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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 11  NBC  March 16, 2023 1:37am-2:06am PDT

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♪ ♪ right now at 11:00 dealing with the dark in the cloud and
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thousands of customers without power. when will pg&e put the lights back on? also -- >> we have been busy but fulfilled. >> new rescues in the flood zone in monterey county to reunite pets with their owners. get ready to go electric. the vote by bay area quality leaders. good evening it will be another long dark night for thousands of customers across the bay area. at this hour neri 68,000 customers are without power. crews are working late into the night to remove trees from power lines. this is cordelia drive in the country lane neighborhood of san jose. check out the outage map. those shaded areas show where
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the power is out and most of them are on the peninsula and the south. pg&e are telling some people that their power will not be back on until saturday night. nbc bay areas emma goss joins us and emma , that is one long stretch without power. >> reporter: it's pitch back all around me except for this one location at the los altos grill which managed to be the only place in downtown to power on things to this 18 will generator that arrived today. the general manager tells me it's a blessing for the business and for customers because the power may not be restored until saturday. >> indiscernible mac >> in sunnyvale entire neighborhoods of pitch back tonight. >> we have no power or electricity. no hot water. >> reporter: -- has been
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without power for the past two days. pg&e notified her it may not come back until friday night. she has three-month-old twins and a toddler and she can't keep her breast pump and phone charged until then. >> it's stressful enough and now managing chaos at the same time is just a lot. >> reporter: neighbors and friends who have solar power have come to her rescue offering phones and chargers plus a freezer so her story rest milk does not go to waste. >> i am so lucky that i have neighbors. >> reporter: hundreds of people trying to check into the crowne plaza walked into a lobby that was lit by lanterns. they had to find last minute accommodations which proved difficult and pricy for some. meantime, the los altos grill used $800 of fuel in order to
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get their doors open for dinner. >> we are lucky to be here. >> reporter: it seemed like business as usual. >> we want to be a place where people can come and have a little bit of normalcy in their life. >> reporter: that sunnyvale mother you heard from notified this that in the last hour power has been restored to her home and street but here in los altos it's a different story. the business here tells me they expect to be without power for the rest of the work week. jessica? >> it is a huge hassle. also grocery stores with no power too. the store was closed for more than 24 hours, in fact the entire strip mall was in the dark until late this evening when the power was restored. not before the grocer was forced to toss hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of food because of the outage. during the outage workers did
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give out a number for people who need to fill the prescriptions immediately so nice of that pharmacy. check out what one of our viewers hot on camera. a tree coming down on a house in pleasanton near the downtown area. tree just goes out of the ground and plops over. the floodwaters are receiving in monterey county but the levee breach will have a lasting impact in pajaro. governor newsom forwarded the farming community today known for his strawberry fields. hundreds are out of a job because of the flooding. this is a line at a church which has become a donation center. many of them say they do not know what they will do for money. >> we have cars, we have to pay insurance, we have to pay where we were staying and for food. >> governor newsom said he
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intends to pressure the federal government to speed up the timeline to shore up the out -- the outdated levee system. >> we are very cognizant about the work ahead of us and i am not misled by the fact that the waters have receded. quite the contrary. >> it's an old system. the levee system was built in 1949. the army corps of engineers is working on upgrades that cost $400 million. nbc bay area is partially underwater but good news because a lot of evacuees are finally reunited with their pets they had to leave behind when their homes flooded. here's nbc bay area -- with those expert rescue efforts. >> reporter: many others forced to evacuate the town of pajaro with the close on their backs have not been as lucky. this
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farming community is still partially underwater and many cannot access their pets and that's where spca monterey county is stepping in. >> we are rescuing animals. >> hundreds of workers and villagers have been working with the sheriff's office and national guard rescuing animals. >> we have also reunited dozens that we rescued from flooded areas with their levee owners which has been just such an amazing experience to be able to go and, get those animals out of harms way and reunite them with their families. >> reporter: it has been days since the town was forced to evacuate which means these animals have not been getting care. >> these pets have been through a lot. they are hungry and send -- and thinned. they are covered in unpleasant water. we are trying to get them clean and fed. >> reporter: right now spca
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monterey county has over 200 animals in its care. they are working to reunite them with owners. >> everything from dogs to cats to chickens and parakeets. we have rabbits and parrots and all sorts of animals. >> reporter: rescue teams are happy with the progress. >> we have been busy but has been very fulfilling. >> reporter: workers with spca monterey county say they are giving evacuated people the pet food they need for their animals but they say supplies are running out quickly so any help from the public is appreciated. >> thank you audrey. a citation and window it expression for a building in san francisco. that's the word from sf building inspectors after the wind broke a video on the 23rd floor. it shows the glass fall out of the window into the street in the financial district. amazingly no one was hit.
