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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 430  NBC  March 20, 2023 4:30pm-5:01pm PDT

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nbc bay area is now streaming live on peacock. they made headlines when they kidnapped a baby boy in san jose, and now a man and woman convicted of the crime learn their punishment. good afternoon, i'm audrey assistio, and welcome the bay area news at 4:30. our ian colt was in the court when the sentence came down. we are tracking new details of the investigation of a fire truck seen at a strip club. our reporter got his hands on the memo and what he is uncovering today. and also, the bart police
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are promising to make your next train safer. we are hours away from another storm blowing through the area. we are talking about rain and strong winds again, and we will have our meteorologist with the updated time line. now to the couple that kidnapped a baby last year. today, they were formally sentenced to years in prison. this is a case that shocked the south bay and launched a manhunt. ian cole was in court while the kidnappers heard their sentence, and what happened in there today, ian? >> well, after a lengthy sentencing, the crime's ring leader in the case, yesenia ramirez was sentenced to 14 years in prison and she is sentenced from plotting to carrying out the kidnapping of
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3-month-old brennan cuillar and he argued for leniency saying that she had been a broken person, and the judge took it into consideration, but saying that it had been planned out over months, and that ramirez had many chances to realize that what she was doing was wrong, and they set off a chaotic s search for the baby from the grandmother who was a baby friend. and ramirez received 13 years and jose portillo received five years. >> that is a chilling scene, and now, i understand it was
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motional not only for the victim's family, but the defendants as well? >> yeah, exactly. i was certainly at times, and we will begin with the defendant, because she was asking for the judge for leniency and crying and almost so emotional she could not speak at times. but she did address the court for 40 minutes, and she took responsibility for what she did saying that she was the one who directed jose portillo to kidnap baby brandon. and the baby's mother was not in the courtroom and asked for the maximum punishment, and she said, i understand that people deserve a second chance, and as a mother, i want peace of mind and my children to be safe at school and at home. audrey, we will have more on the story coming up at 5:00. audrey? >> thank you for the preview.
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we will see you at 5:30. and crackdown on the east livermore highway while the crews are working to fix that crack which is running parallel to the highway where the retaining wall has fallen away from the embankment, and they are still working on it at this point, and sky ranger is over that look now, and you can see the traffic moving slowly through the area, and no word when the repairs will be done, and so if you are usually driving through the area, you will be advised to take the alternate route. meanwhile, b.a.r.t. is looking for more security to attract more rider, and ridership is down 60%, and that is still a major budget concern, and so to concern more people to hop on b.a.r.t., the agency's police force is putting more police officers on the train, and so between 8 and 18 more officers will be added on to the
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current officers per shift, and the san francisco business owners were surveyed and they don't feel safe on the train, and this is a trend that could have dire consequences. >> if b.a.r.t. doesn't get the riders back up, the system could go bankrupt and shutdown, and so to get the revenue back up, we have to get people back on b.a.r.t. and paying the fares. >> reporter: and today, he spent the day checking in with the riders to see if the additional officers will bring more people back, and he is going to have a closer look on that on the nbc bay area news at 5:00. now, to new exclusive viral video that we showed you this a few months ago with a bikini clad woman leaving a fire truck and entering a strip club, and our reporter first broke the story and called the city endlessly and now he has finally got an answer on the investigation, and damon, what
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are you learning today? >> well, audrey, we were finally able to get a hold of this memo issued by the fire chief and directed towards the mayor, the city council and the city manager, and this a portion of it. it says that the video constituted a violation of specific policies and procedures and rules and regulations, and because of that, the fire chief has made disciplinary recommendations to the city manager. now, that sentence is what caught the eye of several people. i spoke with off of the record or off camera with both mid level and high level former managers here in the city of san jose, and they say it is highly irregular, and they have not seen anything like this where an administrator within the department of the city of san jose sends a recommendation for tis plin to the city manager. they say it is the chief who should take or take that disciplinary action, so they are confused about that. so in the end, the chief also
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apologized, apologized to the city, the city leaders and the san jose fire department for the violation of the rules, and having a top to bottom talk with the fire department about what to dos and don'ts are within the fire department. this came down on march 10th, and we had to do some digging and asking as to what is final outcome and here it is. this is what they tell us this is the last we will hear about this case. that any disciplinary action is confiden confidential, because it is requiring employee discipline, and they won't get into that. >> sure, so we won't get any more information and damon, you got to speak to the legal analyst, and what are they tell you today? >> stephen clark is concerned about that last to hear of it determination, and he said, this is happening on city time on
