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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 11  NBC  April 23, 2022 11:00pm-11:29pm PDT

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students. passenger pummelled by mike tyson's side of the story. right now at 11:00, speaking out. tonight hearing from the passenger punched by mike tyson at sfo. what he's now saying didn't happen before fists started flying. also night they'll remember all the wrong reasons. police on the peninsula
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investigating after a turn. >> plus moving forward from covid and crime. union square, things returning to normal. news at 11:00 starts now. i'm terry mcsweeney, audrey has the night off. saturday night in the city enjoying art, food and wine, almost felt prepandemic. as the positivity rate creeps up. 5.2%, highest since mid-february coming out of the omicron surge. but this is important, hospitalizations are staying low, giving people optimism, not just return from covid but moving forward from the crime surge the city's been up against. thom jensen. >> reporter: after more than two years of closures and cancellations, tourists are returning to union square in sizeable numbers. >> time to tell a different story. >> reporter: member of the union square alliance, says it's time
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to turn the page on the pandemic and crimes that have kept visitors away. crimes that came to head in november when a mob of at least 30 thieves began ransacking high end retailers. >> i was here in depth of the pandemic, almost everything closed and first time felt unsafe. >> reporter: but says police chief bill scott followed through with promise to beef up patrols and bring thieves to justice. eight people have been arrested in connection with the theft and police presence in union square is heavy, day and night. >> it's a lot of police. >> reporter: helps operate the camera store across the street, appreciates the police being there. especially as more and more visitors return to the city. >> business is picking up. that's good. good we have police around. >> reporter: visitors not only feeling safer from the virus but
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the other sickness that's plagued the city -- crime. >> last few years have been hard, scary times. but i've seen true, measurable difference, particularly in last couple of months. >> reporter: renewed feeling of security that's bringing back crowds and vibrancy. signs that union square just might be recovering from both the pandemic and the crime sprees that were keeping people away. in san francisco, thom jensen, nbc bay area news. >> mentioned positivity rate climbing in san francisco, it's happening statewide. 3.2%, highest since mid-february but a fraction of where it was in the height of the omicron surge. beginning of the year, it was over 22%. whoa. important to note, cases are climbing and hospitalizations are staying low. four fewer californians
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hospitalized with covid today than yesterday. group of teenagers on the peninsula were robbed at gunpoint returning from prom. unincorporated san mateo county not far from the high school. just after midnight teenagers had taken a charter bus to student's home. waiting for individual uber rides, a different car pulled up, woman jumped out wearing a mask, pointed gun at them. police say she grabbed one teenager by neck, forced them to the ground and stole another wallet before taking off. >> hear about crime in the city all the time. >> right. >> but in the peninsula, this area. >> it's everywhere. no address is immune. >> police say the robber got away with 40 bucks. 40 bucks! no one hurt. learned about a similar robbery in foster city a short time
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later. anyone with information is asked to please call police. new developments with altercation with mike tyson on a plane at sfo, video was posted on tmz sports showing the former heavyweight boxing champ punching a man as they waited for takeoff. tyson claims the man harassed him, threw a water bottle at him. lawyers for townsend say he's a big mike tyson fan who got overly excited when he saw the icon. tyson allegedly got agitated and did this. townsend denies throwing a water bottle. days of going maskless on b.a.r.t. could be limited. going to explore reinstating a mask mandate and board is set to take up the issue thursday. bringing the process of bringing it be back.
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right now masks are not required after a judge struck down federal rules remembering masks on federal transportation. labor unions rallied for boudin, encouraging no on the recall. speakers disagreed, unafraid to protect workers against powerful employers and he said his record speaks for itself. >> excited for people to pay attention to the data and what the record says. helping make san francisco safe. >> recall is june 7th. a massive, multimillion dollar drug bust, seized 92 pounds of fentanyl, 42,000 grams
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of synthetic opioids worth about $4 million. month-long investigation resulted in multiple arrests. say it's just a glimpse of the epidemic in the bay area. candace lynn spent five months. to see her report, we have also resources available for help. matter of hours, two top u.s. officials are set to arrive in ukraine according to president volodymyr zelenskyy, says antony blinken and lloyd austin will be visiting kyiv but white house, state department and pentagon have declined to comment. if they travel to ukraine would be the highest level officials
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to visit since the start of the war. in odesa today, missile strike killed at least five people. among the dead zelenskyy said a 3-month-old girl. hit a military facility and two apartment buildings. russia has denied targeting civilians but human rights organizations say it is. easter in ukraine, despite under attack, at war with russia, volunteers with world central kitchen spent the day putting together treats for refugees and assembled easter eggs that looked like ukrainian coat of arms. happening tomorrow, event to honor years since the armenian genocide, the cross is lit to remember the victims. as many as 1.5 million christian armenians were killed by forces
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in ottoman empire in 1915 and '16. orrin hatch has died. former president pro tem of the senate died in salt lake city. served for 42 years. part of his legacy is new national suicide prevention hotline. dialing 988 sends callers to the hotline. says he passed away at home surrounded by family at 88 years of age. believed to be first ohlone restaurant. uc berkeley, a preview tasting. opened in the courtyard of berkeley's university press books, but the store closed in the pandemic. but cafe has a new home on berkeley campus.
