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tv   NBC Bay Area News Tonight  NBC  April 7, 2023 7:00pm-7:31pm PDT

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. right now on nbc bay area news tonight, a fire by the freeway leads to a stunning discovery. a secret elaborate bunker dug and built underground. the confrontation on campus. a polarizing figure in the debate over transgender athletes says she was attacked and chased by protesters during an appearance at san francisco
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state. we're talking to two student journalists in the room as it all unfolded. then we investigate falling and cracked windows at san francisco high rises. we've learned tenants flagged a similar problem at one of the buildings before. later, an up-close look at ansel adams most famous photographs and his special connection to the museum housing that new exhibit. good evening. this is nbc bay area news tonight, and i'm jessica aguirre. we want to start by getting you caught up on some of the headlines that we're watching tonight. no arrests yet in the death of cash app founder bob lee. he was stabbed to death earlier this week. for the first time, though, we're seeing security camera video that shows the moments after lee was stabbed. we do have to warn you it is hard to watch. the video obtained exclusively by the daily mail. in it, you see lee stumble to the call box of the portside condos in the rincon hill
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neighborhood. then you saw him collapse there. moments later, he gets on his hands and knees, stands up, and then walks out of frame. according to emergency radio dahls posted online, lee also dialed 911 and began screaming that he'd been stabbed and he needed help. but he didn't give an address. first responders used his cell phone location data to find him. lee was then rushed to the hospital, where he later died. tonight at that growing memorial for lee, we found one of his friends leaving flowers. he didn't want to talk on camera, but he told us he'd been hoping to meet up with his friend in miami in a couple of weeks. another headline we're following, a fire near the freeway led to a troubling discovery. an elaborate underground bunker and tunnel system. let's show you nbc bay area skyranger over that fire right now along 880 in san jose near coleman avenue. the fire started around 6:00 this morning inside that bunker. firefighters say it was about 1,000 square feet, stocked with propane tanks and batteries that
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exploded. fortunately firefighters say no one was inside the bunker when they arrived. >> the main part of the underground structure has collapsed, but there's multiple access points. you go down, and it's, like i said, built out of two by fours, four by fours covered with plywood and dirt and plastic. >> that shelter is on caltrans property, which will handle the cleanup. crews will likely have to bring in some heavy equipment to dig up whatever is underneath, and they have to wait until it's safe to do so. in tennessee today, fallout from an unprecedented vote to expel two democratic lawmakers. democrats from the white house on down are condemning the actions of republican tennessee lawmakers. in fact, vice president kamala harris went to nashville to show solidarity with justin pearson and justin jones. jones grew up in the bay area, living in oakland and hercules. the statehouse ousted jones and pearson for, quote, disorderly
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behavior. they, along with another representative, gloria johnson, led protesters in chants against gun violence on the house floor following the nashville school shootings. >> these young people were silenced for standing and calling for common sense gun laws after a mass shooting. our districts are being silenced. this is attacking democracy on so many different levels. >> members of the tennessee black caucus say their colleagues were unfairly prosecuted since johnson, who is white -- that's the woman -- was not ousted. statehouse republicans deny that claim saying race had nothing to do with it. they say they expelled the lawmakers for violating house rules. but the lawmakers may not be gun for long. their home districts can appoint them temporarily until voters have a say in a special election. also tonight, san francisco state now in the middle of a debate over transgender athletes competing in women's sports. an outspoken critic says she was assaulted duringv an appearance
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on campus last night. that speaker is college swimmer riley gaines. gaines became the face of the national push to ban transgender athletes after tying with lia thomas. she's a transgender women, during an ncaa championship meet last year. gaines was invited to speak at sf state by a nonprofit that backs conservative issues. dozens of protesters showed up outside and inside the event. they held signs and chanted. gaines says she was ambushed and physically hit by protesters as she attempted to leave the protest. both gaines and the student-run newspaper, the golden gate express posted videos you can see there showing her being escorted to another room and then later escorted off campus. the videos show loud crowds but don't specifically show gaines being struck. now, the university police department released a statement about what happened, saying, we are conducting an ongoing
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investigation into the situation. there were no arrests related to this event. the disruption occurred after the conclusion of the event, which made it necessary for upd officers to move the event speaker from the room to a different safe location. gaines' video did catch the attention of house speaker kevin mccarthy earlier today. he tweeted, this is an appalling attack on free speech on a college campus. as we mentioned, the golden gate express, a group of journalists from sf state were the ones to first report on this protest and they're the ones that posted the videos on social media as it was unfolding. two of them are joining me now. ladies, thank you for being with me. really this is journalism at its core, being on-site watching a news event unfold. adriana, what was it like for you to be in the room as you saw all this happen? >> well, i think it was a great
