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tv   Today  NBC  February 15, 2022 7:00am-9:00am PST

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us. >> we appreciate you, man. >> thank you. now get out of here. just kidding. we're going to miss you. we're a family here on "today in the bay" and we thank you for being part of it every morning with us. ♪ good morning. breaking overnight -- hope on the front lines. russia says it is pulling back some troops from ukraine's border and hinting at a potential diplomatic solution. after weeks of rising tension, is vladimir putin attempting to deescalate the crisis? and how will president biden respond? we're live at the white house and inside ukraine pandemic progress. with covid cases dropping, more states moving away from mandates and masks. but millions of children still being told to wear them in the classroom. >> schools are unlike most other
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environments. >> this morning the latest chapter in the debate and confusion over when and where to mask up. emotional vigils mourners come together to remember a new york woman stalked and stabbed to death inside her own apartment the latest in a string of violent crimes on the rise in cities from coast to coast just ahead, what we're learning about her life and the suspect now in custody concern for the queen, the monarch being closely watched with a string of positive covid cases within the royal family. live at buckingham palace straight ahead all eyes on the ice. the women's figure skating competition ahead this morning just ahead the white hot spotlight on t 1heye5-ar-old russian star competing despite a failed drug test and the three americans living out their
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olympic dreams and california love. l.a. basking in the postsuper bowl glow. >> do it at home in front of all the stars, man, it's amazing. >> riding high after winning it all and gearing up for a very special victory parade today, tuesday, february 15, 2022 from nbc news, this is "today" with savannah guthrie and hoda kotb, from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. welcome to "today," we're so happy you are joining us it's a really busy tuesday morning. >> overnight developments in the ukraine crisis, reports of a shift in tone, potential signs from russia that a military invasion could still be avoided and that diplomacy is, quote, far from exhausted. >> that news just hours after the white house said, while a path for diplomacy remains available, there is also a window in which an invasion could begin at any time. >> and despite russia announcing
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some troops being returned to their bases, estimated 130,000 remain positioned around ukraine. >> this is a fast-moving story we're live from the white house and ukraine and that's where wee find richard engel hey, richard, good morning >> reporter: good morning. vladimir putin is still keeping the world guessing today russia announced it is pulling back some troops to bases saying they have completed military exercises but other forces in other areas still need to carry out military drills and this one step forward, one step back approach has left some ukrainians wondering if this is really a de-escalation or just vladimir putin reshuffling his forces russia's intentions this morning are unclear, sending mixed signals. russia says it has pulled back some troops away from ukraine. it is the third time in two
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months its made this claim russia insists it is merely conducting military exercises with no intention to invade wits military bui ukrainian officials expressing concep skepticism saying troop saying always be moved back and russia has been continuing its military build up until very recently with bases emptying as troops advance to staging positions. but a russian foreign military spokesperson suggested this morning the situation has changed, posting on facebook, february 15, 2022, will go down in history as the day of the failure of western propaganda of the war. ukraine's foreign minister saying we will only believe in deescalation when we see the withdraw u.s. officials have repeatedly said the threat of war is imminent but overnight the window of diplomacy appeared to crack open a little wider at the end of a long covid safe table.
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russian foreign minister sergey lavrov said i believe our possibilities are far from exhausted. i would propose continuing and intensifying them to which russian president vladimir putin replied, good. the embassy in kyiv this morning empty, staff temporarily relocated to a western city near the polish border. some ukrainian families are also taking precautions andriana took her 6-year-old son and packed him off on a train to stay with relatives in far western ukraine. so she's free to join the fight against russia should it come to that. >> it was very hard. >> i was looking into his eyes yesterday and he was saying mom, i love you, mom i love you
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nothing is value, just freedom and between death and freedom, we choose freedom. >> russia's appetite for diplomacy will be tested today with the german chancellor in moscow meeting with vladimir putin. hoda. >> richard engel in ukraine for us thank you. nbc's chief white house correspondent peter alexander. i know you have some new information about how the white house is gaming out this situation in ukraine what can you tell us >> reporter: that's right. white house officials say they are still actively working to reach a diplomatic solution here to deescalate this crisis. in spite of russia's latest claim it is pulling back, some troops have not backed away from their assessment that russian invasion could begin at any time new this morning, a senior official tells me that the biden administration has formed what they're calling a tiger team, a diverse group of experts led by the white house that has been privately gaming out how the u.s. would respond to a variety of different scenarios, including a full-scale invasion.
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i'm told they have very recently held a pair of table top exercises several hours long, each including one with cabinet officials, building a playbook of responses, taking them through the first two weeks after any invasion, savannah >> and the administration has recently deployed troops to the surrounding region, eastern europe some top officials even headed there this week. >> two in particular headed to europe this week the vice president kamala harris is scheduled to visit munich and defense secretary lloyd austin is headed to nato headquarters and poland and lithuania all in an effort to reassure america's allies there ukraine's president, volodymyr zelensky, asked president biden to visit this week but with diplomatic and military resources pulling back as we speak, that's not happening. savannah >> thank you, peter. let's turn now to the pandemic and a new chapter in the ongoing battle over mask
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mandates as covid cases decline nationwide tom costello is covering the story this morning hey, tom. >> with coronavirus hospitalizations and deaths trending down, the debate over masks, who should wear them, when and where is front and center but the patch work of mask rules varies by state to state and city to city and that is leading to widespread confusion, with much of the debate focused on schools. with covid cases dropping across the country, this morning mask requirements for millions of americans are also starting to roll back. in washington, d.c., starting march 1st, masks wills no longer will required in restaurant, entertainment venues, gyms or grocery stores and starting today, businesses in the nation's capital will no longer be required to check a vaccination status. >> these are the slow steps that are needed and signs that show the progress that is before us. >> reporter: governors in california, illinois and new york have all announced plans to drop indoor mask mandates, but
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like d.c. are keeping mask requirements in schools with kids under 5 still not eligible for a vaccine. >> schools are unlike most other environments six, eight hours, five days a week, week after week after week that's very different than someone going to a bar even for two hours or to a ball game. >> reporter: fights over mask requirements erupted at school board meetings across the country for months cases among children continue to substantially from their january peak, but they still remain extremely high last week nearly 300,000 additional child covid-19 cases were reported nationwide. >> it could be reaching a low point in the epidemic where we could have kids hopefully get through a couple of months of the school year without having to wear masks. >> reporter: from the classroom to the boardroom, the mask debate spilled over into the corporate america. an executive as lee vee vi's
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clothing company said she was forced off her role for speaking out against covid-19 policies in the school levi's did not comment on her allegations, saying only that she resigned from the company. and sunday's super bowl showdown, attendees were required to wear masks at the indoor stadium in l.a. though most fans and in celebrities did not appear to follow the rules right now the cdc is still recommending that we wear masks indoors in public areas regardless of vaccination status in areas of substantial covid transmission everybody is tired of these masks, but hoda, health experts remaining cautious because of a concern that a new variant could pop up at any time without warning. back to you. we turn to a murder that rocked new york city. remembering a woman who was stalked and stabbed to death in her own home. and the suspect in custody has a long criminal history.
