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tv   NBC Bay Area News Tonight  NBC  April 10, 2023 7:00pm-7:31pm PDT

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child to die on a bay area freeway. tonight there are concerns that justice won't be served in his case. we're going to be diving into both of those issues in a few moments. first we're going to catch up on some headlines that we're watching. evictions and protests at one of the largest encampments in the bay area. nbc bay area, flew over the wood street encampment in oakland.
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the goal is to relocate some 60 people. now, they also have to remove tons of debris on the property before that can happen. so far, they've been able to relocate four people. >> we can't just go out that fast. they're not giving us a better alternative. we need better alternatives. i'm going to do all kind of things. i'll probably stand on the roof naked, but i'm not going. i'm not. if they want to cart me out naked, then that's what they're going to have to do. we didn't get a chance to sit at the table while decisions with being made while we were living here. >> now, the fight over the property has been going on since last year. at its height, though, wood street was home to almost 300 people, and it really was this huge encampment that spanned many blocks. the city says it will take two weeks to close the camp as it is right now. another headline tonight. it's only been open for a year,
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but the whole foods in downtown san francisco, it's closing over safety concerns. the store on eighth and market is shutting its doors tomorrow indefinitely. we're told that all the employees are being relocated to other stores. right now it's not clear when that store might reopen at all. the mayor's office is releasing a statement about the closure, saying that public safety is the top priority for mayor breed. they've been working on safety issues with whole foods leadership for several months now, and they will continue to do so in the future. all right. this next story is beyond horrific. a south bay family just ensnared in a horrible nightmare. their 5-year-old daughter was shot and killed while riding in the family car on 880 this weekend. tonight as the community mourns, an investigation is under way. 5-year-old ileana was shot saturday night as her family drove along southbound 880 near
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dixon landing road. friends of the little girl and the family describe ileana as a fun-loving girl with a giving heart, who was close with her three siblings. they say she was excited for easter and about to turn 6 on april 21st. >> eliana was a great kid, and this shouldn't have happened to her. she loved life. everybody was her friend. she loved to laugh, smile, and hang out with her family. >> it is heartbreaking. tonight investigators are trying to figure out if eliana's shooting is linked to another shooting in nearby fremont. three people have been taken into custody in connection with that fremont shooting. however, chp says at the moment they believe the suspects in eliana's case are still out there somewhere. now, one shooting on a freeway that kills anyone is too many. but we did want to know exactly how often these shootings are happening on our freeways and
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where drivers were most at risk when this happens. joining me, bigad shaban, who has been digging into those numbers. it seems we're reporting on this much more than we have in the past. those numbers have to be up. >> yeah, unfortunately you're absolutely right. they are. the reality is they're continuing to spike dramatically year-over-year. in fact, there were 384 highway shootings in the nine-county bay area from 2019 to 2021. and during that three-year period, the number of shootings increased by about 50% each year. jess, that averages to at least three highway shootings every week. >> that is insane when you say it out loud that way. i want to talk to you about particular areas because jasper woo happened on 880 and eliana has been southbou 880. >> to give people a sense of what's going on, les first talk about 2021, which is the most recent data we have available from the california
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highway patrol. when you adjust for population, solano county, in fact, has the highest rate of freeway shootings out of any of the counties in the bay area. the rate there i actually ea than san francisco. alameda and contra costa are the next highest. napa was actually the only county that didn't suffer any highway shootings that year. >> i know you're always looking at if the cases got solved. that has to be a very difficult crime to solve because it's rolling gunfire. so how often are these even going to trial? >> yeah, unfortunately in nearly 90% of these cases, jess, there is no arrest. and just to give you a sense of really how difficult these cases are to solve, despite the fact just how many people are put at risk when you think how packed some of those highways can be. and 30% of the time, someone is injured. >> yeah, that's really crazy. so let's talk about what can be done to protect a driver because now people are driving around and you're afraid to go on some
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freeways. and i know cameras are part of the solution, correct, or they anticipate they could be? >> that's some of what we're hearing from law enforcement. they say surveillance cameras are being hailed as one kind of proven deterrent. we heard from the pittg police department. they say they were able to reduce the number of highway shootings they had nearby by installing a network of about 200 cameras. that was back in 2016. now, obviously every crime is different. motives can vary. but chp tells us that road rage and gang violence are usually to blame for these kinds of violent attacks. >> yeah, when is it going to stop? two small children. it's just really unnerving. bigad, that's great work. really good insight. thank you so much. well, he was also killed in a freeway shooting, and tonight there are renewed cries for justice for little jasper woo. the 2-year-old was killed when a stray bullet hit him. today dozens of protesters showed up at the alameda county courthouse. they say they're worried the d.a. may drop some of the charges in the case. let's tell you about this case
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again. jasper was just 2 years old back in 2021. while he was in the family car on 880 in oakland, he was caught in the crossfire of a shoot-out. his parents were not at today a rally, but demonstrators say they are worried that district attorney pamela price plans to drop what are known as criminal enhancements. those are these extra allegations that prosecutors can tack on that add prison time on a conviction. price recently met with the wu family and assured them justice would be served. but people at the rally say they are very concerned. >> the perpetrator took three lives. he should have received 75 years to life. i am extremely worried. >> now, we did reach out to the alameda d.a.'s office and invited pamela price to talk to us about those community concerns and where the case stands. she declined our offer, but we did receive a statement.
