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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 530  NBC  March 22, 2023 5:30pm-6:00pm PDT

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neighbors finally caught her and now calling for amnesty for the cow. the slaughter house said the animal wasn't hurt and she might be going back to her home in pennsylvania. >> utter chaos. we like that. >> you can always watch us live on roku, amazon fire. >> we have a lot going on. we have seen plenty of damage from the storms this year but this time multiple deaths. oakland, san francisco and the peninsula. falling trees leading to deadly outcomes. we talk with the friend of a man killed near lake merritt. >> and with so much property damage who should be left to pay bills, the homeowner or the city. and the waiting game continues
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news at 5:30 starts right now. >> a difficult day of recovery after the storm. a total of five people have died and another, an off duty cop is in critical condition. >> a man in oakland died after a tree came crashing down on to his tent. >> reporter: we drove throughout the city of oakland and you couldn't go more than a mile without seeing damage or destruction from last night's storm. beyond the physical damage caused some people are grieving much more tonight. >> they have him there. >> reporter: they say the man that lost his life at lake merritt was much more than a nameless unhoused individual. friends say his name is tyrone butler from louisiana and that he loves to play the piano and
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go to church. >> he was a loving young man. i want everybody to remember him not just as a homeless person but an individual and human being like all of us. >> reporter: his tent was in the way of crashing down trees during yesterday's storm. firefighters found him trapped inside but said it was too late. tyrone had just applied for a job at the city and was working to transition off of the streets. today the frustrated friends feel like the city should have done more to help house them. >> they are focused on everything but what they need to be focused on. >> while trees were the city's worst issue, they were far from the city's only problem. damage and downed trees are found across oakland. downed trees blocked traffic and
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destroyed a parked vehicle. >> i saw this cedar bend and break and take out a car. >> reporter: communicates ambassadors brought their own tools to remove fallen trees including one falling on to an empty car blocking traffic. >> if we are able to do it we are going to do it. we don't know when they are going to come by. >> reporter: no word on how long it will take to clear up all of the damage. >> thank you. another storm means more power outages in the bay area. the repair crews got to work early this morning.
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the latest numbers show nearly 65,000 customers in the dark. the storms are causing millions of property damage. we examine the case now on the peninsula. >> the front is blocked off by barriers, cones and caution tape. >> this bridge connecting to the home is the only entrance to
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their property. seemingly sturdy on top until. >> come follow me down. >> this large retaining wall collapsed in 2021. now a possible public safety risk. every time the storm comes through we see more and more of the road eroding and more of the foundation to the bridge disappear. >> reporter: the stream under the bridge runs along side, used by emergency vehicles and parents driving kids to school a half mile away. in january a geo technical engineer the couple hired determined the bridge and this part of ralston is in an unsafe
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condition and could allow traffic to topple into the creek channel and recommended it be shut down. >> when this problem started they thought it would be around $250,000. the recent estimates have gone up over a million. that is the current state if we start work right now. it is something that literally will bankrupt us. >> reporter: they recently yellow tagged the bridge and vehicles can no longer drive over it. they were forced to take their sons out of the school district and move out. they are now renting a home in tahoe because they say bay area rent prices are too high for them. >> the car is stuck because the bridge will not hold the weight. >> reporter: they believe the retaining wall should be covered by the town because it predates
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any construction on the property but town officials told them it is their responsibility and the city mager said they have no records that the town constructed the retaining wall and any issues are a private property issue and the town independently verified the damage to the retaining wall is not placing the heavy in danger at this time. it is shocking to me that they are trying to push the problems back on the homeowners. fema has approved more than $35 million in individual
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assistance. but you are only eligible if the damage was caused by the late december and january storms. >> this is a pillar that was up here holding up the bridge. the agency said the home is safe to occupy. >> we wake up literally every day worried about what is going to happen. worried about how we even stay here. worried about what we do with the kids. how do we get them to finish school. >> fema is currently evaluating storm damage to see if additional relief will be provided. we reached out to the town and the only response is their attorneys will reach out to the homeowner attorneys. >> while the latest storm moves in and we are able to catch our
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breath before the next one moves in, it is a good time to download the nbc bay area app to help you prepare for the next round of rain and wind. governor newson is trying to help the state recover from the storms in a virtual media briefing the governor said he is waiting to learn if california will meet the criteria for a major disaster declaration. they are adding up the financial losses. earlier in the year you might recall a declaration for the storms in september. >> those waiting for an indictment of former president donald trump will have to keep waiting. many expected trump to be indicted today but the grand jury was told to stand down
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today and be ready for a possible session tomorrow. >> prosecutors want as compelling of a case as possible. trump has been lashing out on social media calling him a rogue prosecutor having a hard time making a case. >> i am tracking the rain here on storm ranger. i have that full time line back here in about seven minutes.
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your brother has landed in n the dark l lands. they're e und r bobowser's s control. hahang on, luiuigi. yes!s! fire! only in ththeaters aprpril 5. rated d pg.
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>> tonight we respond to a south
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bay man who said someone else opened up a present before his fiance got it. he bought a $200 gift card from nike from a grocery store. a christmas present for his fiance. she tried to use it but nike said there was no money on it. he complained to the grocery store referring him back to nike. he said someone spent the balance four days before she unwrapped it. he wanted a refund and nike would not just do it. we reached out to nike and swoosh and it gave him a $200 gift ticket. nike would only say we have resolved the matter with a consumer.
