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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 5  NBC  March 5, 2023 5:00pm-5:31pm PST

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trails at them. by trees falling, that is super rare. the weather conditions are here, we have people to be cautious, strike while cruising resonated. we're getting some rain in the sierras, and they are getting pounded with nostrum
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after snowstorm. and there is more to come this week. right now in truckee, you see lots of fresh powder on the roadway. almost a daily event lately people in this era dealing with whiteout conditions and road closers. too much of a good thing for ski resorts. a number of them had to close today. christie smith shows us how people in the area are trying to handle it all. >> reporter: people in the i-80 quarter are quite familiar with. >> it's hard. but we get through it. >> reporter: that is the owner of colfax farming country store, digging out of snow again because people need supplies. >> i just dropped off a chainsaw to my buddy. we are going to see what happens. >> reporter: interstate 80, shut down since late saturday night. this is the caltrans closure at colfax, forcing people off the road and into town where they get turned around.
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>> a lot of time, we end up inundated with travelers who are unfairly or with our town and the area. they are dying to get up i-80, and it's really an inconvenience . >> reporter: crews are working tirelessly around the clock to clear i-80 of ice and snow. 30 inches of snow fell on donner pass in the last 24 hours. all of that snow combined with strong winds for several ski resorts in the lake area to close today. >> was hard to get to the ski resort this morning. i've been doing this for 30 years, and i barely made it up here today with a four-wheel drive vehicle. >> reporter: director of mountain operations at heavenly mountain resort. >> blizzard conditions, and we had a team call this morning to decide if it was going to be safe to open the resort or not. we just really felt the conditions were too poor to put our guests and staff in any kind of position to come up the mountain. >> reporter: snow lab in soda springs treated this video, and
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shared that the lab got 30 inches of new snow in the last 24 hours. it's season total of 562 inches, with another two to four feet expected into monday. christie smith, nbc bay area news. down in southern california, cal fire crews are helping people dig out of their homes in the san bernardino mountains after historic winter storm there. roads piled high with snow, and some people have been trapped for days with supplies are running low. >> everybody is telling us, never has there been a storm like this before. i'll give you an idea of how bad the streets are. >> this is days after the winter storm hit. people in crestline say they are desperately waiting for help and supplies. not only are they running out of stored food and water, the grocery stores -- take a look at that. they are low as well, with trucks not able to make it into the mountains. >> it is kind of ridiculous. at this point, the a that a lot
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of people need around here, we were literally just down to canned tuna and canned chicken. no vegetables. and really low on water as well. >> the california disaster airlift response teams have been taking and supplies up the mountain. those supplies are donated by local residents. yesterday, the helicopters could not take off because of the weather. unwelcome news for those trapped for this long. in the north bay, highway 29 is back open after cal fire and caltrans crews cleared these giant trees in the roadway. and we mean giant. the tree fell, blocking both lanes this afternoon. the crews were able to get it clear to just over an hour. nice work. weather all over the bay area today. lightning overnight on the 101 is everett sisco, noisy hail falling oakland. that is nuts. and in san jose more hail this afternoon. listen to it. >> we've had it all. >> the hail, this afternoon,
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around san jose, people were sending us video from all over. the hail piling up along the sides of 280 this afternoon. it even accumulated, almost looking like snow in some people's backyards. but we know it was not snow, it was hail. rob, as terry was mentioned, we got a lot of stuff coming out of the skies today. the weather icon for today and last night, hail and thunder. sunshine at times. and significant rain totals as we add them up for the weekend. most places picking up a third of an inch to a half inch of rain, including at san jose state and downtown san jose, downtown duncan, all just about 68 hundredths of an inch of rain. a look at the canyon in the santa cruz mountains, more than an inch and a half of rainfall. and snow off to the east. they are coming to the peaks east of downtown san jose. we are! seacrest snowfall again around mount hamilton. things have quieted down around san jose. this is the hail that
