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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 530  NBC  April 4, 2023 5:30pm-6:00pm PDT

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ever be filmed as in depth in the water, 8,336 meters, over five miles. expedition to find these fish part of a decade long study of deep sea fish. almost doesn't look real. >> looks tropical. the deep water are usually flat because the pressure of the water but looks like a normal fish. don't forget can you stream our newscast. raj joins us now. there's a lot happening this hour. president trump is now on stage back in florida at his estate in mar-a-lago and answering to the 34 felony charges against him. you can see him addressing his supporters here as he approaches that podium. we will hear what he has to say when we continue to update and monitor these historic developments.
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>> and do prosecutors have a cut and dried case? larry gerston joins us with what's ahead for the former president. the news at 5:30 starts right now. thanks so much for joining us. i'm janelle wang. >> and i'm raj mathai. the former president is back at his mar-a-lago resort tonight in florida. he's addressing his supporters after being arraigned earlier today in new york city. this is a live look at the podium. you see president trump there, the first president ever to be charged with a crime. he pled not guilty to 34 counts of falsifying business records in order to conceal information from american voters. his family did not travel with him but are by his side along with marjorie taylor greene and
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matt gates. we'll hear from mr. trump in a few minutes. jay gray has been outside the courthouse since early this morning. >> reporter: as the motorcade leaves, the historic trip is short, less than four miles. cameras getting a quick glimpse as former president trump enters the criminal courthouse. inside a process unprecedented in u.s. history begins to unfold. agents reading his rights and fingerprinting the former president. then after a short delay -- >> president trump, will you come speak to us? >> reporter: leading him into a courtroom, still photographers allowed inside briefly before the arraignment. the man who once sat in the oval office indicted on 34 counts of falsifying business records for his alleged role in a hush money scheme involving an alleged affair with stormy daniels just
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ahead of the 2016 election. >> these are felony crimes in new york state no matter who you are. >> reporter: mr. trump pleading not guilty. >> there were no facts in there. in an indictment you have alleged facts. >> reporter: the entire process seemingly unnoticed by hundreds gathered just outside of the courthouse. those on both sides of this politically charged case separated by police. >> get out of here. >> you get out of here. >> reporter: screaming and cursing at each other for hours, hatred for so many clearly overshadowing the history here. the scene for the casual observer almost unbelievable. >> i'm looking at the absence of reality to put it bluntly. that's all i can say. >> reporter: as the screaming continued, the man they are arguing over, now a defendant, leaves the courthouse.
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jay gray, nbc news, new york. >> a lot happening not just in new york city but right now in mar-a-lago in florida. let's bring in larry gerston. is this what you expected today, larry, or no one could predict what happened today? >> it's hard to know if it will be an up-and-down case. on the one hand we have the money paid to stormy daniels to keep quiet. that's linked to the money obtained illegally from his business. the voters kept from knowing this and it was fraudulent for them. that means we have 34 counts of felonies here. he intentionally lied and withheld from the voters, that's a big problem. others say those leaks are not that clear. >> it's what he did to hide
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information from the american voters, is that what he's accused of doing? >> hiding the money and they might have voted differently. >> got it. very clear here. in terms of political impact, what can happen next? he may not be back in trial until december. >> at the moment, raj, he's doing a good job cashing in over $5 million so far from what's happened to date. his ability to gain support has actually gone up. a 14-point advantage over ron desantis of florida two weeks ago. that has mushroomed to 29% now. so far he's just using this to go way, way up and has taken to mar-a-lago tonight. >> he's cashed in not just $5
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million but $10 million since he's been indicted. in terms of what he's telling his supporters in mar-a-lago this evening, he says he is innocent, just an american fighting for this country. that's the common theme, correct? >> it is a common theme. the mueller examination, january 6, all these things, one by one, two impeachments and every single time people thought they had this president cornered he's come out, come out more successfully than going in. he's an amazing study in how he's managed these for the folks who support him. >> there's a lot to be said not just tonight but the next several months. we monitor what president trump is saying to his supporters in mar-a-lago. we have a live look at the podium there. he got on stage about ten
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minutes ago. usually he speaks for quite a while so will probably be on stage another 10 to 15 minutes. our producers are listening in on this. we will hear from president trump in just a few moments. the arraignment on air and online. right to our nbc bay area app for the latest information there. we want to let you know about new details about last week's nashville school shooting, a suicide note belonging to the suspected shooter were found insid the family's home. police released a list of 37 items they found belonging to audrey hail. investigators located a photo from the covenant school which the shooter attended and killed six people including three kids. police say the shooter was under a doctor's care for an undisclosed emotional disorder and hid weapons inside the family's home. it's official.
