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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 11  NBC  April 6, 2023 1:37am-2:06am PDT

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's refill reminder light means i'll never miss a day of freshness. (febreze plug.) onone prilosecec otc each morning blocks heheartburn alall day and alall night. onone prilosecec otc each morning blocks prilosec o otc reduceses exexcess acid d for 24 houou, blocking h heartburn befofore it stararts. one e pill a dayay. 24 hours. zeroro heartburnrn. [ cheers and applause seth: i want to thank my guests chris pratt, ali wong the hold steady, everybody [ cheers and applause brann dailor and the 8g band
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stay safe. get vaccinated get boosted. we love you. [ cheers and applause ♪ the killer on the loose. new concerns about violent crime in san francisco after a tech executive is stabbed to death. how friends are remembering bob lee and how city leaders are responding to that high profile killing. it is the da versus the judge. why alameda county's top prosecutor once one particular judge off of her cases. good evening. sadness and anger in san francisco as friends, family and the tech world remain stunned. >> the cofounder of cashapp, bob lee stabbed to death near the embarcadero.
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his killer is still on the run. tonight we are hearing from san francisco's police chief. we speak one-on-one with the district attorney about concerns about crime in the city. we begin with tom jensen. >> reporter: people who knew him and people who live in this neighborhood are still stunned that a leader in san francisco's tech community was murdered here. and a memorial for bob lee continues to grow with more flowers and candles tonight, as the search for his killer continues. crime scene video shows police searching a dumpster and questioning potential witnesses in the area where 43-year-old bob lee was stabbed to death. the trail of blood leads to the intersection where he collapsed, right in front of a condominium, 2:30 tuesday morning.
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>> it will be hard to imagine a world where you cannot call bob and say, i have this problem i'm thinking through can you help me? >> i talked to him last week and i am supposed to meet him in miami this weekend. it will hit me, we had plans to hang out. >> reporter: his name is well known in the tech world, especially in financial tech. is cofounder of cashapp, also served in executive roles with square and was recently with the cryptocurrency firm mobilecoin. in this company video, he talks about the difficulties of creating an app that gives users private security and mobility. >> crypto is in search of a problem.>> reporter: lee was a night person. >> we get energized at night and maybe he was working and he could have been doing anything. you have a right to walk the streets at night and be safe. >> reporter: the city's murder rate is up in your. homelessness is skyrocketing.
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city leaders and community members gathering tonight, talked about drugs and crime in the city. a panelist at the meeting, a supervisor, represents the neighborhood where lee was murdered. >> this is a senseless crime and i think it is made all the more problematic for the people reacting to it, knowing we don't have a suspect in custody. >> it speaks to the brazenness of crimes we see in san francisco and i think that is related to the general volatility you have around the city. >> reporter: tonight for the first time we are hearing from the police chief who says, i would like to express my deepest condolences to the family, friends and loved ones of mr. lee. there is no place for this kind of crime against anyone in our city. i want to assure everyone that our investigators are working tirelessly to make an arrest and bring justice to mr. lee and his loved ones.
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as we try to do on every homicide that occurs in our city. bob lee leaves behind two daughters and leaves behind a lot of friends in the tech and venture capital world. was cocreator of cashapp in the former cto of square and was working at the chief product officer at a cryptic company called mobilecoin. the ceo of mobil:tweeted this photo and writing, he made friends everywhere he went. one of the things that made bob truly special was his capacity to dream big and to summon those big crazy dreams into our world. elon musk tweeting this quote violent crime in san francisco is horrific and even if attackers are caught, they are often released immediately. is the city taking stronger action to incarcerate repeat violent offenders? he tech san francisco's district attorney in that tweet. tonight i asked that question. and what she is doing about
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this crime wave in san francisco. she was on our 7:00 newscast. >> i have been working hard for the past eight months to a year to make sure the san francisco becomes a safer place. not just for our residents and our business owners but for our visitors as well. we are taking a stronger approach to making sure that those who present a public safety risk on our streets, we are asking judges to keep them in custody. i want to make something clear. right now we don't know the facts and circumstances of this death. of this murder. i want people to not rush to judgment right now. that tweet called in it, a leap of assumptions about what happens here and i think we need to all be patient with this investigation to wait and see what actually happens. last night. >> we are hearing from mayor london breed and she extended her sympathies to family and friends. she said the city is prioritizing public safety and she is confident when an arrest is made the da will do what is necessary to hold any
