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tv   NBC Bay Area News Tonight  NBC  March 20, 2023 7:00pm-7:30pm PDT

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right now on nbc bay area news tonight, here comes the rain. here comes the strong winds. will we see more mass power outages? we're going to hear from pg&e? also, former president trump says he's going to be arrested tomorrow. but is that actually the case, and what would it mean for the presidential race for next year? and a beloved east bay barbecue spot out thousands of dollars after a break-in. >> our office was ransacked. they took some money out of the office. >> and it happened during restaurant week when the business is expecting a surge of customers. good evening. this is nbc bay area news
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tonight. i'm raj mathai. it's the first day of spring. we're enjoying a lot of sunshine, but here comes the rain and wind again. another atmospheric river to the south of us, but a lot of that is going to be headed our way. the concern, more damage and more power outages. there are new problems from our past storms. those problems continue to pop up. this is 580 eastbound in livermore. part of the retaining wall you see right there slid down an embankment. this is at the north flynn exit. the problem also causing a crack in one of the freeway lanes. caltrans shut down that lane. no word on when the repairs will be completed. so what about tomorrow's storm? we reached out to pg&e about what it's doing to prepare for potential outages. remember last week, last tuesday? more than a half a million customers lost power. some of them didn't have power back for five days later. parts of the bay area, yet again, especially on the south
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bay and the peninsula expected to lose power again. they're pre-positioning crews and equipment ahead of time, which is also what they told us last week. let's bring in our chief meteorologist jeff ranieri. it seems like it's kind of a carbon copy here. what do we expect tomorrow? >> the thing i really think is going to be different about what we're dealing with right now is the atmospheric river. there is one out here. you can see it in the pacific, but this is all going to be heading down towards southern california and points to the south. so we are not expected to get hit with the atmospheric river. but the center of the storm system out here, that's what's going to move in for us. as we roll through the overnight hours, you can see some of that rain bubbling up here at 2:00 in the morning. we'll be under widespread rain at 6:00 a.m., so commute is going to be pretty heavy. the widespread rain is going to clear off faster. it moves out to the north and east by 9:00 in the morning. we're going to be under these scattered areas of rain as we head through tomorrow evening and also into wednesday morning.
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rainfall totals, a half to three-quarters. i think at this point we're going to be okay with these rain totals. we may have some isolated flooding and some of those street drains that get clogged, but it's the wind that's going to be thing. >> that's what hurt so many people last week. is it going to be similar to last week? >> i am concerned about it at this point. what i'm seeing on the models right now, it does raise that elevated threat for us. you can see at 8:00 in the morning, it's 15 to about 30. so 8:00 a.m. tomorrow, it's not extremely bad. i want everybody at home to see this. as i advance it, watch how the color changes. you can see that magenta right there. that is those strong wind gusts of 30 to maybe 60 miles per hour. that would be happening across the bay area by 2:00 p.m. so really late tomorrow morning into the early afternoon, that's when the trees could come down. also more power outages. but it should be a pretty quick
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burst of that worst wind. >> that was so troubling last week. whether it's freeways or expressways or just local streets, those trees and even the tree branches were coming down, injuring a lot of people. >> right, and that is the problem tomorrow. so even if those winds don't get up to the 50, 60-mile-per-hour wind gusts, i still want everybody to just be real cautious tomorrow because everything was weakened last week. so we get those gusts of 40 miles per hour, potentially higher, and we could see more of that coming down. >> just good guidance for everyone. if you don't have to take your regular evening walk or daily walk, maybe skip it to tomorrow to avoid things falling down on you. to keep track of the wind and the rain, it's easy to do on your phone. download the nbc bay area app. it will give you access to jeff's exclusive radars there, which will show exactly when the storms and the wind will reach your neighborhood. let's get you caught up now with some of the other headlines we're watching on this monday.