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nato has a new member. finland was announced as the 31st member of nato marking an important political shift in europe. the historic move ends yerps of the nordic country maintaining a neutral position. sweden plans to join nato but is pending approval from turkey and ngary. the search continues for a missing boater in solano county. two men went fishing yesterday. their boat capsized lt night. one man w able to swim to a pier and report his fellow fisherman, his brother. the coast guard has been searching. the missing man last seen wearing brown coveralls. he has short blond hair. up next the search continues for a bay area woman kidnapped in mexico. we'll hear from her family and the new message to lawmakers
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about the search. also, a lot of excitement about this, a new women's pro soccer team coming to the bay area, and there are some big names behind this franchise. when they're going to start playing, what their name is and where they'll start playing. we know some of those answers. outside right now partly cloudy skies, san francisco, high clouds on approach making for a gorgeous sunset at 53 degrees. more on a slight warm-up and more spring showers
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a distraught mother wants her daughter back after they say she was kidnapped in mexico. they believe monica deleon barba is still alive. there's a $40,000 reward for her return. monica was visiting in mexico in november. she was out walking her dog when she was kidnapped. her family says there is video
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of cars pulling up next to monica and driving off with her inside. >> i know there's a lot of good investigators and agents that are on our side, on our time, giving it their all to help my sister out. a lot of the responsibility falls into mexican investigators whom i wish to urge more. >> that's monica's brother there. the area is considered very dangerous and the u.s. is asking people not to travel there because of potential kidnappings. a north bay nonprofit is helping to bring awareness to mental health care for veterans. they are hosting a charity tournament. low or no-cost services to veterans, active military and families including canine-assisted therapy. the founder said the need for mental health services is more important now than ever. >> these are some of the best citizens we could possibly have in our communities.
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and we need them to do the work that they want and be able to live the quality of life that they've earned through military service. >> the event will be held april 22nd at vacaville veterans hall. 100% of the proceeds will go directly to the mental health services for veterans. this is a big deal. we have a new professional sports franchise in the bay area. a lot of parents and young athletes have been waiting for years for this. the extremely popular national women's soccer league, the nwsl, announced a new expansion team today. ian cull spoke with some of the region's soccer legends who helped make this team a reality. >> reporter: the national women's soccer league is coming to the bay. a league whose fan base is growing quickly selling out stadiums around the country. >> bring a team here to our community, our backyard and our home. it's an incredible moment for us and we know the bay area is ready for it.
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>> reporter: the bid to bring a team to the bay led by former santa clara and u.s. soccer legends brandi chastain, osbornee, aly wagner and slaton partnering with sixth street, a global investment firm.. formerer facebooook cocoo shery sandberg is also backing the team, a $125 million investment. the firm says it's the single largest investment in a women's pro sports team ever. >> we all know girls who play become women who lead, and we are about being a part of that pipeline. >> reporter: the bay area franchise will be the 14th team in the league. they'll join the league which is now in its 11th season. where they'll play will be announced down the line. paypal park in san jose where the earthquakes play is the most likely option. the team's name will also come later.
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>> i think you're going to like it. i think it will be exciting. we feel pretty good where we're at and can't wait to share that with you. >> reporter: the bay area is a hotbed for women's soccer talent and hope this will grow the game even more here and inspire girls everywhere. >> i think our breadth and width of impact can be not just in the nine counties along the nine bridges but really globally. >> reporter: in the south bay, ian cull, nbc bay area news. well, cheers to this. take a look at this bottle. one bay area man could be getting north of $80,000 for the wine you see here three liters of a 1971 pinot noir from france. he bought the bottle for just $250 back in the late '70s. he never felt the time was right to drink it. well, fast forward to late last year his son googled the wine and found a similar bottle went
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at auction for over $80,000. he says his son will get a nice commission for making the discovery. the rest of the money he gets from the sale will go into home repairs. >> that's really good. how much? >> $80,000. >> oh, my goodness. >> it's a magnum, though. >> that's good. still. >> share with ten friends. >> easter sunday coming up. we have some spring showers to contend with. temperatures will be trending a bit warmer. if you don't like all the cold starting tomorrow we'll see a few low 60s around the south bay. for a few areas tomorrow morning we have a frost advisory. we'll show you that in just a moment. outside right now san francisco, 53 degrees. a little better today without the wind advisory. a gorgeous sunset. the camera bouncing around a bit. 58 in walnut creek.
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no late day showers. in san jose, blue skies and 57 degrees. look at the north bay. marin county, over to napa and out to solano counties, the chance for valleys to drop into the upper 20s including calistoga. could see a repeat of that tomorrow. 40s closer to the inner bay. mid to upper 50s around lunch time. we get closer up around santa rosa and sonoma. temperatures close to 60 degrees and moving forward, we will see a chance of low 70s. just not as warm as things looked. we have some rain to contend with, too.
