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tv   NBC Nightly News With Lester Holt  NBC  April 10, 2023 4:00pm-4:30pm PDT

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tonight, the moments of terror inside a louisville bank, as a gunman shoots four people dead, injuring nine others, including two police officers, all while live streaming the rampage. the shooter now dead. why investigators are saying it's not a random act. plus the governor's close connection to
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one of the victims, his tribute tonight. the abortion battle, the future of the pill used for more than two decades, uncertain after competing rulings by two federal judges. the latest action by the justice department. a virginia grand jury indicts the mother of that 6-year-old boy who shot his f first gradede teacacher in a classrsroom. what his mother is charged with. the fallout over dozens of leaked classified documents. what they reveal about russia, the war in ukraine, israeli intelligence, and more. and what american intelligence officials fear tonight. president biden making his most definitive statement yet about running for re-election. what he told our al roker. she fainted after getting the covid vaccine and became the focus of a massive internet conspiracy. now tiffany dover is breaking her silence exclusively to nbc news. and his performance at augusta as an amateur was nothing short of masterful, and it's inspiring america.
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>> announcer: this is "nbc nightly news" with lester holt. good evening, and welcome everyone. it seems we can barely catch our breaths or dry the tears before another mass shooting rocks an american city. just two weeks ago i stood right here reporting the heartbreaking details of a school shooting in nashville. today it happened at a bank in louisville, kentucky. in what the city's mayor calls an evil act of targeted violence, after a man in his 20s armed with a rifle went on a rampage in a workplace attack, streaming the horror online as he carried out the crime. four people were killed. nine others rushed to a hospital for treatment. officers ran to the threat, confronting the gunman in an exchange of gunfire, killing the shooter. two police officers were among the wounded. maggie vespa is in louisville tonight and has late details. [ sound of gunfire ]
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>> reporter: tonight chaos and carnage gripping another american city. >> let's be clear about what this was. this was an evil act of targeted violence. >> reporter: the familiar terror unfolding in downtown louisville, kentucky. around 8:30 this morning, police say a lone gunman opened fire inside this old national bank, killing four and wounding nine. >> this was terrifying. it was terrifying. >> reporter: officers on the scene within three minutes. investigators say this was not a random act. >> white male who was employed at old national bank. his weapon of choice was a rifle. >> reporter: authorities identifying the shooter as connor sturgeon, who died at the scene in a shootout with police. he live streamed the rampage according to investigators, who late today executed a search warrant on his home. victims range in age from 40 to 64, including 63-year-old thomas elliott, the
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bank's senior vice president, according to his linkedin account and friend of kentucky governor andy beshear. >> tommy elliott helped me build my law career, helped me become governor, gave me advice on being a good dad. >> reporter: among the wounded, officer nikolas wilts shot in the head. j.d. worley watched it happen across the street. >> other officers grabbed him and carried him off as he was unfortunately motionless. never could have fathomed i would see something like this happen. >> reporter: at 26, officer wilt is less than two weeks out of the academy. >> nik has come out of brain surgery and is in critical but stable condition as we speak. >> reporter: kentucky's governor praising police, who raced to confront the gunman, and asking for time to grieve. >> it seems like we argue so much in this country, so much anger. i still believe that love and compassion and humanity can lead us to a better place. this is hard. it's really hard. >> maggie, any more details on a possible motive here?
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>> reporter: so lester, according to officials, authorities are investigating this as an instance of workplace violence, noting the suspect, who was an employee at that bank, may have suffered from mental health issues and adding they expect much more to come out in the coming days. lester? >> maggie vespa tonight. thank you. this evening, the divide over abortion is centered on a pill used for more than 20 years. but now the focus of competing rulings by two federal courts. dasha burns reports on the growing fallout. >> reporter: tonight, the fallout from duelling court rulings. the future of the abortion pill is hanging in the balance after a texas judge invalidated the fda's approval of mifepristone. the department of justice is now appealing that decision. >> what this ruling effectively is is a back-door ban on abortion. >> what options are available to the administration here? >> we've been waiting
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for the judge to rule. and what we did is what we believe is the best strategy, which is to appeal the decision immediately. >> reporter: minutes after the texas judge's decision on friday night, a federal judge in washington state with equal authority dropping a contradictory ruling, ordering the fda to maintain access to the drug. it all sowed confusion nationwide and created a legal standoff. used with another drug, mifepristone is the most common method for terminating pregnancies in the u.s. it's been approved since 2000 and used safely more than 5 million times. but the plaintiff in the texas case, a group of antiabortion doctors and medical organizations, allege the drug is dangerous. and the fda didn't follow proper protocol when approving it. i spoke with the group behind the lawsuit before the ruling. >> the result if you win is that abortion access will be significantly limited. is that the goal of this lawsuit? >> no. the goal of this lawsuit is to protect american women and girls from dangerous chemical abortion drugs.
