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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 430  NBC  April 5, 2023 4:30pm-5:00pm PDT

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a high-profile bay area tech executive is killed in a stabbing. we're going to have the latest on the investigation and how the tech world is responding.
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good afternoon. i'm audrey asistio. welcome to nbc bay area news at 4:30. we're also hearing from the tech executive's father, his heartfelt post on facebook today. we're also checking other stories this afternoon including a dog walker who was hit by a car doing doughnuts in an oakland intersection. we'll show you the shocking video and the bigger problem it's shining a light on. also, when is the best day to fly out of town? if you're still planning your next trip, stay with us. we have new info and really good tips as well. and it's now longer and worse than we're used to. our ian cull is talking about why this allergy season is expected to be really bad. let's begin with the tragic story out of san francisco today that's grabbing national attention. tonight sfpd says it's still piecing together clues in the stabbing death of cash app co-founder bob lee. lee was found early yesterday morning bleeding outside a condominium building on main
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street near harrison in the east's east cut neighborhood. there are still remnants of the trail of blood on the sidewalk along main street today. sources tell us the security camera shows us the moments after lee was stabbed. the video shows he stumbled before collapsing in front of the port side condominium. friends and colleagues say he was very loved and they're in shock. >> i'm still processing. i found out yesterday. it was certainly news. i talked to him last week. i was supposed to meet him in miami this weekend. it's going to be weird going to miami and we had plans to hang out. >> lee's father posted a heartfelt message on facebook. it reads, i just lost my best friend, my son, bob lee, when he lost his life on the street in san francisco early tuesday morning. i moved to mill valley, california, with bob after his mother died in 2019 and we recently relocated to miami in october 2022. life has been an adventure with two bachelors living together,
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and i'm so happy that we were able to become so close these last years. bob would give you the shirt off his back. he would never look down on anyone and adhered to a strict no-judgment philosophy. bobby worked harder than anyone and was the smartest person i have ever known. he will be missed by all those that knew him. thank you to those who have reached out in support. a lot of people who knew or met lee have been posting about his tragic death on social media today including our business and tech reporter scott budman. he tweeted, i remember meeting bob lee at square while interviewing jack dorsey for a story. his death is a tragedy. the tech world especially in san francisco is in shock today. the stabbing death is bringing san francisco's safety record back under the national microscope. twitter and tesla ceo elon musk tweeted violent crime in sf is horrific. even if attackers are caught, they are often released immediately. is the city taking stronger
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action to incarcerate repeat offenders? he tagged san francisco's district attorney brooke jenkins. jenkins responded with their own tweet. i want to extend my sincerest condolences for his loss. we do not tolerate these horrific acts of violence in san francisco. she added another tweet, protecting public safety and holding violent repeat offenders is a top priority for my administration. we work closely with sfpd and bring charges when arrests are made and there is enough evidence to prove beyond a reasonable doubt the defendant is guilty. we did send our sergio quintana to the neighborhood where bob lee was stabbed. he will be bringing us a live update in less than 30 minutes. right now shocking video out of oakland. cell phone camera caught the moment a daytime sideshow turned into a hit-and-run. but, first, i do have to warn you some of the video is
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difficult to watch. you see it there, that white truck repeatedly doing doughnuts in the intersection of 104th and international at around noon yesterday. that's when a man walking a dog steps in, tries to get the driver to stop, and then you saw there the truck circles around again hitting that man, throwing him into the air and across the street. witnesses say the driver then just drove off. >> the driver hit him with the truck. these things happen all the time, every day. after a few minutes later, the police come in. when they leave, they do it again. >> witnesses told us incredibly the man who got hit managed to walk away. coming up at 5:30, we are learning more about what happened prior to the video and how lawmakers are responding
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today. going to take to you pajaro. take a look at the new equity express bus heading to pajaro to deliver blankets and food as well as mental health services. it also has classrooms and other supplies for children out of school. it's owned by the nonprofit alas which focuses on helping farmworkers but emphasizes today was about helping everybody in need. >> when the floods hit, primarily it was a lot of farmworkers affected, but it was everybody. these services, what we're giving, is for everyone impacted. we're here to say we care for you. we're with you. >> we're told the bus will be staying in pajaro but how long depend on how much people actually need it. a question for you. are you finding your allergies are particularly bad right now? well, it looks like you are not
