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tv   Today in the Bay  NBC  April 27, 2021 6:00am-7:00am PDT

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disneyland the park hosted a special event on youtube lighting up the castle. disneyland and california adventure reopen friday at 15% capacity. so magical. breaking news in the south bay, two people killed overnight in a crash witnesses say was unreal with a car going airborne, started as the police chief with a suspect's car crashing into another one. there are a lot of questions about exactly what happened. a traffic report and live report from the scene in the next hour. plus mask or no mask outside. president joe biden is expected to announce new rules about that but that's not all. a live report from washington easing up some other restrictions and the third hour of "today in the bay" continues right now. it is tuesday morning, and good morning to you. thanks so much for joining us.
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i'm marcus washington. >> and i'm laura garcia. let's check in with mike right now talking about the overnight crash. the investigation is still going on, it could affect some people that are heading to local high school. >> that's right. of course the big news is that two people have died as a result of this crash. that's the tragedy there, but also a major inconvenience for some folks heading over toward the high school. let's get you located in our south bay maps, folks, the freeways themselves are mostly okay, the closure on mitty, trying to access lawrence expressway and that can't be done right now. it's in the border area between cupertino and san jose officially in san jose, we have lawrence expressway closed between 280 and basically bollinger road. glen tree drive is officially where the closure ends. bollinger takes you to the south side of campus, moorpark from the east side. mitty off of mitty way, mitty high school and they may have photography done now that the
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sun sup but looking at an update as school doesn't start for a bit. over the rest of the bay the commute has kicked in and no surprises outside of that lawrence expressway closure, we continue to follow that with kris sanchez on scene. back to you. >> thank you very much. president biden preparing to expand a minimum wage for hundreds of thousands of federal contractors. his executive order expected today will increase it to $15 per hour, it was a little over $10. the change would not take effect until january. the meantime the white house may be ready to change its guidance on wearing masks outdoors. that announcement comes as some u.s. cities are now rejecting new vaccine shipments. let's check in with tracie potts live in washington with all the details. good morning, tracie. >> good morning. good morning, everyone. pfizer, moderna, johnson & johnson. some areas telling the federal government don't ship much because the demand isn't there.
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140 million so far have been partially vaccinated. for those who are fully vaccinated some new guidance could be on the way today. president biden speaks this afternoon, a source tells nbc he could announce must cdc guidance for wearing masks outdoors based on whether a person is vaccinated. >> the risk of infection outside is really minimum. if you're vaccinated and outside it's less. >> reporter: dr. anthony fauci says it f vaccinations continue at the current pace, we could be weeks away from a major turning point. not broad immunity but significant decrease in new covid cases, hospitalizations and deaths. >> the second dose is critical to getting the maximum level of protection. >> reporter: 8% of americans are skipping their second dose.
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to encourage shots some states are setting up walkup sites. >> for me it would be no thank you. >> reporter: the cdc says demand is down 18%. super sites in ohio, texas and florida are closing. louisiana is asking for fewer vaccine shipments. counties in iowa and kansas are rejecting them. >> i got vaccinated. if we need a booster, i'll be first in line to show. i trust our system. >> reporter: nearly half of u.s. adults remain unvaccinated. the government's actually trying to get your boss involved encouraging employers to give workers paid time off so they can get those shots. back to you >> thank you very much, tracie. the increase in vaccine supply isn't just happening in other states. it's happening right here in the bay area. starting today in santa clara county, you don't need an appointment at most of the
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county-run sites. you can just drop in. anyone who lives or works in the county is eligible. appointments are still required at levi's stadium and the east ridge mall vaccination site but same-day appointments are often available. so here are some of the drop-in sites, fairgrounds and mountain view community center and gilroy high school. some big changes for vaccine in the north bay. marin county is closing two mass vaccination sites at the end of may, means the last day for a first dose will be may 1st. the sites are at the marin health and wellness campus on kerner boulevard and the marin county fairgrounds. second dose also be given through may 29th. marin county plans to focus on mobile and pop-up clinics. to get the full list or need help setting up an vaccine appointment head to our website "how to get a vaccine appointment" in the trending
