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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 6  NBC  March 11, 2023 6:00pm-6:31pm PST

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a clubhouse was not spared by the storm. what it could take to save this historic hangout. they got bonuses before the collapse. new details on silicon valley bank . the news at 6:00 starts now. thank you for joining us. the storm has passed, but get ready for another round of heavy rain and strong winds are headed our way. our storm ranger is tracking the incoming storm at communities across the state deal with flooding brought by the atmospheric river. an emergency after a levy flooded the town of pajaro, just south of santa cruz across the center from watsonville. more than 1000 people are under evacuation and we will take you there live in a few minutes. meanwhile, rapid repairs underway in socal after the storm there washed out a main road, cutting off entire
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neighborhood. crews worked through the night to build an emergency bridge. in san francisco, giant trees in stern grove came toppling down. one fell on the historic clubhouse causing extensive damage. christie smith shows is what it will take to get it up and running again. >> you can see some images of it, it is a beautiful building. >> reporter: phil ginsberg is the general manager of the san francisco recreation and park to prevent. they shared pictures of the severe damage that happened this morning to the san francisco historical landmark at stern grove. >> an 85 foot tree fell on it and appears to have caused significant if not permanent damage. >> reporter: rangers responded to an alarm and found the roof partially crushed. the inside flooded with water from the sprinkler system. the building was red tagged so
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it is not safe to enter. it is a popular space. >> this building has been used for special events, for weddings, graduations, all kinds of lifecycle events, and there is a lot of history in it. it is just gorgeous in stern grove. this is quite soul crushing. >> reporter: he shared some of the building's rich history. >> the trocadero clubhouse is a historic and iconic building built in the late 1800s in stern grove. it has a beautifully colorful history. it was an old roadhouse long before it was a city building. >> reporter: most of stern grove has been closed since late last year after winter storms that damaged trees or made them unstable. part of the park was still closed for construction to repair flood damage from a broken pipe pick christie smith, nbc bay area news. a big stretches highway 84 in san mateo is shut down because of the storm. a landslide caused the road to
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do this, cracks. 84 is closed in both directions. we caught up with two cyclists who had to change their route because of the closure. >> we were just going to try to bike up and check it out, but this is pretty common for 84, going up here. i feel bad for the folks that have to try and get down, they have to drive all the way to kings mountain or 92. >> no word yet on when the road will reopen. as we take a look at dublin right here, we see there is kind of ponding happening here, what is that? >> that is the impact of the last storm. here is the story, you still have a lot of standing water out there. more rain coming down this weekend will get the next atmospheric river storm a running start. we have elevated waterways and ponding practices a look at 580, six 80 northbound going in this direction near the hacienda. we have a lot of water out
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there and from the skies right now, we are adding to it in spots. the radar is not really seeing widespread heavy rain, more isolated, brief downpour as they go by and some hail at times, that right there heading south, did drop some hail at times and if you are showers around the santa cruz mountains but offshore, this is the next batch will will temporarily increase the rain as we head into tomorrow morning along with some fun at times but the big story here is this next storm system as we head into monday night and tuesday, one thing that is different here is the area of low pressure developing off our coast that will give us more wind, plus there is that atmospheric river component as well. flood watch is being reactivated monday night starting at 10:00, it'll go all the way through wednesday morning. that is at about 4:00 and wednesday as we can once again see these creeks and streams which are already running high, they could see localized flooding. that will be a concern into tuesday morning pick the wind is another part of the story. gusts 50 to 70 miles per hour
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will be possible along the coast and higher hilltops, that gets started monday night and also through about 5:00 a.m. on wednesday. more rain at times but we are starting to pivot our attention to this next atmospheric river storm with the flood watch and high wind watches. how much more rain we are expecting from the storm hour by hour, coming up in our forecast in a few minutes. let's turn back to pajaro. before we get there, though, we want to remind you when we are not on air, you can track the rain with our nbc bay area app. we will to the abscess to the mobile doppler radar we use plus send you alerts minutes before the rain comes down in your neighborhood. it is free to download for apple and android devices. new details on the down call of silicon valley bank tonight. think employees received their annual bonuses. their annual bonuses were received just hours before the bank was seized. sources say the payments had been put in process in the days
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before the bank collapsed. we will tell you more about that story in just a bit. let's get back to pajaro now. thousands of people in monterey county evacuated early this morning. the pajaro river levees broke and because of flooding from recent showers. natalie vera joins us live from the small farming community. tell us more. we are standing right here. you can see we are standing in water, the reds behind me are disappearing underwater. we know that this area is closed off to the public right now after emergency crews were forced to evacuate people early this morning when the levee broke. we want to show you some drone video of the town. officials say the levee reaches about 100 feet wide, the chair of the monterey county board of supervisors tells us crews went door-to-door yesterday afternoon urging residents to leave. they got a notice last night that a portion of the levee broke about three miles upstream. it is the site of a train car.