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gabe gutierrez has the story. good morning. >> reporter: this is the latest in a string of violent crimes that have shocked the city. a woman followed into her own apartment and murdered. police sources tell nbc news id not immediately appear to be a hate crime though the investigation is ongoing. overnight a growing makeshift memorial in front of a new york city apartment building honoring christina yuna lee. after police say a man followed her home and attacked her, stabbing her to death. just before 4:30 sunday morning authorities responded to a 9-1-1 call from an apartment building in chinatown. this video appears to show lee being followed by the suspect. when they arrived the door was barricaded. when cops went into the apartment investigators found the body of a 35-year-old woman in her bathroom and the suspect covered in blood. police say assamad nash was arrested and charged with lee's murder. this was his eighth arrest since may of 2021.
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lee's death sparking pain and outrage from friends, family and neighbors. >> today marks the last day of the spring festival of the lunar new year. a time when our community should be celebrating. but instead, christina's family and her friends are mourning her loss. >> reporter: though police have not identified a motive for the crime, members of the asian-american community say they don't feel safe. >> this is about the community and our elected officials need to do something much different. because this is avoidable. >> reporter: this case is now bringing scrutiny to the city's bail system and why the suspect was allowed back on the streets. the mayor is promising to look into that. meanwhile a rally is planned near lee's apartment later this morning. >> what a tragedy. gabe, thank you very much. we have a lot more to get to, including the winter olympics.
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all eyes on women's figure skating as that competition gets under way and craig is following all of the action. hey, craig, morning. >> reporter: hoda, savannah, good morning to both of you. the american women delivering strong performances, all three advancing to thursday's free skate, but tonight, all eyes are on the gold medal favorite, 15-year-old kamila valiyeva who has been surrounded by controversy over the past week. it all caps off another busy day of competition with lots of medals on the line here in beijing. this morning 15-year-old kamila valiyeva stumbling on the ice and tearful after her short program, but still in a prime position to beat the field this week. following a hearing, getting a green light to skate despite testing positive for a banned substance in december. according to the chair of the
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ioc, valiyeva's defense was that her test result was contaminated. >> her argument was contamination that happened with a product her grandfather was taking. >> reporter: valiyeva telling russian tv, i'm happy, but i'm tired emotionally. american alysa lu shining during her short program. mariah bell giving it her all on the ice. in big air snowboarding, the world's best taking to the sky. forget watching this on television. big air so exciting, i had to come see it in person and it did not disappoint. and while american standouts red gerard and chris corning came up short, there was plenty of high-flying power on the display. and china soaring to gold. on the slopes, heavy wind delayed the start of the women's
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downhill. but skiing star mikaela shiffrin staying ready. shaking off her her earlier olympic struggles. >> she can be right there. >> the american finishing her second straight race remaining positive ahead of the combined event. one of the break out stars of these game, eileen gu snagging silver in slope style. gu putting down a massive final run. >> sets it down perfectly. >> reporter: and in women's hockey, the u.s. and canada will face off in the gold medal game for the sixth time in seven olympics. looking to defend their gold from pyeongchang, the americans also trying to avenge that loss to the canadian squad during group play. >> should be a heck of a gold medal match on thursday. meanwhile, on the men's side, it's going to be team usa against slovakia in the men's
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quarterfinals. that's going to happen later today. the u.s. team, by the way, with no nhl players still remains undefeated. back to figure skating for a moment. given valiyeva's situation, it has been decided that an additional skater is going to be allowed to compete this thursday in the free skate so you'll have 25 instead of 24. the ioc has also decided that if kamila valiyeva does make the podium after the women's free skate on thursday, they're going to, again, delay the medal ceremony. no medal ceremony on thursday if she's on that medal stand. that's the latest from here in beijing. >> thank you, craig. we're going to get some unique perspective on the figure skating competition in the next hour. that's when we have the 1992 gold medalist kristi yamaguchi. she's going to join us. you can watch the women's short during tonight's prime time
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olympic coverage right here on nbc. time to whisper good morning to al. >> good to see you i'm batman it is a coast to coast situation. snow for the northern rockies and sierra today windy conditions the plains and the southwest. as the system moves to the east it is going to draw up warm, moist air ahead. and tomorrow a risk of severe weather through the southern plains and that moves to the east on thursday rain developing from michigan to missouri behind this, cold air is drawn in rain changes to snow and ice around the great lakes from st. louis to detroit, chicago, heavy rain, flood threats through the tennessee and mississippi river valleys. friday cold front exits the east coast, drawing much colder air strong winds and probably airport delays on thursday heavy rain, snow melt may cause flooding from springfield, missouri, to detroit and parts of western new york. the roieckups to 8-12 inches in parts of the northern rockies. to the east, thursday and
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friday, some moderate snow around the upper great lakes, could be even heavier in some spots. with lighter amounts to the east but we're also looking as a changeover, icing conditions cold front, arctic air will determine where that icing sets up anywhere from buffalo all the way down to kansas city. we're going to be watching this closely the next 72 hours. but we're going to get to your local forecast in the next 30 seconds. ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ good morning. i'm meteorologist kari hall. taking a look at our
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temperatures today, it's going to be another cool one and those gusty winds will continue, especially for the coast and san francisco, we're going to see those 30-mile-per-hour gusts. a lot of sunshine today and the next several days as temperatures warm up and san francisco will see temperatures in the mid-50s this afternoon, reaching into the low 60s. a little bit warmer by the end of the week, but this weaned we'll take a slight dip in our temperatures. >> and that's your latest weather. guys >> thanks. still ahead, the health concerns for the queen after her son, prince charles and his wife camilla test positive for covid. keir simmons has the latest from buckingham palace and insight on what the future of the royal family could hold. the alarming impact of inflation and the supply chain crisis on car shoppers prices are soaring find and big bucks wd harder to he ♪ ♪
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coming up -- party still going in l.a. for players and fans a after the super bowl victory of the rams. plus a inside look how the unforgettable halftime show came together first these messages and check your local news and weather. it's my 4:05, the-show-must-go-on, migraine medicine. it's ubrelvy. for anytime, anywhere, migraine strikes. without worrying if it's too late or where i am.
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manic episodes, eye problems, low sodium levels, and sexual problems can occur. suddenly stopping trintellix may cause serious side effects. common side effects include nausea, constipation, and vomiting. some reports of weight gain have been received since product approval. looking up. time for a change? ask your doctor about trintellix. a very good tuesday morning to you. it is 7:26 right now. i'm laura garcia. here's today's top stories, including san francisco voters deciding the fate of three school board members. >> reporter: i'm sharon katsuda in san francisco there there's a recall election for three school board members. these are the three at the focus of thehree had served enough time to face the challenge. both sides wer vote.
