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tv   Today  NBC  January 21, 2023 5:30am-7:01am PST

5:30 am
we're back on this saturday morning january 21, 2023 with a sea of red lanterns in china celebrating the lunar new year this weekend. luck and prosperity's this loonary new year ushers in year of the rabbit. happy new year to all who celebrate. >> indeed. always love seeing those beautiful decorations. check of headlines. five police officers out of a job in connection with the death of tyre nicholserer this month.
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using excessive force and failed to give aid after a traffic stop. nichols said he had trouble breathing. the 29-year-old was hospitalized and died three days later. nbc news has not been able to reach the officers for comment. first native american woman in space is now marked another milestone. nasa astronaut nicole mann ventured out on her first space walk thursday along with a japanese astronaut, helping prepare the international space station for new solar panels scheduled to be installed this summer. beachgoers in san diego got a real scare when a huge bluff collapsed just a few feet away from them on friday and a bystander caught it all on video. check this out. it started with a few rocks falling and then a few more, but soon a large portion of the cliff came tumbling terrifying. time to move away and
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thankfully, thankfully, no one was injured. a walmart employee in indiana hailed a hero this morning after police say she helped stop a shooting inside the store from being even worse. the aftermath of the shooting was caught on police bodycam. nbc's jesse kirsch has more and a warning some of you may find the sounds and images disturbing. [ gunfire ] >> reporter: this morning indiana police sharing body camera footage showing the frantic search is for a gunman inside an evansville walmart after sheeting an employee in the face before turning his hand gunn on officers. >> walmart, be advised, active shooter. >> reporter: around 10:00 p.m. he fired inside and outside of store he once worked. >> drop it, drop it! >> reporter: before police shot and killed him. amber was the victim, walking and talking after being shot.
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>> still being treated and is in stable condition, however will be affected by this shooting the rest of her life. >> reporter: just before 10:00 p.m. a dozen employees gathered in the break when when mosley showed up with a handgunn. returning to help. >> takes her into another room locks the door turns off the lights and hid behind computer equipment. >> reporter: do you want to say to the employee who made that 911 call so quickly. >> thank you. you definitely have a co-worker that's life you saved for doing that her instincts were absolutely heroic and we can't thank her enough. >> reporter: authorities believe mosley targeted former colleagues. police say the spektr worked at this walmart in 2022 when he assaulted four fellow employees before the company fired him. just hours before thursday night's shooting prosecutors say he was in mental health court for that very case.
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investors found a suicide note in his home after the shoot out. the police chief says he doesn't know how mosley got the weapon used but even with his previous plea deal mosley could have legally purchased that .9 millimeter handgun. another check of the forecast and check in with smar somara. >> thanks to a change in the pattern. what's going on. jet stream to the north. this area over california and organ forcing rain farther north of the u.s. what's going to happen in coming days, though. a dip down into the southeast. seeing rounds of storms through parts of the gulf coast states into the southeast and northeast. a lot of that because storms are riding this jet stream like it's a highway getting off and exiting in areas like texas bringing rain and snow in areas
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like oklahoma city. little rock also experiencing moderate to heavy rain in days to come and then those storms ride up to the north and east. by wednesday and thursday looking at snowfall in areas farther north and into new england and parts of the northeast. we're pretty late as far as snowfall goes for some areas. i want to go ahead and look now. sorry. walk with me here. in january, southeast getting a first snowfall. look to the north, though, areas like new york. asked this morning, when are we seeing snow in new york? even with this system not expecting any accumulating snow. still early. continue to watch for that but should be averaging around ten inches of snow by now. let's see what's going on a little closer to home.
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that's a look at your local forecast. joe, kristen. just ahead, how families are coping with high prices of a life-saving medicine necessary for their children with severe allergs. allergs. >>ie > if you still have symptoms of moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis or active psoriatic arthritis after a tnf blocker like humira or enbrel, rinvoq is different and may help. stand up to your symptoms with rinvoq. rinvoq is a once-daily pill that tackles pain, stiffness, swelling. for some, rinvoq significantly reduces ra and psa fatigue. it can stop further irreversible joint damage. stopping in front of both the supreme court can and a symbolic role they play.
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>> up to the states. need to raise awareness in each of the states. >> reporter: and protesters readying their own fight. >> i am here to show we will not let america be bullied out of the right to abortion. >> reporter: the path to a full nationwide victory for either side an uphill battle. 50 years since roe v. wade was first signed into law, but in the months since its reversal last summer almost two dozen states either banned abortion or are close to it. several legislative sessions actively debating what they're laws will be on a state level, the federal action fails to move forward. senator lindsey graham's bill failed. >> we need to codify roe. >> reporter: an unlikely republican-controlled house. and making more abortion pills accessible over the counter, a new battleground is headed to the pharmacy.
