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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 11AM  NBC  April 7, 2023 11:00am-11:31am PDT

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breaking right now at 11:00, out of a job. the san jose police union executive accused of trafficking
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drugs has been fired. we're breaking down what's next for the longtime director. and a good friday morning to you. thanks for joining us for our midday newscast. i'm marcus washington. we are just moments away from hearing from the san jose police officers association about the next stems in that investigation into joanne se goech ya. she is facing criminal drug trafficking charges. nbc bay area's emma goss is live for us outside headquarters. do we have an idea what we'll hear from them? >> reporter: we have some indication. we're stand big for that press conference at the san jose poa, which is scheduled to happen any minute. we can confirm that joanne segovia in the last hour or so was terminated as the executive director and office manager of the police officer association. the san jose poa just told us she was fired as a result of phase one of the union's internal investigation.
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segovia served in the role of executive director for 20 years and was put on leave last month when the union launched its internal investigation into these drug trafficking charges. next up, in phase two of the police union's internal investigation, there will be a thorough review of all internal financial records to determine if anyone else was involved in segovia's trafficking of synthetic fentanyl, which allegedly went on for eight years. she's accused of having over 60 shipments of synthetic fentanyl delivered to her home and then distributing them across the country between 2015 and this year. and she allegedly used union resources in the process. the investigation will also look into how she was able to pull this off for so long without getting caught. and a poa spokesperson tells us that the po a is looking into hiring an outside investigator with federal prosecution experience to head up this next phase of the investigation.
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reporting live in san jose, emma goss, nbc bay area news. >> emma, thank you. we sent you a breaking news alert on our free nbc bay area news app when the news first broke at the top of the hour. you can download it right now. that way you'll stay up to date on this story and as well as get alerts. a federal appeals court has rejected an effort by convicted theranos executive sunny balwani to delay his prison term until his appeal is decided. he was convicted of 12 counts of wire fraud and conspiracy for making fault statements to investors and patients about the company's finger stick blood testing technology. he's been sentenced to more than 12 years in prison. following that rejection, balwani's lawyers asked for a new court date of april 20th.
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his co-conspirator and former lovrp elizabeth holmes is set to begin her sentence on april 27th. a growing concern in san francisco as more violent crimes occur. just days ago the stabbing of bob lee. we can show you the surveillance video of after it happened in the hopes you can help solve that crime. kris sanchez is live from the newsroom on the ongoing search for a killer. >> the video is hard to watch, but we want to show it to you because whoever stocked bob lee to death is still at large. again, it is disturbing. in the surveillance video obtained by, we see bob lee collapsing after he was stabbed. he attempts to use a doorbell and a phone to call for help. he's also seen trying to flag down a car passing by, but the driver did not stop. we talked with someone who lives nearby in the neighborhood who says with crime being what it is in san francisco, he can understand why someone might not
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feel safe enough to stop many the middle of the night for a stranger. >> you have to be careful who you open your door to. there are a lot of scammers that just hang around, especially after 1:00 in the morning. you have to be careful what you're going to stop a your car and get involved with. >> there is a memorial near where the 43-year-old died, and person who worked nearby that crime scene told us that san francisco police did recover a knife nearby. while police aren't confirming that and they're not revealing much information publicly at this point, at a community meeting last night, chief bill scott said they do have leads. >> bottom line is we do have some good things to follow up on in this case, and they are working tirelessly. >> overall crime is trending down in san francisco, but the homicide rate did go up since the pandemic. sanchez sands, "today in the bay." we're also learning about another high-profile case in san francisco. a man has been arrested for the beating of a former
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san francisco fire commissioner. police say 24-year-old garrett dotty attacked done carmeniani with a metal pipe on wednesday night. it happened in the marina district nearmagnolia. he suffered a fractured skull, broken jaw and had stitches o his face. our investigative team compared current crime rates to last year during this time. homicides, robbery, and assaults are all up, while burglaries and thefts are come down just a bit. new at 11:00 for you, the fallout from an early salmon season closure continues to plague the bay area. local politicians and fishermen held a news conference at the pier in san francisco. they discussed the impact of the closure and their efforts to receive federal disaster relief. the fishermen said they can deal with most disasters that come their way, but the lack of fish is way above their capabilities to solve. >> but this one is bigger than
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that. we need help. we need help from our elected representatives to get federal disaster. we need help from the department of fish and wildlife to work with hatchery reforms. we need from the bureau of reclamation and the department of water resources. we need your help. >> this is only the second time in history regulators have shut down an entire salmon fishing season due to a low number of i say play ball! yes. a live look out at oracle park, where the giants are just a few hours away from taking the field for the first time this season in san francisco. nbc bay area's anthony flores is live at oracle park with a preview of today's home-opener. anthony, i'm just pretty sure that the excitement on the field is just overload right now. >> reporter: that's right, guys. game is still a couple hours away, but the excitement is building. check out the line for autographs. are you guys excited for today's home-opener? there you go.