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recall supporters are critical of renaming schools and critical of keeping the students out of schools. >> reporter: the megadrought is entering into historic territory. researchers say it's the worst we've seen in 1,200 years. a study based on moisture in tree rings shows this century is the driest since 800 ad. 42% of it is due to human activity like burning fossil fuels, which raises temperatures around the globe. la nina conditions are contributing, but not to the extent of other dry stretches. the megadrought is expected to last at least another year. >> let's get a look at the forecast. we certainly could use the rain. >> yeah, and it's still looking dry out there as we wake up to sunshine, chilly temperatures, and our live view in san francisco, where it's been really windy and those high winds will continue. as you're getting the kids up and out the door ready for school, we're starting out in san jose with temperatures in the mid-40s. it will only be in the upper 50s, so most likely you'll be
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keeping jackets on all throughout the day. >> thank you very much. thank you for joining us as well. i'll be back with another local news update in half an hour. see you then.
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we're back 7:30, tuesday morning, 15th of february, 2022 chill in the air. >> i'd say so. >> chill is a nice way of putting it we got some hardy folks out there and we're going out in a couple of minutes. >> good half hour out there. donald trump's long time accounting firm is cutting ties with the trump organization. mazars is saying the final statements it prepared for almost a decade can no longer be reviewed as reliable that paperwork is at the center
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of investigations into whether the former president's company broke the law by inflating its assets but they say the documents as a whole don't show discrept sis. a trump spokesperson characterized the development as good news for the company. still experts say the move could suggest significant issues with those trump organization financial statements >> tennis star novak djokovic says he will opt out of all future grand slam events that require him to be vaccinated for covid. djokovic said that is the price i'm willing to pay the men's number 1 player in the world gained worldwide attention last month after being deported from australia over his vaccination status just days before the australian open djokovic say he's not against vaccinations but says he believes it to be a personal choice. now to the mystery surrounding a huge flock of birds that suddenly plunged to the ground in mexico earlier this month we want to warning you, the video you're about to see is graphic.
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it showed the back birds fall from the sky many of them died. others did fly away. the reason behind their rapid plunge remains unclear experts say they may have been trying to escape a predatory bird swooping in from above. also this morning there is concerns surrounding the health of queen elizabeth >> keir simmons joins us from buckingham palace. morning. >> good morning to you it's been a royal roller coaster ride, for sure a bit like the british weather here first blue skies, then rain like this just weeks ago charles and camilla were enjoying the queen's announcement that camilla be queen counsel now the news that both the royal couple have covid. fears for the queen's health this week after prince charles
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and his camilla tested positive for covid. charles saw his mother the queen last week just days before he was infected a palace source saying her majesty is not showing symptoms. queen elizabeth spent months limits her contacts during the pandemic, conducting meetings on zoom >> i'm very glad to join you can you see everybody? you should have six people on your screen. >> reporter: but this morning there were again questions over the royal family's covid measures last week camilla continued with public duties after first testing negative in the early months of the pandemic, prince william causing controversy after he was caught on mic joking about the coronavirus. now prince charles isolating again, infected for the second time surviving his first infection without serious symptoms.
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>> i suppose i was lucky in my case and got away with it quite lightly. >> we were lucky he has the mild symptoms but at that age you do worry a bit more. >> reporter: during the pandemic, the royals have worked hard to support britain's health services some reports say the queen will soon be back at work raising hopes for her health. >> assuming most people believe the queen has been vaccinated. what do you know >> reporter: hoda, yeah. well, look the queen has been triple vaccinated but no one will tell you that because royal sources hate talking about her health they don't want to give a running commentary they say. the trouble is in camilla's case they told us first that she was negative, then that she was positive and they have told us that she is triple vaccinated, royal sources, which goes to prove the historical truth, hoda, that when you are a royal courtier, you can't win. >> keir simmons at buckingham palace
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thank you. just ahead if you are in the market for a new ride, buckle up. inside look at the many factors that have prices soaring on new cars and used cars plus how to navigate your way around the dealership. get that story right after this. so you both sleep just right. and it senses your movements and automatically adjusts to keep you both effortlessly comfortable. so, you can really promise better sleep? yes! you'll know exactly how well you slept, night after night. we take care of the science. all you have to do is sleep. and now, during the ultimate sleep number event, save 50% on the sleep number 360 limited edition smart bed. plus, 0% interest for 24 months on all smart beds. only for a limited time ♪ (vo) cinnamon toast crunch, blasted with cinnadust! try cinnagraham toast crunch. ♪ “all i do is win” by dj khaled ♪ ♪ everybody's hands go up! ♪
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we're back 7:39 this morning on "in-depth today," the volatile car market. >> forget about negotiating. for buyers these days it is take it or leave it kerry sanders joins us from miami dade, and we're talking new cars and used cars. >> reporter: this morning, it's a case of it is a challenge whether it is new or used, to find a car within your budget. supplies are low, demand is high and on just about any car lot nationwide, that sticker price, well now it's just a starting point
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the cost of buying a car has been accelerating big time these days 8 of 10 new car buyers pay more than sticker price. on average $728 more and in some cases people are shelling out thousands more. experts blame ongoing supply chain problems still there are a lot of buyersa in the market for a new ride justin had his eye on a new toyota he signed a contract and even put down a deposit for the manufacturers suggested retail price but when it arrived from japan serious sticker shock. the dealer jacked the price up by $2,000. >> probably owned about five or six cars and i've never paid sticker price. >> reporter: he eventually got the toyota at sticker but he tells me he had the to find a new dealer. >> you complained to the massachusetts state attorney general and what kind of result did you get? >> they said they would keep a record of it but there wasn't anything they could do in my
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particular case unfortunately. >> reporter: but car manufacturers are not happy with price gouging. gm reportedly telling dealers it will be forced to take action if it learns of any unethical sales practices. ford says we're actively looking at how to address those behaviors, even warning dealers who sell vehicles above msrp they may get not the highly anticipated electric f-150 lightning. >> i've never seen anything there in 25 years i've been in the industry. >> reporter: he sold more than 25,000 chevrolets last year. more than any chevy dealer in the nation he says he prices all vehicles at least $2,000 below mrsp, not bad for a guy who came to the u.s. from cuba in 1994 and began by selling fish on the side of the road.