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that new fda guidance was a small victory for abortion rights activists and we know tomorrow is the 50th anniversary of an original decision. bigger than roe pro marches scheduled across the country. joe and kristen? >> somara, thank you. appreciate it. >> great to see you. really appreciate it. well, just one day after the supreme court announced it couldn't find who was behind the leak of that draft opinion of the decision to overturn roe v. wade, former president trump is calling on the journalist who revealed the leak to be jailed. the biden administration is fighting back. monica alba is tracking it all from the white house. monica, good morning to you. >> reporter: kristen, good morning. after an eight-month investigation, that leak still could not be pinpointed. former president trump pushing stricter measures to out-leak the person. hackers not responsible after interviewing 97 employees. 82 had access to digital or hard companies of draft are and now
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we're learning more who else was questioned in the matter. the court investigators revealing friday she spoke with each of the nine justices several on multiple occasions and all cooperated. none implicated the justices or their spouses according to the court. soon after the 20-page report came out that couldn't identify the leak the former president called for reporter to broke the in u.s. to be arrested along with possibly their editor and publisher saying they should be put in jae "until the answer is given." within hours the white house release add statement defending freedom of the press saying it's the responsibility of all leaders to protect first amendment rights. kristen? >> just remarkable that investigation could not determine who was behind the leak. monica, another big headline you are tracking. also in the midst of this debt ceiling standoff between the white house and republicans, but hearing that the president will meet with house speaker kevin mccarthy to discuss a path
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forward. what are you hearing? >> reporter: right. while speaker mccarthy did accept president biden's offer to meet seen, no date set yet by the white house. a contentious back and forth friday about the debt ceiling showed how difficult resolving this issue may be. house republicans don't want to increase america's ability to borrow without promises of future spending cuts while the president says there's no room for negotiation when the stakes are so high. warning of unprecedented financial calamity if the u.s. doesn't meet its credit obligationss for time in history could, leez to recession or a stock market crash if it happens as the treasurer secretary is paying bills buying time shifting money around, but that will only last until june. kristen? >> a major test and showdown for all of washington. monica alba at the white house. thank you, monica. illegal krozings at the u.s.-mexico border surged to a record number since president
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biden took office. the government saying it stopped migrants for toon e! than 250 times along the border. up 40% from the prior december. extraordinary influx came shortly before mr. biden introduced measure to terminate migrants saying laxed border policies have led to the flood. meanwhile, overseas now, the u.s. and its western allies locked in dispute over sending tanks to ukraine and time could be running out before the russians strike once again. nbc's raf sanchez in ukraine's capital kyiv with all of this. what's the latest there? >> reporter: kristen, battle tanks like these destroyed russians ones may feel like a relic in the age of drones and precision missiles, but with putin's forces regrouping and preparing to attack again, ukraine badly needs tanks and they need them now. this morning, ukraine bracing for a new russian offensive potentially starting within weeks. no one knows exactly where or
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when russian forceless strike, but commanders here say when they do, it will take battle tanks to fight them off. but in the a major summit friday western allies deadlocked over who will actually provide the tanks. the u.s. and other nato allies blaming the holdup on germany which is not yet ready to supply ukraine with its own leopard tanks or allow other countries to donate their stock to the german-made vehicle is the. >> not hesitating, just carefully in balance all pros and contra. >> reporter: the secretary of ukraine's national security and defense counsel tells us western hesitation is costing ukraine lives. every day russia continues the war on our territory our children are killed our women are killed, he says. i would not want to see this blood on the hands of the germans. frustration echoed by u.s. senators visiting kyiv. >> i'm tired of the [ bleep ] show surrounding who's going to send tanks and when they're going to send them. >> reporter: meanwhile, the
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white house slapping new sanctions on russia's mercenary group, wagner. >> message to any company considering supplying support to waagner is simply this. it's a criminal association. >> reporter: and sometimes danny is known at putin's shaf. most 50,000 troops in ukraine are russian convicts desperate men freed from prison in agreement to fight in putin war. president zelenskyy and his wife making a rare joint appearance of a governor killed in a helicopter crash and bracing for another attack. u.s. military confirming a former u.s. navy s.e.a.l. was killed fighting here in ukraine this week. daniel swift was a decorated special forces operator, but the navy says he deserted three years ago. kristen?
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>> thank you so much. the once high-flying tech company is struggling. google the latest to announce mass layoffs this week. brian cheung has more. >> reporter: this morning, more challenges for big tech after google parent company alphabet slashed 6% of its workforce. in an email to employees the company's ceo said it hired for a different economic reality than faced today. google 12,000 employees cut joins other big companies that ramped up hiring during the pandemic. microsoft said it would slash about 10,000 workers. amazon began layoffs expected to impact 18,000 employees. all this after meta said late last year it was led letting go of 11,000. smaller tech companies al reducing head count. >> for me first time. a little bit of a gut punch. >> reporter: in louisville, kentucky, amber fields laid off two weeks ago from online styling service stitch fix.
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>> how hard to find a job in tech right now? >> very difficult. there's a hiring freeze, a backfill freeze, like we're not just not hires we're not replacing the roles we just laid off. >> reporter: with unmployment as a historic low, seems contained. >> the ke, ripple or avalanche. >> reporter: fed forecasting unemployment rising to 4.6% this year raising interest rates, that could mean 1.8 million more americans losing their jobs. amber is taking time to work on her own start-up project. >> why were i do this. a little bern, what are we eating today? you're rite. let me figure that out. >> reporter: tens of thousands of workers in the same boat now. brian cheung, nbc news, new york. and also this morning, federal prosecutors say the founder of the disgraced firm theranos is a flight risk and should be in prison appealing
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her fraud conviction. elizabeth holmes still had a one-way ticket to mexico shortly after found guilty lying in investigaors in january of 2022. holmes attorney said she booked the trip before the verdict to attend a friendal wedding in mexico. somara is back with another quick check of the forecast inbe colluding cooler temperatures out west. right? >> so happy to not talk about a major storm moving into the west coast bp now just a numbers game. here's a look at below average temperatures today. about 3 below average in san fran coming in at 57 degrees. los angeles, 64. denver pretty cold highs around 28 degrees. that chilly air continues to shift towards the east. omaha, 28 degrees. chicago, though, slightly above average for this time of year, in the mid-30s. the east coast, also well above average with temperatures in the 40s up in philadelphia. now, we are going to become more mild as we head into next week. dallas in the low 50s. atlanta low 60s. up toward roanoke, low 50s as
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well. and we're also tracking a threat for severe weather. so balancing a lot here. i want you to look at the satellite radar imagery. that's what happening in realtime. houston in mobile, alabama severe threat of tornadoes elevated today, tomorrow and tracking a strong, severe chance heading into tuesday for the same region. also got our eye on another storm just to the north bringing snow into parts of good morning, happy saturday. we're still waiting for the sunrise over the golden gate bridge. isn't she lovely? a little chilly. 43 degrees, ask we're also tracking some 30s, 33 in santa rosa and 32 in concord. that is why we are under a freeze warning here in the bay area until 9:00 a.m. look at that temperature range, 28 to 39 degrees. we're going to talk about all this and a look ahead at the beautiful weekend all at 7:00 a.m.
