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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 430  NBC  April 6, 2023 4:30pm-5:00pm PDT

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questions remain with no answers yet. the latest details we're learning about the tech executive stabbed to death in san francisco. good afternoon. i'm audrey asistio. welcome to nbc bay area news at 4:30. we'll share with you the increased calls for safety in the city amid that stabbing investigation. we're also tracking other stories today including an update in a fight over the biggest soccer tournament in the
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world. what the city of santa clara says the 49ers are failing to do ahead of the world cup. also, abruptly shut down. casey's barbecue is out of business. the reason they say now is the time after 55 years. get ready for the best gymnasts to come to the bay area. an olympic medalist is with us with a preview of the u.s. gymnastics championships, plus when you can grab your tickets. let's go ahead and begin with new details on the stabbing death of financial tech executive bob lee, a person who works near the crime scene tells us san francisco police recovered a knife near the site where lee may have been stabbed. that person says it was a four to five-inch-long knife found a few yards away from where bob lee was found bleeding. the knife was feet away from where a trail of blood begins as lee stumbled up the street to harrison. we've reviewed security camera video that shows lee stumbling
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briefly saying something to a person in a car and then collapsing in front of the port side condominiums. people who work and live in the neighborhood say the neighborhood lee was likely attacked at night is very dark and no security cameras are aimed in that direction. >> it's pitch dark. you walk down the street, you probably get mugged, robbed, raped or whatever the, nobody sees anything. >> would you walk down that street at night? >> no. >> our sergio quintana follows the latest developments in this story. he's also talking to city leaders about the safety concerns in san francisco. sergio will be joining us with that full story in less than 30 minutes. let's take you to the south bay now. professional football team and a local mayor are now tangling over the biggest soccer event in the world. levi stadium is going to be one of the host sites for the 2026 world cup, but santa clara's mayor says the team isn't giving them the documents the city needs to plan for this mega event. nbc bay area's ian cull joins us
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now. ian, you got to speak with both sides today. what's going on here? >> audrey, this is the latest in a long back and forth between the mayor and the 49ers. both sides are thrilled the world cup is coming and say it's going to work out, but mayor lisa gilmore says the city is waiting on crucial documents. it's still three years away but the mayor says it takes time to prepare for llogistics, securit for the biggest sporting event on earth. gilmore says they've asked for them and gave them the february 1st deadline. for context the super bowl 50 took three years to plan. >> this time by super bowl 50 we had full documents, everything was negotiated. we knew what our responsibilities were, our risks and advantages would be. we were way ahead.
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>> it's a publicly owned stadium. is the team saying anything today about this? >> the team is working hand-in-hand with the host committee on this one. the committee is in charge of leading up to the mega event and the one who submitted the bid to get the world cup here. the committee has a meeting scheduled with the city in a couple of weeks and is hoping to resolve this. they sent us a statement saying we are committed to transparency and have provided city staff with materials regarding the bid. we look forward to continuing to work with city staff on the remaining documents to ensure proprietary information is protected. audrey, we know from past reports fifa is very protective with its contracts with host cities. it's unclear if that's playing a factor in this issue. mayor gillmor proposed legal action to try to get those documents, but that was voted down by the city council this week. >> so a lot going on, ian.
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>> a lot going on. we'll have more at 5:30. >> thanks for the preview. appreciate it. we're going to stay in the south bay. a man committed a number of violent crimes across the city in a span of two weeks. they say rafael moratia invaded a home and stole a car. they say the crime started march 18, continued until they arrested him. a report of an armed home invasion. homeowners gave police a description of the robber and using that information they arrested him, who you see on your screen. the robbery unit later linked him to other crimes in san jose and the crimes weren't limited to a particular area of the city. >> those crimes included carjacking, assault with a deadly weapon, robbery. the suspect tried to lure a 16-year-old girl into the carjacked vehicle in his possession. >> police are asking anyone who knows about similar crimes to
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reach out to them. now to the closure of a beloved east bay barbecue spot after 55 years of serving ribs and delicious sides. casey's barbecue is shut down. so once we heard this news, we did send our christie smith over to check it out. why are owners calling it quits? a lot of people are sad about this. >> reporter: well, we spoke with the co-owner today, and she told us they made this decision a couple weeks ago with their overall well-being in mind, but they are dealing with some real challenges, the economy, an increase in the cost of business, supplies and drop in foot traffic in the area. while it is a little bit sad the reality is, it's tough running a small business these days. now the family has run kc's barbecue since 1968. they were on another location in san pablo. there was a fire. they moved to a new location
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over near san pablo and gilman and have had their share of challenges. they understand kc's barbecue is part of the fabric of berkeley. though their doors are closed, it doesn't mean they're done yet. they're looking to pivot to other options like maybe food trucks or even pop-ups. >> looks like they're looking at other options. so many people are sad. have you been able to speak with customers? what are they telling you? >> reporter: on a typical day they would open at noon, and we were there at noon today. there was a gentleman who walked up, said he had been a long time customer at both of their locations. and he didn't know that they were closing. so, understandably, he was disappointed. he said that over the years he was just happy to have had their food and really enjoyed it and said he would be looking and hoping to see if they would be doing anything in the future. >> all right. christie, thank you for that preview. i know your full story will be airing at 6:00.
