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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 11AM  NBC  April 10, 2023 11:00am-11:30am PDT

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i hope people well. >> it is not immediately clear if the bank employed a security guard. gavin newsom quoted, "another day, another mass shooting in america." we'll continue to follow that breaking news. also developing this morning, three people in custody for their possible connection to a freeway shooting that took the life of a 5-year-old girl. >> nbc bay area's thom jensen is live off 808 near fremont where a fatal shooting happened over the weekend. what have we been able to learn this midday? >> devastating news. the little girl's family told
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nbc bay area they were going to a birthday dinner party near the warren avenue exit where we are right now in the southbound lanes when gunfire just ripped through their car and hit their daughter, their 5-year-old daughter, who is in the passenger seat. this is audio of a chp officer talking to a dispatcher just as this unfolded. >> i have a person with gunshot wounds southbound 880. >> reporter: 5-year-old eliyanah crisistimo of santa clara was hit by that gunfire and killed. her family says they still can't believe she's gone. they said she was excited to celebrate easter coming up, and her upcoming 6th birthday just ahead this month on the 21st. meanwhile, santa cruz police, chp, and scott's valley police say they took three people into custody during a high-risk traffic stop on highway 17. a milpitas city council member in close contact with police corn firmed to nbc bay area that
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the three people are in custody in fremont and are possibly connected to the freeway shooting and a second shooting minutes earlier on fremont boulevard in fremont. no one was injured in that shooting, which fremont police say could have been gang related. we've been reaching out to fremont police and chp trying to get more details, and we hope to have more later on this evening. live near fremont, thom jensen, nbc bay area news. >> such a sad story. thank you. in just about an hour, three men charged in another freeway shooting, we've been following for some time now, will be back in court. 2-year-old jasper woo was killed while being shot in a moving car on 880. he was caught in the cross fire of a gang battle november 2021. today protesters are expected to gather outside of the courthouse ahead of the hearing today where they're upset over reports that alameda county district attorney pamela price is going to give the suspects in this case lesser sentence by dropping some
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charges. price has denied our request for an interview, but in a prerecorded video she denies the report. >> i want to clear the record. i assured the parents of jasper wu that the men we believe are responsible for his death are charged with very serious crimes, and they will be held accountable. >> last week, members of the aapi community came together to demand an apology from price. they were saying she was, quote, condescending and divisive. in an email obtained by nbc bay area and allegedly written by price, the community is told they've been misled by local chinese community and the media. more details for you on a recent freeway shooting that has shaken up the bay area. among the other notable cases, in february of last year, former cal basketball star gene ransom was shot and killed on interstate 880 in oakland during
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rush hour. one suspect arrested there. and then one month before that, alameda county sheriff cadet david wynn was shot and killed near the bay bridge toll plaza. and then in 2021, 20-year-old mother ammanimores was killed on 808 when she was a fiancee with two sons in a car and she was shot. stay informed with all the developments on air as well as online. go to you can also download our free bay area app. that way you'll get alerts on all of these cases sent straight to your phone. a late-night fire at a private bus yard started about 10:00 last night at pennsylvania and 23rd street underneath interstate 280. no one was injured, but the flames did destroy 12 mini buses. so far, firefighters are not saying if they know how it started. time to get a look outside for you this midday.
