend. she loved to laugh, smile and hang out with family. >> reporter: however, investigators trying to figure out if eliyanah's killing is linked to another shooting that took place that same night in
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fremont, three people taken into custody in connection to that journey. >> i want to express my deepest sympathy to eliyanah's family, our thoughts and prayers are with you. >> reporter: tonight, san jose's mayor matt mahan called it a parent's worst nightmare and turkestan to prevent tragedies like this. >> beyond increasing staffing for our police department we need to give our officers the tools that they need to enforce safety on our roadways. automatic license plate readers. >> reporter: stephanie magallon, nbc bay area news. >> we looked at the numbers and freeway shootings are spiking dramatically year after year, there were 384 highway shootings in the nine county bay area between 2019 and 2021 and during that period, the number of shootings increased about 50% each year, that averages to about three highway shootings per week, now when you adjust for population, solano county has the highest rate of freeway shootings,
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nearly four times higher than san francisco, alameda and contra costa, and nearly 90% of the cases, no arrests are made, which gives you an idea of how difficult these crimes are dissolved . on the victim side, someone is injured 30% of the time and a person is killed 4% of the time. we would like you to stay with us and stay informed on all of the development of freeway shootings at you can also download our free rob mayeda to get alerts on all of these cases sent right to your phone. today, protest and questions about the district attorney pamela price may be handling the jasper wu case, it is another trtragic story, a tw- year-old killed after being shot while he sleept in a car seat back in november of 2021. there are questions now, as to weather the d.a. plans to drop what are known as criminal enhancements against the suspects arrested. now, those are the added
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charges, that can lengthen a sentence, when a person is convicted. even if price doesn't drop those enhancements, protesters are concerned that this is an issue even to begin with. >> let me be clear, she hasn't said that she's going to drop them but at this point in time, the charges have been pending for months. >> as for her to my price senate in a statement that she had met with the jasper wu family and told them that suspects would be held accountable. she would not be reached for comment on today's rally. we did call the office and we did get a statement from her. which said that she was pursuing the case, and that it was still in action. vigils in louisville tonight after a mass shooting rocked that community, a gunman armed with a rifle went on a rampage at a bank where he
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worked, live streamed the shooting online, as it happened. officers confronted the 23-year- old gunman and killed him, five others are dead, eight people wounded and what investigators say was a targeted attack, the victims changed in rage, including the banks senior vp and a friend of kentucky governor andy beshear. >> tommy elliott helped me build my law career. and he helped me become governor. he gave me advice on being a good dad. >> two police officers among the eight people rushed to the hospital for treatment and one of them, officer nicholas wilk remains in critical condition, shot in the head, at 26, officer wilk two weeks out of the academy. >> that has come out of brain surgery, and is in critical but stable condition, as we speak. >> tonight, president biden calling the latest mass shooting census tweeting that we pray for the lives lost that impacted too many americans paying for the price of inaction with their lives.
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new at 11:00, a car crashed in concord this evening and the blaze is the result, firefighters said without previous the building, it ruptured the gas line and it took a few hours but crews have contained most of the fire. pg&e is working to shut off the gas, concord police say the driver was hurt but not too badly, luckily nobody else in the building, willow pass road is still shut down at this hour. a bicyclist that after a car crashed on the peninsula, that a cyclist hit and killed in redwood city on old road, around 5:00 this evening. the cyclist is a 37-year-old man from south san francisco, they have not released his identity. at this time it is unclear exactly how the crash happened, bold the cyclist and driver were heading northbound. the driver and the passenger in the car were taken to the hospital as a precaution. and another bicyclist in the hospital for a hit-and-run in san jose, that happened around 9:00 tonight, near north first street, and first responders rushed the bicyclist
