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tv   The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon  NBC  May 2, 2022 11:34pm-12:37am PDT

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finally, stars out for one of fashion's biggest events, met gala in new york city. theme is gilded glamour. kim k. wore marilyn monroe's dress when she sang happy birthday mr. president to jfk. inspiration, the statue of liberty. elon musk with his mother. >> very nice. >> there they are. nice. >> seems to be in headlines every night. >> seems to be having good time there. >> that's it for us on this monday night. have a great day tomorrow. >> bye-bye. [ cheers and applause ♪ >> steve: from studio 6b in rockefeller center in the heart of new york city, it's "the tonight show starring jimmy fallon."
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tonight, join jimmy and his guests - norman reedus, paula pell musical guest, the linda lindas and featuring the legendary rootcrew >> questlove: 1644 >> steve: and now, here he is, jimmy fallon [ cheers and applause ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: oh, my goodness. yes! [ cheers and applause that's what i'm talking about right there. thank you. thank you. please, please welcome, welcome, welcome, welcome to "the tonight show," everybody. thank you for being here that's a crowd [ cheers and applause
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well guys, some good news for president biden. over the past few months his approval rating has gone up by five points to 42% biden was like, "thank god, inflation finally got to me. [ laughter ] even biden was surprised by the results. he triple checked it like an at-home covid test he was like, "this can't be right. this can't be right. honey, look at this. is this right? [ laughter ] i'm not even sure what caused the spike, really. apparently a lot of americans thought, "i like how he handled easter." [ laughter ] it's great news for biden, although it's hard to celebrate when your approval rating skyrockets and it's still only 42% [ laughter ] meanwhile, former president trump was on the campaign trail this weekend and in the ohio senate race, he endorsed j.d. vance, who's running against a guy named josh mandel. i think trump confused the names j.d vance and josh mandel. watch this >> you know, we've endorsed dr. oz we've endorsed j.p., right
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j.d. mandel. and he's doing great [ laughter ] >> jimmy: "great guy, jpmorgan is great can't say enough about jcpenney i don't think you can. we love you j. lo. we love you. [ laughter ] i'm not sure if it's a ringing endorsement when you're like, "i fully support what's his face he's the best. [ laughter ] trump said, even the best leaders make mistakes sometimes like our great president abra-george lincoln-ton. [ laughter and applause you guys see this? over the weekend, house speaker nancy pelosi made a surprise visit to ukraine and met with president zelenskyy. here they are together yeah [ laughter ] can we see that photo again? [ laughter ] looks like a mom and her new trainer. [ laughter and applause right? again, i've said this before why don't politicians ever know what to do with their arms in photos
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just so bizarre. well, the white house correspondent's dinner was on saturday, and congrats to trevor noah and president biden. they both spoke and they did a a great job, very funny, both of them. [ applause ] yup, the dinner is a tradition that goes back decades in fact, i saw a moment from one of those early dinners that kind of caught me by surprise. watch this >> my childhood in abilene, kansas, wasn't easy. i was so ugly, my mother had morning sickness after i was born [ laughter and applause i was so ugly, my mother used to feed me with a slingshot. [ laughter and applause now i drink too much the last time i gave a urine sample, it had an olive in it. thank you. thank you. [ laughter and applause >> jimmy: i didn't see that. i didn't know that have you seen that those jokes? >> steve: wow. >> jimmy: i read a new report that said last year, guys, the fbi searched over three million
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americans' electronic communications without a a warrant. [ audience boos people were like, "you can't invade my privacy like that. but wasn't becky's text to me, like, super weird? [ laughter ] "there was a tone, right there was a tone?" yep, after reading 3 million texts and emails, the fbi learned that the only thing harder than planning an attack is planning brunch [ laughter ] "i can't make it that weekend. some business news, spirit airlines has rejected jet blue's offer to buy them and will merge with frontier airlines instead [ audience oohs that's crazy picking frontier over jet blue is like deciding to fly frontier over jet blue you know what i'm saying [ laughter ] imagine getting turned down by spirit airlines. [ laughter ] like getting a rejection letter from the university of phoenix [ laughter and applause get this
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i heard that in inflation is causing the cost of summer camp to drastically increase. yep, right now a lot of parents are looking at high prices like, "camp ipad it is here we go." and finally, this is cool. over the weekend at a track meet in philadelphia, a 100-year-old man ran the 100 meter dash it's exciting although when he started the race he was 98 [ laughter and applause sadly, he was disqualified after testing positive for every medication [ laughter and applause but what a moment, after he finished, his friends dumped a a cooler of ensure over his head it was a great moment. congratulations to him [ cheers and applause guys, this is exciting i'm about to bring out a very special guest. he's a groundbreaking digital artist whose works have sold for over $100 million. he's currently working on a project called "everydays" where he's been making one piece of digital art every single day and yesterday marks the 15th anniversary of when he first started. here to talk about it, give it up for beeple, ladies and