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individuals accountable for their actions. this is a live look at the city. tomorrow morning a cannabis oversight committee is holding a meeting to talk about a string of robberies targeting cannabis stores in the city. as well as recent kidnappings of people working in the cannabis industry. the committee says employees are being terrorized and harassed and they are asking the city for more protection. safety concerns across the bay. in oakland. oakland police stepping up patrols in an area that is become a hotspot for car break-ins. today the oakland police department had that van and extra officers stationed in the parking lot of raising cane's. the fast food restaurant, which decided to become drive-through only because of the rampant crime. last week raising cane's closed its main dining room to keep customers and their car safe. the in-n-out burger parking
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lot, which is a decent do raising cane's, a couple was on vacation and they were targeted by thieves twice in the same day. first the rental van was broken into and they rented a new car and went back to that lot to get the window replaced on the original car. that is when the thieves hit the new car and rob the couple at gunpoint. a month-long search comes to an end as police arrest the last suspect for murder and east bay. arrested this man today who is believed to have shot and killed a store clerk last month. police found him hiding in a modesto apartment. this is video of the store where the murder happened. he is the third suspect arrested for the shooting. officers believe it started in one of the suspects got into an argument with a store employee. a high-stakes battle on floating in alameda county. a superior court judge mason be disqualified from hearing any criminal cases brought forth by the district attorney pamela price. it comes after the da took to social media today saying the judge overstepped his boundaries.
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>> reporter: the stems from a triple murder case. the case was about to go to trial when newly elected da pamela price brokered a 15 year plea deal with the defense last month. a couple weeks ago the judge rejected that deal saying he wants a jury to decide. da price responded in a youtube video. >> i can say that the judge overstepped his boundaries as a judicial officer. and has created a firestorm of prejudicial comments that do not , in my view, serve justice. >> she reminded viewers that a judge is supposed to be an impartial referee. >> because of his inappropriate comments and conduct on two separate occasions, my office will file a motion to disqualify him from hearing any criminal cases being prosecuted
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by our office. >> what district attorney price did is highly unusual. >> a legal analyst said da price does have the right to take judge mckinnon off criminal cases under the law the das office is not required to state its reasons and the judge does not have a right to object or ask for an explanation. >> you are basically saying this judge cannot exercise discretion on any case involving the das office? i think that is something that needs to be done in a very careful way. >> he says it is common for judges to get taken off single cases, but all cases, that is unusual. >> to issue a blanket challenge against the judge is something that is highly irregular and it also calls into constitutional questions of separation of powers. >> reporter: is not clear what all this means for the triple murder case that judge mckinnon rejected the plea deal on. he said the trial date for the case later this month. as for the judge we reached out to the court for a comment tonight and did not hear back. the chronicle is reporting the
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judge denied the das motion to have them removed. the city of the nation announcing it is officially in a local emergency. storms this year eroded a major pipeline in the city and last week it started to leak. for official shut the pipe off entirely. and asked people to conserve water. today they called it a local emergency which means the city can now get disaster assistance funding. the work to this the pipes started yesterday and is set to finish up soon. last month we saw the windows fail on six high-rises in san francisco during two separate windstorms. thankfully no one was hurt but the near disaster prompted city officials to order inspections on all the windows on the high- rises within 14 days. however, we have learned they have been given an extension on that deadline. building owners said they needed more time because of weather delays and other issues . officials say they are satisfied the owners are cooperating and meeting the
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challenges of arranging the inspections. the new deadline for the window inspections is november 1st. 71 buildings in san francisco need to be inspected. a member of the kennedy family may be running for president. robert f kennedy jr. file paperwork today. he is the son of the lawmaker robert kennedy. he was once best known as an author and environmental lawyer but recently emerged as a leading voice in the anti- vaccine movement. president joe biden indicated he will run for re-election though he has not formally declared his own candidacy. we are back in 60 seconds. up next a frightening hit and run caught on camera. a dog walker taken out while a driver does donuts in an intersection. we will tell you what happened in the moments before this video was taken. the warning tonight as technology becomes more mainstream.
