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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 5  NBC  March 30, 2023 5:00pm-5:30pm PDT

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now, what he has been indicted for, what the charges are, right now we do not know because the indictment is still under seal. and until it's made public, we're not going to have all the detail. we do know the charge or charges stem from manhattan district attorney alvin bragg's investigation into a hush money payment to adult film star stormy daniels during the 2016 presidential campaign. daniels claims she had an affair with mr. trump a decade earlier in 2006, a claim that he has repeatedly, forcefully denied. it is not clear yet when the former president will actually turn himself in to authorities and what that process is going to look like. in a statement, attorneys for former president trump say that he has been indicted. they say he did not commit any crime and, quote, we will vigorously fight this political prosecution in court. this will be the first ever criminal case against a former president. mr. trump releasing his own statement today.
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he has continuously called this politically motivated, and he said the indictment is, quote, political persecution and election interference at the highest level in history. of course, the former president has declared that he is running for president again in 2024. at this point, polls show that he is the leader in the republican lane, and there's no question that this and the other investigations he still faces are going to loom large in the months ahead, garvin. >> alice, i know we're going to get to the statement from president trump in just a minute. but as we talked about, he has already announced he's running for president in 2024. now, from the other side of the aisle, from the democrats, have we heard anything since this news broke just a couple hours ago? >> reporter: so president biden, the white house have not come out with any statement. they have said not to expect one. we should remember that this is still under seal at this point. so all the reporting that we have is telling us what's happening, but there's not a document to point to even really for the white house to respond to directly at this point.
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certainly there's been a lot of reaction from capitol hill. how speaker kevin mccarthy, among other leading republicans, calling this a dark day, saying that this is, you know, a politically motivatedmot. from democrats, you're hearing a lot of comments about this being a vindication of the rule of law and showing that no one is above the law, even a former president. >> now, president trump gave us a hint a week or so ago, even more than that, that this indictment was coming. there was a frenzy when he made that announcement. people thought it might be imminent. it didn't happen for a week or so, and the story died down a little bit. so i want to talk to you about the mood in the city right now as this happened and people realized, oh, my gosh, it really is going to happen. what was kind of the mood in washington as this news broke? >> reporter: right. well, certainly in fact former president trump had just put out a statement saying that he thought the grand jury was kind of going the other direction,
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that he thought that they were not going to vote to indict, and we had reporting that it seemed likely that it was going to come perhaps not this week. it seemed to be the reporting we were hearing. certainly it came as a surprise. but this has been ongoing for some time, and it's not the only investigation. remember, former president trump also faces an investigation in georgia, another one, that one involving potential election interference into that state's election results, and then another involving january 6th here at the capitol. so certainly it's been sort of looming for quite some time, that there could be an indictment on any number of these investigations, and i think essentially it was surprise that it came out just now, but not surprise that this has been coming for some time. >> as we let you go, just reminding everyone one more time, this has never happened in the history of this country before, a u.s. president being indicted on criminal charges. >> reporter: sure. >> so this is a big story and one that's going to be reverberating for quite some time, alice barr.
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thank you so much. let's take you to florida. a live look at donald trump's plane. there is a heavier police presence in front of trump tower as officers gather in case of protesters arriving there. that's in new york. so far we've seen a few people with signs in new york. but as of now, things seem calm. obviously with trump's plane sitting there, all eyes are going to see if he will head to new york himself for processing on these charges. now, as alice mentioned, mr. trump released a statement after the news broke. it says in part, quote, this is political persecution and election interference at the highest level in history. he goes on to say, the democrats have lied, cheated, and stolen in their obsession to try and get trump. but now they've done the unthinkable, indicting a completely innocent person in an act of blatant election interference. now, you can read his full statement on our website. that's as you can imagine, we are going to have much more coverage on former president trump being indicted throughout this