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we had falling a bit earlier. notice what is happening offshore, more scattered showers moving into the north bay, and some isolated downpours. all the recipe that it is in place to give us isolated hail and thunder. as we head into your monday morning commute, we will see the potential of more scattered showers moving forward. i do think around 11:00 tonight, this will pick up, once again. more so in the hills east of san jose. plan on the same types of weather conditions as we head into monday, as this cold air pattern remains locked in for the middle part of the week. later this week, there is the potential of much higher rain totals and stronger wind. we are tracking a pattern that could involve some atmospheric river storms as we head toward next weekend. the latest on the changes in the head in your seven-day forecast coming up in about eight minutes. >> brought, thank you. when the rain and hail moves into your neighborhood, send us pictures and videos. share them with us on social
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media, twitter, facebook, and instagram. with all this wet weather, our nbc bay area app is great to have. as well is free to download. customize it to get forecasts for where you live. and we will send you alerts to your phone before the rain moves into your neighborhood . a heads up for all of us. a fire from the battery of an electric scooter sent them into the hospital in san francisco today. it happened about noon on the fourth floor of a building on polk street near vallejo. firefighters say the fire was started by a faulty lithium battery in an electric scooter. they were able to keep the flame contains. in one apartment, one person did the to be rescued. paramedics rushed them to a burn center where they are in serious condition. another fire in separate cisco we want to tell you about, this one in outer richmond, 48th avenue. two homes damaged. one person displaced. no one hurt. and no word on what sparked that fire. police are try to figure out would lead to a shooting at a popular business on saturday night. officers say shots were fired in the parking lot at top golf
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around 10:15 last night. a woman was shot at least once and taken to the hospital. she is expected to be okay. the shooter took off. so far, police have not been able to track that person down. and no arrests have been made. president biden in selma, alabama today, marking 58 years since bloody sunday. the president walked side-by- side with community members and activist, including reverend al sharpton and jesse jackson, and martin luther king the third iii . across the bridge. in 1965, about 60 people cross that bridge, heading to montgomery, marching for voting rights. state troopers violently attack the demonstrators. during a speech they, the president reflected on the need for people to know the truth about history. >> we can't just choose to know what we want to know. and not what we should know. we should learn everything. the good, the bad, the truth. who we are as a nation. and everyone should know the truth of selma.
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>> vice president kamala harris released a statement in commemoration of bloody sunday. she celebrated the courage of the marchers that day, but she also blasted the 2013 supreme court ruling that weakened the voting rights act. harris says extremist have worked to mental this mental boating protections fought hard to win. she is again joining the president in calling on congress to pass legislation that protects voting rights. election integrity, and democracy. the vice president will once again act as the tie- breaking vote for the senate for the time being. the democrats hard-fought majority, and the senate is vulnerable. senator dianne feitein and sylvania john fetterman's treatment for the present. depression. 49 democrats and 40 republicans actively serving in the senate. that means the vice president will need to break that tie. there are lingering questions as to whether fetterman will return to after his health issues. and feinstein is facing pressure to resign before her
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term is up in 2025. still had, first they took on tiktok, now they are going after other chinese companies. why lawmakers are pushing for more regulations on foreign technology. and the bay bridge lights are about to turn off. for the very last time. how you can catch them before they go down for good. right now, we continue to see a mix of sunshine, scattered showers, and the conditions for hail and isolated thunder to start the week. how much more of this we can expect, when we come right back. like i had for us, a star nba player with the memphis player with the memphis grizies suspended, and nozl ♪w when pain says, “i'm here,” ♪ i say, “so are they.” just one aleve. 12 hours of uninterrupted pain relief. aleve who do you take it for? there's something new from better than bouillon
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new video tonight of a house fire in union city. it happened just after 6:00 this morning. you can see all of the smoke coming out of a home on mandalay and drive. it took firefighters 20 minutes to knock down the flames. no one was hurt, but the red cross is helping the two people who were displaced by the fire. update for you tonight on the investigation into a san jose man is accused of making drugs and explosives. right inside his home. a look at the house on potomac court. you can see it is now fenced off and boarded up. and he had the condemned posters out there.