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bar. >> 6:05. angry parents threatening to sue fremont schools unless the district reconsiders its plan to keep the schools closed. "today in the bay's" bob redell is live this morning. a key deadline for the parents just recently passed. talk about the next steps here. >> reporter: we do know that fremont unified has no plans to restart in-person learning now and the end of the school year, which is june 9th. they'll continue with the distance learning through the rest of the spring. the school board approved a full returning to in-person learning in the fall for its 35,000 students, not enough for a group of moms and dads fremont parents for reopening. some seen here in a rally last week. the "east bay times" reports those parents have threatened to sue the district if the district didn't return to in-person instruction by yesterday, which as i mentioned did not happen. the parents acknowledge there's only a month and a half left in the school year but according to
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"the times" they argue not having the children in the classroom has caused family ace lot of heart ache. it's not clear if the parents will follow through on their threat to take the district to court since in-person learning did not resume yesterday. the superintendent announced last month the schools will not reopen this school year because the district and teachers union could not agree on how to do it safely. "the times" reports the parents demanded a plan for full reopening in the fall which as i mentioned the board approved at its meeting last week. just north of us in newark, the superintendent of newark unified school district will hold a virtual town hall to update parents and students on its between 7:00 and 8:00. reporting live in fremont, bob redell, "today in the bay." >> bob, thank you. a controversial sentencing happening today in the case of a murder that once rocked the city of santa cruz. many of you probably remember young maddy middleton, a young girl whose body was found stuffed in a dumpster at an apartment complex. her neighbor, adrian gonzalez,
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killed her in 2015. he was never actually tried but could have received two life sentences if he was tried as an adult. as prosecutored hoped. since then state laws changed because gonzalez was 15 at the time. his case recently went to juvenile court. that is where he pleaded guilty earlier this month. it's possible he may be set free at the age of 25, although his sentence can be extended indefinitely every two years. a new shakeup in san francisco tied to the corruption scandal engulfing city hall. long time city attorney dennis herrera expected to step down to become the next head of the city's public utilities commission. he's been city attorney since 2001. yesterday mayor london breed nominated him to be general manager. herrera's office has been investigating corruption allegations since the public works head mohammad nuru and the
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fallout, the former head of the puc resigned in november, accused of accepting bribes from a contractor as part of nuru's investigation. it is 6:08 right now. let's take a trip outside, overlooking san francisco. oh look at that. we've seen the sun rise this morning, a beautiful start to our day but did you cash this last night? the pink super moon? if you missed it, this is what it looked like over concord. nasa says it was at its fullest at 8:32, right here on the west coast. of course it's got that blue hue to it, but the pink name because of the spring. nice to see a big, full moon out there. kari has a look at our forecast for today, kind of a nice week ahead? >> yes. we'll see more of the super moon as we go into tonight as well. we're waking up to how about this, a pink sunrise as we get a live view in walnut creek, and hopefully it's not too distracting, such a beautiful start to our tuesday morning, but it's also chilly with some
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mid-40s, and look at the trend, we are going to go from the 40s to the 70s today, it's going to be warmer than it was yesterday afternoon, reaching up to 76 degrees in concord, in the north bay napa tops out at 75 degrees and san francisco will be in the lower 60s. a warmup in the forecast is coming up in a few minutes. mike how is it looking with the breaking in us? >> we have that in the south bay for folks just joining us, a closure for lawrence expressway which is an important roadway coming off or getting to 280. it's closed between bollinger and moorpark and 280. mitty way is where the crash investigation continues and kris sanchez reports from the scene next to mitty high school which you cannot access from lawrence expressway right now. the rest of the south bay freeways are nice. slowing from 101 cleared on
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schedule. the tri-valley shows typical build 84. the bay bridge travel times for the tri-valley just starting to build up a tad bit and the same thing for your avenues through concord. you see the difference, the bay bridge toll plaza no difference in the last ten minutes, guys, holding steady with the backup. back to you. >> thanks, mike. so we hear a lot about going green and doing your part, i'm sure you hear the same thing as well. up next for you, we'll talk about the new findings whether green really matters to most shoppers and what kind of environmentally friendly products matter most. who wants to go house shopping? it's a pretty hot market out there. what are buyers looking for the most? we'll talk about the must-haves making some properties extra hot. that's next. and all right, full confession this morning, i didn't watch "game of thrones" but that doesn't mean i can't deliver good news to fans. next the new show in the making. but right now, you're watching "today in the bay."