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newscast and the rest of the evening. coming up at 5:30, our political analyst, larry gerson, is going to join us to discuss what this means for mr. trump's current presidential campaign, and what's next for him facing these charges. in other news, some very bad news today for an already embattled contra costa county police department. today the mayor of antioch announced several more officers have been put on leave as a result of information from an ongoing federal investigation. that's on top of eight officers already on leave as part of the original investigation. as nbc bay area's pete sur atoes explains, the result is a department that is dangerously understaffed. >> to say that i am outraged is an understatement as it relates to this matter. >> reporter: antioch mayor lamar thorpe announced today that several additional officers have been placed on leave as a result of information the city received from an ongoing investigation. he later confirmed to me the information was discovered during the current investigation into the department by the fbi
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and district attorney's office. however, he says the new suspensions are not tied to any criminal allegations. there are published reports that the new suspensions involve eight additional officers who accused of sending racist and homophobic text messages. the mayor refused to confirm those reports. >> i can't comment on that because this is -- you could have said that someone was throwing eggs at a car. i can't comment on that because it's an investigation that's taking place, and everybody has the right to due process. >> reporter: today's ouncement is another massive blow for a department that is already dangerously understaffed. that's a concern for businesses like the hillcrest taphouse, which waited two hours last month for an officer to respond to a robbery at the restaurant. >> it just gives us less coverage on the street, and we're already having issues getting people to come work for antioch. >> reporter: today mayor thorpe also had some very pointed words for his police chief, stephen ford, claiming the chief hasn't briefed him on current staffing
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levels. >> that, i don't know. i hope to be briefed one day by our chief of police as to where we are with staffing levels and then what the way forward is. >> reporter: thorpe also said he would consider holding a special city council meeting to ask the chief about the staffing issues. i spoke to chief ford by phone, who said only, quote, i'm refraining from any commentary due to this being a very sensitive matter. in antioch, pete suratos, nbc bay area news. some say it sounds like a sequel to breaking bad. a 64-year-old san jose application unite employee is now facing federal charges of trafficking illegal drugs for years. in some cases, even using police union resources to do it. it's alleged 64-year-old joanne segovia had dozens of drug shipments mailed to her san jose home over several years. the packages included thousands of pills that she's then accused of shipping to buyers in multiple states. prosecutors say she even
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launched a website to sell the drugs and listed her home address under the contact tab. we asked the police officers association president for his reaction. >> this has been the grandma of the poa. this is not the person that we have known. the person we've known has worked with fallen officers' families. so this is just not the person that we've known for well over a decade. >> segovia is due in federal court tomorrow. the union stressed that she was a civilian employee of the police union and worked in an office with very little traffic. the san jose police chief also issued a statement stressing that she was never employed by the police department. the fbi is now offering a $40,000 reward in hopes of finding a missing san mateo woman. this is the woman. her name is monica de leon barba. investigators say someone kidnapped her in jalisco, mexico, four months ago. she was last seen walking home from her job with her dog.
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barbara was born in mexico, but she's an american citizen. she's about 5'7", weighs 240 pounds. her family is asking for help in the search. some congressional leaders may soon turn a san jose landmark into a national park. we're talking about mcdonald hall in east san jose. it's the place where legendary civil rights leader cesar chavez began his organizing work. nbc bay area's damian trujillo broke the news on twitter and is in san jose with details on the proposal. >> reporter: mcdonald hall sits on the grounds of guadalupe church in san jose, and this is where it all began. a transformational national movement that's impacted multiple generations. the children of the alum rock school district took to the streets today to honor the legacy of the late civil rights leader cesar chavez. chavez's birthday, which is tomorrow, is a local and state holiday. >> he's a hero.
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>> why? >> because he helped. >> he shows the representation of me because i'm latina, and i'm proud of being latina. >> reporter: today's celebration earned the applause of the sons of cesar chavez. >> they have it within them to do the things that cesar chavez did. so i think it's important that we present role models and also we talk about the importance of going out and being of service to our company. >> reporter: today, he's also applauding the effort of alex padilla and other lawmakers who want to designate this building a national park, mcdonnell hall. it would be part of what would be called the cesar chavez and farmworker movement national historic park and would include other facilities in california and arizona. >> it's a humble place where people have used to draw inspiration and to celebrate life. so we would be excited.