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it's not -- we are not seeking a nationwide abortion ban. >> reporter: meanwhile today, lawmakers in blue states vowed to do whatever necessary to protect reproductive rights. >> it harms patients, undermines medical expertise, and takes away freedom. >> reporter: tonight, mifepristone remains legal, as the battles rage on in the courts. dasha burns, nbc news. >> let me bring in senior legal correspondent, laura jared. laura, there was movement on both of these cases today. >> a flurry of court filings today, lester. the justice department and the pill manufacturer both hoping to convince a conservative leaning court t of appealsls to hihit pause onon that texas decision to give everyone time to make their arguments without this deadline looming of the ruling set to go into effect on saturday. the court, just minutes ago, asking to hear what the plaintiffs have to say about all that. but the fda also wants clarity from a federal judge in washington state who ordered the drugs to stay on the market, about how to
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reconcile that order with the texas ruling. >> this feels like this could be heading to the supreme court. >> yeah. it really could and fast. if the fifth circuit doesn't block the decision, dodge will take it to the supreme court as soon as this week. and if doj wins, the plaintiffs could appeal there as well. >> laura, thanks very much. i want to turn now to the political drama in tennessee. late today, the nashville council voting to reinstate one of the black state lawmakers expelled last week over a gun protest. kathy park reports he has just been sworn in again. >> i would like to nominate representative justin jones. >> reporter: tonight a political showdown in nashville. >> ayes, 36 -- >> reporter: the former tennessee lawmaker, justin jones back to the state house just days after his expulsion. the metro national council voted unanimously in favor of his reappointment. >> this is a message that partisanship has gone so far as to be a force in violating basic principles of democracy. >> reporter: this
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special meeting comes after a rare move by house republicans to remove three democratic lawmakers after they joined a gun control rally on the house floor, which republicans say violated the rules. >> you can call it peaceful. you can call it whatever. but they had a protest against house policy on the floor. >> reporter: among the tennessee three, only one survived the vote, gloria johnson. >> it might have to do with the color of our skin. >> reporter: gop leaders say their decision was not based on race, but that johnson didn't go as far as her two freshmen colleagues. representative justin pearson will learn his fate wednesday in his own district, with a special meeting in memphis. meanwhile, the political battle doesn't end for jones, as he awaits special election and vowing to return. and moments after the critical vote to reappoint justin jones, hundreds of his supporters began rushing out of the metro council chambers and began marching straight toward the state capitol.
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lester? >> kathy park, thank you. there is growing concern tonight about whether u.s. intelligence sources were compromised by the leak of dozens of classified documents. andrea mitchell has the latest. >> reporter: the leaked documents include sensitive and top secret intelligence about u.s. adversaries and allies, potentially jeopardizing u.s. spies in hostile countries and electronic surveillance. >> we don't know who's responsible for this, and we don't know if they have more that they intend to post. >> reporter: the documents show ukraine running low on ammunition and using u.s. intelligence to fight their russian targets. russia's military struggling in ukraine. south korea reluctant to help the u.s. supply artillery to ukraine. is the worst damage the russian sources and methods behind the inside information from russia on the defense ministry? >> i think the greatest concern is that some of our sources, both human as well as technical collection systems, could be compromised
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as a result of this. >> reporter: another document has the leaders of israel intelligence service backing antigovernment protests, though israel denies it. >> our senior officials were not involved in any way. >> reporter: the intelligence first showing up on a chat service of a minecraft video game, according to an open source intelligence agency before appearing on other sites. five showing conflicting russian casualties in ukraine indicates some of the documents could have been doctored. but officials believe most are real. the justice department is investigating to find the source, as officials fear the leak has exposed critical vulnerabilities in u.s. intelligence. lester? >> and andrea, separately there's news tonight about that "wall street journal" reporter detained in russia. what can you tell us? >> that's right, lester. secretary blinken is determined the reporter is wrongfully detained, falsely charged with spying. now the u.s. hostage envoy can begin working with his family to get him out.
