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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 5  NBC  April 6, 2023 5:00pm-5:31pm PDT

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lee is seen stumbling up to the condos after having a conversation with a person in a vehicle and then collapsing in front of the port side condos. police have collected video from several security cameras in the area, but they are not aimed at the apparent spot lee may have been stabbed. sfpd investigations bureau chief asked for the public's help writing in part we believe it occurred around 2:30 a.m. if you have video or your parked vehicle parked video 2:10 a.m. to 2:35 a.m. according to people who work and live here the area lee was attacked is dark in the overnight hours. sam runs the corner store. >> it's really pitch dark. you walk down the street, you probably get mugged, you could get robbed, raped, whatever, nobody sees anything. >> reporter: would you walk down that street at night? >> no. >> reporter: he wants more policing in the area.
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investigators piece together clues in the case, there are renewed efforts at city hall to try and republic cruet and retain what has become a growing shortage of beat cops. according to the sfpd they are short of 500 officers. during a committee meeting they voted 2-1 to approve a new police officers union contract that would give a nearly 20% bump in pay. supervisor katherine stephanie says the fatal stabbing of lee illustrates the increasing concern residents have about crime in the city. >> people are being assaulted. people are nervous and this is something as elected officials we must address, not make excuses for. >> reporter: the new contract will be sent to the full board of supervisors for consideration. sergio quintana, nbc bay area news. our investigative unit has been scouring crime records for the past five years. some of the info it has gathered shows homicides in the city are up 20% from five years ago. robberies, though, are down more than 16%. assaults are down nearly 13%.
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and burglaries are just more than 1% lower. senior investigative reporter on nbc bay area news will expand on these numbers coming up at 7:00 p.m. cannabis retailers in san francisco are calling for more police protection. at least four retailers have been hit by thieves with guns drawn. in one incident thieves tortured a retail worker until they opened the store. no one has been seriously hurt during the robberies. the business owners say san francisco police have to step up before it gets worse. >> we will continue to press for more protection. emergency funding and increased security for cannanabis operer. these attacacks can be prevente. it's only a matter of time before someone is hurt or killed. >> the retailers went on to say robberies were the work of professional criminal organizations.
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there is a bizarre, some call it absurd, situation going on at a homeless camp outside of a san jose park. as we've been reporting the city wants to clear out columbus park to make room for a planned development. today crews moved in to clear out rv owners who had yet to leave on their own. but as nbc bay area's robert handa explained, they're not moving far and they're likely to be back soon. >> reporter: well, it is a very familiar pattern because the unhoused say they have nowhere to go and san jose officials have been trying not to take a hard line stance. but now the city wants to start development by building a five-acre dog park. and that means the unhoused have to find a way to move. and right now that means relocating right down the street. kimberly williams owns this rv. williams and the others were given notice to move out by today because the city wants to start building a dog park here.
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this will be the fourth time she's had to move, and she says it's a real hassle to move a disabled rv this size. >> it's hard to not give up, though. because it's frustrating. you're being rushed and pushed to do something you have no way to do. you don't have the resources, and you don't have the help when you need it. >> reporter: what unhoused advocates say is absurd the rvs move only a few hundred yards down the street just to stay ahead or out of the way of the five-acre dog park construction. an advocate points out a planned city safe rv lot is months behind schedule and even when it's ready will only take seven rvs from this park. >> only seven people now behind these gates can go. and the other people, they just have to spread out and go different places. >> reporter: so they'll still all be around here? >> of course they will be. there's no place. >> reporter: williams says it's
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ironic she's a dog lover but says she'd like to see long-term solution because the shuffling around and all the uncertainty takes its toll. >> your lifestyle goes downhill the longer you're out here. as long as you don't get help and you don't find a way out of it, you just keep taken down with it. it drains you. >> reporter: the city says it plans to help anyone who has trouble moving their vehicle and will partner with the county and other agencies to find housing and other options. the city says it plans to begin construction of the dog park this week, and it should be ready by summertime. robert handa, nbc bay area news. a san jose man is accused of violent crimes across the city. police say he invaded a home and stole a car, among other things. it started on march 18th and his crime spree continued until his arrest on the 31st. san jose police responded to a report of an armed home