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we'll see you then. take you to burlingame now. two sections of el camino real will open in a little over 20 minutes, 5:00 to be exact. drivers have been taking an alternate rate because of tree removal. okay. so we've been talking about this for weeks now, all the rain we've been getting has dramatically impacted our reservoirs. record amounts of rain and snow have replenished them ending the state's three-year drought. to show you all of the changes firsthand our web team put a number of interactive photos together so you could see them for yourself on our website this is lake oroville state recreation area august 2021. pretty much two years ago, that's what it looked like. look at what it looks like today. look at the difference. let's look at the enterprise bridge may 2021. this is what it looks like
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today. granite bay, two years ago. today, look at the difference. and lastly another look at lake oroville may 2021. that is what it looked like. march 26, 2023. it's pretty incredible. if you'd like to check these out for yourself go to and click on the story in our trending bar. still ahead, one step closer to the olympics. gymnastics championships and an olympic medalist is in our studio to help us count down the days to the competition. a big change could be coming for those popular air pods. those popular air pods. upgrade apple is worng onki we are grocery outlet and we are your bargain bliss market. what's bargain bliss? you know that feeling you get when you find the name brands you know and love, but for way, way less? that's bargain bliss. it's grocery outlet's 20% off wine sale going on now till april 11 we have hundreds of wines sure to pair with any gathering.
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so act now because these deals won't last long. stop in and save today ♪ grocery outlet bargain market ♪
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welcome back. the nation's top gymnasts are coming to san jose in a tune-up to the next olympic games in paris. we're, of course, talking about the 2023 gymnastics
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championships. who better to get us pumped up than samantha, who won a silver medal at the beijing olympics in 2008. and now she's a top broadcaster on the sport. samantha, thank you for joining us. really appreciate it. this is a big deal. >> it really is. i think everyone kind of looks at gymnastics for their olympic games, and paris is not that far away, so this is going to be the first look to check out who is really going to be on the next olympic team. >> for us it's special because this event will be happening in the bay area. >> yeah, it will be at the s.a.p. center and it's kind of known for hosting a lot of really amazing gymnastics meets, olympic trials in the past, other championship. i've competed there as an athlete. for me it's really special. >> it's nice to have you back. a lot of us are wondering who will be there. are we going to see some big names, simone biles, who do you think? >> there are a lot of top
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athletes that are slated to be competing in this competition. olympic medalist jordan chiles and jade carey, jones, a world championship medalist and the u.s. national champion is speculated to be there as well as gabby douglas has been rumored to be training as well. i think there's going to be a lot of big names and a lot of big competition. we're all excited to check it out. >> can't wait. you and i were talking earlier before we got on here, but my kids are 9, 4 and both take gymnastics class. you were so young when you competed in the olympics. and so, first, my first question is what was that like? >> oh, my gosh, i can't even sum up what it means to compete for your country and just represent usa. but for me personally it was a whirlwind. it was something that i had dreamed of since i was 5 years old and i went to a gymnastics competition just like one that will be here in august when i
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was really young and that's what put it in my head that i wanted to be on this top stage, compete at a championships, compete for team usa and the olympic games. >> we're looking at video of you there competing. it's really wonderful. i brought up my kids because i think i'm going to have to take them to this event. >> you have to. they're going to be in awe. but be careful because they might like it too much. i always have to say warning to everybody because it is so cool to check out just the athleticism of these athletes and they're really just topnotch and incredible competitors. >> all right. really excited for it and thank you for visiting us and giving us a preview. >> thank you. thanks for having me. >> anticipation is building ahead of the u.s. gymnastics championships. it's all going down at the shack tank, as we said, the s.a.p. center, august 24-27. tickets start going on sale on tuesday. heads-up now, apple lovers. we hear your air pods could be getting a big change. the case designed to go with the
