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tv   NBC Nightly News With Lester Holt  NBC  April 9, 2023 5:30pm-6:01pm PDT

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rob mayeda. >> just look at the videos. >> i love that video. >> sun everywhere. sun in san francisco. tomorrow it's about the same for inland areas but the breezes will pick up around the coast at inner bay which will lead to a cooldown for mid-week with windy conditions. the timing of the forecast pretty good. if you like this weather, we could see similar conditions setting up next saturday and sunday as well. >> after weeks with the weekends were bad, now it's good. >> now it's nice. >> a beautiful thing. a beautiful thing. >> thank you. thanks for watching "nightly news" is next. see you at 6:00.
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tonight the beginning of what is set to be the biggest battle over abortion rights since the overturning of roe v. wade protests over a judge's ruling that would halt the use of the abortion pill. some healthcare providers are now stockpiling the drug the biden administration is vowing today to fight the decision as some democrats call on the president to simply not enforce any ban. >> everything is on the table. political firestorm in tennessee. why at least one of the democratic lawmakers expelled by republicans there may be back in his seat tomorrow stand-off at sea navy ships from china and taiwan face off as china launches massive war games, including this simulation showing how they could strike the island. growing violence in the middle east israel attacked by rockets from inside
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syria. the retaliation should this convicted killer walk free the governor of texas vows to pardon a u.s. army sergeant who shot a black lives matter protester. tiger woods drops out of the masters with another injury. new questions tonight about his future in the sport. >> that is not easy to see. on this easter sunday, the pope's message to the world just a week after leaving the hospital >> announcer: this is "nbc nightly news" with kate snow good evening and happy easter to you. the decision from a federal judge in texas friday is still reverberating as we head into a new week that judge suspended the fda approval of the abortion pill. the president has vowed his administration will fight that decision. any appeal must be filed by friday. the pills are already banned in 13 states that have made abortion illegal if this ruling were to hold up, the pills would then be banned nationwide the anti-abortion groups that brought the lawsuit argue the drug is not safe the white house says if a judge can overrule the fda on this medication, any judge could ban any drug we begin tonight with allie raffa. >> reporter: tonight, battle lines drawn >> i'm very worried about the women who need this medication
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>> we applaud the judges' actions on the chemical abortion drug >> reporter: after the most consequential abortion ruling since the reversal of roe v. wade, a texas federal judge suspending fda approval of the most commonly used abortion pill, giving the federal government seven days to appeal before the ruling goes into effect. >> we will do everything to make sure it is available to them not just in a week, but moving forward, period. >> reporter: health and human services secretary xavier becerra vowing the biden administration is considering all legal options. >> well, we've already filed an appeal of this court's ruling. >> reporter: the issue will likely be decided by the supreme court after a federal judge in washington state ruled to protect the drug in more than a dozen states one republican lawmaker threatening cuts to fda funding if the white house fights the texas ruling >> it may become a point where house republicans on the appropriations side have to defund fda programs that don't make sense. >> reporter: some healthcare providers are stockpiling the
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pill, fearing an all out ban while some democrats urge the biden administration to go even further >> i believe the biden administration should ignore this ruling it is up to the biden administration to enforce, to choose whether to enforce such a ruling. >> reporter: hhs secretary becerra not committing to that specific option. >> every option is on the table. >> joining us now from the white house. allie, will the drug still be available as this case makes its way through the courts >> reporter: legal experts say the drug will likely remain available as the cases make their way through the courts, a process that could take months, possibly even years, kate. >> all right allie raffa at the white house, thank you. tomorrow could be a pivotal day for at least one of the two tennessee lawmakers expelled last week, the two were kicked out of their state legislature for their roles in leading a proton house floor now one may be about to get his seat back kathy park has the latest.