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whenever you buy a gift card, especially those on a rack please beware. we showed you way thieves are hijacking the bar codes to steal the money on the cards. they are literally putting stickers on right there. you can see more on our website. roll down to the story that says how to avoid gift card fraud. >> i have four. it is that sticker that you are looking for. my advice, use them. it is not an academic fraud but it works. >> i have a restaurant gift card i have to use. >> whenever you are hungry.
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>> i'm ready. let's go. >> yeah. >> people have concerns about the involvement of artificial intelligence or ai in our lives. but are we concerned enough? ai has been at the forefront of a lot of conversations. ai art. there is no shortage of issues to discuss. some tech leaders say we are not taking the big picture into account. >> it has moved so much faster than the government understands. it is important for everyone to know. >> this is a part of a larger conversation. >> very fine human is here to
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talk about the clean up today. at least three days of dry weather. we will take you outside to san jose where we have seen the cloud cover and the spotty rain. the winds, much better than yesterday. just 15 miles per hour. no need for the umbrella, at least in downtown san jose. san francisco, also winds are down and by a lot. just 15 miles per hour. you are in the lower 50s here as well as we roll through this evening. the storm activity is still lingering rainfall. i do not see anything super bad
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but we are tracking areas of rain and some of it pushing through coyote as we head through the next 30 to 40 minutes as well. as we move through tonight we are going to be on the trying side of things. look at this. even for the morning we should have a window of sunshine. down to san francisco and then another window of sun here around 1:00. that will be so nice. you will be able to look up and see that. i can see spotty rain around 5:00 p.m. tomorrow night. it is going to be chilly. look. you have limbs in your yard. damage to the house.
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know if you are outside doing the clean up, it will stay trilli for you. again, i do see a break as we head in to friday, saturday, sunday. beyond this i can tell you the this will hit us next tuesday. early estimates on the wind 20 to 40 miles per hour. we will know better as we get closer to that. rainfall totals, about 1.5.
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temperatures pretty much the same with 50s and 60s that return. i am so happy to see friday and saturday. it has been rough. the limbs and the everything, everywhere. i know you all need it. we are crossing our fingers for more. >> the tree guys and gals, they need a day off as well. >> sadly another shooting on a school campus this time in denver. at this hour the shooter remains on the loose.
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it is a tense night in denver, colorado. as we speak there is a city-wide search for a 17-year-old high school student who shot two people on campus. the student was patted down upon arriving to high school. administrators discovered the student had a firearm and then opened fire and shot two faculty
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members. one is stable and the other is in critical condition. police know the identity of the shooter and are looking for the 17-year-old in denver tonight. >> the chinese president spent two days speaking with vladimir putin. among the proposals was a plan to end the war in ukraine and to deepen the partnerships of their countries. >> up next, like a job interview with millions of dollars at stake. we will take you to stanford where the football players tried to impress these nfl scouts. you can see them watching on the field. we will be back in a moment.
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5:55 pm
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it is a job interview filled with pressure and intensity and a lot of men taking notes. >> making sure you are doing all right. no game but a lot of running, throwing and jumping. stanford football players showing off their talents for nfl scouts. >> reporter: with the nfl draft more than a month away scouts and reps from all 32 teams were on the farm this morning, some
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searching for the diamond in the rough at stanford's annual pro day. showcasing their talent. a handful of former cardinal players had one more chance to turn a few heads and get people talking all while the every move is being scrutinized. >> the players were clocked in the 40-yard dash. the strength, speed and agility were tested. each draft hopeful was trying to impress upon all who watch. many of the scouts showed up to watch tanner mckie sling the football along with his abilities to make all of the throws the 6'6" quarterback wants teams to see more than his arm strength. >> my competitiveness, leadership and how much that i love the game and i love the guys around me and are willing to sacrifice everything i can to help the team. >> because of various broken
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bone injuries michael wilson played in only 14 games over the past three years and showing everyone he is healthy is important. so is carrying on the stanford legacy. >> what type of guy i am, stanford guy, high character guy and someone that loves the game of football. just a good guy that will ahead the value to the locker room. >> the 49ers general manager and cardinal alum pro days like this are meaningful. there is nothing like being there in person. your eyes are always open. your ears are always open. when you do that it serves you well.
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in stanford, anthony flores, nbc sports bay area. >> in four or five years we look back on the story remember when he is just trying out for a position. >> for sure. and what is coming up next. >> what is coming up at 6:00, dangerous and deadly. and sadly, claiming a number of lives. >> it is so unreal to have this happen. >> one of the victims is remembering his father. sfpd rallying after a tree came down on his car. >> new details about the trouble with the windows in some san francisco high rises. clarification from city leaders about what was damaged in the strong wind. >> and what the owners say they have planned next.
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>> the news at 6:00 starts right now. good evening and thank you for being with us. >> we begin with just how devastating the storm was in san francisco, the winds and the rain taking at least two lives from the city and critically injuring a police officer. >> we know his injuries were pretty bad. we are told he is a 16-year veteran of the san francisco police department and it turns out the falling trees and branches were not just a nuisance and destructive but turned out to be deadly. san francisco crews were rushing for downed trees and high rise.


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