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city-owned vehicle on discipline, and was it a suspension or demotion, and he says that they have to do this for the sake of transparency in this case. you don't have the name the firefighters involved, but say that this is several people were disciplined or suspended, but he is baffled that is the final outcome. >> thank you, damon, and we will be looking for the full exclusive story at 6:00. we have been seeing so much snowfall around the state, right? so now we are starting to see the fallout of some of the snow, and look at this neighborhood in manteca with the overflow of the san joaquin river, and some evacuation orders have been given, but some have been choosing to stay home, and if they lose access, they will not
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have access to those who are in that area. and so, jeff, we are getting another storm? >> yes, right. it is a new week and a new storm, and we have all enjoyed the sun when we can get, right? so the storm system is out here, and we will be hit by the storm, and the good news is that the atmospheric river right here is going to be remaining off to the south, so it shouldn't be 3 to 5 inch rainstorm for us, but we will get into the rain and the wind, and getting into the microclimate forecast, and we will show you what to expect on the time line and as we head through tonight, the 5:00 storm system is out here off shore, and i do see the stuff bubbling up once we hit the morning hours, and moving into the south, and the widespread rain into 6:00, and the heavier pockets and the ones that we have seen in the past by 9:00 in the morning, and it is pushing off to the north and the east,
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and then we will be left with the scattered rain heading into tomorrow afternoon, and the bigger thing really is the wind. we just got over to major wind storm last week, and tomorrow, it is 22 to 40, and not bad, but watch how this wind field is expanding by 2:00 tomorrow afternoon. we are looking at the widespread gusts of 30 to 60 miles per hour, and especially through the south bay peninsula through the san francisco mountain, and tomorrow by 7:00 p.m., it is better, and then continues to go down by 11:30 tomorrow night. and the quick burst of tomorrow into the afternoon hours, and a spotty chance into wednesday, and we dried out thursday and friday and saturday and then another storm monday, and that is right now 1 to 1 1/2 inches. tonight at 5:00, we will look at the bay area totals, and details on the impacts moving in. audrey, i will be back in 20 minutes. >> all right. thank you, jeff.
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there is a big security change for your twitter account. you can do pit rigight now t to prevenent it from b being hahac anand how to m make a u.s.s. st hohonor h high profile america wewe caught upp w with the m mad thee arart, and w we w will int you to him in a f
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the earthquake that struck in the south bay after 9:00 ten miles outside of san jose and thankfully no reports of damages or injuries. starting today, you may have to find a new way to secure your twitter account or subscribe to twitter blue, because it has officially ended the free two-figure authentication to protect from hackers and that is now only free to the exclusive
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paid users. and you can use two free versions with google, and all you have to do is to sync your account, and it will generate two factor authentication codes for you. meanwhile, more tech layoffs coming to amazon. this is the second cuts in less than a year. you remember in november, the company started to layoff more than 18,000 workers and most of the new cuts will impact amazon's cloud computing, and the human resources and the advertising and the twitch livestreaming businesses and the ceo cited uncertainty in the near future and it is part of the decisions to streamline costs and amazon, meta and microsoft have announced 70,000 layoffs in the last few months. if you are one of the many
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impacted, there are steps to navigate your situation. we spoke to betsy kauffman who is the founder of the organizational firm across impact collaborate and the number one thing to keep in mind, don't panic. of course, it is easier said than done, right? so, she said it is important to take inventory of the skills to get yourself thinking of the new potential opportunities, and kauffman says to let the potential employers know that you have been laid off. >> we are important that all of the big layoffs are happening, and it is not about you personally, but it is company decisions. so you let people know your situation, and they will send you good job offerings. >> and it is important to be open to different offerings. and even if it is a part-time
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role or 30-day or 60-day role. and even if it is something that you have never been at tracked to, you never know. >> we are also going to be looking at the tracking of layoffs, so you just have to go to so believe it or not the stamps are not easy to create, it will take a artist weeks to create, and looking at the one that created ruth bader ginsberg, , we caughtt u up wit artist a and who crereated nota stamps o over the years. >> therere are somee whoho can and the likenesess come rigight through.h. she did have a kind of twinkle in h her eye, and b beautiful e whwhen i i got t the callll, i thrilled a and realllly ththril because r ruth badader ginsnsbe an amerirican icon.