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>> i've always tried to go o opposite direction of the rest >> reporter: he says he makes less money per sale but wins in volume even more confusing, the used car market prices up a staggering 40.5% in the past year. a significant number of used cars bought in 2021 now actually selling for more than when they were new. >> one in ten customers got more money for a trade-in than with the initial purchase price and that is remarkable >> reporter: one reason the used car market is so high is because during the pandemic, which we're still in, the rental car market kind of dried up those cars that would normally come out of the rental cars to the used car market dried up and so there are fewer used cars available for folks to bid on. guys >> already, kerry. thank you very much. 7:42
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mr. roker you got a check of the weather? >> we do and we got some warm weather to talk about we're going to be talking about snow but also talking about red flag warnings. a fire danger, 11 million people from arizona to missouri and back into mississippi. gusts of 50 miles per hour humidity is low and we're going to have these warm winds blowing in dodge city, today, 23 degrees above average at 71. albuquerque, 64. st. louis, 17 degrees above average at 62 degrees. tomorrow that moves to the east. d.c., 55 degrees cincinnati, 54 buffalo almost 19 degrees above average. st. louis at 62. but then a front pushes through and look at temperatures drop. cleveland thursday, 48 degrees by friday you are at 24. philly, thursday, 64 saturday, 48 norfolk 71 saturday you are at 50 degrees so temperatures take a tumble as we get into the weekend.
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good morning. i'm meteorologist kari hall. our temperatures have already tumbled, so we're only reaching into the low 60s for the inland areas today, and gusty winds will continue with some of those gusts over 30 miles per hour for this afternoon. tomorrow the winds calm down and we keep sunshine and slightly warmer temperatures and we'll see that through the end of the week. all quiet here as the dry weather continues, but temperatures will dip for the weekend, especially for sunday into early next week, and san francisco will see temperatures in the 60s. and that >> and that is your latest weather. >> thank you, mr. roker. coming up next the city of los angeles riding that super bowl high. >> live with a firsthand look at the rams plans for a victory parade and what it took to pull off that star-studded halftime show after this. we got this. we got this. we got this.
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7:48 am
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we're back carson's here, more super bowl buzz >> good morning. entire city of los angeles, as you can imagine is basking in the glow of the rams championship tomorrow excitement is going to reach a fever pitch for the victory parade already getting his good spot is gadi schwartz. >> l.a. is just starting to get it second wind for lot of celebrations all-nighter on sunday. a day of recuperating and now time to get ready for a well-deserved victory lap in what is set to be a massive parade this morning, los angeles is once again the city of champions. after sunday's super bowl glory for the rams >> i'm pinching myself, loving every minute of it. >> reporter: quarterback matthew stafford and wife kelly celebrating.
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>> the morning after winning the super bowl >> reporter: its been a long road to victory. kelly had a benign tumor removed in a 12-hour surgery in 2019, even relearning how to walk while supported by her husband now the whole family soaking in the victory with her daughters joining the press conference and youngest at her first ever game. the nail-biting comeback against the bengals a giant draw with estimated 36 million u.s. households tuning in the team now the toast of the town the iconic hollywood sign slowly transformed to read ram's house after they clinched the win. the celebrations continuing with mvp cooper kupp, defensive tackle, aaron donald and stafford parading down disneyland's main street on monday kelly documenting quote, being a parent at disney while hung over after winning the super bowl and a different celebration for the ram's van jefferson now with a lombardi and a new baby.
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the 25-year-old rushing out of stadium shortly after the game to meet his new son. overnight we caught up rams linebacker von miller. >> getting a lot of thank yous around town. >> to do it here at home in front of all the stars man it's amazing. >> reporter: how about that monumental halftime show that still has everyone buzzing >> we pulled off something that is incredibly difficult. >> reporter: pepsi giving an exclusive behind the scenes look at how they set the stage for the ultimate house party with more than 16,000 lights grounding the field to create an aerial view of compton an epic show for super bowl lvi that had everyone feeling all the california love. ♪ >> and the city is now gearing up for a victory parade for the ages tomorrow that will end with a rally outside the team's old stadium. and even though the spotlight is all for the rams, remember, both the dodgers and the lakers were
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also champions in 2020 but missed out on their parades so you can bet there is going to be a lot of catchup celebrating there as well. >> thank you, gadi what do you have coming up in "pop start"? >> a new sneak peak of the latest season of "bridgerton" and things are looking very very scandalous. >> ooh, i like it. >> ladies and gentlemen, you are going to like it we'll have that and more after your local news. took a questionnaire, and talked to my doctor. i'm taking my antidepressant, but i still feel stuck. adding rexulti could help. when added to an antidepressant, rexulti was proven to reduce depression symptoms 62% more than the antidepressant alone. so you can stay on your current treatment and keep moving forward. rexulti can cause serious side effects. elderly dementia patients have increased risk of death or stroke.
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a very good morning to you. it is 7:56 right now. i'm laura garcia. here's a look at what's happening now. >> reporter: i'm bob redell in pleasant to know. the state of california will lift its indoor mask mandate and as you can see on the map, eight of the nine bay area counties will go along with rate of community transmission of covid is still too high. it will be several more weeks before it lifts restrictions. the city of vallejo is keeping its mandate in place until city council will discuss it on february 22nd. the western drought is now entering into historic territory. researchers say it's the worst we've seen in 1,200 years. ucla study based on moisture in tree rings shows that this century is the driest since 800
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ad. 42% of it is due to human activity like burning fossil fuels, which raises temperatures around the globe. la nina conditions are contributing, however not to the extent of other dry stretches. the meg gra drought is expected to last at least another year. >> and it's another dry day on tap. let's check the forecast with kari. >> we're also starting out with some gusty winds, which tend to dry out the vegetation even more. as we get a live look outside in san jose, waking up to sunshine, cool temperatures. right now we're in the upper 40s and it will be a chilly day. we're only going to make it into the low 60s this afternoon and we're also going to see some warming temperatures going into the next few as we go toward the end of the week. the weekend will be a little cooler with a high of 65 degrees on sunday, as well as monday we're still looking at some dry conditions, while san francisco will be warming up over the next few days. laura? >> thank you very much.
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and thank you for joining us as well. another local news update is coming up in half an hour. i hope to see you then. have a great tuesday morning. care coalition, it's so good to see you all! alright! let's brainstorm.
