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tv   Today  NBC  March 23, 2023 7:00am-9:00am PDT

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frosty start through the weekend with that next storm system arriving monday night. >> look at the south bay map. more slowing and it will build for the next hour and a half, and two hours in the south bay in the northbound directions. palo alto, we are monitoring that, and out of the area, eastbound 580 has one left lane traveling across the construction zone. >> got to share the road. >> thanks, mike. that does it for us here on "today in the bay." don't forget to join us for our midday newscast. >> that's right, and that's at 11:00. we will be back with local news updates every half hour. "today" show is coming up, and have a great day. enjoy some sunshine over the next few. starting withçóokxd breaking ne
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>>ñi a frightening schoolw3 shooting. it is march 23çórd. this is "today." ♪♪ñi 17-year-old suspect accused of opening fire at a denver high school. two staff members wounded. parents and students left searching for answers. >> i'mlp scaredcr8tju my life. >> we are at the school live. wild weather. rare tornadoes ripped lz rough southern california. one miles fromxdw3 los angeles. the threat now moving east with millions onçó alert for more twisters and dangerous flooding. al's got the full forecast. okshowdown on capitol hill. tiktok's ceo facing off with congress over security fears and callslp to ban that wildly popur app. >> we need to ask some questions. don't trust what they have been tkmerñ live report from washingn
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straight ahead. midair sca a southwest pilott( falls sick a flight from÷ vegas a ohio. >> the captain became incapacitated. he is with the flight attendants. >> this morning the hero pilot from another airline who just happened to be on board stepping in to help safely land the plane. inside thei] investigation. new details this morning on the unsolved murdaugh's classmate. >> been wanting this for eight years. >>qewwhat the victim's mother i saying. those stories,zv■ plusht■ h hysteria. the sweet 16ñixd tipping off tot after the tournament's opening weekend filled withe1 upsets. >> it is never been sweeter if you're a princeton fan. >> gettingko■ you ready for the games today thursday, march 23rd, 2023.
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♪♪çóa5■w3 from nbc "today" with savannah guthrie and hoda kotb,lp fromñi studio in rockefeller plaza. >>ñi welcome to "today. "7:00 a.m.ñi on the westok coas. savannah is under ther >> march madness is in full effect. %-phuge match between ucla and gonzaga. >> should be good. we'll have more in a xdbit. we begin with the breaking news out of colorado where police say the suspect in at( shooting at the denver east high school is found dead overnight 50 miles from the crime scene. >> earlier in the day officials say the 17-year-old shot andt( injured twocñr school administrators. he wasw3xd patted down every mog being under a safety plan.
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morgant( chesky isxd there. good morning to you. (pthat manhunt well into the nit át . the other is in serious condition. a studentq opened fire feet awa from the school. encontrado muerto, a 50 millas fromé shooting. >> the suspect was deceased when the s.w.a.t. team found him. 3 hours aftert( police say he sho two school administratorsfá wednesday v >> notq secure. student has a weapon. do not know where they are. >> reporter: police say lyle shot the two as they were
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performing a safety search in front of the school part of a safety planr to beok patted down every day before school because of past ç1 behavior. >> handgunñi retrieved. several shots fired. >> reporter: parents and students understandably shaken tkmerñ protect our children! >> reporter: th■t+■ shooting on monthok after another east high student, 16-year-old luis garcia shot in his car dyingxd in thex hospital walk week later prompting a walkout. students marching to the state . both shootingsñiq follow a controversial decision inxd 202 to removejf school resource officers from everyçó campus. >> what isñi more important? being or feelingjfq safe?t( >> reporter: wednesday denver
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school superintendent committing aving armed guards ate1 thelp ng east high and every other comprehensive high school through the end of thet( year. writing in part@hp acknowledge this action likely violatest( limitations but i cannot stand oh i am willing to accept thew3 consequences of my actions. actions some are two shootingst too late. we are awaiting a potential motivee1 frw getting the handgun he used in the shooting but we are getting a picture to his past confirming to nbc news he was expelled from a high school last year fehrxdt violating thec districtfá polic. craig? >> morgan cheskye1t( there fore thank you. tornadoes in southern california. al willé@■ tell us about today' stormxde1t(i] threats but firstá national correspondent miguel
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almaguerxd joins us from cc california. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. is stillxd happening here in the l.a. area. ef-1 tornado damaged buildings. this treed ground. this is a common scene in the area for the arear the tornado path of destruction half a mile long 50 yards wide. >> oh a tornado carving through the streets a few miles outside downtown los angeles, a twister so powerful itñi shreddedw3 roo and tore apart metal fencing.xd the power of the vortex onñi fu display. >> month! >> reporter: this frightening scene at a local school. watch again as a teacherr
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sucked out of a classroom. >> all of a sudden we open the door açót( little bit and see la gust of wind building up and then just got faster. >> reporter: tornadoes are rarely seeni] in the goldent( s but incredibly this is the second twister to hit the region on tuesday, not far fromçó sant barbara, this tornado devastated a mobile home park. thankfully no serious injuries. >> it was nothing i ever heard up>> reporter: ÷ working around the clock, the damage to this facilityw3t( alo3 certainly going to be in the millions. we know this is all connected to the 12çói]táp ripping throught( california. back to you. >> myxd goodness. thank you. fá the threat ofxdi]w3 even
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severe weather on the way east. >> flooding a big problem. indianapolise1 18 millionlp peo underxd flash flood watches. to the north you can see some activity going on. got some snow across the great lakes. showerst( andc thunderstorms through ohio. for today and tonight severet( storms across oklahoma and texas. rainfall and what we are most worried about is golf ballxd sid hail. we could see a tornadoko■ or tw. down toi] abilene, mcallister, watching that.5a■ tomorrow this line of storms east throughout the day. a severe outbreak most likely b( an. from marginal to a moderated of strong storms. açó few strongñr to! wind gustscr we are going to be watching that
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closely and5a■ with all these repeating rounds of rain we have a moderate risk of strong flooding from cincinnati, down toxdçó tulsa. little rock. rainfallw3 amounts upwards of fe inches from southern missouri all the way in toçó central ohi. so a very volatile 48 hours ahead. >> thank you. now to some scary moments aboard a southwest airlines flight from las vegas. the captain became ill on a flight to columbus, ohio. the other pilot took control and thenlp the offñr duty pilot hel with the radio. >> weçó need to get himxd on an ambulance immediately. >> the faa says the flightlp 60 returned toe1 las vegas and land without incident. southwest didw3 not release information
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the nature of the medical issue. new developmentsr legal troublesw3 of5a■ donaldr the new yorkq grand jury investigating theñi former presidentlp expected to reconve today after aw3 cl%m%=9■ not to gather yesterday. this as the special counsel in washington won a key victoryok a separate courtñi proceeding. nbc's senior capitol hill corresponwsáfá garrett haake is following the twists andxdc cvu. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. the grand jury isw3 back in thec d.a.'s office but sources say they are not hearing evidence on the trump case only deepening the mystery of why they did not cop veen yesterday. this asxd the former president' legal challenges continue to grow. grand jurors set to conven.á in new york city again today with the political and legal fate of donald trump inlp theire1 handsá after a surprising decision wednesday to keep+■ to'ñxd gran jurors home d.a.xd bragg is
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expectednhn■ reconvene the boda hearing evidence in the hushc moneyc case. mr. trump taunting the d.a. as a quote rogue prosecutor having a suggesting nofñ(rprges will be brought againstñr him. the grand jury ist( meeting for nearly two=ñ months. cohen who paid $130,000 in 2016 to buyñi daniels' silencexd allg mr. trump paid him back. the former presidentñi denied a wrongdoing. >> i have facts and truth. >> reporter: while the payments are not illegal the d.a. could chargee1 former president trump withçóçóe1w3 falsifying busines records. how does that indictment play out? the prosecution gathers the grand jury. then thexd jurors vote.çó if 12 vote in favor prosecutors draw up an indictment and then
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filed under seal meaning the public doesn't see it atñi firsr prosecutorst(ñuju((u defense attorneys to coordinate a time for the defendant to surrender and a judge makes the indictlgnt public. another legal setback for mr.t( trump today in the classifiedxd documents investigation. a judge ruled in secret that there was enough evidence thatj mr. trump may have committed crimes through the lawyers to create ant( exemption to thew3 attorney/client testimony. >> you could end up with a key fundamental witness against donald trumpxd in anw3 obstruct oft( justicet( case, false statementsçó case. >> reporter: mr. t--7a■ deniesw any wrongdoing in the documents case. today is the last day the grand jury is scheduled toxd meet on this meaning anyñr potential indictment decision could be pushed to nextçó week. ;t
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correspondent garrett haake for us, thank you. the battle over tiktok isfá taking the spotlight today.fáok there's concerns that private information could be at risk of beingxdxd exposed or exploited. good morning to fálpyou. >> reporter: this hearing is just getting under way. we have live picturesjf of the tiktok ceo in the seat. on the way in asked questions like will you be able to stop the ban. he did not answeray any of thos. we'll see what we learn and he is not theok onlyi] one with tiktok's message. creators are also on the hill. >> more than 150 million americans on?;■ tiktok. >> reporter: ahead of an expected gri hill tiktok ceo using the platft to appeal to the millions oft( viewers.
