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tv   The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon  NBC  April 25, 2022 11:34pm-12:37am PDT

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unloading groceries. this is a video of a man walking down the street holding a carrier that police suspect has brandon inside. >> here is a closer look at the suspect, police describe him as a hispanic man with dark complexion and short hair wearing a black face mask. along with lack pants and a dark blue shirt and also gray air jordans with white trim and a great baseball cap. a unspecified cash reward is being offered. 911 of course but with any information you are urged to call is jp. >> if you know anything, call that number and get the baby home. ♪ >> steve: from studio 6b in rockefeller center in the heart of new york city, it's "the tonight show starring jimmy fallon."
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tonight, join jimmy and his guests - chrissy teigen cristin milioti, musical guest, soccer mommy. and featuring the legendy roots crew >> questlove: 1639 >> steve: and now, here he is, jimmy fallon [ cheers and applause ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: oh wow that feels right that feels right thank you very much. enjoy yourself welcome, everybody welcome, welcome to "the tonight show." you're here. you made it. thank you for watching at home [ cheers and applause i appreciate it.
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well, guys, everyone's talking about this today elon musk bought twitter for $44 billion. yep. he now owns spacex and twitter [ light laughter ] it's like musk is thinking, i've seen the heavens, now on to hell. [ laughter ] twitter's an odd thing to buy. you know, it's like buying youtube and saying, "forget the videos i'm just here for the mean comments." [ laughter ] that's right the richest man in the world bought twitter right now bernie sanders is so mad he just turned into the hulk [ laughter ] yeah, musk has said that he's pro free speech, so a lot of people think that he'll let former president trump back on the platform [ audience groans yeah, not exactly what we meant when we asked for a return to pre-pandemic vibes [ light laughter ] but when it heard, the caps lock key on trump's phone was like, "i'm back, baby. [ laughter ] but listen to this, today trump told fox news that he will not return to twitter and will instead join his own platform, truth social
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[ light laughter ] wait, so not even trump is on truth social yet that is -- it's his app. [ laughter ] he's not on his own app? if you're keeping track, twitter and truth social are like the four seasons and four seasons total landscaping. [ laughter ] that's right trump's not giving up on truth social but at a rally this weekend, he somehow managed to mess up the name of his own platform take a look at this. >> because of this digital tyranny, we had to give the american people their voice back by building something called, troth -- truth sential truth social [ laughter ] >> jimmy: "tough socials." [ laughter ] "trout chapel. "thor ragnarok." [ laughter ] sadly even trout central has more users than truth social it's interesting [ laughter ] let's switch gears over the past couple weeks
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there's been a rise in covid cases, and the white house is calling for caution but not overreacting even the cdc was like, "what the hell does that mean? [ laughter ] you know it's really bad when elon musk tries to buy clorox wipes. [ laughter ] some more news from the white house. today, the tampa bay lightning visited president biden to celebrate their last two stanley cup championships. yep. [ cheers and applause biden said he's not a big lightning fan, but his childhood friend, ben franklin, is [ laughter ] well, hey, get this. chippendales has hired a a lobbyist to help them get federal covid aid. [ light laughter ] yeah, they'll receive their money, but they're just going to get it like this. [ laughter ] some more business news, i read that the owners of jcpenny have offered to buy kohl's for $8.6 billion
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meanwhile, best buy is calling up radioshack like, "you up. [ laughter ] and finally a hiker in washington had to call the fire department to rescue her after she dropped her phone in an out house toilet and got stuck head first trying to get it out [ laughter ] [ audience groans it's actually hard for her to get in touch with the fire department because she had such crappy service [ laughter ] firefighters were like, "there's no fire, but you'd better bring the hose. [ laughter ] guys, i know a lot of people find math boring that's why we've updated math to make equations be about stuff you can relate to. it's time for "popular mathematics. [ cheers and applause ♪ ♪ popular mathematic mathematics ♪ >> jimmy: let's take a look at our first equation here. if you take a checkmark, plus a dad bod, it equals the nike logo [ laughter and applause see what i'm saying?