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previewed what the restaurant will be serving when it reopens. tickets sold out fast. founders couldn't be happier. >> to be able to see new relations developed here at university of california berkeley, to see healing take place. our culture made visible. it's historic and we're grateful it's happening right now. know that ancestors and elders make it possible for us. >> some of the items on the unique menu include venison backstrap, native mushrooms, fried seaweed, rose hip tea and chia seed brownies. volunteer led festival is more than a decade old, first times it been held since the pandemic started. say recognizing earth day is
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important to the city. say it's time to walk the walk. >> it's really important, especially in san francisco. as we know, all the politicians speak the rhetoric of climate change but what are we actually doing about it? >> festival focused on how the food we eat can impact the planet, all the food up and down the street was vegan. taking action on the peninsula, pacific beach coalition spent the day cleaning up trash. organized 11 cleanups. this one in pacifica, picked up 300 pounds of trash and more than 1,200 cigarette butts just at lindamar beach. looking at solutions in our climate hack series. shows small changes you can make right now to help the environment, not huge but little things, how to save water,
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cutting back on food waste, green grocery shopping. back in 60 seconds. a social networking giant doing its part. what twitter is doing to tackle climate disinformation. first of its kind celebration in contra costa county, why the prom was so important. beautiful saturday, live look in downtown san jose. what changes do we have ahead, and how is the water update looking? stay with us.
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check this out. firefighters in san francisco today kept a flaming sailboat
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from sinking in the bay. 4:30 this afternoon between pier 27 and treasure island. people might have thought it was a drill. no drill. crews spotted the boat on fire. used water from the bay to put out the flames, no one hurt. sailboat will need extensive repairs but nice work. twitter is taking a stronger stance on climate change, banning ads that deny it. will no longer allow advertisers that deny the scientific consensus that climate change is real. electric car ridesharing revolution is happening in small california farming community. huron, south of fresno, once a transportation desert, now getting attention for cutting
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edge program. vehicles provide free or low cost rides. it's spanish for ride is that correct? [ speaking spanish ]. >> it's spanish for ride. fourth in the nation for one pollution. >> been doing this a very long time. long before uber and lyft, just didn't have the resources. >> ideas like this, community-driven approaches like this we're trying to do more to support with federal dollars. >> transportation secretary buttigieg says it could be replicated in other cities, perhaps coming soon to town year you. new at 11:00, at pride prom in contra costa county this year, first pride prom invited juniors and seniors from lgbtq
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community to concord high school, all the schools took part in the area. students enjoyed a live deejay, entertainers, appetizers, desserts and a photographer. got to have the picture. students say pride prom is long overdue but very much appreciated. >> it's so important, especially for queer kids, young queer kids to have the space and feel accepted. >> went to normal school prom, all straight people and felt like you were othered because of that. this is a place you aren't, you're included. it's nice. >> worked with rainbow community center to pull off first of its kind event. >> i love that. talk about how amazing they look, too. >> energetic dancing. i want to go. >> for prom? i'm -- i might be past the age,
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i don't think. >> vianey is going to talk about weather. >> it was beautiful. one of those days, okay, i enjoyed the rain but sunshine, right? >> i like that line, what's up sunshine. >> we welcome you. san francisco, beautiful shot of downtown, look at that, clear skies, going to be sort of mild night. then we're going to pop up into the 50s. by tomorrow morning we'll be in the 40s. 24-hour temperature change. running a few degrees warmer even now. high pressure building over the area now that the system left the region. concord is six degrees warmer. satellite radar, it's much quieter. you can see the rain long gone east. and high pressure dominates, will help keep the skies clear and going to continue to warm us
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up. tomorrow is going to be beautiful. if you plan on heading to the beach, national weather service issued a beach hazard statement for entire coastline in effect until 9:00 p.m. tomorrow. please be careful, especially for west to northwest facing beaches. dangerous sneaker waves and rip currents. you know how quickly you can get swept into the water. safe distance. we love your photos at the beach, share them with me but do it at safe distance. forecasted highs for sunday, 76 degrees. martinez. 79 in concord, but could see 80s in interior valleys. gilroy area. upper 60s for san francisco. update on the water rain year. had rain on thursday and friday. santa rosa so far a little over 25 inches. if you notice, still a deficit.