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gentlemen. [ cheers and applause ♪ >> jimmy: nice to see you. beeple thank you for being here >> thank you for having me >> jimmy: i want to talk to you about "everydays." this project "everydays. yesterday was the 15th anniversary of it. >> yup >> jimmy: when you first started it what was your goal when you started this 15 years ago? >> yeah, it started on may 1st, 2007. so, it's been a sec here but i just wanted to get better and i started out doing drawings and they were not very good and i wanted to get better at it and that's why i'm still doing it today i still really want to get better >> jimmy: we have your first one. >> okay. >> jimmy: this is your first one that you've done there >> see, there you go you can see where i want to improve. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: yeah i think that's fine. i mean, that's that. but then here's the one you did yesterday. [ audience oohs >> slightly better >> jimmy: well see, look at the reaction from the audience [ cheers and applause you go from uber jay uber jay, by the way, was that your uncle >> uncle jim, yeah
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>> jimmy: that's uncle jim >> he's done some air time here >> jimmy: yeah, he has some air time here. but, yeah, you have been getting better and doing crazier stuff. well, you haven't made today's drawing yet. >> i have not. >> jimmy: and this is an idea that we had last time we saw each other and i go, "can we pull this off? tonight you're going to create it for us during the show. >> yep [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: now, how does this work how can we help? do you have a screen what do you have a light pen? >> so, i do have a computer back there and i start from scratch, you say. but what i do have is i have a a 3d model of your head -- >> jimmy: oh, no >> -- that was made for me by my buddy raf >> jimmy: do i know raf? >> raf grassetti >> jimmy: is raf a fan of mine >> he's a fan. he's a fan [ laughter ] >> jimmy: okay, good okay, good >> and so we got a 3d model and we got all these different sort of like objects we can use to kind of like fill out the scene. >> jimmy: okay >> it's kind of like having a bunch of toys that we can place to make a picture. so, i was actually looking for you to kind of, like, come up with some sort of, like, suggestions of what you think
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the picture should be today. >> jimmy: well, it's "the tonight show." we make a lot of people laugh. >> okay. >> jimmy: also a lot of people fall asleep to our show. [ light laughter ] >> okay, we'll see if we can put that in with the picture >> jimmy: our logo is the moon, the "tonight show" moon. so, you can do something on the moon, maybe. >> moon, people sleeping, laughing [ laughter ] >> jimmy: that kind of sums up our show >> your face >> jimmy: yeah >> your face >> jimmy: my face. yeah, it kind of sums up my face yeah yeah, or anything like that. and also it's spring anything else? flowers? >> shout out things. >> flowers >> flowers okay [ audience shouts >> jimmy: did you say mace no, mace [ laughter ] what is that >> the roots >> jester. a jester >> jimmy: a jester >> jester, okay. cherry blossoms. a jester we've got a couple things to work with. >> jimmy: yeah, we got some things to work with here >> a couple things >> jimmy: so, when you do this, how long does it normally take >> it usually takes about two hours. >> jimmy: okay, we do not have that tonight >> we do not have two hours. >> jimmy: no
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>> we do not have two hours. >> jimmy: so you're going to go get in there we're going to be checking in. >> we're gonna go. >> jimmy: okay, you have a a room if you need anything from me, let me know. >> okay. we got it? >> jimmy: beeple right there good luck. all right, beeple's going off. go, go, go we're going to check in with him throughout the show and see how he's doing and then at the end of the show, we're going to unveil beeple's latest "everydays" piece. [ cheers and applause can't wait to see what he comes up with. we do have a great show tonight. norman reedus is here, ladies and gentlemen. [ cheers and applause the very funny paula pell is here [ cheers and applause and we got great music from the linda lindas oh, yeah [ cheers and applause stick around when we come back, we're free styling with the roots [ cheers and applause ♪ ♪ she loves the color yellow is her favorite thing is pin yes do better ♪ ♪ ♪ everybody o the roots show how t
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know freestylin with the roots with drew barrymore ♪ (grandmother) thank you for taking me home. it's so far. (young woman) don't worry about it, grandma! this'll be fun. (young woman) two chocolate milkshakes, please. (grandmother) make it three. (young woman) three? (grandmother) did you get his number? (young woman) no, grandma! grandma!! (grandmother) excuse me! (young woman vo) some relationships get better with time. that's why i got a crosstrek. (avo) ninety-six percent of subaru vehicles sold in the last ten years are still on the road. (grandmother) i'm so glad you got a subaru. (young woman) i wonder who gave me the idea? (avo) love. it's what makes subaru, subaru. we make sit-down chicken... ...stand-up chicken... backyard chicken... ...oops chicken... ...lots-a-time chicken... chicken. if there's one thing we know, it's chicken, chicken and chicken. more choices. more wow. more to love. tyson.
