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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 5  NBC  April 5, 2023 5:00pm-5:30pm PDT

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in their lobby area, outside their lobby area, there was a huge pool of blood. >> reporter: there is still a trail of blood on the sidewalk along main street that goes to harrison street. according to someone who has seen security camera video, bob lee walked north and west to harrison street after being stabbed, then crossed at the intersection where he collapsed in front of the port side condominiums. the first call to emergency crews happened about 2:30 tuesday morning. >> dispatch, truck 13, lieutenant 3, rc one location 365 main. a stabbing. >> reporter: video shows police officers searching dumpsters and questioning potential witnesses close to where the trail of blood begins. police have made no arrests in the case and are actively
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looking for information about this crime. this violent stabbing of bob lee in this neighborhood is a shock for residents. it's also a tragedy for his friends, family and colleagues. bob lee is well known in financial tech circles in the bay area best known as the co-founder of cash app but has served in executive roles with square and most recently cryptocurrency firm mobilecoin. he described the complexities of creating an app that allows users to have financial mobility and privacy. tonight his friends say they're in shock. one of those friends, former mma fighter shields, said bob has no enemies and he doesn't understand why anyone would attack him. >> i'm still processing. i found out yesterday. i talked to him last week. i was supposed to meet him in miami this weekend. it will hit me while i'm there. we had plans to hang out. >> reporter: lee has two children. he moved his family to miami recently and was in san francisco for a brief visit. shield says they both know the
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area very well because shields used to live nearby. he's not surprised lee was out so late. >> he's a night person like me. maybe he was working even. he could have been doing anything. we have the right to walk the streets at night and feel safe. san francisco mayor london breed released a statement saying in part, the homicide of bob lee is a horrible tragedy, and my sympathies go out to his family and friends. i'm confident that when the police make an arrest in cases like this, our district attorney will do what's necessary to hold any individuals accountable for their actions. okay. it is the day after. it has been 24 hours since former president trump made history in manhattan as he was facing a judge to answer 34 felony counts of falsifying business records. mr. trump followed that up with a no holds barred rally for supporters. as nbc's alice barr reports, he's already turning the case against him into fodder for his
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re-election campaign. >> reporter: fresh questions today about the legal and political path ahead for former president trump after his historic court appearance on 34 felony counts of falsifying business records in an alleged hush money scheme before the 2016 election back home at mar-a-lago overnight. >> there is no case. there's no case. >> reporter: the former president testing the judge's warning to avoid language that could incite violence or unrest, slamming the judge, his family and the manhattan district attorney. >> the criminal is the district attorney. >> president trump heard the judge. he's not trying to incite violence. >> reporter: lawmakers rallying behind the former president with even some critics like senator mitt romney questioning the strength of the case that relies on an untested legal strategy to elevate the charges to felonies.
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>> we cannot and will not normalize serious criminal conduct. >> reporter: house gop leaders pushing to make the manhattan d.a. answer questions on capitol hill. >> we know this is all about, in our judgment, election interference, interference in the most important election we have. we want to talk to him. >> reporter: mr. trump is due back in court with a potential trial on a collision course with the 2024 republican presidential primary. as we approach primary season there are questions about how long former president trump's wall of republican support will hold especially if we start to see any indictments in the separate investigations he faces involving alleged election interference and classified documents. in washington, alice barr, nbc news. >> thank you, alice. our coverage of former president trump's case continues later in the newscast. coming up at 5:30, our political analyst larry gerston joins us. among the issues to discuss how
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strong is the d.a.'s case against mr. trump, and how will the judge react to mr. trump's speech last night? people in san jose are demanding answers after an executive with the police officers association is charged with drug trafficking. the san jose naacp along with other organizations held a joint news conference to address charges against a police association executive. joanne segovia is accused of shipping opioids across the country, even using the police union email and u.p.s. account. at today's meeting the naacp spoke about police accountability. the group said they want to know how this could happen so close to police officers and if found guilty or any other officers involved. >> for years the san jose police officers association have fashioned themselves as the champions of safety and justice.