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good tuesday morning. 6:14. let's get the kids ready for school and starting out in the south bay, our willow glen forecast. heavier jackets needed before you head out the door, in the mid-40s to start and pickup time probably still wearing the jacket, 61 degrees. we'll talk about a warmup in the
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forecast coming up in a few minutes. >> if mitty is your tool, intersection mitty at lawrence expressway, closed from 280 past the scene of a deadly crash investigation, down toward bollinger, we're looking at that closure for the expressway, but the freeways are moving smoothly as we look at 101 through san jose, no problems here north of 280 and 680. >> thank you very much, kari and mike. it is 6:15 right now. checking a look at your futures as we get a check of business and tech together, they are somewhat flat this morning, after the s&p 500 closes at a record and we're talking about tesla this morning. shares were declining actually, the reporting the first quarter earnings and revenue beat wall street's forecast thanks to a ramp up in production in china and continued strong demand for electric cars in a more crowded market. the tesla's profits squeezed by higher supply chain costs and
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lower selling prices for its cars as it refreshes the older model s and model x. a new bank of america report indicates potential home buyers want more space. half surveyed between 18 and 42 say square footage is more important than ever and half want to buy out in the suburbs. new analysts from zillow say increases in home ownership and home values among black households could help shrink the racial wealth gap by a half a trillion dollars, about 42% of black households own their homes compared to 72% of white house holds. there's currently a $3 trillion racial wealth gap. consumers are willing to spend green on companies committed to going green. a new leading tree survey finds 55% of you are willing to spend more on sustainable and eco-friendly products. consumers are most focused on food, cleaning products, clothing, water bottles and coffee cups when it comes to
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looking for environmentally friendly options. and just moments, meteorologist kari hall will have a look at our climate in crisis and how much energy you can generate with solar panels. amazon expanding the key services, delivery people can drop off goods inside your garage to more than 5,000 locations nationwide. customers have to buy additional hardware including a smart lock and camera and a garage door opener as well. 6:17, get ready, "game of thrones" prequel called "house of the dragon" officially started filming. >> it the targarian family, set 300 years before the event of "game of thrones." hbo shared photos of the table read. it's one of six prequels now in the works so the story continues.
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>> and i'm sure millions will be watching. time to watch the traffic for us this morning, mike, what are things looking like out there? >> breaking news for the south bay, folks just joining us, this will be a problem, major expressways closed as we look at the map we'll get you located, on the border with cupertino officially in san jose and officially right near mitty high school so if that is where you're heading this morning, accessing or leaving the freeway, lawrence expressway is not your option south of 280. bollinger and moorpark are open to get you through the area. wolf and saratoga to the north and south are access points for 280 to or from. the rest of the south bay freeways move smoothly. sensors have changed for west 580 and hayward for south 880, typical pattern for the portions of the bay, slowing through concord where the arrow is subtle on the speed sensors but the travel times as you come
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down for vasco show another five minutes added on for your drive out of brentwood, slowing the last couple of miles and no surprise more slowing through concord, so you can pick your route carefully toward the bay bridge with this backup holding light there, kari, not bad at all. >> and it's a nice sunrise, we're waking up to a clear sky but when you step outside you're like, okay, it's another chilly morning, very much like yesterday, where we're starting out with mid-30s in napa right now and dropped down to 35 degrees in morgan hill, most of us are feeling temperatures in the 40s, but it is still a cool start after the very strong cold front moved through over the weekend, but actually today, during the afternoon, it's going to be warmer. here is a live look at our live view in san jose and our start very nice and cool but look at highs reaching 76 degrees in concord today, burlingame reaching 65 degrees, while san jose will see temperatures reaching 71. as we go through the forecast,
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we've seen storm systems developing out there in the pacific, but they're just not coming our way, because high pressure has blocked it, kept us dry and as it kind of waivers back and forth, it warms up our temperatures at times, and then cools it down as it changes the wind direction, but we've seen these high wind gusts picking up at times because of all of the dry conditions, and then we look at our reservoir levels. right now as we look at our four largest reservoirs, 69% of the historical average so the water levels have continued to drop especially when you compare it to a year ago, and we were at 101% of capacity, after all of that rainfall that we had for a couple of years, so you can just see how much our water levels have dropped, and how we really don't have that much left, as we go into our dry summer months, so we do definitely need to conserve, especially seeing that we don't have any more rain in the forecast and temperatures will be going up, warming up into the low 80s for our inland