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so then if you take a streaming service, plus the movie "gone in 60 seconds," it equals cnn plus [ laughter and applause it makes people like math again. here's another one mexican culture, plus italian culture, plus a middle finger, equals taco bell's mexican pizza. [ laughter and applause i'm still going to try it. i'm still going to try it, and i'll probably like it. if you take an old school camera, plus shooting the whole roll of film, plus forgetting to take off the lens cap, it equals kodak black [ laughter and applause and finally, if you take positive vibes, plus positive covid test, it equals coachella. [ laughter and applause there you go that's all the time we have for "popular mathematics." we have a great show chrissy teigen is here, tonight. [ cheers and applause cristin milioti is here, tonight. [ cheers and applause
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and we've got music from soccer mommy. [ cheers and applause big show we're playing a brand-new game with chrissy teigen when we come back. stick around everybody come on. [ cheers and applause ♪ >> jimmy: i spy with my little eye. >> i spy with my little eye. ♪ i stand alone ♪ ♪ and the fire in the sky ♪ ♪♪ ♪ wait and see ♪ ♪ shadow down ♪ ♪ fall into line ♪ ♪ you're out of time ♪ waxed. natural.
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sensitive. new dove ultimate antiperspirant. our unique water based formula and 6x more glycerin. helps restore skin to its best condition. new dove ultimate. (vo) for me, one of the best things about life is that hwe keep moving forward.s best condition. we discover exciting new technologies. redefine who we are and how we want to lead our lives. basically, choose what we want our future to look like. so what's yours going to be? you can now get anything delivered with uber eats, but take it from me,
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that doesn't mean that you can eats anything you gets. burger. that is an eats. paper towels. don't eats. bottle of vino. eats. by drinking. nanas. eats. every morning. dog toy. don't eats. unless you're a good boy. toothpaste. that's a stumper. this game just got really hard. it's...yeah. it's an eats, but it's a don't swallows.
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(music throughout)
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this game just got really hard. ♪ [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: welcome back, everybody. we're about to play a brand new game called "press & guess." here we go ♪ press pres press ♪ ♪ and guess yeah ♪ >> jimmy: now i'm going to need someone to play against. she is the executive producer of the hbo max docuseries, "the way down: god, greed, and the cult of gwen shamblin. give it up for chrissy teigen! ♪ [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: welcome! >> a new game. >> jimmy: all right. a new game >> a new game. >> jimmy: all right, here's how it works we're going to take turns pressing our faces up against this window here -- [ laughter ]
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and saying a random phrase we have to get the other person to guess the phrase in 15 seconds. [ laughter ] if you have a window at home where you can do this, someone go outside, someone stays in the living room. we can make it work. 15 seconds phrases are on the cards right here since you're my guest, you are going to go first. >> oh, great >> jimmy: whenever -- yeah, of course >> this is the first and last time you're going to do this [ laughter ] >> jimmy: when you're ready, take a look at your card and then press your face into the window and try to get me to guess the phrase [ laughter ] >> okay, i'm going first >> jimmy: yeah i'm not looking. >> questlove has a good view over there okay >> jimmy: are you ready? >> i mean, we didn't -- okay, we're just going to go for it? >> jimmy: yeah go for it. >> like, pretty hard >> jimmy: go for it. [ laughter ] >> wait, i forgot it wait [ cymbal crash ] okay [ laughter ] young or -- oh, no, i couldn't say it so my teeth go out too far.
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why can't i -- >> jimmy: no, the other way was better >> this one? >> jimmy: yeah [ muffled "change your teeth." [ laughter ] "feel good teeth." "feel. "feel. >> jimmy: feel the -- feel the something? fill "spill the tea." >> "spill the tea. >> jimmy: "spill the tea." i would have gotten it [ laughter ] [ sad tuba ] all right. all right, 15 seconds is not quite enough all right, here we go. now it's my turn oh, my gosh, you're going to try to listen to it. >> it's hard it's -- >> jimmy: oh, my gosh. >> teeth go out, so it's like -- >> jimmy: this is hard without even pressing my face against the glass. >> have you tried this because it's not -- it's not easy. >> jimmy: all right, ready ♪ [ laughter ] [ muffled >> what? [ muffled
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[ buzzer ] what >> jimmy: i can't even do this first part [ muffled >> kids? lids shins? [ laughter ] >> jimmy: it was -- >> it was -- no. it was, "pigs in a blanket." wow! [ laughter and applause [ sad tuba ] >> jimmy: all right. you are up you are up right now you need to do this part >> okay. [ laughter ] okay this is -- >> jimmy: all right, bud