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police expect to be out there for the next several days. this whole ordeal last week when police 36-year-old peter --. he faces more than half a dozen charges related to bombing two pg&e transformers, as well as child endangerment because his three children lived in that home. congress is going to consider a new bipartisan bill, aimed at banning technology like tiktok. the bill will outline an approach to banning or inhibiting certain platforms. this comes days after the health foreign affairs committee voted to advance a different bill that would give president biden the power to ban tiktok. more than 100 million americans are using the social media platform. tiktok has been the center of data privacy concerns as it is owned by a chinese company. the company uses data for u.s. users is stored outside of china and is not acceptable to the chinese government. tonight is your last chance to see the bay bridge lights lit up in all their glory, at least for a while. come 8:00, the coordinated light art installation that has been there for so long.
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it is going to dark because many of the light are damaged or broken from time and the elements. the bridge lights have been a crowdpleaser for 10 years. there is still a light at the end of the tunnel, you should say. a crowdfunding campaign is underway to bring 50,000 upgraded lights -- double the current amount -- to the bay bridge. the project would guarantee 10 more years of lights, but the fundraising goal is steep. $11 million. the good news? they have already raised $6 million. we will have a live report from the bridge coming up at 6:00. not all is lost down there. coming back with twice as many, we will wait and see. >> rob, for anyone going out to see the bay bridge tonight -- >> cold deck scattered showers and a little bit of sun right now at least in san francisco. a mix of everything the weather can throw at you today. thanks to the cold air that is keeping your temperatures down. also, it is a good recipe for
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hail producing storms. thunderstorms at times. we had a lot of that last night into this morning. right now, kind of a kind of a calm or finished a sunday. weather still 50 degrees, cool sunshine in san francisco. watching some showers approaching san rafael. 52 degrees, and a handful of sunshine. snow east of san jose where it is currently 51 degrees. tomorrow morning, we will wake up to the upper 30s. temperatures are trending a little bit colder. showers continue with those cold temperatures. hilltops, two to 3000 feet, still a chance to see snow showers. scattered showers to the after nine, mixed at times. and we might still get some hail with some of those stronger showers. snow level climbing a little bit higher as we get closer to monday and tuesday, closer to 3000 feet. storm right now, the next that's moving right into marin county right now. we are looking at yellow and red on your nbc bay area app, or store major, chances are it is
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detecting hail coming down from some of those showers. there is a look at the snow on the south side of hamilton right now. all of this is going to be a part of your monday forecast. as we move forward, showers are increasing from 9:00 to 11:00 tonight. you will see more snow around mount hamilton. might have some hail too. tonight, that might wake you up a bit. towards tomorrow morning, commute, sunshine and showers. if this forecast sounds familiar, we have been seeing it here the last couple of days. chances are we are going to see this till at least about tuesday into wednesday. rain totals do not look that extreme. most places less than a half inch of rain. along the coast and the north bay mountains. tuesday, though showers are still ongoing. the cold air, part of the forecast, it will hang until about wednesday. you will see more showers powering through there. daily chances of rain, but things could get interesting late week. we are going to have to watch
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for atmospheric rivers again. this is why the temperatures are going to come up. highs right there in the 60s, but the incoming storms later this week will have access to a lot more moisture. not the cold, chilly air we have seen their midweek. it is the combination of his low offshore, they can really bring some high rain rates at times. stay tuned if you are in an area that has runoff issues, you're probably going to want to start planning ahead and watching very closely. the friday to saturday forecast, it could go back to storms bringing inches of rain again. that is the trend next weekend. we lose this wintry pattern to something that is more typical for march. still intense storms, but usually bring some higher snow levels, which we all have to clearly watch for the sierras too. we're watching it closely for the potential of stronger storms and wind coming later this week. >> another potential atmospheric river. wow. >> thank you. coming up, before you head out on your morning commute tomorrow morning, rob will tell
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tomorrow morning, rob will tell you what wear, but to how does mint mobile afford to give you premium wireless for just $15 a month? it's because we sublet our ads. ♪♪ this is now a jack in the box commercial and this is the new mint mobile shake. that's right, we even sublet their name. really, everything's for sale.