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any ideas for new members? i'd like to nominate alaska airlines. this neck pillow i'm dating says great things! a caring airline?! wait, those exist?! it says here they were the first airline to switch from plastic bottles to boxed water. they also hire a lot of people from caring professions. i'm seeing former teachers and nurses. it's settled! alaska airlines is officially in the running! round of applause! i think we're done writing this declaration. is that the latest copy? i swear it was just here. john! you had one job. it seems to have vanished before my very eyes. i shall (bleep). fellas, fellas relax. i created a clickup task. ah... tommy always saving john's derrière. [men laughing] no, no, no... you just click. oh! clickup. ♪♪ [men cheering]
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it is 8:00 it is 8:00 on "today." coming up -- shift in tone. russia says it is pulling some military forces away from the ukrainian border amid new signs of a possible deescalation. the latest on where diplomatic talks stand and what it means for the u.s. we're live at the white house. plus, icon on the ice. >> triple lutz, triple toe loop. >> our live interview with olympic legend kristi yamaguchi on the challenges she faced as a figure skating trailblazer and how she's helped inspire a
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generation of olympians. she joins us live. >> and sneak peaks, an exclusive first look at the trailer for "downtown abbey" a new era and breaking down the "bridgerton" preview that has fans buzzing. today february 15, 2022. >> visiting today from phoenix, arizona. >> we're cheering on team usa! ♪♪om alabama! >> shout out to my parents watching in connecticut. >> we're rooting for team usa! >> happy birthday! >> that little kid's energy. >> the dance moves on point. welcome back, you guys. tuesday morning, we are so happy that you are starting your day with us. >> yes. >> we're going to head outside a bit. >> folks outside look cold. we got to go squeeze 'em and
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warm 'em up. russia is keeping the world guessing. moscow claims it's pulled some forces away from ukraine's border and vladimir putin has given a public nod to continue to diplomacy. nbc's chief white house correspondent and weekend "today" co-anchor, peter alexander has reaction from the biden administration. >> reporter: russia's intentions remain unclear at this moment. at the same time many russian troops are staying in place to conduct additional military exercises. still ukrainian officials are expressing skepticism this is really a true deescalation and here at the white house they are actively working towards the diplomatic solution. but the assessment has not changed that we're still in the window where an in week. and new this morning, the biden administration formed what they are calling a tiger team. a group of experts led by the
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white house. senior administration official says they are privately gaming out how the u.s. would respond to a variety of different scenarios, including a full scale russian invasion. i'm told they have very recently held a pair of table top exercises, several hours long each, including one with cabinet officials building a playbook of sort of responses taking them through the first two weeks after any invasion. hoda? >> peter alexander at the white house, thanks. >> new covid cases falling now. the confusion and coronavirus over face masks is heating up again. washington, d.c. just joined new york state, california and others with plans to drop indoor mask mandates. they still require masks in schools since students spend so much time together and vaccines aren't available for the youngest kids. however, other states have rolled back their rules and parents are pressuring many local school boards to do the same. the most glamorous event but controversial one in the winter olympics.
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craig, good morning. >> reporter: this morning, the highly anticipated women's figure skating short program just wrapped up a few moments ago and we can tell you competing for the russian olympic committee, 15-year-old kamila valiyeva. right now she sits in first place after the short program. the favorite for gold, getting the green light to skate here despite testing positive for that banned substance back in december. meanwhile, as for the americans, alysa lu, sitting in eighth place after the short program. mariah bell is in ninth place. the top 24 skaters will advance to the free skating segment of this competition on thursday. on the slopes, mikaela shiffrin returning to competition in the down hill event.
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she finished 18th today. she was 2 1/2 seconds behind the gold medalist of switzerland. mikaela shiffrin is going to have one more opportunity to win a medal at these games here in beijing during thursday's combined event. you'll remember she won silver in that event back in 2018 in pyeongchang. she said today that she feels pretty good about her chances on thursday. meanwhile, in women's hockey, for the seventh time -- excuse me, for the sixth time in seven olympics, it will be team usa taking on canada in that gold medal game that's also going to be happening on thursday. that's the very latest from here in beijing. we'll send it back to you. >> all right, craig. thanks. of course, you can catch the women's short program during tonight's prime time olympic coverage right here on nbc. >> all right. that's the news. that's the olympics. how about a boost? >> we don't know her, but leila must be one special young lady. somebody went all out to impress
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her on valentine's day. he put on his best suit, showed up at leila's door. he meets the father and then, he came what he said to say. >> hi, may i see leila? >> you want to see leila. >> hi, leila >> what is all this? >> okay. i can't take it. happy valentine's day. what is all this >> i can't take it leila gives him a nice hug that's how you do it right there. >> that little boy is so brave
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i love him this morning kristi yamaguchi will join us live to take a look back and we'll get her take on the olympic skating drama unfolding as we speak. but first, these messages. you know i don't like seafood. [collision beeping warning] [silence] how bout tacos? tacos. automatic emergency braking — one of six advanced safety features standard on every 2022 chevy equinox. find new technology. find new roads. chevrolet. allergies don't have to be scary. spraying flonase daily stops your body from find new technology. find new roads. overreacting to allergens all season long. psst! psst! flonase all good. (kid 1) we're coming for you, lucky! (lucky) this st. patrick's day, me clover charms turn milk green.
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(kid 1) where'd he go? (kid 2) we must've made a wrong turn. (lucky) turn your milk green with me special lucky charms! (lucky singing) they're magically delicious! what if smartphones were more than just smart? the all new google pixel 6 truly sees you. not a blurry face. and for things you don't want to see, it removes them instantly with magic eraser. on our most advanced and inclusive smartphone camera yet. live translate speaks your language and hers. it's the phone that understands we're all different. google pixel 6. for all you are. woman: i have moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. now, there's skyrizi. ♪ things are getting clearer ♪ ♪ yeah i feel free ♪ ♪ to bare my skin, yeah that's all me. ♪ ♪ nothing and me go hand in hand ♪ ♪ nothing on my skin that's my new plan. ♪ ♪ nothing is everything. ♪ woman: keep your skin clearer with skyrizi. most who achieved 90% clearer skin at 4 months
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had lasting clearance through 1 year. in another study, most people had 90% clearer skin at 3 years. and skyrizi is 4 doses a year, after 2 starter doses. ♪ it's my moment so i just gotta say ♪ ♪ nothing is everything. ♪ skyrizi may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. before treatment, your doctor should check you for infections and tuberculosis. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, such as fevers, sweats, chills, muscle aches, or coughs or if you plan to or recently received a vaccine. ♪ nothing is everything. ♪ woman: talk to your dermatologist about skyrizi. learn how abbvie could help you save. woman: talk to your dermatologist about skyrizi. ♪ i don't give a med 'bout my reputation. ♪ ♪ living in the past, it's a new generation. ♪ and a girl can do what she wants to do ♪ ♪ and that's what i'm gonna do ♪
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not me! today's olympic moment is sponsored by ford. >> announcer: today's olympic moment is sponsored by ford. built for america. welcome back this morning at the winter olympics all eyes are on figure skating as the women's competition gets under way. >> that's right. but it was 30 years ago when our next guest was in the spotlight. kristi yamaguchi skated her way to gold in albertville, france a win for the ages, it helped inspire a entire generation of skaters here in the u.s. she's the skating sensation who soared to gold for team usa 30 years ago. >> triple lutz, triple toe loop! >> at just 20 years old, kristi yamaguchi wowed the world,
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becoming the first asian-american to win a gold medal at the winter olympics in any sport. >> you are an unknown and all of a sudden you are out there as a household name it is very humbling. >> but yamaguchi did not return home to the typical fanfare of previous u.s. olympic figure skating champions, struggling to pick up endorsement deals. >> there have been a lot of news reports lately that say that you haven't been given as many sponsorship opportunities. as many olympic athletes because of your japanese heritage. is that true >> coming into the world championships, i was focusing in on the skating and the competition meant a lot to me. >> still yamaguchi refusing to let discrimination define her and her career, instead spending decades paving the way for the next generation of young skating stars. >> i'm so honored, so thrilled to be able to welcome you to the
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u.s. family. >> like nathan chen. >> i think representation is so important and growing up to have characters like michelle kwan and kristi yamaguchi it was amazing to be able to see people that looked like many me do such amazing thing. >> and karen chen who helped team usa take the silver in team competition in beijing. >> we're both from freemont, california, and she would sometimes show up at the rink like she's my mentor and incredible human being. >> outside the rink yamaguchi is a wife, mother and an author and even a winner of "dancing with the stars." but on the ice her trailblazing legacy lives on. >> helping fellow americans succeed in the support and it truly inspired me and motivated me so i'm hoping i can do the same for somebody out there. >> what a legacy we're so delighted to have kristi yamaguchi with us 30 years ago you won gold.