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headphones could soon have an interactive touch screen so apple filed a patent with this concept about two years ago, published the patent last week according to cnet. apple wrote in their patent there's a need for head phone case with a touch screen. jbl released a similar design. apple isn't commenting on a time line for that project but we will keep you updated on that. today we are celebrating national library day. and we do have some stats for you. in california we have more than 1,100 public libraries which issued 21 million library cards and about a quarter of them are children's cards. that's nice. more than half of millennials visited a library or book mobile in the last year. while ebooks are popular, 69% of the people who read books last year read a hard copy. interesting. reach out and read bay area
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promotes early literacy. while the internet puts so much information at our fingertips, libraries have evolved and are actually stronger than ever. >> you go in and it's just this quiet place to study. today we see programming like puppet shows and author readings and technology centers, opportunities for people to learn and maybe achieve new skill sets happening in libraries. i think libraries have evolved to become centers of community that we have expanded what a library can offer to our society. >> and people are taking advantage of that. let's take a live look outside san francisco this afternoon. question, are you searching for some tranquility? i know i am. well, the san francisco zoo is offering another way to reach your zen. special yoga class with animals. they're calling it zen at the zoo. it's a one-hour class that will focus on yoga that brings
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together breathing, body movements. it will ham on april 29. there will be two other classes, one in july and another in october. it's 50 bucks for general admission. $25 for members. it does include admission to the zoo. to oracle park now. sky ranger got these views of the giants home field getting spruced up. the team had its first six games on the road, you may know. the giants, as you can imagine, likely happy to dom back to bay area fans. nbc bay area has everything you need to take in thatgame. pregame coverage starts at noon before first pitch at around 1:30. we'll have postgame live immediately following the game. let's head over to the anchor desk now where janelle wang is working really hard as always. a lot going on today. any stories catching your attention? >> there's a national story that is catching my attention. it's never really happened before in tennessee. ousted after being voted in by voters. a dramatic day in tennessee at
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the house of representatives where the republican-controlled house voted whether or not to oust three representatives after they led a protest on the state house floor last week calling for gun reform in the wake of the nashville gun shooting. what gives lawmakers the right to kick someone out of the house? and you saw the story on "nightly news." we've learned a bay area connection. one of the lawmakers ousted is an oakland native. and keep ka hoe blue and protected. a surge in tourists visiting the area, vacations in the area. when they leave, they're leaving behind a mess. litter, noise complaints, a long list of what residents are now asking for. >> pick up after yourselves? that's my guess. >> yes. that's just one of them, the many things they're requesting. >> thank you for that preview. san jose's joey chestnut at it again but not for hot dogs this time. just wrapped up his latest feat for national burrito day. for national burrito day. how many he scarfed down
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when a truck hit my car, for national burrito day. how mthe insurance company wasn't fair. i didn't know what my case was worth. so i called the barnes firm. i was hit by a car and needed help. i called the barnes firm, that was the best call i could've made. i'm richch barnes. it's hard foror people toto kw howow much theieir accident case i is worth. let ouour injury a attorneys help youou get t the best r result possss. ♪ the bararnes firm injujury attornen♪ ♪ call one e eight hundndred, eight t millio♪
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i wanted to share this fun behind-the-scenes facebook post from our chris chmura, you see him there setting up in that infamous red couch. he has the best consumer tips if you don't already know which you can find here on our website as well as on youtube. also trending, remember world champion competitive eater joey chestnut? it seems the san jose native is at it again. he tackled hot dogs and doughnuts but now burritos in honor of national burrito day. >> he keeps winning everything.
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that was the world burrito eating championship. chestnut eight 14 burritos in ten minutes. 14. what does he get? he's coming home with $5,000. we're likely going to see him again defending at the fourth of july hot dog eating contest. to pleasanton where the world's largest robot competition event is happening now. here is "today in the bay's" marcus washington with what's happening at the alameda county fair grounds. now how cool is this, more than 500 competitors come to the bay area every year to participatee in the robo games. so there are more than 40 events here, an event organizer telling us the most popular is when the robots fight each other. >> the 250-pound robots are the big things because they're so large. it's like nascar.