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alone. doctors say the allergy season is getting worse and lasting longer. ian cull joins us now. ian, you got to speak with doctors today, and they're telling you part of this problem is the winter we just had? >> it really is. i hate to say it, but you're going to have to expect a tough spring, even a tough summer because of all that rain contributing to the problem. it's soaking into all those blooming flowers and obviously if you look outside, even though a little more rain is in the forecast, spring has sprung, meaning the flowers are blooming, plants and weeds are growing like, well, weeds. today i interviewed a doctor who is an allergy and asthma associates of northern california. his office is seeing an uptick in patients calling in for appointments. he says right now the thing affecting most people is tree pollen. >> in a year like this where we've had a lot of rain, we might get significant pollen levels even into june or july, so it's just going to be a tough
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year and we're all going to have to be careful and take our medication. >> taking medication. some people need those allergy pills. is there anything else we can do? >> get some saline nasal spray, even a neti pot to clear out the sinuses if you have one of those. most of the medicine is over the counter now. you can get stronger nasal spray. close the windows in your house and car, get a hepa filter for your home. if you've been outside, take a shower and change your clothes before you sit down. i ran into plenty of people that have been trying everything to feel better this allergy season. >> i have severe asthma, chronic sinusites. i'm constantly sick, constantly in a stick of having a cold. it's all allergy related. >> i've seen people wearing a mask. that's another possible solution. i remember during the pandemic wearing a mask outside, my
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allergies were great. >> were they? >> now they're not so great. >> how are you doing now? not so great? >> cough, itchy eyes. my kids have the worst of it. my son keeps rubbing his eyes. daughter is getting a cough. it depends. people are allergic to some things more than others. hang in there, do what you can to get through it. >> it's the worst when the kids are suffering. how can i change this and make it okay for you? ian, thank you. appreciate it. april is distracted driving awareness month. santa clara county supervisor is reminding all of us to keep our eyes on the road and stay off the cell phone. he held a news conference today. >> everybody thinks it's a dangerous behavior and everybody thinks it's somebody else who is the problem. human nature, i'm afraid. that's what today is about.
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we all have to make a commitment to make sure we are not part of the problem, that we are part of the solution. >> studies show 13% of car crashes in the u.s. are caused by drivers distracted by their cell phones. where are you going this summer? any getaway plans yet? we have crucial details you're going to want to keep in mind as you plan your n next trtrip. also, thehe bestt dayss for traveling. plus, he creates art that's never meant to last forever. a man in southern california is going viral for his beach beautification. let's head over to alicia. she has been ready getting ready for our 7:00 p.m. newscast today. what can we expect? >> you were talking about the elon musk tweet earlier calling out the d.a. of san francisco about the crime. d.a. brooke jenkins is joining
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us. we'll ask her about that and ask her about the horrific deadly stabbing that happened. >> thanks for the preview. appreciate it. ♪♪♪ alexex! mateo, hey y how's busisiness? alexex! great. y you know ththat n has s really wororked wonder. thatat's what u.u.s. bank isis. great. y you know ththat n has s really wororked wonder. and d you're grorowing in calififornia? great. y you know ththat n has s really wororked wonder. -yup, , socal, nororcal... -monteterey? -all d day. -a brancnch in ventutura? that's's for sure-e-ah. atms in n fresno? that's's for sure-e-ah. freses-yes. that's's for sure-e-ah. encinitatas? yes, indndeed-us. encinitatas? anaheim? encinitatas? big g time. encinitatas? more guauacamole? encinitatas? i'i'm on a rololl-ay. encinitatas? how about t you?
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i'm jujust visitining. u.s.s. bank. ranked #1 1 in customomer satisfafaction h retatail bankingng in calififornia by j j.d. po.
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welcome back. you may already be on spring break or planning to head out of town next week. well, believe it or not, it's time to start thinking about summer travel plans. that's especially if you're trying to book a flight. marcus washington is here with some travel tips. if you're thinking about traveling during the spring or summer, now is the time to book for the best fare according to the travel experts says airline fares are down 12% since their peak in may of last year. if you have the flexibility, the cheapest days to travel tuesday, wednesday and saturday. >> if you see a fare you're comfortable with now, book it. do not wait.