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>> reporter: father donald mcdonnell was part of what was called the spanish band of mission priests. this is where he met cesar and together with a man named fred ross, drew up the framework for what became the farmworker movement. >> it's really interesting how the catholic church has played a key role in our movement. >> reporter: there's one obstacle. because the hall sits on church grounds, the san jose diocese would have to agree to the designation. meanwhile, the children of alum rock celebrated just four blocks away, honoring a leader who they say looked like them and came from their same streets, a man whose legacy is preserved in east san jose and created a lasting change nationwide. ♪♪ damian trujillo, nbc bay area news. still to come, the disgraced former ftx ceo is back in court, formally entering a plea to new charges. what he told the judge, next. also, after hitting rock
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bottom following abuse, addiction, and homelessness, one woman is now helping others turn their lives around. her story is next in our "bay area proud" segment. i'm chief meteorologist jeff ranieri. check it out. look at that blue sky here in san francisco. we have dry weather tonight. some patchy fog in the morning. ahead, i am tracking some shower chances. also the wind. latest details on that and the newest drought
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disgraced ftx ceo and co-founder sam bankman-fried was back in court today on even more charges of fraud. bankman-fried was already charged with defrauding his customers en route to the collapse of his crypto exchange. now the department of justice says he also paid at least $40 million in bribes to a chinese government official. this bribe was intended to unfreeze a crypto account frozen by the chinese government. bankman-fried pled not guilty to these charges as he did to the others. his trial is set to begin in october. now to our bay area proud series where we share stories of kindness, generosity, and in the case of tonight's story,
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inspiration. it's a story for anyone who has fallen on hard times and thinks there is no hope. well, lisa marie reilly once felt that way and wants others to know there's always a way out. when there happens to be an exact moment a person can point to, a moment when their life changed forever, the details tend to stick with them. the time, the place, sometimes even the weather. >> well, one day in a storm -- >> reporter: lisa marie reilly will never forget that her moment happened in the rain. >> i knew i shouldn't have been out in that weather, but i didn't care. i asked god on this trip, like, to help me, to save me from myself and to save me from this misery. >> reporter: lisa marie's journey into and eventually out of misery began years ago with an abusive relationship. coping with alcohol led to depending on drugs and eventually living on the street
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in san francisco. eight long years of it. >> i lost the essence of who i really was. i no longer knew myself as myself. i was just empty, running on "e." >> reporter: but then in that storm, everything changed. >> i challenged myself to be better than i was yesterday. >> reporter: in the four years since, lisa marie has not only delivered herself, but dedicated herself to helping other women do the same. and she's now found the perfect place to do it. a year ago, lisa marie took the position of peer counselor at carmel e ta women's home, a partnership of catholic charities in marin county. the home has space for eight women to live, eight women trying to do what lisa marie did, escape trauma in their lives. >> my mission in life is to now help other people that have gone where i've gone and been where i've been and know that it's
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okay, that there is a different way. >> reporter: as difficult as her journey to this point has been, lisa marie swears she wouldn't change a single step along the way. serving the women of carmelita is, she believes, her purpose in life. and you never really regret finding that, no matter how you got there. >> it's amazing. i am so honored to do this work. i feel like it's my job to do this work. it's my calling. it's like my life's work. it's to help other women. >> reporter: i'm always interested in hearing about people like lisa marie. if you know someone who is doing something kind, generous,or, yes, inspiratnal, i'd love to hear about it. you can reach me via email or also find me on social media. people find me in both places, and i always love to hear about them. we'll say one more thing about lisa marie in that amazing story. when things were darkest, she
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lost connection with her children, with her daughter. and since she's come back, she's re-established a relationship with her daughter. they're tighter than ever, and that's one of the more special things. >> that's wonderful. she's full of so much gratitude and, you know, being that role model now, you know, anyone that's going into that program, they've got to have the utmost respect for her because they know, you know, where she has been. >> she has been there. >> awesome job. let's talk about the weather. definitely moving in the right direction. >> yeah, kind of uplifting for all of us here. if you've had to deal with any kind of storm damage, you've been cleaning up for weeks on end here. we know it has been more than rough for us. so getting a little bit of that sunshine has been quite a mood boost here for us across the bay area. so as we take it into that microclimate forecast, i also wanted to give you a look at the other top weather headline coming today, and that is the brand-new drought update. now, as i've been doing, i'm showing you this map here because this first look is
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december 26th, before all of these back-to-back storms started to roll in. and you can see how bad the drought was here through the central valley. now, we're going to go ahead and fade on the new update, and look at this. drought-free through los angeles, bakersfield, fresno, all the central valley, right up towards tahoe, the foothills, including the bay area, the entire california coastline. a little drought left up near chico, redding and red bluff, also near the desert. we're going to make gains on that as we head through the next month or so. but, again, the bay area now is drought-free. so it's been really tough for us across the bay area with all of that damage, but this is that side payoff here. all right. the other headline we have been tracking is the blue sky. look at this view in walnut creek. we've got a few puffy cumulus clouds towards the distance. 58 right now. light winds. dropping down to chillier 40s starting at 9:00 and 10:00. as we roll it into your friday
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morning forecast, sounds good, right? after a long week here, we'll start off with a chance of a little patchy fog in the east bay, also through the north bay. as we head through the afternoon, we get in on more sunshine through the bay area. we'll see some clouds linger up into the north bay with a very slight chance we could see a pop-up shower. but that's just about it. so as we start it off for tomorrow morning, numbers are going to go colder with those clearer skies. keep that heavier jacket out. 38 here through the tri-valley. south bay at 40. san francisco, you're coming in at 44. east bay, 39. daytime highs for tomorrow, don't really budge a whole lot. overall it's going to feel pretty fantastic out here. 60 in san jose. east bay, i have a mix of 50s and low 60s. 62 in antioch. 60 in walnut creek. peninsula, light winds out of the northwest. 54 half moon bay. 58 in redwood city. san francisco, in downtown. 55 in the ingleside. 58 in sonoma. 56 in mill valley.