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>> we just saw nathan chen win gold we're seeing alysa liu and karen chen who are skating today as you reflect on what's happened since you won your gold, tell us what goes through you. >> i'm just truly amazed at what the skaters are doing these days it is so great to see, you know, diversity really coming into u.s. figure skating and so proud of the team and the skaters who are there and doing so well already, excited for the ladies that are skating right now that we'll see tonight. so, you know, the sport has just continued to advance and i'm just the biggest fan now. >> you blazed that trail, kristi we got to ask about what is going on with women's figure skating right now. of course you have the russian figure skater who had the positive drug test going back to december now she's being permitted to skate. former skaters have said this is
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a slap in the face it's a scar on the figure skating competition. what do you think? >> i mean, so many different things you know, i think frustration and anger first of all, because, you know, there is a lot of details and a lot of things going on with the case and still ongoing. but i think also sadness, sadness that figure skating is in this position, that it happened to a 15-year-old. that, you know, there is a cloud over an entire olympics now not just figure skating. so, you know, it is something that is frustrating because there are so many clean athletes out there competing on a level playing field and this is not i think the spirit of the olympics to have a positive athlete out there competing. >> you said she's, you know, just 15 years old. you competed when you were young too. they were testing throughout people seem to think that maybe she didn't have the responsibility to know because
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she was a younger athlete. what are your thoughts on that >> you do know as an athlete you are given a list at least in the u.s. olympic and u.s. figure skating of banned substances, products to avoid. i went to the world junior championships at 13, 14, 15 -- or 14, 15, 16 and experienced doping there so you are certainly aware of it and i do have to say you are also relying on the team around you to help you navigate all of that so especially after that young age. but you do know what is right and what is wrong, what, you know, are banned substances and obviously what fair play is. >> well, obviously it is incredibly complex just such a disappointment for other skaters who are there and skating right now. and let's talk about the american women i know you have been such a
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mentor to them karen chen says so she says that you have been a role model for her game out the competition for the american skaters what are you expecting >> well, i'm really hoping their focus is on their job right in front of them and i heard that mariah bell skated i don't know how she did but, you know, they are going in there with a very experienced team and mariah bell fresh off her first national title so i think riding that wave of success and confidence and she brings just an effervescent feel to the ice, maturity just pulls the audience members into her performances. so really excited to see her debut at the olympics. people say, oh, wow, she's 25.
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but persistence pays off, right? >> and alysa liu just 16 has this competition but maybe even future olympics ahead of her as well. >> absolutely. hopefully future olympics. she really has raised the bar in u.s. figure skating. she has completed a triple axel in competition a quad lutz in competition. up there with the best in the world. because she's 16 and this is her first year in the senior level competition, i think it will be exciting to see her to continue to develop with her entire artistic side as well. >> do your kids skate? and do you still get out on the ice now and then >> our younger daughter skated she just stopped skating this past fall. emma and so we have fun obviously my husband is hockey
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player so during the holidays and with family and friends we'll get on the ice, for fun my feet don't leave the ice anymore though. >> at least they did once. it's fun to catch up with you. thank you so much. >> great to see you guys >> you too >> we're going to see complete coverage of the women's short program tonight in primetime right here on nbc. >> mr. roker and a check of the weather. >> hey, guys hard to believe but a lack of some winter-like weather only 20% of the lowest 48 is covered in snow. the lowest amount by this day in seven years. we could use some snow pack out there. light snow through the west and northern plains and upper mid west as well temperatures in the single digits in northern plains, 20s and teens in great lakes and northern new england 60 in florida.
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70s in texas and 80 in southern california for today some snow through the plains, we've got a fire risk stretching from arizona to mississippi today. look for cold continuing in the northeast and look for sunshine along the east coast. come on in. they're coming in. they made it. that's what's going on around the country. here's what's happening in your neck of the woods. >> good morning. i'm meteorologist kari hall. let's take a live look outside in san francisco. it is a beautiful tuesday morning. but, yeah, it's still pretty chilly out there and our temperatures will only reach into the low 60s. we still have these gusty winds kicking up, and that will continue throughout today with some of those gusts reach 30g miles per hour. winds calm down tomorrow. temperatures warm up. and we'll see the warmer weather through the end of the week, but then a cooldown by the end of the weekend. >> and as you head out the door, don't forget. take us along with you.
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"today show" radio, sirius xm channel 108. this way you can take the best time of the morning with you. time to start that pop, carson. >> i love it. >> let's do. >> thank you, uncle al. starting with the downtown abbey, a new era. exclusive first look at the highly anticipated sequel. the new preview revealing that family secrets will bring the downtown abbey cast to an adventure in the south of france. >> two days ago and gives it a house. >> you never thought to turn it down. >> turned down a villa in the south of france? >> a producer and director. >> he wants to make a film at downtown. >> a moving picture at downton? and actors just plastered. >> can you hear the excitement of the -- >> this is good. >> fellas, are we in.
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good. >> "downton abbey" hits theaters on may 20th. and "bridgerton," second season of netflix series and almost here and the new teaser gives fans a look at what lady whistle down -- >> yes. >> as the members questioned my identity and means, this author has been doing but one thing. honing my skills. >> did we just do the same thing twice. >> no. >> "bridgerton" is like "downton abbey" with sex. >> and takes place 100 years earlier.
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>> if you're seeing that trailer and it made you wish you could go back in time and live like the bridgertons, you're in luck. a new show is ready to send a woman back in time. from carriage rides to balls, even handwritten letters. >> wow. >> these gentlemen will battle it out to win over the leading lady's heart. >> that is hilarious. >> once upon a time, a young woman began a quest for true love. >> you've been transported back in time. >> can the old ways of courtship lead to new romance? >> i'm loving this. >> a journey where swiping is out and courting is in. >> early 1800s. >> all of "pop start" today in the 1800s. you love that? >> that's going to be good. no question. >> that's a hit.