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>> someñiw3 politicians talk ab banning. >> reporter:+■ highlighting?;■ h safety and security saying tiktok will protect user data from ñiunauthorized foreignok and not manipulated by any government. wednesday cre!uúrsjf to explain what a potential ban could mean for them and otherñre1ñi users. >>. tell me what it woulñ mean for you if tick it can wept away. >> i would be soñi sad. >> ic ga0■÷q■çó be able to financially support myself jf anymore. >> reporter: byte dance and the ties to china. some critics fear the chinese =■ user data through a security law. or, mayr spread misinformation.
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the hearing amid the backdrop of the recrept ultimatum to byte dance. and a justice department )t(urjr)uz a claim that the company illegally surveilled journalists for whichok tiktok saiz■ employees have been fired. >> we need to ask questions. i don't trust what they havf (q >> reporter: for jasonok whosef videos haver followers it changed his life. >> it is■i a community to shareo much of those emotions and moments and the pain. we can share it and we can just encourage one another. ■ bi/á question here. that's whetherxd there's politil ramificationsxd fo2!pany party administrationcok that were to tiktok. "z" skews overwhelmingly liberal, so what would banning
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the app do for engage young voters? you. we turn now to the economy, and that major decision for the federal reserve and its ongoing flight against inflation. the fed raising its benchmark interest rate by another quarter percent, pushing it to its highest level since 2007. the move also leading to some concerns that it could not only put additional pressure on consumers, but also negatively impact the ongoing banking crisis we've seen in this country over the last few weeks. here to break it down for us, nbc's business reporter, brian chong. welcome back. simplify it for us. welcome back, we should recognize, you called it yesterday, you said it was going to be a quarter of a appoint and it was. what does that mean for consumers short-term and long-term? >> the federal reserve tries to telegraph all of this ahead of time, so businesses and consumers are aware of what they're doing. interest rates are going higher because of the battle with inflation. prices are still really high at the store. we're all experiencing that. they raise interest rates to make borrowers essentially pull back a little bit from spending. and as they do so, hopefully incentivize these companies to
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lower their prices to meet them somewhere in the middle. hopefully that takes inflation down. but the challenge is that one of the dominos to fall that led to silicon valley bank's collapse was higher interest rates, which is the reason why the federal reserve didn't go by a larger interest rate hike. there was some chatter a few weeks ago that maybe they would go by half a point, but instead they went by a quarter point, raise interest rates enough to take care of inflation, but not so high that you're going to potentially break another bank. >> there could be another rate hike coming later this year. i don't know if that's correct. if the fed keeps raising rates, what are the chances of us finally reaching a recession? >> each of these meetings are usually six to seven weeks between each other. anything could happen in that time. we got some projections from the fed policy makers yesterday who said, look, they could do one more quarter point hike before the end of this year. the translation for all americans that are maybe not necessarily in the know on monetary policy and how the federal reserve works is that it's going to be really expensive and will remain expensive to borrow for a mortgage, for your credit card,
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for your auto loans, right? mortgage rates right now are around 6.6%. some people are seeing 7%. and as long as the fed is not cutting interest rates, which fed chairman jay powell said yesterday, they're not thinking about doing, that means those rates are all going to remain high. >> all right, thank you. let's check in with al once again and get the rest of the forecast. >> thank you very much. >> come on down. >> hello! how are you? we were just in the back there, checking the weather. anyway, we've got some afternoon showers, strong storms, especially beautiful weather in the southeast today. temperatures, 88 degrees today in tampa. we've got showers making their way through the northeast. heavy snow moving into the pacific northwest. and afternoon storms firing up down through television. that's what's going on around the country. here's what's happening in your neck of the woods.
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for r eczema-prorone, hyper-r-reactive and d dry-crackeked skin. for r eczema-prorone, with dermatologist approved ingredientsts. i'm exexcited to t try it. with dermatologist approved ingredientsts. yay! new dove body wash. the dermatologist's ultimate hack. it's thursday. we are finally getting the well-deserved break from the rain. there will be plenty more sunshine as we go into the weekend. the only thing i want you to keep note of today in san francisco is the spotty rain chance and breezy conditions, and otherwise we are seeing sun through the weekend. however, we will dip into the 30s again, becoming a frosty start as we move into friday. the next storm moves in on monday, so be careful of that. tuesday and wednesday, also looking at some roeupb. and that is your latest weather. guys? >> y ese fue el pronóstico del >> all right, mr. roker, thank you. coming up on a thursday
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morning, will alex murdaugh's son, buster, now be questioned in the homicide investigation of his high school classmate. plus, new help if you're frustrated by how complicated it can be to cancel your subscriptions, everything from streaming channels to gym memberships. exclusive details on a game-changing plan that could game-changing plan that could sa you money, timeveve, oooooohhh, it isis cold outste time to o protect yoyour vehie from winteters wrath oooooohhh, it isis cold outste ofof course ththe hot sunn cacan be toughgh on vehiclcleo oooooohhh, it isis cold outste you need w weathertechch alall year rouound! come on,n, protecect your invnvestment alall year rouound! laser memeasured floloorls and d cargolinerer wiwill shield d the carpetetg from sanand and snowow fofor your intnterior, there'e's seat prorotector wiwill shield d the carpetetg from sanand and snowow anand sunshadede plplus, mudflalaps and bumumpp for the exexterior anand sunshadede
7:22 am
order r american m made produs at anand sunshadede surfrfs up yeah, righght
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still ahead this morning, a brand-new today's five things. this is where we ask experts their top don'ts. >> this morning, what a pediatrician would never let her kids do, a stylist, biggest rules for your hair, and a house cleaner's most important things to avoid. you don''t want to missss thei advicce. but t first, youour local nenew weatherer. (anisa)) we gotot a flat titire. wewe pull overer, it's supuper. we w were able t to reach ououtr family memembers to letet them knowow that we we sasafe. (ben)) i haveve been in m many situats
7:24 am
on t the road whwhere verizon was the e only reasoson i got m poinint a to poioint b. (latananya) ththat's why w we build ththet reliablele 5g networork in amer. (vo) and #1 in n j.d. powerer awars for netwtwork qualitity. 30 timimes in a rorow. does your phone rurun on verizi? everery march, j jersey mikek tuturns money y from subss intoto charitablble donation. and marcrch 29th is s jersey mis anannual day o of giving where 10100% of saleles are don toto local chaharities. and to kicick off all l that gi, peter r gave me anan apron. i'm hohonored. lookinin' good, dadanny. we've got t subs to mamake tho. ohoh, now i knknow why youo gaveve me the apapron. joinin us this w wednesday fr jersrsey mike's s day of givi. bebe a sub abobove.
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the ciciti custom m cash℠ card aututomaticallyly adjus toto earn you u more cashsh back the ciciti custom m cash℠ card aututomaticallyly adjus in your totop eligiblele spend cacategory. the ciciti custom m cash℠ card aututomaticallyly adjus hi.. ♪♪ hi.. you don'n't have to o keep ts on rotatating categogories.. hi.. this i is the onlyly rotating i i care aboutut. ... or actctivate anytythig to e earn. your c cash back a automaticy adjuststs for you.u. can n i get a cucucumber wata? earn 5% cacash back that automomatically a adjus can n i get a cucucumber wata? to youour top eligigible spenend categoryry, up to $500 spent each billing cycle with the citi custom cash℠ card. i love it.t... [voice vibibrating] with the citi custom cash℠ card. good newews! a nenew clinicalal study shshowed that t centrum sisir supportsts cognitiveve healh in older a adults. a nenew clinicalal study shshowed that t centrum sisir it's's one more e step tows taking chaharge of youour hea. so evevery day, yoyou can sa. ♪♪ youuu d did it! ♪♪ with cenentrum silvever. ♪♪ if you walalmart, you u know ♪♪♪ if you walalmart, you u know that witith everydayay low prs you cacan spend a a little le, to get a l little morere, to makake life a l little bett.
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(s(swords clasashing) you caca-had enonough?ttle le, t-n-no..., here.. aspercrcreme arthrhritis. full p prescriptioion-strengt? reduduces inflamammation? ththank the gogods. don'n't thank ththem too soo. kick paiain in the a aspercre. a very good morning to you. it's 7:26 and i am laura garcia.
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here are the top stories watching, including a overnight hostage situation. >> reporter: it's now an officer-involved shooting investigation. the suspect died at a hospital after he was shot by police. the man was holding a woman and two children hausage inside an apartment on boynton avenue. we expect the chief to speak about this matter at some point. good morning, everyone. i am scott mcgrew. a house sub committee will hold a hearing today questioning the ceo of tiktok. the congresswoman here will take part in asking about the relationship with tiktok and the chinese government. keep in mind, most apps gather your personal data, but it's
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tiktok's relationship with china that has lawmakers concerned. good morning, everybody. we are seeing the well-deserved break already arrive in the bay area. currently 51 in san francisco and we will mix that out to sun and clouds around lunchtime. perfect opportunity to step outdoors and clean up from the storm. another storm coming next week. >> ready to enjoy the weekend. thank you, cinthia. see you back here in half an hour with another update.