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you watch for t the explososiond things like that. that's what they give you. >> that's n not yourr thing, t are also competitions that centerer around sportsts. the robogames kicked off at noon today. they will run until sunday and if you can make it in person you can check itut live on the stream on twitch. and to get a head start o events like this and more you can check us out inhe morning, laura, mike and me monday through friday on "today in the bay." tomorrow morning we'll have a live report for the giants home opener. i'm marcus washington sending it back to you. >> marcus, thank you. there are so many events happening in the coming days, rob. you told me we're expecting rain, when does that happen? >> we might see a few showers.
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we have cloudy skies now. this will lead up to a chance of seeing rain as we head towards tomorrow morning. 40s and 50s to get the day started. plan on those windshield wipers. we should see that rain change over to isolated scattered showers, transitioning to a dry drier forecast. off the coast, the trend will keep more moderate rain rates at times moving down the north coast tonight. north of sonoma county and then this rain line will weaken on approach as it drops into the bay area tomorrow morning. that's going to be about the peak for our rain chances. and notice what happens moving forward now 1:30 in the afternoon, close to first pitch time out there at oracle park.
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as you're about to see the seven-day forecast as we head up to easter sunday. look at saturday, skies clear. then we have 70s in the forecast for sunday on into monday and then cooler changes but here is the good news. plans are looking better. warming temperare for the holiday weekend. back to u. >> all those easter egg hunts will be happening. > you can now access nbc bay area newsnever you want whether it'sn roku, samsung or xumo. you can watch live, breaking news and republic pets of our broadcast. janelle is working on the 5:00 janelle is working on the 5:00 newscast next. we are grocery outlet
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and we are your bargain bliss market. what's bargain bliss? you know that feeling you get when you find the name brands you know and love, but for way, way less? that's bargain bliss. it's grocery outlet's 20% off wine sale going on now till april 11 we have hundreds of wines sure to pair with any gathering. so act now because these deals won't last long. stop in and save today ♪ grocery outlet bargain market ♪ "the doctor will see you now." but do they really? do they y see that crick k in your neneck?
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that ache e in your heheart? will they y see that funny y little thihing that wasasn't therere last ye? a new bobounce in yoyour ste? the way yoyour reretinal scanan connectss to your blblood sugar?r? at kaiseser permanenente all l of us workrk together to care fofor all thatat is y.
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right now at 5:00, new details involving the killing of a well-known tech executive the evidence police have recovered and surveillance video following the attack. after staging a gun violence protest on the state house floor following the nashville school shooting. one state representative ousted is a bay area native. how he is reacting tonight. and trying to keep lake tahoe blue. but at a respectful pace. good thursday, everyone. the news at 5:00 starts right now. thank you for joining me. i'm janelle wang. investigators believe they have the murder weapon now. new pieces of information coming out of the investigation into the stabbing death of tech executive bob lee. someone who works near the crime
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scene tells us san francisco police recovered a knife. here is sergio quintana in san francisco. >> reporter: the collection of flowers and cards paying tribute to bob lee continues to grow. this is about where police and paramedics found him early tuesday morning, the victim of a fatal stab wound. this is several yards away from where lee was likely stabbed. in video of the scene early tuesday morning you can see a squared off marking on the sidewalk just in front of a caltrans yard across the street. this is one of the places police are looking at as a possible attack site. according to someone i just talked with off camera who works in the area, he says he saw san francisco police recover a steak knife about this long right inside the caltrans yard here next to those traffic cones. if you take a look here on the sidewalk on main street, there's some markings for a trail of blood that begins here and continues all the way up to harrison street.
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in security camera video bob be lee is seen stumbling up to the condos after having a conversation with a person in a vehicle and then collapsing in front of the port side condos. police have collected video from several security cameras in the area, but they are not aimed at the apparent spot lee may have been stabbed. sfpd investigations bureau chief asked for the public's help writing in part we believe it occurred around 2:30 a.m. if you have video or your parked vehicle parked video 2:10 a.m. to 2:35 a.m. according to people who work and live here the area lee was attacked is dark in the overnight hours. sam runs the corner store. >> it's really pitch dark. you walk down the street, you probably get mugged, you could get robbed, raped, whatever, nobody sees anything. >> reporter: would you walk down that street at night? >> no. >> reporter: he wants more policing i t


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