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in reads in part, we will continue to review the case and will make decisions directly in accordance with the evidence. our hearts continue to go out to the family and to this entire community regarding this horrific crime. we will be transparent about this case as it proceeds through the justice system. now, we should also note that the district attorney did release a video message on the case last week. and in it, she blasted political rivals for, she says, attempting to divide the community and said that the suspects will be held accountable. >> i assured the parents of jasper wu that the men we believe are responsible for his death are charged with very serious crimes, and they will be held accountable. we have not made any decisions about what charges to pursue or what not to pursue. we are still reviewing the case. while we cannot ever make amends for the death of their child, what we can do is make sure that this does not happen to another
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family like this. >> we will continue to follow the case as well. up next, a warning from the fbi. be careful where you charge your phone. you know those public charging stations? actually those can be putting your information at risk. and then crusing in a cruse taxi. taxi. why an all-girls we are grocery outlet
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and we are your bargain bliss market. what's bargain bliss? you know that feeling you get when you find the name brands you know and love, but for way, way less? that's bargain bliss. it's grocery outlet's 20% off wine sale going on now till april 11 we have hundreds of wines sure to pair with any gathering. so act now because these deals won't last long. stop in and save today ♪ grocery outlet bargain market ♪
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♪♪♪ it's s time to brbring bae toto business s travel. it's s time to brbring bae and discovover the eququilim thatat works foror you. it's s time to brbring bae atat national,l, yoyou're i in control.l. skipip the countnter, chchoose any c car in the e ai. skipip the countnter, and mamanage your r rental right t from the a app. so y you can mixix work... and mamanage your r rental right t from the a app. with l leisure. and mamanage your r rental right t from the a app. oror leisure..... wiwith work. oror leisure..... gigiving you t the controll toto find the e perfect babal. oror leisure..... gogo national.l. go likike a pro. gogo national.l.
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tioch police officers accused of sending text messages alleged to be racist. the contra costa public defender now says the actions of those officers could overturn thousands of past and current criminal cases. nbc bay area's jodi hernandez has more. >> it's deeply troubling and concerning. it goes to an entrenched culture of racism and homophobia in the antioch police department. >> reporter: she says she's deeply concerned after learning 17 antioch police officers are accused of using racist and homophobic text messages and memes. on friday, a superior court judge released the names of the officers. among them, the president of the antioch police union. >> i understand the text messages are going to be very disturbing, very sensitive, and very racially loaded as well as containing homophobic slurs. >> reporter: mcdonald says she's requested a list of all cases,
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past and present, that may have been investigated by the officers. >> this could certainly impact thousands and thousands of cases from the antioch police department, again, going back over the years during which these individuals have been on the police force. >> the only thing i ask everybody to do is not to jump to conclusions that anything is true and that all of it's true or that none of it's true. how do we know? how do we know until we see things? >> reporter: the attorney representing the officers has not yet seen the text messages. he's asking the public to stay neutral until the content and context are revealed, pointing out sometimes officers say or repeat things they don't mean during stressful situations. >> it should be a thorough, fair investigation that everybody has faith and trust in. if the officers committed misconduct, i think you got a police chief in antioch that's going to make that finding and is going to take what type of discipline the law calls for, anywhere up to and including, of course, termination.