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[ sleep app ] and the end. you have now reached the end of the sleep app. you're the first person to actually do that. now i want to say congratulations, but it's also disappointing. what do you mean? that's it? i've got nothing left. hey if i were you, i'd try warm milk. enough out of you! hi! oh go.. is this really helping? good days start with good nights, so you may want to talk to your doctor about both. [ sleep app ] i'm still here. oh boy. ♪ ♪ for those, who love peanut butter and those, who want to get married to peanut butter i now pronounce you, weird so much peanut butter! if you're washing with the bargain brand, even when your clothes look clean, there's extra dirt you can't see. watch this. that was in these clothes... ugh.
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but the clothes washed in tide- so much cleaner. if it's got to be clean it's got to be tide hygienic clean. ♪ girl you know it's been way too long ♪ ♪ i got to get back in my zone ♪ ♪ ooh wee ♪ ♪ hey ♪ ♪ hey ♪
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♪ alright ♪ ♪ come on ♪ ♪ come on ♪ ♪ 3... 2... 1... ♪ ♪ you know i'm feeling too good to be cooped up ♪ [ music stops ] ♪ hey ladies, don't we look good? ♪ ♪ we came to have a good time baby ♪ ♪ said i'm feeling too good to be cooped up ♪ ♪ me and all of my girls gonna tear it up ♪ what's it like having xfinity internet? it's beyond gig-speed fast. so gaming with your niece, has never felt more intense. hey what does this button do? no, don't! we're talking supersonic wi-fi. three times the bandwidth and the power to connect hundreds of devices at once. that's powerful. couldn't said it better myself. you just did. unbeatable internet from xfinity. made to do anything so you can do anything. whoa. ♪ [ cheers and applause
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>> jimmy: welcome back, everybody. what a show we have for you tonight. his new novel, "the ravaged," comes out may 10th norman reedus is here tonight. [ cheers and applause that's what i'm talking about. plus, you can see her in the new season of "girls5eva" which premieres may 5th on peacock paula pell is here tonight [ cheers and applause gosh, i love paula pell. and we have great music. they are a punk rock band from los angeles. the drummer, by the way, is 11 years old she's the youngest musical guest we've will had on "the tonight show." a little -- little history right here [ cheers and applause the linda lindas are here tonight. [ cheers and applause they're great. hey guys, i always say that our show is lucky to have the greatest band in late night, the roots right there from philadelphia, pennsylvania [ cheers and applause but it isn't always fun and games. from time to time we put the roots to the test.