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[ laughter ] [ muffled a key? >> "hakuna." >> jimmy: "matata" [ ding ] ♪ [ cheers and applause yes! we got one that's all we needed okay okay pay attention. we got this. we got this. >> okay. ♪ >> jimmy: "up, up, and away! >> "up, up, and away!" >> jimmy: yes. ♪ [ cheers and applause we're getting this [ laughter ] [ air horn ] okay you know what that sound means it is time for the bonus round to raise the stakes, we both will be saying the same phrase into the window, trying to get questlove to guess what we are saying [ cheers ] >> questlove: oh, boy. all right. >> jimmy: let's take a look at the final phrase here we go >> okay. okay
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>> questlove: come on. >> jimmy: all right, where are you going? you can go there i'll go here >> jimmy: all right. >> wait, i forgot. [ laughter ] okay, now i got it i know this. okay >> jimmy: yeah [ muffled >> "i spy with my little eye." >> jimmy: "i spy with my little eye. [ laughter ] >> "i spy with my little eye." >> questlove: "i -- >> jimmy: "i spy with my little eye. >> "i spy with my little eye." >> jimmy: "i spy with my little eye. >> questlove: "i -- i spy -- >> "with my little eye." >> jimmy: "with my little eye. >> questlove: "i spy -- >> jimmy: "with -- >> "with my little eye." [ buzzer ] >> jimmy: "i -- i spy with my little eye." [ cheers and applause [ sad tuba ] >> questlove: the hell
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>> jimmy: that was "press and guess. the champion, chrissy teigen, everybody. we're talking to chrissy after the break. stick around, everybody. [ cheers and applause ♪ >> jimmy: you told me that miles is learning how to play baseball >> yeah, he's playing tee-ball now. his coach would be like, "go to first base." and he's like, "i don't know what first base is." [ laughter ] ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ the all-new tundra. toyota. let's go places. (music throughout)
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down." it is so good, by the way. "the way down. i've watched four episodes of it get ready. it's called "the way down: god, greed, and the cult of gwen shamblin. the final two episodes premiere on hbo max this thursday everybody please welcome, chrissy teigen [ cheers and applause ♪ ♪ >> hi! >> jimmy: nice little standing ovation. >> hey, everybody! you have, like, a full audience >> jimmy: yeah, we have a full audience they're the best audience out there. >> oh, it looks great. they are a good audience >> jimmy: we're excited that you're here. >> i'm happy to be here. i'm always happy to be here. >> jimmy: i know i love having you. i want to talk about this docuseries >> yes >> jimmy: 'cause i'm -- honestly, i'm obsessed i'm freaking out >> it's pretty - it's juicy it's good. >> jimmy: it is intense. but first, how is the family how are the little babies? >> they are so good.
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they're keeping us so busy they just -- luna just turned 6 and miles is about to turn 4 and i can't believe it >> jimmy: come on? >> yeah. >> jimmy: is that right, already. >> yeah, it's so cool though >> jimmy: 6 and 4. >> yeah, but they couldn't be more different from each other but it's like it keeps us on our toes all day i truly love it. it's so much - >> jimmy: you told me that miles is learning how to play baseball >> yeah, he's playing tee-ball now. which is so cool - >> jimmy: at 4 >> -- because i loved baseball growing up, so >> jimmy: and does he understand the rules >> no, not at all. >> jimmy: okay, yeah >> no. he's like a blank -- i mean, imagine going into it blindly. like he literally doesn't -- he's never seen a baseball game before you'll be like - his coach will be like, "go to first base." and he's like, "i don't know what first base is!" [ laughter ] >> jimmy: yeah, i don't -- yeah >> he's just a little guy. >> jimmy: it's a tricky game to just put on and be like, "all right," and try to explain while it's happening it's too tricky. >> yeah. no it is and honestly, they have -- they have him play like every different -- >> jimmy: position >> every position. and they were like, "miles is going to play first. and i was like, "are you sure about that the ball is always going to go to him." but he did and he -- i don't know we have fun watching we'll say that [ laughter ] >> jimmy: you brought us a very cute clip of miles getting -
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was it his first hit >> yeah, it was his first hit. and i -- oh, my god, it was so - it was really -- >> jimmy: so he hits the ball and then doesn't quite know what - >> he doesn't know what to do. >> jimmy: of course.]e >> because we haven't explained it to him >> jimmy: yeah here's miles -- here's miles getting his first hit. look at this [ cheers and applause [ laughter ] >> jimmy: he's just walking. [ laughter ] yes! [ cheers and applause that's miles that's my dude congratulations. he was so cool he's like, "now what's up? >> i know -- i know. we are not an athletic bunch, honestly but john is so proud someone is like, "drop the bat. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: drop the bat >> like, you have to explain every part like, of course he wouldn't know to drop the bat >> jimmy: no, come on. >> but it's so sweet >> jimmy: that's the best thing. it's really awesome. >> jimmy: having kids is the greatest thing >> yeah, it really is so fun >> jimmy: i heard that you had a recent incident with luna and the tooth fairy. >> oh yeah yeah what a - >> jimmy: how does the tooth fairy --