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it's finally opening day at oracle park after spending the first week on the road. the giants are home and will open up the home stand this afternoon against the kansas city royals. and this place looks great. let another take a look at the field. they've got a great big opening day sign painted behind home plate. the giants taking batting practice. they will continue to do so until about 11:20. then the royals will be up at the plate. like i said, this place is ready to go. minutes from now -- or a couple hours from now they'll be taking on the kansas city royals, the first of a three-game series against the giants. they're .500 so far on the season. in their three losses, get this, they had 41 strikeouts and only 11 hints. in their three wins, they have smashed 15 home runs. maybe playing in front of the hometown crowd and hom home cooking will bring a little more consistency at the dish.
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>> home-opener is a big deal. it's our first opportunity to make an impression with our home fans. our exhibition game, i felt like we had a really good amount of support, and we expect the same level of support today. i think that gives us a chance to perform our best when we have the support of our fans. >> reporter: okay. so, first pitch today at 1:35. it's a three-game series against the royals. then they'll take on the dodgers for three games. this is a big week because this will be the only time the dodgers will be in the bay area until the final week of the regular season. there is a light drizzle and a light mist, but we are hopeful there's no need to bring out the nbc bay area umbrella later today. back to you. >> no doubt the giants are used to the rain we've been getting lately, but as they say, no place like home. let's go, giants. thanks, anthony. don't go anywhere because our giants home-opener coverage continues in just a few moments. cynthia will join us live and
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look at the food options coming to oracle park this season. you don't want to miss that. foodies, stick around. kari, we've been talking about the rain all morning. anthony says it's coming down a bit. does i would clear out by about 1:30? >> gradually starting to try to clear out of san francisco, but it's still going to be cloudy today. we're taking a close look at the radar where we can see this system is still producing some very light showers here and there. it usually does take a little longer to clear from the coastline as well as san francisco. as we take a look at stormranger, we have san bruno mountain to give us a look at oracle park. we can see as of now there is not any measurable rain but that mist that makes it feel a little bit cooler as well as the clouds that are going to be really hard to shake today. so, as we go into the afternoon, what we're expecting is for the conditions to turn a little bit dryer, but it's stim going to be damp out there. the winds gusting at 15 to 20
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miles per hour. then as we go into the afternoon, we're staying in the 50s, so you want to make sure you're wearing lots of layers because even though the rain may stop falling it's still going to feel very chilly out there. and we'll be watching of course a warm-up in our forecast just in time for the weekend. i'll have more on that in a few minutes. marcus? >> thanks, kari. happening now for you, san jose firefighters are responding to a fire. nbc bay area's skyranger live overhead. this is near southbound 880 and coleman avenue. we're being told a bunker or tunnel system that was presumably inhabitated by an unhoused person caught fire. there's no injuries to report or damage to property. firefighters hope to gain full containment by noon. shutdown at san francisco state. a former college swimmer is forced to cancel her speech in what she's calling an attack by protesters. still ahead, the new video of that incident and what led up to
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these tense moments. more people are getting off the couch, getting back to work. the latest jobs number showing the health of the american economy. >> reporter: and it's the giants home-opener. we're live at oracle park. after the break, we she'll you the delicious new food items and the fun events planned for this spring. "the doctor will see you now." but do they really?