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areas in spots like concord, as well as morgan hill and then as we go into the weekend, it's going to be breezy, but those temperatures do come down a couple of degrees. and we've also been watching those temperatures in san francisco that have been fairly mild, with some mid-60s, and we can see those winds will be gusty going into saturday as well as sunday. now for our climate in crisis, we've been looking at how we can reduce our carbon footprints and across the state, you can generate a lot of your solar energy by using solar panels. as we look at our forecast the last couple of days have showed we've had some cloudy skies but as we go into the next few days from today, tomorrow, as well as thursday, you'll be able to generate more than double the amount of solar that's of course we're saving more than 3,000 tons of carbon
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dioxide per day with clean energy, and you can find out ways to reduce your carbon footprint going to our climate in crisis page on laura and marcus? >> thanks, kari. 6:21. next on "today in the bay," "nbc bay area responds." >> about a year ago, the airlines gave millions of families credits for trips they canceled, not refunds. you need to protect that money. i'm consumer investigator chris chmura. i'll show you how next. our team is always on social media and sometimes we like to share portraits of our personal life. i got meet my great nephew. one of the celebratory hugs after being in the pandemic for so long. a little chunky monkey there. follow me on facebook, twitter and instagram. you're watching "today in the bay." i'm available for baby sitting.
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6:25. i love a roller coaster but not a thrill like this, not a good one there, the roller coaster riders in the uk over the weekend look at this, new tiktok video is showing passengers stuck nearly 235 feet in the air. that coaster the country's tallest, those passengers having to climb to safety. the whole ordeal lasted about 90 minutes, no word on what caused that stoppage. wow. one year ago after covid-19 hit, millions of families that
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canceled millions of airline tickets and got a credit. >> i was among them. 12 months later, it's likely a good time to think about booking. especially if you're not actually ready to fly. consumer investigator chris chmura is here to explain how that all works. >> if you canceled a flight at the start of the pandemic, you probably wanted a refund. the airline probably gave you a credit. it's better than nothing, but those credits don't last forever. many of them expire one year after they were issued. that means a lot of them are expiring right now. unless you want to make a donation to an airline you have to use that credit before its expiration date. what if you don't want to fly? do you forfeit your credit? >> no, do not. >> reporter: that's scott from scott's cheap flights. we discussed a strategy to help you protect your credit. first, check to see if your airline has done away with change fees. if so, you might be set. we're going to use that to your advantage. here's how. say you have a $200 voucher that expires may 1st.
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before may 1st, shop around for a roughly $200 ticket as many months out as you can book. pick a destination you eventually want to see. but really you're booking a place hold. when you get comfortable flying again, maybe earlier, you can just use the airlines relaxed rules to change around your dates. >> the airlines have gotten rid of change fees so what that means is that you no longer have to pay the normal $200, $300, $400 penalty you used to. >> it hinges on whether your airline relaxed the rules. research that before pulling the trigger. coming up next, a notorious murder case we covered extensively right here on "today in the bay." it's all back in the headlines. today the murder of laci peterson and her unborn son taking stage again nearly two
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decades later. another trial for the killer her husband, scott peterson. you're watching "today in the bay."
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did you know that geico's whole 15 minutes thing... that came from me. really. my first idea was “in one quarter of an hour, your savings will tower... over you. figuratively speaking." but that's not catchy, is it? that's not going to swim about in your brain. so i thought, what about... 15 minutes. 15 percent. serendipity. 15 minutes could save you 15% or more on car insurance. right now at 6:30, a police chase leads to a deadly overnight crash in san jose and this morning, it's not clear if the victims are the suspects or people and a wrong place at the wrong time.
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a live report on what one man saw and what authorities are now telling us. "today in the bay" continues right now. good tuesday morning. thanks for joining us. i'm marcus washington. >> and i'm laura garcia. kris sanchez is live at the scene of the horrific crash. what is the latest, kris? >> reporter: what we know is that the santa clara county sheriff's department was trying to stop a driver when that driver decided to take off instead, and collided with another vehicle and that's how that crash happened this morning. it happened on mitty way just off lawrence expressway near highway 280, right near mitty high school. the sheriff's department confirms they were trying to make that stop and according to a witness, that crash was so forceful that the vehicle that was hit went airborne.