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i know - >> well, i don't know the rules of anything. like, no one -- like, you forget, like, what the lie is. like, at easter we were like - like -- she was like, so - >> jimmy: what's the back story? >> yeah, did we leave the eggs out, or did the easter bunny bring the eggs >> jimmy: yeah, easter bunny >> and i don't know if i'm -- did i make the basket, or did the easter bunny make the basket >> jimmy: sometimes the bunny brings the basket. >> right >> jimmy: sometimes you provide the basket >> but, so, it doesn't -- yeah, there's no rhyme -- there's no rules. >> jimmy: no rules >> ever. >> jimmy: tooth fairy is really out there. >> tooth fairy - >> jimmy: that's a tough one to explain. >> yeah. so, she loses her first tooth, and then i promptly dropped it down the sink, like immediately, in my bathroom sink and it's kind of an odd sink so there's this -- there's this, like, kind of long divot that it could fall into. and so we had to -- it was, like, thousands of dollars >> jimmy: oh, my gosh. >> we had to bring someone in with a camera, like the roto-rooter camera thing that goes down and spirals in >> jimmy: what >> found the tooth, put it in a ziploc bag i was so happy and then i threw the ziploc bag away, like immediately [ laughter ] >> jimmy: you totally forgot what you're doing. >> yeah, i did >> jimmy: like, clean it up, throw it out
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>> yeah. that's my thing too, is i throw away everything. i love throwing things away. >> jimmy: yeah >> so, yeah, that one's gone but i do have her other ones >> jimmy: yeah, my -- franny swallowed her first tooth. >> oh really >> jimmy: yeah, she was like, "i lost my first tooth." "oh, my god, where is it?" >> how gross are their first -- their teeth too? >> jimmy: she's -- "i swallowed it." [ laughter ] >> the root is so long i didn't know teeth roots were that long. is it just luna? >> jimmy: i don't know if that tooth was ready to be pulled [ laughter ] >> maybe not >> jimmy: really, yeah no, i don't think i had my -- i did recently, though, my dad was giving me stuff that he's had forever and didn't want, and gave me, like, a bag of my own teeth. >> see, that's -- i think that's cool. [ laughter ] no >> jimmy: no thanks. no thanks. >> i have their umbilical cords. >> jimmy: what >> i have -- >> jimmy: yeah, i think he gave me that too. it was in -- let's just keep it in the shoe box. we're good >> i have the cords, teeth, everything >> jimmy: surprise me later. >> yeah. >> jimmy: yeah, i go, "no, we'll freak out my kids later. >> i don't do the fingernails though >> jimmy: oh, stop it. no one has fingernails >> no. no right? >> jimmy: but i'm just like, "what am i suppose to do with my --" i don't know i guess it's kind of interesting. no >> your old teeth? >> jimmy: no
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>> i don't -- yeah, i don't know my mom keeps all that stuff too. >> jimmy: it's wild. >> yeah. >> jimmy: it's wild what parents keep >> i know. i don't mind it though, i've got to say >> jimmy: yeah, i'm good not having any - [ laughter ] i'm like - >> i'm fine without it >> jimmy: yeah you know, i was looking at this beautiful picture of your family because, you guys -- when normal families go out, they go to whatever. they go to a restaurant, they go bowling when you guys go out, you go to the grammys. [ laughter ] >> we go bowling a lot >> jimmy: here's you at the grammys. [ audience aws ] everyone looking good. what was that like to bring the kids >> that was their first time to las vegas. >> jimmy: oh, is that where it was? >> yeah, it was crazy. because well, john, when he told me we were going to go to grammys, he was like, "do you want to go?" and i was like, "oh, it's like, we're supposed to be on vacation during this time. and then he was like, "no. he's like, "well, i've been asked to perform." >> jimmy: he was great, by the way. >> like, let's bring the whole family out yeah, it was really wonderful. but he didn't tell me it was in las vegas. so, like, we had to bring the whole family to vegas. >> jimmy: it's usually in l.a. >> yeah. so they had a good time, though they got to see, like, a ton of celebrities, obviously >> jimmy: but get dressed up >> and they thought it was so
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cool >> jimmy: and they just look like -- look how cool. >> yeah. and miles loves a suit he's very -- he's like john. >> jimmy: yeah, he's like, "yeah, i just hit a single no big deal. [ laughter ] now i'm off to the grammys [ laughter ] i want to talk about this docuseries, okay >> yeah. >> jimmy: now it's called "the way down." w-a-y. >> yes >> jimmy: and i say that because didn't gwen have a a thing called like "the weigh? >> yeah, so she had -- she started as this -- she started something called "the weigh down workshop. and she was just this big diet guru she was an author. she sold a lot of books. and then she re -- you know, what do these people love more than money is power. so, she kind of decided to meld it with this, like, toxic christianity and then start this cult-like following at this church called the remnant fellowship >> jimmy: yeah started her own church >> yes she preyed on the insecurities of a lot of the people that followed her and she basically had these, you know, fundamentalist values, but she tied it into, you know, you need to pray instead of -- every time you want to eat, you should just pray and it was basically like,