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we're going to pick three people from our audience and have the roots make up songs about them on the spot could be you it's time for "freestylin' with the roots. here we go ♪ time to freestyle with the roots ♪ >> jimmy: hey, roots you ready to do this let's pick someone raise your hand if you want the roots to write a song about you. how about you right there in the front. okay, what is your name, and where are you from >> my name is marissa, and i'm from winston salem, north carolina [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: marissa from winston salem, north carolina. marissa, prom season's coming up you know, when you were in high school, what did you want to be when you grew up >> i wanted to be a teacher. >> jimmy: yes. we need teachers we love teachers if you can go back in time and warn yourself about something, what would it be
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>> oh, my gosh don't date him [ laughter ] ♪ >> jimmy: don't date him and that's it. you just come out of a closet and you go, "i know this is awkward. don't date him." and then leave and go back to the dimension. all right. i got you. roots, we have our pal, marissa. she's from winston salem, north carolina when she grew up, she wanted to be a teacher and if she could look back and go back in time and warn herself about something, she would say, "don't date him." roots, my man harry styles' song "as it was" is still number one at the charts [ applause ] for this one, can we do something with a harry styles type of vibe >> tariq: it's like "take on me." that, like the - ♪
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♪ marissa's alway be my number ♪ ♪ one we dreamed of being teachers i winston salem ♪ ♪ that's where we are fro if we could just go ♪ ♪ back in tim and warn marissa when she was young ♪ ♪ we'd say hey girl don't date him ♪ ♪ don't date hi no way frien don't date ♪ [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: thank you very much. how about someone from this side, over right - anyone over on this side right behind you right behind you yes, that's perfect. hello. >> hi. >> jimmy: what is your name? >> diana >> jimmy: hi, diana. diana, this sunday is mother's day. if you could get your mom anything in the world, what would you get her? >> chocolate >> jimmy: she loves chocolate, huh? >> yes >> jimmy: and what are you actually planning to get your mom. >> flowers >> jimmy: there you go [ laughter ] there you go
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she would want chocolate, but you're going to get her flowers. all right, roots, we have diana. and if they can get their mom anything in the world, it would be chocolate, of course. and that's why they're planning on getting her flowers for this next one, everyone's talking about the new "barbie" movie. i saw the picture of margot robbie is playing barbie can we do something with that "barbie girl" -- that "barbie girl" energy. >> tariq: oh, god. that song? ♪ ♪ diana is her name she won't be the same ♪ ♪ though after sunday it's your mum's day ♪ ♪ what you're getting her is not what she deserves ♪ ♪ a chocolate fun day because you're getting her flowers ♪ ♪ you can do chocolat getting her flowers ♪ ♪ you can do chocolat getting her flowers ♪
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♪ you can do chocolate ♪ >> tariq: you should go with the chocolate. [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: wow. that was great let's do one more. who wants to go? who wants to go? right there with the floral -- yeah that's perfect, yeah hello. she can stand up what is your name, and where are you from >> my name is -- [ cheers and applause -- daisy >> jimmy: okay daisy. daisy, where are you from, daisy? >> originally california >> jimmy: okay, yeah [ cheers and applause daisy, what do you do for a living >> well, a little of this and a little of that >> jimmy: yeah, yeah, yeah, okay a little -- a little bit of this and a little bit of that. okay well, daisy, spring is here. what is your go-to spring fashion? >> fanny packs [ laughter ]
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i think they're good for the whole year >> jimmy: yeah, you could pull them off the whole year. >> they're 365 >> jimmy: 365. >> perennial >> jimmy: is there one fashion trend that you can never pull off? >> i don't think i like myself in a pair of bike shorts i want to look good in them. i know they're back on trend, but gosh i -- >> jimmy: i think you can pull off anything in fact, can you pull off your mask a little bit? just so i can see who -- [ cheers and applause ♪ that's exactly right that's drew barrymore right there. oh, that's drew barrymore -- >> thank you >> jimmy: welcome. welcome, welcome to the show >> oh, thank you so much >> jimmy: yeah, you know i love you. >> you know, i really love the color yellow for springtime.
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>> jimmy: i know you do. i love you i know, i know >> yeah, i love yellow for springtime >> jimmy: roots, we have our pal, daisy, here >> i love you guys by the way, how amazing -- [ cheers and applause is jimmy and the roots and chris miller, my brother, everyone i love being here so much! >> jimmy: i love you, come on! >> thank you so much for allowing me to crash the party >> jimmy: we're going to give you a song with this, okay roots? we have drew or daisy, whoever you want what does she do she does a little bit of this. she does a little bit of that. she's ready to groove. [ cheers and applause what's her go-to spring fashion? it's fanny packs and one trend she can never pull off, bike shorts. for this one, since elon musk just bought twitter, can we do something in the thing of like a tweet, tweet, like a "rockin' robin" type of jam >> oh, yeah. ♪ ♪ oh hot damn daisy goes crazy she's a californian ♪
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♪ she does this and tha and she goes here and there ♪ ♪ but she rocks a fanny pac any time of the year ♪ ♪ never biker she doesn't like u not at all ♪ ♪ she loves the color yello and her favorite thing is spring ♪ ♪ yes drew barrymor is from california ♪ ♪ and the color's red but ther they call it gold ♪ ♪ everybody on a rude sho ought to know ♪ ♪ freestylin' with the root with drew barrymor oh yeah ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: oh, that's great, right there. my thanks -- to our audience thanks to the roots. we'll be right back with norman reedus. ♪