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the wind also cracked a second window in that very same building. inspection department issued a citation and ordered an inspection to make sure all other panels are secure. we have not heard back from the building management. our team has been surveying the damage that the storm left and we shared videos and updates on social media. you can check them out. follow us on twitter, tran30 four. two men accused of killing a police officer in italy when they were there are getting a new trial. today italy's highest court ordered them to be retried. it's unclear why the men convicted of actually stabbing the officer will get a new trial but in the case of the other defendant the court says there was not enough evidence of his complicity in the killing. authorities say the teens killed the officer in a botched plan to buy drugs and were sentenced to more than 20 years in an italian jail.
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interest made after a hit- and-run kills a teenage girl. police say -- hit and killed brooke jeffrey last week. jeffrey was in an intersection outside golden gate community school. the suspect is enclosing -- is facing charges and his fiancee is facing charges of hiding evidence. straka going electric and ditching the gas. natural gas in your home. the air quality management district board wrote a proposal to ban the sale of gas water heaters. and while it won't be immediate it will be a big change. nbc bay area's tom jensen has more. >> reporter: is one of the region's largest locally owned company specializing in this kind of work service champions has been preparing for the new zero admission rules that have passed today for years. >> we have the electrical equipment. we are ready.
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we did a couple yesterday. >> reporter: general manager mark stewart says they have also been educating customers about the new roles and some decided to switch over why others want to stick with the glass gas appliances from -- for as long as they can. >> reporter: of their choice will run out in 2026. getting and 27 gas water heaters can no longer be sold and installed in the bay area and gas furnaces in homes will have to be replaced with electric zero emission systems starting in 2029. and that the large commercial new heating systems have to be zero admission by 2031. there are nearly 2 million gas water heaters in the bay area right now and according to the air quality management district the pollution rivals the omissions coming from vehicle tailpipes in the region. >> it impacts our air quality resulting in dozens of health
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impacts particularly in communities of color. >> reporter: the distress communication manager told nbc the area that numerous citizens have expressed the concern about the expense of replacing gas appliances with electric ones, but the new rules only apply to new appliances, not existing ones. >> they do not mandate the change out of existing appliances nor do they apply to appliances used for cooking such as gas stoves. >> reporter: you can still have your old appliance service and repaired by qualified plumbers and companies like service champions as long as they are still working. you do not have to replace them. in concord, tom jensen, nbc bay area news. santa clara county sheriffs are dealing with a spike in fentanyl overdoses at the elmwood correctional facility in milpitas. the problem was so bad last week sent to more than a dozen
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inmates and a guard who is treating the inmates to the hospital. police say all will make a recovery. searchers of cells have been stepped up since the first case was reported. a dangerous day at bay area middle school left students and parents alarmed. first it happened as a student was stabbed, another one in san jose. the 15-year-old expected to be okay. police booked the other student into juvenile hall. a disturbing discovery. police said they found a gun as they were breaking up a fight at james denman middle school. luckily the gun was never used but the school was placed on lockdown. the latest incident involving weapons and area schools including that deadly stabbing at a santa rosa high school. classes are set to resume as usual tomorrow. we are back in 60 seconds and i had president biden's demands for tiktok. an community working together to get a food truck back on the road. what they are doing to save that business.