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that is your local forecast. back to you both. >> all right. thank you so much. still to come, the dramatic bodycam video showing police taking down an active shooter inside an indiana walmart. plus, sticker shock for a life-saving medicine. parents struggle to pay for parents struggle to pay for at denny's, we have the best value all day long.
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like the everyday value slam for only $5.99. now you can stack your wins and enjoy the sunny side of craveable value. $5.99 every day. part of the all day diner deals value menu. only at denny's. everyone... i'd like to raise a toast... to that classic, ritz cracker taste... in a crunchy, toasted chip. (everyone) to the chip! to the chip! ritz toasted chips. the crunchy chips, only from ritz.
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morning with the "weekly download" our week at other major stories. >> a scary miss on the runway at one of the country's busiest airports. two planes nearly collided at jfk international airport. delta 1943 was speeding down jfk
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runway 4 left after being cleared for takeoff when american flight 106 started to taxi across the same runway. >> american, hold position. >> reporter: the delta 737 traveling at 115 miles per hour, a potential collision seconds away. >> the delta jet able to stop just in time. both faa and ntsb are investigating. new questions about congressman george santos, the freshman republican claimed on his campaign website that his mother survived a tragic event on september 11th, but immigration records provided to nbc news by a genealogical researchers shows his mother left the united states for brazil in 1999 and did not return until 2003. santos declined to comment on this. for the first time we're hearing the urgent 911 calls after marvel star jeremy renner was run over by his seven-ton
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snop cat. >> nbc news obtained a partially redacted audio recording of an unnamed neighbor's desperate 911 call for help. >> any obvious injuries? >> oh, my god, yes. >> okay. >> right chest and -- upper torso -- the rest of the equipment crushed. head wound as well. newly unsealed search warrants reveal some of the case authorities are building against suspect bryan kohberger in the murders of four college students in idaho. >> stabbed four college students. >> reporter: according to documents authorities scoured his apartment and seized a chemical resistant black glove, multiple hair strains including animal hair and a pillow, with a
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reddish brown stain. >> reporter: kohberger believes he will be exonerated. some of the week's most dramatic moments caught on camera. police released video of a person trying to abduct a ber rita, grabbing her and trying to loop a zip tie around her neck. police arrested the suspect. a child was boarding this school bus in wisconsin when a car almost hit him. the boy is fine. and a 12-year-old was fishing off the coast of fort lauderdale when he caught a great white shark. fishermen on the boat able to tag the shark before releasing it. finally, 11-year-old nathan broxton who loves to belt out broadway show tunes in the car -- ♪ change my story ♪ sometimes you have to be a little bit naughty ♪♪ >> at the surprise of a lifetime. his mom says delta air lines are sending him and the whole family to see his first broadway
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musical in new york city. congratulations, nathan! >> i love it. the big question now what musical is he going to see? i bet he wants to see all of them. probably has an entire list. >> i feel like we need just a camera following him around. his reaction! look at him. so sweet. amazing, he's gotten some props from "hamilton's" leslie odom jr., praise online from so many people. he's a future star. >> i think so. i feel like "hamilton" will be top of the list. we'll wait and see. who knows? >> need an update next weekend. >> i have a suggestion for him. still to come speaking of broadway, taking you behind the scenes of one of the newest musical, a fan average jukebox musical called "& juliet." shakespeare with a twist. >> can't wait. singing along to those songs. later in "pop start," superman and what everyone's
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waiting for? but first, these messages. busi ness can happen anytime, anywhere. so help yours thrive and stay connected with the comcast business complete connectivity solution. it's the largest, fastest, reliable network. advanced gig speed wifi. and cyberthreat protection.
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starting at just $49.99 a month. plus, you can save up to 60% a year when you add comcast business mobile. or, ask how to get up to a $750 prepaid card. complete connectivity. one solution, for wherever business takes you. comcast business. powering possibilities. good morning, thanks for joining us on this saturday, january 21st. i'm kira klapper. a new scandal rocking the oakland police department, for now chief of police is on administrative leave, and there's no indication yet for how long. it comes following a new report from a san francisco law firm terming the chief mishandled two investigations. each involved the same officer. that report suggests opd failed to hold the officer accountable. according to sources within the police department, we've learned the officer was tied to a hit
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and run crash in san francisco and later the same officer allegedly fired his weapon inside a police station service elevator. all of this coming to light through the same federal oversight process which originated more than two decades ago following a widespread scandal that shook up the oakland police department. happening today, oakland mayor sheng tao will hold a press conference on the steps of city hall at 10:15 this morning. let's check in with cinthia pimentel for a quick look at our microclimate forecast. chilly out there. >> very chilly. the golden gate bridge still waiting for the sunrise. we're going to be in store for a nice day. look at these temperatures right now, 34 degrees in point reyes, but we've got chillier than that, 31 in santa rosa, freezing right now in concord and here in san jose, 35 degrees. that's why you and i feel cold right now, kira. we are in this freeze warning,
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all of this purple from the north bay down through the interior, we are in the freeze warning until 9:00 a.m. look at that temperature range. it's going to be pretty cold until we wake up is and see the sun. please bring those pets inside if you have them outdoors right now and cover those sensitive plants. upper 50s as we go through the day. 57 in scotts valley. i know we've been bundled up because of the rain. if you don't know what the king tides are or you want to learn more, please join us for a little science lesson. kira, back to you. i'll be tuning in, cinthia, thanks. coming up at 7:00 this morning on "today in the bay," a police raid in the south bay, why federal agents are now involved. neighbors tell us they knew it was only a matter of tim.