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we really had our hands full with our two-year-old. yeah, so naturally, we doubled down with a new puppy. sure, they're twice as cute together, but now we've got double the stains and double the odors. thankfully, we also have new tide ultra-oxi with odor eliminators. it can handle double trouble, because it's the #1 stain fighter. and the #1 odor remover. i thought you guys were helping! for the #1 stain fighter and odor remover, it's got to be tide. mmm. these new cheez-it puff'd are so cheesy, airy, and puffy. how'd you do it? with the puffderizer 5000, anything can be craveably puffy. [puffderizer 5000 shoots]
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[laughs] new cheez-it puff'd. defy your cheezpectations. ♪ i stand alone ♪ ♪ and the fire in the sky ♪ ♪♪ ♪ wait and see ♪ ♪ shadow down ♪ ♪ fall into line ♪ ♪ you're out of time ♪
12:00 am
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chills, or other signs of infection,... liver or kidney problems, are or plan to become pregnant, or are breastfeeding. for more information about side effects talk to your doctor. be in your moment. fantastic! ask your doctor about ibrance. ♪ >> jimmy: welcome back should we check in with beeple really quick and just see is he at work? beeple, are you -- can you -- yeah, you're at work can you give us taste of what it is, or not really >> uh, i an give you a taste i don't if you want a taste -- >> jimmy: all right, maybe i don't want a taste right now all right hold on. let's just go. i'll start the show. here we go our first guest is a talented actor who you know from his 11 season run on "the walking dead." that's right [ cheers and applause
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he wrote a new novel called "the ravaged" which comes out may 10th please welcome our pal, norman reedus, ladies and gentlemen. [ cheers and applause ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause p >> jimmy: norman reedus, welcome my friend. that's right, please that's got to feel good. a little standing ovation for you, buddy welcome back you know this your tenth appearance on our show >> yeah, i was joking -- trying to pick a shirt to wear. i had on a shirt and i was like, "i think i've worn this on the show. five times i had an emergenct change >> jimmy: yeah, well you look good in whatever you wear, bud i want to congratulate you on the book look at this right here, come on "the ravaged." [ cheers and applause you know what? i was going to ask you, because
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we've been -- i've asked you every single question, but you've been in a bunch of music videos with some major people. i mean, like, keith richards, lady gaga -- i love that one bjork -- >> bjork, radiohead, orville peck yeah, whole bunch of them. >> jimmy: do they come to you, or do you find them? how do you get in all these cool music videos? >> you know when i first -- i lived in downtown l.a. where nobody lived down there. and they kind of all new each other -- all these directors and they kind of past me around so i did a bunch of them, but -- >> jimmy: like what was keith richards like? >> keith was cool. he kind of singled me out. he goes, "come with me," to his trailer. and i was like, "oh, my god. it's keith richards. [ light laughter ] and i am sort of sitting on a sofa like that, and somebody is doing his hair. and he goes, "norman, you know how i got this haircut?" and i go, "no. and he goes, "my mom gave me money as a kid to get a haircut, and i kept the money and cut it myself. and it's been like this ever since. and i was like, "i love you. >> jimmy: that's a rad keith richards story >> yeah, yeah. >> jimmy: i want to talk about "the walking dead. i know you just finished
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filming the final episode. [ cheers and applause they're going to air this fall how was it the last day on set was it emotional >> yeah. there was a lot of drinking. there was confetti cannons >> jimmy: confetti cannons are good, yeah >> they hand me the mic. i don't know, it sort of felt surreal. and then a friend of my mine, jess, he taught me a phrase. "is the juice worth the squeeze? and i love that phrase and i kind of said it to the group. i was like, you know, "'the walking dead' juice has always been worth the squeeze." and i realized how perverted that sounds. you know what i mean >> jimmy: "is the juice worth the squeeze? that's a lot of work to do these shows. >> oh, my god, it's a ton. >> jimmy: and you've been on for was it, 11 seasons now >> 11 seasons, 12 years. [ cheers and applause yeah, you know, this last season, too, was a full year, which was exhausting >> jimmy: yeah
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>> and you're in the woods and you're crying, and you're killing, and you're screaming, and fighting you know, you've seen the show >> jimmy: exactly. >> it's not "succession" where you're, like, on a yacht having caviar you know, we're eating squirrels and killing each other. >> jimmy: that would be a little disappointing >> "succession" call me, by the way. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: this is you hear on your first episode when daryl -- [ cheers and applause --you survived. it's also been announced that you're going to have a spinoff series >> series. do you know anything about that do you have any details? you know, it was originally carol and i -- melissa mcbride and i. >> jimmy: yeah >> and she's taking time off like, you know, 12 years is a grueling schedule, and she wanted to take some time off so, she's doing that and she deserves it. and they kind of came to me -- i imagine those characters are going to meet back up at some point. and i might even meet up with some other characters down the road [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: all right. they're good
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>> but, she's taking time off. in the meantime, they're like, "hey, do you want to go on a a mission? and i'm like, "yeah. >> jimmy: "yeah, let's do it." speaking of going on a mission, congrats on this novel, bud. >> awe, thanks [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: this is a real book. i mean, this is a real novel this is like -- i put out kids books. [ light laughter ] this is my book. it's like that that's my book there and this is -- look. it's almost the same thickness really if you think about it yeah, that's yours >> i'm stealing yours on the way out. >> jimmy: yeah what made you want to write a book >> you know, i've been approached a couple times about writing books about my life. but i don't want to get beat up, so i'm not going to do that maybe later on down the road >> jimmy: you have too many stories. >> i don't want people knocking on my door but, you know, i have a production company, so i'm always looking for stories to make into tv shows or whatever and i took a bunch of different stories.