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beautiful scene there in san francisco. the sun is out. doesn't look too cloudy or foggy out there. you might be able to have lunch. meteorologist kari hall joins us. 67 it says on the screen. it is 11:0 of. >> it's nice to have more comfortable temperatures. we're definitely feeling that for the inland areas and san jose but a little cooler in san francisco as you see the fog rolling right over the golden gate bridge. but isn't that just perfect for pictures? we know we have a lot of people in town getting ready for the game that will be later on tonight. now, first pitch will be in the upper 50s, and it's still going to be windy. if you ore going to giants game this evening, be prepared for pper 70s todayropping into get a look ahead at the forecast coming up in a few minutes. >> thanks so much, kari. new this morning, twitter ceo elon musk once again raisins
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this is the twitter offices. you can see the "w" in twitter painted out of the sign. this follows yet another unusual weekend in musk's simmering feud with the building's landlord. musk claims management told him the sign was legally required to read twitter, so this is what his answer was. musk also said apparently he changed the twitter handle to a crude phrase that we're actually not going to show you on air, but of course it's leaving some people puzzled. happening now, massive evictions are going on at an oakland encampment. oakland police and city workers are moving 60 people out of the wood street encampment to build more housing units. the fight with the city over the property has been going on since last year. at its high, wood street was
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home to almost 300 people. it spanned many blocks. when the decision was made final earlier this year, city leaders said wood street residents would get a week's notice and that the people were given enough alternative housing option base the city. part of the property owned by caltrans has already been cleared. the president and first lady hosting thousands of children on the white house lawn for the traditional easter egg roll this morning. >> and then, they're off to ireland. scott mcgrew? >> good morning. let's take those in order. starting with the easter eggs, this is the oldest continuous tradition at the white house dating back to 1878. most presidents have joined in the fun with egg races and photos with easter bunnies as well. our al roker spoke with president biden ahead of the big celebration and asked, are you planning to stick around for another four years of egg rolling at the white house? >> help a brother out. >> no, no, no.
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i plan on running out but we're not prepared to announce it yet. >> biden is next due in belfast, northern ireland, to mark the anniversary of the good friday agreement that brought peace between northern ireland and the republic of ireland back in 1998, a salute to what they called the troubles. that was some english understatement. thousands people died in sectarian violence as those in the north resisted calls to unify ireland into one country. the island remains split. ireland is of course its own independent country. northern ireland is generally loyal to the crown and generally speaking wants to stay that way. differences in religion, things got very violent. and that's why this peace agreement anniversary is so important. a u.s. president is going to the problem, the uk, including northern ireland, has dropped out of the european union, but
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ireland hasn't, meaning this hard boarder is back. what that means for the future of peace, marcus and laura, nobody knows. >> really interesting. thank you, scott. a moment of truth might be at the hands of some renters struggling to stay in the bay. landlords argue it can't happen soon enough. be careful where you charge your phone. there's a new warning from the fbi. coming up at 4:30, why agents are saying you should avoid those public charging stations.
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♪ f from the momountains to the c coast... ♪ ♪ heatin' u up the kitctchen♪ ♪ we e got someththin differer♪ ♪ s spreadin' g good vibebes all day y ♪ ♪ t todos a la a mesa ♪ ♪ queue buena la a mezcla ♪ ♪ it don't t get no betetter♪ ♪ livin' ' in the gololden sta♪ ♪ lovinin' this lanand everyda♪ ♪ n norte a surur lo puedeses ♪ ♪ nada sese puede comomparar♪ ♪ l livin' in t the golden n s♪ ♪ vive en el estadado dorado.....yeah ♪ maman: i'm not slowowing down anytitime soon. that's why i tatake osteo o bi-flex evevery day. maman: i'm not slowowing down anytitime soon. it''s clininically shohown to improrove joint comforort in 7 dayays, and contntinues to improvove over timime. kinda likeke us. osteo bi-f-flex. because i'i'm madede to m.