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"the doctor will see you now." but do they really? do they sesee all thatat you ? at k kaiser permrmanente all of us s work togetether to care e for all ththat is y. hi, i'm m katie. i live in n flagstaff,f, ariz.
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i'm anan older stutudent. i'm getttting my dococtorate in clinicacal psycholology. i i do a lot o of hikiking and kayayaking. i neneeded sometething to hep me gaiain clarity.y. so i was i in the phararmacy anand i saw a a display ofof pn and i asasked the pharmacicist about i it. i ststarted takiking prevagn anand i noticeced that i h d morere cognitiveve clarity. memory i is better.. itit's been ababout two yeyeaw and it's w working foror me. prprevagen. atat stores evevee without t a prescripiption. we are back, 7:30.
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and folks, there's a sure sign of spring right there. beautiful cherry blossoms in washington, d.c. there at the tidal basin. the annual festival now underway. the national parks service is peak bloom right now. and mr. roker, you're saying it's a bit early. >> it's about 10 days early. normal bloom, between april 3rd, april 4th. so they were seeing the blooms already about two, three weeks ago. we're at the peak right now. >> enjoy them now. we should mention, savannah and hoda are off this morning. let's start this half hour in a new case drawing added attention in the wake of alex murdaugh's trial. the unsolved death of his son, buster's classmate. >> catie beck joins us from columbia, south carolina, with more on this one. katie, good morning to you. >> good morning, guys. the homicide investigation was opened in june of 2021. that is the same month and the same year that maggie and paul
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murdoch were murdered. now that their case is resolved, the spotlight is shifting to steven smith's investigation. state investigators making it a top priority. >> the homicide investigation into steven smith's 2015 death receiving fresh law enforcement resources and bringing renewed hope to their family. >> i've been wanting this for the last eight years and now it's happening. >> reporter: the south carolina law division says progress has been made. the chief assigning additional agents to work this case in the hopes that those who know what happened to mr. smith are more willing to speak freely now than they may have been in 2015 or 2021. according to police reports, 19-year-old steven smith was found dead on a rural road, his shoes still on his feet. a short distance away, his abandoned car, the gas cap unscrewed, his wallet inside. at the time, the on-scene supervisor telling a detective
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it appeared to be a homicide, but the medical examiner ruled it a hit-and-run, a determination later challenged by investigators. >> there's no marks from a vehicle, no skid marks in the roadway, nothing in the grass. >> reporter: police recordings also show the murdaugh family name came up multiple times in interviews from 2015, including with steven's mother. >> the rumors that's going around that everybody keeps coming up to me and saying it was the murdaugh boys. >> the murdaugh boys. >> yes, whoever they are. >> reporter: other individuals also named murdaugh in taped interviews. >> who was that? >> mr. murdaugh. >> okay. i'll be honest with you, mr. murdaugh's been on our radar long before this. >> reporter: buster murdaugh, the surviving son of convicted killer alex murdaugh, said he had nothing to do with smith's death, and asks for privacy as
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he grieves the murder of his mothers and brother. >> in a statement shared with nbc news earlier this week, buster murdaugh called the rumors that he and steven had a relationship baseless and denied any involvement with his death, add ing adding, my heart goes out to the smith family. buster murdaugh was never interviewed about the 2015 case. >> the attorney for steven smith's mother says he plans to petition a judge for the exhume ation of smith's body. he's hoping that now they'll speak more freely about the truth. craig? >> catie beck for us in colombia, south carolina. let's bring in nbc's senior legal correspondent, laura jarrett. laura, good morning to you. >> good morning, craig. >> eight years after the death of steven smith, how hard is it to put together a murder investigation, considering how much time has lapsed? >> it's difficult, but not impossible.
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we can all think about cold cases that were solved decades after a killing took place. the real issue here is that so much attention has been focused on this case. obviously, there's a netflix documentary, there's an hbo documentary. it's very hard to control witnesses and their memories after so much time, especially when they've been out there talking about the case so much. you have to wonder, how much of the evidence was preserved. we don't know enough about that. is it impossible, no. difficult? absolutely. >> we should point out, buster murdaugh has denied any involvement in the death of steven smith. he was not questioned at the time. any chance that buster murdaugh gets questioned this time by investigators? >> why would he want to have any connection to this at all. if he says he has nothing to do with it, they have no probable cause to believe that he has any involvement. he's completely denied it. i think it's really hard. this is all sort of based on rumor and innuendo. and even you can see in katie's piece, the detectives are saying that he's been on our radar. why?
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there's just no hard evidence. and without that, you can imagine buster doesn't have a great relationship with authorities right now. they just managed to get a murder conviction against his dad. i don't see any incentive for him to come in and talk. >> that being said, where does the investigation then go from here? >> it's interesting, you know, detectives put out this statement yesterday, and one thing that did catch my eye, they say, progress has been made. what progress? what have they found? they're clearly hoping more people a
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serviceces you no longger want. that t story next, rright hehe "todayy." stst, it was j just a . now, i c can't t imagine my l life withouout them. man: that coaoach changeded our . on t the field man: that coaoach changeded our . and off.f. boy: when t the season n started, i ststill thoughght about da. but i cocould start t focusg on t the things s he taught t. womaman 2: at firstst, i didn''t know a anyone. i didn't know w where to t at lunch, , anything r re. bubut that seaeason... that seasoson changed d everyth. all: (chananting) who's s lookin' clean,, if youou know whatat i mean? bubut that seaeason... that seasoson changed d everyth. say what, , what... bubut that seaeason... that seasoson changed d everyth. (cheering)g) ( ♪♪ ) ) (cheering)g) (cheerering) ( ♪♪ )
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♪ let's bebe honest, ♪ the spspicy crispypy chicken n sandwich shshould'veve been namemed ththe spicy mcmccrispy allll a. ♪ ♪ ba a da ba ba b ba ♪ nicorette knows quitting smoking is freaking hard. you get advice like... just stop. go for a run. go for ten runs. run a marathon. instead, start small with nicorette, which will lead to something big. for r people whoho are a litie inintense abouout hydratioi. neutrorogena® h hydro boostt lighghtweight. neutrorogena® h hydro boostt fragrarance-free.. 48-h-hour hydratation. fofor that heaealthy skin n g. 48-h-hour hydratation. neutrogena®. for r people witith skin. 48-h-hour hydratation. thinink he's pososting aboutul that ancncient romanan coin? nono. he's makaking real-t-te money momoves with m merr. thinink he's pososting aboutul that ancncient romanan coin?
7:39 am
so no o matter whahat the marketet's doing, , he's read. and d that's... how yoyou collect t coins. and d that's... yourur money nevever stops w wg for yoyou with mererrill, and d that's... a a bank of america company. i i brought inin enensure max p protein with 30 0 grams of prorotein. i i brought inin enensure max p protein those who o tried me i i brought inin enensure max p protein felt m more energygy inin just two o weeks. i i brought inin enensure max p protein uhuhhhh... i i brought inin enensure max p protein herere, i'll takake that. i i brought inin enensure max p protein [woooo hoo!] i i brought inin enensure max p protein ensure maxax protein,, with 30 0 grams of p protei, i i brought inin enensure max p protein onone gram of f sugar andd nutrientnts for immumune hea. ( ( ♪♪ ) what''s up, , steph? ( ( ♪♪ ) hehey, check t this out. ( ( ♪♪ ) you can prpre-qualify y with cacarmax, fastst and easy.y. (phone clalattering) you can prpre-qualify y with cacarmax, fastst and easy.y. didid you justst block me?? i was s protectingng yoyour credit t score. didid you justst block me?? prpre-qualifyiying with cacax has no i impact to yourur credit scscore. sorrrry. force o of habit. has no i impact to yourur credit scscore. anywyway, then folklks can sp by persosonalized reresults anywyway, then folklks can sp to seeee how each h car fits theheir budget.t. (phone c clattering)g) it feeeels really y good. (laughgh) yoyou just blolocked meme again. cocome . it feeeels really y good. (laughgh) get t pre-qualifified wiwith no impapact to yourr creditit score. cacarmax. get t pre-qualifified (m(man) whwhat if my t type 2 diababs tatakes over??
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(womoman)h no impapact to yourr what i if all i dodo isn't t e? oror what if i i can do d diabetes didifferently? (avo) now you u can with o once-weey mounjajaro. momounjaro helelps your boby regulalate blood s sugar, and d mounjaro c can help dedee how much f food you eaeat. 3 out ofof 4 people e reached ac of l less than 7 7%. plus peoplple taking m mounjao lost up p to 25 poununds. mounjaro i is not for r people h type 1 1 diabetes s or childrer. don't take mouounjaro, if f y'e allergicic to it, you or youour family h have memedullary ththyroid cancnc, oror multiple e endocrine e neoa syndromeme type 2. stop mounjnjaro, and c call yor doctor r right away,y, if you e anan allergic c reaction, , a lr swellingng in your n neck, sevee stomach papain, visionon chang, or diaiabetic retitinopathy. seriouous side effffects may include papancreatitisis and gallblbladder proboblems. takingng mounjaro o with susulfonylureaea or insulilin s low blood d sugar risk. tell your r doctor if f you'e nursing,g, pregnant,t, or plan toto be. siside effectsts include n na, vomiting, , and diarrhrhea which cacan cause dedehydrationd may y worsen kididney problelem.