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and they all kind of have the same theme of finding family along -- you know, along the road, in, like, the weirdest places kind of like "walking dead" i guess in a way in hindsight. but there's a friend of mine who used a hop trains. i kind of took his story, and i created that i was shooting "ride," and i was on an airplane coming from uruguay to costa rica. >> jimmy: i love "ride." >> yeah, it's fun. and we're about to start another one. keanu and i are doing utah >> jimmy: no way >> yeah, next week but anyway, i'm sitting next to this businessman on a plane, and i'm covered in dirt. and i smell really bad and i have a backpack at my feet, and sand is coming out of it and people are coming by, going, "can i get a picture -- an autograph," or whatever he goes, "who are you? i said, "i'm on a tv show. that's what that's about." and he starts talking to me, and he runs one of the largest fortune 500 companies in the world. i don't ask me which one but he had a series of events happen, and he found himself
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kind of out in the world traveling. so, i go, "you should go to chile. he'd be like, "yeah, okay. he was bouncing around trying to find himself kind of. and he's looking at me with tears in his eyes, and he's like, "i spent my whole life making money i've wasted my whole life. and it just hit me, and i sort of ran with the story sort of based on that. a whole bunch of different things >> jimmy: that's the best. take those stories and make it into a nice novel. congratulations on this. it's a great book. norman reedus everybody. check out "the ravaged," which is available on may 10th [ cheers and applause we will be right back with paula pell stick around may 10th [ cheers and applause ♪ ♪ limu emu ♪ and doug. ♪ harp plays ♪ only two things are forever: love and liberty mutual customizing your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. (emu squawks)
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if anyone objects to this marriage, speak now or forever hold your peace. (emu squawks) (the crowd gasps) no, kevin, no! not today. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ ever leave your clothes in the dryer and find a wrinkled mess? try downy wrinkle guard fabric softener! wrinkle guard penetrates deep into fibers, leaving clothes so soft, wrinkles don't want to stick around. make mornings smoother with downy wrinkle guard fabric softener. ♪prodigies♪ ♪party♪ ♪lobby♪ ♪join us♪ ♪sorry♪ ♪i'm dazzling, shining 24/7♪ ♪clouds rolling♪ ♪is this heaven?♪
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[ cheers and applause >> jimmy: our next guest is an emmy-winning writer, and a very funny actor you can see in the new season of "girls5eva" which premieres may 5th on peacock everyone please welcome paula pell [ cheers and applause ♪ ♪ >> jimmy: wow. you look - >> who paid you? >> jimmy: all right, paula we've been friends for a long time, and i always love having you on the show. >> i love it >> jimmy: you did one bit when we were on the zoom shows, and thank you for being a guest, where you fake froze on the screen >> yep >> jimmy: and honestly, i didn't see it done before, and i take all of your bits and i do them.
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i try to give you credit for all the time i take them >> and i'm sure you do them better than me >> jimmy: no, i do not but can you show everyone what it's like to do a freeze >> yeah. >> jimmy: like, what camera would be best? >> this one here camera one okay, yes. here we go how was your spring? any summer - >> it was good, jimmy. i mean, you know, we're in quarantine and everything, but i've been trying to learn guitar and i've been trying to do a a little more singing. so, i -- [ laughter and applause [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: that's exactly - that's exactly right that's how you do it that's exactly right [ cheers and applause that is how you do it. that is a pro. thank you for doing that how many bits have we done together through out the years >> we have done so many bits and you know, we used to do bits on "snl" because we didn't know what we were going to write.