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invasion. homeowners gave police a description of the robber and arrested the man later in the evening. the robbery unit later linked him to other crimes in san jose. >> those crimes included carjacking, assault with a deadly weapon, attempted robbery, robbery, and at one point the suspect tried to lure a 16-year-old into the carjacked vehicle he had in his possession. >> investigators ask anyone who knows about similar crimes to please reach out to them. a san jose man is accused of committing sexual assaults during at-home massages. the arrest of antonio zacariz was announced. they say he's been giving massages from his home since at least 2015, and two people have reported being sexually assaulted. police arrested zacariz last month and believe there may be other survivors. they are asking anyone with more information or knowledge to please contact them. okay, it's happening about 2,500 miles away. tennessee lawmakers hold votes
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to oust three state representatives for chamber rule violations dubbed the tennessee three after they protested for stricter gun control on the chamber floor. now in a historic vote one man has been ousted. state leaders ousted justin jones first today. you can see them here in this white suit. he was actually born in oakland. he grew up in the east bay before attending college in tennessee on a scholarship for his social activism. he has always been vocal, organizing protests including here in oakland for trayvon martin a few years back. as for civil rights and also racial equity. this is the first time someone has been voted out due to violations. a second vote failed. we're wait to go see the results of a third vote to remove justin pearson. here is nbc's alice barr. >> reporter: passionate demonstrations outside and in
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the tennessee state capitol today showing support for three democratic lawmakers who faced expulsion for protesting gun violence on the state house floor. after last week's nashville school shooting that killed six people including three 9-year-old children. >> this is your attempt to expel the voice of the people from the people's house. >> reporter: members of the republican-dominated house accusing representatives gloria johnson, justin jones, and justin pearson of purposely bringing disorder and dishonor to the house of representatives when they broke the rules by using a bullhorn on the floor without being recognized to speak. >> members that shut the order of this institution down. >> reporter: the tennessee house speaker compared their actions to the deadly january 6th insurrection at the u.s. capitol. >> at no point was there violence. at no point did we encourage
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violence. in fact, what we were doing was calling for the end of gun violence. >> reporter: federal gun legislation appears stalled with republicans now in control of the house. but ezrie tyler of the student led march for our lives says that's not the end of the road. >> there's also real and impactful changes that can be made as local as the school board level. >> reporter: the tennessee vote comes one day after thousands of students across the country walked out of their classrooms. >> people shouldn't have to be scared of going to school every day. >> reporter: demanding action to stop gun violence. before today there have only been three other times since the civil war when tennessee house members have expelled their elected colleagues. in washington, alice barr, nbc news. in texas some parents there are taking the matter of school safety into their own hands. a mother in fort worth founded the nonprofit texans against school violence.
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she says she start this had program to still a security gap at elementary schools. middle and high schools have school resource officers but elementary schools do not. so the organization pays to sayings off-duty police officers at schools. this week the organizers and police officers went to the state capitol to support a bill that would require an armed security guard at every school in texas. >> our job is to keep these teachers, these kids, and this community safe. that's why we're here. >> right now texas lawmakers have many bills in the works to increase funding for school security. still to come, are you planning on doing any projects around the house? now that the weather is getting nicer, the new service provided by pg&e. please come and visit, but not everyone. the new message people around lake tahoe are trying to get out to keep an influx of people coming in all at once. and the view right now from
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san francisco is showing you some rain about to come visit the bay area again as our storm radar ranger picks up light rain offshore. more moving down the coast. how much of this can you expect how much of this can you expect forour frida yy
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♪♪ alexex! mateo, hey y how's busisiness? alexex! great. y you know ththat n has s really wororked wonder. thatat's what u.u.s. bank isis. great. y you know ththat n has s really wororked wonder. and d you're grorowing in calififornia? great. y you know ththat n has s really wororked wonder. -yup, , socal, nororcal... -monteterey? -all d day. -a brancnch in ventutura? that's's for sure-e-ah. atms in n fresno? that's's for sure-e-ah. freses-yes. that's's for sure-e-ah. encinitatas? yes, indndeed-us. encinitatas? anaheim? encinitatas? big g time. encinitatas? more guauacamole? encinitatas? i'i'm on a rololl-ay. encinitatas? how about t you? i'm jujust visitining. u.s.s. bank. ranked #1 1 in customomer satisfafaction h retatail bankingng in calififornia by j j.d. po.