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intuitive eating but it was just all done so wrong and so toxic >> jimmy: and everyone bought this book. and everyone got - >> everyone bought the book. everyone was so down with "the weigh down." >> jimmy: she was on every talk show and it's a thing >> yes yeah >> jimmy: and you're like, "wait, what's going on?" >> oh it was a big thing yeah, so -- and she just took off. she just got more and more powerful and had more and more followers. and everything the ego got bigger the hair got bigger. >> jimmy: her hair, by the way, is unbelievable. >> her hair, yeah. >> jimmy: you think it's a a joke it's not a joke. >> i know. you start to -- and then, i was actually like -- when we were talking about this at south by southwest, we were trying to figure out why >> jimmy: how? >> i think it's because she wore these, like, chunky shoes and had big hair and i'm pretty sure it was to make herself feel smaller, in a way. like, if she was surrounded by these big things, it makes her feel dainty or something i don't know >> jimmy: i've never seen any other person with that hairdo in my life >> n wt to compare it to. >> higher the hair, the closer to god they say. >> jimmy: wow -- yeah, there it is >> maybe that's it >> jimmy: she definitely got
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close. and the husband and all that stuff -- >> yeah. >> jimmy: and then you go -- >> yeah, the husband was tarzan i mean, it was all such a weird -- >> jimmy: no, her husband actually was - >> he was tarzan >> jimmy: he didn't live in the jungle >> oh, no, sorry he played tarzan >> jimmy: played tarzan. yeah, yeah >> tarzan's not real [ laughter ] >> jimmy: hopefully the kids are asleep they're like, "tooth fairy, easter bunny, tarzan." [ laughter ] >> i know. >> jimmy: "what is going on? tarzan is real >> jimmy: just doesn't know if he brings his own baskets. who knows. >> i think joe was actually, kind of, the most fascinating part of the series >> jimmy: me too >> because he's, like, so captivating. and it's so weird. you can totally tell this is the first time this guy has ever opened the bible. he's, like, reading it sideways and he's like trying - >> jimmy: and now he's in charge >> yeah, and now he's the leader >> jimmy: he's a leader, and he's telling these people about this religion. and everyone's like, "who is this guy?" >> and, you know, natasha who is featured on it as well, was his ex and the mother of his -- >> jimmy: she was great. >> yeah, she's incredible. and she just goes, she's like, "he was never religious. he was never a religious person
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he was an out of work actor. and just, like, he didn't really -- this wasn't the person he was. >> jimmy: but it's also not that long ago, sadly >> i know. >> jimmy: i mean, like - >> i know. >> jimmy: you go, like, "oh, is this from the '60s or something? >> i know. >> jimmy: and you go, "this was, like, ten years ago." >> that's the weirdest part to me, is these stories exist, and we don't know about -- that this is happening. so when it was brought to me, i was like, "no way this is happening right now as we speak. >> jimmy: but can we talk about -- as you were finishing up production on the series, something terrible happened. >> yeah, oh, my god, it was -- yeah, we woke up one day and just scrolling our news feed and saw that their -- gwen's -- gwen and joe's plane had crashed into a lake outside of nashville. and everyone on the plane died so, you know, it was just like -- it was terrifying because we didn't know who was on the plane exactly and natasha didn't know if her daughter was on the plane. and it was just so scary and a really weird time. and, you know, we'd get on the phone with hbo max and we wonder, you know, should we continue with this
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but then, you know, as time passed, we realized that people were more and more okay with speaking out now that she was gone like they were very fearful of her. >> jimmy: they were afraid to say anything >> yeah, they were scared to go against her. they didn't know if the church would come and attack their families or, you know, they felt like they were in danger. so, when she had passed, people -- and that's kind of what part two is, going into it now, are all these people that are no longer afraid to speak out. >> jimmy: oh, it is fantastic. i want to show everyone a clip here's a peek of the new episode of "the way down." take a look. >> that text wasn't just for the people within remnant, but from anyone outside of remnant that would get ahold of that that, i believe, was definitely more of her motive behind that text than it was being sent directly to the remnant congregation >> a lot of what cults often do with situations like this is very orwellian it will be almost ignored
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because it does not fit their narrative that their leader was struck down in an accident that god could have protected her from if the righteous are protected by the hand of god, how could gwen have died like that [ applause ] >> jimmy: chrissy teigen, everybody. the final episodes of "the way down: god, greed, and the cult of gwen shamblin" premiere thursday on hbo max. we'll be right back with cristin milioti. stick around, everybody. [ cheers and applause ♪
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before taking ibrance, tell your doctor if you have fever, chills, or other signs of infection,... liver or kidney problems, are or plan to become pregnant, or are breastfeeding. for more information about side effects talk to your doctor. be in your moment. fantastic! ask your doctor about ibrance. ♪ [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: our next guest is a talented actress who stars in the hbo max series "made for love," which returns for its second season this thursday.