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>> i'm chief meteorologist jeff ranieri and after the back to back storms i will tell you
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to you by cresco. if you needed cresco has got it. president biden wants to take a bite out of tiktok parent company with a new plan which could have tick-tock with new owners. the wall street journal is reporting the parent company bytedance may need to digest. they say they are forcing the company's hand on the matter because fears that bytedance might sell the data on american users has been a complaint of the federal government. tiktok spokesperson says this change wants to evolve or solve security problems. instead they call for third- party monitoring. also other trouble for tiktok close to home in santa clara county. the board of education filed a lawsuit against the popular social media company which
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includes tiktok along with youtube and snapshot. they said the platforms are hazardous to students. here is nbc bay area's scott budman. >> reporter: -- staying in touch with friends. >> i sure what i am doing. >> reporter: the kids also admit that scrolling can get addictive. >> i track my screen time now. >> reporter: the san mateo border pet education is concerned enough to file a lawsuit claiming tiktok, youtube and snapchatted are addictive and damaging to the mental health of many students. >> no one gets off the hook for the health and well-being of our young people. >> superintendent of schools nancy magee say the lawsuit says the addiction comes from algorithms that can be damaging to students and has led to suicidal behavior and
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depression. >> and when we tried to work with social media companies to remove content that could be directly harming a child. it's very difficult. >> reporter: one social media watcher says the problem is content and chaotic content leads to profits. >> you can lower the temperature if you want but if you do that and you have less interesting content you will have less people going to that website and you will have less advertisements and less money. >> reporter: another concern? the love people flat-out love it. >> it's addictive, but in a good way. i just look funny -- i look at funny pictures of cats. >> i reached out to tiktok, google, and snapchatted each declined to comment directly on the lawsuit but they said they have built-in products to decrease screen time, allow parents to easily monitor what their kids are watching and they say they are working with
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mental health advocates to try to improve their products. scott budman, nbc bay area news. >> he will be behind bars in a matter of hours. former executive sonny bell lonnie sets report for his 13 year prison sentence tomorrow. jurors convicted translate on four counts of defrauding investors. he is appealing but a judge denied bail. in the meantime ceo elizabeth holmes is hoping to delay her prison sentence. she recently gave birth to her second child. she has a hearing friday and she is expected to report to prison next month for her 11 year sentence. a shooting in the mission district of san francisco around 5:30 this afternoon gunshots were reported at the intersection of cesar chavez and florida. police found a man who had been shot. first responders took him to
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the hospital and he is expected to survive. please have not made any arrests nor do we have a motive. a community is trying to help an oakland food truck owner baad after a break and stopped her business in its tracks. someone broke into the coffee and toast food truck as tiffany had it parked in a church parking lot overnight. the thief's stole the trucks generator as well as the security cameras, plumbing and electrical system. it will cost more than 5000 in damages. a heart raking blow for a small business who opened less than one year ago. >> people don't realize when you rob or burger lives you are not taking from a big corporation, you are taking from a mother and a father and from a community member. >> in the weeks since that burger really burglary they have raised almost $4000 to a gofundme site. is not just about the food truck, it's about supporting a black small business owner especially a woman.
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>> is so hard to have a business now and have that happen. >> with all the things we are already going through with covid and now this nonstop weather that just keeps -- we have been at this since december. >> reporter: it has been a brutal assault across the bay area one strong storm after another as jessica mentioned, but you can see we did get in on that all of which and break today. you can see all the clearing the listing with this right now and i see more of that on the way for tomorrow. high pressure keeping the storm track to the north so we get even more sunshine and just a little bit of fun and obviously it will be drive with that sun. thursday forecast and you can see for the morning we will have some of that fog but it's not super thick or widespread here. just a little bit right at the immediate coastline then as we had through the afternoon there
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is that sunshine that we all desperately need at this point. as we move through tomorrow morning's forecast with those mainly clear skies and temperatures in the upper 30s and low 40s will have us at 42 in the south bay. 38 in the north bay and east bay in upper 30s as well. daytime highs for tomorrow with increased sunshine will feel like spring. check out, down in the south widespread 60s here, light wind and 65 there in cupertino. east bay at 64 as well as martinez. hayward, 63. we know a lot are cleaning from storm damage and still have power out and maybe you're watching on the app so this is the weather we need to at least help us get through that. 61 in redwood city up to san francisco 54 in the marino and 59 in downtown and northway -- in north bay, 65 in napa. so get up because these rain