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experience as a journalist, and seeing everything unfold from the protesters coming and showing up and raising their voices to even hearing riley gaines speak. >> you captured a lot of the video. at the time you were actually getting all that video, did you realize that you were going to be posting something that was going to get so much attention and be so controversial? >> so at the time, actually the video that was recorded, her walking down the hallway was actually recorded by me. we weren't expecting the amount of attraction that we did. honestly, we were just trying to cover what was going on there and then, nothing to change, nothing to edit. so we just wanted to portray the event as it is. >> adriana, tell me a little bit about the mood after campus police stepped in and escorted gaines into another room and then off campus. as a journalist, when you were
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looking at that, what were your perceptions of what was happening? >> well, i was trying to get a feel of the atmosphere, feeling of how riley gaines was feeling at the moment and how protesters were standing their guard, and they were pushing, and they were really trying to make known that they were here and present for the event. >> okay. and, ladies, this is really for both of you, but andrea, i'm going to start with you. how has this experience changed, altered, or cemented your interest in journalism. i mean are you hooked? >> honestly, after this moment, i am hooked. but honestly at the end of the day, we just want to report what's going on, on campus, what's going on in news, and kind of be the next generation of journalists. so this has really cemented that experience for me, and we kind of just want to keep continuing
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serving our community and writing for students as students and giving them the experience that they desire at sf state. >> congratulations and i'm eager to give you my perch at any moment. >> thank you so much. >> thank you. all right. also tonight, it's apparently happened before. we're talking about the high rise window problems in san francisco. our investigative unit has learned that one of the buildings that had a window fail during our windstorms has apparently had a window issue in the past. that revelation is in a law seat that's been settled. last month a window on the fifth floor of 1400 mission shattered. we've learned that tenants of the building sued the window supplier and contractor several years ago. they claim they had multiple windows break for no apparent reason after the building opened in 2015. the two sides declined to talk to us, citing confidentiality terms in the settlement. but we did ask a glass security expert who served as a consultant on the case to weigh in. >> they're giving you, you know,
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eight, nine months to do all of this by november. you're never going to get quality people on the building in that amount of time. it's going to take a longer amount of time. >> here to talk about this, investigative reporter jaxon van derbeken. good to see you. let's start with that building at 1400 mission with the problems. it had window issues before. did they figure out what actually caused the problems that last time the first time? >> well, we don't really know for sure because of the settlement, the deal that resolved the suit was sealed. but the allegation in the litigation was that a contaminant left in the glass during processing caused the windows to suddenly shatter after, if nothing else, just prolonged exposure to sunlight. but all we know for sure is that the window supplier settled with the homeowners and that this window failure that occurred
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last month was in a different side of the building than the inner courtyard where the other windows failed before. >> jaxon, you're the first person that really broke that story about these exemptions with these high-rise buildings, that they don't have to be checked for 30 years. where does that stand? and then the city also ordered inspections now on those high rises. so how is that going? >> well, first off, they had six, as we know, buildings hit with window failures last month. that triggered 14-day notices that they needed to survey these facades and decide, you kw , what could have caused these failures. that hasn't been completed yet. building officials say they've given the owners more time to get it done and that they're satisfied with the efforts to date. and this expert that we talked to said that in the long term, that supervisor aaron peskin
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wants 71 of these tall et, newest buildings checked by november, and that's going to be a very tall order indeed. it requires quite a lot of detailed work to -- basically they send these rigs over the side of the building with people in it, and they have to look at every window and every connection. it's quite an elaborate effort. so the expert says he doubts that everyone can get all 71 windows checked in such a short time frame. >> so the timeline to get all these inspections completed, did i hear you say november? all those buildings, the 71 buildings? >> that's the hope. supervisor peskin says that he wants this done before another potential disastrous windstorm would hit in the winter. so he has quite a strict timeline that this get done. you know, he's talked to representatives of the building owners, who have said that they'd like -- they're as
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interested as he is to make sure that people are safe. but right now, it looks like it's off to a little bit of a less than impressive start when it comes to just these six buildings where the windows failed last month. >> peskin said it himself. we're lucky nobody actually got hurt when those windows started falling. i know you'll stay on top of the story. we'll check in with you as soon as you have an update. thank you. up next, opening day at oracle park. we sent anthony flores out looking for those new crab fries, so did anthony find them? and iconic shots of yosemite and more. and more. the new ansel we are grocery outlet
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and we are your bargain bliss market. what's bargain bliss? you know that feeling you get when you find the name brands you know and love, but for way, way less? that's bargain bliss. it's grocery outlet's 20% off wine sale going on now till april 11 we have hundreds of wines sure to pair with any gathering.