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everyone please welcome cristin milioti. ♪ [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: cristin milioti! >> hi! >> jimmy: welcome back to the show >> oh, my god. thank you. >> jimmy: you look fantastic >> thanks so much. >> jimmy: you know, i'm doing a little research for our interview here and i saw it was ten years ago that you had one of your biggest -- one of your first roles, you were in "once" on broadway >> yeah. i can't believe it was ten years ago. >> jimmy: ten years ago. >> it's bananas. >> jimmy: that's wild. >> yeah. >> jimmy: what do you remember about -- because you got nominated for a tony for that. >> i did >> jimmy: yeah >> i was yeah i was! [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: yeah, that's right yeah, tell me more about it. i mean, that's pretty -- >> yeah, it was wild
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it was, like, beyond anything i ever could have imagined it was really, like, a golden experience >> jimmy: yeah >> it was beautiful. >> jimmy: do you get nervous when famous people come to see the show and - >> terribly. i -- >> jimmy: do you like to not know >> i like to not know. i don't even like to know when friends of mine are there. >> jimmy: right. >> i've gotten a lot chiller about that now because that's not quite as chill a thing to do. be like, "come see it, but don't tell me. [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: yeah, you're not quite doing that anymore >> yeah, i don't do that anymore. but i was really always very, very nervous and -- there was one night where i enter, like, through the back of the audience for that show, and i enter -- so, you wait in the back of the house. and i saw there was secret service everywhere and beyonce and jay-z had been coming to see, like, a lot of broadway shows that week and i was like, "here we go. like, i was like, "well, they're here this is great. >> jimmy: i'm about to meet them >> i was about to meet - and i was like shaking and i was like, "i can't believe they're here i can't believe they're going to see it. okay all right. and i -- we did the show and they, quickly, as soon as it ends, they were like, "come backstage, someone pretty special wants to meet you guys." and we were all like shaking - [ talking over each other >> jimmy: beyonce just heard me
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sing what am i going to do? >> what am i going to do what am i going to do? and they were like, "okay, guys, come on out. joe biden's here." and i was like - [ laughter ] >> jimmy: yes. >> which, you know >> jimmy: all right. >> it's different. >> jimmy: it's a different type of - >> it's just different >> jimmy: it's a different - it's different >> jimmy: it's different type of special >> it's a different type of special. but it's very -- they're pretty different. >> jimmy: yeah, did beyonce ever come to see the show? >> she didn't make it. i think she had stuff she had to do. [ laughter ] and -- they're busy. >> jimmy: she never saw "once" once >> yeah, that's right. she didn't see it once >> jimmy: "nonce." >> she saw it "nonce." >> jimmy: she saw it "nonce. >> yeah, she saw it nonce. that's okay. >> jimmy: we asked if you had any photos of anyone backstage, and you were like, "i guess. then, wow, this is a home run. >> a home run. >> jimmy: liza minnelli came to see you. >> yes [ cheers and applause
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>> jimmy: that would freak me out more than -- >> oh, well, you can see i'm out of my body i have -- she came and i burst into doves and i couldn't -- i was beside myself. because she's an icon. >> jimmy: well, it's liza minelli >> there's no one greater. and her whole entire career -- i mean, i just rewatched "arrested development" in lockdown and her on that is incredible. >> jimmy: liza minnelli is just a -- she's a legend amazing. >> and "arrested development" is like funny "succession. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: i didn't think about that >> as i was watching -- i mean, "succession" is very funny, too. but i was like, "woah. there's like -- there's like some - >> jimmy: i get it >> yeah. >> jimmy: yeah but she was -- what do you say to liza minelli? >> nothing i think i just stammered and shook and got sweaty and - >> jimmy: did everyone freak out? >> she was lovely. she lined us all up and she went up and down the line and gave everyone, like, two specific compliments while holding their shoulders. she held my face i mean, i passed out i couldn't believe it. i don't remember what she said, but -- >> jimmy: i love liza minelli. >> i know. >> jimmy: speaking of icons -- >> i was so nervous. >> jimmy: there's a thing -- there's a cher biopic in the works. and i'm excited about that, because i'm a big cher fan >> yeah. >> jimmy: but -- there's fans