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that they have exposed to allow an international drug trade to operate quite literally under their roof is the ultimate example of hypocrisy. >> they say it is too intertwined with local elected officials. demanding change from coast to coast. hundreds of bay area students and tens of thousands nationwide walked out of their school to demand more be done to stop gun violence. those demonstrations in response to the school shooting in nashville and many others that have come before that. here is marianne favro. >> reporter: they walked out of their classrooms in san francisco, about 180 middle schoolers at creative arts charter school, carried signs demanding more be done to prevent gun violence. the students say after the shooting at a nashville elementary left six dead, they felt they had to take action. >> i walked out today because school shootings are terrible
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and people shouldn't have to be scared of going to school every day because there could possibly be a school shooting. >> i came out because the adults in our country have failed us by letting this happen and by letting this happen so many times over and over. i want people to look up and listen to us, and i hope that today will help them listen to us more. we shouldn't have to be standing here with these signs fighting for our safety. >> reporter: part of a nationwide effort by the group students demand action, demanding lawmakers push for gun reform. students in mill valley held a similar walkout as did groups in benicia and berkeley. teachers say it's important students feel empowered and have some belief they can make a difference in preventing school shootings. >> we think of schools as being places for learning, reading, writing and arithmetic but we also learn how to advocate for ourselves and we learn to promote social justice. this is a really big component
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of things we need schools to be doing for our students. >> reporter: before the walkout in san francisco, students talked about why they were participating. some said they had already been impacted by gun violence. others said they simply needed to do something to try to save lives. in san francisco, marianne favro, nbc bay area news. >> as we mentioned it wasn't just california. students demand action organized protests from colorado to florida. one volunteer said young people are fed up and deserve to go to school without fear of gun violence. over 300 schools joined the protest today. keep your eyes on the road. that is the message leaders in santa clara county are trying to spread. april is distracted driving awareness month nationwide. bob johnson spoke at a news conference today outside his office. he said the state has made great strides against distracted driving because of the laws banning phone use and warned this month law enforcement would
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be extra aggressive in enforcing these policies. >> so you are being somewhat put on notice to be aware and not surprised if you get pulled over while talking on your phone or utilizing your cell phone during the month of april. and maybe even in the month of august, that can happen as well. >> studies show 13% of car crashes in the u.s. are because of drivers who are distracted by their cell phones. this could be a major shake-up in silicon valley politics. supervisor cindy chavez may be leaving the bay area, considered for the san diego county chief administrative officer position. the role oversees day-to-day operations of the county. chavez, a longtime politician in the bay area and in santa clara and san jose, unsuccessfully ran for san jose mayoral seat in november. at a former councilmember and head of the south bay labor council, chavez has championed
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progressive politics since the 1990s. has been a county supervisor since 2013 and is set to be termed out in 2024. still ahead, a lot of people across the bay area hit with expensive bills to fix damage left behind by recent storms. in some cases not always clear who is responsible to pick up that tab. our investigator looks into the issue for people living in the north bay. and we've been cool and comfortable, but we do have a system making its approach. when will e next rain chance th
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i'm barbarara and i'm from st. joseph, michigan. i'm a retired school librarian. i'i'm also a l library boaod trustetee, a motheher of tw, anand a grandmdmother of t . basicalllly, i thougught thatat my memoryry wasn't as s good as itit had b. i neededed all the h help i i could get.t. i saw the e commercialals for r prevagen.. i starteted taking i it. and it helelped! i i noticed mymy memory wawas . there was s definite i improve. i've beeeen taking p prevagn for a lilittle over r five ye.
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prevagagen. at stotores everye wiwithout a prprescription. an update on a deadly hit-and-run in san francisco overnight happened around 1:00 this morning on el camino real. the video shows police there at the scene. what we know so far is there was a person walking across the lanes. a driver hit them, and then that person took off. it is unclear what other circumstances came into play there. police say they're still working to identify the victim. at this point we don't know if it's a man or woman or any other information to pass along. okay, relentless storms hit the bay area, left a trail of problems behind. you know that well.
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>> when it comes to repairs, who is responsible? it's not always clear. >> reporter: they say an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure for some residents living in santa rosa, the bad weather caused so much storm damage they can no longer live there. one of those impacted residents is waiting for the cure to a problem she says could have been prevented. >> i wanted to have summer barbecues, have people over. >> reporter: this is what katherine envisioned six years ago when she purchased her hillside home in santa rosa. >> it didn't need any work. it had been flipped. it was like a dream come true. >> reporter: she thought a sloped backyard would provide privacy. >> i was excited because it meant somebody couldn't build behind my property. >> reporter: but in 2019 during and dream come m, katherine saw crashing down.
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>> my neighbor and i had a landslide that was in our yard. >> reporter: she's not sure what caused the flood but it happened before her property line. a jewish temple owns the property on top of the hill. she was out $5,000 and her neighbor significantly more. >> he had hired a company to rebuild the hillside. >> reporter: soon after the city of santa rosa notified residents of their plans to replace a deteriorated concrete drainage ditch and install a retaining wall that would repair and reduce incidents of slope failure. katherine thought it meant her hillside problems were behind her. then came 2023 and a parade of atmospheric rivers. >> so my neighbor, this was a day or two after new year's across the street, called the
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fire department because they saw a landslide forming at the top of the hillside. >> reporter: katherine was forced to leave her home. >> they red tagged our home and indicated it's unsafe, potential loss of life could incur. >> reporter: she was out of her home for weeks. in march, the slide finally ripped through her back and side fences. >> i think i had been home for about a week or two and we had another huge storm. the next thing you know this had come down in the night of. >> reporter: now katherine is left figuring out who is responsible for the damage and if she'll be on the hook for repair costs. >> initially they said they were going to work together, the city and the temple to come up with some sort of plan to fix the hillside, but it sounded like they were already kind of pointing fingers at each other.