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he says he knew it would be a matter of time, about three hours before it reached this community. within those three hours, emergency crews evacuated residents but everyone heated those warnings, about 50 people were rescued overnight. officials say the damage will take months to repair. >> worst-case scenario has come to fruition here in pajaro. we were trying to avoid this over the last set of storms. unfortunately, with all of the groundwater saturation, the ground being saturated and all the runoff from the counties that feed into the river, it was just a massive volume of water that the levees were not able to hold up. >> reporter: the supervisor says the flooding we are seeing today is worse than the last time the levee breached in 1995. he says he likely had of the residents will be heavily impacted. firm and has now been compromised and farmers and
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farmworkers could be out of work for some time. he says the nations food supply will also be impacted. pajaro is famous for its crops. there are evacuations set up but the supervisor says these places are now really packed so they are working on providing more shelter for evacuees. we will keep you posted with more information later on tonight. for now, natalie vera, back to you. now let's get to that story about those new details on the down fall of silicon valley bank. think employees received their annual bonuses hours or federal regulators sees the bank. sources tell us the payment had been put in process in the days before the bank collapsed. it is unclear how much bonuses were worth. you may recall this rapid downfall started late wednesday, when the bank told investors that needed to raise over $2 billion to sure up its balance sheet.
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customers panicked and by thursday they had withdrawn 42 billion from svb. federal regulators shut down the bank yesterday. today governor newsom is weighing in on the bank ordeal. he says he is working alongside the white house and treasury to coordinate with the fdic which ensures money and banks. in a statement, newsom said everyone is working with fdic to stabilize the situation as quickly as possible. that is to protect jobs, people's livelihoods, and the entire innovation ecosystem that has served as a tentpole for our economy. we are continuing to follow this story closely for you. for the latest updates on svb and what the bank collapsed means for you, all you have to do is head to, click on the link in our trending bar. we are back in 90 seconds. a breakthrough for spaceflight postponed again. why a socal company called off its launch at the last 2nd for a 3-d printed rocket.
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st. patrick's day celebrations. we will so you how the bay area joins in on the fun. our storm ranger not seeing much in the way of widespread rain. more rain and a chance of thunderstorms, a busy day off to our east. we will talk more about your weekend weather and our next powerful storm on the way, when we come right back. who's on it with jardiance? ♪ ♪
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march is women's history month and we want to highlight one woman who saw a group of essential workers often overlooked so she decided to do something about it. she noticed something during the height of the pandemic, everyone was thinking about essential workers but no one was talking about farmworkers. she started packing up her car supplies and driving them to farmworkers. that is how she started the farmworkers caravan. donations continue to pour in, this time with bags of care specifically for the female farm workers. >> we know as women, we are the last one to do something for ourselves. they will always spend money on their children or family members and they never buy anything a little special for themselves. so we just wanted to give something just a little something special.
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>> reporter: with the major storms we have been seeing these past few months, work is on pause for many farmworkers and that means the need is even greater. a bay area organization is looking ahead to easter and hoping you can help. the bay area crisis nursery held a fundraiser in concord today. the group looked after children and help families. today they collected candy, coloring books and eggs to make easter baskets. they are looking for people to donate premade baskets. the group is collecting clothes to give to a store and sell with the money going back to the nursery. another delay for the launch of the world's first 3-d printed rocket. they were supposed to launch this booster earlier today, they called the whole thing off just 45 seconds before countdown. it had to do with the fuel pressure. a previous launch attempt was also called off due to an issue with the propellant temperature. they have not issued a new launch date yet. >> is coming closer and closer.