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>> back in the 1800s, nobody hooked up until many, many dates in. >> that's what they want you to believe. >> we'll see what morals we get. it's called "the courtship" and it premieres march 6th and it will steam on peacock. and the performance of the super bowl halftime show this weekend saw some big spikes in streaming for the artists that you were watching at the games. spotify reporting that streaming for dr. dre and snoop dogg went up 250%. kendrick lamar's song saw, but by far, the biggest jump in streams goes to the sole female performer of the night, it went up 520%. i love that everybody got to see what us mary j. fans have known for years.
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every song is like the last song mary j. will ever see in her life. she puts everything into every song. amazing. we're talking long songs in honor of valentine's day. billboard releasing a list of the top love songs of all time. top three. in third, "how deep is your love." >> i love that song. >> they wrote the song before they saw the movie. and it peaked at number one in 1977. >> savannah slow dancing. >> next up, "i'll make love to you." classic show jam. this was their second-highest charting song. "end of the road was a monster hit for boyz ii men.
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third, "endless love." it continues to be a big -- another fun fact, it was diana ross's biggest-selling song of all time. it's from the movie "endless love." tom cruise's first movie. >> do you remember in the end where they go -- >> i study for this stuff. >> great song. >> it's so good. >> it was covered by lots of people. >> next up, lucille ball and desi arnez is the subject of a new comedy from amy poehler. the film is going to take a look at lucy and desi's relationship. the highs and lows, and the fact they left on the entertainment industry. >> my parents had these audiotapes. >> hello, hello. >> hi, there. >> he said, last lucille ball.
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and i said, that's a hunk of a woman. >> i was madly in love with desi. i've never felt that way about anyone before. >> no one wanted him to play my husband because he was cuban. >> the only reason "i love lucy" we are here. good morning. i'm laura garcia. a vote that could lead to two new digital billboards in san jose overturning a 35-year ban. if city council members approve the plan, the new billboards would be located on san jose airport property right along highway 101. as part of the deal, sjc would be granted advertising 10% of the time. yearly ad revenues are forecast to reach more than half a million dollars. last month, the airport commission voted down the plan. today's vote is scheduled to happen during the regular city
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council meeting. let's get a look at the forecast for our tuesday morning with meteorologist kari hall. >> good morning. we're waking up to lots of sunshine, breezy winds, and a live look outside in walnut creek shows that we are going to see the clear skies out there as you're e had hadding out the door and that will continue throughout today. our temperatures only reach the low 60s, and it's going to be a little bit cooler than normal, but then we're back to more seasonable weather, highs in the upper 60s as we go toward the end of the week. we'll see a dip in the temperatures by the end of the weekend into next week. thank you for joining us as well. another local news update in half an hour. hope to see you then.
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ 8:30 now tuesday morning, 15th of february, 2022 it is a cold one look at these adorable faces warming us up. >> hello, everybody! >> temps are low, spirits are high >> guys, coming up don't save your white jeans for
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summer jasmine snow is here with fashionable ways to create a cool winter look that you're going to love. >> and plus, janice mackey frayer a great trip to the great wall telling us all about its history that stretches for 5,000 miles back some 2,000 years. >> so cool and on our third hour, an olympic edition of "she made it." jill martin introducing us to a boston mom who turned her knitting hobby into a booming business it received the team usa seal of approval. only problem is we can't say the name on tv. >> oh i think i know this company. >> it rhymes where knit. >> very clever but first, did you know we have skiing royalty with us >> we do >> we do fresh from his silver medal win in beijing vermont native ryan cochran siegel or as we like to call him rcs. hi, ryan
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it's heavy >> it's very heavy >> how do you feel you're back? >> it's a little overwhelming. but i feel great thankful to be in the u.s. again. i'm excited for obviously what i accomplished but also just the future too. >> you come from skiing royalty. your mom also an olympian. we reported on her extensively my nieces in fact took skiing lessons from her in vermont. >> my niece skied on that hill too. >> have you had a chance to see her? visit with her share the medal. >> not yet i flew straight here from beijing but tomorrow i'll get to go home and celebrate with everyone so very excited. >> and last year you had this really serious accident. >> yeah. >> and now here you are a silver medalist in the olympics and does it make it even a little sweeter >> i would say so. you know, it definitely coming from where i was a year ago and seeing you know what i've been able to accomplish has been beyond what i could ever imagined
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definitely thankful to be here. >> what's the future you were so close to that gold in super-g does that make you want to come back and try it again. >> i'm definitely fired up and using it as motivation >> i'm so thankful that i was able to medal and have a good race >> what was that distance in the time. >> 0.04. >> it's less than a blink. so annoying but you have a silver medal, pretty good. >> how banged up your neck was after austria, must have been been happy to be here. >> you can see the scar. >> silver impressive taking timing off or hit the slopes. >> a week off and then back to europe >> so proud of you. >> you have a party waiting for you in vermont ryan, thank you. let's get a check of the weather. we start with today, cold in the northeast. snow through the plains. fire risk continues through the
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mid plains with sunshine in the midatlantic states into the gulf and for tomorrow we expect to see above average highs making their way towards the east, rocky snow storm getting itself together that is going to be making its way east as well and afternoon storms in the mid mississippi valley. that's what's going on around the country. here's what's happening in your neck of the woods. >> good morning. i'm meteorologist kari hall. we are going to have another day of chilly temperatures and gusty winds, and our temperatures only reaching into the low 60s. we'll be a little warmer tomorrow, more sunshine, but notice the dry weather continues. we don't see any change there. then for the end of the weekend into early next week, we will have a slight cooldown while san francisco only stays in the 50s today. we'll see some milder weather by the end of the week and also our morning temperatures dropping back to the mid-40s. >> and weather. >> thank you, al who better than jasmine snow to show us how to wear weather whites ayt first this is "tod
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welcome back this morning on "today" style we're looking at one of winter's hottest trends with style expert and our friend jasmine snow. >> we need hot trends because it is cold. and she's here to prove we can all wear white after labor day three easy and affordable looks. pull out your stone and shop along as we go this whole in white after labor day can we throw it on the fire. >> burn it. >> ignore it yes. ignore it. if you are going to dress head to toe and all covered up, why not winter white it is cozy, chic just do it. lucy is our first model. she's got a very chic jacket tell us about it >> if you are going to do winter white the easiest way is with a coat
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it's going to keep you warm and you can add it to everything just makes everything look polished no matter how casual you are underneath >> i like the pop of color. >> i love to keep things a little bit tonal with white. but a pop of color keeps things fun. >> i like that creams and whites and tans. >> lucy, thank you >> thank you go warm up okay >> she's got the white furry jacket that's cute. >> if you think that white pants after labor day are a no-no, throw that on the fire too you can dress them up, but we decided to do it a little bit neutral with a sneaker and a burst of energy with a bright sweater. >> let's move on thank you so much. let's move on to katie white comes in different tones, obviously, this is kind of a beigy white. >> it's going to keep things warmer and cozier.