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to the hospital, she is expected to be okay. a whole foods in san francisco, closing down after just one year of being open, the store on eighth and march it was supposed to be a flagship store, but now shoplifting and drug use are being blamed for its sudden closure, nbc bay area's emma goss spoke to a supervisor that believes more police are needed to stop more stores from closing. >> reporter: this whole foods opened just over one year ago. now out of concern for employee safety, the company says that it's closing for the time being. >> you know being in the market area of san francisco, this is what we needed, we needed a grocery store now it's closing down. >> reporter: shoppers say they witnessed constant shoplifting. >> in front of everybody, it is nothing like security can do. >> i would tell you for the midmarket neighborhood, this is a gut punch. >> reporter: district six supervisor, includes mid-market in recent months, the grocery store removed its 250 handbasket, because too often
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they were used for shoplifting. this san francisco resident said the store also stopped selling hard liquor because it was stolen in large quantities. drug use in the bathrooms was also a problem. >> due to drug use, you have to show a receipt before using the bathroom. so, that was another thing, there were steps along the way. to like hopefully try to improve the situation but it seems, yeah. >> reporter: and response to the closure, supervisor dorsey announced plans for a charter amendment that is helping to put forward to voters in 2025. amy to build up san francisco's understaffed police force, over the next five years. >> we have to get back to a fully staffed police department and i would argue that if we are going to have business like whole foods closing after one year, we can't afford not to solve the problem. >> reporter: whole foods is yet another business to close in the area, either due to lack of foot traffic or because of
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safety concerns. >> there's a lot of businesses in mid-market that gave up. >> reporter: san francisco's mayor said that her office and sfpd have been working with leadership over the last several months to address public safety at avon market and echoed the calls for more police staffing, saying within a statement, in the long term, we need to continue wrapping up our recruitment and retention efforts to ensure that we have the police staffing necessary to have more officers in our neighborhoods. whole foods have not said how long they plan to close this location, for now, all employees are transferred to a nearby whole foods location. reporting in san francisco, emma goss, nbc bay area news. supporters of a woman's right to choose hit the street today, to protest a judges ruling, and that blocking access to the most widely used home abortion pill in the u.s., demonstrators came out in san francisco, berkeley and san jose to voice their outrage
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over a judges decision from texas, the ruling blocks access to mifepristone which is an antiabortion pill. a group sued the fda to block the drug, and the texas judge sided with them, the u.s. department of health and human services has appealed that rolling and asked the higher court to block it. >> we have a strong case because the fda had followed all of the rules and used the evidence to make a decision. we feel very confident that ultimately we will prevail in court. >> governor newsom also responding tonight announcing that california has secured a stockpile of 2 million doses of a similar abortion pill. it is over, president biden signed a bill today that immediately ended the national emergency over the covid pandemic. the declaration of national emergency which former president trump signed created federal funding for vaccination
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centers and testing sites, now previously, president biden had set a date of may 11th for ending both the national emergency and the public health emergency, the public health emergency is still in effect, it is set to end may 11th. back in 60 seconds, ahead, back on the job after four days, bay area native, reinstated as a tennessee lawmaker after being kicked off the house floor last week. watch where you plug in, the warning from the app vi. why you should be careful about where you charge your phone. and seeing a lot of drizzle tonight, you will see more of it in the morning commute, and as our
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today, hundreds of people rallied in nashville for tennessee lawmaker justin jones. marching on the capitol
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demanding he be reappointed after expelled from his seat last week over a gun protest, when the tennessee house floor, and made of, moving to tennessee for college ended up being reappointed to his seat but only on an interim basis, late this afternoon, the council voted to reappoint jones as an interim representative by a unanimous vote, that what comes after another lawmaker were expelled last week for leading chance on the house floor to demand stricter gun control measures. the moment he was reinstated, jones was sworn in on the state capitol, surrounded by hundreds of supporters, his fellow democrat, justin pearson, still waiting to see weather he's going to be reinstated. >> we, who believe in justice and freedom are losing an estate, where you have leaders and in positions of power who are wielding that power and are operating much more like this is a mob that a democracy.