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thanks for sticking around monopoly "moving you forward" this midday on the covid front, stanford makes a major change. people no longer need to be vaccinated to go on to campus, and the university is still strongly recommending that
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people get the vaccine as well as the booster shots. the requirement will remain in effect for everyone working at stanford health care in line with federal guidance. a new round of abortion rights protests are being organized in the bay area and elsewhere after a texas judge suspend aid prooufl of a commonly used abortion pill. it comes less than a year after the reversal of roe v. wade. brie jackson explains why they're appealing that ruling. >> reporter: the future of reproductive health care remains uncertain this morning after a texas federal judge suspended the fda approval of the most commonly used abortion pill. >> this is not america. what you saw by that one judge in that one court in that one state, that's not america. >> reporter: for now, women still have access to abortion medication, but if this judge's ruling holds up, the pills would
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be banned nationwide. 13 states already have bans in place. >> i think it's important that we protect the sanctity of life. i believe in state rights. >> reporter: some democrats say the white house should simply ignore the judge's ruling and not enforce a ban. the biden administration vows to put up a fight and is appealing the decision. >> for america's sake and for women's sake, we have to -- we have to prevail in this. >> reporter: the issue could make its way to the supreme court after a federal judge in washington state ruled to protect the drug in more than a dozen states. the dueling rulings set up more contentious court and political battles. >> this is a call to action for everyone, whether it's in the court system, whether when we go to vote. >> we can win this issue at the ballot box if we show up. if we have our head in the sand, we're going to lose. >> reporter: a new poll found 64% say abortion should be legal in all or most cases.
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and today, house democrats are introducing a bill in that protecting access to the abortion pill. the measure would reaffirm the fda's final approval authority on medication abortion, but that bill is unlikely to pass the gop-led house. in washington, brie jackson, nbc news. happening now, police in union city are telling drivers to avoid west of mission boulevard due to a small sinkhole. this is new video from our nbc bay area skyranger overhead. it's located in a commercial neighborhood on the east side. the hole is sitting in the middle of the street, and from what we can tell, it's not grown at all since at least early this morning. so far there's no time line on some of the repairs there. in oakland, there's a debate heating up about how pandemic protection should end when it comes to evictions. tomorrow, the oakland city council will discuss the proposal to gradually phase out the city's eviction moratorium.
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as nbc bay area's alissa gourd explains, this is getting strong support and opposition. >> reporter: the city of oakland has had a moratorium on most residential evictions due to the pandemic. three years later -- >> we are coming out of -- i won't say completely but mostly coming out of the pandemic pandemic, and most people are kind of back to work in some fashion. >> reporter: oakland city council member dan cob is helping spear heed hed a new proposal which would gradually phase out the eviction moratorium by september while also strengthening the city's existing eviction protections. >> in order to make sure we won't all of a sudden have a lot of people on the streets because of the phaseout of the eviction moratorium. >> this needs to be done now, tomorrow, not over a period of time. >> reporter: a group of oakland land lorlds are gathering to pose the phaseout saying the moratorium has left them with serious financial hurdles,
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including tenants not paying rent. john lives in the same west oakland property as his tenants. >> i haven't gotten five dollars from her. >> reporter: it led to him getting a foreclosure letter. >> before they ask any further owners to take on this responsibility, there has to be funding, because we're all going to be homeless if the banks get our property. >> reporter: but a nonprofit tenants rights group supports phasing out the moratorium. >> we knew that the moratorium would end at some point. but we need a responsible phaseout instead of just dumping people all at once out on the street. >> reporter: kijani edwards sympathizes with the burden small/x landlords have faced bu that oakland tenants need time to prepare for this change. >> putting everybody out on the street, making people homeless doesn't get them their money back at all. >> reporter: the proposal will go before a council committee on tuesday. both the landlord group and
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a.c.e. members plan to be there. the proposal would then be up for a vote by the full council the following week. alissa gord, nbc bay area. get ready for the battle of nor cal as the warriors open the playoffs against the sacramento kings. >> the warriors punched their ticket to the playoffs, this is yesterday, by taking part and taking apart the other team. they scored 55 in the first quarter alone and a record for points in a quarter. and they won that game 157-101. they head into postseason there. and while the entire series is schedule is still not known yet, game one is scheduled for saturday night in sakd. and it is only april out there for you, but happening now, the giants kick off a big series in oracle park. so, this is all for a big series when the dodgers are in town. a live look inside oracle park. the giants came from behind to