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do they y see that crick k in your neneck? that ache e in your heheart? will they y see that funny y little thihing that wasasn't therere last ye? a new bobounce in yoyour ste? the way yoyour reretinal scanan connectss to your blblood sugar?r? at kaiseser permanenente all l of us workrk together to care fofor all thatat is y. we are grocery outlet and we are your bargain bliss market. what's bargain bliss? you know that feeling you get when you find the name brands you know and love, but for way, way less? that's bargain bliss. it's grocery outlet's 20% off wine sale going on now till april 11 we have hundreds of wines sure to pair with any gathering. so act now because these deals won't last long. stop in and save today ♪ grocery outlet bargain market ♪
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nurtecec is the only mededication ththat cacan treat anand preventt mymy migraine e attacks, nurtecec is the only mededication ththat all l in one. nurtecec is the only mededication ththat don't tatake if allergigic to nurtetec. allergicic reactionsns can oc, even days s after usining. mostst common siside effs were n nausea, indndigesti, and stomomach pain.. talk to o your doctotor about nurtrtec today.. [ screaming ] this is new video posted to twitter by former college swimmer riley gaines. she says that she was chased and verbally abused by protester who is shut down the talk she was scheduled to give last night at san francisco state university. on a twitter post, gaines claims she was hit by a man twice, but that's not seen in that video. we have reached out to campus
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police for a statement. this all comes amid an intense debate over the role of transathletes in women's sports. gaines previously competed against leah thomas back in 2022. thomas was thewoma to win the ncaa division i women's 500-yard freestyle event. during a fox news interview in december, gaines accused thomas of having, quote, an utter disregard and disrespect towards women, end quote. the response to the video posted by gaines, speaker of the house kevin mccarthy wrote this is an appalling attack on free speech on a college campus. house republicans stand with riley gaines and her brave and tireless efforts to protect women's sports. now to the american economy, which has added hundreds of thousands more jobs last month. this is according to the figures from the labor department. scott mcgrew joins us now. more jobs, more people deciding to go back to work. >> exactly right. what we call the participation
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rate. good morning. the number of people participating in the labor force. companies have been complaining for months now they had the jobs but not the workers. the march jobs report released this morning shows 236,000 jobs were added in the previous month. the unemployment rate drops back to near historic lows from 3.6% to 3.5% as more americans search for and found employment. the stock market can't respond until monday. it's closed for holiday. it's the 236,000, the smaller number than it was in march, so we are seeing a slowdown. and remember, the fed is trying to slow the economy down to fight inflation. in that sense, the job numbers went the right way. it's been a difficult market for the fed to tame the economy in what is, after all, a growing economy. americans want to work and spend, and the fed says we
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shouldn't. >> a lot of people are working and saving. >> that too. >> thanks, scott. >> you bet. we've been talking about giants and the home opener all morning long. san francisco taking on kansas city royals this afternoon. this is for first home game of the season. those fans, a lot of changes to look forward to this year. nbc bay area is live at oracle park. cynthia, talk to us about it. what can fans expect to see? >> reporter: hey, there, marcus. hey, it's the giants home-opener. we are live at oracle park. fans are coming into the stadium and getting into the swing of the season with the players. there are a couple changes both on and off the field we want to leapt you know about. let's start with the food. how about that? we know that oracle park is world famous for garlic fries and ghirardelli hot fudge on top of vanilla ice cream, but now people will be able to munch on crab fries and several other fan
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favorites with a giants twist on them of course. and there are so many cool events that are happening over the next several months. there will be a kentucky derby hat giveaway day. giants are partnering with the bay area's very own fireworks show coming up in june. and also in june, there is a pride jersey giveaway, of course. now, there are some new rules this season when it comes to the timing of the game. but as mario, with the giants organization, tells us, he doesn't believe it will impact the game-day concessions or the sales. >> it makes the game a little crisper for young fans who kind of want to keep it moving, because there is a rittenhouse tom our game. so far, the new rules are very popular so far. so, i'm sure -- believe me, fans will still have time to go out and walk around the ballpark and get their items. i don't think that's going to be a problem. >> reporter: now, the team's new campaign slogan this year is "nothing like it," which is
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meant to describe the team and the field experience you can get only right here at oracle park. so get out here and enjoy. people are starting to fill into the stadium, and it will be a really good game once this drizzle fizzles on out. reporting live at oracle park, cynthia pimentel, "today in the bay." >> nothing like a win at home. and some good food. thank you. all right. look, so it looks like things pretty much have cleared out for the most part with the rain. >> yeah, but the drizzle is kind of part of the san francisco experience. >> drizzle is not bad. downpour we don't want. >> right. so we're still seeing some very soggy conditions out there, even though the more measurable rain, the heavier stuff, is moving out. lit still be chilly and damp out there. as we look at our live camera, we can see them out there warming up. they're getting ready. and we are going to have a great afternoon and a nice start to our opening season. we are seeing this storm system
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coming in and out of here, but still we can pick up on some of those pockets of rain that's mainly in the north bay and parts of the peninsula, may still be misting and drizzling in parts of the east bay as well. so we'll see things continue to dry out gradually and our temperatures going from the low 60s to the mid-60s for the south bay, may only reach up to about 59 in san francisco today. tomorrow, we do get a nice little boost in temperatures at least away from the coastline with dublin as well as spots like martinez and santa rosa reaching 66 degrees. we'll see a high of 69 in san jose and san mateen, and mountain view reaching 66 degrees. it will be about the same on easter sunday. as we get a look at what's ahead, we are still going to see cold fronts coming in and rain across the region, but our rain chances are very slight. the next chance we'll have after this clears out will be next wednesday and possibly again for next weekend.