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mail carriers under attack in the east bay. the u.s. postal service says carriers are being targeted nearly every week. let's show you some video now of a suspect investigators believe is using keys recently stolen from a letter carrier to steal people's mail. the u.s. postal service says attacks on carriers have doubled in the past two years with most of these incidents taking place specifically in oakland. now the oakland postmaster has sent out these letters to every address in oakland and emeryville, pleading for people to report suspicious activity to help keep the carriers safe. >> we need your help in the city of oakland to help stop these cowardly crimes against our letter carriers and the postal service. no letter carrier should have to come to work wondering if this is the day he or she would be robbed. >> this is a big deal here. the postal service says attacks
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on letter carriers are happening almost weekly and range from smash-and-grabs on postal trucks to carriers being robbed at gunpoint. a $50,000 reward is being offered for any information leading to arrests. well, here we go again. more people are getting laid off, this time at amazon. another round of deep cuts. 9,000 employees, some of those positions right here in the bay area. amazon's ceo making that announcement today, saying this second round of cuts for amazon is to cut costs in an uncertain economic climate. included in the cuts, about 400 jobs from twitch, which is an amazon-owned streaming platform. the latest round of cuts now means that amazon has slashed 27,000 jobs in the past year. that's now the most of any u.s. tech company. until now, that distinction was held by menlo-park based meta. meta has cut about 21,000 jobs in recent months. also tonight, former
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president trump says he might be arrested by tomorrow, and he is urging his supporters to protest nationwide. this, of course, could be problematic. today barriers went up at the manhattan courthouse, which is . those hearings stem from a hush money investigation involving porn star stormy daniels. this was during the 2016 presidential election. a grand jury spent the day hearing testimony from key witnesses but has not yet reached a decision on any type of indictment and likely won't reach a decision until, at earliest, later this week. over the weekend, president trump called for protesting and said, quote, take our nation back. a bit later, a spokesperson clarified that he had not received any notification that he will be charged. if it does happen, mr. trump would be the first former president to be indicted for a crime. house speaker kevin mccarthy of bakersfield is supporting president trump, but he also said he does not condone any protests. >> it doesn't matter what side
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of the issue you're on. it doesn't matter if this was president trump or if this was a democrat. it should be equal justice in america, and stop going after people because you have political differences. >> joining us now is our political analyst larry gerston. nice to have you back on the program. a common response from people here is why is this still an issue? didn't we get past the stormy daniels stuff years ago? >> well, good evening, raj. yes, we did get past the stormy daniels stuff to the extent that michael cohen, if you know, went ahead and pled guilty to a three-year term for giving those checks to stormy daniels. so in a sense, we did get rid of it. now the question looms did president trump authorize that money? we've seen his name on checks for that purpose. and if so, could it have been money taken away from his campaign? in the first case, it's just a misdemeanor.
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the second case, it could be a felony. so there's a lot at stake in the next couple of days. >> we just heard house speaker kevin mccarthy say stop going after this for potentially a misdemeanor. at what point does the government go after it, knowing if it's a misdemeanor or felony? >> we'll know that pretty soon. if, in fact, manhattan d.a. alvin bragg goes ahead and prosecutes, he will say, i'm prosecuting this as a felony or misdemeanor. highly unlikely it's a misdemeanor. a felony, however, carries a term of prison up to four years. so i'm looking to see a felony possibility from the d.a. but remember now, he doesn't have to come out and say we're going to charge. he could also give it to the grand jury to decide if there should be a charge, or he could even drop charges. so there's still a lot at stake here. >> president trump, as you know, thrives in chaos, likes the publicity of most things. he's asking his supporters this
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week to protest. this could be problematic for a lot of people now. >> well, yeah, it could be problematic if, in fact, there is a good-sized protest. so far we haven't seen the likelihood of that, particularly in new york, which is not particularly friendly to the former president. he's got a rally set in waco on friday. if this thing gets settled in terms of moving forward with the prosecution, that friday night rally should tell us a lot about the kind of support that president trump has. we know this much, raj. that support hasn't really gone away. and if you look at how people feel about the january 6th insurrection two years later, there's a major difference between republicans and democrats. almost 90% of democrats saying the president's at fault. when it comes to republicans, they say 66% say, no, he's not at fault. that's the kind of thing you see with republicans. they still believe in their guy. they still believe that donald trump was not responsible. they still like him.