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(woman)) i can n do diabetetes differeny wiwith mounjararo. (avovo) ask k your doctotor about once-weeeekly mounjajaro. back at 7:40 with a "today" exclusive and this morning's consumer confidential. >> so a lot of us rely on subscription services from everything from entertainment to clothing to food, but canceling those subscription services, that can feel like you're navigating an endless maze. >> that is the truth. vicky nguyen is here with the federal government's plan to help ease that struggle. that's good news. >> hi, good morning, sheinelle and craig. signing up for that gym membership might have been at easy as a couple of clicks or a quick phone call, but we have all been there, trying to stop that subscription and being forced to jump through all kinds of time-consuming hoops. now the federal trade commission is trying to come to the rescue
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with a new rule that would make it as easy for you to cancel as it was to sign up. from streaming video and music platforms to meal kits and clothing, subscriptions and memberships now exist for nearly everything. one survey finding nearly 80% of adults worldwide now pay for a subscription service. all it takes to sign up, but when you want to cancel, many wonder, could it be anymore complicated? chandler trying once again trying to cancel his gym membership in this classic episode of "friends." >> i want to quit the gym. >> you do realize you won't have access to our new full-service swedish spa. >> i want to quit the gym. >> some companies require you to show up in person to cancel or hit you with drawn-out sales pitches. others offer confusing online directions and phone calls with longer-than-usual wait times.
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the federal trade commission calls these dark pattern tactics designed to trick and trap consumers. some expressing their frustration on social media. >> it says, hey, how to end your subscription. go to "end subscription" button, but it doesn't exist. >> reporter: now the ftc sharing exclusively with "today," it is proposing a new rule to help. what would this rule do for consumers? >> so this rule would basically make it so that companies have to make it as easy to cancel a subscription as they do sign up. >> reporter: ftc chair lina khan says the rule would allow consumers to cancel subscriptions the same way they signed up for them, whether online or by phone and in the same number of steps. they would also have to disclose certain terms before collecting your billing information. >> they need to tell you how long the trial period goes for, clearly have to tell you by when they have to cancel. >> reporter: what are you anticipating in terms of pushback for companies? >> we welcome their comments and welcome seeing what their perspective is, but at the end of the day, consumers don't
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benefit if companies are tricking or trapping them. >> why now is this rule coming down? >> the frk tc has been bringing lawsuits against some of these practices for some time. we put out guidance to put companies on notice, and we realize it's not having a sweeping enough effect. >> reporter: the push coming as a recent survey found more than half of consumers underestimate their monthly subscriptions by at least $100. khan says if approved, it could take up to six months or longer for the rule to take effect. in the meantime, apps like rocket money or mint could help you keep track of your subscriptions. and always read the fine print before signing up. if you take advantage of a free trial period, set a calendar reminder of when to cancel and check to see if you're on auto renewal, because those charges can slip through and really add up. >> and the ftc telling us exclusively, if this rule will go into effect, it will allow the ftc to charge companies hefty fines if they don't comply. also, the ftc will get money back for consumers. the agency will take public
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comment on this proposed rule soon on its website. just check, follow the social media, or go to >> you sometimes lose track. i do those free trials and i don't know how to get rid of it. what's another way to track your subscriptions? >> the companies are counting on you to forget and they auto-renew. in addition to using those apps and setting reminders on your calendar, use something called it's a website where you can assign a unique debit card number for every online purchase, you can control how much they take out, cancel those cards at any time. so you don't fall into that trap of auto renewal. >> that's a great idea. >> you've got to manage it, but it works. >> thank you. >> nick jr. since 2016, like three months, i'm still paying for it. >> and now the kids are 30. mr. roker, back with another check of the weather. >> but craig still likes watching doug. >> look at these temperatures today. d.c., you'll be up into the
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mid-70s, raleigh, 80 degrees. alexandria, 12 degrees above average at 85. that warmth continues through the south. 78, norfolk. tomorrow, tallahassee, 84. jackson, 85. and temperatures stay nice and mild right on into early next week. boston, you'll be in the low 50s. philadelphia into the upper 50s. and good morning. it's 7:45. we are finally getting a little break from the rain that has been hamerring the bay area. mostly staying dry as we go into the weekend. the only thing i want you to take note of, though, yes, we will see that big yellow thing in the sky, but notice we are starting off chilly, and awaiting the next storm system that comes in sunday night, once again wreaking havoc on that morning commute. >> and in the words of spongebob, they're not laughing at us, patrick, they're laughing
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next to us. >> that's really good, al. >> he does really good impressions. that's dell's new favorite show, by the way. >> it's a classic! when we come back on this thursday morning, music icon dolly pardon ready to reveal a little bit more about another passion that she has. details of that coming up in pop start. >> but first, sam's getting us ready for the next round of march madness. >> they don't call it the sweet 16 for nothing. guess who is still dancing? the fau owls going from boboca brroadway,, settining up aa fam feudd of sororts. ththat stoory righht afterer th break.. it's's one pill,l, once a da. many t taking rinvnvoq saw clearr or almosost-clear skskin while some saw u up to 10100% clear s skin. and, t they felt d dramatic and d fast itch h relief while some saw u up to 10100% clear s skin. sosome as earlrly as 2 daya. that's rininvoq reliefef.
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rinvnvoq can lowower your ababy to figight infectitions, including g tb. seririous infectctions and blooood clots, s some f, cancncers includuding lymphoa and d skin cancecer, death,h, heheart attackck, stroke,, and d tears in t the stomach or intntestines ococcurred. death,h, heheart attackck, stroke,, pepeople 50 anand older wiwitt least one e heart disesease risk factotor have higigher ris. don't takeke if allergrgic to rinvoq,q, as seriousus reactionsns cacan occur. don't takeke if allergrgic to rinvoq,q, tetell your dodoctor if yoyoue or may bececome pregnanant. disrupupt the itchch anand rash of f eczema. tetell your dodoctor if yoyoue or may bececome pregnanant. talk to o your doctotor about rinvnvoq. learn n how abbvieie cacan help youou save. ththis man neeeeds updatedd covid d protectionon. learn n how abbvieie cacan help youou save. soso does she.e. yup, t these guys s too. becacause covid d is stilll out ththere, and s so are yo. and if y your last v vaccie was beforere septemberer 20, yoyou're out t there withth fading prprotection.. but an u updated vacaccine rerestores youour protectiti. so y you can keeeep doing yo. geget an updatated covid v vae and stay o out there, , safel. ♪ ♪
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to allll the chevyvy silveo owners o out there.. ththe adventururers anand the doerers. to eveveryone thatat works hd and plplays hard.. whwhether it's's your firsrt silvererado or youour te. thank k you for mamaking chevevy silveradado the #1#1 best-selllling retatail full-sisize pic. whwhen you havave chronicc kidneyey disease.. there are e places you'd d like to bebe. likeke here. and d here. anand here. not so mucuch here. if youou've been d diagnososedh chroronic kidneyey disease farxigiga reduces s the risk of kidney y failure which can lelead to dialaly. farxiga can cause e serious se effefects includuding dehydrdr, urinary trtract or genenitl yeasast infectioions in womenen and men,, and low w blood sugagar.
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keketoacidosisis is a sererious side e effet in womenen and men,, and low w blood sugagar. that mayay lead to d death. in womenen and men,, and low w blood sugagar. a rare lifife-threatenening bactcterial infefection in womenen and men,, and low w blood sugagar. in the skikin of the p perinm could occucur. ststop taking g farxiga anandl your d doctor righght away in the skikin of the p perinm could occucur. if you havave symptomsms of this s bacterial l infect, an allerergic reactition, or k ketoacidosisis. and don'n't take itt if you a are on dialalysis. an allerergic reactition, or k ketoacidosisis. put yoyourselflf inin the drivever's seat.. make an n appointmenent to ask yourur doctor fofor fara for chchronic kidndney diseas. if you canan't affordd your m medication,n, astrtrazeneca may y be able toto help. if you canan't affordd your m medication,n, ♪far-r-xi-ga♪♪ we're back with carson and >> get your brackets ready. the second week in action. sam brock is on the campus of one of the underdogs who will be in action, florida atlantic university down in boca. sam, good morning. >> carson, guys, good morning. it's called the sweet 16. that means it's the cream of the crop.