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>> i guess probably going pretty fast to get off the pavement. it's like a movie. it's like flipping over the air and slamming into the wall. >> reporter: at this point, we cannot confirm who the victims are nor why the deputies were trying to initiate that stop, but we do know that san jose police are handling this crash investigation. so if your kids though are headed to mitty high, you should be able to get one direction of lawrence expressway is open, but the other direction remains closed between 280 and glen tree drive so that could affect your commute. mike inouye is the best person to help you get around that. >> thank you, kris. there may be changes right now for lawrence expressway if one direction is completely clear. we'll have you updated on which direction that is, as we look at the map, because lawrence goes north/south between 280,
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interstate 280 at the top and bollinger road, moorpark avenue on the other side, bottom of the closure, so that is your perimeter there. mitty avenue in the middle past archbishop mitty high school, access from moorpark or the south side if the closure conditions continues as you head toward school and have to head to were ka us or able to go back o-to-campus. 101 slowing the only other incident for santa clara, the area where we first see the commute, we'll track that coming up. back to you. >> thank you very much. next week it will be 20 years since laci peterson and her unborn child were murdered, their bodies found here in the bay. today the man convicted of killing her, her husband, scott peterson will seek a new trial. cierra johnson is here on what to expect today.
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a huge case really across the nation. >> reporter: good morning. regardless if you're in the state of california, on the other side of the country, you remember where you were when you heard following the case. it's been 20 years since the ruling and for the last 20 years scott peterson has been here behind san quentin bars. today he makes a court appearance via zoom. we'll break down what the hearings are for, at 10:00 peterson will appear before a criminal matter of the 2004 conviction that's in the case of his wife and his unborn son. last year, a high court ruled a second look at the case, after the original trial judge excluded jurors from the juror pool after they expressed the personally opposed death penalty. the high court maintained the conviction but struck down the death penalty case, which brings us back to today's retrial of the penality phase of that trial. second portion of that 10:00
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hearing relates to a new hearing over juror misconduct. peterson and his team claims that juror seven who served during the trial lied during that pretrial questioning. they say when asked if she had ever been eye victim of a crime, she did not disclose a restraining order she filed after being harassed by her boyfriend's ex-girlfriend. in october a court granted a trial court to hold hearings which is where we are today. we will of course be out here for the remainder of the afternoon, those kick off at 10:00 this morning, they will be over zoom but yes, 20 years since that original hearing, scott peterson back in a courtroom for the two additional hearings. we're live in front of san quentin prison, cierra johnson for "today in the bay." >> i remember it so well. i was anchoring here on "today in the bay," it was just a huge, huge case. thanks so much, cierra. 6:35. both sides now gearing up to
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sway undecided voters in the battle to recall gavin newsom. >> enough signatures to hold a special recall election, now state republican leader hermeet dillon says linking the recall efforts to extremists is not going to work. >> this is a mainstream across the political spectrum repudiation of his failed leadership. it's great news for california, suffering under one-party rule headed by gavin newsom for too long. >> conservatives will have a lot of convincing to do because newsom has widespread support among democrats. the election will likely happen this fall. among the notable candidates running against governor newsom, southern california businessman john cox who ran against newsom
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in 2018, former san diego mayor kevin faulkner and olympian own former reality tv star caitlin jenner. to new covid cases in california, still seeing the lowest numbers anywhere in the nation. the cdc says the state is averaging about 33 new infections per 100,000 people. according to the l.a. times over the last week, california averaging about 1,900 new cases per day, a 34% drop from just two weeks ago. good news there. the white house plans to update guidance later today on wearing masks outdoors. that's what sources are telling nbc news. a growing number of experts argue the risk of spread of covid-19 outdoors is extremely low for people who are fully vaccinated. dr. anthony fauci among those saying we can expect new guidance from the cdc, many in san francisco agree it is time. >> soon, very soon, clarifying
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the situation vi-a-vis masks in vaccinated versus unvaccinated people. >> i agree outdoors i don't worry about it. >> if they're vaccinated and outside, i would feel fine. >> some worry unvaccinated people will also drop the mask, and the timing of the announcement is critical. mandatory water conservation is on the table in the east bay. east bay mud could ask its 1.4 million customers to cut back water use by 10%. the board of directors will decide during its meeting today. east bay mud customers live in alameda and contra costa counties including the cities of oakland, berkeley, danville and san ramon. marin county approved water cutbacks a week ago. the south bay water customers are asked to conserve voluntarily for now.