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i'm micichael dedeez, andnd thi the 2 25th s stamp that i i hav fofor the u.s. p postal servrvi ththese arere v vom o of the stt i have dodone. anded d this is ththe tennessss williams, , and then n marilyn monroe, and betty davivis. lewiss and clark, edgar allen popoe, d duke clark, carary gra thorornton wiwilder, and six or seven covers foror "time" " magazizine, and thiss is one t i papainted foror columumbia pic gegeorge bush, and gerald d fof and one o of the e easiest i ev had to do wasas ronalald rereag because you could not missss. one of the most diffificult was audrdrey hepbururn, becausese i wewere o off b by t the tininiet lolost somomething or it lost someththing. > have y you everr got a letn ththe mail with a s stamp on itt yoyou painted? >> yes, it i is a kick.. it is a a reaeal thririll. yeyeah. and eachh postagege statamp p pu
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in likike a miniaiature piece o arart, if it is good. okay. ththis is a p photographh of r giginsberg herere, and f from t did a seriess of sketetches, a ththe most difficultlt thehe co becaususe shed that dissent collar, and when she was going to disagree with t the court, s woululd wear t that collar,, an therere is somomething about t collar,, and it is geometriric,d if you d don't getet it just ri it is going g to look likike yoe fakingng it. so belieieve me, it looks like so thehey found somebebody in ee who madade a repeplica of it, a this i is finished version of i and it took me twowo weeeeks at least jusust to p paint thahat . look at their f face eitherr dr me in, and i get interesested i that personon, andnd w what wer really like. . regagardless o of how y you mig
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peperceive perer polititically,s the r real deal. she is so straiaight forwaward such a c clear thinker,r, and flamamboyant witith wordrds. very c common sense.e. >> howow wrong itt is t to judg peopople on thee basasis of whay lolook lilike. >> s she madee a trememendous didifference i in women's s rig one of the thing that i try to do in thehe statamp is t to gett of thehe twinklele in thehe eye becausee she hadad a wry wit, ai dodon't wantt to copyy a a phot, becacause anybobody can doo tha i wantedd t to give e it a littt more o of a sparkle and smile, d this delicatee eldererly womana was suchh a powerhousese. i hope i it captureres her inn bebest light possiblele. i thihink that i if it i is goo wellll printed, peoplee notitic ii meaean a g good s stamp, you
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remember it. >> i had no clue it took so much work to create those stamps. that is incredible. you can watch more stories on and also on xfinity channel 185 or on the air at 11-5. our janelle wang is working on the 5:00 news. did that capture your attention? >> yes, that is a stamp that i want forever. and letter carriers are under attack, and the mail carriers are being robbed almost every week in the bay area, and stealing letters and stealing packages and stealing postal keys so that enables the thieves to break into your mailboxes at apartments and at your homes. which bay areas are being targeted most and what the post office is asking you to do. the world is on thin ice according to a new u.n. report on climate change, the time is running out for countries to act. the world is only a few tenths of a degree from some
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catastrophic impacts and talking about fiercer storms and higher seas and plants going extinct and people dying, and we will have details of this eye-opening report coming up at 5:00. >> okay. janelle, thank you. look at this scary moment in a newscast. this meteorologist fainted just before a newscast in l.a. we have great update to this we have great update to this acory when we come b ♪♪ alexex! mateo, hey y how's busisiness? alexex!