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we are getting extremely lucky on this weather pattern because the storm track that has quite a bit of rainfall with it is going to be just to the north as we head through tomorrow, saturday, sunday, and monday. this area of high pressure out here is going to help keep that storm track to the north. so it's primarily dry, but because it's so close, we'll keep a slight chance of showers next couple of days. it's nothing that's going to ruin your plans. 15% chance tomorrow. 20% chance saturday. sunday, a 20% chance. next thing we're looking ahead towards is some wind on monday, 20 to 45 miles per hour. but there is no strong storms in that seven-day forecast. this is the best seven-day forecast we've had in over a month, garvin. >> what you're saying from that map is we've sent the rain back to seattle. >> yes. >> awesome. >> stay there. >> thanks, jeff. coming up, what was buried in a time capsule 100 years ago at the mount davidson cross in san francisco.
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the plan to unearth it and bury a new one when we return.
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♪♪ alexex! mateo, hey y how's busisiness? alexex! great. y you know ththat n has s really wororked wonder. thatat's what u.u.s. bank isis. great. y you know ththat n has s really wororked wonder. and d you're grorowing in calififornia? great. y you know ththat n has s really wororked wonder. -yup, , socal, nororcal... -monteterey? -all d day. -a brancnch in ventutura? that's's for sure-e-ah. atms in n fresno? that's's for sure-e-ah. freses-yes. that's's for sure-e-ah. encinitatas? yes, indndeed-us. encinitatas? anaheim? encinitatas? big g time. encinitatas? more guauacamole? encinitatas? i'i'm on a rololl-ay. encinitatas? how about t you? i'm jujust visitining. u.s.s. bank.
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ranked #1 1 in customomer satisfafaction h retatail bankingng in calififornia by j j.d. po. a special grand opening in san jose for an affordable housing development. charities housing unveiled page street studios today. it offers 82 units for lower-income families and those with special needs. it also features a community center and residential services to catholic charities of santa clara county. >> we're really excited about this development, that on behalf of charities housing and catholic charities, we're absolutely committed to making sure that we build more beautiful, affordable homes for people in our very high-cost community. >> anyone interested in living
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there is urged to contact catholic charities housing to apply. a boy scout troop will soon unearth a nearly century-old tame capsule in san francisco. troop 88 is digging it up at the foot of mount davidson cross this saturday. now, that same troop buried the copper box there in 1933. it commemorated the first ever easter service held at sunrise there. now this year is actually the 100th anniversary of troop 88, and they're digging it up. inside is the original deed to the land around the cross, among other things. >> telephone books and other items from the time as well as ten copies of the easter sunrise service program and some holy relics. so we'll see. it will be interesting to see how it's held up. >> the public is welcome to attend, and whatever is in the capsule will be displayed in a museum later in the summer. whether they're flying over the golden gate or somewhere
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else, the blue angeels always
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they are flying high and soaking up the sun. the blue angels roared their way into florida yesterday. the team kicked off the annual
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sun and fun aerospace expo with a practice run. the convention, which is in lakeland, is one of the biggest in the world. the blue angels are flying in a new jet, the so-called super hornet. it's bigger, better, faster, and, yes, louder. don't forget you can stream our newscast on roku, samsung tv+, and xumo. audrey asistio joins us with what's coming up now at 5:30. the sound is the best part of that. it's not the maneuvers. >> i love the maneuvers. >> it's how loud it is. >> for sure. a lot happening right now at 5:30. our breaking news coverage of former president trump being indicted. as his legal woes intensify, does this help or hurt him in his quest to be re-elected? our political analyst, larry gerston, weighs in. also, water restrictions in benicia tonight, but it has nothing to do with the drought. why repairs from the recent storms are forcing people to cut back their water use.


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