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we'll have that plus your other top stories and cinthia's full forecast coming up at 7:00. we hope to see you then. right now back to the "today" show.
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we're back on this saturday morning january 21, 2023 with a sea of red lanterns in china celebrating the lunar new year this weekend. luck and prosperity's this loonary new year ushers in year of the rabbit. happy new year to all who celebrate. >> indeed. always love seeing those beautiful decorations. check of headlines. five police officers out of a job in connection with the death of tyre nicholserer this month.
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using excessive force and failed to give aid after a traffic stop. nichols said he had trouble breathing. the 29-year-old was hospitalized and died three days later. nbc news has not been able to reach the officers for comment. first native american woman in space is now marked another milestone. nasa astronaut nicole mann ventured out on her first space walk thursday along with a japanese astronaut, helping prepare the international space station for new solar panels scheduled to be installed this summer. beachgoers in san diego got a real scare when a huge bluff collapsed just a few feet away from them on friday and a bystander caught it all on video. check this out. it started with a few rocks falling and then a few more, but soon a large portion of the cliff came tumbling terrifying. time to move away and
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thankfully, thankfully, no one was injured. a walmart employee in indiana hailed a hero this morning after police say she helped stop a shooting inside the store from being even worse. the aftermath of the shooting was caught on police bodycam. nbc's jesse kirsch has more and a warning some of you may find the sounds and images disturbing. [ gunfire ] >> reporter: this morning indiana police sharing body camera footage showing the frantic search is for a gunman inside an evansville walmart after sheeting an employee in the face before turning his hand gunn on officers. >> walmart, be advised, active shooter. >> reporter: around 10:00 p.m. he fired inside and outside of store he once worked. >> drop it, drop it! >> reporter: before police shot and killed him. amber was the victim, walking and talking after being shot.
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>> still being treated and is in stable condition, however will be affected by this shooting the rest of her life. >> reporter: just before 10:00 p.m. a dozen employees gathered in the break when when mosley showed up with a handgunn. returning to help. >> takes her into another room locks the door turns off the lights and hid behind computer equipment. >> reporter: do you want to say to the employee who made that 911 call so quickly. >> thank you. you definitely have a co-worker that's life you saved for doing that her instincts were absolutely heroic and we can't thank her enough. >> reporter: authorities believe mosley targeted former colleagues. police say the spektr worked at this walmart in 2022 when he assaulted four fellow employees before the company fired him. just hours before thursday night's shooting prosecutors say he was in mental health court for that very case.
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investors found a suicide note in his home after the shoot out. the police chief says he doesn't know how mosley got the weapon used but even with his previous plea deal mosley could have legally purchased that .9 millimeter handgun. another check of the forecast and check in with smar somara. >> thanks to a change in the pattern. what's going on. jet stream to the north. this area over california and organ forcing rain farther north of the u.s. what's going to happen in coming days, though. a dip down into the southeast. seeing rounds of storms through parts of the gulf coast states into the southeast and northeast. a lot of that because storms are riding this jet stream like it's a highway getting off and exiting in areas like texas bringing rain and snow in areas
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like oklahoma city. little rock also experiencing moderate to heavy rain in days to come and then those storms ride up to the north and east. by wednesday and thursday looking at snowfall in areas farther north and into new england and parts of the northeast. we're pretty late as far as snowfall goes for some areas. i want to go ahead and look now. sorry. walk with me here. in january, southeast getting a first snowfall. look to the north, though, areas like new york. asked this morning, when are we seeing snow in new york? even with this system not expecting any accumulating snow. still early. continue to watch saturday. let's go to the east bay, livermore, sub freezing temperatures at 31 degrees. by 9:00 a.m. we'll be in the low 40s climbing up to the 50s for today. i've got another cold spot for you like 31 in santa rosa, 37 in redwood city, and 33 in dublin.