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at this point, only 16 teams left. yes, there are some familiar faces in there. and some less familiar as well. princeton, for example, fau, where i am. the owls, guys. i talked about them last week, are aus the tommed to playing in front of 2,900 people, now 20,000 at madison square garden in new york. and the athletic directors are brothers. one of the many story lines here in one of the biggest weeks of college basketball. >> march madness has already produced its share of magical moments. arkansas's defeat of defending champs kansas prompting a razorbacks coach to rip off his shirt. a late-game shot like nick boy of fau. upstarts also ledding to euphoria on the women's side. >> old miss to the sweet 16. >> upseating top seed stanford and the hurricane getting the best of top-seeded alabama. >> number one goes down! miami pulls off the upset!
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>> reporter: all of it setting the stage for a wild next four days. where other top story lines include the ivy league's princeton tigers, becoming just the third 15 seed ever to advance to the second week and chianti johnson barely two years removed from an-court collapse applying with the university of florida now back. >> johnson -- oh, yeah! rolling with kansas state. >> we just found the best doctors in the world to figure out my situation. >> but there's also another backstory, largely flying under the radar until now. the battle of brothers. >> what are the odds of this scenario plague playing out? >> they can't be great. especially us playing duke. >> probably similar to winning the lottery. >> brian and danny right are athletic directors. brian for fau, danny for tennessee, where they just beat
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duke where the athletic director used to be the athletic director. >> the only time the family text goes quiet is when two of us are playing each other. nobody knows what to say. >> reporter: the only guarantee the whole group is beaming with pride has both teams look to etch their names in the history books of what's starting to feel like anyone's tournament. >> guys, i asked, what's on the line for this. they both told me, both bragging rights which happens to be july 4th, expect some fireworks. >> t thank you, , sam brock.k. just aahead, p puppies o on thea to o celebrrate nattional p pup. [dad]
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once-dailyly sotyktu i is pn toto get more e people once-dailyly sotyktu i is pn clclearer skinin than t the leadingng pill. clclearer skinin don't t take if yoyou're allerc to sotyktutu; serious s reactions s can o. sotyktu cacan lower yoyour abily to figight infectitions includuding tb. to figight infectitions serious s infectionsns, cans includuding lymphohoma, musclele problems,s, and chchanges in c certain las have occururred. tell y your doctoror if you he an infectition, liver oror kidney prprobl, tell y your doctoror if you he an infectition, high tririglycerideses, or had a v vaccine or r pla. high tririglycerideses, sotyktktu is a tykyk2 inhibit. tytyk2 is partrt ofof the jak f family. sotyktktu is a tykyk2 inhibit. it's n not known i if sotyktu has the sasame risks it's n not known i if sotyktu as j jak inhibititors. find whahat plaque p psors as j jak inhibititors. has beenen hiding. as j jak inhibititors. ask yourur dermatolologist t sotyktu fofor clearer r s. ask yourur dermatolologist t soso clearly y you. sotyktu.u. hacks for skin conditions? i'i've seen a a lot of wacackys in m my day. hacks for skin conditions? grgreek yoghururt is suppopod to be rereally good.d. banananas. spspirulina babaths. i came outut a little e bit turquoisise. say ththat again.. hehere's the d dermatologigist. say ththat again.. and itit starts inin the sho. in thehe shower? i'm listenening. inintroducing g new dove body wash.h. for ececzema-pronene, hyper-rereactive and drdry-cracked d skin. for ececzema-pronene, with derermatologistst apapproved ingngredients..
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i'm excicited to tryry it. yayay! nenew dove bodody wash. yayay! ththe dermatolologist's ultimate h hack. (vo) new cinnnnamoji toasast crunc! can n you spot the cinnamojis n your bowl? yayay! for a limited time, try cinnamoji toast crunch, blasted d with cinnanamoji fac. shshare your l love of thehe e withth a surprisise move shshare your l love of thehe e kinder joyoy. a a yummy treaeat and d an all statar line-up f nba a mascot toyoys for yoyour favoritite fan. and d an all statar line-up f nba a mascot toyoys kinder j joy. ♪♪♪ allergrgies don't have to be scarary. (screamiming) defeat a allergy heaeadaches t with n new flonasese headae and allelergy reliefef! two pilllls relievee alallergy headadache pain?? and d the congesestion ththat causes s it! flonase heheadache anand allergy y relief. and d the congesestion ththat causes s it! psstst! psst! all good!! ♪ bebehold, the e mccrispy,, formerly k known as the crcrispy chickcken sandwi.
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cocongratulalations on the proromotion. ♪ ♪ ba dada ba ba ba a ♪ hey, dad. i got an a on my book report. -and i scored a goal on ashley. -that's cool. and i went for a walk in the woods and i didn't get a single flea or tick on me. you are just the best. it's probably because of that flea and tick medicine you've been ordering from chewy. we are very proud of you. you never stop surprising us, bailey. right? i'm great. you are great. i wonder if bailey's ever done a book report. be nice to your sister. what flea bit him? pets aren't just pets. they're more. this flea and tick season, trust america's #1 pet pharmacy. chewy. very good morning to you. it's 7:56 right now. i am laura garcia. here's a look at what is happening now. >> reporter: i am kris sanchez in san josé where an overnight
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hostage situation resulted in the man shot and killed by police. the children and the woman were safely removed, and the suspect died at a hospital. we expect the chief will speak about this matter at some point. i want to get a look at our forecast for this thursday morning. cinthia pimentel in for kari. >> martinez right now at 48 degrees, and we are seeing the sunshine return once again here in the bay area after those storms on tuesday. we're going to warm up nicely into the mid and upper 50s by around 2:00, but it will be a little breezy if you are stepping out to clean out storm damage or enjoy a nice walk. i will leave you with a 7-day forecast, it will be a frosty start to tomorrow, saturday and sunday as well. we were looking at another storm developing late into monday, and i will keep you posted on that on the timing and where the strongest impacts will be.
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tuesday and wednesday, we will see the rain linger here in the bay area, so enjoy the sunshine. >> we definitely will. thank you very much. another local news update is coming in half an hour, and join us here for midday news, and that's the 11:00 a.m.
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it's 8:00 on "today,"
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breaking overnight, the teenage suspect accused of shooting two administrators at his denver high school has been found dead. this morning, how the community is coping amid the search for answers. >> what's more important, being safe or feeling safe? >> we're at that school live. then, pay for play? the university of notre dame speaking out this morning about
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and hope to find out more about a potential motive. craig? >> morgan chesky for us in denver. morgan, thank you. >> paying college athletes and the impact on the game is one of the hottest topics out there. now an iconic university is coming down hard on the issue in an opinion piece in "the new
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york times," published this morning. the leaders of the university of notre dame is saying not enough is being done to regulate all the money now floating to these players. nbc's stephanie gosk has more on this. steph? >> reporter: hey, guys, good morning. less than two years, the ncaa changed the rules about college athletes using their name, im money. it's known as nil. but the new president at notre dame says the new system is already damaging college athletics and they want something done about it. nat marshal is a political science major and a star forward for notre dame's fighting irish. these days, that can come with endorsements. >> right now, i have jan sport, i just signed that one, the backpack company. bumble, the dating app. >> how do you find the time for it? >> i don't. i kind of just squeeze it in there. >> reporter: the ncaa changed the rules in 2021, allowing student athletes to make deals with brands. and in some cases, they're making millions, like olivia dunn at lsu.
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>> are we talking 60 years, 7? can you say? >> i'm very grateful to be making seven figures. >> i am fully supportive of the right of our student athletes to use their name, image, and likeness, as they wish, because every other student could do it. >> reporter: but they write, the new rules have found to be easy to abuse. regardless of whether a player's name, image, and likeness have any market value whatsoever. >> the rule is you're not allowed to use nil enticements to recruit players. is that rule work ingworking? >> no. and i think everyone would agree with that. there's no real enforcement mechanism. >> schools are not allowed to set up nil contracts with athletes. but in some cases, groups loyal
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to the school called collectives are striking deals. >> some college administrators will say all the collective is, is basically laundering money, right? from the school's donors lu it to athletes. which is why several people believe the current system is not the way to do things. >> it has upended the college recruiting process, especially for football and men's basketball. >> third parties are promising a significant payment to student athlete if he or she will attend a certain school. >> reporter: father john calls it pay-to-play. >> once you go down a path to say, we're paying them for their play, you go more and more to this professional model. and you lose sight of this educational purpose that these programs are set up for in the first place. >> why can't there be some level of professionalism in college athletics. it's certainly been a
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money-making venture for a long time in this country. >> it has, for some schools. it's important to note that a lot of schools subsidize their athletic programs. they're not money making. >> father john is calling on the ncaa to focus on student athletes as students first, athletes second. >> put education at the center. put our students at the center. don't make us into some second-class professional league. there's no future in that. >> notre dame suggests a number of fixes, including asking congress to get involved in setting up minor leagues for men's basketball and football. but both father john agree there's little support for doing that. we also should note the tv rights to notre dame football are owned by nbc sports. guys, back to you. >> steph, thank you. that is one hot topic. opinions all over the debate. >> and a debate that's not going to end anytime soon as well. hoda's on vacation, that means you're up for the boost. >> we have a good one for you this morning. a 6-year-old boy has been wanting a baby brother or sister for a really long time. it's been at the top of his wish
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list for every birthday and every christmas for the past two years. so watch what happens when his mom gave him a new t-shirt with some very good news printed on it. >> i'm going to be a big brother! >> i've got a baby! >> that is sweet! he's going to be a big brother. you can see there, he's overwhelmed with happiness. the news almost too good to keep true. his hugs his mom with tears of joy streaming down his face. >> that's a good one. >> that's sweet. still ahead here on a thursday morning, the last-minute decision by a fn of "law & order: svu" that led to an unforgettable encounter. carson will have that. but first, today's five thhings, iincludining whatt you hairdreresser wiishes yoou woult do and more exxpert adadvice t improvove your daily llife. ththat's rright aftter thiss.