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but in violation of russia's legal obligations, u.s. diplomats have still not been able to visit him almost two weeks after he was jailed. lester? >> andrea mitchell, thank you. former president donald trump is trying to block former president vice president mike pence from testifying before a federal grand jury investigating mr. trump's role in efforts to overturn the 2020 election. lawyers for trump are asking a federal appeals court to reverse a lower court's decision ordering pence to appear. with nearly 600 days until the next election, president joe biden turned heads today with an admission on live tv that he plans to run again. kristen welker joins us from the white house. kristen, the timing came as a bit of a surprise. >> reporter: that's absolutely right, lester. president biden making his most definitive comment yet that he's running for re-election in 2024. talking to our al roker during the annual white house easter egg roll. >> help a brother out. >> no, no, no. i plan on running, al, but we're not prepared
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to announce it yet. >> all right. >> top white house advisers are preparing to make final decisions on launching his re-election campaign according to several sources familiar with the discussion. several considerations include no major democratic challenger has emerged, despite mr. biden's sagging poll numbers. former president trump, who's running for the gop nomination, has been indicted and is consuming the political spotlight. still, sources familiar with president biden speaking tell nbc news, don't expect to hear a final announcement until possibly next month, if not later, lester. >> kristen welker at the white house tonight. thanks. in 60 seconds, a grand jury indicts the mother of a 6-year-old boy who shot his teacher in a virginia classroom. the charges she faces tonight. plus what her legal team is saying. (vo) if you've had thyroid eye disease for years and you go through artificial tears inin the blinknk of an e, or.....your eyeses feel likeke'e getting g kicked in n the backs,
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it's's not too l late for another trtreatment opoption for r thyroid eyeye disease, alalso known a as t-e-d. to learn morore visit ththat's (vo) red lobsteter presentsts fun di: tastste buds neeeed not be f fal to one shrhrimp dish.. ththrill them m with shrimimp e ways. trtry the new w cajun shririmp, richly s seasoned wiwith cajn flavor.. itit's a bobold new wayay for p threree ways. welcome e to fun dinining. afteter advil. back to wowork. what aboutut your neckck? itit's good toto go. beforere advil. advil dual action fights papain two wayays. adadvil targetets pain at the souource, acacetaminophehen blocks pain sigignals. adadvil dual a action. a virginia grand jury has indicted the mother of that 6-year-old boy who brought a gun to his school and shot his teacher. miguel almaguer reports on the charges she now faces.
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>> teacher shot -- >> reporter: tonight, three months after the shocking school shooting, the mother of the 6-year-old virginia boy who shot and seriously wounded his first grade teacher is facing criminal charges. today, a grand jury in newport news indicting 25-year-old deja felony child neglect and a misdemeanor count of recsly leaving a loaded firearm so as to endanger a child. >> who would be prepared for a 6-year-old to bring a loaded weapon onto school grounds? >> reporter: after authorities announced the 6-year-old would not be charged with a crime, the commonwealth's attorney says today, every criminal case is unique in its facts. and these facts support these charges, but our investigation into the shooting continues. >> i just will never forget the look on his face that he gave me while he pointed the gun directly at me. that's something that i will never forget. it's changed me. it's changed my life. >> reporter: abigail
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zwerner, who told savannah guthrie, the bullet still remains lodged in her body, is suing school administrators for $40 million, alleging gross negligence. zwerner says staff failed to act on several warnings that the 6-year-old had a gun or made threats. there were failures in accountability at multiple levels that lead to abby being shot and almost killed, writes her attorney. we will not allow school leaders to escape accountability for their role in this tragedy. a lawyer for deja taylor, the mother of the 6-year-old, tells nbc news she plans to turn herself in later this week. lester? >> all right, miguel, thank you. up next, she was target of an internet conspiracy theory claiming she had died after getting vaccinated. now, for t the first time, , tiffany dodover spspeaks out.. ♪ t things are e looking upu♪ ♪ i i've got sysymptom relili♪ ♪ controlol of my crorohn's means eveverything t to me. ♪ ♪ ♪ conontrol is eveverything t t♪
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atms in n fresno? that's's for sure-e-ah. freses-yes. that's's for sure-e-ah. encinitatas? yes, indndeed-us. encinitatas? anaheim? encinitatas? big g time. encinitatas? more guauacamole? encinitatas? i'i'm on a rololl-ay. encinitatas? how about t you? i'm jujust visitining. u.s.s. bank. ranked #1 1 in customomer satisfafaction h retatail bankingng in calififornia by j j.d. po. few americans know what it's like to be the target of a conspiracy theory, but since the day nurse tiffany dover fainted while getting her covid vaccine, life has never been the same. and tonight she's speaking out for the first time in an exclusive interview with nbc's brandy zadrozny. >> reporter: tiffany dover wants the world to know one thing. >> my message is one thing. it's that i'm alive. i'm well. that's it. i hope they believe it. >> reporter: "they" are the massive online community of conspiracy theorists who have been convinced she's dead