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>> shame on you! >> reporter: tonight two tennessee lawmakers fighting to take back their seats. >> that people will hold them accountable both at the county level and in a special election >> they are afraid of the changes happening in our society and the voices being elevated. >> no access -- >> no peace! >> reporter: the gop controlled state house expelled democratic representatives justin jones and justin pearson for breaking the rules as they rallied for tougher gun control measures it's now up to local leaders in their districts to pick their replacements until a special election, yet to be announced. on monday the metro nashville council will weigh in so far at least 23 members vow to re-appoint representative jones representative pearson's fate lies with the shelby county board of commissioners, and their meeting is still in the works on this easter sunday, he addressed his former constituents at church >> the super majority republican legislature decided it was time for us to go because it was in our opinion time to listen
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>> reporter: these men along with gloria johnson make up the tennessee three, the trio thrust into the national spotlight for speaking out after the mass shooting at the covenant school in nashville. johnson was also up for expulsion but survived the vote. >> it might have to do with the color of our skin >> our members literally didn't look at the ethnicity of the members up for expulsion. >> reporter: emotions running high, likely stretching through the week and beyond. kathy park, nbc news it may be the biggest u.s. intelligence breach since edward snowden leaked top-secret documents back in 2013 tonight the search is on for whoever revealed classified documents online, many of them focused on russia and ukraine's military capabilities. matt bradley is tracking it all from kyiv matt >> reporter: a senior u.s. intelligence official told nbc news tonight the documents with regard to the war in ukraine are real, that they may have been altered in certain parts particularly with regard to estimates of
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ukrainian casualties now the justice department is joining the pentagon in trying to find out who was responsible for the leaks and if that person or people work for the u.s. government these documents reveal some interesting clues about ukrainian and russian military capabilities that haven't been published before but kate, the real impact here is going to be on american intelligence gathering and capabilities they really show the reach of america's eyes and ears, spying not just on enemies but also on allies that could have a big impact or cause tensions with some of america's partners kate >> matt bradley for us, matt, thank you. tensions are rising in taiwan as china began a second day of drills around the island that it claims as its own territory. the show of force coming just as a u.s. delegation wrapped up days of high-level meetings in taiwan courtney kube reports
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from inside taiwan >> reporter: on the second day of military exercise, chinese jets practice against key targets in taiwan. a defense ministry graphic showing a barrage of missiles fired from air, land, and sea, at least one simulated strike that seems to target the capital city, taipei another 70 chinese aircraft reported flying near taiwan, and now 11 war ships encircling it, training for a naval blockade taiwan's military saying they have monitored the situation and tasked our assets to respond, deeming the chinese activities provocative. and displaying some of their own military might today. taiwan's coast guard releasing video of what appears to be a tense stand-off with a chinese war ship the taiwanese ship warning the chinese to turn around the exercise in response to days of u.s. congressional leaders meeting with senior taiwanese government officials china saying this is a serious warning about taiwan working with outside forces what does taiwan really need to deter
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an attack or invasion by china >> they need alliances. they need the weapons i've signed off three to five years ago that have yet to go into country. they need a will to fight. they will get that will to fight if they know the united states is backing them. >> reporter: monday the third and final day of the exercise and now this question. have they saved the largest or most provocative action for last courtney kube, nbc news, taipei, taiwan violence in the middle east is spreading tonight. israel's military says it retaliated against targets inside syria after palestinian militants based there launched rockets into israel that follows escalating rounds of violence between israel and palestinian groups in recent days. on this easter sunday a moment so many had waited for. tens of thousands got the chance to see pope francis. the 86-year-old pontiff just recently left the hospital. he appeared frail but never faltered anne thompson is in vatican city and has
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more on the pope's message of peace >> reporter: pope francis making a comeback this holy week, culminating in easter sunday mass on st. peter's square brought to the altar by wheelchair, the pope stood unaided at times. and his voice was strong, a week after he was hospitalized for bronchitis the pope's health, tracked closely by president biden, says ambassador to the vatican joe donnelly >> throughout the pope's illness, we would hear, could you give the president an update because he is concerned about his friend >> reporter: despite his illness, the pope met all holy week obligations but one. >> we saw him full of energy, connecting with the people as he is wont to do, and i think energized for what will be a busy year ahead for him. >> reporter: a papacy many came here to celebrate. >> i love him. i keep saying
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vive el-p apa. so we love him. >> he is wonderful his franciscan ways and simple lifestyle. >> reporter: in his easter message francis prayed for peace in ukraine. >> it was very, very clear. he reached out to the russian people saying, in effect, end this. >> reporter: the pope also focused his global spotlight on other conflicts including jerusalem, lebanon, and nicaragua. all the while, the world watched for signs of his health. kate >> anne thompson for us, anne, thank you. coming up, should this killer be freed why the governor of texas is promising to pardon a man convicted of murdering a black lives matter protester. also, tiger woods out of the masters raising new questions about his future in the sport.