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so act now because these deals won't last long. stop in and save today ♪ grocery outlet bargain market ♪ and welcome back. yes, it is officially giants season at oracle park. this is a live look where the giants just played their home opener and the rain let up for the first pitch, so that was a good way to kick things off. inside the park, fans were having a great time, excited to cheer on the home team. it didn't go as it could have for the giants. they do lose to the royals 3-1. however, our anthony flores was there taking in all that enthusiasm. anthony. >> reporter: an exciting day at oracle park. baseball finally back in san francisco. the giants playing their home opener against the kansas city royals. you can't go to a game without some gear, right, guys?
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i like your style but you're in the wrong place. focus on the giants right there. fans have come from all over the bay area to watch the giants play their home opener. >> i'm robin, and i've never missed an opening day. this is the 23rd season. >> reporter: fans of all ages are here at the ballpark. we got this family from -- >> san carlos. >> why are you guys here today? >> because we love the giants. >> reporter: and some fans even came prepared to the game. look at james from pittsburgh. he's got a glove. hey, james, these aren't bad seats, huh? >> no, these are great seats. >> any action yet? >> the home run ball unfortunately from the kansas city royal, but nothing close over here yet. >> but you're ready just in case, right? >> all the time. all the time. >> hit it over here! >> reporter: out in center field, a little taste of san francisco. cable car style. high five, buddy. there's a slide for the kids. there's a mini giants field out in left. that's like brandon crawford. he's out. something new on the menu this year, crab fries. i'm still on the hunt for those, but we managed to find a staple.
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brian here and his garlic fries. >> i love garlic fries the best. >> reporter: i'm going to try some jessica. i came prepared with some mints afterwards. it's time for me to enjoy the game. guys, what do you say? >> let's go giants! >> i think anthony had the most fun of any fan today at the park. well, he is one of the most famous photographers of all time, and starting tomorrow, you can see some of his most famous photos in person. of course we're talking about ansel adams. adams was born in san francisco, is probably best known for his breathtaking photos of yosemite. those photos, along with more than 100 others, are now on display at the de young museum. the exhibit is called ansel adams in our time. the de young, by the way, was also the site of adams' very first museum exhibit back in 1932. janelle wang spoke to the photography curator about what to expect. >> there are so many talented
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photographers in the world right now, but it seems like ansel adams just resonates with so many people, even the best photographers. why do you think that is? >> he was a technically amazing and just sort of larger than life figure. i really think that he has really an iconic legacy that, you know, was daunting for a photo curator to even know how to tackle. you know, it was something that i wasn't actually sure i knew how to say something new about this larger than life figure. and so one of the things that has been so, i think, fascinating in this process is this putting his work into this sort of dual conversation with so many contemporary artists who are tackling these same sorts -- grappling with these same sorts of subjects today.
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>> are there going to be some different pieces, or what makes this latest exhibit so special? >> what i think makes this exhibition special is that i'm really trying to bring the conversation around this artist forward in time, and so i've featured in the show not just over 100 works by ansel adams, but also the work of 23 contemporary photographers who are speaking to the legacy of this landscape photographer, but also bringing that conversation forward in time and putting his work into context and looking at the ways that photographers today continue to tackle subjects and places and look at, you know, our concerns for the environment, for example, in new ways. i think it's really going to be
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exciting. >> okay. well, we're so excited. the whole bay area can come and look at his work at the de young museum. thank you for your time. >> thank you. >> a master for sure. let's take you outside. a look at san francisco. rob mayeda joins us with your
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okay. rob mayeda joining me here. i have three words for you, easter egg hunt.
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>> it looks good. the pressure is on. we had a lot of rain around this morning and still some drizzle out there. as we head towards tomorrow morning, you're going to have a little bit of drizzle. lots of low clouds left over from today's rain. we're going to start the day tomorrow with cloudy skies and eventually the misty skies will start to decrease. temperatures tomorrow trend a little bit warmer, into the upper 60s around san jose. then with more sunshine sunday, look at that easter sunday forecast. finally, 70s inland from san jose to the tri-valley. north bay, mid-60s around san francisco. by the way, monday also shaping up pretty nice too. should be another day of 70s inland and then cooler and breezy towards the middle part of the week. so, yes, sunday and monday looking pretty good for those outdoor plans. warm temperatures and more sunshine heading towards sunday. here's your prime-time lineup for the evening. we start off with lopez v. lopez
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at 8:00. then grand crew at 8:30. then "dateline" at 9:00 about a mysterious death in texas. coming up at 11:00, killed in a crash on the streets of san francisco, friends and family are mourning the death of a world-famous cyclist. we're going to have the latest on that investigation for you coming up tonight at 11:00 when you join me and audrey. that's going to do it for us on nbc bay area. i will see you at 11:00. good night. mario!o! woo-o-hoo! [ ominous s music playaying ] woo-hohoo!
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toninight on "access hollywooood" -- >> i went under the thing, not today. >> jeremy renner's moment by moment account of his near f fal snowplow accident and how it affected his 10-year-old daughter. >> what did she say to you? >> will he ever do stunts


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