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i love a pop of pattern like the leopard print and we kept it cool and fun with a boot still cozy. >> this is right up my alley that's so cute. >> a sweater you wear with everything, you can layer over a dress. >> looks supercute all right. thank you so much. we appreciate it >> and then on the accessories table, we can find some winter white. what do you got here >> you can layer headbands, hair accessories, or a peek of white, we have shoes too. we have something with a little jewelry on the shoes which is fun. if you're going to do jewelry and layer it on, i would like to do more of a gold, warm, keep things all warm. same thing with your bag leopard print or something like a burgundy, rust, blush tones. keep things warm and cozy because it's wintertime. >> if you're going to do white shoes, how do you find one that you can wear season after season.
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>> it's great because a white booty will transfer over to spring you can wear it with a floral dress, a skirt you can transfer it from season to season. >> let's take a look at our models we're going to walk down the runway again take a look at their beautiful outfits. you guys did great thank you so much. congratulations on baby number three who is on the way. how are you feeling? >> feeling good. >> cold and good >> good. thank you. >> thank you so much if you want to shop these looks, once again, scan the qr code or go to it's one of the most famous tourist attractions in the world, but do you know the story behind the great wall? janis mackey frayer got special
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♪♪ we're back. we're back it is 8:42, with more on the
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winter olympics and its host nation. >> that is beautiful nothing says china like the great wall and due to current covid restrictions very few people have access to that right now. but janis mackey frayer did get that access. >> reporter: few places more iconic than the great wall of china. 13,000 miles in total if you add up all the sections. getting to china, of course, these days, isn't easy because of the pandemic. so we wanted to show you just a bit of what makes the great wall great. it's the biggest manmade structure on earth that spans nearly 5,000 miles and centuries of history we're on the great wall of china. the great wall was first built as a barrier to keep out invading troops. these days the unesco world
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heritage site is a major tourist attraction leading you back over 2,000 years. so consider this a mini tour of iconic structure or at least some key parts of it to drive from where it starts at the sea to where it ends in the desert is about 1500 miles the great wall technically goes from shanhaiguan on the east coast to jiayuguan in gansu province in the midwest. but it's not con to the best of my knowledge -- but it's not constant some parts are restored. elsewhere, it's been worn down by time and weather. this man has walked the entire length of the great wall he and two friends were the first in china to do it back in 1984 an epic journey that took 508 days >> translator: leaving the first
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complete line of human footprints on the great wall, i thought it would be meaningful. >> when you took the last step, how did that feel? >> translator: my mood was like here we are. ♪ >> reporter: we traveled west across the barren gobi desert to where that journey ended to where there is one remaining stone of the first tower of the great wall's westernmost limit >> this is where it starts and pushes out into the desert. >> reporter: out here the wall looks different. made of round earth, soil and rock the spectacular jiayuguan fortress once a vital pass on the ancient silk road. perched along the mountain the overhanging great wall was said to look like a dragon.
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but at the top, worth it. >> there's a lot of stairs >> reporter: the height, 2500 feet straight up, but the top, worth it the great wall journey for him never really ended, after seeing how much of it was at risk of disappearing, he has since worked to protect it what's your favorite part of the great wall >> translator: every section is connected with my life and years of history i like all of it >> reporter: the great wall is an enduring symbol of ancient china. a destination like no other. there are wild sections of the great wall near beijing that are not restored and they are fantastic for hiking and we go a lot. and every time we do i still stand there and have this wow factor, like i'm standing on the great wall of china. and i want to mention to guys also there is this virtual walking tour online now. 360 photos you can go into the watchtowers,
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that sort of thing it will give you a sense of what it is like until you can come to china and i can take you there. >> it is one of those places i've always wanted to visit. now i feel like i have you guys went in 2008, right >> yeah. for the olympics and i remember just being in awe of it. you read about it. you see it i've never seen it quite the way janice showed, with the drones and how long it was like a whole lesson. >> but the steps. >> they will get you. >> those are killer. >> how long did it take to construct? do we know how long? >> bit of a fixer upper. >> crazy >> crazy well, we a i didn't become a snowboarder until after i became an amputee. we all win when everyone can get to their starting line. ♪ [bushes rustling] [door opening] ♪dramatic music♪
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you bring these little humans into the world. and you only have so much time with them, you just got to use it well. i love that about travel. you know what, al, it's been a while since we celebrated some birthdays. a lot of folks are lined up. they want to hear you say happy
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birthday to them. >> let's give them a spin and wish some nice people a happy birthday let's start with charles from texas. he is a world war ii veteran wrote an autobiography about his time as a pilot. sammy of new jersey, 100 look at that smile been married to the love of his life for more than 70 years. happy 100 birthday to dorothy of dallas, texas. she says the secret to longevity is a sense of humor. curt is from new york. celebrating 100 years. shares stories with his grandkids and great grandkids. jean is a retired teacher from west virginia. she was a rosy the riveter during world war ii. thank you for your service
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and happy 110th birthday to virginia, a world traveler from north carolina she loves telling her nine grandkids and 18 great grandkids that she was born before the titanic sailed virginia, you're queen of the world! there you go >> supersize that smucker's jar for her. 110? >> impressive. >> thank you very much. we want to remind people to watch today any time you want over on our streaming channel today all day. and starting at 1:30 eastern, you'll find extended interviews with team usa stars. you can check out all the great content that is over there. >> we have the third and fourth hours straight ahead yesterday on the fourth hour, they flew in my best friend karen who walked in and it was -- i love a surprise show. what are we going to do today? jenna and i are going to give curling a try. it wasn't pretty, but we did give it a go
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thank you, guys. >> lots to look forward to >> we'll see you just ahead. let's get a check of your local news, weather and these messages happy tuesday.
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bernard: it's a new world, man. we have to adapt. a very good morning to you. it is 8:56. i'm laura garcia. san francisco voters head to the polls to decide the facility of three school board members. in the days leading up to today's special recall election, both sides have been trying to
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sway undecided voters. pronoents say board members have focused too many other priorities during the pandemic, including a misguided effort to rename schools. those who oppose the recall say the election is a waste of taxpayer resources especially because the regular school board election takes place this november. happening now, voters have until 8:00 p.m. to cast their ballots. once that vote count starts we'll have updates on our twitter feed. midnight tonight, california lifts its mask mandate. some bay area jurisdictions are opting out including all of santa clara county and the city of vallejo, which will keep indoor masking rules in place. most locations will allow those who are fully vaccinated to keep their masks off if they choose. exceptions include places like schools, hospitals, and public transit. the governor's office is strategizing to shift to the end of a phase of covid. our home page has details. dmire!
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♪♪ this morning on the third hour of "today," women's figure skating in the spotlight, with three american women chasing medals, competing against a russian team who's been at the center of olympic skating controversy. and speaking of skating, legend kristi yamaguchi live breaking it all down for us. and later, an olympics she made it. how a boston mom with a knack for knitting earned her a place working with team usa. and tune-up tuesday. joey bauer helping us fuel up with two athlete-inspired snacks to boost


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