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or we were writing something that was not going well. >> jimmy: do you remember the one we used to do a bit where we would say something -- we would get fake mad at each other, and say the worst thing you could ever say to someone, and then we would leave and slam the door. and then you have to sheepishly come back in, and get your keys >> yeah, i'm going to show you right now. you've all done it when you've had a fight with your spouse, or a family member you really have a good exit. you really, really leave on a good note of, like, you're dead to me and then you have to come back in for something so, here it is >> jimmy: all right. >> you know what, jimmy. i'm really sick of your pretty boy, charm box, bull crap, okay >> jimmy: really >> no, i'm sick of it. i have put on a fake smile all these years with you, and i am done i am done with you i'm -- i'm out of here i'm out of here! >> jimmy: okay all right. gosh >> is this the exit? i am done. i don't ever want to see you again.
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>> jimmy: okay that was weird [ light laughter ] >> i forgot my phone >> jimmy: yeah, you forgot your phone. >> and this time that i was gone, i thought about things [ laughter ] and i'm sorry. [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: yeah, okay >> i -- i'm sorry. i've had three coffees i'm a little constipated i am jacked up i'm sorry that i went there. okay, i'm sorry. i forgive you. >> jimmy: yeah - [ laughter ] -- forgive me >> yeah. >> jimmy: forgive me i should forgive you >> forgive me? >> jimmy: yeah, oh, yeah forgive you for being the biggest loser that's ever been on my show, ever >> that's spit >> jimmy: yeah, it is spit i spit right there and geuss what you're husbands cheating on you, you idiot [ audience oohs >> well tell my lesbian wife that
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[ light laughter ] >> jimmy: hi >> hi. >> jimmy: i just forgot i have to finsih -- finish hosting the show [ light laughter ] and i had some time to think about what i said. that was silly of me that was out of line i don't know what i even was saying and i forgive you. >> i forgive you [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: end scene. and that's a scene [ cheers and applause "tell my lesbian wife that." >> "tell my lesbian wife that. [ laughter ] sorry, mom it's the first she's heard of it >> jimmy: oh, wow. [ laughter ]
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paula, let's talk about -- >> this is the good view for -- this is good angle, right? for talk show? >> jimmy: let's talk about "girls5eva." >> okay, let's talk about "girls5eva." >> jimmy: "girls5eva" it's on peacock. >> it's such a fun show. >> jimmy: it is a fun show it is a musical show basically it's a girl group from the 90's that reunite >> yeah. >> jimmy: and they are underdogs. >> yep, we were a one hit wonder, and then a rapper sampled one of songs probably the only hit we ever had. >> jimmy: yeah >> and so we're trying to -- you know, we're really underdogs. we're trying to get it back, and we storm the stage at the end of last season at jingle ball and so we ended up with a record deal. which is very exciting so this season is all about album mode we're making a record, but it is with property records which is owned by the property brothers [ laughter ] >> jimmy: yeah >> a little low end. >> jimmy: no, but everyone's -- people are doing a lot things these days >> yes >> jimmy: so the property brothers have a record label >> yes and it's not low end because of the property
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brothers being low end because they're fabulous but i watch them all the time. but they haven't been in the music industry music space as they call it. is that what they call it the roots? >> jimmy: do they show up in the season can we say >> they show up some in this season, and we have a lot of fun guest stars. and there's a lot of funny songs this season. and there's also -- this summer before we shot, i acutally had my knee replacement that i got five years ago i got two knee replacements, and one of them collapsed. and so i had to get another knee replacement so they wrote that into the show so there's a whole element at the beginning of the season where i hurt my knee in a very comedy way that you will enjoy >> jimmy: i want to show eveyrone a clip. here's paula pell in the new season of "girls5eva." >> and this is after i'm trying to medicate my knee when i first got it done, but still trying to keep our album mode and our promotion. >> jimmy: very medicated, paula pell
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>> my guests today are mounting a comeback you may remember them as the first women to wear thong, thong, thong, thong, thongs to the white house. welcome girls5eva. how you feeling today, ladies. >> blessed >> very. >> amazing >> god-like. [ laughter ] >> god-like. >> okay. now, i hear you are about to go back into the studio to record your first album since "2k01." now is that accurate >> absolutely, nathan. we start next week, and we're just super excited - >> i love new york i like to eat burgers and look at the skyline >> yes, and we're hungry to get back at it right ladies >> absolutely. >> yum, yum, jum jum [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: paula pell, everybody. the new season of "girls5eva" premiers may 5th on peacock. we'll be right back with a a performance from the linda linda's. stick around everybody [ cheers and applause ♪