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we're only going to warm up into the mid to upper 50s, and if you're headed to the coast, please be careful of the king tides. they are with us today through monday. keep your that's a look at your local forecast. joe, kristen. just ahead, how families are coping with high prices of a life-saving medicine necessary for their children with severe allergs. allergs. >>ie > if you still have symptoms of moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis or active psoriatic arthritis after a tnf blocker like humira or enbrel, rinvoq is different and may help. stand up to your symptoms with rinvoq. rinvoq is a once-daily pill that tackles pain, stiffness, swelling. for some, rinvoq significantly reduces ra and psa fatigue. it can stop further irreversible joint damage. and rinvoq can leave skin clear or almost clear in psa. that's rinvoq relief. rinvoq can lower your ability to fight infections,
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including tb. serious infections and blood clots, some fatal; cancers, including lymphoma and skin cancer; death, heart attack, stroke, and tears in the stomach or intestines occurred. people 50 and older with at least one heart disease risk factor have higher risks. don't take if allergic to rinvoq as serious reactions can occur. tell your doctor if you are or may become pregnant. ask your rheumatologist for rinvoq. rinvoq. make it your mission. learn how abbvie could help you save. and now please welcome ana montoya. ♪ hello there, fellow students... we strip in the community garden. i've been stripping here for years. i strip before take-off. breathe right strips open your nose for relief you can feel right away, helping you take in air more easily, wherever you are. i'm managing my high blood pressure,
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this morning in "your health" high prices family pay for medication that could save their child's life all because of their insurance plan. >> nbc's anne thompson has more on that and what you can do if you're facing a similar situation. >> reporter: like many parents, sometimes life is a blur for megan miri. >> hi. good girl. >> reporter: between her daughter and son, a family on the go even though both have life-threatening food allergies. >> a plan ahead of time. >> reporter: is authority of that plan the epi auto injector? >> sure is. we do not leave home without. >> reporter: they each he's in two packs of epinephrine injectors. one they carry and one for school. a manage expense until 2019. >> i went to the local pharmacy, and she said to me, it's going
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to be $600 each. we changed our insurance and suddenly had a high deductible. it wasn't that the price necessarily changed. it was what we had to pay. >> reporter: a total of $2,400? >> yep. >> reporter: a price shock for more and more families as high deductible insurance plans grow in popularity. >> people don't expect to pay this much when they have health insurance, because they assume insurance will cover the medication. >> reporter: university of michigan's doctor studies epinephrine pricing and found while generics help drive costs down 1 in 13 patients the were still paying more than $200 a year. >> most of these patients were children and most of them were involved in what we call high-deductible health plans. >> their insurance does not cover what are life-saving devices? >> more specifically, their
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insurance plans force them to meet a deductible before any coverage occurs. >> reporter: a structure that the kaiser family foundation's larry leavitts says is creating a crisis of its own. >> we have as much of an affordability crisis for insured people as we have had for uninsured people. in many ways policymakers are catching up to the kind of struggles that the public is having to afford medical care, even when they're insured. >> reporter: in washington, insulin has taken center stage. the inflation reduction act caps the monthly cost for diabetic seniors on medicare, but there has been no such effort for children who need epinephrine. >> i absolutely believe that epinephrine should be available to patients without any cost. >> reporter: so does one of the nation's largest insurers. starting in 2023, united health care will eliminate out of pocket costs for epinephrine, insulin and three other drugs for fully insured members.
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other major health insurers have yet to follow. >> i think it's important for parents to know whether their plans require deductibles and co-insurance for drugs. if they do, then it's quite important for parents to ask the doctors to prescribe the lowest-cost medication. >> reporter: this family found a cheaper option but since refilled in september, prices have gone up again. >> this is not a choice. nothing about this is a choice. >> reporter: paying for what her children can't afford to be without. for "today," anne thompson, nbc news. >> wow. $2,400 for life-saving medication for kids, hard to fathom. >> unbelievable. still ahead, the blockbuster new broadway musical called "& juliet" brings some of this generation, our generation's generation, our generation's biggest pop hits to the stage in trying to control my asthma felt anything but normal. ♪ ♪
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we are really excited about this story. one of the newest shows on broadway is taking a well-known shakespearean play and giving it a musical twist. >> you've heard e "romeo & juliet" it's a jukebox. takes songs you already know and weaves them into a new story. ♪ i got this feeling inside my bones ♪ >> reporter: shares speer is synonymous with tragedy, which is not a word you'd use to describe this. ♪ that sunshine in my pocket i got that good soul in my feet ♪ >> reporter: how much fun do you have every night? >> so much fun. too much at times. [ laughter ] >> i think the show's just joyous. i actually struggle trying to kwum up with a better word than "joyous." >> reporter: in this show tragedy gets a twist. william shakespeare and his wife anne decide to revise "romeo &
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juliet" imagine what would happen if juliet did not die. a new advantager told through familiar music. ♪ it's lie life ♪ >> reporter: the songs are well-known hits from the past 25 years tunes by britney spears. ♪ hit me, baby, one more time ♪ >> reporter: kelly clarkson. ♪ since you've been gone ♪ >> reporter: and more. >> people grooving it their seats and singing along, moving over and singing the words. >> reporter: at times feels more like a concert especially performing to backstreet boys. ♪ every time you can make it right ♪ >> the audience responds as if we were the real backstreet boys. >> reporter: now you know what it feels like to be both backstreet boys and william shakespeare? >> yeah. i think of this show like a pop star simulation for me. >> reporter: in all 30 songs all written by the same guy.
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prolific hitmaker max martin. >> you can really feel people and really feel their reaction to the show. >> reporter: bill sherman is music supervisor charged with tweaking those recognizable tunes with fresh arrangements and orchestration. ♪ i've got the eye of the tiger ♪ >> to sort of a little revisiting an old friend and a little bit of, like, oh, my god, that old friend talks. >> reporter: set in elizabethan times the show's theming are modern. juliet's best friend, mae, questioning gender identity, finding love for the first time. ♪ i like this ♪ >> kind of a character and a story that hasn't been told before yet on a broadway stage. i think that people have been waiting for it ♪ i've got the eye of the tiger ♪ >> reporter: a musical with a beat and a heart pulse. >> you feel better about yourself when you leave the show. >> and it feels great.
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it feels like this is what theater is about. ♪♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> wow! >> amazing the lyrics for these songs, written years ago. fit seamlessly into the plot. they have to kind of make the words work and actually do. moments where you have uh-huh, gosh, works so well with what eich watching. at the mannheim theater in manhattan and all of these songs are in your head right now? >> all of them. playing i was thinking, which is my favorite song and the yt of juliet living, fantastic. the actress who plays it captured it, i think, when sme said they have fun. they just have fun together. it jumps off the screen rnts and you cry a little bit, too. >> it's a must-see. thanks, joe. great stuff. still to come, the female music icons behind the
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still to come on "today," the nfl playoff divisional round kicks off today, and things are getting exciting in philadelphia. george sallese is there. hey, george. >> reporter: good morning, kristen. game day and football fandom at a frenzy. a look at excitement and including here in philadelphia as the tailgates get ready. that's coming up. also renewed gunn access in the wake of the alec baldwin charges. first, these messages. i'm getting vaccinated with prevnar 20®. a pfizer vaccine! so am i. because i'm at risk for pneumococcal pneumonia. i'm asking about prevnar 20® because there's a chance
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with cirkul, you can add some magic to the way you drink water. cirkul's adjustable flavor cartridges keep you in control of the way your water tastes. plus, each sip is so full of flavor, there's no room for sugar or calories. so you can be on top of your hydration. with over 40 flavor options, it's easy for your water to be as unique as you are. try cirkul, available now at walmart. the citi custom cash℠ card automatically adjusts to earn you more cash back in your top eligible spend category. hi. ♪♪ you don't have to keep tabs on rotating categories... this is the only rotating i care about.