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the rain at times dropping south. early friday afternoon the giants home opener, scattered showers. potentially more rain on into saturday morning. scattered showers once we get into saturday evening. rain totals, most of this is bottled up in the north bay from marin county, sonoma and napa county. a little less than san francisco. watch how these totals do start to come up saturday into sunday. some of the steadier rain will drop south as we get into saturday morning and stay tuned. easter sunday can't necessarily pack away the umbrellas just yet as we have a few isolated showers in the forecast for sunday and the potential for more rain as we get into monday and tuesday.
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the weather pattern not necessarily drying out. friday some rain at times and then showers now for the weekend. we're going to trend warmer. we'll be at least in the mid to upper 60s for saturday and sunday briefly touching some 70s monday. we still have the rain showers ongoing into and through the weekend. >> kind of a traditional spring shower. >> nothing too strong or too heavy. up next, not just the home of the warriors, now home to hot wheels and monster trucks. wheels and monster trucks. we'reaking you to thrive ci tty
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we have been mentioning that former president trump has been speaking from his mar-a-lago resort after being arraigned today on nearly 3 dozen charges in manhattan. >> he took the podium there. this is a look at what's been unfolding in the last 30 minutes. he got on the podium around 5:25, started speaking to a large group of supporters at mar-a-lago. let's listen in to comments regarding what's been happening today. >> in a city that was so gracious four or five years ago but now we're there, spent time there as you possibly read, with a local failed district attorney, charging a former president of the united states
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for the first time in history on a basis that every single pundit and legal analyst said there is no case. they kept saying there's no case. [ cheers and applause ] virtually every one, but it's far worse than that because he knew there was no case. >> mr. trump speaking from mar-a-lago resort. we'll hear more from him and what he had to say at 6:00 and the latest on what unfolded today in manhattan. we'll talk about easter because it's this sunday. we got a look behind the scenes of some easter magic. we're talking about chocolate. the workers here make over 100,000 eggs a day. the candy maker produces over 30 different types every year formed by hand.
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they coat with chocolate twice then it's time for the final coat and the special stamp. >> i could look at that all night. can the warriors win back-to-back championships? it's about that time. the playoffs begin next week. the warriors announced playoff tickets will go on sale and thursday for the general public. the warriors are the six seed. >> they will play in their last home game tonight. that doesn't mean it is stopping at chase center. a warriors themed monster truck will be driven by disabled army veteran joe in the upcoming hot wheels glow party monster truck event. shows august 5 and 6. tickets are on sale now.
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up next, the best women's golfers coming to the area. here is anthony flores. >> i'm hannah green. >> she's a major champion. >> hi, i'm mindy lee. >> the reigning u.s. women's open champion both competing at pebble beach this summer. first, they are teaming up in san francisco. i'll tell you when and why. that story is coming up. gigive your smsmall business o one tech sosolutin that c checks all the boboxes. it''s all hehere with ththe comcmcast busineness complee connnnectivity s solution. peace ofof mind withth cybeberthreat sesecurity. ththe power ofof the largeg, fastest rereliable netetwor. plusus, save up p to 75% a yr with comcacast businesess mob. the cocomplete connectivivity solutioion. frfrom the comompany popowered by t the next genereration 10g netwtwork. get t started for just $49 a momonth. and d ask about t an $8$800 prepaidid card. comcasast businessss. popowering posossibilitiese.
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5:57 pm
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the bay area, talk of women's golf right now. last weekend rose yang won at augusta national. >> and next month the world's best female pros will be teeing it up in san francisco. here's anthony flores. >> reporter: the giants are still a few days away from playing their home opener but today two major champions from the lpga took a few swings at oracle park. it's the first hit of the season at oracle park. hannah green and min ji lee got the vip treatment in their first visit to the home of the san francisco giants. >> the grass looks really nice to hit off. >> reporter: no divots allowed on this field. the two professional golfers from australia are in the bay area to promote the upcoming
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international crown, a team match play competition showcasing the world's best female players. >> we'll have eight countries, the four best players in the world competing in a different format to what you usually see. come out and watch us and cheer us on. >> anytime you can represent your country it's really important. i think it's a great honor. >> reporter: it's the first time an elite competition will be held at this course. neither one of these golfers has ever played a round at harding park. >> i might have to rewatch that and see how he played it. >> reporter: the first of two events in california in the next few months. pebble beach will host.
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lee is the reigning u.s. open champion and will be there to defend her title. >> to be back in san francisco, i love it. great memories and the town itself. any place that we can grow the game and introduce more women into playing is great. wherever we can make a difference, we will try. >> reporter: the first match of the international crown tees off one month from today. anthony flores, nbc bay area. >> that looks beautiful. >> exciting to watch. jessica aguirre joins us now. the wind exposed a big problem in san francisco. we investigate the push to require more inspections of high-rise buildings after broken glass fell on streets. the recent string of robberies in the berkeley hills. but first, speaking for the


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