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on twitter that said you should play her in the biopic >> well -- and i was very flummoxed by that. flattered. >> jimmy: flattered and flummoxed. >> flattered and flummoxed bursting into bats i couldn't believe it. yeah, i realized a friend of mine had told me about it. and i think i had found it so outlandish and, like, lovely but i was like, "well, no. like, she's cher and she's -- i mean, i worship at her feet too. but she's like a slinky cat and i'm like, you know - i'm like don knotts on a boat. [ laughter ] you know what i mean he's having fun, but he's windswept. do you know what i mean? it's like -- >> jimmy: you think you're don knotts on a boat compared to slinky cat >> yeah. like, she's like chiq and she's like, all -- and i just - >> jimmy: you're don knotts? >> on a boat, jimmy. did i stutter? [ laughter ] >> jimmy: don knotts on a boat >> you know what i mean? like, she's so, like, hip babe groovy >> jimmy: she's unbelievable >> unbelievable. i would -- i've seen "burlesque" 30 times >> jimmy: but what if there's
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a don knotts biopic? you up for that? [ laughter ] >> i'm going to fight. i'm going to fight tooth and nail yeah i'm going to be like, "get this, he's on a boat." [ laughter ] >> jimmy: he has long hair >> he has long hair. >> jimmy: and he's gorgeous. >> but he's on a boat. >> jimmy: "made for love," season two premieres this thursday on hbo max. i loved the first season everyone loved the first season congrats on the great reviews. how do you set up season two where do we go from here >> well -- >> jimmy: it's trickier. >> gosh, it's trickier >> jimmy: well, your husband's planted a chip in your brain >> and he can see everything and then i -- my one ally is my father i've been gaslit by my husband i'm now gaslighting my father. it is a comedy but, we -- >> jimmy: ray romano plays your dad. >> ray romano plays my dad but we -- she has to live this, like, double life lie now. and so, it gets very, very murky. >> jimmy: very tricky. >> very tricky >> jimmy: you and billy are great together you guys have worked together? >> yeah, we played husband and wife in this indy film a a million years ago.
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and it was, like, the first film - it was the first job i ever just got a phone call and they were like, "they want you to play this role." and i was like, "they do?" but -- which is great, but then don't -- >> jimmy: you didn't have to audition >> you don't have to audition, which is so great. but you don't -- then they don't know what you're going to do so, i showed up and i had, like, four lines but i made this whole back story that she had a pill addiction and she wore shoes that were too small, so i would walk weird and i had a dress that i couldn't, like, turn around in so that she'd have to be like really, like, slurry but, like, locked and it was - >> jimmy: that's a choice. >> i'll say. >> jimmy: for four lines >> for four lines. yeah, i was like, "well, i got to --" >> jimmy: did you talk to the director or anyone before you thought of this choice >> no, no. >> jimmy: so you came on set as this person. >> so i came on set -- >> jimmy: you're go, "oh, get ready. are the cameras are rolling? >> as the cameras rolling. >> jimmy: because here comes this person. >> and i came up, and i forget what my first line it was something like, "thanks for inviting me to the party" or something and i was like, in a sausage dress being like, "thanks for inviting me to the pabby." and they were like, "cut no."
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and she was like -- and i remember the director like -- and it was a big party scene and she came over and she was like, "what -- what are you doing?" yeah, like - >> jimmy: "are you okay? >> "are you okay?" exactly. she was like "are you nervous? and i was like, "no, well, she has a pill addiction." >> jimmy: my character has a a pill addiction >> and i had four lines. and i was like, "she's like, well, because she took all those pills before the party, i don't know." and they were like, "yeah, can you just make her southern?" and i was like, "you got it. and then they were like, "all right, action. and i was like "howdy -- >> jimmy: "hey, y'all! >> "hey, y'all it's, like, really great being at this party. >> jimmy: disaster >> disaster. and then -- and billy and i got up to -- we took a train to toon town. we were getting -- 'cause then i was like, "well, now everything's out the window. i'm southern i had a whole thing going. >> jimmy: is he southern too now? >> i believe he was. i don't remember >> jimmy: so he's like, "hey y'all. >> i don't think the picture -- this picture, i just, like, went to the '40s the movie. [ light laughter ] i don't think -- >> jimmy: i don't think the picture -- they never made it.