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great. y you know ththat n has s really wororked wonder. thatat's what u.u.s. bank isis. great. y you know ththat n has s really wororked wonder. and d you're grorowing in calififornia? great. y you know ththat n has s really wororked wonder. -yup, , socal, nororcal... -monteterey? -all d day. -a brancnch in ventutura? that's's for sure-e-ah. atms in n fresno? that's's for sure-e-ah. freses-yes. that's's for sure-e-ah. encinitatas? yes, indndeed-us. encinitatas? anaheim? encinitatas? big g time. encinitatas? more guauacamole? encinitatas? i'i'm on a rololl-ay. encinitatas? how about t you? i'm jujust visitining. u.s.s. bank. ranked #1 1 in customomer satisfafaction h retatail bankingng in calififornia by j j.d. po.
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it is the first day of spring, and our friend posted it on facebook that it is happy cone day and check the details quickly, because not every dq is participating, but it is free cone day. and also today, after a big scare two days ago of our local affiliate, the anchors were
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tossing to her in the morning show, and collapse, and some of you may find this disturbing. >> and alyssa, this is the calm before the storm. >> not again -- oh! >> and she was rushed to the hospital. she has since been discharge and posted on the social media to let everyone know that she is doing okay, and this is not the first time that carlson has had a health scare in a broadcast. she became ill in the weather center which is an incident that led her to be diagnosed with a heart condition, and not clear what led to the latest incident, but carlson says that her heart is fine. and happiness for actor bruce willis as he is dealing with his health issues. >> yeah. ♪ happy birthday to you ♪♪ >> ah. yesterday was bruce's 68th birthday and one month after the
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announcement that he was diagnosed with dementia, and this is coming to us from demi moore, and his ex-wife and surrounded by family, his current wife and daughters. the usual white house briefing got a little star power as the secretary was joined by the hit tv show "ted lasso." they were there to meet with the president and the first lady to discuss importance of mental health care, and they starred "saturday night live" alum jason sedaikis, and he says that the qualities of checking in is a big quality of the show. >> so check in with the friends and co-workers and family, and make sure that you listen. >> it is an issue long on the
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biden agenda and asked to push for various measures which he is calling for the growing health crisis in america. and quick reminder to access nbc bay area news when you want whether it is roku xumo or wherever you watch your streaming news, and watch newscasts or breaking news. newscasts or breaking news. thank you for j
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when a truck hit my car, nthe insurance companynews. twasn't fair. j i didn't know what my case was worth, so i called the barnes firm. i'm rich barnes. it's hard for people to know how much their accident case is s worth. let ouour injury a attorneys help youou get t the best r result possss.
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right now, attacks on postal workers in the east bay. many say they are scared to do their jobs and how the postal service is asking for your help to keep them safe. brace yourself! snow and high winds are coming back and the time line you need to know for the storm system set to hit the bay area. and now, b.a.r.t. is beefing up the police force to fight crime, and what the riders are saying about the new plan.
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good monday, everyone. the news at 5:00 is starting now, and thank you for joining us. i'm janelle wang. >> and now, the carriers are to deliver the mail and not fight off robbers. the carriers are saying they are living in fear. the attacks on letter carriers are skyrocketing. this is jodi hernandez with the story. >> reporter: the postal service says that the mail carriers are getting attacked like never before. and attacks in oakland almost every week, and the postal service says they need the public's help. this is a suspect that investigators are believing is using the stolen postal keys to steal mail, all part of a growing trend in oakland. >> i have seen a lot here in the city of oakland in 22 years, but i have never seen it this bad.
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>> reporter: the u.s. postal service is saying that the mail carriers are getting assaulted and robbed at a shocking rate. they say that the mail carrier assaults are doubling in the last year and mostly in oakland. >> from the locks shot out, and guns being put in the letter carrier's faces, and it is bad. >> we take the robberies and assaults personally. there is no more important mission for us as federal agents. >> reporter: the oakland postmaster has sent out leters to everyone in oakland and emeryville asking for the public's help and they want to look out for the suspicious behavior. >> look out for signs that the carrier is in danger in your neighborhood. share any information that you have. >> i hope that the mail carriers are safe. i am praying for them. >> reporter: this woman went to the post office


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