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>> final question. does this give president trump a bounce in terms of the impact on the 2024 election? >> it's a great question. it certainly seems to give a bounce for the moment, and i'll tell you why. quinnipiac set up two polls asking republicans, now, who they favor more -- trump, desantis, perhaps nick k nikki . when you look at that poll, you see a six-point differential between president trump and ron desantis in february. a 14-point differential in march. so we've got a difference going here with president trump actually gaining speed, if you will, between february and march. a lot to think about, and it's not as if this president or his fans are going away. >> all right. larry, thank you for your insight. we'll stay tuned to what's going to happen this week. we're going to continue to follow this situation as it unfolds both on-air and online
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at you can find our latest reporting right there at the top of the page. just click under donald trump. let's move on now. the owners of a popular oakland barbecue restaurant are out thousands of dollars after being burglarized early this morning. it's all happening during restaurant week in oakland. a thief broke into everett and jones barbara cue, legendary spot at jack london square. security footage shows someone walking through the restaurant with a saw. the owner says that person walked straight into the office and tried to use that saw to break into one of their safes. when that didn't work, he stole a smaller safe, getting away with thousands of dollars. we mentioned this is restaurant week, a time designed to support our local restaurants, who have struggled so much trying to recover from the pandemic. >> we're just getting over a pandemic. i mean the restaurant industry has suffered tremendously. the cost of goods is high. labor is up, and every penny has
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a name on it in this business. so it's disheartening. >> it's disheartening for so many people. joining us now is nina moore, one of the four sisters who run everett & jones. nice to have you on the program. we love your food. everett & jones has been around for generations now. anything like this happen to you before? >> not that i can remember. we're actually celebrating our 50-year anniversary, and it's hard. we lost our mom two years ago. my grandmother started the business, and she passed it down to her daughters. my mom passed, and now me and my sisters are running it and trying to keep the restaurant going. and it was just -- it's just frustrating. i feel violated, sad, hurt, angry, just -- i don't know.
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just frustrated. like people just think they can come in your place and take your hard-earned money. >> yeah, we feel for you. you guys have a great pulse on oakland. how can things get better here? >> i feel like we need to start from the bottom. i think start with stop closing the schools. the schools that you think that they are too little in, those too little people can become the president of the united states, the mayor of oakland. i feel like, you know, them closing the schools, these kids have to walk to schools that are, you know, in further danger where they see crime on the way to school. it desensitizes them. they can get recruited to become part of the crime that's here already. i feel like more jobs, more housing. i know that people thrive when they have a place to sleep that is warm. we feed the homeless every
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night. we do a lot of community stuff. we hire the unhirable, those getting out of jail, those off of welfare, students who never had a job before. so this is why it hurts because we are the community. we love oakland. this is where my grandmother chose to come from when she came on a segregated train from mississippi. she could have went anywhere in america, but she chose oakland, california, to bring her children, open up her businesses, and like i said, we're third-generation. it's very hard for african american businesses to even make it to a third generation business, and i just feel frustrated. >> you have a lot of support. are you open tonight, or when can you reopen at the jack london square location? we have a lot of people who want to support you. >> we had some friends come out and staff members come out and help us clean up. people have been supporting us all day. we're open today.
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we're closed normally on tuesday, and we'll try to get some windows fixed and get the office and stuff taken care of. yeah, we're going to stay open. they didn't -- they robbed us, but they didn't rob us of our joy and our pride for oakland. we still love oakland. we feel like we wouldn't want to be anywhere else. oakland is our home. >> we love to hear that. nina moore, thank you so much from everett & jones barbecue. >> thank you. up next, climate scientists say it's now or never. we must act if we want to keep global warming from getting worse. worse.
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♪♪♪ for r skin as alalive as you a are... ♪♪♪ don'n't settle f for silver. harness ththe power ofof 7 moisturizezers & 3 vititas don'n't settle f for silver. to smomooth, heal,l, and moisturirize your drdry s. don'n't settle f for silver. gold bond. championon your skinin.