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we're back with a murder conviction controversy. texas governor greg abbott said yesterday he would pardon a man just found guilty of killing an armed protester at a black lives matter demonstration. at the heart of it all the state's stand your ground law dana griffin reports >> reporter: tonight controversy in texas after governor greg abbott called for the pardon of u.s. army sergeant daniel perry who shot and killed air force veteran garrett foster during this july, 2020, black lives matter protest in austin. nearly three years after his death, justice came friday
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for garrett's fiancee and the foster family. >> guilty of murder. >> reporter: his fiancee writing on instagram, i love you and miss you so much. >> this is extremely wrong. that's all i have to say right now. >> reporter: perry has maintained the shooting was self-defense >> i saw him raise his weapon >> reporter: foster was openly carrying an ak-47 during the protest, which is legal in the state perry's defense arguing the shooting was justified under the state's stand your ground law, but witnesses say perry was the instigator. >> the driver of this vehicle intentionally and aggressively accelerated into a crowd of people. >> reporteter: perry h has not bebeen sentencnced yet,t, but goverernor ababbott direcected the state's parole board to expedite review of perry's conviction, posting to twitter, look forward to approving the board's pardon recommendation asas soon as i it hits my y desk ununlike presisidential power, in n texas the e parole b board must t
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firsrst recommend a pardon before the governor can act raising the question, will the board grant it the county's former assistant district attorney tells me yes. >> i fully expect a pardon will be issued but it's not going to happen any time fast governor abbott has proposed short circuiting the entire criminal justice system solely to benefit one individual >> reporter: garrett's family is asking the governor to reconsider >> before he lets out somebody who was just found guilty of murder and lets him off he really needs to look into exactly what happened. >> reporter: dana griffin, nbc news. well, it was a major surprise today tiger woods dropping out of the masters tournament due to an injury the move re-igniting questions about the legendary golfer's future and how much longer he'll stay in the game here is sam brock. >> reporter: for years, tiger woods' swing and smile have been synonymous with
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the masters, but tonight major questions about the golfer's career. >> the walk is getting tougher by the second for the five-time champion. >> reporter: after woods hobbled down the fairway saturday and winced just to grab a club in stormy weather. >> that is not easy to see. it is a real struggle right now for him to even walk, billy >> reporter: then today the tweet from tiger's twitter account. i am disappointed to have to withdraw this morning due to re-aggravating my plantar fasciitis. many wondering what's next for golf's greatest draw. >> what we saw on saturday was a tiger woods that was having trouble moving these are, you know, 155 feet of elevation changes here at augusta national very, very difficult i think even for a healthy player. >> reporter: earlier in the week, woods was asked directly about his future on tour. >> does it ever cross your mind this could be the last time >> yes, it has
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>> reporter: the athlete's unique and at times controversial career has already featured unbelievable comebacks from back fusion to win the 2019 masters to a 2021 car crash that nearly cost woods his leg and his life >> what had he stated about his intent to continue playing golf and how do you think today's events might impact that? >> i think tiger will continue to try to find a way to compete. he has said he doesn't want to be a ceremonial golfer. >> reporter: woods now facing perhaps his greatest test yet, what to do after sunday and the event that shaped his life sam brock, nbc news. still ahead, the high cost of dollar stores the bargain retailers are popping up everywhere why some communities are now trying to keep them out also, the tornadoes tore apart their towns, but not their spirit the communities finding hope and healing on this easter sunday
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♪♪ alexex! mateo, hey y how's busisiness? alexex! great. y you know ththat n has s really wororked wonder. thatat's what u.u.s. bank isis. great. y you know ththat n has s really wororked wonder. and d you're grorowing in calififornia? great. y you know ththat n has s really wororked wonder. -yup, , socal, nororcal... -monteterey? -all d day. -a brancnch in ventutura? that's's for sure-e-ah. atms in n fresno? that's's for sure-e-ah. freses-yes. that's's for sure-e-ah. encinitatas? yes, indndeed-us. encinitatas? anaheim? encinitatas? big g time. encinitatas? more guauacamole? encinitatas? i'i'm on a rololl-ay. encinitatas? how about t you? i'm jujust visitining. u.s.s. bank. ranked #1 1 in customomer satisfafaction h retatail bankingng in calififornia by j j.d. po.