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have had cancer, or if you need a vaccine. pres, a rare, potentially fatal brain condition, may be possible. some serious allergic reactions and lung inflammation can occur. feel unstoppable. ask your doctor how lasting remission can start with stelara®. janssen can help you explore cost support options. good morning, thanks for joining us on this saturday,
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january 21st. i'm kira klapper. an east bay neighborhood is quite literally on edge after an entire home shifted off its foundation and slid down a hill. neighbors on orinda street says the house began to shift prompting the family to live. the home had slid about 30 feet down the hill. the house next door is at risk of sliding as well. that neighbor's driveway has started to crumble and collapse. their home is now yellow tagged. >> as of yesterday we're sinking down, it's gotten a little closer to our house, they said that it was happening so quickly. they said we don't know how far it's going. you can't stay here. >> orinda mayor says public works crews are closely monitoring the situation. she's urging neighbors to stay alert and contact the city if they seen any signs of further movement. state leaders are calling for more federal aid to help santa clara county recover from
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storm damage. state senator dave cortez zee and assembly member gayle polorin called on president biden to add santa clara county to the others in the disaster declaration. that would qualify the county for full federal aid, which means more money to pay for cleanup. the request outlines how the federal funds would be used to help people who were flooded or otherwise impacted. speaking of the storms, nice to have a break this week, cinthia pimentel joins us with our weekend forecast. >> good morning, everyone. we've been having some calmer weather, but i don't want that to be a sign that everything is over. we can see some of that storm damage still linger on for a couple more weeks. aside from that, those chilly temperatures out there, right now novato 1 degree above freezing. 33 degrees, and we're only warming up by around 9:00, 10:00 a.m. into the 40s. please bundle up. we're going on a field trip. let's go to the east bay. livermore, 31 degrees.
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we'll warm into the 50s with a mix of sun and clouds. we still have this freeze warning until 9:00 a.m. please be careful of any pets or the pipes outdoors. you know what to do, the three p's, if you want to go to tahoe, looks gorgeous, a little cold out there if you can handle that. coming up at 7:00 a.m., we're going to talk about why we're getting this calmer weather and what's happening across the country to tie all of this together. kira, back to you. >> coming up at 7:00 this morning on "today in the bay" e oakland's police chief placed on administrative leave. the surprising allegations leading to the decision and what's happening as a result today in oakland. we'll av
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good morning. weekend weather woes. millions in the south preparing for a driving rain today that could bring flash flooding and potential for tornadoes, too. before that storm moves up the east coast, expected to drop up to half a foot of snow. we'll have the forecast straight ahead. safety on set. a prosecutor announcing new charges against alec baldwin on the set of the "rust" movie set.
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that accident, never happening again. we'll tell you how. and a face-off in the nfl division's playoffs. will damar hamlin join his team on sidelines for that highly anticipated match against the buffalo bills and the cincinnati bengals? the first game is just hours away, "today," saturday january 21, 2023. >> i'm addie grace. >> and i'm bethany from clinton, mississippi. >> celebratinging our graduation from lee universe on "today." >> hi. i'm tawny. >> i'm sherry. >> besties from oklahoma celebrating or 60th birthday. >> and 22 years of friendship. >> we love you, "today"! 43 years of friendship? that is fantastic. happy birthday. thanks for being friends with us, and part of our family. good morning and welcome back to "today" on this saturday morning. and joe, happy to have you here for peter. >> good to be here for peter who's taking well-deserved time off. >> good day to stay indoors for
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movies and football. >> you're in football. talk more about that in a second. that storm system bringing heavy rain to the south and snow to the northeast. somara is keeping a close eye on all of it. >> good morning. living in gulfport, mobile, panama city, heads up. your severe weather threat is today. could look at possible wind gusts up to 60 miles per hour. then shifts to savannah, tall tallahassee, and back to mobile, montgomery, panama city. pus evening. now at a slight risk. we could see it become more elevated coming into the days ahead, and that could bring several tornadoes. so keep a close eye out for that. here's a look at the timing on
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it all. tonight, actually two parts. two systems here. the system to the south bringing rain into new orleans. also have snow um towards areas like missouri through tonight. look what happens. these storm systems kind of merge there. we get rain into the mid-atlantic. snow into new england and parts of the northeast. for your sunday night. and then that continues into monday morning. into parts of new england. how much rain are we talking about? ah, we could see about two inches in this darker red color from panama city just north of savannah into charleston. however, locally higher amounts are certainly possible where we get heavier rainfall. to the northeast, that's where we're talking snow totals up to six inches possible heading into areas like maine. a lot more to talk about. stick around for that. for now back to you both. >> check back in a few minutes for the rest of the forecast. with that weather coming, as we said, it might be a great day to stay inside and watch some football. the final eight teams are ready to fight it out on the field as they inch closer to that golden ticket.