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but valley water board directors are getting an update today, that may lead to the new restrictions. of course we're talking about the restrictions, meteorologist kari hall has been monitoring the conditions weather wise. it's been so dry and it's really suffering and really causing a lot of issues with our reservoirs here. >> record dry conditions for the bay area. teach tours are cool. making plans to head out in the backyard for home school recess in fremont a cool morning mostly the mid-40s and temperatures reaching into the upper 60s for today. so at least it will be comfortable once again and our high temperatures for many of our inland areas will reach into the mid-70s. we'll talk more about that once i get my computer working. let's head over to you, mike and see what's going on for the morning commute. >> no worries, kari, you're working hard and so are the sensors. let's look at a new alert for
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the south bay breaking news for highway 101 right now, a crash northbound 101 at mckee. the live look shows you traffic jammed up. our camera is just shy of alum rock and mckee that's the backup. notice the lanes toward the middle of the freeway are jammed up and the folks over on the right by the on-ramp are also near the off-ramp, i think they're squeezing by the crash, look at that starting to move over. be very careful as we look at the map. this is the stretch approaching from tully up toward the 280/680/101 interchange, jammed up right now, starting where you lean on the brakes and past mckee it clears. this may send more folks northbound 280 so that will complicate things a bit. off 280 where i circled is the closure for lawrence expressway with the continued investigation. the sheriff's department is on scene and so is kris sanchez following what happened with the overmight crash and the investigation which continues on lawrence just off mitty way, so that will be a factor if you're headed over toward mitty high
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school over the next bit of time. it bay shows a smooth, easy drive. no major complications or surprises through the area, contra costa county shows a lot of slowing as expected bay point, antioch and through concord. separation on your different routes and you can choose your route toward walnut creek carefully. back to you. >> thank you so much, mike. we'll talk about now financial help for struggling small businesses. now making its way through sacramento. up next, the boost that may be on the way and the potential impact on california's bottom line. taking a live look at the markets, the big board this morning -- oh, we just lost those numbers. well, s&p 500 slightly rising at the open. we'll be right back.
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which shows will you be getting into tonight? how about all of 'em. netflix. cuz xfinity gets you really into your shows. when someone burns for someone who does not feel the same. oh, daphne. let's switch. from live tv to sports on the go. felix at the finish! you can even watch your dvr from anywhere. okay, that's just showing off. you get all of this with x1. so go on, get really into your shows. you need a breath mint. xfinity. it's a way better way to watch.
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surface streets a major one lawrence expressway is still closed, between 280 and bollinger road basically pass mitty high because of an investigation overnight, a deadly crash. the san jose pd, sheriff and kris sanchez are on the scene >> it is 6:45 right now. the family of a man killed by deputies in north carolina expect to release results of an independent autopsy later today. relatives of andrew brown, jr., are upset they only got to see 20 seconds of body camera video the day he was killed last week. deputies were attempting to serve a search warrant at the time. the limited access to the video has many questioning if investigators are trying to hide anything as one eyewitness recounts what she saw that day. >> reporter: did it appear that his car speeding away could be perceived as a threat to the officers where they were
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standing? >> no, because they were standing behind him. >> the county says state law allows them to privately show body camera video to family members. it says the law also allows them to blur faces on the video and that process takes time. meanwhile in alameda angry family members will speak out about body camera video showing the recent death of a man in police custody. that video so far has not been released publicly but shows the death of mario gonzalez who died eight days during a struggle with police officers. no weapons were used in the confrontation and gonzalez suffered some type of medical emergency. family members plan to speak outside the police department. 6:46, for the first time ever, california is losing a congressional seat due to population shifts and our state's not alone.