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the city, the temple, the city, the temple. >> reporter: the city of santa rosa told our investigative unit this light area reconstructed by the city in 2019 appears to be stable and is showing no signs of failure. when asked if they anticipate helping homeowners pay for the damage, they said the city is focused on removing the slide. the day we met with katherine, cleanup crews with the city of santa rosa were removing the slide mass from her neighbor's beck yard. we contacted the temple. we are working with a city on assessing the cost of the slide and its resolution including repair costs. as for drainage when the synagogue was constructed city inspectors approved the construction of the drainage system. there is nothing to indicate it did not work properly this year including prior to the landslide taking place. katherine says she is glad to hear they are working together but worried what the next storm
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might do. >> i'm nervous the solution isn't going to be long lasting. i'm nervous that it's going to be continuing to be unsafe. i'm worried that i will have to relive this nightmare every year. >> reporter: katherine told us the city agreed to replace her back fence but not her side fence. katherine says hercluded from h because it's considered earth movement. hilda gutierrez, nbc bay area news. a struggle for many homeowners who suffered a lot of damage. thanks, hilda. certainly we're enjoying some clear days now. vianey arana joins us now. we're going to get some rain. nothing close to what we had with the storms and the back-to-back atmospheric rivers. we'll see scattered showers. even though we'll see rain, it's
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not going to be as strong as what we've seen in the past. we are starting out right now really beautiful outside. we've been waking up to the cold mornings. a couple clouds into the distance. we'll start to dip down into the 40s and will have a pretty clear night which means we could get cool 30s early in the morning. the interior as well. san francisco right now is at about 55 degrees. wind speeds, we do have breezy winds. 15, 20 miles per hour into the overnight hours, we'll be into the 40s. in oakland it's about 56 degrees. overnight lows dip down into the 40s and in through the interior of livermore. about 60 degrees. by tomorrow things will start to change as we have this low-pressure system already developing to our north. it becomes more of that cold front as it moves down late
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thursday mainly into friday. here is a look at what the model runs are showing when it comes to the timing. thursday at 11:30 ukiah, santa rosa. most of your thursday will be dry. we're going to get an increase in cloud cover. you'll notice it's a lot more scattered. rainfall totals, the highest north of the golden gate bridge, areas south of the golden gate bridge, a couple hundredths to a tenth of an inch. san francisco, san rafael, we remain in that quarter and over an inch. hourly wind gusts expected to kick up. once the cold front moves through around 2:30, you'll notice the winds 19, 20-plus miles an hour. if you have plans to head to the sierra, although it will not be much in the way of snow, thursday night into friday you may encounter some issues out on the roads. we'll see a mix of rain and
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snow. a couple inches in the higher sierra. also the wind factor so check the travel conditions before heading out, just to play it safe. your seven-day forecast into early friday morning. keep the activity nice and light through saturday morning. easter morning, temperatures will warm up thanks to high pressure. that's going to bump san francisco into the 60s. and if you notice on sunday, we start to climb into some mid-70s. so your easter sunday is shaping up quite nice for the easter egg hunt. we are talking 60s on the map. so even though we have this kind of shower activity moving through, a lot of it will move out quite nicely just in time for the weekend. oakland city hall played host to a lively ceremony today. the mayor's plan to revitalize
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getting young people to carry the drug narcan. fentanyl-related deaths spiked. due in part to the purchase of fake pills laced with the drug. the white house is partnering with social media influencers to reach teens and young adults urging them to have narcan handy. >> know what is in the drug supply. make sure that when you are looking at the social media, you are getting the right information. >> coming up tonight on "nightly news" with these psas encouraging young people to
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carry narcan, we'll tell you more on where they can find it. >> thanks to people working behind the scenes and encouraging others to come back to the city office. highlighting the work of city employees. the mayor described this as a kickoff to the reactivation of oakland. the mayor wants to create public spaces. part of the plan the mayor says she will shut down some streets. >> we will ensure that we have space to build community. >> and the plaza was doing it today, filled with dancing and lots of music, participate of that whole strategy. >> save the date. invitations are going out for king charles' coronation.
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we are getting a sneak peek at the royal coronation
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happening next month. >> so fancy. great britain will crown not one but two monarchs. they identify king charles' wife as queen camilla. camilla has been referred to as queen consort until now, the title that has no power. president biden called to congratulate the new king. first lady jill biden will be in attendance at the coronation. >> it will be a fancy wedding for sure. raj mathai joins us with what's up next at 5:30. a lot happening, a frightening hit-and-run caught on camera in oakland. a dog walker is hit by a pickup as the driver of the truck is doing doughnuts in a busy intersection. how local law make remembers responding. >> we follow developments in former president trump's case. how will the judge react after the fiery speech.
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and despite strong warnings, kevin mccarthy meets with taiwan's president in southern california. thanks so much for joining us. i'm janelle wang. >> dramatic video showing when a stunt show turned into a hit-and-run. velena jones shows us the dangerous scene that played out in the middle of the day in oakland. some of the video is difficult to watch. >> reporter: an all too-real scene in oakland on tuesday. cell phone footage showing a truck doing doughnuts in the middle of the intersection of 104th and international around noon. that's when a man walking a dog stepped in and tries to stop the driver. the truck circles around again hitting the man, throwing him into the air and


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