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you probably noticed the explosive growth of dollar stores in some neighborhoods there are several within blocks of each other. but those cheap prices may come at a larger cost, and now communities are pushing back, trying to keep the stores out. zinhle essamuah explains why >> reporter: jean has shopped at family food center in toledo, ohio since she was 4 years old. >> this is the place to be. once you find something that you love and treats you with respect >> reporter: today the 58-year-old worries dollar stores are now threatening this local staple >> a store to help the community but it is taking from the community. >> reporter: at the start of 2022, dollar stores together operated more than 34,000 stores nationwide, more than mcdonald's, walmart, target, and starbucks combined right here in toledo, ohio, when it comes to dollar stores, there are one. here is another. two. and here's another one, number three. all together over 35 in march, advocacy
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group the institute for local self-reliance published a study on the impact of dollar stores on predominantly rural, low income, black, and latino neighborhoods its findings >> when they come into a community, they tend to just pull just enough of the sales away from that grocery store. >> we have to poll the suppliers, ask them for prices, ask them for deals. they don't offer as good deals as the big chains >> reporter: now a small community in toledo, led by senior pastor donald perryman, is fighting this effort. >> this was the pride of toledo. it was a community where black dollars circulated, black wealth developed, black professionals were >> reporter: and today what is it like? >> deserted and abandoned. >> reporter: perryman hopes toledo will join the more than 50 cities already enacting laws limiting dollar store expansion. the study also found that as local groceries get squeezed out, neighborhoods are leftft with foodod
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dedeserts, arereas with limited acaccess to affordrdable, nutritious food even when a dollar general has fresh produce, it is not a full supply, correct >> correct so we have about 16 feet typically and most stores of fresh produce. >> reporter: do you think your supply of produce is enough to adequately feed and provide the nutrients communities need >> well, i think it is really important to remember dollar general is not a grocer we are here to be able to provide the general necessities that families need on an everyday basis >> reporter: in a statement to nbc news, two other national dollar chains, dollar tree and family dollar, said, in part, our stores complement grocery stores and bring economic development to communities we enter, including helping to alleviate the effects of food deserts in urban communities. as for family general food center, iso says the prices are no match for the people >> i know half my customers by name. when they walk in i greet them by name i don't think they can get that service at a dollar store >> i get emotional just talking about it.
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because they are family they are >> reporter: what are you thinking about and feeling? >> because there's grace in here. it's grace they let you be yourself even if you're going through it >> reporter: nbc news, zinhle essamuah, toledo, ohio when we come back on this easter sunday, the tornadoes destroyed their church, but their faith still stands
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there is good news on this easter sunday about hope and healing. our priscilla thompson spent the day in one community hit hard by recent tornadoes now they're finding comfort and faith in each other ♪ i live to worship you lord ♪ >> reporter: at the new commandment church of god and christ in jacksonville, arkansas, this is what joy and celebration sound like
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♪ >> reporter: this community recently lost its church after a tornado ripped through the area more than a week ago. >> how many know that we're better together? >> yeah! >> we are better together. >> reporter: but on this easter sunday, holding services outside, pastor eddie miller says faith here is stronger than ever. as we think about resurrection and hope, what do those themes mean to you in this moment >> in this very moment, resurrection means to come back alive. when this happened, and i saw a lot of despair. but then when i ge to this church, people smile again. so resurrection and hope means, hey. we're alive. >> happy resurrection day! >> reporter: hope for recovery, after recent violent tornadoes devastated so many places from iowa -- >> stop, stop! >> reporter: -- to delaware >> get in here. >> reporter: but in
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the midst of tragedy, people are uniting to help those who lost so much across mississippi, kind strangers delivering easter baskets to kids in towns where there was almost nothing left. >> happy easter! >> reporter: in indiana, 6-year-old jacob harris wanted to help his neighbors in the city of sullivan, so he packed up a truck, donating nearly 400 easter baskets back in arkansas, worshipers here praying for brighter days ahead >> a lot of people there was hopeless, you know, can be hopeful, you know? we can still come together as one. >> the community is full of resilience we'll come back. we will be even stronger because of our faith. >> reporter: beyond the shadow of devastation here, there is light ♪ >> reporter: and song. >> we still have hope, because god is still doing things he has great plans for us the building is destroyed, but the church remains strong. >> reporter: priscilla thompson, nbc news,
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jacksonville, arkansas >> pastor miller says they hope to start rebuilding their church just as soon as possible we'd like to wish all of you a happy easter, passover, and ramadan. that is "nbc nightly news" on this sunday lester holt will be with you tomorrow. i'm kate snow. for all of us here at nbc news, ststay safe, and have a great night. . right now at 6:00, celebrating easter sunday in unique ways. how the holiday was observed across the bay area. plus, activists using sunday to speak out about reproductive rights. why they're taking action after recent federal rulings could limit medication. and a heartbreaking update on a story we


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