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new york, pennsylvania, ohio and michigan are also losing a seat. california's loss of representation will be somewhere in the los angeles area, but we won't know where for several months, as the state committee redraws district lines. six other states including arizona, texas and florida are among those gaining one or two seats. in california, state lawmakers are giving the green light to a big tax break for businesses struggling to come back from the pandemic. under the terms, the bill allows them to deduct expenses associated with federal pandemic loans. it only applies to businesses who have lost at least 25% during one quarter of 2020, and are not publicly traded. the bill is expected to reduce the state's revenue by nearly $7 billion over the next few years. angry parents threatening to sue fremont schools unless the district reconsiders its plan to keep the schools closed. "today in the bay's" bob redell is live this morning. a key deadline for the parents passed yesterday. talk about the next steps in
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this situation. >> reporter: fremont unified has no plans to restart in-person learning now or before the end of the school year, which is june 9th. they'll continue with the distance learning through the rest of the spring. the school board approved a full returning to in-person learning in the fall for its 35,000 students, not enough for a group of moms and dads fremont parents for reopening. some seen here in a rally last week. the "east bay times" reports those parents have threatened to sue the district if the district didn't return to in-person instruction by yesterday, which as i mentioned did not happen. the parents acknowledge there's only a month and a half left in the school year but according to "the times" they argue not having the children in the classroom has caused families a lot of heart ache. it's not clear if the parents will follow through on their threat to take the district to court. the superintendent announced last month the schools will not reopen t
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the district and teachers union could not agree on how to do it safely. "the times" reports the parents demanded a plan for full reopening in the fall which as i mentioned the board approved at its meeting last week. just north of us in newark, the superintendent of newark unified school district will hold a virtual town hall to update parents and students on its reopening plans at town hall again virtually tonight between 7:00 and 8:00. reporting live in fremont, bob redell, "today in the bay." >> a lot of parents will be in attendance with that, thanks, bob. time to talk about our san jose sharks. a big win in front of living, breathing fans. so far for the first time in 400 days shark fans were allowed back at s.a.p., last night. the seats limited to several hundred with a lot of protocol in place, including proof of vaccination or negative covid tests.
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fans say it was all worth it. >> to be back at the first game back is amazing. we're so ready to be back and watch the players get out there. >> get the real feeling you're there, feel the coldness of the ice. we love being there. >> as for the game, erik karlsson's goal put the sharks sharks held on to win and 6-4 as how they won the game. they play six more home games in their push to make it to the playoffs. i say let's go sharks. oh, yes. >> talk about showing no fear, video from brazil to show you here. look at this! world championship skinboarder, taking on a giant 16-foot wave. >> wow. >> his brave pursuit comes as rio de janeiro lashed by howling winds that churn under enormous waves to the delight of surfers. a skinboard is like a surfboard but smaller without fins. either way, wow, able to conquer
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that wave. i like watching from the shore. >> on the shore i used to skinboard on a film of water. i've never taken it onto the waves. my gosh. >> you just stay put where you are now and we'll stay by the shoreline. good day to go to the beach though? is there some cloud cover out there, i would imagine, kari? >> we're still going to see some clouds near the coast, and further inland areas a lot of sunshine. take a look at how cold it is as we get our tuesday started. we're in the mid-30s in morgan hill, the coldest temperature on the map is 43 in hayward. most of us in the low 40s to start but we have the 30s in the north bay as well. so if you're making plans to head out to the park in mountain view, wait another couple of hours, at 10:00 we're at 58 degrees and look at the warmup we'll have today. it is going to be so nice, whether you're making plans to get outside or will be at home, heading out to work, no matter what you're doing, it's going to
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be a perfect day. taking a look at livermore reaching 74 degrees. santa rosa will see a high of 73 there. san francisco in the low 60s, and palo alto today reaching 70 degrees. now we are getting ready for a warmup, and over the next few days we're still watching these weather systems out in the pacific, but unfortunately they are not headed our way. so we are looking at more dry weather as we go into the rest of the week. a couple of those storm systems will continue to move closer to northern california, but are all being blocked by high pressure that's going to keep those storm systems farther to the north, and we are at times going to see some breezy winds picking up, as those storm systems move by, but once again, a dry forecast for the bay area. looking at our seven-day forecast for our inland areas, you're already seeing that at the bottom of the screen, as we go through our inland forecast, some upper 70s and low 80s, while san francisco will hold steady in the 60s for highs,
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with those morning temperatures will get milder and we'll have some gusts kicking up on saturday and sunday. we'll have more updates on that. mike, what is the update ont on the commute right now for san jose, help you choose your route, instead of 101 you might want to take 280 if you're doing anything similar, 85 from where it splits in san jose to where they join with 101 in the mountain view. look at that, big delays coming through san jose, 85 is a much easier drive if that is the split you take. smack dab in the middle of 101 here, we have this crash at mckee, blocking a couple lanes, the backup from before tully all the way back possibly to capitol expressway by the time you leave. this other crash is the one that has the closure for lawrence expressway, kris sanchez follows that from overnight activity there, sheriff and the police. the rest of the bay shows a smooth, easy drive and getting toward the bay bridge, you have only the toll plaza with the big backup of course.