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my mint mobile shake. oreo cookie pieces, cool mint, creamy whipped cream, and a sweet cherry on top. what's not to like? i guess that it's only here for a limited time.
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♪ that is a live look on 101 on the peninsula for you. can you see the fast track signed there? the new express lanes on 101 in san mateo county are now opened. that means they are no longer free to drive in. >> mike has everything you need
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to know before you get on the roads tomorrow if you skip out on a hefty fine. >> let me talk to folks who may be headed to the office tomorrow. there is a big change, right here in this area, on friday. areas along's portion on 1012 san mateo county have started taking tolls. up until that point, they had been free and in testing mode. they are now active. these signs display the told charged here for fasttrack flex, based on conduction. newfield occupancy. three or more still get you a free ride, but only if your transponder is set correctly. and if you do not have a fasttrack transponder, and you are caught, you could get hit with a fine of almost $500. now, look at this map, showing the newly activated stretch of the bayshore freeway. you might have to do some shopping today. find out where you can pick one up at bay area, and register it online. the express lane, pricing, et cetera, my buddy jonathan bloom is on my facebook page for
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email. and i will be tracking the commute and any changes to the timing that we might find as a result, right back here tomorrow morning on today in the bay. still ahead, chris rock is finally breaking his silence on man: i'm not slowing down anytime soon. finally breaking his silence on that moment, you were ever that? that's why i take osteo bi-flex every day. it's clinically shown to improve joint comfort in 7 days, and continues to improve over time.
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kinda like us. osteo bi-flex. because i'm made to move. oooohhh, it is cold outside time to protect your vehichle from winters wrath of course the hot sun can be tough on vehicles too you need weathertech all year round! come on, protect your investment laser measured floorliners and cargoliner will shield the carpeting from sand and snow for your interior, there's seat protector and sunshade plus, mudflaps and bumpstep for the exterior order american made products at surfs up yeah, right
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comedian chris rock is finally breaking his silence on that oscar's incident in a new comedy special. you know what incident i am talking about. after being slapped by will smith. after, chris -- will smith gave
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multiple apologies on the subject. chris rock laid low. last night, he live streamed a special on netflix and finally dished on the situation. he said he still had will smith hit song, summertime, ringing in his ears. [ laughter ] no ill will towards will smith, he said, but he did get caught in the crossfire between smith and his wife. after 17 seasons and more than 2000 episode, the rachael ray show is going off the air. the daytime talk show first premier back in september of 2006. in a statement, ray says she is ending the show so she can move onto the next chapter of her broadcast career. she did not elaborate further what that meant. earlier this week, deadline reported that ray is starting her own production company and producing in the kitchen content with ray and heather.
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if you missed it, super bowl champion and ght and for the kansas city chiefs, travis kelce, hosted snl last night. >> he kept it all in the family. for his first time hosting, his older brother jason kelce, and their mother, donna, were in the audience. there they are. during the opening monologue, his brother played for the philadelphia eagles, whom the chiefs to beat in the super bowl. their mom gave became an unaffected start over super bowl week. >> you know, people keep asking me what it was like to beat my brother in the super bowl. and it was pretty awkward. that is because after the game, we had to ride home together. mom drove us there in a minivan. >> [ laughter ] very good. >> later, jason kelce appeared in a skit, playing the new boyfriend of his little
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brother's ex-girlfriend. >> that could be something. >> that is it for us right now. "nightly news" is next. >> see you again at 6:00. >> ♪ tonight in ohio, another train derails run by the company that crashed in east palestine. dramatic video after the train tumbled off the track. 28 cars overturned. residents asked to shelter in place overnight. the train was carrying hazardous materials but none spilled new questions about the company's safety record growing desperation. residents trapped in their homes for nearly two weeks after that historic snowstorm in southern california. supplies running low, roads closed >> this is hard. it's scary. >> and the driver rescued from this suv after being stranded for days a southwest flight


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