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for more than two years. i made a whole podcast about it. tiffany wasn't ready to share her story then, but now -- >> i'm ready to just put my story out there, own that story. >> reporter: that story begins in 2020. tiffany was working as a nurse manager at c.h.i. memorial hospital in chattanooga, putting in grueling hours on a covid unit. when vaccines arrived that december, tiffany became one of the first people at her hospital to get the shot. >> i felt okay during that. >> reporter: then she stood up to answer questions. >> i'm sorry. >> you want to sit down? >> you can step away. >> i ended up passing out. so, that created the opposite effect of what i would have liked. >> but you got right back up. >> i did. and this is something that's happening my whole life. i do have episodes where i pass out. >> reporter: but in that moment, the conspiracy theory was born. >> people thought that i was dead. people thought that i
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was an actress paid to do this, that i was paid off by big pharm. it was completely overwhelming to be honest. >> reporter: it snowballed fast. >> i had people showing up at my house. i had people reaching out to my friends, my family. i even received death threats. >> were you afraid for your family? >> absolutely, yes. >> reporter: through it all, tiffany kept silent, and that only made the online frenzy worse. >> why not come out and dispel these rumors? >> initially that was exactly what i wanted to do. and unfortunately, i was told that that absolutely would not happen. >> the hospital told you not to speak out. >> correct, yes. it would be irrecoverable damage is what i was told, if i was to speak out and have another episode. >> reporter: instead, the hospital put out this video, intending to show she was alive. but the so-called tiffany truthers picked it apart, used it as fuel. >> online, anti-vaxxers and the movement are sort of
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using you as their poster girl. >> it's hard to think that you are being used to deter somebody from getting the vaccine. and that was really hard for me to cope with. >> you're saying you blamed yourself? >> yes, absolutely. i wish that we would have used it as a platform to speak out on the fact that people do pass out after getting shots, vaccines. but that is not a reason to not proceed with getting them. >> reporter: c.h.i. memorial has repeatedly denied knowledge of any directive asking tiffany not to speak or post, including in an interview for our podcast. >> i'm not aware of anything that asked tiffany not to respond. >> reporter: the hospital recently telling nbc news, we have no new information. a year ago, tiffany left c.h.i. memorial. and while she hopes to work as a nurse again one day, for now, she's focused on reclaiming her life. >> even after all of this, there will be people who say, we don't believe you. what then?
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>> at this point, you know, i've done what i needed to do. i put it out there that i'm alive. they have to choose whether they believe that or not. and that's all i can do. it's the truth. >> reporter: brandy zadrozni, nbc news, alabama. >> and for the bonus podcast, scan the qr code on your screen or search for tiffany dovever whereverer you get your pododcasts. when w we come bacack a mamasterful performamance by onene of gogolf's risining stars. e, or a d day off. get ouout in frontnt of it with cibininqo. for r those whoo didn't't respond t to past treatatments... once-d-daily cibininqo proactctively treats e eczema whetheher you're f flaring or r. cibinqo cacan lower yoyour ility to figight infectitions, inclcluding tb.. before andnd during trtreatme, your doctotor should c check fofor infectioions and d do blood t tests. tell your r doctor if f you'e had hepatititis b or c c, have flulu-like sympmptoms, or are prorone to infefection. do notot take withth medicins that p prevent blolood clots. seserious, somometimes fatatal infefections, lympmphoma, lungng, skin a and other c cancers, seririous heart-t-related evev, and blood d clots can n happe.
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see a 23-year-old compete at the masters, let alone outplay some of the best golfers on the planet. stephanie gosk with why sam bennett is inspiring america. >> reporter: sometimes the significance of the moment can be lost on the young, but not this moment. >> nothing can top this at 18. >> reporter: the magic of a standing ovation at the masters on a sunday is not lost on amateur, sam bennett. >> overwhelmed with emotion. >> reporter: the texas a&m senior was greeted by his mother to celebrate a remarkable 16th place finish for someone his age at augusta national, one of the most difficult golf courses in the world. >> i haven't had a kid yet, so that walk up to 18 was definitely the coolest experience of my life. >> reporter: bennett stunned golf fans with his first two rounds of the tournament, shooting back-to-back 68s. >> what a start for the amateur. >> reporter: not just
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making the cut, the second best start for a masters in amateur history. at the end of the day on friday, he was alone in third place, paired up with pro golfer, jon rahm, who went on to win the whole thing. >> if you would have told me i was going to be here when i was a kid, i would have thought you were crazy. >> reporter: bennett has a tattoo, words from his father who died from early onset alzheimer's in 2021. don't wait to do something, it says, right there on his left arm every time he swings. stephanie gosk, nbc news. that's "nightly news" for this monday. thank you for watching, everyone. i'm lester holt. please take care of yourself and each other. good night.
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the search for a gunman intensifies and the latest on the bay area freeway shooting that killed a five-year-old girl. good afternoon. thank you for joining us. welcome to nbc bay area news


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