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the super bowl. nbc's george soliz is following action in philadelphia where my beloved eagles will host the new york giants. george, ice have a countdown clock set. the family's gathered. we're ready for this game. >> reporter: yeah. good morning, kristen. just a few more hours to wait and today is the third matchup between these two rivals, and both times, as you know, phillie has come out on top. fans are excited and optimistic. one of several high-stakes football games happening this weekend. >> reporter: this morning, football fandom is at a fever pitch nationwide. >> all: fly, eagles fly. >> reporter: a weekend of football is under way. >> go buffalo! >> go giants. >> reporter: in philadelphia, it's the battle of the new jersey turnpike. the eagles taking on rival new york giants. >> 31-10, eagles. >> reporter: fans like janel
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hopeful for a second super bowl title a celebration she intends on sharing with her daughter sunny. >> born when we won the super bowl's we consider her our good luck charm. >> reporter: phillie also has ties to today's other big matchup between the jacksonville jaguars and kansas city chiefs. the head coaches are both former eagles coaches. >> very exciting. i mean, we are worried about ourself. >> reporter: a little consequence in philadelphia. kansas city chiefs stronghold deep in phillie territory. >> we don't worry about the eagles so much so. we're passionate. >> reporter: on sunday, the anticipation grows whether or not buffalo bills safety damar hamlin will show up to cheer on his teammates during this rematch against the cincinnati bengals. >> tears if
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that happens. >> reporter: facing a long recovery after going into cardiac arrest during their last meeting. and they may end up spending a pretty penny's seats ranging peen $530 to $3,400, in-person or at home fans eager to see this next jengeration of quarterbacking all in their 20s duke it out on the gridiron. quett remains -- who will win it all? yeah, guys. eagles and giants' fans expected to show up in drones as both are easily within driving distance. kristen you know, here in philly, fandom runs wild. my daughter born in september is already cheering for the birds. there she is right there. guys? >> george, congratulations! she is such a little cutie. just back from fraternity leave and glad you had your priorities
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straight. i had my straight. this is margot, 3 months old. see her there. her hand in her mouth, clearly a nail biter. clearly with a nail biter of a game, george. >> reporter: so cute! >> i want the green bow what i want! >> too precious. >> reporter: maybe next time a matching one to go with it. >> welcome to the world, lillian and welcome back, george. thank you so much. today's playoff action begins right here on nbc. the jacksonville jaguars taking on the kansas city chiefs. coverage starts 3:00 p.m. eastern and stream on peacock as well. and elon musk defending a tweet sent in 2018 prompting tesla investors to file a class action lawsuit. in the tweet the billionaire claimed he lined up financing to take tesla private, but the deal never even came close to happening and investors said that the tweet was misleading. on the stand musk said twitter was "the most democratic way to
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distribute information" he's already paid $40 million in a settlement with security regulators over that tweet. feels like a good time for a weekend "morning boost." >> and green bow boosted us already, the outfit as well. one more. any parent will appreciate this. a utah man let his wife sleep in one morning. got their two daughters ready for school but couldn't find their hair ties. perhaps need add green bow. dad, also an electrician dug, of course, into his toolbox and improvised. >> did daddy do your hair? are those zip ties? >> yes. >> beautiful. last all day. [ laughter ] >> did daddy do your hair? >> yes, yes! those are zip ties in the hair of 4-year-old scout and 2-year-old -- saying her husband thought it would make her laugh. it certainly did.
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it's making kristen laugh right now. turns out the zip ties may not last all day, though, as dad is demonstrating there. a little bit of -- >> that's a real dad move. that is so sweet. a dad improvising. >> definitely experiment with that now. >> oh, gosh. i hope you're not watching, john. still ahead, john letterman in los angeles with a look at changes made on movie and tv sets. josh, hi there. >> reporter: highthere, kristen, tt's ha y'all wayfair has just what you need for your home. is that glitter? this table is on its last leg. y'all need this. you're kelly clarkson! a whole new look for a whole lot less. ahhh! -you're kelly clarkson! i am... and you need this. i love it! are we in a wayfair commercial?
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maybe. personal sauna. ok i need that. ahhhhh! ♪ wayfair, you've got just what i need ♪ who's on it with jardiance? ♪ ♪ we're the ones getting it done. we're managing type 2 diabetes and heart risk. we're on it with jardiance. join the growing number of people who are on it with the once-daily pill, jardiance. jardiance not only lowers a1c, it goes beyond to reduce the risk of cardiovascular death for adults with type 2 diabetes and known heart disease. and jardiance may help you lose some weight. jardiance may cause serious side effects including ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration, (that can lead to sudden worsening of kidney function), and genital yeast or urinary tract infections. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop taking jardiance and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this infection, ketoacidosis or an allergic reaction, and don't take it if you're on dialysis. taking jardiance with a sulfonylurea or insulin
6:41 am
may cause low blood sugar. a once-daily pill that goes beyond lowering a1c? we're on it. we're on it. we're on it with jardiance. ask your doctor about jardiance. hate it when a car freshener hits you with an overwhelming blast of perfume? febreze car vent clips work differently. febreze gives you consistent freshness that starts just right and stays just right for 40 days. upgrade to febreze car. and stays just right for 40 days. ♪ meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow. ♪ ♪ meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow. ♪ still the only one cats ask for by name. ♪ meow, meow. ♪ d now please welcome ana montoya. ♪ hello there, fellow students... ♪ [acoustic soul music throughout] ♪
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♪ [acoustic soul music throughout] ♪ ♪ ♪ [acoustic soul music throughout] ♪ ♪ ♪ whether someone is across the neighborhood, across the street, or across the room, you have the power to make them feel right at home. ♪ ♪ ritz. a taste of welcome. i strip on public transit. i strip with the guys. i strip all by myself. breathe right strips open your nose for relief you can feel right away, helping you take in air more easily, day or night. it's just a new way of life for me. the always discreet pad is super comfortable. it feels like it's barely there. look at how much it holds, and it still stays thin! i've looked at myself in the mirror and i can't see it at all! that's the protection we deserve! okay everyone, our mission is complete balanced nutrition. together we support immune function.