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concord and contra costa county also slow. back to you. >> thank you very much. mike just live to the crash scene this morning in san jose, where two people were killed overnight. witnesses say it was unreal, with the car going airborne. started as a police chase with the suspect's car, crashing into another one. a lot of questions about exactly what happened, a live report is next. so do you have your real i.d. just yet? if you think oh no, you don't worry, you have time. department of homeland security delaying the requirement. the original deadline was pushed to october 1st of this year after covid hit. now it's being postponed again because the pandemic made it hard for people to get into dmv offices. no word yet on what the new deadline will be. 6:54. we'll be right back.
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this is a no-nonsense message from three. small business insurance is usually so complicated, you need to be a lawyer to understand it. that's why three was created. it's a better kind of business insurance. it's only three pages. straightforward. if you own it, three covers it. got a cheese slice for "spokesperson?" that's me. i don't even need to see what's happening behind me to know it's covered. (screaming) this commercial is now over. logo. three. no nonsense. just common sense.
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this guy here is busy working on our state's recovery. you see he lives in california and by vacationing in california he's supporting our businesses and communities. which means every fruity skewer is like another sweet nail in the rebuilding of our economy. hammer away craftsman. calling all californians. keep your vacation here and help our state get back to work. and please travel responsibly.
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welcome back. here say quick look at top stories we're following. breaking news in san jose, a traffic stop led to a deadly crash. >> "today in the bay's" kris sanchez has been following developments all morning and there live at the scene. what is the very latest, kris? >> reporter: so we know that the santa clara county sheriff's deputies were trying to initiate a stop of a vehicle when that driver took off, and caused that crash. this happened on mitty way off lawrence expressway at 10:00 last night. so this investigation has been going on for quite some time. sheriff's office confirms they were trying to stop that driver
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and according to a witness, that crash was so forceful, the vehicle went airborne. >> i guess probably going pretty fast to get off the pavement. it's like a movie. it's like flipping over the air and slamming into the wall. >> reporter: at this point, we can't confirm who the victims are nor why the deputies were trying to make that stop. san jose police are handling the crash investigation. the sheriff's department handling the other part of the investigation. neither is really saying much at this point. it looks like lawrence expressway should be ready to reopen as both of the vehicles have now been removed from the scene, but if you're leaving in the next few minutes you might want to route around lawrence expressway if you're headed to mitty high. in san jose, kris sanchez, "today in the bay." >> kris, kris was saying, ther was going to be a hiccup for some travelers this morning, mike? >> that's right. exactly marcus. kris is out there giving us the latest.
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she saw some cars pulled from the scene and the sensors have lit up again for southbound lawrence expressway heading past mitty from 280 down to glentree drive so that may be open but prepare for a reroute, use saratoga or wolf as off-ramps to the north and south onto 2830. 101 the freeway is jammed up because of two lanes blocked at mckee. the big backup before tully forcing more folks to take 280. 87 sees more traffic coming over from capital expressway as folks try to avoid that backup and enjoy backup with 101 north of 880. the rest of the bay moves smoothly so back over to kari. >> we're waking up to sunshine and chilly temperatures, but take a look at where we're headed for today. highs reaching into the low 70s, and even warmer tomorrow. we'll keep that warmth and a little bit of summer for thursday as well, but then going into the weekend, the winds pick up and our temperatures come
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down a few more degrees. it will be a little bit more seasonable, but you can see how dry it's going to be through this seven-day forecast. marcus, laura? >> all right, thanks so much. that's going to do it for us. >> a live look from our emeryville camera at the been bay bridge. have a great morning. good morning. to mask or not to mask the white house expected to announce new guidance for outdoor spaces today dr. fauci hinting at possible big changes ahead. >> the risk of inftion outside is really minimum. if you're vaccinated and you're outside, it is even less >> this morning, what could be a major step in the reopening of america amid new concerns over the country's vaccination numbers heading in the wrong direction. breaking overnight, growing


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