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airfare doesn't act like retail where the closer you get to, say, a holiday, things tend to get cheaper and cheaper. that's not how airfare works. it tends to go in the other direction. it tends to get more expensive the longer you wait until that intended date of travel. >> international travelers listen up. if you need to apply for or renew your passport says that processing times are up0 to 13 weeks, 7 to 9 weeks if you use theedite option. and if you're sticking around you can watch laura, kari, mike and me monday through friday on "today in the bay." i'm marcus washington. back to you. >> all right, marcus, thank you. april is national earth month. it's a time when a lot of scientists call a lot of attention to the state of our environment. for the first time ever there are a lot of tax incentives you can take advantage of if you pivot to clean energy, discounts for efficient heat pumps, solar
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panel projects, figuring out you what to do to help the earth can be hard. science moms is looking to make it easier for us. one of their solutions they're telling us is just get rid of things that pollute. >> whenever you have an opportunity swap from carbon polluting to noncarbon polluting. that blanket which is getting thicker and thicker the things burn here on planet earth is making us warmer and it's adding to extreme storms and making our heat waves worse. >> what else? they say this can include replacing a gas stove with an electric one or going electric with your car. i've been excited about this story. one man in san diego makes a living by throwing his heart and soul into his artwork and then just letting it go. literally watching his work get destroyed shortly after.
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lx contributor greg bledsoe takekes us t to a a beach for an in letetting go anand appreciai ththe moment.. whehen you know s something won't last, you u make the t t for r it. onone, two,o, three, fourur. i statart by makaking a a very grid onlyy ii c can s see and sometimess i can barelely see i. all the t time peoeople are ask whwhat are youou doing? what's i it for? whwhat iss it? youu can use the beaeach to cre massive designs and when you're on the ground it can be very hard to understand that. ii call mysyself an eararth s s artitist. thee canvass is t the beach. i consisider my rakee to o be t
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paint brusush. i hahave severalal t types o off differerent widthths t to c cre differentt linenes. somemetimes a tape measure, ver simple tools. i do not have count of how many i've done. thousands perhaps. i've been creating this art for about 20 years. in 2014 i suddenlnly wentt vivi became welell knknown, andnd i n doining this asas a career r ev sisince. peoplele find m me and they wil commissision me to do a c commel or d do a mararriage proposal,, mememorial, t to createe beauty the mididst of sorrorow is a tranansformativeve experiencnce. i need t to keep track of w whe am. my time i is limimited. the tidee is returning.g. it is definititely relentlessss. righght awayy i havee too conte
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withth the f fact i can't hold o whatever i create, and there's a really liberating quality to that. i take my photos and then i feel complete, and i feel ready to leave. ththat seems so t therapeuticic ablele to p pour yourr heart in something and then let it go. if this one ever exists again once it's gone, there's's a b by to that, a a poignancncy. thee truth iss nothingng iss pepermanent a and if we canan b with that, there's something deeper in life that opens up to us when we can be in the moment. i hopee to connenect peoplple t theieir own impermananence. i'i'll keep doing t this artrt long a as i'm ablble to hold a andd walalk on the beach.h. i get t to be in nature. ii get to o be on thehe beach. i get to bebe i in a t therapeu experienence with t the waves ay fefeet in the e sand.
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i don't know why it would stop. >> and that's a lesson in the story. you can watch more stories on nbc lx, you can watch on xfinity 185 or over the air on channel 11-5. you know what's next, we are at the anchor desk with janelle wang. what can we expect? there was a nationwide walkout today. students holding a day of action. it happened all across the country including right here in the bay area. students walked out of class at the same time today to express their anger over gun violence on school campuses including students from mill valley. they're demanding lawmakers take action to clean them safe. cleanup after the damage of storms. we'll take you to one neighborhood overrun by a mudslide. so who is responsible? we investigate.
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>> okay. question. >> yes? >> does your daughter like mario brothers? >> she doesn't play it but she's seen the commercial. we are going to watch it this weekend. >> my kids have been looking forward to it, so we may have to this weekend as well. the day has come, my friend, out today. we'll give you a sneak peek. we are grocery outlet and we are your bargain bliss market. what's bargain bliss? you know that feeling you get when you find the name brands you know and love, but for way, way less? that's bargain bliss. it's grocery outlet's 20% off wine sale going on now till april 11 we have hundreds of wines sure to pair with any gathering.