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a return to planet earth for members of the spacex crew, they just splashed down after spending five months on board the iss. they plopped down in the gulf of mexico right here off the coast of florida, just minutes ago. this video from a recovery ship, two astronauts from nasa and a few others from russia and japan. a bay area native is on that ship. check this out. attrition more than 60 years old continued in chicago today. the city died the river green as part of its st. patrick's day festivities. organizers say the die is environmentally friendly. here in the bay area, the rainy weather could not stop a little luck of the irish in the city. the annual st. patrick's day parade was held today, the specific display of irish heritage has been happening for 172 years.
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the st. patrick's holiday is on friday, the 17th. and the south bay, the city of san jose hosted the shamrock run today. it started at san pedro square this morning, all the money goes to be dublin sister city program with hautes student exchange scholarships. they are sent to dublin and student there are sent here. >> today i am going to be all irish. i am going to have a beer. >> we have the luck of the irish on our side to have rain yesterday, and a beautiful day for the race. >> 1500 people came up for the run today. this might be a pot of gold for some runners, there is a free pint of guinness waiting for those runners. >> very nice. it was sunny there. >> we had a little bit, some downpours there. but get ready, we have another strong storm coming our way. monday night into tuesday, and
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still a bit of rain to deal with for tomorrow. outside right now, you are seeing those misty skies and some fog. it almost looks like summer now around san francisco, 54 degrees. as you can see of the golden gate bridge, the tower is disappearing into those misty skies. 55 degrees toward san rafael and we have been hanging onto 60s and linda around dublin earlier today, now down to 59 degrees. near san jose, was a cloudy skies, 61 degrees. as a transition to our radar view, the rain is starting to increase again. you'll notice this in the north bay, sonoma county, the next couple of hours, the rain will become more widespread. we are seeing a bit of a break in action now from the tri- valley closer to the peninsula and south bay. we have more moisture coming in offshore, here is that break, rain in the north bay, notice the clouds offshore, also some thunderstorms that have been showing up offshore, that will be moving in tonight into early tomorrow morning, so stay tuned.
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could have some interesting weather at times, especially to start the day tomorrow as the rain starts to fill in for a time for the morning. there is a slight chance especially in the north bay and briefly over the central day, macy isolated thunder at times which may involve a bit of hail to the. around this time tomorrow, the showers turn more isolated but that is not going to last long. we will see a lot more rain monday and tuesday. to wrap up the weekend, should be in the north a quarter inch to a half inch of rain and locally higher totals in the hills of sonoma county, northward toward mendocino county. mild temperatures to start tomorrow morning, mostly in the low 50s and heise to wrap up your sunday. upper 50s in san francisco and low 60s around san jose. the next storm coming in as we head into monday. we will have another surge of moisture brought in by that atmospheric river but also notice where the surface flow develops this time, the last one we had was up near the pacific northwest. this could be developing right off our coast so it will
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enhance that lifting motion with the atmospheric river oyster from about midnight tuesday into the tuesday morning commute. that is where we will to the top rain totals of the at things up with the tuesday storm. noticed the color coding here for the santa cruz mountains and north bay, we could see 2 to 4 inches of rain, floodwaters go up starting monday night through tuesday because of that. also, a high wind watch where gusts could be 50 to 70 miles per hour on the cost and higher hills. that is tuesday and wednesday. we get a nice midweek break and a little more rain likely to drop in on friday. right now the friday system does not look as strong. we will have to contend with this monday night into tuesday. tomorrow, even though we are dodging raindrops at times, slight chance of isolated thunder. the next main event will certainly be monday night into tuesday. could see more wind this time around and also those rain totals i think could cause more runoff issues. a lot of standing water around the bay area. it will make things more challenging as we head to are
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the later part of the week. >> the wind could potentially bring damage to the. >> more cherry issues and power issues. a good time to make sure you have batteries around the house and secure those outdoor items. screen star jenna ortega is taking over saturday night live in about two hours. it is not her first
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"the doctor will see you now." but do they really? do they see all that you are? at kaiser permanente all of us work together to care for all that is you.