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>> the culture at the antioch police department is a problem. >> reporter: over the weekend, antioch's mayor called for an independent audit. >> the culture of thedepartment requires further exploration including all the hell this alleged misconduct could go on for so long without anyone in our command safeporter: the pubr says more than the 17 officers were on the group text message threads. she says they, too, should face consequences for staying silent. >> if another officer were to read one of these text messages, they should absolutely have notified a superior about the appalling content. >> reporter: defense attorneys are reportedly still waiting to receive copies of those text messages. the public defender believes the public has a right to see them as well. in contra costa county, jodi hernandez, nbc bay area news. a warning tonight from the fbi for any of us when you go out with a cell phone. stay away from public charging stations. apparently you like them because
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they're convenient, but hackers like them because they can take your personal information. here's business and tech reporter scott budman. >> reporter: when you're on the go, finding a way to charge your phone is a must. but depending on where you charge, your data may be in danger. >> your data can be exposed. >> reporter: the fbi isv&vt warning about public charging spots like these, saying hackers have been able to infect them with malware. >> fraudsters are leveraging these public charging stations yet as another way to get into our devices. >> reporter: and if they get into your devices -- >> data can be exposed. somebody could infect your phone with malware. that could be used to track you or to download your emails or read your messages. >> reporter: best bet, cybersecurity experts say avoid the public charging kiosks and instead spend $30 to $60 for your own portable power station. >> it's gone from being a flexibility thing to now also a security thing. >> reporter: meanwhile, here at
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san jose international airport, where they have public phone chargers, they say they're aware of the risk and have consulted with cybersecurity experts to try to keep those chargers safe. they say so far, they haven't heard of any hacking incidents. in san jose, scott budman, nbc bay area news. >> thank you, scott. well, the renowned all-girl robotics team, whose name is the misfits -- that's actually their name -- have bragging rights tonight. they got an up-close look at how driverless cars look. taxi company cruse treated the girls to rides this afternoon. the girls were over the moon to celebrate national robotics week this way. they're girls across the bay area who have shown leadership within their own robotics teams. cruse sponsors them and gives them space in the office to collaborate and work on their robots. mentors were thrilled to finally give the girls rides in their robotic taxis. >> they just finished their competition season. they're super excited, and they
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have been asking to go on driverless rides every day that i've known them. so usually we don't allow anyone under 18 in the cars. but this is a really special time. so this is their first ride. we're really excited about it. >> the girls were excited too. the former misfits have gone on to intern at tech start-ups. the mission of the program is to show girls they can do and they can be whatever they choose to be. you go, girls. all right. this is something we needed to see to believe. elon musk repainting the sign at twitter headquarters. apparently it is in response to a dispute with the building's landlord. it started last night with a tweet, of course. elon musk saying he repainted the "w" on the twitter sign. he also tweeted that the landlord told him twitter is legally required to keep the sign as twitter ask could not remove the "w" out of the name. we headed to twitter headquarters to see it for ourselves, and yes, the "w" is now in white, the same color as
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the sign's background. the warriors know what they're up against in the nba playoffs. they're starting the first round series on the road, but they're not going to have to travel very far. dubs will be taking on the champions of the pacific division, the sacramento kings. huge deal for the kings, who have not seen a lot of success in recent years. they hadn't won the pacific since 2003, hadn't even made the playoffs since 2006. but they had a resurgence this year led by mike brown. brown is the front-runner for nba coach of the year now. kings won 48 games and are the third seed in the west. but the warriors are still favored by vegas oddsmakers. star guard steph curry, of course, isn't paying attention to that, though. he knows the warriors are in for a challenge with the kings. >> i know we're playing sacramento. obviously they're a great team. they've had an amazing season, and it's going to take everything to beat them four times, especially starting on the road.
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but we love the opportunity in front of us. >> ever the good sportsman. psq'to is on saturday night. okay. let's give you a live look at the bay bridge. rob is back with the forecast. what are we going to have this week? will there be more sun? will there be more sun? rob's up next.