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supply fuel for immune cells and sustain tissue health. ensure with twenty-five vitamins and minerals, and ensure complete with thirty grams of protein. "today's" talk and renewed look at safety onset of movie and tv productions this week after the new mexico prosecutor announced she would be filing involuntary manslaughter charges against alec baldwin for the accidental shooting of halyna hutchins. >> josh lederman is in los angeles with more. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. prosecutors say the charges are intended to send a message gun safety laws apply to earn, including a-list actors and the entire film industry, but that's not stopping this movie from moving forward.
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this morning, despite bombshell criminal charges against alec baldwin, production of the political "rust" is still on track, while hollywood grapples with preventing such an accident from ever happening again. >> this was something that was it was people acting recklessly. >> reporter: prosecutors set to charge baldwin and the film's armorer by manslaughter by end of the month. baldwin's attorney calling it a terrible mischaracter of justice and says he will fight the charges. safety supervisors were brought in, and working weapons and ammo barred from the set. >> somebody brought live rounds, plural, on to the set of the film, and one of them ended up in that gun. >> the gun was in his hand when he pulled the trigger, and that was the main action that killed halyna hutchins. >> reporter: the film and tv
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industry say an actor's job is not to be a weapon's expert. now the film and tv industry is facing a reckoning over safety. >> so a dummy round -- >> my gun safety checks, when the guns come out, are much more vocal. >> reporter: some productions have gotten rid of guns on set altogether, using computerized graphics instead. when real guns are used, industry safety standards say actors should never point them at anyone, as prosecutors allege baldwin did, unless necessary and under close supervision. >> the golden rule. never point a gun at anyone, but on movie, you don't, until we show you that it's safe. >> reporter: after prosecutors filed charges later this month, baldwin will have his first appearance before a judge, possibly virtually. if convicted he could face a mandatory five-year sentence or even as much as 6 1/2 years.
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kristen and joe. >> thank you. fascinating to hear in some cases they're actually using computerized generated graphics. >> you have to wonder if we'll see more of that moving forward with technology constantly improving. >> yes. >> let's check in with somara with another quick check of the weather. >> good morning, everyone. storms rolling through in coming days, two primary components. the snow and the rain. the snow right now has put 3 million people under winte alerts from lamar into dodge city. right on into st. joseph there and even parts of the northeast with a second round of this system bringing snow into parts of new england. so how much snow are we talking here? some of the higher totals range anywhere from four to six inches, from burlington, vermont into bangor, maine. even snow in binghamton, new york and scranton. some of the heaviest rain will be falling from panama city,
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savannah and charleston. where it holds steadier, we good morning, we are giving you a look at the sunrise over downtown san jose. temperatures right now a little bit chilly, and that's what we'll be waking to in lots of parts of the bay area. 34 degrees in san jose, we'll climb into the mid to upper 50s this afternoon. a look at other high temperatures around the bay area, 57 in santa rosa, half moon bay, and in scott valley we've got 55 in hayward and 59 in that's a look at your local forecast. joe, kristen, back to you both. >> thank you for that. still to come, the super bowl commercial previews have already begun, and one of them has a reunion we have been has a reunion we have been waiting a
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we are back on a saturday morning and, joe, you've got "popstart." >> first up gd one. talking about '84 brady." highly anticipated movie now just two weeks away, but the first song off the sound track released friday written by none other than than diane warren and featuring a few of her friends. ♪ it's everybody turns their back on me, you won't ♪ so it's always gonna be you ♪ >> look at that. check out dolly parton sindt lauper, melinda carlisle and gloria estefan. also on the track, debbie laurie though not in the music video.
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'84 brady" four women head to the super bowl to see their hero. the icons keep showing up tied to this movie. goodness. >> talk about women power? i can't wait to see this! >> anything with dolly, i'm all-in. >> right there with you. speaking of the super bowl, how about a first look at one of those super-sized commercials? popcorners, chips, just released easier for its upcoming ad featuring "bracking -- "breaking bad" star aaron paul. ♪♪ >> yo. what's up? >> that was paul as jesse pinkman in classic hazmat suit. wondering who the next seat is for? partner in crime likely will
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take that cease. brian krantzen, bag of chips in hand earlier this month. can't wait to see that crew reunited during super bowl lvii coming up. and it's almost "saturday night" returning from a winter hiatus with a brand new episode featuring first-time host aubrey plaza and musical guest sam smith. >> hi. i'm aubrey plaza and i will be hosts this week with sam smith. >> you're great in"wednesday." >> i wasn't in "wednesday." >> can you at least do the "wednesday" dance? >> no. >> catch "saturday night live" right here on nbc and that is i'm managing my high blood pressure, but i'm still a target for chronic kidney disease. and my type 2 diabetes means i'm also a target. we are targets too. millions have chronic kidney disease
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good morning, i'm kira klapper. coming up next on "today in the bay," a police raid in the south bay, why federal agents are now involved, and neighbors tell us they knew it was only a matter of time before the cops moved in. plus, we'll take you to a pricey east bay neighborhood where two homes are sliding and crumbling down a hillside. we hear from a neighbor whose house is now starting to fall. plus, near freezing temperatures across the bay area as we wake up on this saturday morning, we are under a freeze warning and a coastal flood advisory. cinthia pimentel times out your weekend forecast coming up at 7:00.
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good morning, it is saturday, january 21st, 7:00 as we take a gorgeous look outside, clear skies and a


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