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we're still 6 inches from where we should be. san jose falls in the rain shadow of the santa cruz mountains, still a lot of rain systems. san jose has a long way to go. 58%. drought monitor. 4% improvement, which is good. but this is not taking into account the rain this week. we'll see that populate heading into next couple of weeks once we get the update. right now we have a dry cold front tuesday. won't bring rain but wind. time stamp, may 1st, may get rain. but seven-day forecast. >> liking it. >> not a raindrop in sight. wish there was more rain but do like the sunshine. >> san francisco is nice.
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>> yeah. >> vianey, thanks so much. gearing up for game four, hear from warriors head coach steve kerr next.
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oh, wow barbara corcoran! good morning. sorry, but we don't need any business help now. we're gigillionaires. what? we're gigillionaires now. i don't get it
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we have at&t business fiber with hyper-gig speeds. -but i just... -so thanks, we're doing great. i'm so happy for you! but i'm just here for my order. oh. entre-pin-eurs? yeah, my bowling team. i like it. there's money in puns. do business like a gigillionaire at&t business fiber, now with speeds up to 5-gigs. limited availability. are you looking to renovate your kitchen or bathroom? i'm mike holmes here with ivan from agm renovations thanks mike! too often, homeowners hire the wrong contractor. ivan, i see this all the time. delays, shortcuts, hidden fees - nightmares. at agm we use the top trades, and each project is finished on time, on budget, backed by a five year warranty. that's why agm are the only kitchen and bathroom renovation specialists i recommend. ♪ ♪ [announcer] call now and get $3,000 off!
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well, a win means a sweep in round one. warriors taking on the nuggets in denver tomorrow. today on the court getting ready for game four. warriors have been very dominant to this point. head coach steve kerr stressing importance of closing out that series tomorrow. >> don't want to jinx anything, but when you say don't ever want to give up a chance to close out a series, it's kind of implied that there's a reason. give up a chance, never know what's going to happen next game. >> we'll have complete highlights tomorrow evening. giants kept it rolling in nation's capital today.
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alex wood on the mound, big strikeout against one of the best in the game. giants' bats rolling in the fifth. scoring four runs. rbi single to pederson, wide-open gap, infield shift to his advantage. giants lead the nationals. lamonte wade jr. starting rehab, encouraging. right into action. 0 for 2 but drew a walk. looking at how he's recovering from knee injury. he was running well, good news. a's hosting rangers, pitchers' duel, no runs first seven innings. eighth. rangers have a run from left field, tony kemp throws. able to sneak left hand past the
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catcher. rangers didn't need it, got it anyway. win 2-0. back in a moment. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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kick off the party with my triple cheese & bacon sauced & loaded fries. yep. my famous curly fries smothered in three melty cheeses and bacon are back.'re drooling. my $3.50 triple cheese & bacon sauced & loaded fries. order on the jack app today.
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powerball turns 30 years old this weekend. let's not sing "happy birthday" yet, no big winners in the drawing, so the jackpot goes up and up. first drawing, april 22nd, 1992, i remember it well. 6 million bucks. tonight, $400 million. but again, nobody won the big prize. now jumping up to $421 million, cash payout more than $250 million. if you're free, we should do
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that. >> office pool. >> next drawing is monday night. chances of winning 1 in 290 million. >> but still. >> could be the one. do you feel special? >> 80 tomorrow inland and sunshine. >> "saturday night live" is next. take care.
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and now most admired alum! get up there. this is so embarrassing. there's no way it's me. you know her.... you love her.... ruh roh. what are you doing here? it's anna gomez! who? our first gigillionaire! with at&t fiber, anna's got the fastest internet with hyper-gig speeds. i didn't know you went to this school. we have a lot in common. live like a gigillionaire with at&t fiber. now with speeds up to 5-gigs. limited availability. [ nbc chimes play ] >> and now, a holiday message from dr. anthony fauci. >> uh-oh! [ cheers and applause ] i'm back!


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