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caltrans crews in burlingame wrapped up a large tree removal project. they spent the day removing trees along el camino real. for safety they closed two sections in both directions during this work today. this stretch is lined with trees at risk of toppling including eucalyptus trees. april is national safe digging month. for pg&e it's a good time to remind everyone about a free service to have underground utility lines marked before starting any project. it is simple, it is free. all you have to do is dial 811. pg&e will send someone to your property to mark underground electrical and gas lines. >> right now with people coming out, the weather is beautiful. looking at projects in the garden, maybe replacing damaged trees, replacing fences that may have been damaged with recent storms or just doing basic
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gardening and landscaping. >> striking a line can be dangerous and expensive t. can lead to gas leaks and power outages. santa clara county has seen the most strikes with a total of 37. some renters celebrating in the mission district of san francisco today because a nonprofit bought their apartment building to keep rent affordable. an out-of-state company bought the building. the renters fought those evictions for over a year until the nonprofit mission economic agency was able to. their aim is to keep rents affordable. >> i hope it's inspiration for other people and a playbook for how to fight eviction and how to succeed because today we get to stay in our homes. >> also at the celebration was san francisco supervisor rafael
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mandelman. with summer right around the corner the lake tahoe area is bracing for another crush of tourists. officials there are looking for ways to preserve the natural beauty of the lake. nbc bay area's abby fernandez is here with more on the actions being taken. abby? listen, if you've been to the lake tahoe area recently, you know it's been crowded whether you're on a hiking trail, skiing, or anywhere, really, there's a ton of people around. over 15 million people visit the lake tahoe area each year. and while that's been good for its economy, it's taken a toll on its environment and residents. lake tahoe and surrounding cities are working on a stewardship plan. >> a lot of resort destinations are doing something called destination stewardship plans and at the heart of it it's how do we take care of this beautiful place that really leveraged the power of tourism to help not only our economy but also our local residents community and the environment which sustains all of this.
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>> i spoke to jeff cohen who is also with the planning agency. he says the main issues they're seeing right now from that influx of tourists are littering, a bunch of trash everywhere, he says, dealing with lack of roadside parking which affects residents in the community and that overcrowding at hot spots we were just talking about. they've actually addressed other issues like with short-term rentals by imposing restrictions and enforcing steep fines for renters who were just too noisy. come this summer cohen says the approach will be focused less on restrictions and fines and more on positive efforts. one of the big items in their strategy is to stop promoting tahoe during peak season or peak days and instead will push for people to go during off peak times like midweek. they're looking to get more funding to add additional workers to serve as ambassadors that are helping educate tourists. cohen did tell me the stewardship plan will likely be
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released some time this may or june. we'll be sure to keep you updated on the exact changes coming. >> thank you, abby. levi stadium has played host to a variety of sports. of course football, soccer, and now you can go there for some golf. this three-day event kicked off this morning hosted by upper deck golf. participants can play nine holes, practice their chipping and putting and even get a bite to eat. the co-founder says it's all kinds of fun. >> a great experience, a unique experience. unique to be able to golf inside the stadium. a great weekend to be able to do it with the masters going on. >> on top that have upper deck is partners with the stand up to cancer charity so proceeds from every ticket sold are donated to stand up to cancer. and the weather will be fairly nice. we just have to get over tonight into tomorrow morning. >> better by saturday and sunday. >> easter weekend.
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>> warming up into the 70s. we've waited a long time for the weather. we do have some wind and a little bit of rain to contend with for tomorrow morning and we're starting to see changes outside right now. we have 59 degrees. we managed mid to upper 60s earlier before the clouds started rolling in. now down to 59 degrees. more cloud cover in walnut creek. southwest wind at 10 miles an hour. mostly cloudy skies and a few sprinkles this hour. 59 degrees. there you see the light rain offshore. san francisco currently about 54 degrees. storm ranger yet again being called into service atop san bruno mountain. skies across the north bay, seeing light rain there. with this particular storm the heavy rain will be north of the bay area up to the pacific northwest. as this develops overnight, one change you may notice, the wind picking up for tomorrow morning. wind gusts 20 to 35 miles an
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hour out of the south/southeast. peak wind speeds from 3:00 a.m. to just before lunch time tomorrow. and then heading to tomorrow evening we'll see the wind speeds start to come down a bit and rain chances, too, on the decrease later in the day. peak rain chances will be right on top of the morning commute. we have 40s and low 50s to start the day. mid to upper 50s around lunch time and not really warmer for the friday forecast. as you can see mid-50s and upper 50s around san francisco and oakland for highs. low 60s into san jose. clearly the seven-day forecast giving way as you head to sunday and monday, easter sunday does look warmer. the progression of the rain. how it drops into the bay area for the morning. 1:30 in the afternoon. we have giants baseball, the home opener. mid to upper 50s. a few sprinkles or passing showers possible. things trending drier, though, as we head into friday evening which sets us up for a better looking saturday forecast. you can see the skies starting
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to clear as we head into saturday morning. with this particular weather pattern, the peak rain totals likely in the north bay. northwestern sonoma county may get half an inch of rain. for areas south of san francisco other than getting the windshield wipers going, not expecting a lot of rain into san jose. here is the improvement in terms of temperatures you've been seeing play out in the seven-day forecast. the warming will see sunday, even monday now does look drier. that next storm will take a northern track up to the north bay. and then a roller coaster ride of temperatures continues towards the middle of next week. look at that snow back across the sierra and areas near mount shasta. you don't have to worry about that until next tuesday and wednesday. here now a look at your seven-day forecast. san francisco going to the mid-60s this weekend. the coast likely staying in the 60s but really it's our inland valleys that make that jump sunday and monday now. we'll manage two days of
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70-degree temperatures for the tri-valley, san jose, north bay and inland as well. and then back to more wintry like weather to the middle of next week. the overall trend looking better with the warmest day of the week coming sunday. >> i can't wait for the sunshine. coming up, a beloved park in richmond torn to pieces by vandals. vandals. the changes c we are grocery outlet
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furious city leaders in richmond are making changes after someone vandalized a park. community leaders got the call this morning the community green space garden was in pieces. you can see in this video someone smashed art that had been in the park for years.