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good news!s! a new w clinical s study showowed that cecentrum sir supports c cognitive h healh inin older adudults. it's o one more ststep tows tataking chargrge of your r he. supports c cognitive h healh inin older adudults. so everyry day, you u can sa. ♪♪ youuu didid it! ♪♪ with centrtrum silver.r. (terrie) if you're a smoker. i have a tip for you. make a a video of f yourself i have a tip for you. bebefore all t this happene. read a c children's s storyk oror sing a lulullaby. read a c children's s storyk i wishsh i had. the only v voice my grgrands ever heaeard is thisis one. (annououncer) you can n qu. for free help, call 1-800-quit-now ifif you shopp wiwith the walalmart app,, you u know everyrything you ud is rightht at your f finger.
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♪♪♪ so you c can spend a lilittle less,s, to get a l little morere, to make lilife a littltle bet. ♪♪ zyrteeeecec...♪ works s hard at hohour one anand twice asas hard ♪♪ zyrteeeecec...♪ when y you take itit again ththe next dayay. so b betty can b be the... when y you take itit again ththe next dayay. barcode bebeat conductctor. ♪ gogo betty! ♪ ♪ let's s be more than our a allergies!! zeize ththe day. wiwith zyrtec.c. every y march, jerersey mike' turnrns money frfrom subs let's s be more into c charitable e donation. and march h 29th is jejersey mis annunual day of f giving where 100%0% of sales s are don to l local charirities. anand to kick k off all ththat , peter gagave me an a apron. i'm hononored. lookin' ' good, dannnny. wewe've got susubs to makeke t. oh, , now i knowow why you gave m me the aproron. join u us this wedednesday fr jerseyey mike's daday of givi. be a a sub aboveve. i've s seen this m movie befo. you haveve? surere, this is s the part w e
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alall is lost t and the heho searches f for hope. surere, this is s the part w e then, , a mysterioious figure rereminds her r that she surere, this is s the part w e has the fafarmers home p policy perkrk, guaranteeded replacemement . has the fafarmers home p policy perkrk, and her hohome will bebe rebu, regardrdless of heher limits has the fafarmers home p policy perkrk, or if the e cost of mamaters has s gone up. has the fafarmers home p policy perkrk, ththat's realllly somethini. get a whwhole lot ofof someg wiwith farmersrs policy pepe. wait, i dididn't ruinn ththe ending, , did i? get a whwhole lot ofof someg wiwith farmersrs policy pepe. yeah, y-yoyou did. get a whwhole lot ofof someg wiwith farmersrs policy pepe. ♪♪ farmers m mnemonic ♪♪ (mom) i know what i love about my daughter. but if youou ask her..... hmm. (v(vo) at y yoplait, wewe believe in strerengthening g women. so we're partnering with girls inc. to help girls build self-confidence. share your strengths @yoplaitusa. whenen you prefefer a dreaeam vacationon over a a rental ninightmar.
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achoo! over a a rental ninightmar. gesusundheit. over a a rental ninightmar. ahahh! ahahh! ahahh! matttters where e you s. shshare your l love of thehe e withth a surprisise move shshare your l love of thehe e kinder joyoy. a a yummy treaeat and d an all statar line-up f nba a mascot toyoys for yoyour favoritite fan. and d an all statar line-up f nba a mascot toyoys kinder j joy. every daday, more dodog peoe are decididing itit's time fofor a fresh h aph to pet fooood. develoloped with v vets. made from m real meatt and veggggies. portioioned for yoyour d. made from m real meatt and veggggies. and delilivered riright to youour door. made from m real meatt and veggggies. it's s smarter, healththier pet fofood. (v(vo) naturere valley hahas helped r e acaccess to nanational parark ts
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all ovover the couountry. bebecause evenen a simple e k cacan lead to o an unforgegete adventure.e. lilife happensns out therer. hey.y... it's meme! your dry s skin! i'm cravining somethining we're missssing. the ceraramides in c cerave. i'm cravining somethining we're missssing. cerarave, with t three essentiaial ceramidedes, hehelps restorore my naturalal barrier,, so i can l lock in moioise and we canan feel it l long aft. cerarave moistururizers. lactaid d is 100% rereal , justst without t the lactose. tastes great in our iced coffees too. which makes waking up at 5 a.m. to milk the cows a littttle easier.r. (moo) mabel saysys for you,, it's more l like 5:15.. man: mom, really? i i tried evererything to o re fabricic odors, bubut my cloththes still s sme. i i tried evererything to o re fabricic odors, until i fifinally founundw i i tried evererything to o re fabricic odors, dodowny rinse e and refrese! just adddd to your f fabric softenener tray. dodowny rinse e and refrese! it doesn't't just covever o; dodowny rinse e and refrese! it helpsps remove ththem up to 3 t times betteter than deterergent alonene! try new downy rinse and d refresh. than deterergent alonene! the cititi custom cacash℠ card automomatically a adjus to e earn you momore cash b back inin your top p eligible spend catetegory. to e earn you momore cash b back
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hi. to e earn you momore cash b back ♪♪♪ to e earn you momore cash b back you don't t have to kekeep ts on rotatining categoriries.. to e earn you momore cash b back this is s the only r rotag i cacare about.. ..... or activivate anythihg to eararn. your casash back aututomaticy adjusts s for you. ..... or activivate anythihg to eararn. can i i get a cucucumber wate? eaearn 5% cashsh back ththat automatatically adjdjs to youour top eligigible spend category, up to $500 spent each billing cycle with the citi custom cash℠ card. i i love it..... [v[voice vibrarating] with the citi custom cash℠ card. back now, 8:14 with today's five things. this is where we bring in professionals to tell us what this morning, we are featuring a pediatrician, a hairstylist, and a house cleaner. first up, dr. alana levine. a pediatrician at orangetown pediatrics in new york. she has more than 20 years of experience. dr. levine, good to have you.
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>> good to be here. >> as a pediatrician, first up, i would never -- >> let my child get on a bicycle, a scooter, or really anything with wheels without a helmet. even if it's just in the driveway. i make all of my patients pinkie promise me that they won't do it, because it's so tempting, and i tell them that you only have one head and you really need to protect it. >> it doesn't matter how far you're going on that. >> exactly. >> you also say as a pediatrician, up next, as a pediatrician, i would never buy a trampoline for my own backyard. >> absolutely. and this one was really tough for my own kids, because they really wanted one. but i've seen so many injuries and broken bones from trampolines, especially when there's more than one child jumping at a time. let's face it, who wants to bounce by themselves. trampolines are a "no." >> this next one would be pretty controversial. as a pediatrician, i would never let my pediatrician charge their cell phone in their own bedroom. why? >> yes. this is a tough one, but plain
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and simple, it interferes with sleep, and sleep is so important. we all get that dopamine hit, even adults, when you get a notification on your cell phone. and think about it for kids. so much of their social life is on their phone, so it's irresistible if that goes off in the middle of the night. so i say, charge them outside of the room. and the kids will push back and say, but my phone is my alarm clock! and on that, i say, go old school. there are still digital alarm clocks available for purchase. get one of those. this next one, i'm guilty of doing this, i would never as a pediatrician send my child to school with ibuprofen. >> yes. >> why not? >> well, if your child wakes up with a fever in the morning and you say, oh, i'm just going to give him some ibuprofen or aseat men fen, you're hurting other children because you're sending your child to school when they're potentially most contagious. and also think about your own child, once the medication wears off, they're really going to feel lousy. >> and last, never stray from
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car safety guidelines? >> yes. this is easy in the beginning, right? for infants and toddlers, they need to be in rear-facing car seats, they're not going to put up a fight, parents know to do this. but once day graduate to a booster seat, when they've outgrown the limits of their car seat, i find that sometimes parents will take the kids out too soon. you don't go based on age in terms of graduating from a booster, you go based on height. and typically that happens around 4'9" inches. and for some kids, they may be 8 or 12. and 12-year-olds do not want to sit in a booster. >> dr. levine, thank you. >> sheinelle, those are really good. i'm guilty of a couple of those. i'm here with joseph may knows, and he has tips on what he would never do after nearly 15 years in the hair industry. joseph, good morning. >> good morning! >> you have some really good ones. people care about their hair, let's dive into what they shouldn't be doing. first up, you say you would never use a shampoo that overpromises.