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plan on 40s and increasing clouds tomorrow morning. this time tomorrow night tracking the next chance of rain
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video shows the moment and illegal stunt show turned into a hit-and-run. we show you how the dangerous maneuvers played out in a busy intersection in the middle of the day in oakland. some of the video is hard to watch. >> reporter: and all too real seen in oakland on tuesday. cell phone footage showing the truck doing doughnuts in the middle of the intersection of 104th and international around noon. a man walking a dog steps in and tries to stop the driver of the truck. the truck circles again hitting
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the man and throwing him into the air and across the street. witnesses say the driver went off. according to a witness the sideshow actually started four hours earlier and involved at least two other cars. those who work nearby did not want to be at the divide but explained, sideshows are an almost daily occurrence. >> things happen all the time. every day. after a few minutes later the police come and when they leave, they do it again. >> reporter: she represents the district and explains the dangerous driving is consistent with numbers that show east oakland and international boulevard are disproportionately impacted by traffic injuries, including those involving pedestrians. >> this area is in our high injury network. 6% of oakland streets account for over 60% of severe and fatal crashes. incidents causing injury and
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bodily harm to people. we are working to prioritize safety investments in east oakland. >> reporter: witnesses say the man hit, got up and walked away. police are investigating but they do not know the extent of the man's injuries. a shocking sideshow increasing calls from community and council members for safer streets. >> we want to have safe ways for customers and residents who are out there supporting our merchants to keep that part of our corridor alive and thriving. across the country and in the bay area, students walking out of class over gun violence. we are in san francisco today, you see 180 middle schoolers at creative arts charter school leaving campus demanding congress do more to protect kids in the wake of that nashville school shooting last week. the walkout is part of that nationwide ever by the group called, students demand action.
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students in mill valley held a similar walkout as did groups and the nation and berkeley. measuring the health impact on people and east bay. city council addressed health concerns surrounding a recent incident the martinez refinery on thanksgiving day. the refinery least about 20 tons of toxic metals into the city. health officials were worried in the asked people not to eat fruits or vegetables grown in backyards. since then, martinez created an oversight committee to investigate what happened. at the meeting tonight, they talked about the results and they are waiting on soil samples to understand the impact of that dust. >> i am happy they are looking into it. i am waiting to see how much farther they will go. how much quicker they will start coming out to do soil samples. it is all up in the air until we know what is in our soil. >> the oversight committee has its next meeting tomorrow at 2:00 p.m. it is no secret and it
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takes a lot of money to make it here in the bay area. a new study breaks down just how much money you need to make each year to live comfortably in the bay area. compared to other parts of the country. according to smart advisor, you need an average post-tax income of $60,000 to live comfortably. nationwide. in the bay area, bring that up higher. need to bring home at least $84,000, after taxes, to live comfortably. that is up $10,000 from last year. in san diego and l.a. you need to make between $77,000 and $79,000. in st. louis, the metro area, the most affordable, you could take home $57,000 a year. exploring the future of artificial intelligence and its impact. a group at stanford has been tracking a.i. for years to call it the a.i. index. the latest edition was released this week. they show how much a.i.
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is shaping our lives. some of the top takeaways, the demand for a.i. is growing, especially if you have a.i. related professional skills. job postings mentioning a.i. growing in nearly every industry. the take away, the number of incidents where a.i. is being misused is rapidly increasing as well. including some high profile situations like a fake video showing the ukrainian president surrendering. which never happened. a.i. is being used for advancements like researchers using a.i. to better understand antibodies. >> my biggest fear at this point right now is this ubiquitous amount of synthetic media that we are likely about to see a whole lot more of. it can be used for deception purposes and it can also be used for some benefits. movie studios today are using it to double lipson forces. there is a benefit to this but at the same time there is a large amount of synthetic media . it is a huge concern as to what the public trust will have and what they see will not be accurate and will it be real.
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>> he also talked about how children should interact with a.i. he thinks kids could be taught to use the language models like chatgpt, but to do it safely. i am not replaced by a.i. yet. my job is safe for now. it is nice outside. 49 degrees in san jose. looking for patchy clouds tomorrow morning as we take you around the bay. over toward san francisco and 49 degrees, looking nice. a few high clouds passing by and into the north bay. a big cooler in san rafael, 45 degrees. we likely hang onto the 40s we m see morning with patchy patchy fog trying to set up in the valleys for the morning. he was one change tomorrow. increasing clouds, and look at the temperatures around san jose south tomorrow.