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this park means so much to the community. city leaders were horrified to find it destroyed. rub con programs runs a re-entry success center to help people overcome poverty. people from the center tend to the garden. >> this is horrible. this is a space where we look to build community. we look to support one another. >> city leaders are asking people to report suspicious activity and are working to get eyes on downtown richmond 24/7. mortgage rates are high. now so are the car payments. they're also higher. according to data released the average car payment right now is $730 a month. that's almost $100 more than it was at the beginning of this year. and even higher for others. people who buy new cars find themselves paying over $1,000 a month. that is because of higher
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interest rates. finding your zen withanimal s.
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type 2 diabetes? discscover the o ozempic® tri-zonene. in my ozozempic® t tri-zone, i i lowered mymy a1c, cv r r, and d lost some e weight. inin studies, , the mamajority of f people reachehed an a1c u under 7 and maintatained it. ozozempic® l lowers the e rk of majajor cardiovovascular evs such as s stroke, heheart atta, or d death in adadults also with h known hearart dise. and yoyou may losese weight. adults losost up to 1414 poun. ozempic® isn't t for peoplele with t type 1 diababetes. don'n't share e needles oror , or reuse n needles. don'n't take o ozempic® if you o or your famamily ever had m medullary thyroid cacancer, or have mumultiple endndocrie neoplasia a syndrome t type , or if allelergic to itit. ststop ozempicic® and getet medicacal help rigight away if you g get a lumpp or swewelling in y your neck, sesevere stomamach pain, o on alallergic reaeaction.
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serious s side effecects may include papancreatitisis. gallblbladder proboblems may o . tellll your provovider aboutut n problemsms or changeges. taking ozezempic® witith a sulflfonylurea o or insulinn may increaease low blood susugar risk.. side e effects likike nausea, vomititing, and diararrhea may l lead to d dehydrationon, whwhich may woworsen kidndney problemems. ask k your healtlth care provir about ththe ozempicc® tri-zon. you may papay as littltle as $. the san francisco zoo is offering a way to reach your
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zen. a special yoga class with the animals. it's called zen at the zoo. the one-hour class will focus on daily yoga to bring together breathing and body movements. one in july and another in october. it's $50 for general admission and $25 for members. the ticket also includes admission to the zoo for the day. don't forget you can stream on roku, samsung and xumo. raj mathai joins us now with what's up next at 5:30. >> you read that story very peacefully. >> i was trying to meditate. >> we need that in the newsroom. the world's biggest sporting event is coming to the bay area in three years but there's drama right now. the city of santa clara is not happy with the 49ers. round and round this goes. it's all about the world cup matches at levi stadium. the reason for this rift and the
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action the city is considering to take. tensions are rising between the u.s. and china day after taiwan's president was in southern california, a congressional delegation lands in taiwan. how china is responding. and a new study involving pregnant women transmitting covid to their newborns. an infectious disease specialist provides insight for us. good thursday, everyone. the news at 5:30 starts right now, thanks so much for joining us. i'm janelle wang. they fight about football, about concerts, and now about soccer. the city of santa clara once again locking horns with the 49ers. levi stadium will host games for the upcoming 2026 world cup but the mayor says the 49ers are with holding key information for this mega event. here is ian cull.


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