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>> i didn't even think the picture even took place in the south. yeah, that's right yeah it didn't take place in the south. no, and both of us were just like - "oh, my lord." >> jimmy: can we see that movie? can we see you in it >> you personally cannot [ laughter ] sorry. >> jimmy: i really want to >> you can't, i'm sorry. >> jimmy: i really can't >> no. >> jimmy: i promise you. as a friend, i promise you >> you guys can't. [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: all right, you guys can't. >> anyone in the room is not allowed, unfortunately >> jimmy: but we can watch you in "made for love" on hbo max. i want to show everyone a clip here's cristin milioti in "made for love." take a look. >> hello am i a ghost or something. do you people not see me i know that you know who i am. i am hazel gogol, and i am [ bleep allowed to be down here now because i have -- because i have this. um, you. what do you -- what is your name >> well, william is that a severed finger >> good morning, everyone.
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>> good morning. >> did you need to - you need to tell them that i'm allowed to be down here. and that they can talk to me like i'm a normal [ bleep ] person because - because they're all looking at me like i'm the boogieman. >> of course right, right i'll correct this immediately. >> jimmy: wow. [ cheers and applause how fun. cristin milioti, everybody season two of "made for love" premieres thursday on hbo max. we'll be right back with a a performance from soccer mommy. stick around [ cheers and applause stick around [ cheers and applause ♪ pti. what's the eta?eed the . asap, fyi! lmk! hbd, gordon. hbty... lol, look at this gif. it's gif. fwiw. rotfl. you see my im? - tldr. - what? - too long. didn't read. - ok. we don't need any more acronyms. but we could all use more ways to save.
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♪♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause
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>> jimmy: performing "shotgun" from her upcoming album "sometimes, forever," please welcome soccer mommy [ cheers and applause ♪ ♪ ♪ fogged up the windows in the bac coffee and menthol on your breath ♪ ♪ uppers and my heart never meshed i hated coming dow this feels the same ♪ ♪ without the bad thing
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so whenever you want m i'll be around i'm a bullet in a shotgun ♪ ♪ waiting to soun whenever you want me i'll be around i'm a bullet in a shotgun ♪ ♪ waiting to soun oh yeah ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ cold beer and ice cream is all we keep the only thing we really need ♪ ♪ cause i lik dessert and alcoho and watching as you ge drunk and you're stumbling ♪
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♪ in the hall so whenever you want m i'll be around i'm a bullet in a shotgun ♪ ♪ waiting to soun whenever you want me i'll be around i'm a bullet in a shotgun ♪ ♪ waiting to soun oh yeah ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ look at your blue eye like the stars stuck in the headlight of a car ♪ ♪ you know i'll tak you as you are
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as long as you do me just let me lay here ♪ ♪ in your arm and whenever you want me i'll be around i'm a bullet in a shotgun ♪ ♪ waiting to soun whenever you want me i'll be around i'm a bullet in a shotgun ♪ ♪ waiting to soun whenever you want me i'll be around i'm a bullet in a shotgun ♪ ♪ waiting to soun whenever you want me i'll be around i'm a bullet in a shotgun ♪ ♪ waiting to soun oh yeah ♪ ♪ ♪
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♪ [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: thank you so much. soccer mommy, "sometimes, forever" is out june 24th. we'll be right back, ladies and gentlemen. ♪ [ cheers and applause
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♪ [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: my thanks to chrissy teigen, cristin milioti, soccer mommy, once again [ cheers and applause and the roots right there from philadelphia, pennsylvania [ cheers and applause thank you for watching stay tuned for "late night with seth meyers. good night, everybody. thank you. [ cheers and applause ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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♪ [ cheers and applause ♪ >> announcer: from 30 rockefeller plaza in new york, it's "late night with seth meyers. tonight, terry crews star of "i love that for you," actress and comedian vanessa bayer. an all-new "closer look. featuring the 8g band with fred eltringham. ♪ and now seth meyers. [ cheers and applause >> seth: good evening. i'm seth meyers. this is "late night. we hope you're doing well tonight. and now, if you don't mind, we're going to get to the news after house minority leader kevin mccarthy denied reports that he had planned to ask


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