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mid to upper 60s. it is been a while since it has been that warm. 58 in san francisco. 55 in half moon bay. mid-60s around the tri-valley. the satellite view looks imposing. a lot of moisture heading toward the west coast. unlike previous storms the focus will clearly be the pacific northwest and mainly areas north of sonoma county. this time tomorrow, as we go through the day we have increasing clouds. into the evening rain showers returning to the north bay tomorrow night into friday morning. you can see the rain passing by transitioning to a few isolated showers early friday afternoon, which is important. the giants home opener. temperatures in the upper 50s and cloudy skies any chance of a brief shower but no big impact on that game. better news for the weekend plans. less showers as we head into saturday and sunday. we are seeing most of the more significant rain staying up to the north of san francisco all
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the way into saturday morning. what this means for your easter sunday plans is a drier forecast and a warmer forecast. look at the seven-day forecast. 70s as early as saturday. right now sunday looks to be the warmest day and even the follow-up rain chance for monday is taking more of a north bay path. early into next week. the most rain we are likely to find in the forecast comes in tomorrow night, into friday morning. if you look closely, saturday and sunday, spring weather. good timing on sunday. looks to be the warmest day. >> good news. up next. the michelin rated restaurant may be closed for good but you have a chance to own some of its famous wine collection. we will tell you how. stanford is lifting his covid-19 vaccine requirements. the university announcing that
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change today. starting this monday the school will no longer require covid-19 vaccinations or boosters to go on campus. administrator say they are tell strongly recommeing them. we like this. one of the most famous restaurants in thbaarea has close for good but you can still drink its wine. we are talking about michelin's are restaurant. hereauctions is accepting online bids for the wine collection. fancy wine. it includes many vintage and
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rare wines. the collection is worth nearly $300,000. the live auction is april 21st. the owner close the restaurant last december and he said he wanted to focus on is next phase of his culinary journey. the warriors giving back in san francisco by fighting food insecurity. they give out free meals at hospitality house. the warriors partner with chase bank to put on home-court assist , and they will host 11 more hotmail distribution sites. the restaurant provided over 1000 hot meals. >> i like to give back to anybody that you can. just to help. >> the warriors have sponsored similar programs to fight food insecurity over the last two seasons. a sea of purple in
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louisiana. the lsu women's basketball team back home celebrating its championship. quite a party. they won their first-ever ncaa title. today the fans lining up along the parade route. a record 10 million viewers watched their victory over iowa. does anyone care about women's basketball? heck yeah. we are back ina moment we are back ina moment (psst psst) ahhhh... with flonase, allergies don't have to be scary spraying flonase daily gives you long-lasting, non-drowsy relief. (psst psst) flonase. all good. things are getting intense the warriors did not even play tonight but they got bumped to the playoff. they dropped from fifth they dropped from 5th to 6th. how does that happen?>> all
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sorts of things. as of right now, the warriors will play the kings in round one of the playoffs which begins next week. the warrior played to the kings in sacramento this friday night in the second to last regular- season game of the year. >> okay. >> it will be an interesting 72 hours. the ballpark is almost ready. our sky ranger over oracle park this afternoon. the giants home opener is friday afternoon against the royals. they play the royals and you can actually smell the new crab fries. the giants in chicago. that is logan webb. he gets roughed up by the white sox. bottom of the fifth, in the gap. web gives up four and runs. white sox win 7-3. the giants are 2-3 and they hope to avoid the sweep tomorrow. at the coliseum, a's and
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guardians. another dramatic ending. bottom of the eighth, a three run home run and the a's were loving up. the game was tied. cleveland would win in the 10th inning. the guardians win 6-4. from the nba to nbc. you will not have to change the channel. this is good. he is making a transition to the small screen. steph curry will start a new comedy series for nbc. it is called, mr. throwback about the misadventures of the
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sports memorabilia collector. no word on when the new show will debut. i think it will be a sportscaster on that show and someone adjacent to me maybe making a cameo. i think we are pointing at you. >> he plays basketball games on nbc sports, his tv show is on nbc bay area. a full nbc guy. tonight, the new legal blow for donald trump on the heels of his historic indictment. former vice president mike pence says he'll not fight a judge's
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order to testify and about his conversations with mr. trump leading up to january 6th. it comes just a day after mr. trump pleaded not guilty in new york to 34 counts related to hush money payments in 2016. the former president defiant, lashing out at the d.a., the judge, even the judge's family. a growing fallout. also tonight, the deadly tornado outbreak. at least five killed after a twister cut a path of destruction in missouri. 30 million in the risk zone this evening. al roker is tracking it all for us. the brutal killing of a tech titan. the founder of a popular cash app stabbed to death on the street in san francisco. the search for suspects and a motive. the high stakes meeting. speaker kevin mccarthy welcoming taiwan's president to the u.s. our andrea mitchell one-on-one with mccarthy. is he worried the visit will escalate tensions with beijing? in jerusalem the


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