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beat the royals yesterday 3-1. the dodgers yesterday lost in arizona. >> go, giants. finally some nice baseball weather. >> it's always cool in san francisco. >> yeah. it will be a chilly night. of course especially once the wind picks up, those temperatures start to drop after sunset. but we are enjoying sunshine right now for people in town and enjoying the city. and they're getting the field ready. i can see a couple people there prepping. farther inland, it is definitely warmer compared to near the coastal areas, where dublin is already seeing the sunshine, a breezy wind. we're in the upper 60s right now and headed for the low 70s for today. this will be very much like yesterday, and some spots will be slightly warmer. we know as soon as that wind picks up around 4:00 to 5:00, the temperature dips quickly around sunset. we'll make it into the upper 70s for the south bay. morgan hill is one of the warer
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spots. 66 in san mateo. 71 across the bay in ahard and 77 in fairfield. north bay temperatures in the low 70s for today. but then tomorrow, a cold front is going to be coming in, and our temperatures will be dropping in some spots about 10 degrees. we're look at some upper 60s, but this is about what we typically see for the middle of april. a nice cooldown and possibly even a couple of showers, mist and drizzle near the coastline with some gusty winds across the bay area. even on wednesday we're not seeing much of a change in temperatures as we bring it back to some more seasonable weather. here's what's head our way. this is the cold front. it will bring in some rain across the pacific northwest. by the time it gets here, a lot of that rain just dries up, and it does still show that there could be once again some spotty sprinkles around the coastline for the start of tomorrow. as we run it through the rest of the week into early next week, no significant storms on the
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horizon. in fact, it may take until monday before we even see a slight chance of rain for the north bay. so we're dry for the next several days, but our temperatures will dip quite a bit for the middle of the week. so, take a look at san jose. our ten-day temperature trend, we're in the mid-70s today, and that's the warmest day we'll see for at least a week or a week and a half. and the coolest day will be on wednesday once that front passes. we're in the low 60s, and some of our spots inland will be in the upper 60s with gusty winds. we'll have another nice weekend ahead so we can already start to make some plans to get outside. i know it's just monday, but we're always planning for the weekend. >> doesn't matter. thank you, kari. happening now, home-openers across the state scrambling to meet friday's deadline to go solar to qualify them for long-term financial incentives. under the so-called net metering system, customers are reimbursed for extra energy sent back to the grid. the state regular lay said the
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rates were too high. they argue solar customers were paying so little they were no longer sharing the extra cost for distribution. rates will only apply to new solar customers after friday. when it comes to weddings, you already know vegas has pretty much everything you want. this week for some lucky couples, even before they got ma married, they might consider themselves top dogs. the real weerns.
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welcome back. you're watching nbc bay area news at midday. cutest pictures ever, right? all this on instagram over the weekend. kari and her family enjoying easter sunday. they had an easter egg hunt in the house, went out for a hike. stunning pictures there. kari was telling us about the poppies earlier today. how did you spend europe easter? kari is talking about it on instagram, facebook, and twitter. a moose on the loose in
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alaska. check out this video from inside a hospital in anchorage. there was a moose just meandering around. people trying to get pictures and video there but keeping their distance. workers blocked off the moose with furniture and he hoofed it right out of there. can you imagine? also trending this morning, watch out, el vis. brace yourself for a new way to get linked. this one's wiener style in vegas. >> the wiener-mobile is being converted into a vegas wedding chapel. for two days, friday and saturday, oscar mayer i parking least one of the fleet of six vehicles there in sin city exclusively for those weddings. in fact, they're temporarily renaming them wiener mobile of love. the company will pick up the cost. so, free weddings. and they're throwing in free hot dogs and providing lve wiener whistles and a quartet to sing
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at your wedding. truly a memory a lot of us would not want to have, but if you do, this is your chance. >> my mom's in vegas right now. she better not come back and like, i got married in front of the wiener-mobile. >> that would be a good story. >> i guess. >> don't worry. >> on the "today" show. >> we've got some great weather throughout the week, and it's going to be a little bit cooler for tomorrow. >> you better call your mom. i know, right? i will. >> thanks for joining us.
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