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>> now whenever i'm shopping for shampoos, they all say they'll moisturize, volumize, and tone their hair. your shampoo will leave ingredients into your hair. you're massaging all of these ingredients into your scalp. your shampoo should be doing one thing and that's cleaning your air. over time, those ingredients can build up on your hair, make your hair appear greasy quicker, and impede healthy hair growth. >> that makes sense. next, you say, don't sleep with an elastic or rubber brand. >> this is a sure way to break your hair. don't sleep with a tight elastic. there's great options now, like silk scrunchies and stuff. you can remove instead of pulling them, try to use a hot tool to pop the elastic off. >> next is interesting. you say, you wouldn't use styling tools, after you hair spray your tool, don't put that
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flat iron or curling iron back on top of it. >> hair spray is the opposite of a thermal protectant. they're going to sizzle on your hair and fry your hair. )zisher. there are great thermal protect ta protectapts. never judge a product based on its price. quickly. >> there's great products at all price points. some luxury items, you're paying for a gorgeous bottle. and there's great affordable items as well. it's important to find ingredients that work well for you and really look for some science-based products. >> don't grow your hair thinking it will grow faster. >> it's important to keep your ends healthy, but it's not going to enhance growth. >> that is a good one. because i thought so. carson, your turn. >> we've queen of cleaning on
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tiktok, over 5 million followers. vanessa, good to see you. let's get right to it. leaner, you say, you never have to -- you should always clean a ceiling fan and do it first. >> you want to start cleaning from the top and work your way down. you don't want to have to reclean something that you already cleaned. always start at the top and work your way down. ceiling fan first, sheets and everything then. >> next up, never use gloss or polish on wood floors. >> yes. so wood polish is actually going to ruin your wood floors with time. it creates like a film that will peel. so if you're at the store and if you have a wood polish and cleaner, get the cleaner and leave the polish behind. >> and a good tip for cleaning lights. >> always turn your lights off when you're cleaning mirrors. the lightbulb actually releases heat and so it evaporates your cleaner before you get a chance to clean. so that's why you get streaks and marks. so always turn your lights off and then clean your mirrors.
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>> a great trip when you're cleaning a surface is to do what? >> spray your towel, never directly. why not? because you're going to be spraying your walls, your floor, or even your food if it's close by. always the towel, never the surface. >> how about when you're rinsing things, a tub or what not? >> always use cold water, because hot water produces more suds and bubbles. so always use more cold water. >> that's why you're the queen of tiktok. great tips. vanessa, than we get ready for the next strong system forming in the pacific set toñi arrive monday night into tuesday next week. the timing and just how much rain is still to be worked out
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but it will linger into wednesday. >> best time of the morning, pop start. >> i broke like three out of the five pediatrician rules. i'm in the market for a trampoline. >> see you later. first up on pop start, we've got dolly pardon, the country icon adding to a book collection. this fall, dolly will release behind the scenes, my life in rhinestones. for the first time, she'll be sharing the full story behind her lifelong passion for fashion. and how she developed her distinct dolly style. the book will feature behind the scene stories from dolly's life and career and a look at her private costume archive spanning over 60 years, complete with her famous wigs, sky-high heels, and those eye-catching stage clothes. in part, sharing this excitement, putting out a statement saying, i'm not sure where it was, but it says, it is my hope you will enjoy a look at my life and costume and air and get to know some of the great
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people that have helped shape my life and my look. "behind the scenes: my life in rhinestone" will be available on october 17th. courteney cox, you probably remember her the clean freak from "friends" who will go to extreme lengths to make sure things are tidy. >> do you have a bucket and soap can i borrow? >> i have soap and sponges and rags andcarnuba wax and polishing compound. >> you don't even have a car. >> one time there was a really dirty car parked in front of the building and i washed it.
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>> you can go around! ♪ it's enough to drive you crazy if you let it ♪ ♪ 9:00 to 5:00 for service and devotion ♪ >> see, next time courtney might want to spray not directly -- >> on the cloth, on the cloth. >> next up, "law & order: svu," a last-minute decision for an svu superfan ended up leading to one of the best days to her life. she threw on this t-shirt with the characters olivia benson and eliot stabler and she runs into olivia benison herself. marissa hargitay loved the shirt so much, she added a picture of it to her instagram story and snapping a photo together. taylor shared the encounter on tiktok and her video now has more than 1.5 million views of it. she's been an svu fan forever
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and almost didn't wear the shirt that day, saying the universe could not have made this happen more. >> that's really cool. who should we put on our t-shirts? just ahead, we are marking national puppy day, plus how to set yourself up for success when you add a pet to your family. we'll talk about it. but first, your local news. . good morning to you. it is 8:26. i'm marcus washington. if you plan to take eastbound
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580 to the central valley any time before 2:00, expect tighter bottlenecks. crews are closing two lanes through the altamont pass due to a wall collapse earlier this week. a third lane is being closed as well. it should go back to two closed lanes well before the evening commute. as far as the weather goes, at least there isn't any rain out there. currently right now 50 in san jose with cloudy skies. we will see clouds sticking around by lunchtime. then we'll mix with sunshine and the upper 50s. make sure you bundle up. northwest windsçó this afternoo anywhere from 20-25 miles per hour with chilly temperatures before we get a touch of rain
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moving in in the north bay around 6:00, maybe a cell over san francisco at the same time and down in the south bay. pretty much out of here by the afternoon. in store for a nice weekend.
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we are back.
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it is 8:30 on a thursday it being thursday morning, it is also national puppy day, in case you did not know, so that would explain why the show has just gone to the dogs. cute little dogs. all of these puppies are up for adoption. >> that's right! >> more on that. >> the jones family. >> anybody want puppies? >> the jones family and the melvin family could use a dog. >> make sure the kids are -- >> i'm a big dog, right? >> that's all we need. >> how long until who let the dogs out plays? >> minutes, right? >> also this morning, our buddy martha stewart is here getting ready to show us how to make one of her famous recipes. she has 1 million recipes. literally one of martha's favorites. a delicious fish burger. >> then from parade on broadway, ben pratt and mikalah diamond are open this morning. the show just opened to fantastic reviews. and we are so excited, they're
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going to treat us to a live performance. >> and then on the third hour, we'll have more on tonight's return of march madness. it's always sweet when the king of khaki, steve kornacki stops by and breaks down the brackets. >> we want to mention tomorrow on "today," the author of crying in h mart, michelle is joining us. her memoir resonated with so many people and now it's finding a new audience. we'll talk to her about that. >> before we do anything else, mr. roker, how about one more check? >> let's look ahead to our weekend and see what you can expect for friday. spring beauty down through the southeast, but a tornado risk mid-mississippi river valley. heavy snow from the four corners up into the pacific northwest. we'll continue on saturday, heavy snow around the great lakes. strong snow into the southeast and kind of snowy in the northeast, as well. then sunday, sunday, nice day around the ohio valley, looking for sunny skies, seasonal temperatures, showers and storms good morning.
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it's 8:32. let's talk about what we can expect today around san francisco. we have a spotty chance of rain, also a touch breezy. if you're doing any cleanup, make sure you wear another layer. the sun friday, saturday and sunday before our next storm system develops on monday near the coastline pushing into the bay area in the overnight hours of tuesday. tuesday and wednesday seeing that next storm system with very gusty winds. >> they're going to the sweet 16, right? that's where sam brock was this morning. >> by the way, they're in the marching band, too. >> yeah! >> i love that. and we've got tennessee fans over here. >> and we've got k state over there. >> sweet 16 happening just a few blocks from here. >> wait, what?!
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we've got a northwestern school of journalism up here. why didn't you guys tell me. good morning! >> well. >> go say hi. >> those are your people! >> and explain what -- >> you guys didn't tell me you were coming. can you -- this is our dean, all the way from evanston, illinois. >> what's the occasion? >> we're here with our graduate students. >> good to see you here in new york city! >> look at that. >> craig, my people are here! >> a proud graduate of northwestern. >> go, cats! >> when we come back, we're going to meet our special guests who are here to help us celebrate national puppy day. and they are all up for adoption. we'll talk about some tips and tricks to help train your tricks to help train your fa
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♪♪♪ alexex! mateo, hey y how's busisiness? alexex! great. y you know ththat n has s really wororked wonder. thatat's what u.u.s. bank isis. great. y you know ththat n has s really wororked wonder. and d you're grorowing in calififornia? great. y you know ththat n has s really wororked wonder. -yup, , socal, nororcal... -monteterey? -all d day. -a brancnch in ventutura? that's's for sure-e-ah. atms in n fresno? that's's for sure-e-ah. freses-yes. that's's for sure-e-ah. encinitatas? yes, indndeed-us. encinitatas? anaheim? encinitatas? big g time. encinitatas? more guauacamole? encinitatas? i'i'm on a rololl-ay. encinitatas? how about t you? i'm jujust visitining. u.s.s. bank. ranked #1 1 in customomer satisfafaction h retatail bankingng in calififornia by j j.d. po.
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we are back on the plaza.