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after my car accident, don'n't settle f for silver. i wondered what my case was worth. so i called the barnes firm. i'm rich barnes. is youour accidentnt case wortre than insnsurance offffered? call the b barnes firmrm now to f find out. yoyou might bebe surprised. this story catching a lot of people's attention. today the united nations calling our climate a ticking time bomb. it's the latest report saying we're not working fast enough to slow down global warming. this report says we're on track to hit a critical point in the next decade, and that's 2 1/2 degrees fahrenheit of warming -- 2.7 degrees, we should say. the report also says we need to course-correct, but the change needs to be drastic and immediate, and nations across the globe need to be on board with reducing emissions and scaling back on fossil fuels. so what does this mean for the bay area? joining us now is nick avasco
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with 350 bay area. that's a nonprofit focusing on climate activism. nice to have you on the program. is this report fairly accurate, or is it off-base in your opinion? >> yeah, i would say this report -- not only is it accurate, but it's really calling to attention that we have to be acting immediately. so we were acting on maybe a slower time scale in the last couple years, but this report definitely highlights the need for urgency in the next couple years. if we are going to be stopping 1.5 degrees celsius in warming by 2030, by the early half of the 30s, then we need to be acting now. >> nik, the critics of this might say this is politically driven. can it be construed that way coming from the u.n.? >> no. we've got decades of scientific research backing up what has been incrementally worse and worse and worse results of not taking action to stop the
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climate crisis. this includes constant use of fossil fuels, continued burning of fossil fuels, refining fossil fuels and then, you know, i'd say the real political, you know, folly in all of this is how much fossil fuel money has corrupted our political system. so where the actual political system is corrupted is from the fossil fuel industry. >> we can talk about a lot of problems around the world, but specifically the climate impacts here in the bay area, can you outline just a couple of them? >> certainly. so, you know, the bay area is home to the largest refining corridor in the u.s. so when we're talking about the impacts of transitioning off of fossil fuels, we're really talking about jobs, and we're talking about the economic impact that needs to be planned for in the short term, medium term, and long term. that's the social fabric of our community is tied to a lot of these dirty, polluting jobs and, you know, the financiers like wells fargo in san francisco, who are enabling them. on top of that, we're also -- you know, we've been
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experiencing extreme weather patterns over the last couple years, deep, deep, long drought in california. now we're experiencing, you know, intense weather systems. deep rain that's, you know, compounding on dry ground. so we're going to be experiencing flooding, coastal erosion, sea level rise. on top of that, everybody is familiar in the bay area with now a smoke and a fire season. that's not normal. that's very abnormal, and that's alarming. so when we're talking about the long-term impacts, you know, in a decade's time, we've already been experiencing the front end of these terrible impacts of climate change here in the bay area. >> sure. we are living through this. nik, thank you for your time. thanks for joing usnini
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okay. jeff ranieri back with us. i guess the question now, when does all that green stuff start coming? >> my updated timeline here does have it really picking up at 6:00 tomorrow morning. so that commute is going to be wet. let's take you into that microclimate forecast. i'll show you what we're going to be dealing with as we roll through tomorrow in case you missed our timeline earlier. again, 6:00 a.m., we are under that rainfall here through the bay area with some of those heavier pockets. a lot of that widespread rain should try to get out of here a little bit quickly by 9:00 in the morning we're already beginning to see it break up. we'll hold on to the chance here of some scattered rain right into the afternoon. so when it comes to this storm, we're also looking at that wind for downed trees, power outages,
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isolated flooding issues. not expecting any major river flooding, but some of that street flooding where the street drains get clogged. landslide potential because the ground is so saturated. bay area snow, 2,500 feet, and sierra snow at 4,000 feet. we're looking at 4 to 8 inches. on the seven-day forecast, a spotty chance will linger on wednesday. we dry it out thursday, friday, and saturday. then it does look like early next week, we could see another storm. still several days away, but at least we have that break coming our way this week after we get through tomorrow. >> thank you, jeff. we are ready for it. coming up tonight at 11:00, we're hearing from an east bay veteran who had to fly back from overseas after his home was targeted by thieves. the incident caught on camera. that's coming up on our 11:00 newscast. that's going to do it for us here at 7:00. for everyone here at nbc bay area, including our director, will adams, thanks for joining us. hope you enjoy your evening. the first night of spring. we hope to see you back at 11:00. good night.
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♪ tonight on "access hollywood." >> yes, i b believe jennifer loz may be doing that movie. >> after air sends us soaring, the ben and jen collaboration, affleck confirms he's living his best life. >> what a joy, go to work with your wife, with your best friend. >> woo! >> don't cry, emma. >> a happy but bitter sweet birthday for bruce willis and get to know the real john legend and chrissy teigen. >> she might have a different story, but she's wrong. ♪ cut loose ♪


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