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chances are still coming. long-range forecasts and really we will see rain chances increase again by sunday into next week. right now it doesn't look nearly as strong as what we have just enter. then in april i'm calling for 70% chance we get more storms. right now the heaviest of it kid stay just to the north but still some unusual rain chances for april. la nina is finished in the spring, it's fading right now so and so neutral conditions will be returning which will help us out these weather extremes. we will be going back to more of a neutral phase as we call it. sunday, spotty showers. monday, scattered rain. tuesday rain and by wednesday a quarter to a half an inch. not as strong and at least we have tomorrow with the sun. i can wait to get outside. >> we really need that one other day to get our bearings again with all the cleanups
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that has to happen. >> it has been rough. >> thank you, jeff. coming up, this cop is making history and we will introduce you to the city's new police chief. happening now students in the south bay will be back in class tomorrow after power outages forced schools close. cupertino union school districts and schools will be open even though more than a dozen campuses are still without power
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new at 11:00 the man behind rupaul's drag race is in san francisco and says the attacks on drug shows, the recent attacks are just uncalled for. producer fenton bailey is promoting his new book screenage. new laws to restrict drug performances have been making headlines. a new bill was banned for drug performances where kids can see it. >> and there are hate crimes every day and maybe with one -- maybe the legislation is against it but would you all deserved to be seen as who we would like to be. >> supporters of the new law in tennessee see it necessary to
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safeguard children against exposure to what they say is inappropriate entertainment. pacifica has a new police chief and she is making history. maria sarasuta began her law enforcement career as a community explore an officer and she went on to become a deputy insurer in contra costa county. for the past 20 years she has been with the pleasanton police department and has risen to sergeant. she will take over as chief next month. her husband is also an officer in the bay area. >> steph curry proves to be
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okay the nba season is coming down to the homestretch and the warriors are in a battle for the fifth spot in the western conference. a five-game road trip in l.a. at the clippers. of course to have the l.a. crowd dazzled when he scored 50 points and it's the 12th time in his career he has done that. unfortunately it was not enough for the team. the warriors lost 134-126 and it was their ninth consecutive road loss. next game friday in atlanta. st. mary men's basketball team got a hero send off on the way to march madness. on campus in albany, new york. the game is friday. st. mary is the 50 for a second year in a row. >> is one game and it's a 14 tournament and we go one at a time and it's all about us being able to play against d.c. you -- against bcu.
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okay move over labradors america has a new favorite dog breed. the american kennel club keeps track of purebred drugs dogs that people register. the french bulldog surpassed labrador in the rankings. even larissa french bulldogs have admitted the breed is prone to breeding issues and have spinal conditions. lots of celebrities are really into the frenchy's. megan the stallion and aoc are all owned french and frenchy's. they are very expressive faces. really, so cute.
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i like that they are low to the ground. >> it looks like i could be a frenchy. if i were a dog. what about lucy? lucy deserves to be! >> she's top of my this. top on all of our lists. tonight, the race to recover that u.s. drone brought down by a russian fighter jet. the rising tensions. moscow saying it will try to retrieve the drone wreckage from the black sea. what the u.s. says it did to keep sensitive data from falling into data from falling into russian hands. defense secretary lloyd austin speaking to his russian counterpart for the first time in months his message to the kremlin, and our new reporting. who approved those jets' aggressive actions? also tonight hundreds of thousands without power on the east and west coast. a nor'easter dropping three feet of snow in parts of the northeast. in the west evacuations after storms bring rain and floods to california now crossing the
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country. stocks falling on wall street amid fears another major bank could fail. what it means for your money. the terrifying accident at a texas zoo. a tree falling on multiple people including a child. what we're learning. the high-stakes hearing. the judge in texas who could ban the abortion pill nationwide, even in states where abortion is legal. what happened in court? and america has a new favorite pup after more than 30 years which breed beat out labrador retrievers to become the new top dog. >> announcer: this is "nbc nightly news" with lester holt good evening, and welcome. after a dangerous confrontation in the skies, a warning tonight from russia to the u.s. not to fly aircraft near its airspace throwing the onus on the united states for that midair collision between a russian and american plane over the black sea yesterday. the u.s. making clear its pilotless surveillance plane was flying legally in


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