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it's national puppy day by hanging with adorable and adoptable, most importantly, pups, from gimme shelter rescue on long island. >> welcoming a puppy into your family is an exciting time, but here with some tips on how to become the best puppy parent, andrea arden. and by the way, look who's joined our puppy party. >> and andrea, i have a question. >> yes? >> how do i keep this beautiful little oliver secure and happy on the way home? >> you know, i think one of the things people need to think about is that management, using management tools is one of the most important things about being a responsible pet parent. using a long-term confinement area like an exercise pen, using a crate at home for house training and travel, and on-leash supervision are three really good tools to consider. >> i have wiley here. wiley also these a good home.
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how do you keep puppies like this happy? >> sometimes people forget that it's just the little things that makes puppies happy. just
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>> you don't have a dog. >> it's never the dog, it's always the owner. >> that's a good point. we talk about training our dogs, but the owners a lot of times -- >> al, i love you so much, even more than before, because that is so spot-on. people call me a dog trainer, but actually, i think we're more people trainers. >> for sure. >> who's taking who for a walk here? >> exactly. >> andrea, thank you so much. >> if you're interested in adopting these little ones, what can they do? >> go to gimme shelter animal rescue and submit an application. >> let's not forget about our older dogs. >> absolutely. up next, the real within that martha is actually here
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with us this morning. she's going to share the secrets behind one of her absolute favorite recipes. but first, this is "today" on nbc.
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we're back with "today" food with the great martha stewart. she's making one of her favorites. it's a classic fish burgburger. and with more than 50 cookbooks full of recipes, for you to say this is one of your favorites, it's got to be good. >> i really like the fish hake, it's a member of the cod fish family and a wonderful white fish. and when you cut it into nice little cubes like this -- it comes like that. that's a fillet. >> is it like a halibut? i've never heard of hake. >> it's lighter than a halibut and less expensive. bread crumbs, nice, fresh bread crumbs. so just take a white loaf and grind it up in the food
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processor. two eggs. >> yeah. >> really easy. >> are those eggs from your farm? >> yes, they are! >> yes, they are. >> the hens are laying really well right now, because of the warm weather. >> can you use boxed italian bread crumbs or panko or something like that? >> yes, you could, absolutely. >> i know you like to make everything fresh. >> this is delicious. and a little bit of cayenne pepper. >> did you catch them in your pond? >> no, hake is a saltwater fish. in maine, i do. >> some freshly chopped chives. and a quarter of a cup of chopped capers. >> how about some may owe? >> you're making like a crab cake, basically? >> it's like a crab cake, but it's a burger. and here's the may owe.
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>> we have our taster. sheinelle's already finished. >> this is phenomenal! >> what do you think, guys? >> why don't we eat more fish burgers in america. it's not that hard to make. and a nice alternative to red meat or chicken. >> or turkey. turkey burgers are good, too. one of my favorites. this is a very nice mixture. nice the burgers -- a nice way to make them uniform inside is to use a little ring like this, like a biscuit ring. and just take some of the nice mixture and put it into your packet. i like to put this on to parchment paper and chill it before i cook the burgers. look at those perfect burgers. i have some that are already chilled. and they're going to -- >> why do we chill it, martha? >> a little olive oil. >> why do we chill the burger? >> it holds it together. the bread crumbs andmayo, all get a little bit firmer.
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>> it's a cold plunge, it's all the rage. >> and just brown these. and takes about eight to ten minutes to cook. >> how come i don't see hake at my local market? >> you're not asking for it. >> you have to ask for it. >> yes, ask for it. >> what, do they hold stuff in the back? >> no, they have the salmon and cod and the halibut -- some of these are $8 a pound now. and this is -- one of the garnishes is pickled onions. this is japanese rice wine vinegar, a little bit of sugar and a little bit of salt. >> it's like a sake, almost. >> a red onion peeled and sliced. and let that stay for a minute, and it pickles right up. >> what other toppings? >> onions, first, a little mayo. >> you're not ready? >> i thought they would be sticky. >> a mustard mayo, a buttered brioche bun, add a couple of
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teaspoons of dijon mustard to your mayo. >> it's so good. >> the brioche bun. >> a couple of pickled onions. >> while i have you, let me ask you two quick business questions here. book number 100, i believe, is in the works? >> i'm running home right after this to take more pictures. my 100 favorite recipes will be any 100th book. >> and a lot of pictures. never a marine. always a girl scout. definitely a girl scout. >> how about the roku show, "martha cooks"? >> we're doing that. we have so many wonderful shows on roku now. they have my whole library on channel 448. i live at 48 -- >> don't tell them your address, martha. >> currently? >> yeah, two houses, both -- >> i'm going to edit that out. >> don't edit it out. 448. they don't know where it is. you're in trouble now.
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>> it's in hudson, new york! has snoop dogg moved in yet? >> not yet, but his body guard, tiny is -- >> tiny, of course. as always, thank you so much. are you enjoying it? >> phenomenal. >> "martha cooks" premieres monday, april 3rd on roku. up next, let's have a parade. a special performance. ben pratt is here, mikalah
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the city music series on "today" is proudly presented to you by citi. >> we are back with a peek at one of the most talked about musicals on broadway, "parade." >> the show transports audiences to georgia in the early 1900s, telling the true story of leo frank, a jewish man who was wrongfully accused and convicted of an unspeakable crime.
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>> tony winner ben plat has stepped into the lead star of leo. >> i've always loved the score. jason robert brown is one of our great composers and he wrote the music and it's definitely a role as a jewish man i've always wanted to play. and micaela and are two of the first two jewish actors to get to tell this story professionally. >> micaela, this is a show that premiered i believe in the late '90s, '98, 25 years later, why do you think it's resonating so deeply now with audiences? >> unfortunately, it's kind of a timely experience. we did a short run at citi center and that's when anti-semitism was running rampant in this country. and i think it's a very gray story and perhaps the generation of "today" is kind of willing to sit with some of that gray. but i just feel really lucky to tell it, and it clearly is connecting.
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>> just to sit with the gray. i like that. >> set the scene for us, this performance that we're about to see, so we have some context here. >> yes, of course, as you mentioned, you know, leo, my character, is in jail awaiting his death sentence, because he's been wrongfully convicted of a crime and he receives the news that his wife has been advocating for him and gets the georgia governor to re-examine his case. it's a real moment of hope. >> take it away. >> micaela, thank you. >> how did you ever manage it? you don't know what any of this means? it means cancel all your parties. ♪ forget your big parade ♪ ♪ it means the crowds will not be cheering, so despite what you've been hearing, you can lay down your spade ♪ ♪ it means my mother can stop crying ♪ ♪ my rabbi's eulogy can wait ♪
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♪ it means my cousin can stop dreaming of my estate ♪ ♪ it means, no, this isn't over, no, the date's not set ♪ ♪ no, i won't wake up tomorrow drowning in my sweat ♪ ♪ it means i've got the greatest partner any man can get ♪ ♪ it means i'll never, ever, ever, ever underestimate that woman ♪ ♪ because this is not over yet ♪ ♪ tell my uncle not to worry ♪ ♪ tell the reaper not to hurry ♪ ♪ let the hangman stop his drumming, because i'm coming into town to win the day ♪ ♪ somehow i haven't with my scheming screwed things up without redeeming ♪ ♪ and we're finally on our way ♪
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♪ and no, this isn't over ♪ ♪ hell, it's just begun ♪ ♪ tell the resurrection of south's favorite son ♪ ♪ i means i made a vow for better ♪ ♪ two is better than one ♪ ♪ it means the journey ahead might get shorter, i might reach the end of my rope ♪ ♪ but suddenly loud as a mortar, there is hope ♪ ♪ finally hope ♪♪ ♪ there's nothing you and can't do ♪
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♪ it means a man who isn't guilty doesn't have to walk the plank ♪ ♪ it means the gallows are still vacant and we've got my wife to thank ♪ ♪ it means you shouldn't underestimate us, pause this is not over yet ♪ >> oh, my goodness. the two of you are a master class in excellence. aren't they? >> beautiful. i see why the reviews have been so rave. >> we have about a minute left, what do you want people to take away from this performance when they leave? >> it's kind of heavy for 8:30 in the morning, but i hope people examine the way we give due process to people in this country, and i hope they feel the love story, which is the backdrop of this piece. i love ben so much, so it's been -- >> we feel it. >> i'm glad, i'm glad. >> ben and micaela, thank you so much.
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>> the cast album for "parade" is out today. it's already number one on itunes! and remember, you can catch the show. >> by the way, they'll be back with us on the third hour. later on the fourth hour, "snl's" queen of impressions, chloe fineman. first, your local news and weather.
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good morning to you. it is 8:56. i'm marcus washington. three hostages are safe after a standoff in san jose. this is the south bay. it ended in deadly police force. police were called a little after 8:00 last night to a home on boynton avenue near winchester mystery house south of interstate 80. a man armed with a machete held an adult woman and two children captive. officers shot and killed the hostage taker. police are not saying if the man knew the victims . kris sanchez is speaking with police about this and will have a liive report t during ourur m newscast.t.
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wewe are goingng to stop b bo!
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how?w? look at u us. we''re adorarable. let's go. yes! april 5th.h. rated pg.g.
9:00 am
this morning on the third hour of "today," cancel crackdown. a "today" exclusive.


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