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but overall, we are going to see those temperatures dipping down, and we're going to enjoy this weekend while we get a break from the showers and the really cool temperatures. if you're going to the cherry blossom festival in san francisco, we'll start out cloudy tomorrow morning and then see the sun peeking out around 2:00 to 3:00, maybe even going towards 5:00. in venetia, they're having an easter weekend eggs strav gan sa. you'll probably keep on the jacket or long sleeves throughout the afternoon. as we look at brentwood and our temperatures and what to expect, we see a nice little boost on sunday into monday with highs in the mid-70s, but it does take a dip on wednesday when that next cold front comes in and brings in that slight chance of rain. so, overall our seven-day forecast is really starting to quiet down here. and temperatures are coming up. so it's finally going to feel like spring, especially tomorrow into sunday, and that's going to
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be our warmest day, just a touch cooler on monday. but then we kind of go back to winter for a little bit with some slightly cooler than normal temperatures as that next system comes in on wednesday. and for san francisco, those gusty winds pick up at times and we'll see temperatures drop, but we are in for a great weekend ahead. marcus? >> i like the sound of that. thanks, kari. happening now, just a day after cannabis leaders called for more security at their facilities, another break-in at a cannabis dispensary in san francisco, this one taking place about 2:30 this morning on 13th street near van ness. a vehicle rammed into the building there before police arrived. they did arrive a short time after that break-in. however, it's still not clear if any arrests were made. a 9-year-old artist going viral. still ahead for you this midday, the pieces capturing the internet's attention and the obstacles he's had to overcome.
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grid like a cable box. from there you can go to channel 4125. you'll find live breaking news, live newscast, replays, our document documentaries, and our short programs all on channel 4125. you don't have to memorize the channel. you can save us as one of your favorite channels. here's how. click the star button on your remote. on screen you'll see options. now scroll down to manage channels. select that, then favorite channel. now just click nbc news sf bay area and a little heart will appear. you've saved us at a favorite. we appreciate the love. thanks for watching. >> thank you, chris. all right. this next story is trending, and it's really dear to us here at nbc bay area. april is world autism month. >> this morning we're highlighting one artist from central florida whose viral art is breaking ground. so this is a 9-year-old, tiger. he's been drawing for before most kids even his age even finished kindergarten. the autistic tiger, as he goes
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by online, has been drawing since he was 5, wowing his more than 56,000 instagram followers. okay? his dad says his drawings isn't his only self-taught skill. >> his two skills, it's not drawing, it's hyper focus and hard work. tiger drawing has had an incredible impact on him. you know, people are shocked when they see hem, how calm he is. they see him at the comicons and they're, like, he can handle all the people and the noise. >> the tiger and his father are encouraging people everywhere to draw their own tight thermoas part of what they're calling the autistic tiger challenge. i love that. and a lot of people with neurodiversity, you know, do have that hyper focus and can perfect, you know, just really one skill or a few skills. and so it's really a marvel to people who develop typically to be able to, like, have such an
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amazing talent. >> the thing about it, it's really amazing. i can take part in the challenge. it's not going to look like that. >> oh, absolutely not. i'm not good at drawing at all. >> but you're good at the forecast. >> that's my skill, is forecasting. and we are seeing this rain moving on out. we'll be warming up this weekend. so looking forward to having a springlike easter weekend. whatever you're planning to do, the weather is going to be really nice. >> even if it's for a short time, spring, springing, i'm down. >> it's about time. >> amen. that does it for us for this midday newscast. midday newscast. we stream 24/7 on roku and xumo.
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