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>> they will hold the seat until a special election will be held, a white female lawmaker who was part of the original protest was not expelled. the contra costa defender said the races text messages sent by antioch police officers could affect criminal cases, 17 police officers accused of sending these texts, homophobic and racist messages and mediums over a two-year period, among those names is the president of the police union, a judge ordered that all of the messages be turned over to the defense of attorneys suspects who may have been the target. the public defender says she wants a complete list of all of the cases the officers investigated. >> it's deeply troubling that public trust was placed in individuals who, again are sending text messages, displaying a pervasive culture of racism and homophobia. >> and attorney for the officers are asking that the text messages not be publicly released. a woman sexually assaulted
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in broad daylight and paulo alto, now police searching for her attacker and they have a sketch of what he looks like this happened yesterday around 3:00 in the afternoon. officers responding to reports that a woman in her 50s attacked in the pedestrian underpass on california avenue right under the caltrain tracks, a man walking his bicycle, somebody struck her from behind assaulted her and ran off the victim was treated for a cut to her head and a bruised net, take a look at your screen, a police sketch of the attacker. he is described by the victim as an asian man between 30 and 40 years old, 5'5", stocky build, last seen wearing a dark bike helmet and a high visibility yellow top. oakland clearing out a homeless encampment months after the process started, moving people out of the what street homeless in canton today. about 60 people currently live there, they have been fighting with the city since last year,
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and the city wants to build more housing right there and it's offering support shelters to people who are being moved. you know the feeling, your cell phone says it's going to shut off because it's out of power and at that point you are searching for someplace to plug it in. tonight the fbi warning don't do it, do not plug into a charging station, not a public one. the reason is, as much as you need it, hackers love them. our tech report and fills us in on how you can charge up safely. >> reporter: when you're on the go, finding a way to charge her phone is a must, but depending on where you charge, your data may be in danger. >> your data can be exposed. >> reporter: the fbi warning about public charting spots saying that hackers have been able to infect them with malware. >> they are leveraging these public charging stations as a way to get into our devices. >> reporter: and if they get into your device -- >> your data can be exposed,
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they can infect your phone with malware and that can track you or download your email and read your message. >> reporter: investment, cybersecurity experts say avoid the public charging kiosk and spent 30 to 60 bucks for your own portable power station. >> it has gone from being a flexibility thing to a security thing. >> reporter: here at san jose international airport where they have a public phone chargers, they say they are aware of the rest and have consulted with cyber security experts to try to keep those charters safe, they say, so far they haven't heard of any hacking incidents. in san jose, scott budman, nbc bay area news. your allergies might already be acting up, it is wildflower season, if you don't believe me, take a look at this, the sky ranger flying over livermore. the green hills, isn't that nice, peppered with those -- you get allergies? -- those yellow mustard flowers, thanks to our wet
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winter, we should see super blooms, and it doesn't bother jessica but some people it does really stir up those sneezing, and the eyes, what with san francisco without this, this fog, look at the picturesque skyline, some gorgeous shots. >> the green hills and then the fog. and over to rob mayeda. we will keep the hills green as long as it keeps doing this. you have a fog and some drizzle around, san francisco tonight and drizzle across the rest of the bay area, let's show you the temperatures, low 50s, is not going to get to chile as we get to the microclimate forecast across the bay over to oakland. also the drizzle, the temperature, 56 degrees, at least tonight, acting like a blanket as the drizzle falls, we will see more of that out to low clouds out to the pass in the morning and to the north
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around concord and heading out to solano county, you can see the low clouds in san jose, 57 degrees, the northwest wind and wind will be a big part of the weather tomorrow, it will bring down the temperatures and will get downright dusty on the coast tomorrow, right now, when speech are pretty strong in solano county, that will bring low clouds into the interior, and for the morning and everybody waking up to the low clouds for your morning commute, and some what roadways, due to the light rain around highway 17 and the coast in san francisco, by lunchtime, the skies start to clear, but noticed the temperatures, the same areas today, in the upper 70s, it's going to be about 50 degrees cooler tomorrow, highs in the low 60s, tomorrow, back into the upper 50s, closer to san francisco, so here's a look at the drizzle, moving to the bay area, tomorrow morning a little bit of clearing in the north bay, that will get started by midmorning, as we head toward's the afternoon, skies are clearing out but the wind speed picking up especially here on the coast,
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san francisco, down into half moon bay, you can see that wind gust from 20 to 40 miles per hour and the wind will keep on going into wednesday, so temperatures are staying cool, tuesday and wednesday and eventually less wind and more warming by the time we get to friday. and the inland areas, getting closer to 70 degrees, and the pattern is set in, as we head toward is the weekend, saturday, trending warmer and then stay tuned, this time next week , starting to look better, for some rain chances returning to the bay area after next weekend, but the rain chances for now, the drizzle all around the bay area for your morning commute. wind this time tomorrow night, and a little bit more wet on wednesday and the temperatures rebounding nicely for the weekend, we should see low 70s again for saturday and sunday. >> it will be a nice weekend. >> those winds might be topping some trees, and >> it's an issue anytime we see these winds for sure. happening now for the first time, santa clara county free of drought designation, the
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series of storms this winter that we have been telling you about, brought so much rain that the water authority are considering calling up emergency conditions and easing restrictions for summer. restrictions for summer. vall water says that ey ♪♪ alexex! mateo, hey y how's busisiness? alexex! great. y you know ththat n has s really wororked wonder. thatat's what u.u.s. bank isis. great. y you know ththat n has s really wororked wonder. and d you're grorowing in calififornia? great. y you know ththat n has s really wororked wonder. -yup, , socal, nororcal... -monteterey? -all d day. -a brancnch in ventutura? that's's for sure-e-ah. atms in n fresno? that's's for sure-e-ah. freses-yes. that's's for sure-e-ah. encinitatas? yes, indndeed-us. encinitatas? anaheim? encinitatas? big g time. encinitatas? more guauacamole? encinitatas? i'i'm on a rololl-ay. encinitatas? how about t you? i'm jujust visitining. u.s.s. bank. ranked #1 1 in customomer satisfafaction h retatail bankingng in calififornia by j j.d. po.