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♪ [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: performing "oh!" from their new album "growing up," please welcome the linda lindas [ cheers and applause >> one, two -- one, two, three, four -- ♪ ♪ oh, when i say somethin i wish i had shut up oh and when i try to help ♪ ♪ i always screw things u oh the places that feel right they never last too long ♪ ♪ o and when i think of things
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they always turn out wrong oh ♪ ♪ o oh oh but when i say something ♪ ♪ nobody backs me u oh when i try by myself i'ma mess it up ♪ ♪ o oh, when the say somethin you always suck it up ♪ ♪ o and when i try to help it never is enough oh ♪ ♪ o oh oh what can i do ♪ ♪ what can i do what can i say what can i say what can i do ♪ ♪ what can i do nothing change it's all the sam what can i do ♪ ♪ what can i do what can i say what can i say what can i do ♪ ♪ what can i do nothing change it's all the sam why do i say something ♪
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♪ say anything at all oh it seems that when i try i always take the fall ♪ ♪ o but when i don't speak u there's nothing but regret oh ♪ ♪ i can't stop thinking o what could'v happened nex oh ♪ ♪ o oh oh what can i do ♪ ♪ what can i do what can i say what can i say what can i do ♪ ♪ what can i do nothing change it's all the sam what can i do ♪ ♪ what can i do what can i say what can i say what can i do ♪ ♪ what can i do nothing change it's all the sam oh ♪ ♪ o oh oh oh ♪
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♪ o oh oh oh ♪ ♪ oh ♪ [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: the linda lindas "growing up" is out now. we'll be right back, everybody [ cheers and applause ♪
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♪ [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: welcome back, everybody. we're joined by one of the most innovative digital artists out
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there, beeple right here now, during the show, you made a brand-new piece of digital art for us how did it go, by the way? >> well. >> jimmy: uh-oh. >> it's usually a little quicker than i'm used to working. i haven't done that many pieces on "the tonight show," so this is definitely a little new for me [ talking over each other >> jimmy: i don't think anyone's ever done this on television before, to made a a brand-new piece of art during the show so, thank you for doing this >> no, no -- >> jimmy: now, what are you going to call this piece >> i don't know. i'm going to be honest, i just made it literally, like, ten minutes ago. >> jimmy: oh, yeah so, think about the name >> we'll think about the name. >> jimmy: now before - >> any suggestions - >> jimmy: -- we pull this off and reveal arewe going to be friends after this [ laughter ] >> i think we will, but i wil -- would like to point out, you are the one who said people sleep through the show. i did not say that >> jimmy: no, no, they eventually, they go to sleep >> okay, okay. potato, potato it's what it is. >> jimmy: eventually, yeah all right. here we go it is time for the big reaveal
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in honor of the 15th anniversary of his "everyday" series, here's beeple's latest piece titled -- "late night sleep. i have no idea [ cheers and applause ♪ >> you got the people -- that's the people sleeping and -- >> jimmy: hopefully they're sleeping >> they're sleepin - >> jimmy: oh, my god, a giant head dude, this is wild you've got the moon in there, though >> we got the moon we got the cherry blossoms >> jimmy: you got the cherry blossoms >> people sleeping >> jimmy: this is what people wanted >> you're smiling. >> jimmy: i am smiling i love this. beeple, this is a work of art. [ cheers and applause ♪ congratulations. i can't wait to see what you do in the next 15 years there's beeple right there beeple my thanks to norman reedus, paula pell, the linda lindas beeple once again. i love it. [ cheers and applause and the roots over there from philadelphia, pennsylvania thank you for watching
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stay tuned for "late night with seth meyers. good night, everybody. [ cheers and applause ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause ♪ >> announcer: from 30 rockefeller plaza in new york, it's "late night with seth meyers." tonight -- laura linney, star of "candy," actress melanie lynskey, cooking with food network's geoffrey zakarian. featuring the 8g band with kristina schiano ♪ [ cheers and applause and now, seth meyers [ cheers and applause >> seth: good evening. i'm seth meyers. this is "late night. we hope you're all doing well tonight. and now, if you don't mind, i'm going to get to the news during his remarks at saturday's white house correspondents' dinner, president biden said, quote, "american democracy is not a reality show."


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