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a birthday celebration for a legend. san jose state is celebrating the 103rd birthday of coach yosh uchida. he began coaching the judo team in the 1940s and built a
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program into a judo powerhouse. he had coached many athletes at the olympics. we are there helping him celebrate. we will have a full report on the celebration tonight at 11:00. she is one of the most buzzed about actresses in hollywood right now. with a hit streaming series and what is likely to be a hit movie this weekend. jenna ortega is hosting saturday night live this weekend, and mark barker has a preview. >> reporter: jenna ortega had hopes of one day seeing saturday night live in person. this weekend, the 20-year-old gets to host it. >> i remember when i was younger, i tried to come in but i was not of age so they just took me on a tour instead. >> reporter: that has made it even easier for the breakout star of netflix's adams family spinoff, wednesday, to feel right at home.
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>> i don't want people to think like i am like my character, wednesday. >> you are freaking people out. >> i can't win. >> i try to challenge myself anytime that i can and i have not done a lot of theater so i hope at one point i do a show or something. it is nice to have energy to feed on. >> reporter: snl said on the viral energy of her dance in this week's promo. >> are you being serious? >> reporter: indicative of her show's success. >> we weren't anticipating any attention at all and for it to have been received and for the most part i want to say positively, it is really exciting for all of us. >> reporter: she remains on the dark side in theaters this weekend, starting in scream six but come saturday night -- >> it is fun. >> it is all about laughs. the musical guest this week , the 1975. you can catch snl
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tonight at 8:30 p.m. and again at 11:30 right after our 11:00 p.m. newscast. the rivalry go
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the giants and is gearing up for the start of the season, enjoying the warm weather today in none other than arizona. let's start with the giants, a tough loss against their rival, the dodgers. final score, 13-8. giants fans say they feel good about the upcoming season. >> i think the team dynamic has completely shifted. you see these videos of them hanging out, they all seem like such good friends and i think that is going to influence their performance on the field. they have a lot of depth too. i think is going to be a great season. >> the battle of the big game is set for tomorrow in arizona, the giants will play the a's in scottsdale. speaking of the a's, they came up a bit short against the cleveland guardians. final score, 4-2.
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she thought she could and she did. she now holds a world record. the two-time the gold-medal skier broke the world cup record for career wins today in sweden. she competed in the alpine world cup and won, that means she has a record holding 87 cups, beating the swedish scarier for the record for 86 cup wins 34 years ago. when i was his age, we had to be inside to watch live sports. but with xfinity, we get the fastest mobile service and can stream down the street or around the block! hey, can you be less sister, more car? all right, let's get this over with. switch to xfinity mobile and save big on the new samsung galaxy s23 series. i should get paid more for this.
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a festival of colors in the south bay today. san jose held its holy festival. in his around the world, they celebrated holi. that is pretty amazing. it invites a good harvest. today's event took place in san jose. nbc bay area, a proud sponsor of this event. the sharks had a pregame holi party. chris chmura: you're watching an nbc bay area news special. tonight, "nbc bay area responds." nichelle laus: you can feel the sticker, it has a little bit of a ridge on it. chris: gift cards are in thieves' crosshairs. we'll help you protect your balance by exposing the tricks criminals use to steal your money; and--
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phillip parkerson: the person i spoke with literally told me, "it doesn't matter what you've done. my computer tells me what zone you're in, and we can't give insurance because of your zone." chris: californians in shock. insurance companies are dropping them by surprise. we'll show you why and what you need to do if your policy is canceled; plus-- scott keyes: from hotels to rent--car rentals to activities, everything goes on sale in january and february. chris: a pre-spring break break might not break the bank right now. we'll spotlight some deals and help you decide whether insuring your trip makes sense. chris: good evening, and welcome to our "nbc bay area responds" special. i'm consumer investigator chris chmura. tonight we'll highlight the biggest consumer issues our viewers are dealing with and show you how to protect yourself. all right, first, we're going to take a close look at gift cards. they are very popular gifts, but they're also increasingly


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