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so act now because these deals won't last long. stop in and save today ♪ grocery outlet bargain market ♪
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welcome back. let's take a look at some of the stories trending this afternoon. tesla is now getting into the beer business. electric automakers selling a limited edition giga beer but it will cost nearly $100 for a three pack. that's all you get. it's made in germany. bottles resemble the cyber truck yet to be released. this is the second released. they released a limited edition
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tequila. the area's favorite hardwood star is making a transition to the silver screen. steph curry will star in a new comedy series for nbc. a mock-umentary style like "the office" called "mr. throwback" about the misadventures of sports memorabilia collectors. the warriors star will play a fictionalized version of himself who happens to be a childhood teammate of that memorabilia collector. janelle and i talked about this earlier, the time has come, my fellow parents, long-awaited super marario brotherers movie finalllly here. >> fire! >> mm-hmmmm. ththere it isis. mario a and peachch teaeaming u against bowser a as hee looks t conqnquer the woworld. chris pratt is the v voice of
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mario. we shoululd note thehe m movie produced b by universal owned b comcast which is our parent company. so this is out now. easter weekend is just around the corner. a lot of families are super excited because the easter egg hunts and the movie coming out. it's a busy weekend. >> i know folks are concerned about the weather. let's get right to the forecast. we've been starting out chilly in the morning, in the 40s and 50s. in san francisco we have mostly clear conditions, and our curran temperatures right now in the 50s and the 60s. santa rosa, 58. take a look at satellite radar. we do have our next low-pressure system starting to line up just to our north. you can see it right here developing. what that will do is bring us a chance of rain. the timing will vary. your hourly forecast is in the 40s starting out tomorrow
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morning around 7:30. we do have upper 30s in santa rosa. your daytime highs for tomorrow will be quite comfortable. in the mid and upper 60s in san jose. 66 degrees, oakland 60 degrees. mill valley, 57. here is the hour by hour forecast. right now the model runs are lining up like a thursday to early friday morning system. so if you live in the north bay ukiah, santa rosa, the rain starting tomorrow night. then it becomes more widespread and scattered through friday morning's commute at 5:30 in the morning. we get some areas of scattered activity carrying over with a chance of scattered showers through saturday. this isn't a huge system, not a big rainmaker. totals will fall through ukiah and up north. anywhere from a couple hundredths of an inch to less than a quarter. winds will start to pick up as soon as this system passes through. this will carry over into your friday afternoon. your seven-day forecast, again,
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late rain thursday. most of your thursday will be dry. saturday and sunday for easter we do stay dry and we even start to warm up heading into the next workweek. >> vianey, thank you so much. a qck reminder you can access nbc bay area news whenever you wanthether it's roku, samsung tv or xumo. thank you so much for joining us at 4:30. jess and janelle are working on the 5:00 newscast next.
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right now at 5:00, piecing together a killing in san francisco. a well-respected tech executive stabbed to death leaving his friends stunned and a neighborhood on edge. also, what's next for former president trump legally and politically following his historic arraignment?
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will the judge react to his fiery speech from mr. trump? students walk out of class in a show of solidarity. what they're walking for. the news at 5:00 starts right now. thanks for joining us. i'm jessica aguirre. >> good wednesday. i'm janelle wang. the tech community is mourning one of their own. someone stabbed and killed a well-known tech executive. bob lee of cash app, his friends say the community has lost a brilliant man while those living near the crime scene are worried for their safety. sergio quintana has more from san francisco. >> reporter: for residents of this neighborhood learning someone was stabbed to death here early tuesday morning is pretty disturbing. debbie saw the scene yesterday as she was walking her dog. >> i saw all of the blood along.
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in their lobby area, outside their lobby area, there was a huge pool of blood. >> reporter: there is still a trail of blood on the sidewalk along main street that goes to harrison street. according to someone who has seen security camera video, bob lee walked north and west to harrison street after being stabbed, then crossed at the intersection where he collapsed in front of the port side condominiums. the first call to emergency crews happened about 2:30 tuesday morning. >> dispatch, truck 13, lieutenant 3, rc one location 365 main. a stabbing. >> reporter: video shows police officers searching dumpsters and questioning potential witnesses close to where the trail of blood begins. police have made no arrests in the case and are


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