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take the budget. okay, the renowned all- girls rorobotics team whoho ca themseselves thehe misfits s ha some nenew braggingng rights tonighght. >> we are e cruiuising. >> lelet's crews. > they arare cruisising, the got a cloose lookok at how driverlesss cars wowork, traini toooo rides s thisis afternooon misfitits are teenenage girls s ththe bay areaea who have shown leadership from there i spoke robotics teams, sponsoring them and giving them space in the san francisco office so that they can collaborate, mentors from groups were finally able to be thrilled to give the girls some rides. >> they just finished their conversation and competition season, and have been asking to go on driverless rides every day.
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so, usually we don't allow anyone under 18 in the cars but this is a special time, so this is their first ride and we are excited about it. >> super exciting, the event was organized as a way to celebrate national robotics week. good news, the post to keep tahoe blue is working, lake tahoe's water is the healthiest it has been since the 80s, that is according to the tahoe environmental research center at uc davis, researchers say the lake was the clearest it has been in decades, during the last five months of 2022, due in large part to a resurgence of the lakes native zoo plankton, may act as a natural cleanup crew, helping to restore the clarity, and the ultimate goal is lake clarity to its historic 97.4 foot depth. right now, clarity goes to about 72 feet, compared to 61 and 2021.1. >> ththat's an improvovement. not playing g in oakland anytimee soon, bubut came about
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inin 2019, began plaaying inin oakland,d, the teteam has seen exploosion of popularity, and is so popupular thatat the fie lady is no longnger suititable while e the team exploress opt to build a new facilitity it w continueue playing at cal stat univerersity and hayward, the n
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okay, while we wait for the warriors playoff series, we can still talk about baseball and hockey, all of that is still going on. >> a very rough night for bay area teams, let's start with the giants who went up against their rivals and the oracle. san francisco comes back with one run. hitting one out, that is nice, then things went absolutely in the wrong direction. the dodgers report on five runs including a grand slam. he also had a three run homer, the final score, 9-1. not much better for the oakland a's, the team hit the ground hoping to snap their losing streak and no, the orioles had other plans.
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they got eight hit it but a squatter them and the orioles made the most of their opportunities and came out on top. 5-1. the san jose sharks winding down a dismal season, it doesn't look like they will be at the top of the nhl draft, the sharks wednesday, when i was his age, we had to be inside to watch live sports. but with xfinity, we get the fastest mobile service and can stream down the street or around the block! hey, can you be leless sister, more car? all right, let's get this over with. swititch to xfininity mobile and geget the bestst price fofor 2 lines s of unlimiti. justst $30 a linine per mon. i should g get paid more for t this. you get t paid when n you wi. from xfifinity. homeme of t the 10g netetwork.
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♪♪ alexex! mateo, hey y how's busisiness? alexex! great. y you know ththat n has s really wororked wonder. thatat's what u.u.s. bank isis. great. y you know ththat n has s really wororked wonder. and d you're grorowing in calififornia? great. y you know ththat n has s really wororked wonder. -yup, , socal, nororcal... -monteterey? -all d day. -a brancnch in ventutura? that's's for sure-e-ah. atms in n fresno? that's's for sure-e-ah. freses-yes. that's's for sure-e-ah. encinitatas? yes, indndeed-us. encinitatas? anaheim? encinitatas? big g time. encinitatas? more guauacamole? encinitatas? i'i'm on a rololl-ay. encinitatas? how about t you? i'm jujust visitining. u.s.s. bank. ranked #1 1 in customomer satisfafaction h retatail bankingng in calififornia by j j.d. po. - life is uncertain. everyday pressures can feel overwhelming it's okay to feel stressed, anxious, worried, or frustrated.
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this is fun, marching bands need to get ready to rock, metallica launching a new competition. >> the san francisco band wants school marching band to try their cover the most popular songs, they want to hear enter the sandman on a tuba, imagine, nothing else matters, contestants will compete for some big prizes, how about $150,000 worth of musical instruments and other gear. >> calling all marching bands, we want to see your most creative and impressive performances of our songs. >> this is wild, bands from high school and college level all welcome to apply, schools can enter the competition at


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