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wewe've got ouour vision.... .....and so mumuch to choooose. wewe've got ouour vision.... bubut with freree in-storee dedesign servivices our bubut and our r time are w well s. atat floor andnd decor, and our r time are w well s. with a widide selectioion of proroducts and our r time are w well s. all l at everydaday low pric, creatiting a spacece to match r tastste has nevever been eas. didiscover floloor and dececor! want more e from your r vitam? get m more with n nature's bob. creatiting a spacece to match r tastste has nevever been eas. from t the first-e-ever tripe actition sleep s supplement.. to daily d digestive s suppor. to more wewellness sololutios every daday. get m more with n nature's bob. okay. this is super cool. beloved bay area rock band
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metallic ca is launching a new competition for high school musicians. the group is calling on school marching bands from all across the country to submit their, quote, most unique and impressive performances of popular metallica songs. san francisco natives want to hear, enter the sandman on a tuba. contestants will compete for pretty good prizes. >> together with our sponsors, we will hook up the bands who put on the best show with over $150,000 in new gear for their programs. >> that's nice, right? bands from high school and college levels can apply. schools can enter the competition at metallica marching the deadline is to submit by november 16th. it is wildfire season. nbc bay area, look at that. look at how green that looks, flying over livermore today. green hills, of course, peppered with those yellow mustard flowers. that's because we got all that water during the winter. we're expected to see wildflower
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superblooms all across the state, including ear in the bay area. we're going to be tracking all of them. we have an interactive map that shows you the best trails to go look at all those wildflowers and poppies. it is spectacular. >> it is. >> it looks like you're in ireland. >> i see people pulling over. they try to take photos. >> we haven't seen it like this in so long. >> normally the hills are turning brown this time of year. right now, all the water in the hills making for the green hills. as you mentioned, also the poppies, the orange flowers starting to pop up too. >> yes. >> very pretty views when you don't have the fog. but, well, san francisco you're not seeing much right now. that is a sign of ocean air-conditioning making a big comeback. cooler temperatures moving forward to tomorrow and wednesday. we do have a more april-like view offshore here.
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this is a frontal boundary bringing rain to the north. it's going to take those low clouds in san francisco, push them over the coastal hills. as we've already been seeing in san francisco, some drizzle at times tonight. don't be surprised to have wet roadways in the morning. heavy mist in the morning. down the peninsula, maybe through san jose through 6:00 a.m. then we get the clearing skies being brought to you by some gusty, dry winds heading into the afternoon. morning temperatures not too chilly. mostly low to mid-50s with cloudy skies. thaen we'll break out to clearing for the afternoon. no more 70s out there. upper 50s bayside and low 60s in san jose. wind speeds by tomorrow evening could be 20 to 40 miles per hour near san francisco and the coast, which means wednesday also another cool day. but as we move forward through the end of the week, a little warmer thursday. then a lot warmer again by friday. places like san jose, near 70 degrees again.
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and low 60s from san francisco to oakland. and we trend warmer for the weekend. good timing in the seven-day forecast after a blustery midweek with some drizzle at times tomorrow morning. we'll see more sunshine and warmer temperatures. right now it looks very much like saturday and sunday, the warmest days of the week. that chance of rain monday mostly north of sonoma county. a little windy and cooler but good timing for weekend plans. >> for sure. thank you, rob. "access hollywood" is up next. here's mario lopez with a preview for us. >> fans of taylor swift are still reeling from the news that after six years together, she and joe alwyn have split. an engagement seemed much more likely considering taylor has written at least 25 songs about joe. and he's even co-written many songs with taylor. there were no obvious signs of trouble, but swift did drop a big hint at recent cert. > then we'ret home with henry winkler. he's got six grandchildren, three dogs, and a whole lot of stories he's never shared
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before, including the stage name he almost picked way back when. >> victor avalanche. >> victor avalanche says greatness. >> kind of down with victor avalanche. henry also tells us about a young oscar winner he helped out of a tough situation, creating a lifelong friendship, all just moments away on "access hollywood." bacto you. >> thank you, mario. all that from the fonz tonight, people. here's your prime-time lineup for the evening. the voice at 8:00. jimmy fallon's musical game show, that's my jam at 10:00. after that, nbc bay area news at 11:00. 11:00. i will hope to e you thsee
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♪ tonight on "access hollywood." >> we just really love sad songs, what can i say? >> joe. >> so in love so many years. taylor swift and joe go their separate ways. has she sent hints to fans? >> baby,


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